@@Krazeno Pretty sure it's close enough that there's no need to split hairs about it. A large portion of proactive skill created by the combat system is now effectively gone. Just like in WoW, you wouldn't bother to run circles or squirrel to dodge because it's pointless. Now, it's only react by blocking or dodging (which also got a significant nerf) or take damage. The game is now effectively a dps race and build variety will take a hit.
It's optional and it is worse than if you play "manually". If you are a casual, then you are getting a little help and that's all. I see just casuals whining about this. Or 1-2 better players that haven't even tried it.
I was excited to hear about fresh servers, but this just crushes my interests. New world's combat is literally its biggest standout and what i loved about it.
I play with controller exclusively. Since the closed beta. I have no issue with it in melee. Neither should console users. I cant speak about aim assist for ranged, but it shouldnt be tab target like they have done here. This removes every element that New world had in terms of skill. I hope they reconsider or tone down the aim assist. The BB aim assist is wild.
What skill man? Cause tab targetting doesnt have skills is that it? So all the 14 millions players that play FFXIV and WoW combined are all skilless players, is that it? Wake up man, i have 1700 hours in NW, i love it for what it is but there are base flaws to it and we all know it and the numbers before the relaunch confirrm it. I aint talking before the 6 months of desert news and the hell show it was the announcement of aeternum, i am talking when we were 8-10k players concurrent players for months and months. Even LOTRO has way more than that man and its a 21 years old game, jeez..
@@miguelcastelo3331 new world has many flaws and action combat wasn't one of them. tab target combat is an outdated gimick from a time when servers ran on 20 old hardware and is only alive rn because of the nostalgia around it. no non-mmo player looks at tab target and is like "omg this looks awesome" lol
@@DeityVengy Tell that for the 13-14 million players divided between WoW and FFXIV sigh... no comments but hey we had what?15k average players in 3 years? /clap. Btw, Isnt it supposed for "non-mmorpgers" to play non-mmorpgs? So what are u doing here exactly? It might be a suprise to you but NW is a MMORPG, it really is, look it up on google. Anyway, there is no tab targetting in NW so i aint really sure what tha heck ure talking about
the targeting is too much. players can instantly turn around and it has just become impossible to simply “outplay” someone, now it’s just who can hit the other person quicker, or who has the heal staff.
yep it’s insane, i used to be able to spin with 2h ace around people and they couldn’t really hit me. did it yesterday and dude just locked onto me and hit me every single time as i spun a circle around him. shit is so busted in 1v1s
Devs need to turn this into a turn based point and click... oh and add 10 hours of grind everyday. These devs make a ton of money for ideas, like "Muh magic coconuts"
I'm a console user so here's my feedback. I think the lock on sucks. Granted I haven't dabbled in pvp but in pve the amount of bow shots I miss when I use one of my skills bc the lock fails right when I'm firing is ridiculous. I only use it somewhat but it's easier and more consistent for me to manually aim. Like I said I haven't played pvp but that's my experience with the combat on bow so far.
if you think lock on works only for range weapons just wait until you use it with melee, I used it with Great sword and did a U-turn and similar think happens with rapier spin and you follow the target what ever it does is nuts!!! This shouldn't go live it devolves the gameplay and New Worlds combat was one of the best I have seen recently
lock on you can't run backwards, so as a melee player right now im turning it off and on. Two reasons, The camera sometimes won't give me freedom, and as I said before you can't run backwards, I guess you can just easily auto tab off but yeah. Nothing game breaking. If range gets a buff melee needs a buff.
The way they've shifted combat to reduce skill is so crazy; left click brain dead skills like whirling blade and cyclone so strong, and now this. Crazy
I'm fine with aim assist not okay with tab target(aka aimlock) and it being on kbm is dumb, not playing release I guess. Tried the Beta too and the game felt super smooth and higher frames but my main class musket which was all about aim is now the complete opposite what a joke.
Damn we are this much deep into shit that people prefer aim assist? maybe that's their plan, make it super broken an aimbot and they say "hey guys we hear you now it's just aim assit just like in CoD or Apex"
They are killing the only thing that made this game good, the combat... This makes me so sad. These changes are so, so bad... This stagger change also makes fighting multiple opponents as a solo melee impossible...
These changes will greatly alter combat and doesn't this essentially make this a TAB-target combat system now? TAB-target with the option to target for head-shots.
No, it will not. Its body shots and it is if u arent moving, cause otherwise good luck with target lock in PvP unless you are running in a straight line.
@miguelcastelo3331 the same yapping of either a shill or AGS associate. These changes are killing the combat, period. Aim assist for controllers yes but anything above that they could market this as mobile afk arena game.
Target lock exists in Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and 3d fighting games like tekken and soul calibur. Those games are not "tab target" or skill-less. Auto aim is not what makes NW combat skilless. It's the melee tracking, and the lack of stagger on basic attacks. When Timing (because of no stagger) and spacing (because of melee tracking) already don't matter, turning your camera became "skill" in this game. This is truly pathetic and proves that AGS ruined melee combat after the alpha, starting when they removed stagger from basic attacks. With the addition of this change, yes NW will be basically tab-target, because it had already removed everything that made combat engaging.
That stagger change if it is intended is terrible for the game, sns that is already dominant for more than a year is basically buffed even further with this. We already have terrible sns running around vomiting their ccs all the time, which means now the weapon will be rewwarded for brainless play even more.
i was incredibly excited for new world to see a resurgance but now that i see this all of my excitement has been completely curbstomped as i mainly played ig/vg and bow builds and this just removes all of the outplay and skill expression
@@nocturne3455 everyone knows its op, and funnily enough, this is gonna hit meele vs meele most. cause most ranged classes does not have heavy cc. cept maybe the blunderbuss and voidgauntlet
Over for them? Bruisers have been robbed for years, it's been over for us for years. No refward, hearty changes & now stagger stam changes are going to cuck the chance of ever seeing heavy bruisers. War hammer skill tree will also work its way around grit, so bruisers still viable after 30 fucking nerfs 😂
@@miguelcastelo3331 You are just ignoring the end-game loop/ lack of content problem and throwing the failure of NW in the combat system? You're out of your mind, buddy, sorry. This game unique selling point was its combat. The majority of the playerbase agrees on that.
@@bigtvds Dude i aint agreeing with you whatever you say, like i said, NW numbers for the last 2 years prove that im right, YOU are out of your mind if you think you are right. Combat is not enough and idd i agree with you there, combat is great yes, melee and healing/tanking, ranged is crap, it allways was for a MMO standart audience and like i said, numbers prove im right.
@@miguelcastelo3331 action combat is the only reason games like new world and lost ark had 1 mil concurrent at launch. name me a tab target mmo that's released in the past decade that's gotten close to those numbers besides WoW
I actually prefer this tab target system, even after playing NW since open beta and through out launch and expacs. I do prefer the feel of the Souls like or Elden Ring target lock systems in combat, it feels crisp and clean personally. I don't mind this to affect PvP either as it just requires you to use your defensive cooldowns, inc. rolling & blocking more better now.
TLDR: They took out every last little bit of skill expression out of the game to give Timmy NoThumbs his quick dopamine shot. Honestly feeling sorry for the people still interested in this garbage game.
Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately my friend refuses to quit the game so we haven't played anything together in over half a year. I just can't go back.
That first fight before discovering lock on targetting was so crispy, then when I discovered you can just kite enemies with a rifle locked on, it just became another mmo game... this game will be a quick burn.
As far as I can tell, all weapon heavy attacks get a stagger, but it appears to be on a cooldown, i.e. 2 heavy attacks in a row won't stagger a second time, but a second heavy attack landed after several seconds does still stagger, as far as I've been able to tell.
Well all I needed to see was the aim lock function in PvP. That for sure now solidifies that I will never be returning to this game. Thanks for the info duke.
The controller also has a larger hitbox than M&K with range weapons like the bow. If I shoot just past the opponent with the mouse, the shot misses and with the controller it hits in the same position
Im going to save you two-three years of gaslighting yourself into thinking that its "just an oversight". No the team behind this game really is that incompetent.
@@kanebear12 I 100% agree with you. This dev team is one of the worst. No argument there. I just could have sworn I've heard them talk about this specific issue when the system got mentioned, but it's possible I'm mistaken.
I haven’t gotten the bow glitch where it locks be out of everything until I restart which has happened on my main account for years. So if that holds true, I’ll finally be able to use the bow for once. Beta has been great so far.
The range guys will all be BB since now at max range you will blasted by all six pellets and not just 3-4. Then they just keep out of melee range and keep blasting. S/S and BB combo should slaughter.
can they perhaps put a timer on how often you can aimlock? I know console players need this as pc players would just run around them in circles to troll them like we do in all cross-platform games. But perhaps a cooldown on how often you can aimlock can be a good middle ground solution.
Super hyped for the fresh servers as an old launch player that quit after getting to 60. Loved the pvp while leveling etc. And now they add aim assist into the game which takes away all mechanical skill from pvp? Outnumbered fights are going to be impossible now as your opponents are going to hit every shot. If they keep this I won’t be playing for sure. Stupid decision but nothing new coming from these devs. It’s so frustrating when they have this game with such a huge potential but fucks it up with these type of decisions.
We now know why the full game didn't get much new content for the past year ... AGS has spent most of their time doing HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of cut scenes. Even those who haven't played before are hitting ESC and then 1, to just get the quest or complete it. As far as combat, they DUMBED THE GAME DOWN for console players. I have lots of minor grips ... like they got rid of the +1 / +10 stat increase decrease and that will take respecs longer. I'm also not a fan of the new chat box.
Yeah this would just ruin PvP. I couldn’t imagine 10 fs players in ramparts and muskets using this. Ranged is not balanced and with how open opr map is this is just insane.
I'm a console player (ps5) I was very happy with new world with one exception- Aim lock! It needs to be removed from the game and replaced with aim assist for ranged weapons only. Melee weapons should be free aim with no lock or assist. Apart from that new world will be a big hit for consoles cos console players only really have 2 good mmorpgs, which are FFonline and ESO, both years old and outdated. Console players have been hungry for a new mmorpg. I very much enjoyed my time with new world and I am a vet eso and FFonline player. I hope now AGS have done the console release, and they can have more resources to build future content for NW. AGS needs to release a road map for the year and beyond.
Yea, what players were asking is new weapons, new pvp modes and maps, new epic pve raid content, for the game with amazing core mechanics and nothing to do. Yet amazon decide to revamp the core mechanics and not add anything big for lategame PVP/PVE at all.
Reminds me of dark age of camelot with having to bind a /stick macro and use it when playing melee, the pvp in that game was awesome but very outdated and didnt think I'd see what basically is the same concept in 2024! Are they are trying to level the playing field in pvp and remove a skill check (movement in this case) trying to appeal to the masses more maybe, dont like it myself the dodge mechanic and movement was unique in new world imo.
So imma say it... the beta actually feels good. Tab tageting shouldnt be a thing in pvp but the alpha did have it and combat in the alpha actually felt great. I get hating tab target in NW but strictly talking about the feel of having it, its pretty nice. Imo they should keep it PvE only but if its in PvP eh? We all know that our characters already get hit by shit that missed all the time in the first place when playing NW cause of the servers so why not just enjoy the fluidity of having it be a feature now.
If they just made it lock-on-target if enemy is in a cone widespread line of sight of yourself this would be OK. No shifting between target to lock others ones and would still require you to retarget / enable you to outplay opponents by quickly dodging out of the lock area and make a play.
Lol that is NOT aim assist, that's just auto aim, period. If this makes into PVP then it's over. Even with the stagger change, that also just makes the game less fun and forgiving and no room for counter plays.
Tried beta console w mouse keyboard and I honestly only used target lock during tutorial opening. I liked aiming on my own felt more fun. Only did 3 duels (went 2-1) and I didn't even consider aim lock.. just remove from pvp at least or all together I'd say. I wouldn't miss it even on controller if it's completely removed.
im a pc player. and honestly this is a really good step in the right direction. the game still needs more meat to it for end game of course. but i feel like 99.99% of the players do not grasp something simple. you're not fucking worth the money or effort from ags. you fuckers are not paying enough for them to see this game as worth while with the updates you keep crying for. you need more players. cross play GETS those players so you get your updates "at least its more likley than if they had less players" though the numbers we're seeing right now still need to go up. but like its beta test so it probably will. the tab target is insanely good. INSANELY. in a game like this where most the pvp content is in fact not small scale. but almost all out wars typse conflicts. tapping to target someone to just get damage is huge. it isnt going to perfectly do fireballs on the most targets or headshot musket or bluderbust. or make your melee prioritize multiple target aoe's like. idk why people cry over this. it down right would be so aids to play on controller without it and even on pc its still aids without it. this is not a fucking esport. the stagger change / nerf makes sense, as a player without 5k hours in 1 char on 1 server. (i have 1k as of rn) people just get away WAY too often and chasing them down when they have just the perfect things and will 2-3 tap you is aids. melee doesnt really have a good way to close distance outside of a few niche moves. and even then its easy to just get distance. BUT i do think its annoying and think the rework to it before should get undone / changed. i dont think having 2 dodges unless you have a perk to give +x% stam is healthy for the game. as you say, game will be easier. this is a good thing .-. and raising the skill ceiling helps people who are good actually still have methods to be good. all in all update is pretty good. also gyro aim is awful what do you mean *gag* stop
I like what I'm seeing. I don't do MMORPG PVP(I'm FGC. The true PVP. No rogues to peel me. No Squad mates to save you :P). I love Fighting Games so, of course, I only play healers in MMOs lol. I am more excited about there being Archetypes so I can start out my Healer training as early as possible. I think you needed to find the weapon or something before and bla bla bla. Look, If everything is going to be "my fault" I need people blaming me as early as possible! lol
So… basically they just utterly butchered the combat system. I did not think that was possible… Imagine spending all that time to just ruin the only thing of value your game has.. I can’t imagine a more incompetent dev team..
New UI so bad. Weapon UI on right side you dont know wich weapon you using, make us confuse. Chat UI I dont wana even talk. New jump no gravity like, so bad. Feal like super mario. Auto aim lock is so op in all scenario, should been removed.
bringing in a "Hit Chance" perk fixes all those aim assist/target locking features imo, I mean if they want to Hit from a range, they need to sacrifice atleast their dmg for Hit Chance..
The problem with trying to use that logic that melee gets to counter ranged builds with this stagger is that, melee will be cut down before getting it off with aim bot. Aim bot makes kiting even easier. And secondly the stamina + stagger = no dodge means guess what? Melee buildd themselves will be screwed by this mechanic more than ranged players will, especially bruisers who no longer have light attack grit to avoid staggers. By no means is this a fair trade for ranged roles getting Aim-Bot. So a flail runs up to you and starts stagger spamming and 1-2 of their ranged buddies aim-bot you to death. Sounds great. I shake my head that the combat changes are literally pushing all melee into sword and board lmb holding turtles to avoid toxic junk changes to combat. Riveting game play holding LMB block to ignore everything with a tower shield.
Bow and Musket is not hitscan, so it would be better in the long run for ranged players to actually just get good and aim without aimlock. Just saying. But either way, Aim lock is not needed at all, and will only do harm.
@@mightymort915 Aim lock's range is only 20 meters. It's not coming to pvp but even if it was stagger changes make it almost impossible to get a shot off against someone who's melee'ing you.
@@mightymort915 Even if they did have it. Everyone would get it, it wouldnt just be console. Which I do agree is also horrible. But the amount of people saying "holy fuck this is OP as hell" on twitter, the discord, the feedback system. I would be shocked if thousands of people saying "we hate this" and they still left it. Target lock was added last year on controller btw. And it did have PVP enabled for it. It was swiftly removed. The beta was an experimental build. Probably had some things unchanged like target lock.
It’s a shame they’ve done this, I have a lot of console friends that have been waiting to play this game for a long time but now the skill expression is gone me and my friends have lost interest
Played the beta for 10min on PS5 but the server connection was laggy, over 100ping for me and combat and some delays to it Unsure if its just because its a beta but i can connect to other games perfectly with no issues, hope its fixed for launch as i really want to sink into this game
Even if it's got a new paint job it's still new world with AGS behind the canvas.. I'd be hard pressed to think that they're going to change the aim assist. They say they're aware but we all know how they be. I'll wait an see but they've given plenty of reason to doubt their ability to make meaningful beneficial changes in a swift amount of time
sword and shield was already hell to deal with especially with a large amount of input lag, but now that they are majorly buffing chase what is aim assist gonna do if your unable to get away in the first place. Aim lock is boring anyway, they shouldn't go through with either buff, they are both very unhealthy.
Devs bring the trash, like usual. The aim lock was for healers, because the devs could not make a game engine nor hit detection. Currently in game, it is broken for heales, so naturally the devs did not care for 1 year. Now the devs will give aim bot to all ranged. Amazon, so dysfunctional that they let these devs continue unchecked and unmanaged. All of the devs should be out on the streets begging for change. Amazon ruined its brand in the gaming industry.
People that came to NW from FPS games, came because it was action combat and not some tab target. I wish to come back to NW and maybe convince by brother to play, but it will be impossible with this aimbot thingie
The target lock in PvP is the stupidest thing and it shouldn't be a thing. That being said... controller needs a major Sensitivity increase because even at max its ridiculously slow. Tracking in general is why people loved this game.
PC gamers for the past two years “the overall combat and pvp is great, please just add more content and reasons to pvp”. AGS “we hear you, we’ll change the combat, ruin PvP, and add jack shit for content”. Oof
I knew they would ruin the game with AIM assist. Whats the point of having an MMO with manual aiming, if you're gonna give everyone aimbot? rofl .. so stupid.
The developers need to do something, after all. The old PvP is a bunch of stinky shit. It wasn't good, as some people write here. Rolls, rolls, rolls and that's it. The fact that they added a skillcap to dodge is good. AIM is bad, it's a step back in general, but there is no other way out for the gamepad. You can help with aiming as in similar games, but then PC users will whine. Equalizing the two platforms is hell for developers. Moreover, they can't fix simple things for years. In general, we'll see what happens.
Now, on the stagger system?? Just like NW's combat, its great in theory, but in practice its not so much. NW's combat is already heavily reliant on Slowing, rooting and stunning. Literally every weapon except LS has at least one slow on abilities or weapon perks. The reason it's good on theory and not in practice is because NW is mostly played by zerging. That means there's another CC option to lock people and steam roll them.
Guys. Arena score board still bugged... 😂. That shows if you can trust them to fix anything. Leveled to 30 in beta, game still exactly as it was 8months ago. Except a lot of small things that were changed to suit console and feels bad.
ffs... this combat change is SOMETHING NOBODY EVER ASKED FOR FFS!!!!! Imagine saying game has best combat ever for 3 years and asking for new OPR map... and DEVELOPERS ENTIRELY REWORK COMBAT!!! I just can't believe it lol... ffs...
AGS Devs: "Hmm players are unhappy and leave the game, how can we change that? Let's destroy combat, the only thing players are enjoying about this game. They will love it"
more like "Hmm players are unhappy and leave the game, how can we change that? Let's relase on cosole and try to milk as much possible before the game is complety dead so we need to overhaul the combat for console players!"
This is actually the complete overkill for me.. only thing I enjoyed was the action combat, now they are even kicking that out of the game.. bro I'm litterally just sad it this point, that they killed my favorite game
Everybody: We love action combat in NW, wish there was any other MMO with this type of combat!
AGS: Let’s turn the game into tab-target 😊
Target lock does not equal tab target
@@Krazeno Pretty sure it's close enough that there's no need to split hairs about it. A large portion of proactive skill created by the combat system is now effectively gone. Just like in WoW, you wouldn't bother to run circles or squirrel to dodge because it's pointless. Now, it's only react by blocking or dodging (which also got a significant nerf) or take damage. The game is now effectively a dps race and build variety will take a hit.
It's optional and it is worse than if you play "manually". If you are a casual, then you are getting a little help and that's all. I see just casuals whining about this. Or 1-2 better players that haven't even tried it.
Mortal Online 2. prepare yourself.
To be real action combat killed new world on pc ;D end of the day ppl wana play funy easy game ;D
I was excited to hear about fresh servers, but this just crushes my interests. New world's combat is literally its biggest standout and what i loved about it.
I play with controller exclusively. Since the closed beta. I have no issue with it in melee. Neither should console users. I cant speak about aim assist for ranged, but it shouldnt be tab target like they have done here. This removes every element that New world had in terms of skill. I hope they reconsider or tone down the aim assist. The BB aim assist is wild.
What skill man? Cause tab targetting doesnt have skills is that it? So all the 14 millions players that play FFXIV and WoW combined are all skilless players, is that it? Wake up man, i have 1700 hours in NW, i love it for what it is but there are base flaws to it and we all know it and the numbers before the relaunch confirrm it. I aint talking before the 6 months of desert news and the hell show it was the announcement of aeternum, i am talking when we were 8-10k players concurrent players for months and months. Even LOTRO has way more than that man and its a 21 years old game, jeez..
@@miguelcastelo3331 new world has many flaws and action combat wasn't one of them. tab target combat is an outdated gimick from a time when servers ran on 20 old hardware and is only alive rn because of the nostalgia around it. no non-mmo player looks at tab target and is like "omg this looks awesome" lol
@@DeityVengy Tell that for the 13-14 million players divided between WoW and FFXIV sigh... no comments but hey we had what?15k average players in 3 years? /clap. Btw, Isnt it supposed for "non-mmorpgers" to play non-mmorpgs? So what are u doing here exactly? It might be a suprise to you but NW is a MMORPG, it really is, look it up on google.
Anyway, there is no tab targetting in NW so i aint really sure what tha heck ure talking about
Action combat is what set NW aside from every stale tab-targeting game.
@@hakujo It is your opinion and you are entitled to it but the statistics arent in your favor im afraid but hey.. everyone has a vote.
the targeting is too much. players can instantly turn around and it has just become impossible to simply “outplay” someone, now it’s just who can hit the other person quicker, or who has the heal staff.
Owh there we go again vs the life staves
The aim locking removes 90% of the skill required for combat, I don’t like it at all
yep it’s insane, i used to be able to spin with 2h ace around people and they couldn’t really hit me. did it yesterday and dude just locked onto me and hit me every single time as i spun a circle around him. shit is so busted in 1v1s
Meh. easier combat=more casuals. This game needs players if anything….
They don’t care what PC thinks games pandering to Console now
Devs need to turn this into a turn based point and click... oh and add 10 hours of grind everyday.
These devs make a ton of money for ideas, like "Muh magic coconuts"
I'm a console user so here's my feedback. I think the lock on sucks. Granted I haven't dabbled in pvp but in pve the amount of bow shots I miss when I use one of my skills bc the lock fails right when I'm firing is ridiculous. I only use it somewhat but it's easier and more consistent for me to manually aim. Like I said I haven't played pvp but that's my experience with the combat on bow so far.
I play mainly ranged, and if they add aimbot in pvp, I see no point in playing any more.
KK CoD is an alternative
Agreed, seems like I'm sticking to Once Human. Everything I loved about my class and its skill cap is now in the dirt.
@@MaleOreoOH needs to hurry up with the new scenario or ppl are gonna leave.
Good, bye
@@miguelcastelo3331 COD has players atleast :) so you're right
if you think lock on works only for range weapons just wait until you use it with melee, I used it with Great sword and did a U-turn and similar think happens with rapier spin and you follow the target what ever it does is nuts!!! This shouldn't go live it devolves the gameplay and New Worlds combat was one of the best I have seen recently
What makes you think you will be able to use it with melee? That would already be in the game if it was intended.
@@thenightingale7405 read again
@@thenightingale7405 It already is in the game I just said I used it !!! it's on the Beta Server not on Live learn to read before you post
@@thenightingale7405 avg youtube comment
lock on you can't run backwards, so as a melee player right now im turning it off and on. Two reasons, The camera sometimes won't give me freedom, and as I said before you can't run backwards, I guess you can just easily auto tab off but yeah. Nothing game breaking. If range gets a buff melee needs a buff.
The way they've shifted combat to reduce skill is so crazy; left click brain dead skills like whirling blade and cyclone so strong, and now this. Crazy
I'm fine with aim assist not okay with tab target(aka aimlock) and it being on kbm is dumb, not playing release I guess. Tried the Beta too and the game felt super smooth and higher frames but my main class musket which was all about aim is now the complete opposite what a joke.
Damn we are this much deep into shit that people prefer aim assist? maybe that's their plan, make it super broken an aimbot and they say "hey guys we hear you now it's just aim assit just like in CoD or Apex"
Aimlock range is only 20 meters. You're winning with musket on kbm all day.
@@VaneFPSno one cares it was never in the game to begin with and there’s no reason for it to be
@@chatgpt9293 What are you yapping abt
@@VaneFPS your room temperature iq at best I don’t expect you to understand
They are killing the only thing that made this game good, the combat... This makes me so sad. These changes are so, so bad...
This stagger change also makes fighting multiple opponents as a solo melee impossible...
No.. theyre making a mumbo jumbo sandpark into actually a MMO and accessible to all players but if that doesnt matter to u, go and play a FPS.
@@miguelcastelo3331It's called action combat.... Isn't Rock science, so calm down.
And btw it was one of the main points of selling back then.
@@miguelcastelo3331 the least delulu new world player:
No, this makes it more soulslike and it will get me to return. Pvp in elden ring is sick, and now I can use thqt in NW
@@kjellannnPVP in NW used to be a step above Elden Ring. And I say that as someone who loves both.
These changes will greatly alter combat and doesn't this essentially make this a TAB-target combat system now? TAB-target with the option to target for head-shots.
No, it will not. Its body shots and it is if u arent moving, cause otherwise good luck with target lock in PvP unless you are running in a straight line.
@miguelcastelo3331 the same yapping of either a shill or AGS associate. These changes are killing the combat, period. Aim assist for controllers yes but anything above that they could market this as mobile afk arena game.
Target lock exists in Dark Souls, Elden Ring, and 3d fighting games like tekken and soul calibur. Those games are not "tab target" or skill-less.
Auto aim is not what makes NW combat skilless. It's the melee tracking, and the lack of stagger on basic attacks. When Timing (because of no stagger) and spacing (because of melee tracking) already don't matter, turning your camera became "skill" in this game. This is truly pathetic and proves that AGS ruined melee combat after the alpha, starting when they removed stagger from basic attacks.
With the addition of this change, yes NW will be basically tab-target, because it had already removed everything that made combat engaging.
If they did it they ganna destroy the fun in pvp
Thank you for continuing to upload content on NW. Having someone deliver news with a decent level of competency in the game helps me a lot.
That stagger change if it is intended is terrible for the game, sns that is already dominant for more than a year is basically buffed even further with this. We already have terrible sns running around vomiting their ccs all the time, which means now the weapon will be rewwarded for brainless play even more.
i was incredibly excited for new world to see a resurgance but now that i see this all of my excitement has been completely curbstomped as i mainly played ig/vg and bow builds and this just removes all of the outplay and skill expression
I like it now i can play pvp with My eyes closed
Aim assist in nw kills the combat system... Definiton for non target = no aim assist and no aim bot.
Wake up is an MMO not a FPS
@@miguelcastelo3331 Wake up, its a nw
So….with aim assist means that the game gives the option to play like a tab target mmo?
new world is now tab target lmao
Feels like it would only be good in some kind of a duel. It will just get you killed if there is multiple enemies around you.
K so it’s basically WoW now
@@thenightingale7405 thats why you quickscope as a range. Go in and out of the auto lock when shooting
They destroyed the best part of the game with this lock on system.
Thank god they destroy it, now i can actually play it as it was intended to be, a MMORPG
@@miguelcastelo3331No one cares if aim bot is available for pve. They're upset about pvp.
@@miguelcastelo3331 lmao you on every comment here defending this shit game :D AJJAJAJA
The lock system works only in pve 🤷
@@andreip3145 Na verdade esse sistema está funcionando no pvp também.
Lack of grit at 300 threshold is insane for bruisers, its over for them
It was op the whole time. I was one of the first people to mention it 3 years ago
@@nocturne3455 everyone knows its op, and funnily enough, this is gonna hit meele vs meele most. cause most ranged classes does not have heavy cc. cept maybe the blunderbuss and voidgauntlet
Over for them? Bruisers have been robbed for years, it's been over for us for years.
No refward, hearty changes & now stagger stam changes are going to cuck the chance of ever seeing heavy bruisers.
War hammer skill tree will also work its way around grit, so bruisers still viable after 30 fucking nerfs 😂
@@BONESBRUH I got 100+ nerfs to firestaff in 3years, whats your point, FUCKING ADAPT AND STOP QQ
It is not aim assist, its aimbot. I dont like that stagger thing either.
So, the combat, the only thing everyone was happy about is being dumbed down to "tab targeting". WHY
Cause making a MMORPG into a FPS proved that it would fail and the player numbers in december and january prove it.
@@miguelcastelo3331 You are just ignoring the end-game loop/ lack of content problem and throwing the failure of NW in the combat system? You're out of your mind, buddy, sorry.
This game unique selling point was its combat. The majority of the playerbase agrees on that.
@@bigtvds Dude i aint agreeing with you whatever you say, like i said, NW numbers for the last 2 years prove that im right, YOU are out of your mind if you think you are right. Combat is not enough and idd i agree with you there, combat is great yes, melee and healing/tanking, ranged is crap, it allways was for a MMO standart audience and like i said, numbers prove im right.
@@miguelcastelo3331 action combat is the only reason games like new world and lost ark had 1 mil concurrent at launch. name me a tab target mmo that's released in the past decade that's gotten close to those numbers besides WoW
I actually prefer this tab target system, even after playing NW since open beta and through out launch and expacs. I do prefer the feel of the Souls like or Elden Ring target lock systems in combat, it feels crisp and clean personally. I don't mind this to affect PvP either as it just requires you to use your defensive cooldowns, inc. rolling & blocking more better now.
TLDR: They took out every last little bit of skill expression out of the game to give Timmy NoThumbs his quick dopamine shot.
Honestly feeling sorry for the people still interested in this garbage game.
Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately my friend refuses to quit the game so we haven't played anything together in over half a year. I just can't go back.
That first fight before discovering lock on targetting was so crispy, then when I discovered you can just kite enemies with a rifle locked on, it just became another mmo game... this game will be a quick burn.
I was dueling and was wondering why I can’t dodge range attacks. If combat goes live, probably won’t get back into it.
As far as I can tell, all weapon heavy attacks get a stagger, but it appears to be on a cooldown, i.e. 2 heavy attacks in a row won't stagger a second time, but a second heavy attack landed after several seconds does still stagger, as far as I've been able to tell.
Only in pve vs mobs for heavies
Well all I needed to see was the aim lock function in PvP. That for sure now solidifies that I will never be returning to this game. Thanks for the info duke.
I changed the keybind to tab and was quickscoping with the blunderbuss. I would go in and out of the target lock so i had more free movement too
Meanwhile I aint even used the lockon since the tutorial lol
The controller also has a larger hitbox than M&K with range weapons like the bow. If I shoot just past the opponent with the mouse, the shot misses and with the controller it hits in the same position
I'm almost certain they stated somewhere in the past that target lock will not be enabled for PvP. Prob just a oversight.
You absolute delirious clwn
Im going to save you two-three years of gaslighting yourself into thinking that its "just an oversight". No the team behind this game really is that incompetent.
@@kanebear12 I 100% agree with you. This dev team is one of the worst. No argument there.
I just could have sworn I've heard them talk about this specific issue when the system got mentioned, but it's possible I'm mistaken.
Yeh they did, thank god theyre thinking otherwise
I have try the lock on and it suck for bow and hatchet throw i don't know for other range weapon and no headshot for auto aim.
RIP NW. Just when I thought AGS couldn't design a worse relaunch, they exceed my expectations.
I haven’t gotten the bow glitch where it locks be out of everything until I restart which has happened on my main account for years. So if that holds true, I’ll finally be able to use the bow for once. Beta has been great so far.
The range guys will all be BB since now at max range you will blasted by all six pellets and not just 3-4. Then they just keep out of melee range and keep blasting. S/S and BB combo should slaughter.
I've read in other video that lock on target is only supposed to be for PVE not PVP, it's a bug or something hopefully will be fixed.
Yeah they need to adjust it severely or remove it for pvp
can they perhaps put a timer on how often you can aimlock? I know console players need this as pc players would just run around them in circles to troll them like we do in all cross-platform games. But perhaps a cooldown on how often you can aimlock can be a good middle ground solution.
The should give them aim assist not aim lock.
Solution is simple: this kind of games wuth hard PVP component mustnt have crossplay.
The combat changes sound brutal for healers. Its hard to see returning to this game which has next to no identity left once all this roles out.
Super hyped for the fresh servers as an old launch player that quit after getting to 60. Loved the pvp while leveling etc.
And now they add aim assist into the game which takes away all mechanical skill from pvp? Outnumbered fights are going to be impossible now as your opponents are going to hit every shot.
If they keep this I won’t be playing for sure. Stupid decision but nothing new coming from these devs. It’s so frustrating when they have this game with such a huge potential but fucks it up with these type of decisions.
I messed with it, end of NW combat I'm afraid, feels closer to a tab target game. Shame
Thank god
We now know why the full game didn't get much new content for the past year ... AGS has spent most of their time doing HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of cut scenes. Even those who haven't played before are hitting ESC and then 1, to just get the quest or complete it. As far as combat, they DUMBED THE GAME DOWN for console players. I have lots of minor grips ... like they got rid of the +1 / +10 stat increase decrease and that will take respecs longer. I'm also not a fan of the new chat box.
As a new player I’ll say, I skipped every single one.
Yeah this would just ruin PvP. I couldn’t imagine 10 fs players in ramparts and muskets using this. Ranged is not balanced and with how open opr map is this is just insane.
Yeah I stopped using melee cause I couldn’t get close yesterday 😂
@@MandoF gap closers, once you on them it should be free. But opr is wide open with rampart warriors
I'm a console player (ps5) I was very happy with new world with one exception- Aim lock! It needs to be removed from the game and replaced with aim assist for ranged weapons only. Melee weapons should be free aim with no lock or assist. Apart from that new world will be a big hit for consoles cos console players only really have 2 good mmorpgs, which are FFonline and ESO, both years old and outdated. Console players have been hungry for a new mmorpg. I very much enjoyed my time with new world and I am a vet eso and FFonline player. I hope now AGS have done the console release, and they can have more resources to build future content for NW. AGS needs to release a road map for the year and beyond.
Yea, what players were asking is new weapons, new pvp modes and maps, new epic pve raid content, for the game with amazing core mechanics and nothing to do.
Yet amazon decide to revamp the core mechanics and not add anything big for lategame PVP/PVE at all.
Oh boy, stagger might set my SNS/Flail build over the top.
Reminds me of dark age of camelot with having to bind a /stick macro and use it when playing melee, the pvp in that game was awesome but very outdated and didnt think I'd see what basically is the same concept in 2024! Are they are trying to level the playing field in pvp and remove a skill check (movement in this case) trying to appeal to the masses more maybe, dont like it myself the dodge mechanic and movement was unique in new world imo.
So imma say it... the beta actually feels good. Tab tageting shouldnt be a thing in pvp but the alpha did have it and combat in the alpha actually felt great. I get hating tab target in NW but strictly talking about the feel of having it, its pretty nice.
Imo they should keep it PvE only but if its in PvP eh? We all know that our characters already get hit by shit that missed all the time in the first place when playing NW cause of the servers so why not just enjoy the fluidity of having it be a feature now.
Good!!! Getting closer to DAOC combat. This is a GOOD change now give me 3 faction FORCED pvp and we have a win!
Funny how their numbers mostly consist of PC players. Good thing they did all this for console.
If they just made it lock-on-target if enemy is in a cone widespread line of sight of yourself this would be OK. No shifting between target to lock others ones and would still require you to retarget / enable you to outplay opponents by quickly dodging out of the lock area and make a play.
Lol that is NOT aim assist, that's just auto aim, period. If this makes into PVP then it's over. Even with the stagger change, that also just makes the game less fun and forgiving and no room for counter plays.
Yeah i mean everyone knows this game isn't going to have a revival but the auto lock is not going to help
Tried beta console w mouse keyboard and I honestly only used target lock during tutorial opening. I liked aiming on my own felt more fun. Only did 3 duels (went 2-1) and I didn't even consider aim lock.. just remove from pvp at least or all together I'd say. I wouldn't miss it even on controller if it's completely removed.
im a pc player. and honestly this is a really good step in the right direction. the game still needs more meat to it for end game of course. but i feel like 99.99% of the players do not grasp something simple. you're not fucking worth the money or effort from ags. you fuckers are not paying enough for them to see this game as worth while with the updates you keep crying for.
you need more players.
cross play GETS those players so you get your updates "at least its more likley than if they had less players" though the numbers we're seeing right now still need to go up. but like its beta test so it probably will.
the tab target is insanely good. INSANELY. in a game like this where most the pvp content is in fact not small scale. but almost all out wars typse conflicts. tapping to target someone to just get damage is huge. it isnt going to perfectly do fireballs on the most targets or headshot musket or bluderbust. or make your melee prioritize multiple target aoe's like. idk why people cry over this. it down right would be so aids to play on controller without it and even on pc its still aids without it. this is not a fucking esport.
the stagger change / nerf makes sense, as a player without 5k hours in 1 char on 1 server. (i have 1k as of rn)
people just get away WAY too often and chasing them down when they have just the perfect things and will 2-3 tap you is aids. melee doesnt really have a good way to close distance outside of a few niche moves. and even then its easy to just get distance.
BUT i do think its annoying and think the rework to it before should get undone / changed. i dont think having 2 dodges unless you have a perk to give +x% stam is healthy for the game.
as you say, game will be easier. this is a good thing .-.
and raising the skill ceiling helps people who are good actually still have methods to be good.
all in all update is pretty good.
also gyro aim is awful what do you mean *gag* stop
I like what I'm seeing. I don't do MMORPG PVP(I'm FGC. The true PVP. No rogues to peel me. No Squad mates to save you :P). I love Fighting Games so, of course, I only play healers in MMOs lol. I am more excited about there being Archetypes so I can start out my Healer training as early as possible. I think you needed to find the weapon or something before and bla bla bla. Look, If everything is going to be "my fault" I need people blaming me as early as possible! lol
I love your channel bro. You keep me in the game.
I keep watching for some reason but have almost no interest in playing for over a year lmao
@@MrRhoidRage I only stopped because I couldn't catch up. I'm gonna play again. Haha
So… basically they just utterly butchered the combat system. I did not think that was possible… Imagine spending all that time to just ruin the only thing of value your game has.. I can’t imagine a more incompetent dev team..
Tap target is in new world now
New UI so bad. Weapon UI on right side you dont know wich weapon you using, make us confuse. Chat UI I dont wana even talk.
New jump no gravity like, so bad. Feal like super mario. Auto aim lock is so op in all scenario, should been removed.
bringing in a "Hit Chance" perk fixes all those aim assist/target locking features imo, I mean if they want to Hit from a range, they need to sacrifice atleast their dmg for Hit Chance..
AutoAim makes the game Tab target so they don't have that much desync problem.
The problem with trying to use that logic that melee gets to counter ranged builds with this stagger is that, melee will be cut down before getting it off with aim bot. Aim bot makes kiting even easier.
And secondly the stamina + stagger = no dodge means guess what? Melee buildd themselves will be screwed by this mechanic more than ranged players will, especially bruisers who no longer have light attack grit to avoid staggers.
By no means is this a fair trade for ranged roles getting Aim-Bot.
So a flail runs up to you and starts stagger spamming and 1-2 of their ranged buddies aim-bot you to death. Sounds great.
I shake my head that the combat changes are literally pushing all melee into sword and board lmb holding turtles to avoid toxic junk changes to combat. Riveting game play holding LMB block to ignore everything with a tower shield.
what you showed is more like Aimbot than Aim Assist, if so bow and musket need to be nerfed a bit
Yup, and this will do what I feared the new PvP Zone will turn into ... Bow and Musket heavy builds. Oh boy, what fun.
Bow and Musket is not hitscan, so it would be better in the long run for ranged players to actually just get good and aim without aimlock. Just saying. But either way, Aim lock is not needed at all, and will only do harm.
@@mightymort915 Aim lock's range is only 20 meters. It's not coming to pvp but even if it was stagger changes make it almost impossible to get a shot off against someone who's melee'ing you.
@@VaneFPS I like your optimism, but frankly, I do not think AGS will change it to PvE only.
@@mightymort915 Even if they did have it. Everyone would get it, it wouldnt just be console. Which I do agree is also horrible. But the amount of people saying "holy fuck this is OP as hell" on twitter, the discord, the feedback system. I would be shocked if thousands of people saying "we hate this" and they still left it. Target lock was added last year on controller btw. And it did have PVP enabled for it. It was swiftly removed. The beta was an experimental build. Probably had some things unchanged like target lock.
The devs being clueless as usual putting the final nail in the coffin. Watch the numbers drop off a cliff by early October.
The aim and target lock isn't that bad btw I feel like it might be a good thing.
GG. PvP is ruined. Combat is ruined. Only thing that kept the game alive.
Melee mains so mad about the stagger changes 😂 they can't just left click with grit in a sacred all game now and actually have to strategize
Are the dumb chest runs still a thing to get your GS up?
I thought your name looked familiar. I used to watch you play smite back when I was in high school
It’s a shame they’ve done this, I have a lot of console friends that have been waiting to play this game for a long time but now the skill expression is gone me and my friends have lost interest
Played the beta for 10min on PS5 but the server connection was laggy, over 100ping for me and combat and some delays to it Unsure if its just because its a beta but i can connect to other games perfectly with no issues, hope its fixed for launch as i really want to sink into this game
That aim assist is dumb af...
Even if it's got a new paint job it's still new world with AGS behind the canvas.. I'd be hard pressed to think that they're going to change the aim assist. They say they're aware but we all know how they be. I'll wait an see but they've given plenty of reason to doubt their ability to make meaningful beneficial changes in a swift amount of time
At least we know everyone is have aim assist not just any cheater
sword and shield was already hell to deal with especially with a large amount of input lag, but now that they are majorly buffing chase what is aim assist gonna do if your unable to get away in the first place. Aim lock is boring anyway, they shouldn't go through with either buff, they are both very unhealthy.
Never seen a beta released after a 3 year old game has been in play xD
People out there defending aimbot on the reddit. Actual bots
Removed skill from ranged weapons. Just what the game needs...
Devs bring the trash, like usual. The aim lock was for healers, because the devs could not make a game engine nor hit detection. Currently in game, it is broken for heales, so naturally the devs did not care for 1 year. Now the devs will give aim bot to all ranged. Amazon, so dysfunctional that they let these devs continue unchecked and unmanaged. All of the devs should be out on the streets begging for change. Amazon ruined its brand in the gaming industry.
People that came to NW from FPS games, came because it was action combat and not some tab target. I wish to come back to NW and maybe convince by brother to play, but it will be impossible with this aimbot thingie
can you dodge the aim locking's attacks?
The target lock in PvP is the stupidest thing and it shouldn't be a thing. That being said... controller needs a major Sensitivity increase because even at max its ridiculously slow.
Tracking in general is why people loved this game.
well im not coming back
SA server is listed as error because there are no players, BECAUSE WE CANT CREATE A CHARACTER DUE TO A BUG
Target lock has ZERO place in PvP
This ruined the game completely for me.
You don't have to use it. A skilled aimer is still going to be better. While you are locked on you are vulnerable to being flanked.
@@thenightingale7405it is unfair
@@a1rl2 So is putting M&K against controller.
@@thenightingale7405 aim assist is okay not aim bot!
If there’s enemy NPCs near you while you’re fighting someone. It will flick to them sometimes. It’s not as good as people are trying to say it is
TBF, similar to smite! I remember playing on PS when it was 10k PC and 20k both Consoles
PC gamers for the past two years “the overall combat and pvp is great, please just add more content and reasons to pvp”. AGS “we hear you, we’ll change the combat, ruin PvP, and add jack shit for content”. Oof
These devs or whoever is making these decisions need to be fired like holy shit 3 years of just god awful decisions
It’s for console players.
I knew they would ruin the game with AIM assist.
Whats the point of having an MMO with manual aiming, if you're gonna give everyone aimbot? rofl .. so stupid.
Glad I stopped playing this game last march. My decision was a good one.
The developers need to do something, after all. The old PvP is a bunch of stinky shit. It wasn't good, as some people write here. Rolls, rolls, rolls and that's it. The fact that they added a skillcap to dodge is good. AIM is bad, it's a step back in general, but there is no other way out for the gamepad. You can help with aiming as in similar games, but then PC users will whine. Equalizing the two platforms is hell for developers. Moreover, they can't fix simple things for years. In general, we'll see what happens.
Now, on the stagger system?? Just like NW's combat, its great in theory, but in practice its not so much.
NW's combat is already heavily reliant on Slowing, rooting and stunning. Literally every weapon except LS has at least one slow on abilities or weapon perks.
The reason it's good on theory and not in practice is because NW is mostly played by zerging. That means there's another CC option to lock people and steam roll them.
For those who says new world is dead find me other mmo game that has so many things to do on game like this....its th best
A new OPR yet? No? Maybe in a few more years
Guys. Arena score board still bugged... 😂. That shows if you can trust them to fix anything. Leveled to 30 in beta, game still exactly as it was 8months ago. Except a lot of small things that were changed to suit console and feels bad.
Finnaly aimlock a bit closer to souls game playstyle, maybe ill return
ffs... this combat change is SOMETHING NOBODY EVER ASKED FOR FFS!!!!! Imagine saying game has best combat ever for 3 years and asking for new OPR map... and DEVELOPERS ENTIRELY REWORK COMBAT!!! I just can't believe it lol... ffs...
AGS Devs:
"Hmm players are unhappy and leave the game, how can we change that? Let's destroy combat, the only thing players are enjoying about this game. They will love it"
more like "Hmm players are unhappy and leave the game, how can we change that? Let's relase on cosole and try to milk as much possible before the game is complety dead so we need to overhaul the combat for console players!"
This is actually the complete overkill for me.. only thing I enjoyed was the action combat, now they are even kicking that out of the game.. bro I'm litterally just sad it this point, that they killed my favorite game