I went for a bike ride in Hadley Wood, kind of by accident, one Sunday in the 80s when I was a poor student at Middlesex Poly. I've never forgotten it because I'd found myself somewhere unlike anywhere I'd ever been in the UK. It was like Beverly Hills but less eccentric. Not really my thing, but if you want somewhere quite, spacious, comfortable and private that's pretty much still London. Well ...
I went for a bike ride in Hadley Wood, kind of by accident, one Sunday in the 80s when I was a poor student at Middlesex Poly. I've never forgotten it because I'd found myself somewhere unlike anywhere I'd ever been in the UK. It was like Beverly Hills but less eccentric. Not really my thing, but if you want somewhere quite, spacious, comfortable and private that's pretty much still London. Well ...
The music sounds like a movie.
Is the property for sale???
Probably best to speak to the selling agents: www.statons.com