Fluent UI React Trainings: Styling components & theming

  • Опубликовано: 27 апр 2024
  • This tutorial offers an overview of Fluent UI React v9, emphasizing style customizations. It covers the usage of the `makeStyles()` and `mergeClasses()` functions. Additionally, it explains how to write styles for basic scenarios and how to apply style overrides for Fluent UI React components and their slots.
    📚 Chapters:
    00:00 - Intro to the lesson
    00:18 - makeStyles usage
    01:47 - makeStyles & CSS shorthands
    02:53 - What are CSS shorthands?
    04:12 - Conditional styles via mergeClasses
    05:57 - Order is mergeClasses
    07:08 - What is Atomic CSS?
    08:41 - Using tokens for theming
    11:21 - Tokens in different themes
    12:30 - Customization of components
    13:40 - Customization of slots
    16:40 - Using Griffel Devtools
    17:58 - Pseudo classes
    18:54 - Nested selectors
    20:55 - @media queries
    21:33 - CSS keyframes, animationName
    22:37 - Outro
    📝 Examples:
    #1 Base styling stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    #2 Theming & tokens stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    #3 Customizing components stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vi...
    💡 References:
    #1 Fluent UI Insights: Styling
    • Fluent UI React Insigh...
    #2 Griffel playground griffel.js.org/try-it-out/
    #3 Griffel repository github.com/microsoft/griffel
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Комментарии • 3

  • @durgeshwarake3804
    @durgeshwarake3804 Месяц назад


  • @DevilsAvacado69
    @DevilsAvacado69 Месяц назад

    Hey, Microsoft I wanted to ask is there anyone working on an audio input framework for an AI UI? like star trek would have "Computer play youtube video I designated as "test1" keep it to the bottom right of the screen, and explore the first few websites of my search topic on main view" just a thought. this janky idea can be smoothed over so much more with a decent AI. Im not a dev, I cant code. I just want these connections made sooner, we have the tools there now its just blending it together so they can talk to each other.

  • @korzentowppl
    @korzentowppl Месяц назад
