Jim Bergman needs to send you some hoses. I'm not sure you would have gotten down low enough to do a decay test. Normally we go down to 200 or so microns if we can get it there, and give a 15 minutes decay test and it has to stay below 500 microns. That's more of a true test. But I am not sure you would ever get there without the proper hoses. Thanks for showing the app tho.
Jim Bergman needs to send you some hoses. I'm not sure you would have gotten down low enough to do a decay test. Normally we go down to 200 or so microns if we can get it there, and give a 15 minutes decay test and it has to stay below 500 microns. That's more of a true test. But I am not sure you would ever get there without the proper hoses. Thanks for showing the app tho.
I think it’s time for some larger hoses and some core tools
how would no what decay target should be?
Should be titled how not to use a micron gauge