I lost my father I found him gone in his chair where he would eat food and he was gone when I came upstairs from the basment quran was playing and it was on jummah but please how did ur pass may allah grant out parents jannah but if you don’t mind to share the full story please do jazakallah
@@mylife4167sometimes you dream of death and it is about rebirth not death … I am scared to die myself and your dream could be your fear to not live while living … I lost my mom and couldn’t watch the video because she did not know nor did I know she was going to die … I was concerned and heartbroken as to everything that occurred before her death and I think she wasn’t treated right nor was I am there were all these horrible things happening and the things I found out along the way were more and more devastating … my mom did not die in a way I could wished she would … I have listened to what a lot of people say but I think the only one who knew she was going to die was not her nor me but the one who planned it … that plan wasn’t pleasing to God and was done intentionally by someone who had hatred in their heart ❤ but this was not simply one person but others who conspired along the way in the most demonic ways I could ever witness … I am so taken aback by all of what happened to my mom … so sad and defeated … sometimes we just have to live and keep going as long as we can and when that comes sometimes we are actually left with both relief and a giant hole so what is worse than death is the death of the one you love the most and still even then God said we have to accept the plan but since you alive you just try your best to love someone while you here and leave alone anyone who shows they are against you at anytime … forgive and love from a distance at that point
my sister who is 22 years died pursuing mbbs suddenly because of brain tumour un detected in ct scan all please pray for us all i can do for her now is to pray and ask all you for your dua to her 😓😓
Oh Allah...I don't know when I will die...but one thing i just wanna tell you ...I need your help every time...I need your guidance and most importantly I love you..forgive me
Also I’m grateful for all the food ,Money clothing and all the other things u done for us ❤ u sacrificed when u didn’t have to but u did and gave us earth and life were so thankful everyday
Supreme God is Kabir पवित्र चारों वेद भी साक्षी हैं कि पूर्ण परमात्मा ही पूजा के योग्य है, उसका वास्तविक नाम कविर्देव (कबीर परमेश्वर) है तथा तीन मंत्र (ॐ, तत् सत्) के नाम का जाप करने से ही पूर्ण मोक्ष होता है। इस नाम को देने अधिकारी केवल तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज ही हैं।
I'm not of Muslim faith and I am Hindu...I don't know how I ended up here listening to this but this has brought me to my knees....just closing my eyes and listening...I'm at a loss for words but I'm humbled 🙏
@@Stefanio64 "Do God lead people astray that are not born in muslim societies?" : Allah doesn't led astray sincere people but the arrogant people who reject truth after realizing it. Quran 29 69 As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way. And Allah is certainly with the good-doers. Quran 7 146 I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
My grandfather is 102. He is in good health. No major health issues. Yesterday we were talking and his words weren't coming out. He couldn't form a sentence. He was struggling to talk and it came out as gibberish. After a few minutes it stopped. He said he felt confused but that he felt better now. I am so scared that his time is almost up. But he's at peace. He isn't afraid of death. He smiled at me and said "I've lived a long life and am not afraid of dying. Don't worry. I'll always be here with you"
After listening to this ! I had tears, my father passed away so peacefully & he was only 65 and was pious man , I am heart broken by the news of my father 😔I wish to see him soon
May Allah bless your father. When you say he passed away "peacefully". That is at least something good. My father was diagnosed with dementia last year and its been really difficult seeing him decline mentally. Life Is full of challenges. All I can hope for is that my father is dreaming of good things when he is quiet.
What is heaven? Are you sure, that you will be happy in a world of your imagination of heaven? If you accept the world like it is, you will be happy. If this is your imagination of heaven, than you should try to accept all what you are confrontated with.
@@masterreif you can enjoy the goods and allurements of this life and do as you please. But once you enter your grave, it will be the punishment of the grave, and once the judgment day comes you will see for yourself the punishment.
Allah is the best of planners. May He take us in a state of wudhu and in a state that he is pleased with what we have done with our time on this earth. All glory be to Allah.
Today was my supply paper...my father was a little upset with me...plz make dua that i get pass plz..anyone who is reading this comment..May Allah bless him her
U know what it's the same thing my father is also facing , tbh I'm seriously so much scared , he has been telling us this by approx 1-2 yrs But Alhamdulillah my father is alive
I LOVE THIS... 💕 Glory! Honour! Praise! Majesty! And Adoration belong to GOD THE ALMIGHTY; to HIM alone the CREATOR of the universe is worthy of our praise forever, for HIS WONDERFUL DEED to mankind. SHALOM!
If i die my parents will pray for me but some day they'll die too After that there will be no one for me to pray So that i'm commenting here to get lots of dua for me 😊may allah grant all of your wishes those who will pray for me ❤❤❤
I m passing through the worst situations of life ,my husband behavior towards me and my two children n my parents is unbearable. I m all bearing only for the sake of my children n family. Kindly pray for me
Allahuma inii Asaluka Husnal Khatima May Allah grant us all Muslim the Good Ending before we die and May Allah forgive us all and grant us all Muslim ummah Jannahtul Firdows Ameen YaaRab 🤲
@@billions50 You'll realize truth soon but it might be too late to accept it . Quran 29 69 As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way. And Allah is certainly with the good-doers. Quran 7 146 I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
BE AWARE OF YOUR TRUE CONDITION!!! You seek this world as if your life depended on it and you seek the Hereafter as if you have no need for it!!! Allāh will give you what you need from this world even if you do not run after it but you will only be given the Hereafter if you run after it. So be aware of your true condition and run to where your souls can rest, amongst the crops of Green Birds that tend to the Rivers of Paradise
Supreme God is Kabir पुस्तक- जीवनी हजरत मुहम्मद (सल्लाहु अलैहि वसल्लम के पृष्ठ 46, 51-52, 64, 307-315) में प्रमाण है कि- हजरत मुहम्मद जी ने बचपन में यतीमी का दुःख देखा। उनके तीनों पुत्रों की मृत्यु हो गई तथा स्वयं हजरत मुहम्मद जी की भी 63 वर्ष की उम्र में असहाय बीमारी से तड़फ तड़फ कर मृत्यु हुई। पाप कर्म दंड तो सिर्फ अल्लाह कबीर की सच्ची इबादत करने से ही समाप्त हो सकतें है।
Probably the best hadith you ever hear 🤯 Aws bin Aws narrated: Allah's Messenger said to me: "Whoever performs Ghusl on Friday, and bathes completely, and goes early, arriving early, gets close and listens and is silent, there will be for him in every step he take the reward of a year of fasting and standing (in prayer). At-Tirmidhi (496) Sahih hadith
वहाँ हजरत आदम जी भी थे जो कभी हँस रहे थे और कभी रो रहे थे। फरिश्ते जिबराईल ने हजरत मुहम्मद जी को बताया यह बाबा आदम जी हैं। रोने तथा हँसने का कारण था कि दाईं ओर स्वर्ग में नेक संतान थी जो सुखी थी जिसे देख कर बाबा आदम हँस रहे थे तथा बाईं ओर निकम्मी संतान नरक में कष्ट भोग रही थी, जिसे देखकर रो रहे थे। जिसके कारण बाबा आदम ऊपर के लोक में भी पूर्ण सुखी नहीं थे।देखें साधना चैनल शाम 07:30
WWhen you are in the garden or anywhere on your own do not think for a moment that you are all alone for what your eyes cannot see is who is standing next to thee he is your saviour from beginning to end he is the lord jesus your best friend 💓💓
My mother left this Duniya 2 days ago suffering from pneumonia i was with her to the very end kissing her hands haead and feet continuously. I am 48 years old and i have lived with her since birth my pain is unbearable she was so miskeen ana ALlah fearing woman please pray for my mother thankyou brothers and sisters.
6 ways to earn deeds after death: 1) Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Each time one reads from it you gain. 2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain. 3) Participate in building a masjid. 4) Place a watercooler in a public space. 5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it's shade or eats from it. 6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people.
@@Alisha-sh3xl hadith aboaut planting a tree: "There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him.” (Bukhari)
I enjoy listening to lectures but couldn’t help but rewind to make sure I heard him correctly! He literally said there are individuals who said “I didn’t have signs before I died” 😂 like the news broadcast “the man was killed, we tried to reach out to him but to no avail”
If you happen to be the unfortunate victim of a drunk driver, barreling down the road doing eighty miles per hour, you will have absolutely NO fore warning about your impending death. How could you know, before the event actually occurred? The answer is...You absolutely could not have known anything about that event, before it actually occurred. Whether you turn to religion, science, or anything else, for your beliefs, certain things just happen, without any reason, or forewarning. Just random events, completely the fault of somebody else. So, the answer is, you CAN pass away, and it can be an unexpected, random event, completely unknown to you, before the time of its occurrence...
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान का डंका सारे विश्व में बज रहा है। समाज सुधार और मानव कल्याण के अद्भुत काम करने वाले ऐसे महान संत की महिमा के चर्चे घर-घर में हो रहे हैं।
The caption of this video and the content are very different. You diverted towards talking about the last hour and day of judgment where as the video pointed that you might talk about signs before one individual moves on from this world. All in all, May Allah reward you immensely for your efforts!
@@faze1996fff Clickbait is false advertising, trying to get you to click on their video, using fake bait, the way a fisherman uses a worm, in their title to lure you into the subject matter. It's prevelient throughout the internet.
Same here. I had two or so white hairs I plucked. Trust Allah, I don't think it's something dangerous, but still I don't think I was even 14 back then. Now I'm a bit over 14, idk what those white hairs are.
It’s normal nowadays....don’t ever pluck hair don’t.....dont do dye or chemical based mehndi Use only green leaves mehndi Use amla empty stomach make dua from Allah ta’ala
It means the genes and DNA you inherited from your family tree are responsible and NOTHING ELSE. Besides, many a sexy fox, humanly, with hair so grey, is successful in attracting those of the opposite sex. Be grateful.
My dad passed in 2005, an I lived in nj at the time. He lived in cheraw South Carolina my senior year in high school literally 4 days before my graduation. And after the funeral a close friend of his said the last time she seen my dad it was like he was gliding . He was alive still but she said the last time she seen him he was just so graceful but it was like he was gliding not walking
It’s true I believe it you a right my partner died he dream three days before he died three days before he died he had a dream that he died after three days he did die it was really sad scary for me
I Lost My Dad in 2021 but upto now My life changed because he was the only person who could understand My ways and situation another person would have been my mom but she died in 1997, please put me in your prayers always because am totally confused and my health is not good.
I am new to the word of the Qaran and I am captivated and drawn to this channel as a catholic. Something is calling me to the Muslim religion.. I hope to one day visit a Mosque, I don’t know anyone in the religion to help guide and feel intimidated just showing up. Can anyone help with suggestions? Thank you 🙏🏾
Assalamalikum and welcome, best is to keep learning about it. Keep on reading the Quran; if something seems confusing to you, research it up and clear away all the confusion. Keep on expanding your knowledge right now, when the time comes, just find your local mosque and take a visit there. And tell them you want to learn more about the religion also, and then convert.
The afterlife and its corresponding hell and paradise are inventions of con artists to enslave helpless people's emotional brittleness and doubt because they were aware that if they speak about the god's capacity to address your everyday issues, the god's actuality comes to the fore. Even if we hold to the idea that God made this world and everything in it, then it would undoubtedly be perfect with the inclusion of hell and paradise, which are very much on display. In other words, you get back what you put out, and after you pass away, you either end up as ashes or the food for ants and maggots.
I want to see my mom in my dreams the last time we slept together in the room that night may 9.2024 my mom wake me up to check blood pressure with hypertension we gave the best care my sister a nurse but death suddently she said very loudly The kalimah for 3 to 5 times my mom respond but suddently the loud voice become very calmly and we brought to nearest hosp.but dr pronounced death its hard to loss Parents my mom till now still fresh memories of her goodnees every time i remembered praying sadaqa could i do in shaa Allah
...and no one comes to The Father but through Me... Perhaps people do get a sigh or a feeling before the die. For example, advanced cancer patients feel and see their bodies deteriorating. It is by God's grace and mercy that in such is cases He is giving a human one last chance to repent and come to him. Glory to God, thank you Jesus! ✝️
Death is not 'reserved' for the old. The drugs, the drink, the accidents, the murders, the hunger, the poverty all play a very significant part oh wise one!
वर्तमान में तत्वदर्शी संत श्री रामपाल जी महाराज का शब्द भक्ति मार्ग पूरे विश्व में फैल रहा है सारे जगत के लोग संत श्री का नाम दीक्षा लेकर सद्भक्ति माल अपना रहे हैं जो अनमोल तत्वज्ञान है अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखें संत श्री रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन सत साहेब
I lost my mum the first day of Ramadan in an accident. Please add her in your prayers when you come across this
Insha Allah, sister!
Bro don't say that @@coconut_lasagna2264
I lost my father I found him gone in his chair where he would eat food and he was gone when I came upstairs from the basment quran was playing and it was on jummah but please how did ur pass may allah grant out parents jannah but if you don’t mind to share the full story please do jazakallah
*Subhanallah! Let's unite in prayer for the protection of all beings. May Allah's grace and guidance prevail*
I had a dream ther were someone telling me that I will die on my 15 birthday am 14 now on September I turn 15 do you know the meaning of that dream?
@@mylife4167sometimes you dream of death and it is about rebirth not death … I am scared to die myself and your dream could be your fear to not live while living … I lost my mom and couldn’t watch the video because she did not know nor did I know she was going to die … I was concerned and heartbroken as to everything that occurred before her death and I think she wasn’t treated right nor was I am there were all these horrible things happening and the things I found out along the way were more and more devastating … my mom did not die in a way I could wished she would … I have listened to what a lot of people say but I think the only one who knew she was going to die was not her nor me but the one who planned it … that plan wasn’t pleasing to God and was done intentionally by someone who had hatred in their heart ❤ but this was not simply one person but others who conspired along the way in the most demonic ways I could ever witness … I am so taken aback by all of what happened to my mom … so sad and defeated … sometimes we just have to live and keep going as long as we can and when that comes sometimes we are actually left with both relief and a giant hole so what is worse than death is the death of the one you love the most and still even then God said we have to accept the plan but since you alive you just try your best to love someone while you here and leave alone anyone who shows they are against you at anytime … forgive and love from a distance at that point
Oh Allah, forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
Oh haahaha allaHahahha
@@briendoyle4680 delete this or your a "gay"
@@ABIDKHAN_1520 My choice if I were a 'gay' or wanted to be...
You all neeed to delete the lies of gods...
@@briendoyle4680 dont wanna believe in god or allah , its up to u.no1 is forcing u. Everyone is free to decide.
@@hulkman129 Wrong - It is up to you all to Prove your gods - or to REMAIN LIARS OF gODS!
my sister who is 22 years died pursuing mbbs suddenly because of brain tumour un detected in ct scan all please pray for us all i can do for her now is to pray and ask all you for your dua to her
Oh Allah...I don't know when I will die...but one thing i just wanna tell you ...I need your help every time...I need your guidance and most importantly I love you..forgive me
Also I’m grateful for all the food ,Money clothing and all the other things u done for us ❤ u sacrificed when u didn’t have to but u did and gave us earth and life were so thankful everyday
Supreme God is Kabir
पवित्र चारों वेद भी साक्षी हैं कि पूर्ण परमात्मा ही पूजा के योग्य है, उसका वास्तविक नाम कविर्देव (कबीर परमेश्वर) है
तथा तीन मंत्र (ॐ, तत् सत्) के नाम का जाप करने से ही पूर्ण मोक्ष होता है। इस नाम को देने अधिकारी केवल तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज ही हैं।
I'm not of Muslim faith and I am Hindu...I don't know how I ended up here listening to this but this has brought me to my knees....just closing my eyes and listening...I'm at a loss for words but I'm humbled 🙏
May Allah (swt) guide us all to the right path of righteousness and not to the path of those that have gone astray...ameen.
@@AliAsghar-qp4qg Astray? Do God lead people astray that are not born in muslim societies?
@@Stefanio64 "Do God lead people astray that are not born in muslim societies?" :
Allah doesn't led astray sincere people but the arrogant people who reject truth after realizing it.
Quran 29 69 As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way. And Allah is certainly with the good-doers.
Quran 7 146 I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
Read Quran translation / exegesis
@@Muwahid999 Thank you for defending your faith based on scriptures rather than some foul comment. I can respect that!
please make dua for my brother that passed away 2 weeks ago. May he dwell in jannah and all muslimeen amiin
Amen Ya rab
May I ask what he passed away from? I am truly sorry for your loss.
I didn't feel the fear of death deeply til my 30. I have to be a good person I enter the paradise by his mercy 😌
Also me
My grandfather is 102. He is in good health. No major health issues.
Yesterday we were talking and his words weren't coming out. He couldn't form a sentence. He was struggling to talk and it came out as gibberish.
After a few minutes it stopped. He said he felt confused but that he felt better now.
I am so scared that his time is almost up. But he's at peace. He isn't afraid of death. He smiled at me and said "I've lived a long life and am not afraid of dying. Don't worry. I'll always be here with you"
After listening to this ! I had tears, my father passed away so peacefully & he was only 65 and was pious man , I am heart broken by the news of my father 😔I wish to see him soon
Same my father passed away 1 year ago he was only 58 years old 😢 💔 😔 may Allah bless us all, Ameen
my father passed away before 25 years when he was 49.that time i was 5.i am like orphan now a days .alone.😕
@@livingunique2759 may Allah bless them All Ameen
May Allah bless your father. When you say he passed away "peacefully". That is at least something good. My father was diagnosed with dementia last year and its been really difficult seeing him decline mentally. Life Is full of challenges. All I can hope for is that my father is dreaming of good things when he is quiet.
We will see nothing after death
And me too
ameen may allah grant us, our parents and our families eternity in jannah ameen and may allah (swt) make it easy on us ameen
What is heaven?
Are you sure, that you will be happy in a world of your imagination of heaven?
If you accept the world like it is, you will be happy. If this is your imagination of heaven, than you should try to accept all what you are confrontated with.
@@masterreif you can enjoy the goods and allurements of this life and do as you please. But once you enter your grave, it will be the punishment of the grave, and once the judgment day comes you will see for yourself the punishment.
Allah is the best of planners. May He take us in a state of wudhu and in a state that he is pleased with what we have done with our time on this earth. All glory be to Allah.
My dad died 3 days ago please pray for my dad I want him to be in the highest rank of jannah please guys🤲🏻🕋
Amen 🙏 Im praying for your dad
Ameen 🕋
Today was my supply paper...my father was a little upset with me...plz make dua that i get pass plz..anyone who is reading this comment..May Allah bless him her
Beta dua hi de do koi😂
My brother saw a man holding his hands out to him two days before he died at 91. Miss you Anthony.😢
U know what it's the same thing my father is also facing , tbh I'm seriously so much scared , he has been telling us this by approx 1-2 yrs
Alhamdulillah my father is alive
@afshakhan9648how is your father now
Glory! Honour! Praise! Majesty! And Adoration belong to GOD THE ALMIGHTY; to HIM alone the CREATOR of the universe is worthy of our praise forever, for HIS WONDERFUL DEED to mankind.
please make duas for my father he passed away please pray he gets the highest rank of Jannah Allah bless you
My father passed away 12 days ago too and i am feeling very miserable and i also have a lot of regret how are you dealing with all this
If i die my parents will pray for me but some day they'll die too After that there will be no one for me to pray
So that i'm commenting here to get lots of dua for me 😊may allah grant all of your wishes those who will pray for me ❤❤❤
I m passing through the worst situations of life ,my husband behavior towards me and my two children n my parents is unbearable. I m all bearing only for the sake of my children n family. Kindly pray for me
May Allah swt give you comfort and ease very very soon, Habiba!
@@SonjaElizabethTeal aameen
There is no denying, praise be to the Lord almighty.
Amen 🙏
Allahuma inii Asaluka Husnal Khatima May Allah grant us all Muslim the Good Ending before we die and May Allah forgive us all and grant us all Muslim ummah Jannahtul Firdows Ameen YaaRab 🤲
Allah isn't real
Your voice is soothing and full of truth, Amen
Good but too much repetition
@Mr. Billions, what do u mean
@@billions50 You'll realize truth soon but it might be too late to accept it .
Quran 29 69 As for those who struggle in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our Way. And Allah is certainly with the good-doers.
Quran 7 146 I will turn away from My signs those who act unjustly with arrogance in the land. And even if they were to see every sign, they still would not believe in them. If they see the Right Path, they will not take it. But if they see a crooked path, they will follow it. This is because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
My uncle died today😭😭😭 and before 2 months ago my uncles youngest son died 😭😭😭😭 please make a dua and add them in your prayer😭😭😭😭
I have an awesome relationship with my Creator.....honestly I have faith the Creator will not End Anything! It will be by the hand of MAN!
Thank you so much for sharing this. May Allah grant us good endings. Ameen!
@@bintasambou3830 thank you very much indeed my brother
You seek this world as if your life depended on it and you seek the Hereafter as if you have no need for it!!!
Allāh will give you what you need from this world even if you do not run after it but you will only be given the Hereafter if you run after it.
So be aware of your true condition and run to where your souls can rest, amongst the crops of Green Birds that tend to the Rivers of Paradise
Jazak Allah. How beautiful you explained this.
Supreme God is Kabir पुस्तक- जीवनी हजरत मुहम्मद (सल्लाहु अलैहि वसल्लम के पृष्ठ 46, 51-52, 64, 307-315) में प्रमाण है कि-
हजरत मुहम्मद जी ने बचपन में यतीमी का दुःख देखा। उनके तीनों पुत्रों की मृत्यु हो गई तथा स्वयं हजरत मुहम्मद जी की भी 63 वर्ष की उम्र में असहाय बीमारी से तड़फ तड़फ कर मृत्यु हुई।
पाप कर्म दंड तो सिर्फ अल्लाह कबीर की सच्ची इबादत करने से ही समाप्त हो सकतें है।
I remind myself and everyone to call for Allah swt deen,to command good and forbid bad
Lailahaillah Muhammadurrasulillah saw ❤
Inna lillah wa Inna illahi rajoon.I just buried my father please keep him in your dua
Probably the best hadith you ever hear 🤯
Aws bin Aws narrated:
Allah's Messenger said to me:
"Whoever performs Ghusl on Friday, and
bathes completely, and goes early,
arriving early, gets close and listens and
is silent, there will be for him in every
step he take the reward of a year of
fasting and standing (in prayer).
At-Tirmidhi (496)
Sahih hadith
subhanallah may allah make us from those people ameen
Allahu Akbar , thank you
वहाँ हजरत आदम जी भी थे जो कभी हँस रहे थे और कभी रो रहे थे। फरिश्ते जिबराईल ने हजरत मुहम्मद जी को बताया यह बाबा आदम जी हैं। रोने तथा हँसने का कारण था कि दाईं ओर स्वर्ग में नेक संतान थी जो सुखी थी जिसे देख कर बाबा आदम हँस रहे थे तथा बाईं ओर निकम्मी संतान नरक में कष्ट भोग रही थी, जिसे देखकर रो रहे थे। जिसके कारण बाबा आदम ऊपर के लोक में भी पूर्ण सुखी नहीं थे।देखें साधना चैनल शाम 07:30
WWhen you are in the garden or anywhere on your own do not think for a moment that you are all alone for what your eyes cannot see is who is standing next to thee he is your saviour from beginning to end he is the lord jesus your best friend 💓💓
I Love it.
Never let people give you false hope stay in charge of your own personal goals and journey in life always
My mother left this Duniya 2 days ago suffering from pneumonia i was with her to the very end kissing her hands haead and feet continuously. I am 48 years old and i have lived with her since birth my pain is unbearable she was so miskeen ana ALlah fearing woman please pray for my mother thankyou brothers and sisters.
It is happening now! He is coming! Praise the Lord!
6 ways to earn deeds after death:
1) Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Each time one reads from it you gain.
2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain.
3) Participate in building a masjid.
4) Place a watercooler in a public space.
5) Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it's shade or eats from it.
6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people.
@@Alisha-sh3xl Common sense my dear, common sense
The prophet Muhammad (pyb) said:
"facilitating a work is the same as doing it"
Or something like this he said, i didnt remember very well
@@Alisha-sh3xl give some water to someaone is a sadaqa, i didnt know if is ahadith or it is in qufan
@@Alisha-sh3xl hadith aboaut planting a tree:
"There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him.” (Bukhari)
“اللهم إني أسألك حسن الخاتمة”
"Allah Humma inni Asalukal
Husnul khatimah "
: O Allah grant me a beautiful death
Inshallah Ameen
inshallah all of us ameen
God have mercy and forgive us faults
may Allah give you healing ameen
May Allah grant us all the best end with shahadaatiyn!!
Allahouma razaqna housn elkhatima
Allahouma Amin !!
I invite everyone to listen to the Holy QURAN.
Subhan Allah.
@@briendoyle4680 what do u mean by hahaha.
Mashallah ,in Sha ALLAH ALLAH will reward you
Thank you for sharing your expert knowledge which is explicitly explained. ❤️🙏🏾 You have prepared us to expect and accept our imminent transitions.
I am not ashame of the Gospel. It is the power of God for salvation to those who believe, first to the Jews then the Gentiles.
I'm now dying. I don't know what day but soon and I'm not worried about it. Goodbye everyone 😊. P.S. enjoy your life the best way you can.
God bless you dear sister, may your passing of this life to eternal life be peaceful. Jesus will help you. Please have faith xx
@@Liweiyang43 She finished. Mate. Lol
I enjoy listening to lectures but couldn’t help but rewind to make sure I heard him correctly! He literally said there are individuals who said “I didn’t have signs before I died”
😂 like the news broadcast “the man was killed, we tried to reach out to him but to no avail”
I was scrolling through the comment section wondering if someone noticed it as I did 😄🙏
If you happen to be the unfortunate victim of a drunk driver, barreling down the road doing eighty miles per hour, you will have absolutely NO fore warning about your impending death. How could you know, before the event actually occurred? The answer is...You absolutely could not have known anything about that event, before it actually occurred. Whether you turn to religion, science, or anything else, for your beliefs, certain things just happen, without any reason, or forewarning. Just random events, completely the fault of somebody else. So, the answer is, you CAN pass away, and it can be an unexpected, random event, completely unknown to you, before the time of its occurrence...
سبحان الله
الحمد لله
الله اكبر
لا إله إلا الله
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
والباقيات الصالحات خير عند ربك ثوآبا❤️
I hate birthdays because everybody celebrates it because they grow 1 year but I become depressed because I feel like I am coming closer to my death 😭
I feel like am dying. Please pray for me 🙏
I lost my Mother when I was 9 years old(in 2014) and now I'm 19... Please pray for her
May Allah grant us janatu firdowsa when we passed away Aaamiin
*_Hindu Concept of Reincarnation is A Proven Fact . This Proves Islamic Theory of Afterlife False_*
The World has Forgotten who God is I think God is getting ready to remind us all
Ya ALLAH set save us from the trails of life and death and Hellfire and grant us Jannat ul Firdous Ameen ❤
Ya Allah forgive us all who have done wrong ya Allah give us all the highest makaam of jannat ul firdous.. forgive us ya Allah
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान का डंका सारे विश्व में बज रहा है। समाज सुधार और मानव कल्याण के अद्भुत काम करने वाले ऐसे महान संत की महिमा के चर्चे घर-घर में हो रहे हैं।
May Allah S.W.T accept our worship and forgive our sins Ameen.
May Allah SWT grant us all jannah and May Allah SWT forgive all of our sins Ameen.
Nobody can feel when him will die. No sign, no feeling, only Allah know the end of time to somebody. The Holy quran is clear at this topic.
Here a patient asking you to do dua for me that allah forgive my all Kabair and Sagair sins
Please pray for my sister Malika, for Allah to grant her Jannatul firdaus and forgive her of her short comings she passed away 1 week ago
I am terrified of being separated from my husband and child by death. Even though I understand we never truly separate….it still scares me.
I feel the same makes me truly so sad 😞 ❤x
On June 1, 2022 my brother murdered our mother and got by with it. Nothing will ever be the same
That was brutal
But Allah loves you more you wont feel alone if you die muslim🤗
💛❤️بســــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ عَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا صَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيدٌ
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّ عَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ كَمَا بَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌ مَجِيد ❤️💚
The caption of this video and the content are very different. You diverted towards talking about the last hour and day of judgment where as the video pointed that you might talk about signs before one individual moves on from this world. All in all, May Allah reward you immensely for your efforts!
Of course that is what I was saying to myself when it got to the end of the vid. Where are the signs that I want to hear 😂😂😂
The caption and content of this video are very different because they are said with forced politeness, CLICKBAIT.
@@lorinwegand6324 Hmm, i don’t understand what your trying to say man, but God Bless you brother!
@@faze1996fff Clickbait is false advertising, trying to get you to click on their video, using fake bait, the way a fisherman uses a worm, in their title to lure you into the subject matter. It's prevelient throughout the internet.
@@lorinwegand6324 oh i see. Thank you for the knowledge brother and it definitely is.
Every person is given a premonition. Before they pass. , For a soul never dies. You chang the old garment with a newborn child. Life goes on
Please make Dua( prayer) for my friend that passed some days ago.
I invite everyone to listen to the Holy Quran 🕋
@@briendoyle4680 finding anything funny?
@@Ghost.Flawless Yep - people ranting about their fake gods...
@@briendoyle4680 gods? Man dropped gods 🤣 if you were listening we believe in one God you Jokeman 🤡🤡
@@Ghost.Flawless Yeah - one god out of many claimed ... Grow up - you all have never proved any gods...
My Beautiful neighbour and friend has been told she has a few days to live.. 😢🙏
My hairs are going grey and I'm just 17😢
What does this mean?
I daily beg Allah to cure me from this
Same here. I had two or so white hairs I plucked. Trust Allah, I don't think it's something dangerous, but still I don't think I was even 14 back then. Now I'm a bit over 14, idk what those white hairs are.
It’s normal nowadays....don’t ever pluck hair don’t.....dont do dye or chemical based mehndi
Use only green leaves mehndi
Use amla empty stomach make dua from Allah ta’ala
It means the genes and DNA you inherited from your family tree are responsible and NOTHING ELSE. Besides, many a sexy fox, humanly, with hair so grey, is successful in attracting those of the opposite sex. Be grateful.
Maybe lack vitamin, nutrients or stress
My mom passed 4/1/23 😢 she did well she went peaceful cancer sucks.
My dad passed in 2005, an I lived in nj at the time. He lived in cheraw South Carolina my senior year in high school literally 4 days before my graduation. And after the funeral a close friend of his said the last time she seen my dad it was like he was gliding . He was alive still but she said the last time she seen him he was just so graceful but it was like he was gliding not walking
I like to meet the one who said .." I didn't saw a sign before I died"
Whether we believe or not, serve him YAHWEH or not!!!!
He is and still is and will forever be the The Everlasting King.👐
Forgive me Allah I'm not fear death I'm fear my sin's😭
Allah will forgive you , sins can be forgotten and forgiven....
@@simonrankin9177not true according to the bible quran or where those two fake books come from the fake torah that comes from a pagan religion
@@odtuhan not true ...
@@simonrankin9177 read three books not just that fake one
@@odtuhan which one is fake to you
It’s true I believe it you a right my partner died he dream three days before he died three days before he died he had a dream that he died after three days he did die it was really sad scary for me
I Lost My Dad in 2021 but upto now My life changed because he was the only person who could understand My ways and situation another person would have been my mom but she died in 1997, please put me in your prayers always because am totally confused and my health is not good.
Amen thank you good Lord..🙏💜❤🙏
O Allah, forgive me and my family all our sin and guide us to the right path, and
May Allah protect me and my family make an easy death inshallah 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am new to the word of the Qaran and I am captivated and drawn to this channel as a catholic. Something is calling me to the Muslim religion.. I hope to one day visit a Mosque, I don’t know anyone in the religion to help guide and feel intimidated just showing up. Can anyone help with suggestions? Thank you 🙏🏾
Assalamalikum and welcome, best is to keep learning about it. Keep on reading the Quran; if something seems confusing to you, research it up and clear away all the confusion. Keep on expanding your knowledge right now, when the time comes, just find your local mosque and take a visit there. And tell them you want to learn more about the religion also, and then convert.
The afterlife and its corresponding hell and paradise are inventions of con artists to enslave helpless people's emotional brittleness and doubt because they were aware that if they speak about the god's capacity to address your everyday issues, the god's actuality comes to the fore. Even if we hold to the idea that God made this world and everything in it, then it would undoubtedly be perfect with the inclusion of hell and paradise, which are very much on display. In other words, you get back what you put out, and after you pass away, you either end up as ashes or the food for ants and maggots.
My dad died yesterday, Ya Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaous
استغفرالله الذي لا اله الا الله الحي القيوم واتوب اليه💜!
This word of GOD, is OF COURSE TRUTH!
Yeah right ur funny.
Yes, GOD, JESUS OF NAZZRETH, THE HOLY GHOST. The trinity. I love my Lord!!
@@savgal1211 God is not a trinity. God Almighty Allah is One, and He sent many prophets like Adam, Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed. Simple.
3...3 is a Trinity
Allhamdulli Jesus ❤❤❤
He is my strength,my savior for ever and ever, I will worship you Lord Jesus Christ 💝💝💝💯 Amen.
God love you Atlanta Georgia God is still alive I will pray for you all ways I love you baby ok you will be great 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥in prayer ok
I want to see my mom in my dreams the last time we slept together in the room that night may 9.2024 my mom wake me up to check blood pressure with hypertension we gave the best care my sister a nurse but death suddently she said very loudly The kalimah for 3 to 5 times my mom respond but suddently the loud voice become very calmly and we brought to nearest hosp.but dr pronounced death its hard to loss Parents my mom till now still fresh memories of her goodnees every time i remembered praying sadaqa could i do in shaa Allah
Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’
This is a Muslim page
Jesus was a human' prophet like other prophets. He's in heaven and descend the end of the time .
But he is not the destination. The destination is Almighty Allah, our Creator, and the Creator of Jesus, peace be upon him.
...and no one comes to The Father but through Me... Perhaps people do get a sigh or a feeling before the die. For example, advanced cancer patients feel and see their bodies deteriorating. It is by God's grace and mercy that in such is cases He is giving a human one last chance to repent and come to him. Glory to God, thank you Jesus! ✝️
All signs are happening with me ☺️
Heyy are you there???
May Allah have mercy on you. Dont let yourself be sad if you're muslim
@@briendoyle4680 haha look an atheist😂
@@GeoNoob Yep, as we are all born!!!
Dont think about tomorrow becouse you dont know what will happen to you..think today and do what you can do..
I always pray to Allah that please take me to you as fast as possible,
I had some ppl break into my apartment and drug me and put some stuff In my body called something shine and now they are Messing with my heart
SubhanAllah MashAllah AllahuAkbar Alhumdolillah ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Death is not 'reserved' for the old. The drugs, the drink, the accidents, the murders, the hunger, the poverty all play a very significant part oh wise one!
Ya Allah grant my beloved brother Jannat Ul Firdous.
I will pray for you brother amen ❤
वर्तमान में तत्वदर्शी संत श्री रामपाल जी महाराज का शब्द भक्ति मार्ग पूरे विश्व में फैल रहा है सारे जगत के लोग संत श्री का नाम दीक्षा लेकर सद्भक्ति माल अपना रहे हैं जो अनमोल तत्वज्ञान है अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखें संत श्री रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन सत साहेब
Saint Rampal ji true saint who give us spiritual knowledhe about veda shastra. He says god is one and he is kabir ji and proved in all spiritual book
Please make dua for me please got destroyed by a bad woman and got involved in car accident please pray for me
(O Allah!! Forgive him,Have mercy on him and grant him paradise)
Please 🙏🙏🙏 pray for my mother please please please 🙏🙏🙏
What's going on is she okay?