Will crew 2.0 still KILL World of Tanks?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @deadzeddicious3684
    @deadzeddicious3684 3 месяца назад +317

    I havent quit playing WoT because of crew skills, i quit WoT because it feels like no matter what i do, its either a 15-1 or 1-15 simulator and theres not much i can do to change that. I really miss having close games that felt epic.

    • @arif11011
      @arif11011 3 месяца назад +41

      I get you man, even in a 15-1 game where your team wins, it just doesnt feel like you had the opportunity to do anything much especially if you're lower tier

    • @Mut4ntG4m3r
      @Mut4ntG4m3r 3 месяца назад +6

      You make These Games yourself

    • @stancanadmapleleaf
      @stancanadmapleleaf 3 месяца назад

      come back then

    • @amzarnacht6710
      @amzarnacht6710 3 месяца назад +5

      @@arif11011 I know the feeling.
      Being a 'semi-quick' heavy like a Conqueror on my team with a 279Exploit platoon... They mowed through the enemy team so fast the rest of the team barely got any damage in. Even the IS7 and 277, who could outpace the Exploits, barely got damage in because where they went hull down the Exploits just rolled right through.

    • @garyengelman7867
      @garyengelman7867 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Mut4ntG4m3r you do, really?

  • @hbpesse
    @hbpesse 3 месяца назад +682

    I think WOT has bigger issues than crew skill changes.

    • @stivenstivensson4542
      @stivenstivensson4542 3 месяца назад +42

      True, such as 8 TD's per team. IT'S LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    • @MAD0G
      @MAD0G 3 месяца назад +6

      It seems that the real problem with the crew system is that they need to fix something that we don't know about, who knows, probably programming problems and that's why they insist on proposing changes that we know are something that is not so necessary for the players. Or maybe they are preparing a change that will allow the insertion of some type of monetization system within the crews in the future... who knows.

    • @Tommy_The_Gun
      @Tommy_The_Gun 3 месяца назад +18

      Yep. Balance is totally out of whack and games are pretty much "decided" (win/loss) by MM, even before the game starts. OP Premiums & Reward tanks & MM are the biggest issue. New Crew system however looks to me as another layer of "1 - 3% better" on top of bond equipment, field mods, directives and OP tanks. It is all about min-maxing and imho it is a bad move. They should simply put a limit of max 6 perks per crew member and add farming crew books after you get maxed crew. No need for new crew perks that will make broken tanks even more broken.

    • @whodagaming2182
      @whodagaming2182 3 месяца назад +11

      ​@@stivenstivensson4542if you limit each class of tanks the game will become boring. I don't mind having 5 tds each side one game and another game if there is none. What kills the mm is when they match heavy TDs against Light TD's..

    • @distantthunder12ck55
      @distantthunder12ck55 3 месяца назад +9

      I see Wargaming has scrapped the 1 crew for 3 tanks from the old 2.0. Really the one thing I was looking forward to. This new system is of no benefit to me really since all my fav tanks have literally 5,6, 7 skills and even a few 8 already. I will lose skills with this system.

  • @jb1639
    @jb1639 3 месяца назад +192

    What they've missed is that nobody has asked for a new crew system, what is asked for is better match-making and better balanced tanks.
    If this gets implented it just means a lot of time and effort has to be put into existing crews.

    • @Balc0ra
      @Balc0ra 3 месяца назад +4

      Yes and no. People did ask for parts of the old crew 2.0. But not the skill rework the way they did it etc. Just skills no one used. Tho this test covers a different aspect many have asked about. As in crew skills on a 2 man crew tank like the manticore, vs a 4 crewed tank like the Sherman. As the Manticore needs 12x the crew XP to be as covered as the Sherman are on 3 skills. Now, it could be done better. But at least t hey are playing with the idea.

    • @trogdortamer48
      @trogdortamer48 3 месяца назад +9

      I'm sorry, I've wanted a better crew system since the dawn of time. I think most veteran players are quite tired of the current system. We're also not considering the fact that this game desperately needs to be more welcoming to new players and is one of the worst games to hop into as a newbie in 2024. Do I want more balancing in the game? Absolutely! I do think that *finally* getting around to fixing the crap crew system in the game is also a big priority, however. I think it's fairly dumb to complain about new features like this being added in without balance changes because, well, WG could do those balance changes whether these features are being added in or not. It's not a hard thing to do, and it's not like WG need to somehow halt the development of other features to have time to balance the game. The real problem is that they simply don't care because they don't want another Type 59 incident if they touch the BZ or other kinds of tanks.

    • @HWChopper
      @HWChopper 3 месяца назад +3

      max cap of 6 perks will balance tanks as the crew perks make said tank better and the whales with 9 skill will no longer have an advantage 3 extra perks that make the tank better

    • @riffbw
      @riffbw 3 месяца назад

      Or just a removal of all crew skills except 6th sense as a built in feature. All skills do is speed up gameplay and shrink the map size with view range boosts. Everything is about making your tank slightly better, but those incremental steps are massive when added together. Off Road Driving + Smooth Ride + Turbo makes all tanks faster. BIA + Commander + Gun Rammer greatly reduces reload. 5x repairs means you don't stay tracked as long and can pull back (PS Perma-tracking is problematic, but it's also nice to get a tank tracked and have them sit for teammates to aim and fire before repairs gets them up).
      Crew skills are a net negative for the game. If everyone has 6th Sense and maxed out View Range the map balance breaks. Maps were largely designed on a 450m maximum view range which can be boosted to over 600m. Maps are still 1000m square at the largest. That's a massive boost in view range without an offsetting boost in map size

    • @gonozal8_962
      @gonozal8_962 3 месяца назад

      @@riffbw camo offers different playstyle at the cost of a perk point with the new system, repairs yeah i get it, but like the new system allows to choose diffently. turbo has a point, but I prefer low noise exhaust on medium tanks, for example, because I'm slower, but can shoot more often because I'm not shot at that much

  • @rockervolt9177
    @rockervolt9177 3 месяца назад +109

    I'm an old player, since 2011, I have a busy life, I still play games but I don't have time to learn all of this stuff and massive changes I will have to address. I think that there were well more obvious and some more simple changes to make in priority to bring back fun in this game. M. Making, some well known tanks that are far too op, excessive use of gold ammo, speed of games which does not allow for strategic gameplay, ...

    • @garvielloken4114
      @garvielloken4114 3 месяца назад +6

      im surprised you are still around. I deleted my 2012 account more than 2 years ago because of too much anger in game. When i think about how hard i worked to get a 6 perk crew back in 2013 im just happy that i got out from this ++++show.

    • @thorsmith59
      @thorsmith59 3 месяца назад +3

      Spot on! I've played since just after the game was released and every time they do stupid shit like this it just justifies why I quit playing the game. If I want to learn all new mechanics then I'll play a new game!

    • @MotherScreng
      @MotherScreng 3 месяца назад +3

      @@garvielloken4114 I am an old player as well, was surprised to find there was a limit of 1000 blocked users...

    • @kivats5015
      @kivats5015 3 месяца назад

      @@MotherScreng 🙂

    • @kivats5015
      @kivats5015 3 месяца назад

      Makes me a young player. Did not create my account until Feb 2012....!

  • @republicoftexas3261
    @republicoftexas3261 3 месяца назад +168

    I wish they spend as much time, energy, and resources fixing tank balance issues and developing new maps as they spent trying to cram a new crew system in that nobody asked for.

    • @jagdpanzere.onehundred911
      @jagdpanzere.onehundred911 3 месяца назад +4

      At least they aren’t trying to stuff the old crew 2.0 down our throats again. I’ll accept it as long as they don’t keep changing it

    • @steweygrrr
      @steweygrrr 3 месяца назад +1

      No one asked for smart phones and a lot of people were like "what's the point? A phone is for making calls and sending texts!" Then we got our hands on them and the rest is history. Will it be good? Who knows but why criticise it before even seeing its impact?

    • @Salki1012
      @Salki1012 3 месяца назад +3

      No balancing in the would would make you a better player. You probably blame your team for all of your troubles and lack of skill. Have you learned to play yet or will that never happen because everything isn't working to your liking?

    • @madogthefirst
      @madogthefirst 3 месяца назад +2

      90% of players don't know how to play the maps we currently got, think changing a few colors around is going to improve that?

    • @jamesknight3070
      @jamesknight3070 3 месяца назад +3

      New maps/ bringing back discontinued maps would help to break the monotomy, and possibly make the outcomes less predictable when one looks at the team compositions (Maus will go to X, Even 90 will be in Y Bush, etc. etc.).

  • @Misimpa
    @Misimpa 3 месяца назад +18

    0-15 and 15-0 in 95% of battles. Let's change the crew ... God!

    • @nepcior9208
      @nepcior9208 3 месяца назад +1

      95%? What game are you playing? Nothing like bullshit masquerading as an argument...

  • @cardinalmite9183
    @cardinalmite9183 3 месяца назад +261

    Yep good thing they are showing the community, we will be able to discuss it in the forums.....

    • @valharris9346
      @valharris9346 3 месяца назад +3


    • @AetherYes
      @AetherYes 3 месяца назад +10

      Didn't they removed the forums ?

    • @tryonethebootytickler69
      @tryonethebootytickler69 3 месяца назад +54

      @@AetherYes yes they did i think he was behing sarcastic lol

    • @AetherYes
      @AetherYes 3 месяца назад +4

      Ah okay I didn't get the joke till now thanks 👍

    • @distantthunder12ck55
      @distantthunder12ck55 3 месяца назад +10

      Probably why they did away with the forum. The firestorm against Crew 2.0 on the forums was intense. Now, silence... Smart move, Wargaming.

  • @Panic_Wot
    @Panic_Wot 3 месяца назад +141

    I personally like most of the changes. There are some really cool skills that will work for some tanks and not for others. Limiting them to 6 forces us to change things up, and I like that! I feel like this system will create some diversity and really fun builds.

    • @Tohtal1
      @Tohtal1 3 месяца назад +2

      i feel the same, but as i know WG they might screw this good starting point up as usuall... :( (balancing is needed certainly)

    • @amzarnacht6710
      @amzarnacht6710 3 месяца назад +4

      'Most', yes, but not all.
      I dislike that BiA and Camo are still 'entire crew' skills... which will *severely* limit the diversity options for large crew vehicles that rely on stealth because they'll have two or three mandatory skills (BiA, Camo, Repairs).

    • @Tohtal1
      @Tohtal1 3 месяца назад +1

      @@amzarnacht6710 tbh I really like the crew system war thunder has. I haven't played it a lot, only up to t3, but there you don't have crew members. You have a crew for a tank, no matter how many the tank would need, you simply have a crew and you can skill the crew with xp as you wish. A bit like captain's in WoWS...
      In the end it's just an early test, so maybe they can fix some of the issues... I, as mentioned, fear WG fails in what they claim to do as usual... 😒

    • @garvielloken4114
      @garvielloken4114 3 месяца назад

      You are so lost. I bet you would also happily switch from heroin to Fentanyl when your dealer tells you that it is cheaper and stronger.

    • @Misimpa
      @Misimpa 3 месяца назад

      How you like spend 20 min to understand what perks you need and loose or win battle in 2.5 min? Exciting!??!

  • @Ho55Delux
    @Ho55Delux 3 месяца назад +106

    This is like WG is starting to paint the Titanic as she goes down... Makes no sense?!?

    • @HeinzGuderian_
      @HeinzGuderian_ 3 месяца назад +2

      Paint prevents rust.

    • @danmolina2724
      @danmolina2724 3 месяца назад +1

      and apparently the ship has been sinking for over a decade at this point so im pretty sure the "little chickens" will keep saying this for another decade 8P

    • @RestrictedHades
      @RestrictedHades 3 месяца назад +2

      @@HeinzGuderian_ they're painting over the rust

    • @MrPete0282
      @MrPete0282 26 дней назад

      It is sinking slowly but steadily (gameplay wise), it seems like a direction that has been chosen long ago... doesn't mean it doesn't make money for them. They're just try hard mode now , were they earn about the same with much less players playing the game. That means to a potential buyer that the game can earn as much as before and doesn't lose value and also keeps the current owners happy. But u have to squeeze in there every means of credit sink and p2w without pissing the playerbase too much, and that is step by step.
      About a decade ago they were writing in the forum that the natural progression of every mmo is making the game appealing to small kids... if you thought that was just a casual player... forum had various attorneys/influencers/moderators/stuff that always defended the dev and his choices and that was a little insight of what was to come.... recently they were mocking presupposed "boomers that only play ww2 tanks and ruin the game for them" (lol what?), it's all about previous mmo studies n how to maximize profits, nothing more.
      Lately i had a cromwell running around our cap circle (literally following the white line) as a low hp enemy tried to attack but backed off , easy kill as cromwell was a full hp tourist, another t34-85 (again full hp) also had little to no reaction, just sat there waiting for the attacker to peak for him, maybe a bot!

  • @nicholass9841
    @nicholass9841 3 месяца назад +7

    10% Extra Shell Velocity is IMMENSE. Especially for tanks with already high shell velocities.
    I bring you the French Tanks with their 100mm cannon. Standard rounds are 1000 m/s. +10% means they will now be 1100 m/s, on par with the High Tier Swedish TDs.
    Some Premium APCR can fire at 1,450 m/s, with that skill, that is now 1,595 m/s shell velocity. Literally point and click. What even is leading.

    • @walterryan9741
      @walterryan9741 2 месяца назад +1

      My Charioteer, WT auf Pz and Char are smiling.

    • @DeadPro98
      @DeadPro98 Месяц назад

      Imagine a Polish TD with this thing. 2.2km/s is just stupid

    • @basian7365
      @basian7365 9 дней назад

      imagine the strv 103 B XD
      no armor in the game will be strong enough to withstand that with a 10% velocity increase XD

  • @St.Petrock
    @St.Petrock 3 месяца назад +8

    Someone at WG really has an obsession with changing crew skills. They would be better served listening to the community and fixing the things that actually need fixing.

    • @gregh8720
      @gregh8720 3 месяца назад

      its so they can sell new crews not just tanks.... New 6 skill crew is way easier than the effort they have to put into designing a tank...

  • @dombovar77
    @dombovar77 3 месяца назад +87

    No, the crew skills are the least problematic part of this game (apart from a handful of tanks)

    • @Electromagneticplutonium
      @Electromagneticplutonium 3 месяца назад

      if anything the players with 100k+ games will have 10 skill crews with every single advantage you can think of over newer players with 5 skill maximum, even veterans with 8+ years will have shotty crew now and WG has the nerves to say “bridge the skill gaps”. They need to stop trying to turn this game into something new every year and stressing out the whole player base one way or another. But if it continues I see WoT completely dead in less than 3 years why would new players join the pain train?

  • @BlaBlaBlaPA
    @BlaBlaBlaPA 3 месяца назад +59

    biggest wg enemy are themselfs

    @MAIKEIMADO 3 месяца назад +79

    Maybe it's better... but is it necesary? I dont think so...

    • @AggrarFarmer
      @AggrarFarmer 3 месяца назад +5

      for fairness yes !

    • @maumor2
      @maumor2 3 месяца назад +5

      I wouldn't place revamping crew system in the "Top 5 things we need to change"

    • @ottrakkaselg8033
      @ottrakkaselg8033 3 месяца назад +4

      it is better that the previous 2.0, but is it better, than the current one. i don't think so. apart from the "manticore" issue. it just something they really want to do.

  • @hebrewhammer4086
    @hebrewhammer4086 3 месяца назад +27

    I just dont understand why they are so stubborn to push a crew change on the game when there are PLENTY of things that need to be fixed before crew does. The crew system isn't even a problem in this game BTH.

    • @garvielloken4114
      @garvielloken4114 3 месяца назад +3

      I started playing in 2012, quit in 2022 and i stll have no answer to this repeating question. I think they dont play their own game. I also believe they introduce changes only to milk players. All of this started in 2015 but comparing the level of greed to now back then wot was still innocent. Man, when i started playing Löwe and T34 were the only available Tier 8 Premium Tanks and you could buy them with regular gold in your garage. I paid 250 gold for the LeFh arty. This change will force players to use money if they wanna stay competetive. That is why they do it. They are probably aware of the unhappiness of their players ingame experiences but they are also aware that people still play it. Its a Dealer-Junkie relationship.

    • @hebrewhammer4086
      @hebrewhammer4086 3 месяца назад

      @@garvielloken4114 it's a well known fact they don't play there own game. And there employees that do (tragic loss, CMDR AF and cabmech when he still worked with them) are pretty bad at the game. Well cabmech wasn't trash, just wasn't really good lol.

  • @freethinker9542
    @freethinker9542 3 месяца назад +5

    For WOT and WOTB, if you get a Unicum or a pair of platooned Unicum's on one team, the other team is toast. The lack of skill based MM means that Lebron James (and his platoon buddy) pros play against the college and beginner basketball teams. If someone is above 65% WR, put another above 65% win rate player on the other team.

  • @sdjoensson
    @sdjoensson 3 месяца назад +5

    I didn't quit WoT because of crewskills, I quit because I suck at the game, and 10.000 games didn't really improve my skill, my Win % rating is about 49%, barely above bot rating, and I find it frustrating to be matched up against players far better than me and feel like i'm getting farmed, no matter if i'm playing tier 5-7-8-9-10
    I have to grinded to no end because i get like 1000xp a game, and barely make a profit to be able to afford new equipment and tanks.

    • @pimjansen1772
      @pimjansen1772 15 дней назад

      "[...] no matter if i'm playing tier 5-7-8-9-10"
      If you only had tried tier 6
      Maybe it would be your favorite game now 😇

  • @johnleighton8605
    @johnleighton8605 3 месяца назад +25

    Deadeye works for all shell types now, HE shells from Arty can now use Deadeye.....

    • @jagdpanzere.onehundred911
      @jagdpanzere.onehundred911 3 месяца назад +4

      And derp tanks too, I’m excited

    • @Mut4ntG4m3r
      @Mut4ntG4m3r 3 месяца назад +2

      Oh, finally. On the Other Hand there is now a perk reducing all He damage

    • @GERAT023
      @GERAT023 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Mut4ntG4m3r Cobra: u sure tho?

    • @QuickyBabyTV
      @QuickyBabyTV  3 месяца назад +10

      Only if they penetrate or use AP or dmg HE rounds, afaik stun shells can only dmg tracks.

    • @meglablandata
      @meglablandata 3 месяца назад +1

      @@QuickyBabyTV All external modules in fact: Tracks, Gun, Observation device.

  • @JKSSubstandard
    @JKSSubstandard 3 месяца назад +28

    Nothing I see here fixes the core issues driving players away and preventing new players from joining. So, it's all a waste of time. Until they fix the big issues, then anything else is just a waste of time, energy and resources.

    • @maumor2
      @maumor2 3 месяца назад +1

      There is already way too many rerolls and this will make it even easier for them so imagine the "fun times" a new player is going to have at lower tiers

    • @Ca11mero
      @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад

      Yeah the seal clubbing is probably the biggest one and the hardest one to fix. Not sure how they could fix it though.
      It will however be a bit easier to understand for new people, since they never saw what the old system looked like.

    • @ivansipek8046
      @ivansipek8046 3 месяца назад

      WG is so clueless. If the house is on fire WG would bring more wood instead of water. They really don't have a clue why their players are unhappy and leaving

  • @esbam2002
    @esbam2002 3 месяца назад +68

    In the list of reasons I have neglected this game, crews skills are not even on this list. Aggressive, OVERLY aggressive monetization, failure to properly balance tanks in the super testing phase creating a P2W situation (or potentially bait and switch), improper balance of games causing blow out after blow out with the EXTREMELY rare close game, the game now built around the need to use gold rounds unless you want to gimp yourself, sardine cans for maps to play on all are why. Plus the bonus of being American, and having an NA account, but long periods at a time in Asia and no ability to pick which region to play in as War Thunder, or any other modern game, allows you to do to optimize your experience. Again, for greed and expecting players to double pay for things.

    • @arif11011
      @arif11011 3 месяца назад

      Wait what are the bonuses of having an NA account?

    • @meandean3754
      @meandean3754 3 месяца назад +5

      It would be nice if WG would put a cap on the number of gold rounds you can take into battle, say 35% of your ammo is allowed to be gold and the rest standard rounds. But it would eat into their profits from all the gold spammers that have to pay to win.

    • @AB-cd5gd
      @AB-cd5gd 3 месяца назад +3

      The fact we cant play another server so if you move in another continent you are fucked is INSANE, also hate the fact without premium account you lose money every game even if you're top 3, this game is GARBAGE

    • @mateoadames6703
      @mateoadames6703 3 месяца назад +1


    • @brianfarrell8944
      @brianfarrell8944 3 месяца назад +1

      This, 90% anyway.
      I still don't understand how WG decided that the crew system is where so many resources need to go. It's so far down on the list of issues, at least for pretty much every player I have contact with.

  • @tickerag26
    @tickerag26 3 месяца назад +57

    For a new player, it has become crazy complicated, a massive amount to learn before you even know what you are doing, doesn't help impatient potential new players and has gone away I feel, from it's arcade roots. Even I struggle to keep up with all the changes in the past years. Maps changed to disable good line of sight spots and I feel this is really becomng a game for just Heavy and medium tanks. Not sure now what WG can do to make things simpler for new players. Few of my friends have tried it recently and were put off straight away.

    • @fili0938
      @fili0938 3 месяца назад

      This update would be a massive buff to light tanks.

    • @sorinancuta3934
      @sorinancuta3934 3 месяца назад +2

      Ppl don.t like complicated games and this is one of them;)cs is much easier.

    • @arif11011
      @arif11011 3 месяца назад +2

      So youre saying the game should reward ppl who have only put in 10 hours instead of those who have spent close to 300+ hours on the game?

    • @GerardMenvussa
      @GerardMenvussa 3 месяца назад +2

      I feel like this new crew system has a lot of opportunity for bad choices, it's so complex and you cannot test new builds without paying for rerolls (once the free trainings run out). Both new and returning players are going to make choices they will regret later. Maybe that's the entire plan? Putting people in a position where they will want gold to retrain their crews again.

    • @LintSplinter
      @LintSplinter 3 месяца назад +2

      ⁠@@arif11011no, he’s saying that if you want a video game to have consistent population you need a steady stream of new players. Catering only to the 1000+ hour players will eventually kill your game when they get bored.
      Your argument gets super incoherent once you put in like 6 seconds of thought and realize that it can be both, and doesn’t have to be either or

  • @vinpalmese7407
    @vinpalmese7407 3 месяца назад +25

    If you really want us to LOVE the game fix the MM and 15-2 games. (you know what I mean by that)

    • @yvan9616
      @yvan9616 3 месяца назад +2

      yep, those one sided games are becoming an issue.. The game doesn't go past the 5 min mark without seeing half your team demolished..

    • @madogthefirst
      @madogthefirst 3 месяца назад

      I get you, just replace you with a bot. As a matter of fact replace everyone with a bot now WG can fully control the matches and make them last longer.

  • @karolkilian2402
    @karolkilian2402 3 месяца назад +198

    WoT is dying either way. The problem is monetization, so It does not really matter.

    • @allthatjas4753
      @allthatjas4753 3 месяца назад +16

      Yeah they're really in the milking phase of game death

    • @krisztianpapp6604
      @krisztianpapp6604 3 месяца назад +20

      this is the place for guys who saw kajzoo's recent vid I see

    • @MosinMan12
      @MosinMan12 3 месяца назад +7

      @@allthatjas4753I mean while I guess you could say that I doubt WOT will ever shut down. There just isint enough competitors or any risk for them being up as long as they want. There is Zero games like WOT. It’s the same reason why War thunder zero risk all profit. They’re just milking WOT cause they feel like it, doubt they’ll close soon if ever

    • @danam0228
      @danam0228 3 месяца назад +9

      I have been hearing very similar thing being said for 5 years. Yes, the way the game is monetized is kind of crappy for players and WG, but WG continues to make money, so as players we should individually simply make choice of spending or not spending money on what they have to offer. Same as anything else.

    • @RazvanStefan
      @RazvanStefan 3 месяца назад +4

      I don't really see it coming anytime soon, this rework is a long term hauling for crew system and bring some freshness. Did you played on console? Doesn't look like "dead" anytime soon :) good luck with your attitude, I hope your RL goes better than gaming activity.

  • @KingRat71
    @KingRat71 3 месяца назад +37

    1. The “crew books” after maxxing out a crew is just a tanks version of the elite XP in warships.
    2. They need a single button option to reset ALL your crews at once and not have to do them one crew at a time. (Long time players have 100+ crews so make it easier for us)(plus they did this in warships when they redid commanders…. They had a one stop button to reset all your captians so you didnt have to do them one by one when you have 400+ ships like i do)
    3. What would really be nice is to completely reset all special commanders so we can choose new nations and new tanks for them too.
    4. This still doesnt solve the problem of EBRs being able to repair their wheels while moving and landing like cats on their wheels instead of rolling and killing them selves like the tanks do.
    This is better than the original screw 2.0 but doesnt do anything to stop the lootbox madness and “over” monitization.

    • @snickeringcat
      @snickeringcat 3 месяца назад +1

      It's a shittier version of Warships' commander xp system. You always got tons of Commander xp every single game. Tanks gives you a fucking sliver of xp once you start getting past 4 skills. It takes months and months to get a decent crew in tanks, unlike warships where it takes me maybe a few weeks to max out a captain, and once that captain is maxed out, the xp is literally just given to you as straight commander xp, not crew books. Plus, warships gives significantly more combat xp as crew/commander xp as well.

    • @Covenant-R
      @Covenant-R 3 месяца назад

      @@snickeringcat You realize theres basically no difference between crew books and elite xp, its just a different way to store and use the xp. But its a lot better then now when you literally get nothing from a fully trained crew. And the "sliver" as you call it is because of the non-linear scaling, which is the reason you can train the first half of a skill super easy and it gets worse the more a skill is trained.

    • @Covenant-R
      @Covenant-R 3 месяца назад +2

      1. which is nice, considering now you get nothing for a fully trained crew, also not many have all like 7+ to 9 skills on a lot of crew.
      2. 2:30 in the official video. "Reset Perks for Everyone" ? And yeah, I still have a few commanders in wows that are still not specced from the first crew rework when they went from a 5 tier skill tree wioth 5p skills to a 4 tier tree. But with 600+ ships... it goes to say you don't play all of them equally.

    • @cbjewelz
      @cbjewelz 3 месяца назад +4

      Apparently there is a button to do mass reset/assignments. Employee said it in the Reddit thread.

    • @ghettostreamlabs5724
      @ghettostreamlabs5724 3 месяца назад +1

      Although its a different crew/commander system, WoT Console allows you to move crews to different nations for a relatively small charge (I think its like 90 gold or 35K silver). Would not be surprised to see that added here since its an easy revenue stream for WG.

  • @willdrunkenstein5367
    @willdrunkenstein5367 3 месяца назад +4

    19:47 that's not how Gaussian distribution works. The perk effectively eliminates the tail on the negative side, where the probability of occurrence is already close to 0. The expected value is increased by much less than 1%

    • @Naznurable
      @Naznurable 3 месяца назад

      If added in correctly, my guess is WG just tweak the RNG spread to +25/-23% and then QB is rght with his guess. Also you can tune it even more with the other skill to +20/-18%

    • @willdrunkenstein5367
      @willdrunkenstein5367 3 месяца назад

      @@Naznurable +25/-23%, but your alpha damage, or average, stays the same. Basically a Gaussian distribution with 25% snapped off, but tweaked so that your average doesn't change

  • @vinpalmese7407
    @vinpalmese7407 3 месяца назад +15

    Now I have to spend countless hours re-doing all 400+ crews. Only 30 days to figure out which new skill will work best in all 500+ tanks. Why WG? I don't mind small changes, but these BIG IN YOUR FACE changes are just too much to push at one time.

    • @syNM94
      @syNM94 3 месяца назад +8

      you have a free reset on all crews one time. You don't have to do it in 1 month.
      You have free reset for 1 month AND 1 free reset for all crews one time

  • @mojo6385
    @mojo6385 3 месяца назад +3

    I've got about 100k games. I'm thinking that between the current crew conversion (which will give me several hundred large crew books) and this change (which will let me reallocate my crew skills for free one time), I will be able to have the majority of my 500+ tanks crewed with a 2 or 3 skill crew. I don't think new players will like that every new line they go down, they will have lots of players like me with skills allocated throughout all my tiers. I guess they can take consolation in the fact that I'm not a great player, but most 100k game player are probably pretty good.

    • @posadist681
      @posadist681 3 месяца назад

      whats ur favorite tanks? ☺

    @BATTLESTAR42 3 месяца назад +5

    20:38 I disagree with QB on side by side. While it may seem like its not a big buff since its only 2.5% it doesn't specifically say that it doesn't stack bonuses. So for instance on Fjords or Mines, a map where your heavies will typically all sit together and push an objective.
    Let's say like 5 or 6 heavies all have the skill trained, AND it stacks (depending if it is additive or multiplicative stacking) this could potentially increase their overall crew bonus by 12% or more. This stacking with the commander Emergency skill then adds another 7.5%

    • @amzarnacht6710
      @amzarnacht6710 3 месяца назад +1

      Side by Side plus Close Combat are going to be OP as sin on heavies that brawl in packs (as on maps you named) up close and personal. It won't stack, rest assured. But still, those two skills plus BiA in a scrum of multiple vehicles is going to be crazy.

    • @madogthefirst
      @madogthefirst 3 месяца назад +2

      I highly doubt it will stack, then again this is WG.

    • @JWQweqOPDH
      @JWQweqOPDH 3 месяца назад

      Does this mean artillery will almost always group up?

    • @amzarnacht6710
      @amzarnacht6710 3 месяца назад

      @@JWQweqOPDH Many do, especially on maps with like one square that they can fire from.

  • @doustypants
    @doustypants 3 месяца назад +7

    As a veteran of the game I don’t mind getting balanced so new players have a better experience. I would like to see a higher selection of crew skills and section them into a handful of categories such as damage damage, durability, scouting, mobility, and more and allow the player to select 1-2 of each. So more selection while limiting compounding effects such as stacking all damage. This could allow players to cater to their style and customize their tanks without their being a single best load out that streamers and Google tell you to choose.

  • @RkeK0ke_
    @RkeK0ke_ 3 месяца назад +44

    This ain't bringing back old players or new ones into the game, it will only make current ones leave. They did most of changes that were actually good : free 6th sense ,only 100% crews and retrain to other qualification and tank easier. Only thing missing is one crew for multiple tanks, they dont need to change one of most crucial aspects of the game for no reason

    • @deirasjankauskas3381
      @deirasjankauskas3381 3 месяца назад +2

      Well they are trying to be a bit realistic with people not appearing nor disappearing from/into reality

    • @markomaster8250
      @markomaster8250 3 месяца назад +1


    • @holeefuk8535
      @holeefuk8535 3 месяца назад +1

      have played wot since 2011 but i have quit for some years ago. they have ruined the game with OP premium tanks, tanks with no weakspots and lootboxes. bye bye greedgaming

    • @Ca11mero
      @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад

      @@holeefuk8535 Why are you saying bye bye if you quit years ago? Makes no sense

    • @atalan09
      @atalan09 3 месяца назад

      I dont think it would be a good idea to have one crew for multiple tanks. In fact, this was one thing I clearly disliked in the past iterations - it just feels odd, has many disadvantages in handling and specialization (you may want different perks per tank) etc. And, removes the challenge to level up crews.

  • @Tommy_The_Gun
    @Tommy_The_Gun 3 месяца назад +21

    Messing up with Crew Skills would be fine, if game balance was fine... which is not the case in World of Tanks. It is all about min-maxing. New Crew Skills are basically another stack of "1 - 3% better". This goes on top of bond equipment, directives, Filed mods and OP Premium & Reward tanks. This means that it will scale with how much "power" each tank has. Weaker tanks won't see huge improvements, while OP tanks will see huge improvements. For instance, some crew perks would be fine on IS-6, but would make BZ-176 even more broken & powerfull. I really think that WG (before adding another layer of powercreap) should throw away the rule that they don't nerf premium tanks. Game would be way healthier if they did (and that comes from some one who has a lot of those OP premiums).

  • @HolySwordofLight
    @HolySwordofLight 3 месяца назад +12

    Instead of putting in skills that modify ammunition speed, and low or high roll limits, just fix the stats as a whole, and blanket balance the max and min limits of all ammunition types. No need to waste a skill slot for +70 damage

  • @deadarashi6462
    @deadarashi6462 3 месяца назад +7

    It just feels tone deaf. There's so many more pressing issues that need to be addressed first.
    For example, changes to shell pen/damage rng shouldnt be a perk, it should just be straight changed to a +-15%
    Perk to increase shell velocity by 10% only benefits thanks with very good velocity, they should look to buff the slower velocity guns instead of it being a perk.
    I don't think this will kill the game like Crew 2.0 would have, but it's really not what people wanted right now

  • @UberCheese256
    @UberCheese256 3 месяца назад +2

    2 thoughts actually:
    1) Are these % bonuses fixed (2.5% or 7.5%) or will they increase with other crew boosting thing like food, vents and BIA like happens with skill currently? In which case 7.5% bonus when you take damage is just a base number, and the real number could be boosted to around 10%? Also would 10% shell velocity be fixed or go up to say, 13.74% with crew boosting things?
    2) Does the emergency skill mean when an arty splashes near you for barely any damage you get a big 15s crew buff? If I'm reading that right and your medkit is off cooldown you instantly remove the stun and the arty basically just buffed you for 15s. You can reduce the medkit cooldown as well with practicality. Are we going into a weird timeline where you actually... want arty to hit you? Because every arty hit or splash gives you a crew buff?

  • @dankingjr.2088
    @dankingjr.2088 3 месяца назад +6

    I am so sick of watching them moving the goal posts for success, and so sick of them milking money out of players. Sold my account several years ago, and I'm glad I did.

  • @jurajjuraj4534
    @jurajjuraj4534 3 месяца назад +1

    My tip. If its will be real, switch crew skill to mentor for that 1 month and grind your crew. Just dont forgot change it back in time.

  • @akk-nd3vj
    @akk-nd3vj 3 месяца назад +6

    only got few 7-8 skill crews but few training books arent much of "reward" when lose those skills considering its taken years to get them

    • @wiltedthoughtgaming8854
      @wiltedthoughtgaming8854 3 месяца назад +2

      Feels bad man. I left console over this several years back. Made it past resetting my favorite crews played for a week and couldn't do it.

  • @Roll_the_Bones
    @Roll_the_Bones 3 месяца назад +2

    So glad you've had some input to help the balance. Left to their own devices, WG seem to end up crossing the i's and dotting the t's...

  • @touficjammoul4482
    @touficjammoul4482 3 месяца назад +8

    WG should bring back the old Clan resources system before thinking about how to updgrade the crew. they can't keep giving us the ear from the sheep. they harmed 90% of their player base by the clan resources changes!

  • @hatsjie2
    @hatsjie2 3 месяца назад +1

    First of all, thank you QB for speaking up to WG and being the voice of the community. I feel that without that voice it would have been pushed through. And it's great that WG did listen!
    I'm so happy with this iteration of "Crew 2.0"! It is great the the playing field will be leveled, and that we get enough time to test the new skills.
    Just to confirm, will the crew of a Manticore be trained just as quickly as the crew of a Maus for example?
    The only concern I might have is the impact of specific skills in the (speed of the) game. I won't be able to participate in the "special test server", but in this quick run-down I haven't seen anything particularly game-breaking.
    All in all, I think this system will (significantly) improve the game over the current system.

    • @QuickyBabyTV
      @QuickyBabyTV  3 месяца назад

      Crews will multiple roles will train just as fast, their multi roles are treated as a bonus.

  • @nacho71ar
    @nacho71ar 3 месяца назад +21

    I worry when someone pushes anything so aggressively. A change the Community has been very vocal in opposing already. Still failing to understand the upside for WG... Crew 2.0 might be an improvement, who are they catering it towards to? I certainly don't care for it... current system is fine, easily understood and managed. What am I missing? I think I'm not alone in asking for more relevant things... maps, bigger and better... modern tanks, modern weapons... make the fame fun not change what we've already mastered.... btw changing core stuff like crews will create imbalances guaranteed. just wait... this can't be fun for WG, having to balance, adjust, rebalance... to what end? what is to be gained? A poor choice of development time in my eyes...

    • @skorpion7132
      @skorpion7132 3 месяца назад

      I think I'm not alone in asking for more relevant things... maps, bigger and more intersting ones. NO new/or modern tanks for a while... First balance the shitshow there is now., modern weapons... No.
      You're not alone in wanting other things, but I can safely say I did like the concept of the crew overhaul and I DEFINATELY want to see more nonsense tanks for a while. Not that I'm currently playing the game regardless... The game and its BS have already won....

    • @falsebanneduser9428
      @falsebanneduser9428 3 месяца назад

      It seems they are just "spending" time to make it look as if they are doing anything WG always comes up with superfluous updates; "reworking" achievements for the 2nd time which no one asked for, adding 5 ammo to the bt5 37mm cannon, removing 0,5% moving camo from bz75, they are just passing time it seems

    • @riffbw
      @riffbw 3 месяца назад +2

      WG are catering to their wallet. And right now, their wallet is demanding more players return to the game. Anything to limit the extreme upper end of players that grind like no tomorrow to unlock everything are getting a big nerf (loss of 9-18 crew skills per tank) and averaging out the remaining multi-role skills makes the crew disparity from 1 skill and maxed out much smaller.
      They are catering to whatever will bring players back to their game to avoid shutting down NA and potentially losing more in EU.
      The fix for WoT is to either remove skills and equipment altogether and go back to the basics that made the game fun and accessible to the largest audience (the 45yo+ crowd was a staple back in the early days) or it's the actually take time to develop maps that allow for multiple styles of gameplay and are balanced for the current lineup of tanks.
      I hear a lot of "bigger maps" calls, but anything larger than 1200x1200 is going to skew the meta hard towards mobile tanks that can relocate and scout. There's already a problem with fast lights so encouraging more LT gameplay is bad for the game too.
      PS. Fixing wheeled vehicle physics and wheel damage would do wonders for the game too.

    • @bryantsmith1624
      @bryantsmith1624 3 месяца назад

      No one is coming back because of a crew rework, as that wasn't why they left.

    • @marcelkuti7996
      @marcelkuti7996 3 месяца назад

      No one wants tier 11 and 12. We need gold ammo nerf, fairer matchmaking, and nerf of OP premium tanks. No BZ. No lefh.

  • @SnakeEyes2000
    @SnakeEyes2000 Месяц назад +1

    This is a real step up from the previous system, although the skills need to be tweaked and balanced. Definately brought me back to the game

  • @Szlejer
    @Szlejer 3 месяца назад +18

    The overcomplicated change that no one wanted and it's nothing but a hassle for players with hundreds of tanks...

    • @Mut4ntG4m3r
      @Mut4ntG4m3r 3 месяца назад +1

      You think about it once each Tank, 12 clicks, finished...

    • @Ca11mero
      @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад +1

      I don't see the complicated part of it. Vast majority of tanks of the same class uses the same skills.
      I'm not sure how they could even make it more simple than this and still keep it interesting. I know some people wish it would be like CS with tanks, but that's a not a game for me and many others.

    • @elijiah6503
      @elijiah6503 3 месяца назад

      nothing about crew 2.0 seems complicated at all tbh. might be a skill issue on your part

  • @jrekkas
    @jrekkas 3 месяца назад +3

    I think, QB's comment about the new crew skill Ammo Tuning is wrong: It is not going to give you 1% more DPM overall. It is going to dive you 2% more damage ONLY when you roll the minimum potential damage! And how often a shot is dealing the absolute minimum damage? This is not going to be an important skill I think.

    • @Roemue28
      @Roemue28 3 месяца назад

      No, he is right. if you move the lower end of the random generator by 2, you will move up, the peak of the Gauss Curve (the center of the function) by 1, which will result in even this: 1% higer DPM
      So you move the whole RNG-Function, not only: oh you roled -25% - let`s adjust to -23%
      you now have the same Distribution between -23% and +25% which moves the mean to +1%

    • @jrekkas
      @jrekkas 3 месяца назад +2

      @@Roemue28 I think this perk works in a different way: the RNG remains the same, so no moving Gauss Curves and 1% higher DPM, and ONLY when you roll the minimum potential damage then this skill takes effect and gives you +2% ONLY for that specific roll

  • @Tilly042Tilford-zo7zt
    @Tilly042Tilford-zo7zt 3 месяца назад +20

    Shocker. WG completely ignore the player base and introduce completely random shit we haven't asked for. Been out of the game a couple of months now and doubt I'll play it again.

  • @gebhard128
    @gebhard128 3 месяца назад +1

    I think the key issues remain the same then 1 year ago just a bit softened. Heavy armored vehicles save 1 skill for each member due to no need of concealment and crewmembers with subrolls will be lacking important perks for these subrolls. Heavy tanks and Heavy armored TDs have usually 5-6 crewmembers and benefit the most from the new perks since they dont rely on the spotting perks. Mediums are the big looser since they often have no radiooperator and will miss out on many of the new perks since they need bia, concealment and repairs and need to restrict there perk decision to either spotting or brawling

  • @scxrb4807
    @scxrb4807 3 месяца назад +46

    how can a company be so incompetent to not address any of the important problems

    • @Eren03eren
      @Eren03eren 3 месяца назад +7


    • @diatonicdelirium1743
      @diatonicdelirium1743 3 месяца назад +5

      They have exactly one problem that must be worked on: the bottom line.

    • @Kingofwhiteley1
      @Kingofwhiteley1 3 месяца назад

      It's called arrogance and thinking they've got a captured market

    • @cbjewelz
      @cbjewelz 3 месяца назад

      @@Eren03erenthis but they have it backward. Fix the balance and gameplay experience and you’ll get more overall players who will buy loot boxes and tanks

    • @zomgl2pnoobffs
      @zomgl2pnoobffs 3 месяца назад +1

      They aren't "problems". They milk players for money. The leeches in WG management don't care if that kills the game, as long as they make their fortunes before the end.

  • @Rickardo9828
    @Rickardo9828 3 месяца назад +2

    So to start with, I have not played the game for years, I grew tired of it and I didn't enjoy the grind anymore. I will say this is a good direction, it's better than it was that's for certain, but I still don't like how outrageously long it takes to get one of these maxed out crews, like I get they need a long grind so that people will buy premiums and premium account time, but I though that was the point of the tech tree, that's what the game is all about.
    I think it would be way cooler if this system was easier to grind trough and the average player could actually reach that final perk, I played the game for years and years and I think the best I have is a 5 skill crew. like yeah "cool system" but 95% of the player base are not going to see any difference in how it effects them other than the new and changed skills. That being said, the system to deal with crew members that have multiple roles is fantastic that's great no notes, and that's something regular players will actually engage with.
    All in all, good direction, clever solutions, still falls into the same traps of making it so grindy it's not interesting for regular players. I certainly won't come back to the game due to this change.
    This is a controversial take but if you have to reward borderline addictive behavior with tiny optimizations that tells me the gameplay can't stand on it's own as something fun, if you let everyone have an equal footing then long term play would rely on it being fun to play, since they don't dare do that and have actively been moving in the opposite direction, they are admitting that the game isn't fun in the long term and have to offer tiny optimizations to keep players playing.

  • @theaemulator
    @theaemulator 3 месяца назад +25

    Greed is killing WOT ... on top of lack of maps variety and how the existing ones are "built"... etc.... Not crew! Crew its just a nail in the coffin!

  • @rofln00b
    @rofln00b 3 месяца назад +1

    Thiw brings the crew system closer to what World of Warships did from the get-go, nad I do believe it's a far better system. WoWS gives players even bigger of a dilemma with choice, there are 24 captain skills with varying costs, between 1-4 skill points. The total cost of all the captain skills is 60, but your captain is limited to a maximum of just 21 skill points, which means you can't even take half of them if you want to take some of the 4-point skills (which obviously you do because those are the best and have the biggest impact).
    The grind is actually also like three times faster for a fully maxed out captain compared to WoT, a full 21-point captain costs a total of just under 3 million commander xp, and WoWS xp economy is like about double of what WoT gives, so a good 1000 base xp battle in tanks would be roughly a 2000 base xp battle in ships.

  • @theneocubed.2633
    @theneocubed.2633 3 месяца назад +8

    this iteration is better than the one in 2023 but i would rather not have a skill cap or have the skill cap make you able to get all but 1 skill on each crew member i personally dont have more than 4 skills on any tank. some of the new skills are too good but some of the reworks are good like sound detection, mentor and firefighting

  • @CRB713
    @CRB713 3 месяца назад

    My only concern was the lack of ability to put crew across multiple tanks in the same tech tree - this obviously being a long standing frustration for many players. However, with the crew book farming it will be easier to bring in better crews for more tanks so maybe this balances out. Very positive changes in the whole!
    Only thing left I feel is to find a way to shelter the puppies and then incentivise people to spread their playing time across the tiers (maybe with full equipment/ consumable slots). The idea of T10 being "endgame" causes issues with player bunching, as you've discussed before, but if we could remove the concerns about bullying new players away, I reckon it would be incredible fun to play with high skill players in lower power tanks! They are just as much content of the game, with some really interesting and funky vehicles at lower tiers.
    Just my 2p, thankyou for all your hard work as ever QB!

  • @tameu1309
    @tameu1309 3 месяца назад +6

    So this is Crew 2.0 version 2.0?

  • @Arkangel88Mr
    @Arkangel88Mr 3 месяца назад +1

    If nothing is overly broken this looks alright. It actually seems like there was some thought put into it, as opposed to the last crap-show they attempted.
    I might be able to squeeze 1 or 2 % improvement to my favorite seal-clubbers, and some seals might even get away now 😏.

  • @AppliedLogic.
    @AppliedLogic. 3 месяца назад +8

    Limiting skills is PURELY about farming the player base of money, as it only gives the illusion of choice, since we all know that there will be a meta choice and anyone who cares about being good will want to change to the meta of the time. All WG will have to do after this is buff/nerf/change skills on a regular basis to get an influx of cash from players who feel the need to keep up with the meta. There is zero benefit too players, because this in no way reduces the complexity or confusing nature of the crew system which has been the ongoing lie WG has been telling us is the reason for changing crew skills. WG says the reason they have wanted to change it is to make it more approachable and less confusing for new players to the game.
    The simple solution to making crew system less complex is and always has been to remove individual crew members, and just have "The Crew" a single icon, with a Skill Tree based on the roles of the tank. Then you wouldn't have to worry about crew members having different roles, or if you have the dilemma of which skill from which role, it would make transferring crews easier because you wouldn't have to figure out which crew members can be used where, you just move "The Crew" to another tank choose the skills for that tank and you're done.
    The only good thing in the original crew 2.0 was the single crew icon that was allowed in 3 different tanks, it would make moving crews around easier, it's less complicated for noobs, and it's less painful for long term players who have odd single crew members for random tanks which have odd crew configurations.

  • @pauls3585
    @pauls3585 3 месяца назад +1

    I am disappointed that my 7, 8, and 9 skill crews are losing effectiveness...it took me years (since 2011) to get them to this level. Hopefully, this change is good for the game.

  • @keeskruithof1123
    @keeskruithof1123 3 месяца назад +14

    I have tanks with crews with over 20 mil xp, I don't want crew books in return, I want better crews like I have now. This sucks. Everyone who thinks this is better are probably not playing a lot and don't have crews with 8 or 9 and even one with 10 skills like I have. I want my time invested in this back. If this gets in its time for saying goodbye to WOT and go look for something new.

      @DERROEDL 3 месяца назад +2

      AGREE! I have now 103000 Games and arround 20 Crews with more than 10 Skills/Perks, every junk crew in my garage have more than 5 up to 6 Perks! I dont need Crewbooks! Bring new Perks and skills is my dream but to allow only 6 Skills is the worst thing u can do with older Gamers, its a slap in the Face of the loyal old Whales... if the do this i am done!
      I allways with WG but now its a step to fare, thats the last step for me, i dont go with it.
      btw, my best crew have 11 skills and 12 on the Commander...

    • @test_nametest_surname1794
      @test_nametest_surname1794 3 месяца назад +1

      Wow that sucks big time. I don't have that experienced crews but I reckognize hard work and dedication. These changes would be very unfair to you

  • @mr.nonamanadus4463
    @mr.nonamanadus4463 3 месяца назад +2

    [cricket sounds]
    With 10k playing nightly, Wargaming has successfully culled more than half the active player base in NA.
    If they mess this up, more will walk away. I've pretty much had it with these guys not listening to the players

  • @helpinghelper4151
    @helpinghelper4151 3 месяца назад +24

    Why are they nerfing crews for big tanks that need 6 crewmen? Having more crew was supposed to be a lowkey advantage of bigger tanks like german top tiers compared to compact soviet/french ones.
    They shouldn't make skills/perk average across double loaders

    • @juanzulu1318
      @juanzulu1318 3 месяца назад +3

      Exactly. Bigger crews existed for a reason.
      This is factually an indirect nerf of large tank crews and it especially hurts the German tech tree.

    • @brianfarrell8944
      @brianfarrell8944 3 месяца назад

      ... They aren't? Maybe try rewatching the vid. I thought qb explained it fairly well. There will be no difference.

    • @juanzulu1318
      @juanzulu1318 3 месяца назад

      @@brianfarrell8944 as far as I see any double role crewman receives 3 slots for each additional role. This is advantageous to the current system

    • @atalan09
      @atalan09 3 месяца назад

      You still have the advantage that if one loader dies you still have 50% of the benefits. Similar in other cases - so larger crews are still good compared to smaller ones.

    • @helpinghelper4151
      @helpinghelper4151 3 месяца назад +2

      @@atalan09 they are making perks like adrenaline rush and safe stowage averaged by both crewman, previously you could take it on each of the loaders. On a tank like grille you could train each loader : bia, cammo, repairs, intuition, and then on 1st loader you take safe stowage and on the other you take adrenaline rush. Thats two 5 skilled loaders. With this new system you need 6th skill crew (double the xp requirement) to have the same configuration. I am just using this as an example, stowage and adrenaline arent necessary, however, lots of new (competitive) perks are coming into the game

  • @michel.montreal
    @michel.montreal 2 месяца назад

    As an older player (2012), I don't mind losing a few 7 or 8 skills crews if it helps even out the field for newer players;
    a thing that WG has been doing for a while with crewbooks (amongst others).
    It will increase the longevity of the game, I can't argue about that.

  • @caseygibbs1438
    @caseygibbs1438 3 месяца назад +17

    You only get 6 skills, but wait there’s more pay $9’50 a month on WOT plus and you will get 7 skills or for 12.50 you can get 9 skills….. operators are standing by

    • @DirkLerxst2112
      @DirkLerxst2112 3 месяца назад

      you mean like add that to WOT plus to improve the subscription rates. Surely not :)

  • @davidballantyne4492
    @davidballantyne4492 3 месяца назад +1

    OK, but if you don't have a radioman you can't get firefighting (not sure any such tanks exist tho)? Or, if radio is a 2nd perk for you then you have to use one of only 3 radio slots for it while a tank with a radioman only has to take 1 of 6 for it?

  • @juanzulu1318
    @juanzulu1318 3 месяца назад +13

    So they indirectly nerf large tank crews. This is ridiculous. Large tank crews usually sit in large tanks. Do they reduce the tank size then accordingly?

    • @moro8274
      @moro8274 3 месяца назад +1

      what do you mean? large crews have always been better than small crews because then there is not as much pressure on single crew member, like at the moment tanks like manticore crew needs crazy amounts of xp just to have the same amount of perks regular 5 person crew would get. they are just fixing the issue small crew tanks are having.

    • @amzarnacht6710
      @amzarnacht6710 3 месяца назад +3

      How is that a nerf? Large tank crews have the most options for perks. They don't need camo so each crewperson will have 5 available perks - across five or six crew.
      Vehicles that rely on stealth will be *SEVERELY* gimped because they have MUCH smaller crews and will require 2 'whole crew' mandatory skills (BiA & Camo) so they'll have fewer total perk options.
      Manticore players, for example, will only have 8 possible perks (4 perks x 2 crew) vs. a heavy that'll have 30 (5 perks x 6 crew).

    • @juanzulu1318
      @juanzulu1318 3 месяца назад

      @@moro8274 of course larger crews are better. Thats why larger tanks were intentionally will somewhat larger and/or with less angled surface

    • @juanzulu1318
      @juanzulu1318 3 месяца назад

      @@amzarnacht6710 it is a nerf because smaller crews are now better in comparison

    • @really7187
      @really7187 3 месяца назад +1

      @@juanzulu1318 You mean it now more fair regardless the amount of crew inside a particular tank. Unless you only driving tanks which only have large crews you will get the benefits of smaller crews as well. Feels like a good change to me.

  • @Evil_Jedi
    @Evil_Jedi 3 месяца назад +1

    These strong skills will make strongest tanks even stronger. Wouldn't be a problem if they would be balancing tanks, but they aren't. The other thing that I don't like receiving more crew books if my crews are maxed out. Maybe for QB it makes sense cause he has hundreds of crews but not everyone has or needs for that matter. My vote still goes for MM improving and map/tank balancing,

  • @stormowl2856
    @stormowl2856 3 месяца назад +10

    These 15 to 3 game victories or losses, where your perpetually surrounded in 3 minutes is killing the game for me.

  • @gonozal8_962
    @gonozal8_962 3 месяца назад

    20:10: no, because it`s a normal distribution that just gets cut off at the bottom, it'll increase average damage by 0.1% or less. the peak etc will not be moved by it basically, a 125 dmg minroll will deal 102 dmg instead of 100, but the probability to get a 120-130 dmg shot or a 130-150 dmg shot isn't affected

  • @nickrael5693
    @nickrael5693 3 месяца назад +12

    when crew 2.0 releases can you do a video about what you want to take for each class please

    • @skorpion7132
      @skorpion7132 3 месяца назад +1

      I assume you sold off your brain?

    • @nickrael5693
      @nickrael5693 3 месяца назад

      @@skorpion7132 found the whale 🐋

    • @montarakid1943
      @montarakid1943 3 месяца назад

      @@skorpion7132 QB and Dez are already working on it.

  • @fcmleflou9418
    @fcmleflou9418 3 месяца назад +1

    personally disagree with biggest winners and losers
    sure the guys with 10 skill crews will now have to choose, but
    1 : most skills currently dont have much impact, but the new ones, as mentionned, have noticeable effects on gameplay
    2 : they will get a literal sea of crew books to train any crew they ever want to make from scratch when a new line gets released for exemple
    remember that a 6 skill crew is NOT a common thing, as a 10 years player, since i dont particularly main many tanks, i only have about 6 6+ skills crews.... in 10 years
    granted, im not the most active player around, but i also know that i'm still more active and invested than many others
    if a guy has a single crew at 10 skills, how many 6 skill crews does that make ? if he has a lot of tanks with 6 skills crews, where else can he put his books ? in his low tiers ?
    meanwhile thoses with 3-4 skills ( god forbid 0 ) will be a lot more penalised due to how impactful this lack of skills will be
    also, i can imagine platoons of Tortoises going around with 5.4k dpm ( almost all skills up including adrenaline rush which is a whole lot easier to get working at 25% hp ), that'll be fun

  • @mattinghamdavi2595
    @mattinghamdavi2595 3 месяца назад +5

    It’s a huge nerf to large skill crews

  • @roberthart3305
    @roberthart3305 3 месяца назад +1

    While I agree with the overall concept, I think there are far larger issues that need to be addressed to keep the game going in the long run.
    Don't get me wrong, this will help level the playing filed a small amount for newer players, but the poor matchmaking system, tank distribution within battles (3 lights on a side, 3 SPGs on a side, 5 TDs on a side) and many other issues are FAR more important than a fluffy re-work of the crew system.

  • @rogerblumenstein1238
    @rogerblumenstein1238 3 месяца назад +9

    That only is an additional drop. What angers me much more, are those 15:0 or 15:2 rounds. One game you are on the top, next game you don't even hit, or penetrate. That simply should not be possible. Actually, I hardly play this game.

    • @tickerag26
      @tickerag26 3 месяца назад +2

      I'm a few games a week now, used to play a hell of a lot, but since they brought in the silly messages such as 'Armour not hit' and 'windscreen not penned' and the crazy stupid wheeled vehicles (mario karts), I have lost the feel for it now

    • @skorpion7132
      @skorpion7132 3 месяца назад

      Same here, stopped early this year after I simply couldn't take the BS anymore with the nonsense tanks, stupid maps and insanely dumb RNG. I jumped tank an boarded ship. much more relaxing to sail a battleship or whatever every now and then.

  • @johnburns972
    @johnburns972 3 месяца назад +1

    Please keep the system we have. Crew skills aren’t what we need to change/add. Add maps, consider modern tanks, player vs bot modes, etc.

  • @Dulles2SASItaly1945
    @Dulles2SASItaly1945 3 месяца назад +18

    Had an 8 skill commander that I grinded after getting zero perks. Becomes useless.

    • @GenHummel96
      @GenHummel96 3 месяца назад +1

      Me too...
      9 perks on progetto 46 feels just so good, i hope wg compensates for my loss

    • @skorpion7132
      @skorpion7132 3 месяца назад

      Oh, don't be so dramatic. On average you'll probably not even notice it I reckon.

      @DERROEDL 3 месяца назад +2

      My best Crew have 11 skills and the Commander 12 typical French light Crew.... and they will ruin it? no thanks WG thats the last nail for me

    • @ivanmarkovic8885
      @ivanmarkovic8885 3 месяца назад

      @@DERROEDL 6+3+3=12

    • @pakhanification
      @pakhanification 3 месяца назад

      You can dismiss him then.

  • @georgeadams2555
    @georgeadams2555 3 месяца назад +2

    This doesnt really level the playing field as losing 2 or 3 perks isnt going to change the fact that someone has an op premium or tens of thousands of games played

  • @williebrort
    @williebrort 3 месяца назад +6

    One of the things that bother me about this new proposed system is that tanks with low crew count have even higher pressure on the commander for example. Take tanks like Obj. 780. That tank will be less functional because of this compared to another heavy tank that has a dedicated crewmember for everything.

    • @aquaman3874
      @aquaman3874 3 месяца назад +1

      I'm a bit confused how this would be worse for the Obj 780 commander? If you already have five fully trained skills on your Obj. 780 commander and are working on the sixth skill then this will give you those same skills and additional 3 slots for the Radioman role, and another 3 slots for the Loader role. Yes this is still fewer skills than on other tanks with dedicated radiomen and loaders, but this should be an improvement for most Obj 780 players unless they already have a commander with more than 12 fully-trained skills.

    • @JWQweqOPDH
      @JWQweqOPDH 3 месяца назад +3

      The proposed changes put LESS pressure on low-crew-count vehicles because they only have to train up 6 perks and they'll get up to 9 free bonus perks (a commander could get 3 gunner, 3 RO, & 3 loader bonus perks).

  • @steweygrrr
    @steweygrrr 3 месяца назад +1

    I kinda like the look of this. However I dislike that BIA is still a thing because it's *NOT* a choice, it's a tax. There are exactly zero vehicles where you wouldn't take BIA as either the first or second perk. I would suggest they attach it to the vehicle instead and call it something like "Acclimatisation" and as the crew get experience in the vehicle they naturally get better at using it i.e. the same effect but without it being a false choice.

  • @StrLab
    @StrLab 3 месяца назад +12

    The new skills are very strong and will make premium/reward tanks even stronger, imagine an Obj. 279(e) with "ammo tuning" and "close combat".
    The chances of a strong premium tank (like BZ-176) to have those perks are much higher than a regular tank (like a T-32) for many reasons, not only because premium tanks train crew faster but because players always play with them and so they always have this crew, when most of the players play few battles with regular tanks just to unlock the next tank, they don't spend too much resources on regular mid-tier tanks. (same goes already with equipment, a BZ-176 is most likely to have bond equipment than a T-32. This disparity will increase).
    Especially in low tiers, this will be game-changing. Tanks like Somua or PZ. S35 (which is very popular are tier III) will have even better crews than tanks like BT-7 than already have now!
    Also I don't like the Overwatch-ation of the game in game modes like Onslaught with all of these abilities, now with some new crew perks like "for 15s you are better if you meet this condition" makes the game more RNG based and more Overwatch-style based. WoT is not a simulator but we steadily lose what makes it "realistic" and we see the game turn to more like Project: Cold War with perks like this...

    • @Donanzador
      @Donanzador 3 месяца назад +2

      What do you mean disparity will increase? Right now the person running the BZ176 or Pz S35 can have a 9 skill crew with all the bells and whistles. With the new system they would be capped to 6 (+3 for the possible secondary roles) no matter how many battles they got on it, and will have to choose. Whereas the person that just started and is grinding through the tech three is still in the same position of having 1-2 maybe 3rd skill that they would've been without the update.

    • @skorpion7132
      @skorpion7132 3 месяца назад

      @@Donanzador In the example the problem of having a few less skills is however not gonna cut it. Tanks like the BZ-176 are a problem in themselves. Same as Borat, Obj 279 etc etc. And what I've been very annoyed by for some time is that every skinned tank is a copy tank instead of an actual skin. Why on Fracking earth do we have the Miel?!!

    • @Donanzador
      @Donanzador 3 месяца назад

      @@skorpion7132 Yeah of course the tank being OP still persists, but the new system wouldn't increase the disparity, cause people would have to make compromises on which skills they choose, rather than getting everything, if they have spent astronomical amount of time or have deep enough pockets.
      But the thing is new crew system is never gonna fix OP tanks, nor is it supposed to do that either. That's the job of the tank balance team, and entirely separate discussion.

    • @boxicool
      @boxicool 3 месяца назад

      how i can get BZ-176?

    • @Donanzador
      @Donanzador 3 месяца назад

      @@boxicool By inventing a time machine. It hasn't been available after the 2022 Christmas loot boxes.

  • @Johnny-ge7yb
    @Johnny-ge7yb 3 месяца назад +1

    Seems interesting. My main reason for not playing much is that it is way too difficult to make silver to advance anything.

  • @GrenadeMK3
    @GrenadeMK3 3 месяца назад +31

    I think it's definitely better than the last one

    • @austin.5947
      @austin.5947 3 месяца назад

      You haven’t even watched the whole video.

    • @Mut4ntG4m3r
      @Mut4ntG4m3r 3 месяца назад +5

      @@austin.5947 they dont have to if they read WGs post or video.

  • @zomgl2pnoobffs
    @zomgl2pnoobffs 3 месяца назад +2

    The solution to making the system fair is simple: delete crew skills. Altogether. The skill system is all about grinding to "be competitive". Deleting them would also cut back on the power creep. Wouldn't make WG money though. To see the real motivation behind WG's decisions, follow the money.

  • @jagdpanzere.onehundred911
    @jagdpanzere.onehundred911 3 месяца назад +11

    Why are they still trying to do Crew 2.0?

    • @Ca11mero
      @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад

      Sunk cost fallacy

  • @robertflint4115
    @robertflint4115 3 месяца назад +2

    After all that the game will be even faster and the maps are still small 🤔. Maps are designed around choke points and everyone bunches up and shoots weak points. Just fun stuff there 😩. ONSLAUGHT is fun. Same map size and only 7 tanks. Stealth and tactics come into play. FRONTLINE is fun. Big maps with a lot of freedom.
    Lastly, it’s time we get modern tanks. Have two game modes, one with modern tanks, one with historical tanks. Thanks for update QB and rock on tankers. 🤘😎

  • @user-xt1vs2oz3b
    @user-xt1vs2oz3b 3 месяца назад +7

    WG Priorities should be:
    1) Finish Balancing all tanks (starting with tier 8-10, including premium/reward tanks)
    2) Change the pen/damage of all shell types so higher pen does less dmg (like in steel hunter)
    3) Experiment with skill-based MM
    4) Crew Changes (This iteration looks good, but add one crew to multiple tanks)
    5) Bigger, balanced, and more maps

  • @Neitzke2005
    @Neitzke2005 3 месяца назад +1

    I may have missed this but I didn't see any mention of Crew Directives and whether they will be changed to go along with the Crew Skill changes. Anyone?

  • @kjakan79
    @kjakan79 3 месяца назад +4

    No CVS on mediums. Its so stupid when a medium outspots a light

    • @fatnlazychinc
      @fatnlazychinc 3 месяца назад

      Cvs is a must if you play light tank. If you don’t have it then you are an idiot, and you can’t punish people for having a brain because you don’t.

  • @brycehamilton8352
    @brycehamilton8352 3 месяца назад +1

    Honestly, all I want is to be able to put my crews in multiple tanks.. I haven't sold a lot of my tanks from earlier in the tech tree, that i enjoyed playing, waiting for them to finally bring it in.

    • @MrPete0282
      @MrPete0282 26 дней назад

      but but wg wants you to play each n every battle pass which gives you new crew members for certain nations only , then apply or invest in crew books... Also u can buy 100 euro bundles in the store, tanks with good crew in them , easy peasy...
      max trolling !

  • @valharris9346
    @valharris9346 3 месяца назад +3

    In the last few years, this issue has taken away all my motivation to play for a few months at a time. Not this time, I didn't have any before. Wargaming decides to change something that doesn't need to be changed, and then they push it through for years and keep spreading bad vibes. Not (anymore) the biggest problem, but one of the many nails in the coffin.

  • @XSharkdarkX
    @XSharkdarkX 3 месяца назад +13

    Still waiting for some problems to be fixed : nerfing Bourrasque, BZ-176, ELC Even, EBR 75 or the 1:15 MM taking place even in tier 10...

    • @keeskruithof1123
      @keeskruithof1123 3 месяца назад

      Just get the tanks and play them

    • @zomgl2pnoobffs
      @zomgl2pnoobffs 3 месяца назад +1

      As an expert driver of the OG Chaffee, the problem with the ELC Even is that it's the *only* tank that scouts like the original three. That's caused by the power creep in view range (really view *power*) that means concealment has been erased for most tanks. The whole spotting system needs a reset and rebalance to bring the mechanic back to relevance. They won't do it.

    • @sorinancuta3934
      @sorinancuta3934 3 месяца назад

      Keep waiting😀

    • @koritec4151
      @koritec4151 3 месяца назад

      @@keeskruithof1123 That's the problem that the players create themselves to be shortsighted.

    • @XSharkdarkX
      @XSharkdarkX 3 месяца назад

      @@keeskruithof1123 54% as a F2P player, imagine if I play them... It's just a question of game balance for everyone

  • @jiriapeltauer58
    @jiriapeltauer58 3 месяца назад

    Pleas report problems with experimental equipment. This has a greater impact than some perk modifications, for example reducing module resistance by 30% (see below) is equivalent of the safe storage perk.
    I found that when I mount the Survival Improvement Suite (which should add +100% internal module durability) and combine it with the Field Mod Lightweight Mounting Points (which adds -30% internal module durability), the effective value is only 40% (should be 70%). This suggests that the -30% modifier is being applied twice. Conversely, if I use the Auxiliary Safety System (which adds +30% internal module durability), the effective value is 160%, indicating that the +30% modifier is applied twice. I have encountered a similar issue with the Heavy Spall Liner.
    I have already reported this problem twice in previous patches, but there has been no resolution.

  • @Therockypony
    @Therockypony 3 месяца назад +27

    Here is what I suggest WG does: rollback to 1.0 when the game was actually good.

    • @galicyjskihabsburg6703
      @galicyjskihabsburg6703 3 месяца назад +3

      No, rollback right before rubicon, that one before 1.0
      1.0 patch for me changed maps to those two corridors what we know today

    • @paramagician6778
      @paramagician6778 3 месяца назад +2

      @@galicyjskihabsburg67031.0 was also the major graphical and optimization improvements. The game would look and run like crap.

    • @galicyjskihabsburg6703
      @galicyjskihabsburg6703 3 месяца назад +2

      @@paramagician6778 gameplay>>>>>graphic
      Nothing more to say

    • @paramagician6778
      @paramagician6778 3 месяца назад +1

      @@galicyjskihabsburg6703 yeah until you’re getting 6 frames because of optimization failures. 1.0 was revolutionary for the game, why not have 1.0+new tanks+old maps?

    • @GerardMenvussa
      @GerardMenvussa 3 месяца назад +1

      inb4 WG introduces "World of Tanks: Classic"

  • @shoottothrill1
    @shoottothrill1 3 месяца назад +1

    I don't like the reduction of the number of crew skills that I already have as I focused on certain tanks/lines to get them all in the first place. Now that I have all the crew skills I wanted on the tanks I actually want to play they will now be reduced giving me crew books that I will never use. I still think the current system is better and they just needed to tweek the current skills, most of the new one's don't really look like a choice.

      @DERROEDL 3 месяца назад +1

      Total agree! No skill Limit needed!
      Its a slap into the face of the loyal Veteranen the Grind Crews up to 10 perks or have 12 skill commandets in frech lights!
      If they bring the Limit of 6 they will Lose more Veteran wallets than they can get New f2p 1 Day Gamer....
      Another nail into the Game...

  • @andreighetu9376
    @andreighetu9376 3 месяца назад +3

    Who asked for crew system rework? Nowadays 10 out of 14 teammates that i have in randoms are about 1500-2500 in-game score, 40-44% wr. I am playing 15-20 battles per day, but same 4-5 maps only. So matchmaking and randomized maps svcks...

  • @davysauseslayer1294
    @davysauseslayer1294 3 месяца назад +1

    I kinda don't like the idea of limiting the amount of crew skills that you can have on your crew. To get the same balance all that is needed is to get the 9-10 skills to be as easy to get as the 6 skills. I feel this to not be needed and they could just lower the amount needed for the skills to the same level
    Edit: the reason I don't like limiting the amount of skills is because it is fun to get all of the crew skills and see your tank doing better as a result.

  • @bigfattoni
    @bigfattoni 3 месяца назад +9

    Zero perk should be extra - we paid for it to be in many offerings and now it's just count as any other skill...

    • @Ca11mero
      @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад +3

      I mean, depending how much crew training you need for 6 skills, it's still a major benefit. What you are asking for is straight up P2W.

  • @jack-xf6il
    @jack-xf6il 3 месяца назад

    The net effect of the Ammo Tuning depends on how it is implemented. If the roll remains the same and if the result is in the bottom 2%, then they could simply uplift the result to the minimum. The overall effect of this would be negligible, as it would only affect 2% of rolls. If they re-normalize the range first, then roll, then it would be a 1% overall improvement, as you state.

  • @KravenTheKnight
    @KravenTheKnight 3 месяца назад +7

    I still can't believe they haven't given up on it lol. Much love from Mexico, QB! And may you have less salt in all your streams!

  • @edwinparker6732
    @edwinparker6732 3 месяца назад +1

    If these changes bring newer players up to speed faster then perhaps there will be a reduction in 15-to-0 battle outcomes. Sounds promising IMO

    • @maumor2
      @maumor2 3 месяца назад

      It will bring more rerolls so MM its going to be even worst

  • @lukaskrejci4110
    @lukaskrejci4110 3 месяца назад +7

    They want to make the game a new player-friendly but as a result, they lost more players.

  • @paulmrobertson
    @paulmrobertson 11 дней назад

    It's not a perfect solution, but it will greatly help to balance out the power differential between newer vs older (and/or P2W) players, and put more of an emphasis on skill prevailing within the game. Better, more experienced players will still have an advantage over greener, less skilled players (as they should), but the update should give newer *yet also skilled/good* players a chance to compete with the players who have 10s or 100s of thousands of games under their belts, not to mention insane, maxed out crews and premium tanks to boot [which are often very OP and sometimes even banned for purchase (like the BZ-176)]. There are other issues with the game, such as the matchmaking algorithm that frustrates so many of us, but I definitely think this is a helpful and fair change, as it narrows the potential performance gap between P2W vs. free to play (or mostly free to play) players while widening the potential performance gap of high-skill vs low-skill players. In other words, it makes the game less "rigged" like so many of us complain about.

  • @Ca11mero
    @Ca11mero 3 месяца назад +3

    Considering that they have come that far, I won't complain. It looks pretty good to me if it works like you say i does (fixing problems with different roles on same crew).
    However I hope they spend more time on fixing maps or at the VERY LEAST ask CCs to help them out balancing maps. A lot of people with 10000 hours can point out individual bushes or points of terrain that needs a change. Please, it doesn't have to be so hard.