I was in Dublin 3 weeks ago looking for the Irish spirit.Rory brought me there.Rabblin' on Grafton street and feelin' bored I heard some bluesy notes, still in a shop."What's this?",I asked myshelf.I came out and found N.C. playin'.This guy has the Irish spirit.Greetings from Greece N.C.!
i cant rest until i learn how to play like this. i aint got shit. lifes a joke. this guy is a living saint of sound and an inspiration. may the lord be with you sir.
You should pick that guitar up you got and find a video on here to show you the basics,if you don't already know ,and add from there.You won't regret any part of your desire to play.It's a spiritual thing,sharing your music with others,and the rewards are better than any drug or pleasure you can find.I know,I've done it for many years.
I was in Dublin 3 weeks ago looking for the Irish spirit.Rory brought me there.Rabblin' on Grafton street and feelin' bored I heard some bluesy notes, still in a shop."What's this?",I asked myshelf.I came out and found N.C. playin'.This guy has the Irish spirit.Greetings from Greece N.C.!
i cant rest until i learn how to play like this. i aint got shit. lifes a joke. this guy is a living saint of sound and an inspiration. may the lord be with you sir.
You should pick that guitar up you got and find a video on here to show you the basics,if you don't already know ,and add from there.You won't regret any part of your desire to play.It's a spiritual thing,sharing your music with others,and the rewards are better than any drug or pleasure you can find.I know,I've done it for many years.
Let start sharing these videos! C'mon people! ;)
Nice one, have seen this guy, very tasty player!
with yr back to the world - !
so f'en incredible