Assalam Alaikum, I had no idea your wife was from Pakistan. I'm American, and I don't want to go into details in public, but have some questions if you have a way I could ask privately. Thanks.
Asalam walikum. U guys are lovely. Brother if u have time look into the growing incel crisis in Canada. I think a brother like u could help a lot of lost men. Peace xxxx
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i was a fighter against islam but the more i learn to fight i started to love islam... i am a muslim girl now😌i lost my family and relatives and lose my husband too...but still i survive for my kid and have faith in Allah....i love you dears
This is common to most of us who decided to follow the true religion. If you lose people or material things don't worry because in return you got Allah and a community of 1.7 billions human on earth. Not mentioning billions of angels and all living creatures that praise anf glorify Allah although we can't hear them
I'm personally a very devout Christian. My husband and I are starting our journey in ministry together and we're both converts to Christianity later in life. I went through a season in life of not being atheist but being agnostic. I found that a lot of atheists and agnostics alike (not all!!) were so closed minded and would see only their perception of the "bad" parts of religion and focused deeply in anger on that. I did that too as an agnostic. I won't ever push my views on anyone else myself today, I will only ever preach with my life- not my lips (unless invited to obviously, but I think you get what I mean lol). I love that you could see the beauty in this though is my point- That's beautiful to me!! ❤
I was born and bred an atheist. Nothing has changed for me, personally, in 48 years. I hardly knew anyone committed to any religion at all. I certainly hadn't known any Muslims. But, through a series of heartbreaking events, my granddaughter was adopted by a wonderful Muslim family. This family could have cut me off from my granddaughter. They could have been magnanimous and sent a letter once or twice a year with updates. However, they've chosen to open their lives and their hearts to my entire family. I'm still a grandma! They are fantastic parents, everything I could dream of for my granddaughter. Because they are so kind, I want to learn as much as I can about Islam. I doubt I will ever convert. Still, I can envision a time when my granddaughter asks me a question about her faith. I want to be ready with the correct answers. I was to respect what her parents are teaching her. I want to respect the relationship they have with their faith, in the same way they have shown respect for my relationship with my granddaughter. I am so grateful to learn more about Islam! I love the "shorts" here on RUclips! Thank you for helping me to know more of what to expect from the family who has adopted my granddaughter, and what they will expect of me! Forever grateful!
Your love for your granddaughter is beautiful. You could’ve easily cut her off due to being adopted by Muslims like others would do but you’ve proved your love for her is pure and sincere. Regarding your acceptance of Islam or not. That’s in the capable hands of Allah (The One God, Creator and Lord). He decides who believes and worships Him. However, what’s in your hands is to be a sincere truth seeker and read up on Islam and the lives of the Prophet (salalahu alayhi wasaalam) and his righteous and pious Companions and lastly to ask The One True Lord of the Worlds to guide you to the truth. I guarantee you that you will get your answers. May Allaah Azawajal guide you, your entire family and your loved ones to goodness in this world and the next. Aameen ya Rabb (so be it O Lord)… All the best. ❤️
I am glad that whilst your story has had some difficult circumstances, it has resulted in love between you, your granddaughter and her parents. It's never easy when our family structures change, but when everyone involved approaches that change with love and a desire for solutions it shows the very best of humanity.
To be honest. Your husband’s journey towards Islam put me in tears. I’m a Muslim and as you said we take this for granted. But now, after watching this video I have started to practice more Islam. Love from NYC ❤️
The way she looks at him, its like everytime she looks she falls in love. It's like she never gets enough. It's like she wants to make sure that he's always happy. She loves him alot, the kind of love that is unique in this time. May God bless you both.
Finally seeing Muslims in a respectful, kind, funny, informative, and loving manner. Definitely not how media portrays it. Thanks for sharing your story!
To all non-Muslim viewers to this video, I am so happy as a Muslim to see all your positive comments and all your happiness to hear about the religion of Islam, sending you all the love ❤️
I have made a new muslim friend. I never had a muslim friend before and she is just so loving and caring. I never have judged muslims before but never knew much. Have learnt a lot and also love this channel
I love this! It seems like your parents were really trying to look out for you, and I just love how respectful he seems to be of you. I see a woman being protected, respected, valued, and cherished. This is dope!
This is beautiful. I'm a Christian but I had a really good friend in high school who was Muslim. She was the sweetest person ever. Most people only see the and hear what's on the news they have no clue that Muslim are not bad all due to a few bad eggs. Thank you for sharing your story this made my day.💓💓
Christians Unaware The Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith - the Holy Qur’ân. He does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own language, without saying Eesa, alaihi assalam ("Jesus, peace be upon him") The Christian does not know that in the Holy Qur’ân Jesus is mentioned twenty five times. For example: "We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Qur’ân 2:87) "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45) "...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171) "...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46) "And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85) Jesus - His Titles Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Qur’ân, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah. He is spoken of as "The Word of God", as "The Spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Quran honors this mighty messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same. There is not a single disparaging remark in the entire Quran to which even the most jaundiced among the Christians can take exception. Eesa Latinised to "Jesus" The Holy Qur’ân refers to Jesus as Eesa, and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian" name. Actually, his proper name was Eesa (Arabic), or Esau (Hebrew); classical Yeheshua, which the Christian nations of the West latinised as Jesus. Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages. The word is very simply "E S A U" a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the "bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus" a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Acts 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be a name of ill - repute, the name of one who blasphemed in Jewry; and among the Christians because it came to be the proper name of their God. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son Eesa because it is an honored name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.
@@Indiantouristvolg there are things Christians dont know . But becoming aware of those around us and taking others beliefs in to consideration is a step towards unity. We all have different beliefs but it dose no good to put one another down
You won't mind I'm just talking about the similarities between Christianity and Islam,But I respect all religions, I do not want to degrade any religion
@@baycain8938 Christianity is a Semitic religion, which claims to have nearly two billion adherents all over the world. Christianity owes it name to Jesus Christ (peace be on him). Jesus (pbuh) is also a revered figure in Islam.Islam is the only non-Christian Faith that prescribes faith in Jesus (pbuh): Before we discuss the concept of God in Christianity let us examine the position of Jesus (pbuh) in Islam: (i) Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (pbuh). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (pbuh). (ii) We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (SWT). (iii) We believe that he was born miraculously without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe. (iv) We believe that He gave life to the dead with God's permission. (v) We believe that He healed those born blind, and the lepers with God's permission. One may ask, if both Muslims and Christians love and respect Jesus (pbuh), where exactly is the parting of ways? The major difference between Islam and Christianity is the Christians' insistence on the supposed divinity of Christ. A study of the Christian scriptures reveals that Jesus (pbuh) never claimed divinity. In fact there is not a single unequivocal statement in the entire Bible where Jesus (pbuh) himself says, "I am God" or where he says, "worship me". In fact the Bible contains statements attributed to Jesus (pbuh) in which he preached quite the contrary. Consider the following statements in the Bible, attributed to Jesus Christ (pbuh): "My Father is Greater than I" (John 14:2B) "My Father is Greater than all" (John 10:29) ".I cast out devils by the spirit of God.." (Mathew 12:2B) ".. with the finger of God cast out devils..." (Luke 11:20) "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge; and my judgement is just; because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me." The mission of Jesus Christ (pbuh) - he came to fulfill the Law: Jesus (pbuh) never claimed divinity for himself. He clearly announced the nature of his mission. Jesus (pbuh) was sent by God to confirm the previous Judaic law. This is clearly evident in the following statements attributed to Jesus (pbuh) in the Gospel of Mathew: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. (The Bible, Mathew 5: 17-20) God sent Jesus (pbuh): The Bible mentions the prophetic nature of Jesus' mission in the following verses: ". and the word whic h ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which has sent me. (The Bible, John 14:24) "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent." (The Bible,John 17:3) Jesus refuted even a remote suggestion of his divinity. Consider the following incident mentioned in the Bible: "And, behold, one came and said unto him, "Good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" And he said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God; but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." The above statements from the Bible refute the Christian dogma of divinity of Jesus and of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus (pubh). Jesus (pbuh) exhorts keeping the commandments as the means to achieve salvation. ( The Bible, Mathew 5: 17-20) Jesus (pbuh) of Nazareth - a man approved of God: The following statement from the Bible supports the Islamic belief that Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet of God. "Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, A man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know." The First Commandment is that God is One: The Bible does not support the Christian belief in trinity at all. One of the scribes once asked Jesus (pbuh) as to which was the first commandment of all, to which Jesus (pbuh) merely repeated what Moses (pbuh) had said, namely: "Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhat". This is a Hebrew quotation, which means: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." (Mark 12:29)
You guys have helped me to not feel uncomfortable around muslims because your channel has educated me to see you’re very good humans and Muslim women aren’t being suppressed for wearing a hijab.
Me too. But the comments make me uncomfy here,like everyone is "islam is the true religion", "i invite you to islam". No,respect me,as I respect you. Period.
@@badassmomofteens4611 ignore them. they are just trying to share their reality but i mean, you didnt ask so they should respect that. i am muslim and i dont do that
I am a renounced Greek Orthodox. I am no longer religious. Muslim, Catholic, Jew, Hindu... Love is Love. Congratulations to you both. You both deserve and earned this happiness. You have a beautiful story. Thnank you for sharing.
I met my husband as a roommate and he wasn’t practicing the religion and I was raised catholic. Our story is similar to yours. I converted and he became more active in the religion doing his 5 daily prayers everyday. Alhamdulillah I feel so much peace and I feel guided. Allah is the greatest!
I'm a Christian and I have some very close Muslim friends who wear the hijab and people often have a really tough time understanding how we can be friends when we are of different faiths, and Islam is portrayed so negatively by the media. So I'm so happy that you are making videos which show Islam in it's true form - loving and accepting
@Mu Mi Well being a person full of prejudice just shows that you are no good. It is not for you to judge a religion because it doesn’t matter what you think of it, the influence of your opinion on this religion equals 0.
@Mu Mi Ist das so, hast du dich denn schon inständig mit der Religion auseinandergesetzt um solch eine Behauptung aufzustellen? Ich gehe mal nicht davon aus, da es mir bei bestem Willen nicht den Anschein macht! Haben diese Frauen gesagt sie wurden aufgrund religiöser Tatsachen Opfer häuslicher Gewalt oder stellst du diese Hypothese dadurch auf, dass es sich dabei um muslimische Frauen handelt, ergo das muss ja unweigerlich mit dem Islam zusammenhängen nicht wahr? Schlag mir diese Seite im Koran auf die dazu auffordert Gewalt gegen seine Frau oder Gewalt gegen irgend eine Frau anzuwenden! Wir sagen nicht umsonst das Paradies liegt unter den Füßen unserer Mütter und da denkst du würden wir im Namen des Glaubens oder durch den Glauben Frauen Gewalt antun? Lächerlich, bevor du Gotteslästerung betreibst solltest du den Unterschied zwischen Religion und Kultur kennen, denn das ist dein Problem, du hast kein recht hier deinen Hirnverbrannten misst zu verbreiten und eine ganze Religion zu verpönen, basta!
I was born in a Pakistani Muslim family. But I was never close to Islam, and I didn't do the required Fardh. About 3 months ago I was going towards the Athiest/Agnostic side until the amazing happened. Allah SWT guided me and I came back to Islam. That was a month and a half ago when I started praying and really learning about Islam again. I am 17 years old and Alhamdulillah I am proud to say that I am a Muslim by choice.
Stay Blessed, if you ever feel any confusion or some assistance, you are welcome to contact. This is a mortal world, may Allah protect our Iman. Aameen.
I was legit in tears hearing your story. I myself am on a spiritual journey right now and participated in Ramadan and just figuring things out so thank you. Eid Mubarak to you and your family.
May Allah(God) help you. Sister, If you are researching islam-I will suggest "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips. sister, Some RUclips channel will be helpful in research inshallah- 1. Blogging theology 2. One message foundation 3. Efdawah (have live QnA) 4. Thought adventure podcast 5. Dawahwise 6. Zakir naik 7. Quran recitation by Omar Hisham Al Arabi
The sentence "we muslims take our religion so granted " made mr cry and that is 100% true. Being born as muslims, we need to improve a lot to prove our islamic values. Jazakallah for this teaching...
So true... And so sad... The other day, I heard a revert Norwegian guy say that it distresses him much that he cannot even pray maghfirah for his parents if they die today ! ( He was asking for donations for a dawah centre and masjid there) ... And then it hit me hard... Like woah! We never even consider this blessing...that everyone who is closest to our heart is a Muslim!
I am a covert to Islam for 27 years now. It also has happened to me when we decided for our sons to follow my husband’ religion. When I took them to Koran studies I would listen to the ladies that taught the children I would get interested. So I decided to shada and when I did I started crying then the sisters also cried. It was so beautiful. My didn’t know till we were going to the store that I covered my husband was so surprised that he cried and stated jumping or dancing couldn’t tell the difference. Yes Islam has brought us closer to God and to each other. Been married now 32 years !!!
Masha Allah ! You guys are adorable. I'm a recent convert ( July 21st 2019 ) Alhamdulalilah, my husband brought me to Islam. I'm still learning but where I live there arent many muslims so its challenging. In'sha Allah I become a better educated Muslima. Just started wearing Hijab yours always looks so beautiful!
As an atheist who feels very "at peace" with myself and my life, I never really understood the appeal of following a religion. But this couple is making something click in my head. I'm starting to get why people find religion. Thanks Saleh Family!
Rosalynn, spend less time with people that don't believe and more time with people that do. People that don't believe in God will keep you content with not believing. Ask God to bring people into your life that can bring you closer to him, even if you don't believe he exists at least you have an open heart towards him and he can work with an open heart. Once you find him you will have peace like you never imagined and he will bring overwhelming joy.
@@SachikoDoughnut the same can be said for spending more time with believers. You re not encouraged to critically think to see if you believe . Is it not better to spend time with both point of view and still have an open mind. And in most cases i have seen atheist do usually have open minds, evidenced by her and me being on this channel.
I was born into a Christian family, but in the year 1995 i converted to Islam, and married a Palestinan woman.. 3 girls and a big arabic family and my story looks a lot like yours. Allah Khalikum.
Your story would make a great Hallmark Lifetime movie. Sana is so beautiful inside and out, Will has such a peaceful energy, and you both have a great sense of humor.
Respect to you brother. May Allah guide you to the straight path. May he guide you to the path that Jesus (PBUH) was on. Ameen. PS I say the path Jesus was on because Jesus was a Muslim
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
This is so beautiful. My fiancé and I went through a similar backstory and are still struggling with family right now. It is so wonderful to hear this story. Mashallah. Ramdam Kareem!
Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I are devout Catholics but love your channel and have learned so much. I think so many of us especially here in the U.S have been taught that someone wearing a hijab or a Muslim in general as a threat and that is so unfortunate. Thank You for opening your lives and sharing your faith.
sure, but maybe you should take a look at their latest post, where they are talking about leaving Canada for someplace in the islamic world, because I guess they prefer sharia law to democracy. three years later, and now he's sporting a kaffiyeh. and the baseball cap is now about "palestine". so it seems like in the end, it's not quite the example you had imagined or hoped.
Free Palestine is a call for justice they deserve freedom as any other nation in the world and I have seen a lot of religious Christians feel uncomfortable with the kind of family education forced upon their children in school I don’t see them committing a crime if they feel like this is not the thing for them
I'm agnostic and I absolutely LOVE them. I love to learn about all religion. I had never looked into Islam before and I just researched about Ramadan and it's so interesting:) if anyone has any links to great videos about it I'd love for you to share!! Always looking to learn about different religions and cultures ❤
You guys are adorable. He reminds me of my late husband, the goofball energy. We began dating when I was 14 and he suddenly passed away in a tragedy when I was 28. He was my entire world, my life and my reason for existing. People think it's weird that he's been gone a few years now and I still haven't even thought about thinking about dating. I can't even imagine...he was my world.
I am a non- religious person and find your relationship and content sooooo interesting!! I see a lot of comments about other people’s faith etc and just wanted to let you know there are people like me who you inspire and reach regardless of our own religious views!!
God truly works in mysterious ways. My story is quite similar. I am a Catholic convert, and it wasn’t long before my wife started asking me questions about her childhood faith. Like you, Will, I taught the faith to adults who went through the process if conversion, and also married a woman from a different cultural/ethnic background, in my case Hispanic. I feel that our journeys, and bringing people to God have made us brothers even though we have never met, and our faiths are not the same. May you and your family continue to be blessed. 🙏
I’m a young Christian but I love the chemistry between them too. Everything I had heard about Islam was a lie. I love it when God shows himself. We are all the same people.
As a Christian you made me fall in love with your religion . Thank you so much for sharing how wonderful the Muslim religion is, it sounds like it is all about love.
Yes, dear, it is all about Love. Let us love our Creator..Allah...and let us love one another for His saks. This is a great way to uplift ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. It is ultimately the road to Paradise.
Yes, Muslims love and worship only 1 God, love and respect all prophets/messengers of GOD, love family, love neighbor and love all humanity. Muslims are very happy to see all people going to the right path with peace and live together in Paradise eternally. This is our mission on this earth as Muslims.
I was a non Muslim but out of love i converted myself for my beloved one...& our relationship is more than 15 yrs.....but my whole journey through this last decade was so interesting & now I performs namaj( prayer) for 5times....& have much knowledge about Islam than my husband😍so I can connect my story with urs....Allah is so magical...he can do hedayat any person at any stage of life......
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
I am not a religious woman, but this is such a beautiful story i have been watching the both of you for years and Islam sounds like a very beautiful religion. May allah continue to bless you both and your children.
I am not personally Muslim but you’re story has touched me. It’s given me the motivation to search and become closer to my own beliefs. You have a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing you life.
To all non-Muslim viewers to this video, I am so happy as a Muslim to see all your positive comments and all your happiness to hear about the religion of Islam, sending you all the love ❤️
I am a Roman Catholic, I love, you guys. Both of you are the first I found that don't put other people down. Keep doing what you are doing. I'll keep watching, and smiling. Thank you, for that.
You two are the sweetest couple ever. My ex was Muslim and I absolutely loved learning about Islam and loved living temporarily in a Muslim country. The Ezan made me cry even though I don’t know what was being said. Loved hearing it 5x day. The culture. I was slowly transitioning and didn’t even realize it! ❤
Beautiful. I am an active atheist but your story is inspiring. I leave religion open to my children because I don't know everything. I wish them the happiness you show in every video. Thank you so much
Can I ask a question brother. What would you lose if you chose Islam and left atheism. If Islam is false and atheism is right nothing will happen to you. If Islam is right then its good news for u if your on the straight path. Please think about that brother. May Allah guide you to the straight path. Ameen
@@MrYoda-su4qo why do y'all keep to hunt us with islam? Why? Respect your religion. You can't drag me there. Respect me being an atheist as I respect you being a muslim. Simple as that.
@@badassmomofteens4611 actually we do respect yourself that's why we try to drag you towards Islam If a person says fire is a cool thing for me and want to burn himself in front of me I would not respect his opinion and I'll definitely warn that person and try to save them hope you take it positive.
Reminds me of old history that happened in the U.S, where a Caucasian man befriended a non practicing Muslim girl. According to him, they did all whachy stuff together. Then, when he proposed her, she said no, because he wasn't a Muslim, and told him what he needed to do to become a Muslim. When he became Muslim, he realised the life they were leading together wasn't that of Islam. And he went back preaching her out of darkness. They got married at the end, and have kids together now, and are on the right path of Islam. It's a moving history really.
Such word made me Cray some time's because we are born as Muslim but not accepting Islam by heart and due to our wrong practices we made bad impression of Islam and Muslim's among the world
The more you both share about your family and faith it truly gives me hope! As a non-Muslim, you both convey your religion in such a beautiful way, unlike what likes to be shown in the media 9 times out of 10!
My eyes welled up when i heard you saying you make adhaan and recite long Suras.... I can feel how blessed you are to have reached this level as a convert.... My wife started learning Quran recently and Alhamdulillah, we have more peace at home now... with more love and compassion....we prayed together during lock down at home for all five times me leading the prayer... She loves when i recite Sura Fajr at Fajr prayer... Even my children join us for all prayers... I can't explain the inner peace and joy we have today post submitting ourselves for Allah's wills..
My revert story, I came in Islam in 2016 Never thought of any religion, Even never followed my own, Had never thought of the creator, But when I had just got a English copy of Quran,read at a glimpse, to see what is the book made for the terrorists,to be frank I had never thought,will join the religion of terrorism how the Media portrays in the west countries, I felt into tears, I had never thought will wear hijab, But when I weared hijab first time in life just I wear it to cheak how it looks, I seen the mirror, promised myself will never stop wearing it again, had seen myself in the new look,new belief, the real belief, the belief which was in me since I had ever got the Sense, I felt covered myself, I am the believer alhumdulillah, I am believer of the creator,believer in the Jesus as well as a messenger which was confusing in my faith,alhumdulillah,I am the believer whatever I does,what ever will happen to me good or bad I will be paid from Allah in this world and here after forever alhumdulillah.
I am Catholic now for 14 years. I'm 68 I feel so much peace when I go to mass. I respect your religion. I love this couple ,I'm glad they are on here. When I was growing up my Bible School teachers were like y'all. It made it fun to learn and understand each other. I pray other people would be like this. Yes we have our differences if we are willing to learn from each this world would be better off
I'm Christian and I want to thank you guys for this Video. I found you on Tik Tok. I believe that isn't random that I watch this video tonight. I had something that happened in my life and it brought me trust issues about marriage and the idea of finding the good one. Watching this video is an answer to my prayer ! I really want to thank you guys for the time you took to share your story
I’m sorry but this was by far the cutest story everrr😩❤️ I was clutching my heart the whole time. May Allah(swt) grant you both everlasting love together in Jannah, Ameen.
Allah isn't real. There is no god. We live in a simulation. There's actually more evidence that the earth is flat than there is of god existing. Most modern day scientists and alot of well respected scholars will tell you that we live in a simulation(Elon musk, jack Dorsey, bill gates, neil deGrasse Tyson)
I am a Christian Missions Pastor here in the States and love watching you guys and seeing your journey. Even though we differ on faith we share so many similarities. I have learned so much from watching you guys. By the way I travel to Uganda every year doing mission work. We have dug several clean drinking water wells there as well. I had seen where you guys dig wells too. Bob Goff wrote a book Love Does and that is something that we share.
I have been following you for a while. On the edge of what i need to do. Sitting here crying and feeling like I need to continue my journey to Islam. You hit my heart so intensely. Thank you for sharing.
May Allah(God) help you. If you are researching islam-I will suggest "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips. sister, Some RUclips channel will be helpful in research inshallah- 1. Blogging theology 2. One message foundation 3. Efdawah (have live QnA) 4. Thought adventure podcast 5. Dawahwise 6. Zakir naik 7. Quran recitation by Omar Hisham Al Arabi
In Sha Allah dear sister. You will embrace Islam. Is there anything you wanna know before making final dicision? We will all feel very fortunate to assist you . Subhanallah ❤️
I am a muslim girl and hearing your story gived me hope. I was told I am never going to marry because I do not date. But God has a plan for me and I trust him with my life. May God give all muslim girls and guys a husband or a wife that brings them closer to God. 😊❤️
I saw you guys in TikTok.. and honestly your story is so inspiring. I am not Muslim but I have so much respect for your religion... I always have.. I’m glad your showing the beauty that is Islam. ❤️
Peace be with you and your family dear; Brahma Sutra in Scripture of Hind; "Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan" "There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit." Bhagavad Gita 7:22-23 22) Endowed with such a faith, he seeks favors of a particular demigod and obtains his desires. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone. 23) Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet. ( Those who worship demigod will go demi places (what are demi places, it is Nurk, those who worship only me will go Swarg) Yejurveda 32:3; “ Na Tasya Pratima Asti “Transklation = “ There is No Image of Him (God)” Lets see this portion of Gita ; Chapter 7, Verse 20 ; God say “ Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.” Chapter 7, Verse 21 ; “ I am in everyone’s heart as the super soul. As soon as one desires to worship some demigods, I make his fa h steady so that he can devote himself to the particular deity .”it First Two Commandment, ; "I am the Lord, thy God" "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" under the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud. Islam; In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1 Say, “He is God, the One. 2 God, the Absolute. 3 He begets not, nor was He begotten. 4 And there is none comparable to Him.” Bhagwan / Eshwar / Elohim / Elah / Elai or Eli / Allah, (In English we donate as GOD, The God) has sent 124000 Messengers and Prophets on different parts on Earth, indifferent Time, on different Nations, As Muslim, I believe (though it is not mentioned by names and place), Scriptures of Hind are also true Scriptures sent by Supreme Being to Humanity through His Messengers, and Prophets ( may be Krishna, Buddha and more) to part of Earth we know as Hind. And it is mentioned in Quran 3:64 " come to the common grounds " and leave differences aside to achieve peace and harmony among you. Think about it ! Peace......Bless you.
I'm just so proud of and happy for you guys! I belong to a Christian faith that also prohibits alcohol and drugs, that encourages fidelity in marriage and healthy families, modesty in dress and behavior, and that drawing closer to God will help your marriage and family (love the triangle analogy). Thank you for being such loving people of faith and sharing your love for God and your family so openly on the Internet. I know that can't be easy, but i just admire you guys so much.
I came across on your channel or family in one of the short videos here in youtube as random suggestion. But got interested with your story. I’m a catholic and worked in Oman for 9 years. I worked with the greatest people over there, I was exposed to Islam and different people’s culture, had Pakistani friends which to this date are very dear to me and we’re still talk every time. I love the idea that you’re bringing awareness about Islam and removing the stereotype people have especially in western countries. When I moved here in the US, in some ways I propagate Islam, teaching people what Omanis and Pakistanis thought and made me experience. I hope for more success on your channel.
This was the fastest 23 minutes of my life. I absolutely love your story. I started watching these short videos of tigers, kangaroos, crocodiles, and somehow, one of your short videos came up. After coming across the 3rd one, I fell in love with Sana’s energy! There’s something about her that is just so welcoming! 💖
I'm Roman Catholic and I love your videos! Edit: as a teacher I've had many Muslim students and they are amazing with people in general. Empathy, charity, etc.
I really cried watching this video. I truly understand your feelings as a born Muslim, praying back and forth from childhood, I think I get to know my religion only after 25 when I nearly left it and was 1 step apart from being an atheist. I remember finding Allah again. I stoped for a second and cried and made the Dua. I asked Allah to take me back to his religion and to his path. And just after 1 month I was praying 5 times a day and after a year or so I start to wear hijab alhamdulliAllah. And my biggest inspiration were ppl who converted to Islam. Because those ppl really researched Islam and learned about our religion. I remember feeling myself like I always had taken my religion for granted. I felt exactly like you saying that he made you closer to your own religion by researching it. I have 2 daughters and I would be more than honored if they could meet someone like your husband who really know what is Islam. And who would love my girls the way how he loves you, and look at them the way how he looks at you. May Allah bless you guys. Thank you for this story. Loves and hugs from Uzbekistan.
What an amazing the same situation myself (born muslim pakistani wanting to marry a revert). But my parents are toally against it. I gained so much hope from this video. Please remember me in your duas
@@abbieg3945 Yeah that's the thing, they're totally against it. I guess its in Pakistani culture to want to marry only within other Pakistanis. it's not like this for everyone, so my prayers are with you and I hope you have a very positive experience. I clearly remember my mum saying "I don't care if he is a perfect muslim, he is not Pakistani". He is Sri Lankan however, so I don't think theres much of a cultural gap.
@Shawn They have a fear that he won't stick to it and eventually go back to drinking etc. I guess its a rational fear, but even a born Muslim can do those things.
Listening to your story is so heartwarming and educational all at the same time. I have not interacted with many Muslims, so I never truly realized how much love and community there is in your faith. Love your content and look forward to seeing more.
There are lot Similarities with Christianity , sister if you interested a lecture "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips
Absolutely beautiful. I'm from a Christian family but have been agnostic for many years. I met the most perfect woman, an immigrant from Bangladesh. She's Muslim too and I really want to be with her. I bought a Quran and am going to the mosque this Friday. None of her family is here so can't do the things this person described but hoping I can accept Islam and be with her!
There's no relationship better than the ones that bring people closer to Allah (swt). Beautiful story guys. Something to tell your grandchildren. Are you guys from Vancouver? I feel like I have seen you guys somewhere.
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
Christians Unaware The Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith - the Holy Qur’ân. He does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own language, without saying Eesa, alaihi assalam ("Jesus, peace be upon him") The Christian does not know that in the Holy Qur’ân Jesus is mentioned twenty five times. For example: "We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Qur’ân 2:87) "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45) "...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171) "...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46) "And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85) Jesus - His Titles Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Qur’ân, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah. He is spoken of as "The Word of God", as "The Spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Quran honors this mighty messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same. There is not a single disparaging remark in the entire Quran to which even the most jaundiced among the Christians can take exception. Eesa Latinised to "Jesus" The Holy Qur’ân refers to Jesus as Eesa, and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian" name. Actually, his proper name was Eesa (Arabic), or Esau (Hebrew); classical Yeheshua, which the Christian nations of the West latinised as Jesus. Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages. The word is very simply "E S A U" a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the "bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus" a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Acts 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be a name of ill - repute, the name of one who blasphemed in Jewry; and among the Christians because it came to be the proper name of their God. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son Eesa because it is an honored name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.
There is no islam, the Quran is christian-----------19/33-34 : And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive." That is ISA, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute.
Your journey began with curiosity and grew into passion. It’s difficult to challenge any of our opinions and beliefs. This story is so inspiring on an even more broad scale than just faith- that we can completely transform and improve at any point in our lives with focus and dedication.
I'm a Muslim from South Africa and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. May Allah SWT bless you and your entire family with all the happiness in the world and hereafter.
Ma shaa Allah what a beautiful couple. Chocked me at when u said “we as born Muslim take our deen for granted” which is so true and it was your husband a revert who brought you to Islam. Sub haan Allah x Allah bless ur marriage and shower it more blessings and we all strive to get closer to Allah. Ameen🤲🏻❤️ oh n yes let’s see a video a snip it of your recitation brother. That would be fab👍🏻
mariam mehmood * I know a born Muslim like myself take islam for granted, many of I came across Islam by name not practicing it. It become a challenge, i envy for every new Muslim who truly practicing and enjoying doing it while we as Muslim is trying very hard to motivate ourself any solutions could be very welcomed.
I haven't seen anyone pointing out how incredibly intelligent this man must be. He learned an entire new lifestyle and all the things that accompany it. He became an expert. Truly an inspiration. ❤
masha Allah. I was listening to a lecture of ustadh Umar Suleiman on the life of FATIMA the daughter of our beloved prophet Muhammad Pbuh and Ali (RA) and to find your story on the same day. made me all happy n sad at the same time, that we Muslims take our religion for granted and this brother was guided to Islam and he has been blessed with an amazing life partner aswell. May Allah have his blessings upon you and your family and keep all of us safe in this unprecedented times....Ameen
Just finished watching your full video and am like dumbstruck to hear the story , it’s absolutely awesome that how you converted and things changed for your to marry your sweetheart , mashaallah it’s so uplifting today during breaking my fast Iftaar , I saw your video and felt so overwhelmed that you even went abroad spreading he word of Allah on another continent and even with my South African brothers you travelled west to east of Canada spreading the teaching of Islam . I am a born Muslim but I am sure I have dont anything close to what you have done ya sheikh . Your wife literally changed your life and I just wish many others inshalllah follows your footsteps . May allah shower his blessings on both of you . I have watched plenty of videos of conversion , but nothing like your story ya sheikh 🙏
Actually There are lot Similarities between the two religion "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips a lecture on Similarities
The way your mother in law first rejected you then accepted you after she realized how seriously you took your religion is extremely moving. Masha'Allah.
I'm a Wiccan but I love watching these videos. For entertainment of course but also education. I live in an area with little diversity, so these videos really open my eyes to the world.
I ❤️ you guys !!! I’m old enough to be both of your moms 😂! Keep breaking down barriers ! That’s exactly what I believe your videos do in part ! ❤️ from Oklahoma USA 🇺🇸
You really made my day I just finished fajar prayer and recitation of Quran after that I am watching your video . Beauty of Islam people can understand from u r words a born muslim cannot explain the way u did. ❤️ From one of u r muslim brother..
I’m so impressed with the two of you. Articulate, intelligent, faithful and driven. I watch your RUclips videos often. I work each day with people from all walks of life. Listening and learning from you has started many a wonderful conversation. Thank you for being a light this world is so desperately in need of. Peace and joy to you and your family.
Just wanted to thank your family ❤️ I am white, non religious & I teach a full class of beautiful, brilliant, kind, curious, Somali, Muslim 1st graders. Your family has truly helped me better understand the religion of the families I serve each day!
I love you guys so much, I'm not religious at all, but I love educating myself on other beliefs so I can relate to them without altered views influenced by media especially, I absolutely love seeing you guys together listening to your stories. It make smy heart happy
Watching you and your family on TikTok for the past year and being myself on a spiritual journey, I finally believe I know where i belong.I have started officially studying Islam this past month and plan to revert in August on my birthday. Thank you for so much inspiration, education, and clarity to help me finally discover my spiritual and religious family I've missing for so long.
I just asked my common law husband whos Italian from Italy that I've been doing alot of research about Islam and I think I want to convert and asked him what to do he asked me why but he knows I've been struggling with alot and my words where I want to feel happy I want to be happy I want to change alot and I feel drawn to Islam as well so he said do it
Lovely story 😍😍😍 My husband was from another religion, he converted to Islam after getting intrigued about it after meeting me. But he did most of the journey himself and taught himself how to pray as well, he inspires me to practice more as well. Alhamdulillah for everything, when he came to propose with his parents to my parents, everything went surprisingly smooth (i thought my parents would say no or be hesitant but that didnt even happen!) and we got engaged right away and married within few months. Married for almost 2 years now and growing in our faith and love everyday!
Islam always has a space in my heart from when I grew up in Saudi. I am not religious (former Catholic) and I do believe in a high power. This is such a beautiful story that you both have told.
The more and more I watch you guys and a few other RUclips channels I am so into Islam I truly feel so drawn to it idk what it is but it feels like it fits being 1000% honest I've never ever felt this
U vl love reading Quran from some authentic source. Islam is such a beautiful religion honestly. Portrayed badly. But islam is perfect way of life. Teach you to live like a human who an inner consciousness desires.
Masha Allah..., can't admire you less, you are a wonderful couple 😊😂😀
Assalam Alaikum, I had no idea your wife was from Pakistan. I'm American, and I don't want to go into details in public, but have some questions if you have a way I could ask privately. Thanks.
Asalam walikum. U guys are lovely. Brother if u have time look into the growing incel crisis in Canada. I think a brother like u could help a lot of lost men. Peace xxxx
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Jazakallah khairan.
i was a fighter against islam but the more i learn to fight i started to love islam... i am a muslim girl now😌i lost my family and relatives and lose my husband too...but still i survive for my kid and have faith in Allah....i love you dears
Allah will bring people in your life.
Be patient Rufi , Allah SWT will bring you more
Remember, every hardships comes with ease
May Allah make it easy for you and keep you firm in your deen.
This is common to most of us who decided to follow the true religion. If you lose people or material things don't worry because in return you got Allah and a community of 1.7 billions human on earth. Not mentioning billions of angels and all living creatures that praise anf glorify Allah although we can't hear them
We are Muslims..we are one family!
Love u
Plot twist : Sana just wanted to do this video so that she can check if her husband remembers how they met.
@@0Takethoserisks0 lol makes sense right?
rizan riyal yeah it does 🤣
I don't mean any offence by this, but as an English atheist, I've never thought of religion being this beautiful before
Same here☺👍
I am a catholic.I love watching there videos.
I'm personally a very devout Christian. My husband and I are starting our journey in ministry together and we're both converts to Christianity later in life. I went through a season in life of not being atheist but being agnostic. I found that a lot of atheists and agnostics alike (not all!!) were so closed minded and would see only their perception of the "bad" parts of religion and focused deeply in anger on that. I did that too as an agnostic. I won't ever push my views on anyone else myself today, I will only ever preach with my life- not my lips (unless invited to obviously, but I think you get what I mean lol). I love that you could see the beauty in this though is my point- That's beautiful to me!! ❤
That genuinely doesn't seem offensive at all and this comes from a British Muslim! :) It's a lovely shift of perspective
@@321Sapphire123 thankyou I'm glad, I just didn't want to come across as if I was saying that I never liked religeon until now(:
I was born and bred an atheist. Nothing has changed for me, personally, in 48 years. I hardly knew anyone committed to any religion at all. I certainly hadn't known any Muslims. But, through a series of heartbreaking events, my granddaughter was adopted by a wonderful Muslim family. This family could have cut me off from my granddaughter. They could have been magnanimous and sent a letter once or twice a year with updates. However, they've chosen to open their lives and their hearts to my entire family. I'm still a grandma! They are fantastic parents, everything I could dream of for my granddaughter. Because they are so kind, I want to learn as much as I can about Islam. I doubt I will ever convert. Still, I can envision a time when my granddaughter asks me a question about her faith. I want to be ready with the correct answers. I was to respect what her parents are teaching her. I want to respect the relationship they have with their faith, in the same way they have shown respect for my relationship with my granddaughter. I am so grateful to learn more about Islam! I love the "shorts" here on RUclips! Thank you for helping me to know more of what to expect from the family who has adopted my granddaughter, and what they will expect of me! Forever grateful!
You're a great grandparent! ❤
MashaAllah you're an amazing human being!
Your love for your granddaughter is beautiful. You could’ve easily cut her off due to being adopted by Muslims like others would do but you’ve proved your love for her is pure and sincere.
Regarding your acceptance of Islam or not. That’s in the capable hands of Allah (The One God, Creator and Lord). He decides who believes and worships Him.
However, what’s in your hands is to be a sincere truth seeker and read up on Islam and the lives of the Prophet (salalahu alayhi wasaalam) and his righteous and pious Companions and lastly to ask The One True Lord of the Worlds to guide you to the truth. I guarantee you that you will get your answers.
May Allaah Azawajal guide you, your entire family and your loved ones to goodness in this world and the next. Aameen ya Rabb (so be it O Lord)…
All the best. ❤️
I am glad that whilst your story has had some difficult circumstances, it has resulted in love between you, your granddaughter and her parents. It's never easy when our family structures change, but when everyone involved approaches that change with love and a desire for solutions it shows the very best of humanity.
To be honest. Your husband’s journey towards Islam put me in tears. I’m a Muslim and as you said we take this for granted. But now, after watching this video I have started to practice more Islam. Love from NYC ❤️
Thats real strength
Love them too. Watch Act 17 Apologetics. David Wood explains Islam well. Islam Critiqued on RUclips is excellent too.
The way she looks at him, its like everytime she looks she falls in love. It's like she never gets enough. It's like she wants to make sure that he's always happy. She loves him alot, the kind of love that is unique in this time. May God bless you both.
They both look at each other that way. It's absolutely obvious they're dedicated to each other and their love is based upon their religious faith
that what i was ganna say they way the look into each other it beautiful
Say MA Sha Allah
If you research my dear friend that divorce rate in entire muim ummah is lowest amongst other groups . Ma Sha Allah ❤️
Finally seeing Muslims in a respectful, kind, funny, informative, and loving manner. Definitely not how media portrays it. Thanks for sharing your story!
To all non-Muslim viewers to this video, I am so happy as a Muslim to see all your positive comments and all your happiness to hear about the religion of Islam, sending you all the love ❤️
I have made a new muslim friend. I never had a muslim friend before and she is just so loving and caring. I never have judged muslims before but never knew much. Have learnt a lot and also love this channel
Yeah it doesn’t make sense that the media makes it seem like all Muslims are terrible people which is just so wrong
@@gonfreecss1083 it was the media sometimes but it was mostly those terrorists who put a bad name on islam religion
They want us to hate each other. Muslims are not the enemy.
I love this! It seems like your parents were really trying to look out for you, and I just love how respectful he seems to be of you. I see a woman being protected, respected, valued, and cherished. This is dope!
This is beautiful. I'm a Christian but I had a really good friend in high school who was Muslim. She was the sweetest person ever. Most people only see the and hear what's on the news they have no clue that Muslim are not bad all due to a few bad eggs. Thank you for sharing your story this made my day.💓💓
Christians Unaware
The Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith - the Holy Qur’ân. He does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own language, without saying Eesa, alaihi assalam ("Jesus, peace be upon him")
The Christian does not know that in the Holy Qur’ân Jesus is mentioned twenty five times. For example:
"We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Qur’ân 2:87)
"O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45)
"...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171) "...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46)
"And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85)
Jesus - His Titles
Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Qur’ân, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah.
He is spoken of as "The Word of God", as "The Spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Quran honors this mighty messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same. There is not a single disparaging remark in the entire Quran to which even the most jaundiced among the Christians can take exception.
Eesa Latinised to "Jesus"
The Holy Qur’ân refers to Jesus as Eesa, and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian" name. Actually, his proper name was Eesa (Arabic), or Esau (Hebrew); classical Yeheshua, which the Christian nations of the West latinised as Jesus. Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages.
The word is very simply "E S A U" a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the "bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus" a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Acts 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be a name of ill - repute, the name of one who blasphemed in Jewry; and among the Christians because it came to be the proper name of their God. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son Eesa because it is an honored name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.
@@Indiantouristvolg there are things Christians dont know . But becoming aware of those around us and taking others beliefs in to consideration is a step towards unity. We all have different beliefs but it dose no good to put one another down
You won't mind I'm just talking about the similarities between Christianity and Islam,But I respect all religions, I do not want to degrade any religion
@@baycain8938 Christianity is a Semitic religion, which claims to have nearly two billion adherents all over the world. Christianity owes it name to Jesus Christ (peace be on him). Jesus (pbuh) is also a revered figure in Islam.Islam is the only non-Christian Faith that prescribes faith in Jesus (pbuh):
Before we discuss the concept of God in Christianity let us examine the position of Jesus (pbuh) in Islam:
(i) Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (pbuh). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (pbuh).
(ii) We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (SWT).
(iii) We believe that he was born miraculously without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe.
(iv) We believe that He gave life to the dead with God's permission.
(v) We believe that He healed those born blind, and the lepers with God's permission.
One may ask, if both Muslims and Christians love and respect Jesus (pbuh), where exactly is the parting of ways? The major difference between Islam and Christianity is the Christians' insistence on the supposed divinity of Christ. A study of the Christian scriptures reveals that Jesus (pbuh) never claimed divinity. In fact there is not a single unequivocal statement in the entire Bible where Jesus (pbuh) himself says, "I am God" or where he says, "worship me". In fact the Bible contains statements attributed to Jesus (pbuh) in which he preached quite the contrary. Consider the following statements in the Bible, attributed to Jesus Christ (pbuh):
"My Father is Greater than I"
(John 14:2B)
"My Father is Greater than all"
(John 10:29)
".I cast out devils by the spirit of God.."
(Mathew 12:2B)
".. with the finger of God cast out devils..."
(Luke 11:20)
"I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge; and my judgement is just; because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father, which hath sent me."
The mission of Jesus Christ (pbuh) - he came to fulfill the Law:
Jesus (pbuh) never claimed divinity for himself. He clearly announced the nature of his mission. Jesus (pbuh) was sent by God to confirm the previous Judaic law. This is clearly evident in the following statements attributed to Jesus (pbuh) in the Gospel of Mathew:
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
(The Bible, Mathew 5: 17-20)
God sent Jesus (pbuh):
The Bible mentions the prophetic nature of Jesus' mission in the following verses:
". and the word whic h ye hear is not mine, but the Father's
which has sent me.
(The Bible, John 14:24)
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent."
(The Bible,John 17:3)
Jesus refuted even a remote suggestion of his divinity. Consider the following incident mentioned in the Bible:
"And, behold, one came and said unto him, "Good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"
And he said unto him, "Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God; but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."
The above statements from the Bible refute the Christian dogma of divinity of Jesus and of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus (pubh). Jesus (pbuh) exhorts keeping the commandments as the means to achieve salvation.
( The Bible, Mathew 5: 17-20)
Jesus (pbuh) of Nazareth - a man approved of God:
The following statement from the Bible supports the Islamic belief that Jesus (pbuh) was a prophet of God.
"Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, A man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know."
The First Commandment is that God is One:
The Bible does not support the Christian belief in trinity at all. One of the scribes once asked Jesus (pbuh) as to which was the first commandment of all, to which Jesus (pbuh) merely repeated what Moses (pbuh) had said, namely:
"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhat".
This is a Hebrew quotation, which means: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord."
(Mark 12:29)
Yes im a muslim too and im really sweet... Hahhaha.. 😂😂😂
💕From 🇲🇾Malaysia
My husband and I are not Muslim however we completely agree that the closer we are to God, the closer we are to each other. Have a blessed day!
Try being closer to one another, rather than hiding behind the idea of god.
You guys have helped me to not feel uncomfortable around muslims because your channel has educated me to see you’re very good humans and Muslim women aren’t being suppressed for wearing a hijab.
Me to before I got confused and I did not even try to talk to them but now if I do end up meeting a Muslim person I know what to do 😀
There's no need to be uncomfortable in the first place tbh. This irks me but i'm glad you you're way past that
Me too. But the comments make me uncomfy here,like everyone is "islam is the true religion", "i invite you to islam". No,respect me,as I respect you. Period.
@@badassmomofteens4611 ignore them. they are just trying to share their reality but i mean, you didnt ask so they should respect that. i am muslim and i dont do that
İm muslim but not very religous person and i dont wear hijab my mom is religious and she doesnt wear hijab it really depends on person
I am a renounced Greek Orthodox. I am no longer religious. Muslim, Catholic, Jew, Hindu... Love is Love. Congratulations to you both. You both deserve and earned this happiness. You have a beautiful story. Thnank you for sharing.
I'm religion free!
@AlonyaJ why are you not any more a Greek orthodox?
Such a beautiful story. And you guys did have some influence on me just taking my shahada this week.
mashaallah .. allahhuakhbar
Congrats ! May Allah blesses you
Manshallah brother Allah bless you
Maşallah , congratulations , very happy for you 🕊️🕊️🕊️
I met my husband as a roommate and he wasn’t practicing the religion and I was raised catholic. Our story is similar to yours. I converted and he became more active in the religion doing his 5 daily prayers everyday. Alhamdulillah I feel so much peace and I feel guided. Allah is the greatest!
May Allah bless you and grant you jannah Inshallah💗💗
@@cubingnesse8785 Ameen! To all of us.
Ma sha Allah ❣❣
Congratulations ❤❤
I'm a Christian and I have some very close Muslim friends who wear the hijab and people often have a really tough time understanding how we can be friends when we are of different faiths, and Islam is portrayed so negatively by the media. So I'm so happy that you are making videos which show Islam in it's true form - loving and accepting
Thanks a lot
@Mu Mi Well being a person full of prejudice just shows that you are no good. It is not for you to judge a religion because it doesn’t matter what you think of it, the influence of your opinion on this religion equals 0.
@Mu Mi I am waiting on you to stop crying 😘
@Mu Mi Ist das so, hast du dich denn schon inständig mit der Religion auseinandergesetzt um solch eine Behauptung aufzustellen? Ich gehe mal nicht davon aus, da es mir bei bestem Willen nicht den Anschein macht! Haben diese Frauen gesagt sie wurden aufgrund religiöser Tatsachen Opfer häuslicher Gewalt oder stellst du diese Hypothese dadurch auf, dass es sich dabei um muslimische Frauen handelt, ergo das muss ja unweigerlich mit dem Islam zusammenhängen nicht wahr? Schlag mir diese Seite im Koran auf die dazu auffordert Gewalt gegen seine Frau oder Gewalt gegen irgend eine Frau anzuwenden! Wir sagen nicht umsonst das Paradies liegt unter den Füßen unserer Mütter und da denkst du würden wir im Namen des Glaubens oder durch den Glauben Frauen Gewalt antun? Lächerlich, bevor du Gotteslästerung betreibst solltest du den Unterschied zwischen Religion und Kultur kennen, denn das ist dein Problem, du hast kein recht hier deinen Hirnverbrannten misst zu verbreiten und eine ganze Religion zu verpönen, basta!
@Mu Mi denken und wissen sind zwei Paar Schuhe
I was born in a Pakistani Muslim family. But I was never close to Islam, and I didn't do the required Fardh. About 3 months ago I was going towards the Athiest/Agnostic side until the amazing happened. Allah SWT guided me and I came back to Islam. That was a month and a half ago when I started praying and really learning about Islam again. I am 17 years old and Alhamdulillah I am proud to say that I am a Muslim by choice.
May Allah bless you brother
Allah belly
You are super hero 👏
Same thing happened with me. Alhamdulillah Allah guided me and i am very greatful.
Stay Blessed, if you ever feel any confusion or some assistance, you are welcome to contact. This is a mortal world, may Allah protect our Iman. Aameen.
I was legit in tears hearing your story. I myself am on a spiritual journey right now and participated in Ramadan and just figuring things out so thank you. Eid Mubarak to you and your family.
may your spiritual journey lead you to islam, may you become our sister 🥰
Stay Strong dear
May Allah(God) help you. Sister, If you are researching islam-I will suggest "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips. sister, Some RUclips channel will be helpful in research inshallah-
1. Blogging theology
2. One message foundation
3. Efdawah (have live QnA)
4. Thought adventure podcast
5. Dawahwise
6. Zakir naik
7. Quran recitation by Omar Hisham Al Arabi
Sister please read the holy quran in English translation,you can download it.insha Allah.
@Sejal Nerkar Please ap 1 bar quran pak ko Hindi translation me parhe.ap quran in Hindi install kar sakte hain.insha Allah.
What a video, didn’t think a 19 year old Libyan boy raised in Ireland would find himself watching 23 mins of this, unreal insight into power of Islam
ali tommy i'm libyan 😳😳😳😳
Libyan here
Truly beautiful
As Libyans most of us are invested in learning about our religion
@@Saro.Elhouni that's deep!yes we are ! Bless
“I didn’t chose Islam, it chose me.” Such a beautiful and true statement. Islam is truly a gift for all Muslims.
"ومن يرد الله يشرح صدره للإسلام"، "إنك لا تهدي من أحببت ولكن الله يهدي من يشاء" صدق الله العظيم
Muzaffarpur India se ho ya Paxtan se?
No ISLAm is never peaceful..what r you even saying please go and read the book properly
I love how proud she is of him and how he looks at her ! True love!
The sentence "we muslims take our religion so granted " made mr cry and that is 100% true. Being born as muslims, we need to improve a lot to prove our islamic values. Jazakallah for this teaching...
I know right it really brought tears to my eses cause she's so right
I was literally just thinking this and then I saw your comment.
So true... And so sad... The other day, I heard a revert Norwegian guy say that it distresses him much that he cannot even pray maghfirah for his parents if they die today ! ( He was asking for donations for a dawah centre and masjid there) ... And then it hit me hard... Like woah! We never even consider this blessing...that everyone who is closest to our heart is a Muslim!
Watch Act 17 Apologetics. David Wood explains Islam well. Islam Critiqued on RUclips is excellent too.
I am a covert to Islam for 27 years now. It also has happened to me when we decided for our sons to follow my husband’ religion. When I took them to Koran studies I would listen to the ladies that taught the children I would get interested. So I decided to shada and when I did I started crying then the sisters also cried. It was so beautiful. My didn’t know till we were going to the store that I covered my husband was so surprised that he cried and stated jumping or dancing couldn’t tell the difference. Yes Islam has brought us closer to God and to each other. Been married now 32 years !!!
MashaAllah Alhumdulilah 😊
mashaAllah what a beautiful journey SubxanAllah you make us cry and dance too 😁😁💕👍
Did you enjoy this story time?
Yes alhamdulilah
Yesss loved it!
Masha Allah ! You guys are adorable.
I'm a recent convert ( July 21st 2019 ) Alhamdulalilah, my husband brought me to Islam. I'm still learning but where I live there arent many muslims so its challenging. In'sha Allah I become a better educated Muslima. Just started wearing Hijab yours always looks so beautiful!
Yes !
As an atheist who feels very "at peace" with myself and my life, I never really understood the appeal of following a religion. But this couple is making something click in my head. I'm starting to get why people find religion. Thanks Saleh Family!
Thank YOU!!!! ❤️
Please just read the Qur'an. You have nothing to lose
@rosalynn Where r u from?
Rosalynn, spend less time with people that don't believe and more time with people that do. People that don't believe in God will keep you content with not believing. Ask God to bring people into your life that can bring you closer to him, even if you don't believe he exists at least you have an open heart towards him and he can work with an open heart. Once you find him you will have peace like you never imagined and he will bring overwhelming joy.
@@SachikoDoughnut the same can be said for spending more time with believers. You re not encouraged to critically think to see if you believe . Is it not better to spend time with both point of view and still have an open mind. And in most cases i have seen atheist do usually have open minds, evidenced by her and me being on this channel.
"He brought me closer to my religion" thats beutifull, Allah definatly guided you two to be together
I was born into a Christian family, but in the year 1995 i converted to Islam, and married a Palestinan woman..
3 girls and a big arabic family
and my story looks a lot like yours.
Allah Khalikum.
Mashallah. May Allay bless you and your family
May Allah bless u and ur family
Love them too. Watch Act 17 Apologetics. David Wood explains Islam well. Islam Critiqued on RUclips is excellent too.
Alhumdullilah ❤️
Your story would make a great Hallmark Lifetime movie. Sana is so beautiful inside and out, Will has such a peaceful energy, and you both have a great sense of humor.
The fact that now you know God is amazing. I’m Christian. It’s not about religion it is about knowing who the Most High is. Happy about both of you.
Respect to you dear brother/sister , from a Muslim
Respect to you brother. May Allah guide you to the straight path. May he guide you to the path that Jesus (PBUH) was on. Ameen.
PS I say the path Jesus was on because Jesus was a Muslim
Knowing the Most High does come from religion though because thats the Most High speaking to us!
Watch Act 17 Apologetics. David Wood explains Islam well. Islam Critiqued on RUclips is excellent too.
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
dang, he was like "im gonna be the best muslim ever!!!" went for it. got the girl. hero's story.
ikr 😍
He really went to conquer and did just that 🤣
This is so beautiful. My fiancé and I went through a similar backstory and are still struggling with family right now. It is so wonderful to hear this story. Mashallah. Ramdam Kareem!
I’m learning about islam now, that way I can marry my husband one day inshallah 💕
Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I are devout Catholics but love your channel and have learned so much. I think so many of us especially here in the U.S have been taught that someone wearing a hijab or a Muslim in general as a threat and that is so unfortunate.
Thank You for opening your lives and sharing your faith.
sure, but maybe you should take a look at their latest post, where they are talking about leaving Canada for someplace in the islamic world, because I guess they prefer sharia law to democracy. three years later, and now he's sporting a kaffiyeh. and the baseball cap is now about "palestine". so it seems like in the end, it's not quite the example you had imagined or hoped.
Free Palestine is a call for justice they deserve freedom as any other nation in the world and I have seen a lot of religious Christians feel uncomfortable with the kind of family education forced upon their children in school I don’t see them committing a crime if they feel like this is not the thing for them
I am a devout Christian but I love y’all y’all are amazing and happy Ramadan!!!
Thank you so much 🤗💖
Thank you you so sweet 🥰
I'm agnostic and I absolutely LOVE them. I love to learn about all religion. I had never looked into Islam before and I just researched about Ramadan and it's so interesting:) if anyone has any links to great videos about it I'd love for you to share!! Always looking to learn about different religions and cultures ❤
Mohamed hijab's or hamza's discussions from speakers corner is amazing resource
Or you can search for Salam(Islam) RUclips channel
Thanks a lot ❣️
You guys are adorable. He reminds me of my late husband, the goofball energy. We began dating when I was 14 and he suddenly passed away in a tragedy when I was 28. He was my entire world, my life and my reason for existing. People think it's weird that he's been gone a few years now and I still haven't even thought about thinking about dating. I can't even imagine...he was my world.
I'm so sorry. Stay strong 💓
Dont worry, he's in a better place now! And I'm so sorry for his loss. May his soul find peace
I can't feel your pain but god bless you,it would be so hard.
Pls stay strong girl. If you ever feel sad talk to me.
I just hope you are okay
So sorry for your loss. You have our most heartfelt sympathy and prayers for healing.
I'm so sorry dear.. my prayers are with you 🙏❤
I am a non- religious person and find your relationship and content sooooo interesting!! I see a lot of comments about other people’s faith etc and just wanted to let you know there are people like me who you inspire and reach regardless of our own religious views!!
Hey 👋
God truly works in mysterious ways. My story is quite similar. I am a Catholic convert, and it wasn’t long before my wife started asking me questions about her childhood faith. Like you, Will, I taught the faith to adults who went through the process if conversion, and also married a woman from a different cultural/ethnic background, in my case Hispanic. I feel that our journeys, and bringing people to God have made us brothers even though we have never met, and our faiths are not the same.
May you and your family continue to be blessed. 🙏
me and my husband are both young catholics and have two kids too but we love watching you guys and feel connected to you both.
God bless your family. Aameen
I’m a young Catholic too
I’m a young Christian but I love the chemistry between them too. Everything I had heard about Islam was a lie. I love it when God shows himself. We are all the same people.
@@kristopebo9871 most of the things I new about Islam was a lie too. This family is wonderful and god bless them.
As a Christian you made me fall in love with your religion . Thank you so much for sharing how wonderful the Muslim religion is, it sounds like it is all about love.
Yes, dear, it is all about Love. Let us love our Creator..Allah...and let us love one another for His saks. This is a great way to uplift ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. It is ultimately the road to Paradise.
I wish you will research or seek more about Islam so that you can know more about Islam. Allah blessed you for the true path.
Hi short ...
ISLAM..I shall love all mankind. 🖐👌❤😊🌎
Wendy hope you draw inspiration from what you see and hear.
Go well..🏅✌
Yes, Muslims love and worship only 1 God, love and respect all prophets/messengers of GOD, love family, love neighbor and love all humanity. Muslims are very happy to see all people going to the right path with peace and live together in Paradise eternally. This is our mission on this earth as Muslims.
Alhamdulillah, you have made a right decision.
I was a non Muslim but out of love i converted myself for my beloved one...& our relationship is more than 15 yrs.....but my whole journey through this last decade was so interesting & now I performs namaj( prayer) for 5times....& have much knowledge about Islam than my husband😍so I can connect my story with urs....Allah is so magical...he can do hedayat any person at any stage of life......
Oh wow mashallah
God brings you In different ways in your case he brought you in by love mashallah
May Allah give hidaaya to my love as well... please pray
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
I am not a religious woman, but this is such a beautiful story i have been watching the both of you for years and Islam sounds like a very beautiful religion. May allah continue to bless you both and your children.
Well, if a religion with child marriages, mut'ah( pleasure) marriages, or honor killings turn you on, then Islam is for you.
I am not personally Muslim but you’re story has touched me. It’s given me the motivation to search and become closer to my own beliefs. You have a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing you life.
To all non-Muslim viewers to this video, I am so happy as a Muslim to see all your positive comments and all your happiness to hear about the religion of Islam, sending you all the love ❤️
I also want to add; I invite YOU to Islam. Yes, you who have read this beautiful comment.
@C D why leave it there creating hate ;)
@C D Becuz those people are ignorant and nobody needs to read hatred
So much love from a Christian American ❤
I am a Roman Catholic, I love, you guys. Both of you are the first I found that don't put other people down. Keep doing what you are doing. I'll keep watching, and smiling. Thank you, for that.
You two are the sweetest couple ever. My ex was Muslim and I absolutely loved learning about Islam and loved living temporarily in a Muslim country. The Ezan made me cry even though I don’t know what was being said. Loved hearing it 5x day. The culture. I was slowly transitioning and didn’t even realize it! ❤
Wow that's beautiful thing to hear. ❤ Wish you the best ❤️
Yeah, sur your EX was Muslim. I wonder, how many ways did he abuse you?
@appleturnover519 So people divorce base on Abuse?
I am personally not Muslim but I LOVE learning about you guys and what u believe in ❤️
We need more respectful people like you. Seriously god bless you
I was going to say the same! Love yall!
Love u!! I respect every religion too!!
Tysm we really appreciate it
Me too!!
Beautiful. I am an active atheist but your story is inspiring. I leave religion open to my children because I don't know everything. I wish them the happiness you show in every video. Thank you so much
Can I ask a question brother. What would you lose if you chose Islam and left atheism. If Islam is false and atheism is right nothing will happen to you. If Islam is right then its good news for u if your on the straight path. Please think about that brother. May Allah guide you to the straight path. Ameen
@@MrYoda-su4qo why do y'all keep to hunt us with islam? Why? Respect your religion. You can't drag me there. Respect me being an atheist as I respect you being a muslim. Simple as that.
@@badassmomofteens4611 actually we do respect yourself that's why we try to drag you towards Islam
If a person says fire is a cool thing for me and want to burn himself in front of me I would not respect his opinion and I'll definitely warn that person and try to save them hope you take it positive.
@@nousheenyasir2768 it's the other way around bruh,it isn't atheists who create terrorist organizations💀
@@purrrgatorium also that is not Islam who guide to creat terrorist organizations
If I m wrong then you can read what Islam says about terrorism
Reminds me of old history that happened in the U.S, where a Caucasian man befriended a non practicing Muslim girl. According to him, they did all whachy stuff together. Then, when he proposed her, she said no, because he wasn't a Muslim, and told him what he needed to do to become a Muslim. When he became Muslim, he realised the life they were leading together wasn't that of Islam. And he went back preaching her out of darkness. They got married at the end, and have kids together now, and are on the right path of Islam. It's a moving history really.
Such word made me Cray some time's because we are born as Muslim but not accepting Islam by heart and due to our wrong practices we made bad impression of Islam and Muslim's among the world
Some times born Muslims attend to not practice Islam and think like westerns in order to be accepted so sad
The more you both share about your family and faith it truly gives me hope! As a non-Muslim, you both convey your religion in such a beautiful way, unlike what likes to be shown in the media 9 times out of 10!
My eyes welled up when i heard you saying you make adhaan and recite long Suras.... I can feel how blessed you are to have reached this level as a convert.... My wife started learning Quran recently and Alhamdulillah, we have more peace at home now... with more love and compassion....we prayed together during lock down at home for all five times me leading the prayer... She loves when i recite Sura Fajr at Fajr prayer... Even my children join us for all prayers... I can't explain the inner peace and joy we have today post submitting ourselves for Allah's wills..
My revert story, I came in Islam in 2016
Never thought of any religion,
Even never followed my own,
Had never thought of the creator,
But when I had just got a English copy of Quran,read at a glimpse, to see what is the book made for the terrorists,to be frank I had never thought,will join the religion of terrorism how the Media portrays in the west countries,
I felt into tears,
I had never thought will wear hijab,
But when I weared hijab first time in life just I wear it to cheak how it looks, I seen the mirror, promised myself will never stop wearing it again, had seen myself in the new look,new belief, the real belief, the belief which was in me since I had ever got the Sense, I felt covered myself, I am the believer alhumdulillah, I am believer
of the creator,believer in the Jesus as well as a messenger which was confusing in my faith,alhumdulillah,I am the believer whatever I does,what ever will happen to me good or bad I will be paid from Allah in this world and here after forever alhumdulillah.
Islam feeds on Islamophobia, it's how it started :)
Sister, Allah guide you, this is the true path. الحمد لله
Revert Lady Ma,sha'Allah .
Allah showed u the right path .
JazakAllah .
Many peace be upon you
May Allah bless you
Color doesn’t matter. What matters is Taqwa. God bless you both. Ameen.
I am Catholic now for 14 years. I'm 68 I feel so much peace when I go to mass. I respect your religion. I love this couple ,I'm glad they are on here. When I was growing up my Bible School teachers were like y'all. It made it fun to learn and understand each other. I pray other people would be like this. Yes we have our differences if we are willing to learn from each this world would be better off
Damn when he said: that's when I knew I wanted to spend my life with her. I was so freaking touched! That's really beautiful!
I'm Christian and I want to thank you guys for this Video. I found you on Tik Tok. I believe that isn't random that I watch this video tonight. I had something that happened in my life and it brought me trust issues about marriage and the idea of finding the good one. Watching this video is an answer to my prayer ! I really want to thank you guys for the time you took to share your story
God bless you
I am your Muslim Brother
Hope you get through what ever you are going through.
May God Bless U and all of us,
From an Muslim sis 🤗 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
May Allah help you find the best way in your life Ameen
May Allah guide you to Islam
I’m sorry but this was by far the cutest story everrr😩❤️ I was clutching my heart the whole time. May Allah(swt) grant you both everlasting love together in Jannah, Ameen.
What is Jannah? Sorry I’m a Christian so I’m not sure what that is
@@georgiaholliegrace386 it means paradise
@@abbabello5068 oh okay
Allah isn't real. There is no god. We live in a simulation. There's actually more evidence that the earth is flat than there is of god existing. Most modern day scientists and alot of well respected scholars will tell you that we live in a simulation(Elon musk, jack Dorsey, bill gates, neil deGrasse Tyson)
@@svicidellvma I believe that there is a god and that is my opinion that I’m going to stick to
I am a Christian Missions Pastor here in the States and love watching you guys and seeing your journey. Even though we differ on faith we share so many similarities. I have learned so much from watching you guys. By the way I travel to Uganda every year doing mission work. We have dug several clean drinking water wells there as well. I had seen where you guys dig wells too. Bob Goff wrote a book Love Does and that is something that we share.
It fills my heart with peace to see so many fellow Christians honoring others. Bless you in your work! ❤️🙏💞
I have been following you for a while. On the edge of what i need to do. Sitting here crying and feeling like I need to continue my journey to Islam. You hit my heart so intensely. Thank you for sharing.
May Allah help and guide you to continue your journey to Islam and then to Jannah.. Ameen❤
May you be blessed as you start on your path
May Allah(God) help you. If you are researching islam-I will suggest "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips. sister, Some RUclips channel will be helpful in research inshallah-
1. Blogging theology
2. One message foundation
3. Efdawah (have live QnA)
4. Thought adventure podcast
5. Dawahwise
6. Zakir naik
7. Quran recitation by Omar Hisham Al Arabi
In Sha Allah dear sister. You will embrace Islam. Is there anything you wanna know before making final dicision? We will all feel very fortunate to assist you . Subhanallah ❤️
Dont trust them they have over glorified islam.. Just look at people leaving in Afghanistan somalia nigeria etc.. Women are treated like animals
I am a muslim girl and hearing your story gived me hope. I was told I am never going to marry because I do not date. But God has a plan for me and I trust him with my life. May God give all muslim girls and guys a husband or a wife that brings them closer to God. 😊❤️
told by whom? friends?
Ameen thumma Ameen ❤🤲🏽
@@maroonflower1559 Thank you so much.May God bless you and make all your wishes come true. ☺️ ❤️
@@adaml.m3244 Ameen ya Rab ❤🤲🏽. Jazakallahu khair brother 🙂
@@maroonflower1559 Amin.🤲 Just to clarify but I am a girl 🤭😅
I saw you guys in TikTok.. and honestly your story is so inspiring. I am not Muslim but I have so much respect for your religion... I always have.. I’m glad your showing the beauty that is Islam. ❤️
Sister Don't know about u but u r wc to Islam
You are so pure we welcome you in our beautiful religion 💕😊🤲
Peace be with you and your family dear;
Brahma Sutra in Scripture of Hind;
"Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan"
"There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."
Bhagavad Gita 7:22-23
22) Endowed with such a faith, he seeks favors of a particular demigod and obtains his desires. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone.
23) Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods, but My devotees ultimately reach My supreme planet. ( Those who worship demigod will go demi places (what are demi places, it is Nurk, those who worship only me will go Swarg)
Yejurveda 32:3; “ Na Tasya Pratima Asti “Transklation = “ There is No Image of Him (God)”
Lets see this portion of Gita ;
Chapter 7, Verse 20 ; God say “ Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.”
Chapter 7, Verse 21 ; “ I am in everyone’s heart as the super soul. As soon as one desires to worship some demigods, I make his fa h steady so that he can devote himself to the particular deity .”it
First Two Commandment, ;
"I am the Lord, thy God"
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me".
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" under the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud.
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1 Say, “He is God, the One.
2 God, the Absolute.
3 He begets not, nor was He begotten.
4 And there is none comparable to Him.”
Bhagwan / Eshwar / Elohim / Elah / Elai or Eli / Allah,
(In English we donate as GOD, The God)
has sent 124000 Messengers and Prophets on different parts on Earth, indifferent Time, on different Nations,
As Muslim, I believe (though it is not mentioned by names and place), Scriptures of Hind are also true Scriptures sent by Supreme Being to Humanity through His Messengers, and Prophets ( may be Krishna, Buddha and more) to part of Earth we know as Hind.
And it is mentioned in Quran 3:64
" come to the common grounds " and leave differences aside to achieve peace and harmony among you.
Think about it !
Peace......Bless you.
How do you have respect for a religion you know nothing about? Do you respect the fact that muhammad married a 9 year old girl?
I’m not a Muslim and this kind of comment really fills my heart with happiness, we need more positivity in this world, we had enough
I'm just so proud of and happy for you guys! I belong to a Christian faith that also prohibits alcohol and drugs, that encourages fidelity in marriage and healthy families, modesty in dress and behavior, and that drawing closer to God will help your marriage and family (love the triangle analogy). Thank you for being such loving people of faith and sharing your love for God and your family so openly on the Internet. I know that can't be easy, but i just admire you guys so much.
I came across on your channel or family in one of the short videos here in youtube as random suggestion. But got interested with your story. I’m a catholic and worked in Oman for 9 years. I worked with the greatest people over there, I was exposed to Islam and different people’s culture, had Pakistani friends which to this date are very dear to me and we’re still talk every time. I love the idea that you’re bringing awareness about Islam and removing the stereotype people have especially in western countries. When I moved here in the US, in some ways I propagate Islam, teaching people what Omanis and Pakistanis thought and made me experience. I hope for more success on your channel.
This was the fastest 23 minutes of my life. I absolutely love your story. I started watching these short videos of tigers, kangaroos, crocodiles, and somehow, one of your short videos came up. After coming across the 3rd one, I fell in love with Sana’s energy! There’s something about her that is just so welcoming! 💖
I'm Roman Catholic and I love your videos!
Edit: as a teacher I've had many Muslim students and they are amazing with people in general. Empathy, charity, etc.
How much charity? By your id you seem to be a muslim. No Christian will wrote that way.
I really cried watching this video. I truly understand your feelings as a born Muslim, praying back and forth from childhood, I think I get to know my religion only after 25 when I nearly left it and was 1 step apart from being an atheist. I remember finding Allah again. I stoped for a second and cried and made the Dua. I asked Allah to take me back to his religion and to his path. And just after 1 month I was praying 5 times a day and after a year or so I start to wear hijab alhamdulliAllah. And my biggest inspiration were ppl who converted to Islam. Because those ppl really researched Islam and learned about our religion. I remember feeling myself like I always had taken my religion for granted. I felt exactly like you saying that he made you closer to your own religion by researching it. I have 2 daughters and I would be more than honored if they could meet someone like your husband who really know what is Islam. And who would love my girls the way how he loves you, and look at them the way how he looks at you. May Allah bless you guys. Thank you for this story. Loves and hugs from Uzbekistan.
I am going through a similar path to you plzpray for me to find Allah again
@@omalbakhtiari2269 may Allah put you on true path. Ameeen. 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
I love how you are breaking down the misconceptions that a lot of people have about your religion and the roles of family and women in it
What an amazing the same situation myself (born muslim pakistani wanting to marry a revert). But my parents are toally against it. I gained so much hope from this video. Please remember me in your duas
InshaAllah if he is in your fate, you will be with him in this world and hearafter.
I am in sort of opposite situation I date a Pakistani man . But your parents should be ok with it knowing he’s a revert
@@abbieg3945 Yeah that's the thing, they're totally against it. I guess its in Pakistani culture to want to marry only within other Pakistanis. it's not like this for everyone, so my prayers are with you and I hope you have a very positive experience.
I clearly remember my mum saying "I don't care if he is a perfect muslim, he is not Pakistani". He is Sri Lankan however, so I don't think theres much of a cultural gap.
@@shoaibdxb2218 InshAllah!
@Shawn They have a fear that he won't stick to it and eventually go back to drinking etc. I guess its a rational fear, but even a born Muslim can do those things.
Listening to your story is so heartwarming and educational all at the same time. I have not interacted with many Muslims, so I never truly realized how much love and community there is in your faith. Love your content and look forward to seeing more.
There are lot Similarities with Christianity , sister if you interested a lecture "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips
Learn more from exmuslim channels and their struggles
Absolutely beautiful. I'm from a Christian family but have been agnostic for many years. I met the most perfect woman, an immigrant from Bangladesh. She's Muslim too and I really want to be with her. I bought a Quran and am going to the mosque this Friday. None of her family is here so can't do the things this person described but hoping I can accept Islam and be with her!
May Allah make it easy for both of you to have happy love and life❤
May Allah make things easy for you and what is right for you
If things didn't go according to your will, then consider it Allah's will, He is the best planner.
May Allah accept you for his Deen.
There's no relationship better than the ones that bring people closer to Allah (swt). Beautiful story guys. Something to tell your grandchildren. Are you guys from Vancouver? I feel like I have seen you guys somewhere.
Desi Rock Metal We are originally from the Okanagan!
@@SalehFamily Nice! Beautiful place.
THIS PLUM COLORED HIJAB IS STUNNING ON YOU!!! 😍😍😍💜🙌🏽✨ you’re gorgeous always, but this color is phenomenal on you girl, bravo 🙌🏽
My husband is Pakistani and I'm Hispanic thank you for sharing your story I resonated so much Allah apko hamesha khush rakhe
Hope you are ok❤
Where did you meet?
You gave up your ancestoral history and converted for a human 🤦♂️🤦♂️
@@mudguts6785 may god bless you
@@rjpoetry3319 online!
I don't know how I found this channel but so glad I did. My husband and I are Christians and love you guys. Your a beautiful and uplifting couple.
“The baby mama checklist” hahaha may Allah bless you both and shower your marriage and family with countless everlasting blessings - ameen
@@saraschneider6781 no it's not
Men talk about sunnah, start with your fard also Muslim brothers ignore the sunnah of fasting on Monday and Thursday, they ignore the sunnah of praying 2 rakats before fair, they forget that Tahajjad is a sunnah. The only sunnah brothers remember is polygamy.
The way him and your mom built a relationship is so cute! Allah bless you all!
It was a blessing!
Asalamwalikum please Carefully
Christians Unaware
The Christian does not know that the true spirit of charity which the Muslim displays, always, towards Jesus and his mother Mary spring from the fountainhead of his faith - the Holy Qur’ân. He does not know that the Muslim does not take the holy name of Jesus, in his own language, without saying Eesa, alaihi assalam ("Jesus, peace be upon him")
The Christian does not know that in the Holy Qur’ân Jesus is mentioned twenty five times. For example:
"We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit" (The Holy Qur’ân 2:87)
"O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary..." (3:45)
"...Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of god..." (4:171) "...And in their foot steps we sent Jesus the son of Mary..." (5:46)
"And Zakariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous." (6:85)
Jesus - His Titles
Though Jesus is mentioned by name in twenty-five places in the Holy Qur’ân, he is also addressed with respect as: Ibn Maryam, meaning "The son of Mary"; and as the Maseeh (in Hebrew it is the Messiah), which is translated as "Christ". He is also known as Abdullah, "The servant of Allah"; and as Rasul u Allah, the messenger of Allah.
He is spoken of as "The Word of God", as "The Spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters. The Holy Quran honors this mighty messenger of God, and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen hundred years in doing the same. There is not a single disparaging remark in the entire Quran to which even the most jaundiced among the Christians can take exception.
Eesa Latinised to "Jesus"
The Holy Qur’ân refers to Jesus as Eesa, and this name is used more times than any other title, because this was his "Christian" name. Actually, his proper name was Eesa (Arabic), or Esau (Hebrew); classical Yeheshua, which the Christian nations of the West latinised as Jesus. Neither the "J" nor the second "s" in the name Jesus is to be found in the original tongue - they are not found in the Semitic languages.
The word is very simply "E S A U" a very common Jewish name, used more than sixty times in the very first booklet alone of the Bible, in the part called "Genesis". There was at least one "Jesus" sitting on the "bench" at the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin. Josephus the Jewish historian mentions some twenty five Jesus' in his "Book of Antiquities". The New Testament speaks of "Bar-Jesus" a magician and a sorcerer, a false prophet (Acts 13:6); and also "Jesus-Justus" a Christian missionary, a contemporary of Paul (Colossians 4:11). These are distinct from Jesus the son of Mary. Transforming "Esau" to (J)esu(s) - Jesus - makes it unique. This unique (?) name has gone out of currency among the Jews and the Christians from the 2nd century after Christ. Among the Jews, because it came to be a name of ill - repute, the name of one who blasphemed in Jewry; and among the Christians because it came to be the proper name of their God. The Muslim will not hesitate to name his son Eesa because it is an honored name, the name of a righteous servant of the Lord.
There is no islam, the Quran is christian-----------19/33-34 :
And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive."
That is ISA, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute.
Your journey began with curiosity and grew into passion. It’s difficult to challenge any of our opinions and beliefs. This story is so inspiring on an even more broad scale than just faith- that we can completely transform and improve at any point in our lives with focus and dedication.
I'm a Muslim from South Africa and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. May Allah SWT bless you and your entire family with all the happiness in the world and hereafter.
Not going to lie I burst in tears 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ The most beautiful story ❤️❤️❤️ MashaAllah
Ma shaa Allah what a beautiful couple. Chocked me at when u said “we as born Muslim take our deen for granted” which is so true and it was your husband a revert who brought you to Islam. Sub haan Allah x Allah bless ur marriage and shower it more blessings and we all strive to get closer to Allah. Ameen🤲🏻❤️ oh n yes let’s see a video a snip it of your recitation brother. That would be fab👍🏻
Ameen! Thank you so much! We just posted him reciting the Iqaama on TikTok
mariam mehmood * I know a born Muslim like myself take islam for granted, many of I came across Islam by name not practicing it. It become a challenge, i envy for every new Muslim who truly practicing and enjoying doing it while we as Muslim is trying very hard to motivate ourself any solutions could be very welcomed.
I haven't seen anyone pointing out how incredibly intelligent this man must be. He learned an entire new lifestyle and all the things that accompany it. He became an expert. Truly an inspiration. ❤
masha Allah. I was listening to a lecture of ustadh Umar Suleiman on the life of FATIMA the daughter of our beloved prophet Muhammad Pbuh and Ali (RA) and to find your story on the same day. made me all happy n sad at the same time, that we Muslims take our religion for granted and this brother was guided to Islam and he has been blessed with an amazing life partner aswell. May Allah have his blessings upon you and your family and keep all of us safe in this unprecedented times....Ameen
Ameen! May Allah bless YOU
Just finished watching your full video and am like dumbstruck to hear the story , it’s absolutely awesome that how you converted and things changed for your to marry your sweetheart , mashaallah it’s so uplifting today during breaking my fast Iftaar , I saw your video and felt so overwhelmed that you even went abroad spreading he word of Allah on another continent and even with my South African brothers you travelled west to east of Canada spreading the teaching of Islam . I am a born Muslim but I am sure I have dont anything close to what you have done ya sheikh . Your wife literally changed your life and I just wish many others inshalllah follows your footsteps . May allah shower his blessings on both of you . I have watched plenty of videos of conversion , but nothing like your story ya sheikh 🙏
I'm Christian, yet I really appreciate you guys educating others on you religion. You're great people! 💗
Actually There are lot Similarities between the two religion "Similarities between Islam and Christianity by Zakir naik" on RUclips a lecture on Similarities
The way your mother in law first rejected you then accepted you after she realized how seriously you took your religion is extremely moving. Masha'Allah.
I think it’s cool that he asked so many questions. I feel like so many people just don’t ask, and it’s so important to and to actually learn.
I'm a Wiccan but I love watching these videos. For entertainment of course but also education. I live in an area with little diversity, so these videos really open my eyes to the world.
I’m Christian but I really like learning about other religions, your story is so beautiful!!
If you like dear friend we can share contact information and I can breif you about Islam In Sha Allah
Read n try to understand quran
Do you want to know more about Islam so left your Facebook account and then i will send you
@@salmaessa read the holy bible
Ur life will be changed
I ❤️ you guys !!! I’m old enough to be both of your moms 😂! Keep breaking down barriers ! That’s exactly what I believe your videos do in part ! ❤️ from Oklahoma USA 🇺🇸
You really made my day I just finished fajar prayer and recitation of Quran after that I am watching your video . Beauty of Islam people can understand from u r words a born muslim cannot explain the way u did. ❤️ From one of u r muslim brother..
I'm a Pagan but love learning about religions and love watching your story
Thanks for the respect.
If you like dear friend we can share contact information and I can breif you about Islam. Let me know . Subhanallah ❤️
@@idolwrecker can u help me i am pagan
@@setme4ree u r most welcome dear brother .
Beautiful story of finding faith, love and building a family. The way you look at each other is just lovely.
I’m so impressed with the two of you. Articulate, intelligent, faithful and driven. I watch your RUclips videos often. I work each day with people from all walks of life. Listening and learning from you has started many a wonderful conversation. Thank you for being a light this world is so desperately in need of. Peace and joy to you and your family.
Just wanted to thank your family ❤️ I am white, non religious & I teach a full class of beautiful, brilliant, kind, curious, Somali, Muslim 1st graders. Your family has truly helped me better understand the religion of the families I serve each day!
Reading this comment makes feel have some hope there are still people like u still exist
This is so cute! God bless
I love you guys so much, I'm not religious at all, but I love educating myself on other beliefs so I can relate to them without altered views influenced by media especially, I absolutely love seeing you guys together listening to your stories. It make smy heart happy
Most wellcome
Watching you and your family on TikTok for the past year and being myself on a spiritual journey, I finally believe I know where i belong.I have started officially studying Islam this past month and plan to revert in August on my birthday. Thank you for so much inspiration, education, and clarity to help me finally discover my spiritual and religious family I've missing for so long.
Dear you've probably made a great life decision, but please do it at the moment; because you don't know the last hour of your life 😭
i hope you did! congratulations if you did, if you didn't may allah guide you
I just asked my common law husband whos Italian from Italy that I've been doing alot of research about Islam and I think I want to convert and asked him what to do he asked me why but he knows I've been struggling with alot and my words where I want to feel happy I want to be happy I want to change alot and I feel drawn to Islam as well so he said do it
Hope you find the path that's meant for you, Insha'Allah
@@mariyah1993 thank you! 🙏
I hope and pray that you find the right path.💜💜
"Italian from Italy"... I thought Italians were from France.
Hi Tammy. If you have questions regarding Islam and want to clarify some things before you convert let me know. You shouldn't lose time :)
Lovely story 😍😍😍
My husband was from another religion, he converted to Islam after getting intrigued about it after meeting me.
But he did most of the journey himself and taught himself how to pray as well, he inspires me to practice more as well.
Alhamdulillah for everything, when he came to propose with his parents to my parents, everything went surprisingly smooth (i thought my parents would say no or be hesitant but that didnt even happen!) and we got engaged right away and married within few months.
Married for almost 2 years now and growing in our faith and love everyday!
Absolutely cried with joy for you both. The love and respect you have for each other is so incredibly awe inspiring! Thankyou xx
Islam always has a space in my heart from when I grew up in Saudi. I am not religious (former Catholic) and I do believe in a high power.
This is such a beautiful story that you both have told.
The more and more I watch you guys and a few other RUclips channels I am so into Islam I truly feel so drawn to it idk what it is but it feels like it fits being 1000% honest I've never ever felt this
U vl love reading Quran from some authentic source. Islam is such a beautiful religion honestly. Portrayed badly. But islam is perfect way of life. Teach you to live like a human who an inner consciousness desires.
Silly girl - if you want to be destroyed choose an alien god to you're kith and kin !
When he said islam chose me..that is hidayah..the chosen one by Allah..a reason..beautiful couple.
It’s your calling. Don’t ignore it ♥️♥️♥️
Who wants to be Muslim 😂😂😂😂