Comedy died because society became too worried about “problematic” content and offending thin-skinned crybabies. All comedy requires some “problematic” content. You have to be poking fun at something or someone (or both). I’ll direct you to the reaction that the Daily Wire had for their sports comedy “Lady Ballers”. Even if you don’t agree with their politics or their political shows, the movie premise was something I’d expect out of early 2000s comedy. Yet, the internet went bananas of how evil they were for doing it.
Comedy died because society became too worried about “problematic” content and offending thin-skinned crybabies.
All comedy requires some “problematic” content. You have to be poking fun at something or someone (or both).
I’ll direct you to the reaction that the Daily Wire had for their sports comedy “Lady Ballers”. Even if you don’t agree with their politics or their political shows, the movie premise was something I’d expect out of early 2000s comedy. Yet, the internet went bananas of how evil they were for doing it.
But why