Generally speaking, max health and exp are really high value, especially when you have a bunch of whatever shop choice to make. Also a really useful reference site is HowBazaar, really handy for seeing what items are like when you upgrade them or what shite monsters have on them.
Yeah these runs are less than a week old and im already seeing things i would do differently. There's a batch i recorded 3 days after this with a much better win rate so keep that in mind if you think im making any big mistakes.
Generally speaking, max health and exp are really high value, especially when you have a bunch of whatever shop choice to make. Also a really useful reference site is HowBazaar, really handy for seeing what items are like when you upgrade them or what shite monsters have on them.
Yeah these runs are less than a week old and im already seeing things i would do differently. There's a batch i recorded 3 days after this with a much better win rate so keep that in mind if you think im making any big mistakes.
Second (Conor cheated)