I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I donât know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. Iâm saving up to buy another kislux bag now that I wonât be paying full price anymore.
Love the classic flap in small, it’s gorgeous. I have the medium but wish I had the small. Surprised how much you got in it! ❤
I have a Chanel lambskin square pearl bag and a Chanel handbag but my lambskin square petal bag I have worn 2 times and I am very careful but somehow still has small scratches on the leather and the gold on the clasp. I donât know what happened but I paid over $3,000 for it a few years ago and I am upset that it already has scratches. No one notices now but I notice the price I paid for it. Iâm saving up to buy another kislux bag now that I wonât be paying full price anymore.
Lovely purse and kitchen 💕💕
Thank you so much!!
Is this a rep?