The Doctrine of the Trinity is Illogical - by Sir Anthony Buzzard

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • The Doctrine of the Trinity is both unscriptural and illogical. Anthony Buzzard takes up the matter of the Trinity and looks at it from the perspective of the Bible and through the writings of various scholars.
    ALSO SEE - 5 Reasons I Changed my Mind About the Trinity - by Sid Hatch, Th.M. (Dallas Theological Seminary), & long-term Baptist pastor - • 5 Reasons I Changed My...
    ALSO Watch - Was Jesus a Christian? - by J. Dan Gill - Chief Editor, 21st Century Reformation - • Was Jesus a Christian?...
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    For More About Sir Anthony Buzzard -
    📕 To Purchase Anthony Buzzard's Translation - "THE ONE GOD, THE FATHER, ONE MAN MESSIAH TRANSLATION: New Testament with Commentary" go to -
    For More About J. Dan Gill -
    📕To purchase J. Dan Gill's Book "THE ONE - IN DEFENSE OF GOD" go to:

Комментарии • 159

  • @aaronsanchez3141
    @aaronsanchez3141 22 часа назад +19

    Illogical, irrelevant, inconsistent, incoherent. This doctrine has done more damage than any other

    • @kingoftheearth2149
      @kingoftheearth2149 18 часов назад

      But this is the original Hebrew religion brought to you by Noah himself. Because you cannot judge the Hebrew of the idiots that are Jews because they are a bunch of liars you cannot judge the Hebrew as a Christian because you don't know the scripture and you cannot judge the Hebrew as a Muslim because you do not know the scripture. So you have liars and idiots confused because they did not pay attention to the original religions literature. It's your fault for being too damn stupid to learn the actual Hebrew scriptures. It's your fault for being the disobedient ones who did not obey Jesus who ordered you to learn all of the scriptures. It is your fault you are so stupid because you made the choice to revolt against intelligence

    • @thomas.bobby.g2918
      @thomas.bobby.g2918 14 часов назад

      False, there is no "this doctrine". Tell the truth. The doctrines of hypostatic union and dual natures has done more damage than any others.

    • @Cato1006
      @Cato1006 14 часов назад

      You speak the truth!

    • @thomas.bobby.g2918
      @thomas.bobby.g2918 14 часов назад

      @@Cato1006 Thank You kindly.

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 12 часов назад

      @@Cato1006 thank you

  • @jesusisthechristthesonofgod
    @jesusisthechristthesonofgod 21 час назад +5

    good to see sir buzzard is still alive and well

  • @11304800
    @11304800 22 часа назад +9

    I can’t imagine God being born. That’s insane. That’s like God being made flesh another insanity. Jesus is the one who was born. Jesus is the one who made flesh Hebrews 1:4 Hebrews 2:9. How can anyone believe God died? Someone would say well God resurrected. God never resurrected because God never died. God can’t die. The Bible says God is the eternal spirit. You can’t kill a spirit. And you certainly can’t kill an eternal spirit.

    • @jakejones4801
      @jakejones4801 17 часов назад

      He was “born” into creation, His earthly birth was not the “beginning” of Jesus’ existence, but the beginning of His earthly ministry. And Christ died….physically. The spirit of Christ (ie God) cannot die, but if an immortal being, enters into a mortal vessel, and that mortal vessel is broken or killed, the spirit would live. When I die my vessel will die, but my spirit will not. Don’t just absorb rhetoric from Dr. Buzzard or from me, study both sides of the argument, you will find that the tri-unity of Gods person is the greatest and most amazing revelation given to us.

    • @paulgarduno2867
      @paulgarduno2867 14 часов назад

      Your idea about God needs tons of improvement. Blessings

    • @jakejones4801
      @jakejones4801 14 часов назад

      @@paulgarduno2867 care to educate me? I’m all ears

    • @shaunigothictv1003
      @shaunigothictv1003 9 часов назад

      ​@@jakejones4801Christianity is a BASTARDISATION of orthodox Judaism.
      Just an observation.😊😊

  • @parksideevangelicalchurch2886
    @parksideevangelicalchurch2886 16 часов назад +3

    It is illogical to say that light is both made up of particles and waves, but there it is. At the largest and smallest scales of creation, God has decided to create and uphold the universe in ways that seem illogical to my tiny little brain. So when I think about being baptised "in the name" (not names) "of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" I don't try to force Jesus to say "in the names of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," nor "in the name of the Father and in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit" just so I can force God to conform to my limited grasp of logic. One name. Three persons. Jesus said it, and I agree with him.

  • @followthegoodshepherd5845
    @followthegoodshepherd5845 13 часов назад +7

    Can a Trinitarian explain who the ONLY true God is? Also, can a Trinitarian explain to me how the risen Jesus has a GOD and worships that God, and calls that God his Father, and says that same God is our God, and that same Father that is his Father, is our Father as well? Wouldn't that make it clear that the Father is our ONLY true God as Jesus said? Please explain this to me. I used to be Trinitarian, but these scriptures along with many others caused me to abandon the Trinity.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 10 часов назад +1

      Actually no sane open minded person can give reason to the pagan doctrine of Trinity, but if you recall what is written in 2 Corinthians 4:4, then millions of innocent blind Christians can come forward unfortunately with all sorts of delusional Trinitarian applications.

    • @Trivdgun-
      @Trivdgun- 9 часов назад

      You either believe scripture or you don't.
      1 John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
      Colossians 2:9 - For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
      Revelation 1:8 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
      Revelation 1:18 - I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
      Isaiah 43:3 - For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
      Isaiah 43:11 - I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
      Isaiah 63:8-10 - For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour.
      In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.
      But they rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them.
      Hosea 13:4 - Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
      John 10:30 - I and my Father are one.
      John 10:33 - The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 8 часов назад +1

      Unfortunately the Scriptures that you quoted from the New Testament are all corrupted or added on, as they are not found in the original Greek Manuscripts. Sorry to spoil your thoughts, but do yourself a favor and check them out in the originals.

    • @followthegoodshepherd5845
      @followthegoodshepherd5845 8 часов назад

      @@Trivdgun- I know all these scriptures. I have answers for most of them. You didn't answer the straight-forward, clear words of Jesus, as I asked. I know many more scriptures than what you posted that go against the Trinity doctrine. I am asking you to explain the words of Jesus in my OP. Either you believe Jesus words that were in my OP, or you don't.

    • @dazzadizzy5308
      @dazzadizzy5308 5 часов назад +1

      @@Trivdgun- 1 John 5:7 is a forgery inserting centuries after the original manuscripts
      Col 2:9 Means Jesus had the qualities of His Father not saying he WAS Him.
      Rev 1:8 Is talking about the Father on the throne ,read verse 4 slowly
      Isaiah 43 explains itself nothing to read into that
      Isaiah 43 YHWH IS the one who saves back then YHWH used Cyrus as a means , on a bigger scale He used Jesus as a means
      All other YHWH uses agents as a MEANS to save , Jesus was a sinless human and was the only one who could buy back what we lost. Rev 5
      John 10 Jesus argued if scripture called THEM Gods then why was it blasphemy for him to state he was the SON of God
      John 10:30 Father and son worked with a singular mind and purpose , verse 29 the FATHER is greatest of all!

  • @11304800
    @11304800 23 часа назад +11

    This mess began in 325 AD

    • @RFazor
      @RFazor 23 часа назад +1


    • @VinceBalaNathan
      @VinceBalaNathan 20 часов назад

      And the Christians and those who teach them are UNABLE to get out of it!

    • @davidcrane6593
      @davidcrane6593 18 часов назад

      They recently dug up a plaque dated 235 a.d. that said "God Jesus Christ" in Israel

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 16 часов назад +1

      ​@davidcrane6593 the name Jesus christ didn't exist then so I'm positive that's not what it said.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад

      Became official in 381 A.D. Believe it or die.

  • @11304800
    @11304800 22 часа назад +7

    The real Jesus in the scriptures is the only begotten son of God. Who is under the authority of God, the father first Corinthians 11 three. God is over Christ. if God is over Christ, then Christ is not God.

    • @jdaze1
      @jdaze1 18 часов назад

      Actually if YOU have been conceived of the Fathers incorruptible seed then YOU are of the Fathers only begotten. James 1:18, I Peter 1:3, 1:23 (kjv or greek). One branch is not one person but many from one seed. Jer. 33:22, Psalm 18:50.
      "To WHOMEVER overcomes he will inherit ALL THINGS. I will be his Elohiem and he will be MY SON" Revelation 21:7.

    • @jakejones4801
      @jakejones4801 17 часов назад

      God was over Christ….during Jesus’ earthly ministry when He “laid aside” many of His divine rights to be made low, so as to be the perfect sacrifice for us. Christ is Fully and truly God, and He WAS fully and truly man (during the incarnation)

    • @godzoo18
      @godzoo18 16 часов назад

      Don't be ridiculous.

    • @jakejones4801
      @jakejones4801 16 часов назад

      @@godzoo18 any refutations you’d like to raise?

    • @jovannibernasol6787
      @jovannibernasol6787 11 часов назад

      @@jakejones4801 Hi, good day, its just that the only problem with our Lord Jesus is fully God and fully Man, is this verse John 20:17-18 in our Lords Jesus mouth he said that he has a God and Father, and Jesus God is also our God and Jesus Father is also our Father, i mean, how can we refute that, our Lord Jesus said it with his own words, peace.

  • @Andy-u9x
    @Andy-u9x 17 часов назад +3

    God is the Father and Yeshua is his Son.... what is so hard to understand about that why do we intend to make things more difficult then they are...

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 16 часов назад

      That's the human way.

    • @Andy-u9x
      @Andy-u9x 15 часов назад

      @@aaronsanchez3141 well i reckon we had better stop looking at the things concerning God and his Son with human eyes.

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 12 часов назад

      @Andy-u9x Jesus was a human being so we should look at God the way he did

  • @Mike-p9n
    @Mike-p9n 5 часов назад

    When I was a you boy of 8 years old even then I knew the Trinity was blasphemy...I don't need any man to teach me what is not in the Bible. God does that!!!!!!

  • @jamesmoore2143
    @jamesmoore2143 15 часов назад +1

    Abraham was saved and there wasn't even in Jesus or a holy spirit yet

  • @MichaelTheophilus906
    @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад +2

    The poor triitarian trolls are very active tonight.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 11 часов назад +1

      Unfortunately most of the Churches of Christendom have adopted the ancient pagan doctrine of Trinity, but ofcourse with the Trinity they adopted many other ancient pagan doctrines, and many of them are even adopted by non Trinitarian religions.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад

      @@summerhouse8205 Unitarians have brought a lot of baggage with them from the trinitarian religion.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 10 часов назад

      Very true but there are other non Trinitarian religions that are loaded with pagan doctrines, of the immortal Soul, while Ezekiel 18:4,20 puts the issue to rest. And the pagan doctrine of the Sadistic burning hell, Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10 that defames and denigrates a loving God. And not to mention life in the green gardens in heaven, while the bible makes it clear that humans were created to reside on earth, Psslm 37:9,11,29.

    • @shaunigothictv1003
      @shaunigothictv1003 9 часов назад

      ​@@summerhouse8205Good points and i agree with you.
      Im no Christian.
      But as a free thinker i do have some observations on the subject of the Trinity.
      Let us go to the Bible.
      Isaiah 46 v 9 (KJV)
      V9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
      Isaiah 45 v 5 & 6 (NIV)
      V5 I am the Lord, and there is no other;
      apart from me there is no God.
      I will strengthen you,
      though you have not acknowledged me,
      V6 so that from the rising of the sun
      to the place of its setting,
      people may know there is none besides me,
      I am the Lord, and there is no other.
      Deutoronomy 4 v 35 (KJV)
      V35 Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God; there is none else beside him.
      So it is clear from the Bible itself that the Trinity was not taught in the Old Testament.
      This is the default orthodox Jewish position which orthodox Jews still believe today.
      None of the Old Testament prophets were even aware of the Trinity doctrine.
      Dr.William Lane Craig states that the Trinity doctrine is a "progressive revelation".
      So what do the Orthodox Jews think about this idea that YAHWEH progressively reveals his nature over time?
      The answer is this.
      The orthodox Jews claim that both Christianity and Islam are actually BASTARDISATIONS of orthodox Judaism.
      So where does that leave this progressive revelation syndrome?
      We are back to square one -
      Christians debating other Christians is like the religious version of the Jerry Springer show.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 8 часов назад +1

      Your observations are very good, definitely the Trinity doctrine is not found anywhere in the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures, and God does not need to change. The Trinity doctrine is an ancient pagan doctrine just like the immortal soul, the Sadistic burning hell in heaven and the green gardens in heaven, these are all pagan doctrines.
      Unfortunately many major religions are effected by these pagan doctrines, especially Talmudist judaism and the Churches of Christendom, as for islam there is no need to talk, it was founded in paganism from it's birth.
      But look true faith is a personal relationship with God based on accurate knowledge, so let each individual work his way around this issue.

  • @xrisxros747
    @xrisxros747 18 часов назад +4

    This is anti-trinitarian nonsense.
    You mightn't like it.
    You may not agree with it.
    But it is the clear teaching of the New Testament.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 18 часов назад +1

      There are no records of anyone worshipping such a god in Bible history - none
      That said, and as we all know Jesus worshiped in truth, and moreso, that He clearly did not worship a triune god, no true Christian would ever promote a god and doctrine unlike the GOD and doctrine of Christ - thereby revealing such one's as apostates, rather than true followers of Christ - Satan deceives you

    • @xrisxros747
      @xrisxros747 16 часов назад +2

      @@SmalltimR .... may I respectfully disagree, smalltimR?
      The Scriptures convert us into lovers & worshippers of the Christ.
      The Christ Himself converts us into lovers of the Father.
      The Christ also teaches us the truth of the Comforter "the One who is like unto Himself", who will "guide us into all truth", and "remind us of all that Christ has spoken", and empower us for holy service, and then SENDS that One He has just taught about, to His fledgling Church.
      How remarkable is this! Are we not stunned?
      The Spirit proceeds from the Father AND from the Son. He is not just God's "energy force" or "influence." That is a belittling and depersonalizing view.
      The Triune God has revealed the glorious truth about Themselves.
      It is incumbent upon us to submit our hearts, and minds, to the authority of Scripture.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 16 часов назад

      _'for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as Christ's apostles. And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light'_ - 2 Cor 11.14
      _'false prophets ...false teachers ...secretly bringing in destructive heresies ...many will follow ...the truth will be maligned ...they will exploit you with deceptive words...'_ - 2 Peter 1.1-3
      _'...GOD sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be judged who didn't believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness'_ - 2 Thes 2.11

    • @YoItsSeah
      @YoItsSeah 12 часов назад

      ⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@xrisxros747if your last sentence were true you would not listen to the pagan traditions of man and the only thing you have submitted to is your veil of ignorance please consider reading the scriptures🙏

    • @Edwardsmolyuk
      @Edwardsmolyuk 11 часов назад

      thats the problem u need to read the old testament u need a foundation then u will understand. the only reason trinity exists is because u don't have a foundation and if u don't have a foundation then u can believe in anything

  • @11304800
    @11304800 23 часа назад +2

    lol three is one! It,s the same as saying Jesus has a “ dual “ nature of Jesus.

  • @grahamtopfuel
    @grahamtopfuel 5 часов назад

    ✝️ THE TRINITY DOCTRINE ERROR. ✝️ The Trinity Doctrine (as defined in the Nicean and Athanasius creeds 4th Century) states that God is 3 separate persons. 3 persons = 3 separate beings = 3 God's = Tritheism, and this is NOT biblical. The bible is strictly Monotheistic (Deuteronomy 6:4) and states that God is One Spiritual person and not three persons. The Biblical Trinity is ONE TRANSCENDENT DIVINE SPIRITUAL PERSON (GOD) manifest in 3 different "states of being" as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but all are still ONE SPIRITUAL person and not 3 as stated in the Athanasius Trinity Doctrine. ✝️ DEFINITIONS: BEING = defined as anything that exists or lives. PERSON = defined as any being that has its own center of consciousness and will, its own intelligence and personality (eg, human person "being" or spiritual person "being"). Therefore, a person is by default ALSO a being. So 3 PERSONS = 3 BEINGS = 3 GODS = Tritheism. This is not an accurate description of the "Biblical Trinity" which is strictly Monotheistic.

  • @Tracy-Inches
    @Tracy-Inches 15 часов назад

    YHWH = Father
    Yeshua = Son
    The spirit, is the Father’s spirit
    Neither are they three or one. That are who the Bible says they are.

  • @JoseTarrayo-m7t
    @JoseTarrayo-m7t 6 часов назад

    Brilliant pagans mind creates the doctrine of the trinity inspired by the spirit of the father of lies. Trinity is a doctrine of lies. There is only one true God, the Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @davidcrane6593
    @davidcrane6593 18 часов назад +1

    The pharisees didn't think Jesus is God either-->
    John 8:24 KJV - I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 18 часов назад

      That irony in this - is that people will often cite the Pharisees without ever realizing what it is that was being said - that is to say, that the accusations was in mockery - ie, who do you think you are, GOD?

    • @davidcrane6593
      @davidcrane6593 17 часов назад

      @@SmalltimR yeah... it seems illogical to you doesn't it?.. that God can become a man.

    • @pouseu
      @pouseu 16 часов назад +1

      Great scripture.

    • @torahtrucker
      @torahtrucker 15 часов назад

      Numbers 23:19 is clear: “God is not a man… nor a son of man”.
      Satan’s temptation of Christ is meaningless if Christ were God.
      God did not die. Christ did.
      “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭36‬ ‭

    • @charlestiraco8634
      @charlestiraco8634 12 часов назад

      David, what is the "he" that John wants us to understand that Jesus is? Read John 20:31 please.

  • @kardiognostesministries8150
    @kardiognostesministries8150 17 часов назад +1

    That's because you made your logic into an idol.

    • @adamyoung7999
      @adamyoung7999 16 часов назад

      Logic is lovingly given to us and based in God. Ironically, you’ve made your manmade dogma into an idol.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 14 часов назад

      @@adamyoung7999 Jesus is prayed to as being YHWH (Acts 2:21).

    • @adamyoung7999
      @adamyoung7999 13 часов назад

      @@kardiognostesministries8150 when reading that chapter, it is plain to understand the distinction between the Almighty God and Jesus. You are simply wrong in your interpretation.

    • @kardiognostesministries8150
      @kardiognostesministries8150 7 часов назад

      @@adamyoung7999 You dodged Acts 2:21 because it refutes your heresy.
      Try again.

  • @euston2216
    @euston2216 19 часов назад

    The doctrine of the Trinity is not only illogical, it's also _evil._ According to the doctrine of the Trinity, the Father and the Son are two distinct persons, which means the Father committed an ABOMlNATlON when he sacrificed his personally distinct Son to die an unimaginably horrifying death on the cross.

    Thankfully, the evil doctrine of the Trinity does *not* represent the _true_ Father...the Father who _IS_ love...the Father who "came down from heaven" _without leaving heaven,_ and who manifested _himself_ on earth in genuine human form, as _his own_ Son, so that he could lovingly lay down _his own_ life for us, raise _himself_ from the dead, and give eternal life to all who believe on _him_ .......whose _name_ is revealed to be the name which is above _every_ name: *JESUS.*

    • @jollygreen63
      @jollygreen63 18 часов назад

      No wonder you don't believe this buch of slime, neither do I...
      Read Daniel 7;13-14 and tell us who is the one like a son of man who shares authority, power, and glory with the Ancient of Days..

    • @paulgarduno2867
      @paulgarduno2867 14 часов назад

      Your brain is twisted infected by sabelianism.
      And you don't even know it 😢
      I am sorry for people like you.

  • @grahamtopfuel
    @grahamtopfuel 5 часов назад

    ✝️✝️✝️ THE BIBLICAL TRINITY Pattern. God is One Spiritual Person who has eternally manifested in 3 “STATES OF BEING” (referred to as manifestations in the bible). God is never described as 3 separate persons in the Bible. As God is spirit (John 4:24) we therefore only have one Omnipresent , all powerful Spirit who has the ability to reveal Himself in different ways throughout the Bible namely as the Father, the Son (Logos) and the Holy Spirit (Also as the Angel of the Lord, in Old Testament). If you say the father, Son and Holy Spirit are 3 separate spiritual persons (like in the Trinity Doctrine implies), then you have 3 Gods, which is Tritheism and this is not Biblical. It's very easy to understand. A) the Holy Spirit is just the Spirit of God not another spirit or person. B) the Son is just God in "Flesh", but the full Spirit of God lives within the body of Christ, so Christ is the same supreme spiritual person as God NOT another person. The bible is strictly Monotheistic and this means God is only ONE spiritual person. The Bible never ever says God is 3 persons.
    NOTE: Just because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit share the same Divine essence (Greek = Homoousios) DOES NOT make them One God. You and me both share the same “human essence” and “human nature”, but that does not make us one "human" This is a philosophical idea that was included into the early Roman Catholic Trinity Doctrine to address the key problem of the Trinity Model which states that God is 3 separate persons = 3 Gods = polytheism. GOD IS ONE BECAUSE HE IS ONE SPIRITUAL PERSON (strict monotheism), not because they share the same divine essence.

  • @jesusislord2515
    @jesusislord2515 20 часов назад +1

    So I guess this man knows more than the Apostle John? This guy is a wolf in sheeps clothing. False teacher.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 18 часов назад

      Excellent troll - let's watch and see if anyone bites...
      - follow Jesus, not men!

    • @jesusislord2515
      @jesusislord2515 17 часов назад

      @@SmalltimR Yes indeed, follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who is God. "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
      59¶Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by" (Holy Bible, King James Version, John 8:58-59). "
      I and my Father are one" (Holy Bible, King James Version, John 10:30). "1¶In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      2The same was in the beginning with God.
      3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made" (Holy Bible, King James Version, John 1:1-3). Love in Christ.

    • @torahtrucker
      @torahtrucker 15 часов назад

      “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24‬:‭36‬

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад

      John 8.40, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12. Truth from the Apostle John.

    • @dazzadizzy5308
      @dazzadizzy5308 5 часов назад

      @@jesusislord2515 John 1:1 Jesus was WITH THE GOD (ton THEON) and was a god meaning Jesus was a divine being . You cannot BE the one you are WITH.

  • @xrisxros747
    @xrisxros747 18 часов назад +5

    Jesus pre-existed His own birth. This is the surprising revelation of New Testament Scripture.
    It doesn't have to be rational or dissectable for the human heart just to surrender to the authority of the Word of God.

    • @Cato1006
      @Cato1006 16 часов назад

      Nonsense. No longer can the trinitarian persecute, torture or murder their opponents. Now their false ideas are finally being exposed as putrid and erroneous.

  • @infiniti28160
    @infiniti28160 Час назад

    There are Seven Noahide laws that everybody must follow, they are an expression of gods laws.. Spread these laws to the people of your nation, they are disrepecting the very instructions within your book. The book you received is a body of laws, if a person embodies such laws perfectly, then they will be a living example of following gods will.. Nachash [נחש] within this word, if read as a pictagram will show the dragon that feeds the beast. It will also show the very roots of being, cut off from the creator. Kill the lamb to worship the bull, to sacrifice the bull to resurrect the lamb. stop the nonsense. Book of the Heavenly Cow Revelation 13:8

  • @duiffie
    @duiffie 7 часов назад

    ... Jesus is G-d ...
    ... and the Word was God. ...
    John 1:1
    ... And the Word was made flesh ... and dwelt among us ...
    John 1:14
    ... he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. ...
    John 3:34
    ... God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself ...
    2 Corinthians 5:19
    Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; John 14:9
    ... God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him. ...
    John 3:34
    Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
    [9] For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
    [10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
    Colossians 2:8-10 ...
    .. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus ...
    1 Timothy 2:5
    ... in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. ...
    Colossians 2:9 ...

  • @Hemocracy
    @Hemocracy Час назад

    I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan .
    In the name of Allah (God almighty ,Whom Christians call "the father" ) ,
    the most gracious, the most merciful .
    * Say , He is Allah , the One , the Eternal ,
    He does not beget , nor was he begotten , and
    there is no one ( Like or ) comparable to Him *

  • @julegate
    @julegate 17 часов назад

    Could someone please provide clarification on the book Dr Buzzard is referring to when he speaks of the perversion of Christianity around the 22:00 minute mark? Thank you.

  • @GatheringJacob
    @GatheringJacob 21 час назад +2

    EXCELLENT! Thank you sir Anthony! Wonderfully stated!
    Sir Anthony John one: 13 is not about the Messiah. It’s about those who believe in his name being born of the spirit. Not sure what you were trying to insinuate a virgin birth from that passage. That’s clearly not the meaning.
    Sorry, Anthony, why do we use the term begotten and further promote their position? As Unitarians isn’t there a better word to use in English then be gotten? That is trinitarian talk to hide the fact that he had a beginning and was conceived in the womb, I think it’s time we stop using their terminology . I would love to know your thoughts on this, thank you.

  • @MakaiJohnkenneth
    @MakaiJohnkenneth 4 часа назад

    The christians who defend trinity doctrine are making verses read that but nothing in bible talks of one in essence and
    Three persons.
    Genesis we have
    A man visited Abraham and he called him Lord judge of all the earth
    Angel of the Lord peaked by telling Jacob I am God you met in bethel
    Moses in the fire,angel of the Lord seen and says I am God of your father's.
    Then in the cloud God spoke with Moses.
    Does it mean God is
    The man
    Angel of the lord
    cloud .?
    No it's God delegating he is power and authority .
    So it's with messiah given authority in heaven and earth.Gen 49 v 10
    Dan 7 v 13

  • @johncena12366
    @johncena12366 22 часа назад +5

    God is one.

  • @patrickkrueger8768
    @patrickkrueger8768 20 часов назад

    You make a good try .but make inferior pay for the debt of what is superior, make a chunk of coal pay for what only gold can buy . Then how do you resolve He was the first born of EVERY creature in 4BC ? It’s true the trinity don’t work either. What does work is the image of God , The Godhead . The Father of Life passing That Life through the Mother of all living That He say is One and begets their only Son And than They created man in their image.

    • @SmalltimR
      @SmalltimR 17 часов назад

      Wow, talk about about a load of rubbish.
      I mean, this stuff comes straight out of a donkey ass ...

  • @jakejones4801
    @jakejones4801 17 часов назад +1

    Phillipians 2: 7 “He (Jesus) emptied Himself by taking on the form of a bond servant, and being born in the likeness of men.” Jesus existed before He was born, He eternally pre- existed. Please brothers, investigate the incarnation, look at the claims Jesus made of Himslef and the claims of His followers, no mere prophet, or even a mighty man of God could have said the things Jesus said.
    Revelation 5:13 “and I heard EVERY CREATED THING which is in heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, or on the sea, and ALL THE THINGS in them said “To HIM who sits on the throne AND TO THE LAMB be the blessing, the honor, the glory, and the dominion forever and ever.”
    All CREATED things worship The Father…..AND THE LAMB. If Jesus is not God, then anyone who worships Him as an exalted man, gives worships due to GOD ALONE….to a man.
    My prayers are for you, see the beauty of the Triune God of the scriptures

  • @hajiabdulrahman3105
    @hajiabdulrahman3105 13 часов назад

    the maths is not right .

  • @johnmacbride9720
    @johnmacbride9720 17 часов назад

    Wow the spelling in the thumbnail XD

  • @ejenkins4711
    @ejenkins4711 17 часов назад

    1 past 2 present 3 future 4 gift to understand

  • @Dark-Sentences
    @Dark-Sentences 17 часов назад +2

    Jesus spoke as if he knew Abraham who lived centuries earlier.
    John 8:57-58
    Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, *I Am.*
    Jesus has no beginning and no end, God simply IS. Jesus is the great *I Am.*

    • @johncena12366
      @johncena12366 17 часов назад

      @@Dark-Sentences Noah existed before Abraham, is he a god?

    • @Dark-Sentences
      @Dark-Sentences 16 часов назад

      Noah had a beginning and an end. Like You.
      God IS.
      He's outside of time. If he wasn't he wouldn't be God.

    • @jiohdi
      @jiohdi 16 часов назад

      Exodus 3:14 has God saying I am that I am (LXX Ego Eimi Ho on ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν I am the eternal one) but does not say tell them Ego Eimi(I AM) has sent you, but rather HO ON(The ETERNAL one) has sent you... all the authors of the NT used the LXX or Septuagint as their OT source material, if they wanted to say Jesus was Identifying with the I AM of Exodus they would have used Ho On not Ego eimi

    • @Dark-Sentences
      @Dark-Sentences 15 часов назад +1

      You can cling on to whatever interpretation comforts you to support your wish that Christ isn't God. He is God.
      Jesus wraps up the last book of the Bible by making his identity crystal clear and beyond dispute.
      Revelation 22:13
      *I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.*
      That doesn't leave any room for your, "well it doesn't mean what you think. It means what I want it to mean."
      It means he's God.
      Here's Isaiah 44:6
      Thus says the LORD, the King and Redeemer of Israel, the LORD of Hosts: "I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God but Me.
      And Isaiah 48:12
      Listen to Me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom I have called: I am He; I am the first, and I am the last.
      Compare with Christ in Revelation 1:8
      I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    • @jiohdi
      @jiohdi 14 часов назад

      @@Dark-Sentences yes Jesus does make crystal clear exactly who he is he says I am the bright and Morning Star a lesser Divine being. not God Revelation 22:16

  • @paulgarduno2867
    @paulgarduno2867 14 часов назад

    Until Trinity foes give a definition of what the Triniy is:
    Every attack against the Triniy is a joke.

  • @matswinther8991
    @matswinther8991 18 часов назад

    No, the doctrine of the Trinity is *not* illogical. In fact, it is ingenious. See: "'Turtles all the way down' : The Unity of the Trinity as Eternal Regress in the Godhead".

  • @kodangikomali4905
    @kodangikomali4905 12 часов назад +1

    God is beyond all logic. NT explicitly reveals triune God.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад

      In your imagination.

    • @summerhouse8205
      @summerhouse8205 11 часов назад

      Actually you would be surprised, there is no such a doctrine as Trinity in the Christian Scriptures, it was adopted way back by the Roman Catholic Church and spread throughout the other Christian denominations, but definitely it was not at all taught by 1st century Christianity.

  • @thomas.bobby.g2918
    @thomas.bobby.g2918 14 часов назад

    It's funny how folks that want to be dogmatic and technical about their god can't seem to understand that human cognition itself it demonstrably trinitarian. Why is it that only Tuggy understands there is not "A" trinity but "trinities". Why not put a fresh coat of paint on your hobby horse and say "Hypostatic Unionism" is false.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner1450 23 часа назад

    You cannot be saved with a trinitarian view, but no that of Christianity, as we do need the Father, Son and Spirit for baptism, judgement and resurrection.

    • @paulgarduno2867
      @paulgarduno2867 14 часов назад

      Did you mention : (Triniy)
      God = Father, Son, and Spirit
      Essential for salvation??

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 14 часов назад

      @@paulgarduno2867 Without the Father you cannot be baptised with Spirit, without the Son you cannot be judged, and without the Spirit you cannot be raised.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner1450 23 часа назад +1

    The only holy Trinity is in Jesus, as Col 2:9 "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily ", a man revealing his Father, and imbued with his Spirit. Good video.

    • @TheFightingSheep
      @TheFightingSheep 22 часа назад +1

      That just means that Jesus is fully God. But God isn't Jesus, and there is no trinity. Son of God, NOT God the Son.

    • @aaronsanchez3141
      @aaronsanchez3141 22 часа назад

      You mean unholy trinity. You need to stop using king James version.

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 21 час назад

      @@TheFightingSheep No Jesus impersonated his Father, he said when you see him you see the Father, hence impersonation.
      As John 3:5 you must receive the Sporit as Jesus did, else as John 3:13 no MAN could go to heaven, and Jesus was in heaven when John wrote his commentary.

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 21 час назад

      @@aaronsanchez3141 Then I would be a lost soul.
      holy not Holy, as humans can be Holy, without being Holy.

    • @TheFightingSheep
      @TheFightingSheep 20 часов назад +1

      @@simonskinner1450 Jesus wasn't a fraud, actor or impersonator, he is God revealed in the flesh. But he wasn't in heaven while he was on earth either, that's some Byzantine fabricated nonsense. He's the Son of God, not God the Son.

  • @AlanHales-k6i
    @AlanHales-k6i 20 часов назад

    21st Century reformation, Anthony Buzzard must be embarrassed beyond measure at his ignorance of the Bible, which clearly teaches the trinity.

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 11 часов назад

      Show us, please.

    • @AlanHales-k6i
      @AlanHales-k6i 5 часов назад

      Gen 1: 26.
      Gen 3: 22.
      Gen 11: 7.
      Isaiah 6: 8.
      Matt 28: 19.
      Jn 14: 16--17.
      2 Cor 13: 14.
      1 J. 5: 7.

  • @11304800
    @11304800 22 часа назад +2

    The real Jesus in the scriptures is the only begotten son of God. Who is under the authority of God, the father first Corinthians 11 three. God is over Christ. if God is over Christ, then Christ is not God.