2013/2014 Arizona Wildlife Views - Show 12

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @shailajanayak2091
    @shailajanayak2091 5 лет назад +1

    Nice videos. Beautiful Arizona tks for beautiful videos.

  • @rgarizonahomestead2729
    @rgarizonahomestead2729 3 года назад

    great video we have only seen one mountain lion but it was fun to see thanks for doing this subject i love them

  • @christolynhigginbotham11
    @christolynhigginbotham11 4 года назад +1

    Merry Christmas! T U for this interesting information. Is there a Video focused on AZ Lg Cats, & Predator Birds? GOD BLESS!

  • @elkhunter8664
    @elkhunter8664 10 лет назад +5

    Everyone hitting the outdoors in Arizona needs to carry one item every time. The Sawyer Extractor snake bit kit. I have carried one for 35 years, It is a one handed reverse pneumatic pump that is capable of removing venom from puncture wounds without the danger of the usual methods. I know that car keys are the best snake bite kit. But for me, if I can remove at least some of the venom in the first few seconds I'll take it.

  • @suzislight6590
    @suzislight6590 4 года назад

    I got stuck overnight in the Kofa mountains and had a cougar chirping at me what does that mean?

    • @dangerouswildlife3184
      @dangerouswildlife3184 3 года назад

      it's a way cougars communicate with one another, it may have been calling for a mate or kittens

  • @louiszima944
    @louiszima944 3 года назад

    we've heard rattle snake. when hiking Oklahoma

  • @torsteinnodland1367
    @torsteinnodland1367 5 лет назад

    Gerald Cooper

  • @breAnnasmama
    @breAnnasmama 3 года назад

    Uh... the content would be interesting , but omg , they should get a better narrator and aside from that , it’s not necessary to have all these random people’s commentaries blathering on , echoing the sale exact junk any of the other the people are saying , as they’re really just essentially , trying to do whatever to add to the camera time , it seems , when they could easily have an awesome program / series if they’d stick to the standard format of an actual narrated wildlife documentary... seriously , all this needs is ONE PERSON- with actual ( decent ) experience in broadcasting , delivering the narrative and let the rest *just be featuring the actual wildlife and nature being represented/ covered / recorded and just leave it at that ... or oh , I’m sorry , who wants to hear random people all blathering on about whatever info that could easily just be covered by one decent well educated / appropriate sounding narrator ? The random people just gotta get their camera time , don’t they ? What’s it really about , their need to get a few min. Of attention or the amazingly beautiful wildlife and nature within this particular desert , that’s NOT very widely been covered but in a few documentaries ( which were phenomenal, by the way ... ) this exact desert and it’s Cacti and inhabitants have mildly been introduced and covered in wonderful narratives & documentaries that just happened to have been rather spaced out over the decades , where the content has been absolutely lovely and interesting and insightful , but man, so much more could be documented within this region and it’s really only of any interest to cover the a dusk Animals and plant life as the seasons go by , giving further account into documentation of wildlife and Nature , only needing one person to deliver the narrative , as it’s really about nature , not however many random people trying to get up in the middle of a video , while it Jumps around from commentary to commentary , beginning the video with a very odd choice for an introduction , where I thought for a second there , that the dude intro’ing / (hosting -i guess ?)the beginning was going to be talking the entire time and I was already about to stop watching as a result ... but then came the oh so trying so hard to mimic every other random person that thinks in order for them to read any script and sound “ professional” they must mimic that annoying , overly done , incredibly irritating typical “ news voice “ that anyone trying to come off all professional or trying to sound like some dude doing the news / journalism thinks they just have to run into the ground sounding like , which doesn’t sound intelligent or professional, it just sounds like some annoying bad habit that people have adopted since I’m going to say around the mid 80’s within every local news show with people having to mimic that irritating cadence whenever they read a script / teleprompter & why ? Idk .., it’s just annoying and makes me cringe & people think they have to embody that crap to sound like some big deal , I guess but they sound annoying as crap .. every time .... went from that fake annoying transatlantic accent the entitled weirdos in hellyweird decided to come up with to a more subdued version , yet still pretty awkward sounding mannerisms, at that to this horribly annoying version of news / journalist voice. Of course , now we have the irritating vernacular of today’s world, where no one actually sounds decent or professional, they just all sound so informal , inexperienced or
    As if they’re only mimicking everyone else whose come along way before them and has done a much better job and sadly , now days , u don’t see long time professional guys delivering a decent script / narrative in any media , instead it’s all a bunch of loud shrill annoying people loudly over talking one another or just sounding completely unprofessional or too youthful and inexperienced, trying to be all edgy and thinking they’re so relevant , that what they’re specifically doing just must have never been done before , as they clearly think they’re some big deals , yet they just sound like some idk , second rate , Lacking kids and even the middle aged folks , which I’m sad to have to remotely fall within the same age bracket as , just all seem as if they’ve had no education or manners , for one thing , as people are so unprofessional sounding now days and they all ( anyone in the media ) sound so lacking or they’re just loud and irritating or they just mimic
    That same typical run into the ground voice - like dude narrating this sounds like ... there used to be some really decent folks delivering content , whether it was narrating wildlife documentaries or any other form of media where at least people who once were providing narratives like George page and that dude that narrated forensic files and so many other people that used to be involved in broadcasting that used to sound really decent , with nice , direct sounding delivery and cadence and a decent Voice for broadcasting ... people used to sound as if they were worth listening to and they weren’t trying to mimic crap or come off all edgy or trendy ... they just valued what they did and they worked hard and weren’t trying to get all this attention on themselves,but did an excellent job , especially when it came down to providing decent content that had an actual well educated, well spoken element to it and they sounded intelligent because they were intelligent ... they were also humble and they knew how to make the content in a respectable manner and the way documentaries were done prior to the late 90’s-early 00’s was just so much more educationally centered and the focal point would’ve been the wildlife and Nature being shown and not like all the crap today , where it’s mostly just networks competing for ratings and that being prominently featured or known, based on how they go about things now days where people are always showing off and worried so much about cinematography and loud annoying music to distract viewers or to overload them with Sensory responses that bombard them with chaotic crap or use of content trying to evoke an emotional response, that subconsciously Manipulates viewers into whatever method of entrainment these folks find necessary to distract folks with and overload them with , rather than just being able to provide simple decent but well done content .. this could be half way good , but the commentaries are annoying, the dude in the intro really doesn’t have the Voice / qualities one would hope for in any host or introduction opening up the content etc. and the narrator just sounds like some typical non memorable dude mimicking that awful news voice. Nothing about him sounds authentic or even strong in delivery ... dude just sounds like he’s trying to sound like someone else and has no qualities of his own that stand out .. and the random commentaries aren’t even needed. Just show the content .. get a decent narrator and let it be the actual widlife being documented that people get to take in and enjoy ... uhhh. It could’ve Bn so much better. Can’t handle the fake over the top unnecessary commentary by any of these people . Why is that remotely even needed ? It takes away from what could be focused on of interest. These folks just need their camera time , I guess. There’s a whole beautiful region out there that’s not nearly covered enough , but let’s waste time on all this other stuff instead. 🙄

    • @carolmadeheim4406
      @carolmadeheim4406 3 года назад +1

      Whew! Talk about "blathering on . . ."! Must have a lot of time on your hands!!