The Root of Jesse. Jesus in the Old Testament?

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Is Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament? A closer look at one example the "Root of Jesse" and the "Stem of Jesse". This was mentioned in the Old Testament by the Prophet Isaiahin Isaiah 11:1 and Isaiah 11:10, and how it appears in the New Testament. This video is in two parts with a ten minute background intro with thoughts followed by a longer look at Bible verses that demonstrate that Jesus (the Messiah) was known many years before he was born. Presentation using the Xiphos Bible Software and the KJV Bible 1769.

Комментарии • 9

  • @m.j7253
    @m.j7253 5 лет назад +1

    I don't mind people talking about The messiah, or Jesus just as long as you have proof, and scripture along with it thanks for sharing this video God bless you.

  • @jerciedarkfourth8564
    @jerciedarkfourth8564 5 лет назад +2


  • @anthonyjohn9000
    @anthonyjohn9000 3 года назад +2

    No matter what Jesus as the messiah did not fulfill the prophecies in Isaiah 2:2-5 and Isaiah 11:1-10. The fetal flaw here is that the so called messianic prophetic portrait is largely a Christian fiction that among other things regularly relies on fabrication of prophesies as well as tendentious misquotations and misapplications of the passages in Hebrew scriptures. . Christians leaders always twist the words. For the sake of one lie, thousands of lies have been made and created to defend the lies a well dressed lies that the New testament is. Believe it or not this is the truth.

  • @sonofyahweh8
    @sonofyahweh8 6 лет назад +1

    Yahweh sent His literal genetic SON Yahshua to die and start a NEW Covenant. Salvation in the OLD Covenant was ONLY through the TEMPLE services. Yahshua said:" It is finished " and the salvation through the temple finished. Yahweh destroyed the temple on the 9TH day of AV to show that the OLD Covenant was finished. Ezekiels temple will be destroyed on the 9TH Day of AV also. Salvation Today is through His High Priest Yahshua ONLY. Hebrews chapters 1 to 5. My prayer for you:" Heb. 13: 20 and 21. Now may The God of peace Yahweh who raised up our Lord Yahshua from the dead , That great shepherd of the sheep , through the blood of the everlasting Covenant make you perfect in every good work to do His will , working in you what is pleasing in His sight , Through Yahshua the Messiah , to whom be Glory forever and ever. Amen.

  • @jessestoehr3795
    @jessestoehr3795 6 лет назад +1

    Well Well well

  • @sonofyahweh8
    @sonofyahweh8 6 лет назад +1

    Rev. 5: 10 is FUTURE.
    This is a prophecy of Yahshua's thousand year reign on the earth made NEW sitting on David's throne ruling the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Rev. 20: 4 and 6
    .Rev. 3: 26- 27. The born again Anointed ONES rule with Him in His thousand year reign as king of Kings.
    King of 144,000 Kings. Rev. 12: 1- 5. Rev. 14: 1- 5. Rev. 5: 10. Matt. 5: 5.
    NOT one soul has been forgiven their unintentional sins YET. Lev. 4: 2, 13, 22, 27.
    Until Daniel 8: 14 is fulfilled NO ONE has Eternal Life.
    We are saved by the Blood of Yahweh's GOAT.
    Lev. 16: 7- 22.
    The blood of the Passover Lamb will save NO ONE.
    The Passover Lamb died to give the people protection from the death angel. Exodus.
    The Passover Lamb( Yahweh's sacrifice ) had NOTHING to do with sins whatsoever.
    Yahweh's GOAT died at 3 PM . Yahshua died at 3PM.
    Yahweh's GOAT died SINLESS. Yahshua died SINLESS.
    Yahweh's GOAT died for the forgiveness of unintentional sins of the Righteous.
    Yahweh's GOAT died so the Sanctuary can be cleansed on Judgement day. Lev. 23: 27. Dan. 8: 14.
    I say Again.:" The born again Anointed ONES are saved by the BLOOD of Yahweh's GOAT."
    The Righteous are saved by GRACE. Eph. 2: 8- 10.
    The sinners are cast into the lake of fire with their sins. Rev. 20: 14- 15.
    The Righteous CEASE from sin when Yahweh makes them NEW creations.
    1 Peter 4: 1.
    Every soul on this earth will receive the second death.
    With no exceptions. Rom. 3: 23.
    The Righteous receive the second death TODAY.
    TODAY is the day of salvation.
    The sinners will receive the second death on Judgement day. Rev. 20: 14. 15.
    NOWHERE in the entire scripture does it say :" The born again Anointed ONES are saved by the blood of the Lamb.
    EVIL men and women say so.
    Yahweh says:" He saves the righteous by the Blood of His GOAT Yahshua"
    1 Peter 4: 1. This scripture is Yahweh asking everyone who reads this scripture a QUESTION.
    Answer Yahweh's QUESTION and the truth will set you free.
    BEFORE the truth sets you free:" IT WILL HURT."
    Then when you know what manner of spirit you are made of.
    THEN Yahweh will give you His literal genetic SON Yahshua to show you how to walk as He walked. 1 John 2: 6. Matt. 28: 20. Gal. 4: 6.
    Yahshua's BODY of anointed ONES are like HIM.
    1 John 3: 9. Heb. 2: 10- 18.
    The sinners are like their father the devil. 1 John 3: 8.
    Rom. 11: 11- 33. This is Yahweh's ONLY WAY to salvation.
    ONLY born again Israel has ever been saved and ONLY born again anointed Israel will ever be saved.
    So say Yahweh.
    It is a FEARFUL thing to say :" So says Yahweh."
    May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures of things to come for YOU.
    Heb. 12: 14.
    Bless you

  • @jacobryan8491
    @jacobryan8491 5 лет назад
