I think you don't have a sense of humor. This guy is legendary mfana kithi... All of his jokes are going to crack you down. Each joke he delivers it's picky selected out of rich because they are situational. Rock and rolling with the rhythm, giving people enough time to giggle and draw their attention back to him...👌
Hhhaaay mfana kithi vuma kuthi kukhulu umzimba kuphela kodwa ingqondo incane lapho kuwe😂. Comedy it an art my boy, delicate skill to adapt any environment and your audience
loool ey madoda Mshini namii ngimazela estimeleni angeke ngize ngikhohlwe eshaya ihlaya ngami. ngyakubongela mfokaNtuli uma usuhambe waze wafika la
lol I used to catch a train with this guy when I was still staying at NUZ...
. he was born crazy I tell you....
Waze wangibulala umuntu ngensini
kwaaaaaaaaaaaa...nyc 1
Lol this dude is crazy lool
number One bhuti
I like this comedy
he is dope
uza kabi lomjita loooool
😀😁😂😃😄😅 RSA comedian
Not Ayoba..too long before you lough
Ingabe kuqondeni ukuphawula kwakho wemfoka Ngcobo🤔?
I think you don't have a sense of humor. This guy is legendary mfana kithi... All of his jokes are going to crack you down. Each joke he delivers it's picky selected out of rich because they are situational. Rock and rolling with the rhythm, giving people enough time to giggle and draw their attention back to him...👌
Hhhaaay mfana kithi vuma kuthi kukhulu umzimba kuphela kodwa ingqondo incane lapho kuwe😂. Comedy it an art my boy, delicate skill to adapt any environment and your audience