Wow! Esse documentário só existe no já extinto das lojas - Coleção Joan Crawford. Eu como não o possuo, se não fosse por este vídeo, talvez nunca o teria assistido. Obrigado pelo upload do documentário. No mais, este filme é formidável, com uma performance arrasadora de Crawford. Meu filme favorito dela!
It's very obvious that it wasn't JC on the Los Angeles streets with no makeup. It is a stand in. The shoes are completely different from those worn by JC later on what are obvious sets.
This film was the first that came to mind when I saw Fatal Attraction!
That documentary was FANTASTIC!
This was a wonderful film noir movie.
ɷɷɷ I Haveee Watched Thiss Movieee Leakedddd Versionnnn Hereee : -
Wow! Esse documentário só existe no já extinto das lojas - Coleção Joan Crawford. Eu como não o possuo, se não fosse por este vídeo, talvez nunca o teria assistido. Obrigado pelo upload do documentário. No mais, este filme é formidável, com uma performance arrasadora de Crawford. Meu filme favorito dela!
Nice video!
The Quintessential Film Noir: DOUBLE INDEMNITY.
This woman is dangerous! When I think about dishonored lady Lucas Leigh.
You're welcome, dear! It's dedicated to you.
Bound to when all criminals murderers psychopaths sociopaths were shipped into these lands and then generations of DNA travelled .
It's very obvious that it wasn't JC on the Los Angeles streets with no makeup. It is a stand in. The shoes are completely different from those worn by JC later on what are obvious sets.
... mummie dearest in a bad hair day movie (van was miscast - role had in-like-flynn's name plastered all over it).