Rumania (1965)

  • Опубликовано: 12 апр 2014
  • Rumania travelogue.
    Delights and traditions of Rumania are shown - narrator promotes Rumania as a holiday destination and discusses how Rumania "has it all". Hotel and city square (Bucharest?), view of a beach from a balcony.
    Horses are seen in training for a trotting race. Various shots of the horses and jockeys harnessing up. Jockey smiles broadly as he passes the camera. Track is levelled out and water sprayed upon it. Shots of the race and spectators.
    Traffic free shopping centre is shown - shoppers walk through square. Large "modern" building is covered with a mural. Compared to a church covered with intricate frescos. L/S of another church then M/Ss of tourists and locals looking at the frescos. C/Us of the paintings.
    Narration suggests that Rumania has many surprises for those that think it is a backward country.
    Cuts exist - see other record.
    FILM ID:321.08
    British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.

Комментарии • 49

  • @alanrogs3990
    @alanrogs3990 8 месяцев назад +2

    "Stan fill up the water truck and wet the track." That would literally be half his work day. Lucky guy!

  • @pikocjc
    @pikocjc 10 лет назад +55

    Parca era mult mai frumos, mult mai ordonat si curat peisajul romanesc. Fara aglomeratie, fara peturi si gunoaie aruncate la tot pasul, fara cocalari cu masinile parcate pe spatiul verde....hmmm, interesant filmulet. Mi-ar place sa fie si acum asa!

    • @picatica
      @picatica 3 года назад +1


    • @Sleepingsun40
      @Sleepingsun40 2 года назад

      ​@@picatica ...tu stii doar sa improsti cu ceea ce ai mentionat cam totul de pe acele vremuri si despre care se vede ca nu ai de ce nu,replica ta te descrie in toata "splendoarea" poetica...

    • @Deasvier34
      @Deasvier34 Год назад

      Totul era propaganda,o inchisoare comunista!😢

  • @iulianbaicus8542
    @iulianbaicus8542 10 лет назад +31

    British journalists love trotting and they enjoyed the races in Romania as well.

  • @Mini3005news
    @Mini3005news 10 лет назад +11

    Multumesc pentru postare ! Thank you very much for posting !

  • @timcolledge3732
    @timcolledge3732 3 года назад +3

    Very interesting to see.

  • @elenastreang4896
    @elenastreang4896 3 года назад +1

    😍 Mulțumesc British Pathé ❤!

  • @AmjithPS
    @AmjithPS 3 года назад +9

    Interesting video, and interesting to know about the anti communism of British pathe during that period

    • @picatica
      @picatica 3 года назад +3

      Yes, "anti communism"....! For those of us who have lived through those times, waiting for "miracles" from the West, just after the fall of the Berlin Wall this detail was "revealed" to us. The advertising propaganda Franceza also has a series of films about the "paradise" life of the Romanians, while the most intelligent and loyal minds could be victims of imprisoned for not accepting the domination of the traitors and illiterate communists... It is enough to look at what is happening in the world today to understand the consequences of media manipulation and human weakness and commitment.

  • @HarfagreHarald
    @HarfagreHarald 10 лет назад +11

    Cu un nickname ca "motanelustelistu", nu cred că ai prins vremurile Cortinei de Fier. Dar pentru cei care nu s-au născut ieri, Cortina de Fier era imediat la est de Hamburg și Munchen. Adica inclusiv Praga, Berlin sau Budapesta se aflau dincolo de Cortina de Fier, nu numai România. Probabil nici părinții tăi nu erau născuți când a folosit Churchill prima dată termenul.

  • @rareshpopgamingro
    @rareshpopgamingro 10 лет назад +16

    Patria mea va rămâne aici IUBESC ROMANIA SI SUNT MANDRU CA SUNT ROMÂN !!

  • @AyreonX
    @AyreonX 10 лет назад +21

    Please change the's "Romania", not "Rumania"...videos are awesome

    • @vladimanisor1562
      @vladimanisor1562 4 года назад +11

      Ciprian Rosulescu Pe vremuri englezii și americanii și totată gașca de vorbitori de engleză scriau “Rumania”. Titlul este așa deoarece datează de pe-atuncea.

    • @JamesHaitch
      @JamesHaitch 3 года назад +8

      In English, the name of the country was formerly spelt Rumania or Roumania. Romania became the predominant spelling around 1975

  • @dumitrumaruntelu4468
    @dumitrumaruntelu4468 3 года назад +7

    cine am fost si ce am ajuns Doamne

    • @picatica
      @picatica 3 года назад +3

      Cine-ai fost? Hotii care-au jefuit Romania si prostimea adolescenta intretinuta de parinti care se infometau ca sa-i imbuibe odraslele... se vaicareste si plange comunismul. Romanul harnic pune osul la munca si are grija ce voteaza!

    • @cosmindvd
      @cosmindvd 2 года назад +3

      Ce inapoiati eram, si ce bine am ajuns acum, mai bine zis, dar unii dintre noi nu au avut parte de educatie ca sa isi dea seama de drepturile omului, economie si libertate.

    • @mark_yt91
      @mark_yt91 2 года назад +1

      @@picatica si ce ar trebui sa votezi sa fie bine? Ai vazut tu candidatul ideal sa fie votat? Eu am 31 de ani si nu calcat niciodata intr-o sectie de votare si nici nu am sa calc, pentru ca toti hoti si corupti

  • @ChatGPt2001
    @ChatGPt2001 5 месяцев назад

    In 1965, Romania was under the leadership of Nicolae Ceaușescu, who became the General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party in 1965 and later served as the President of Romania from 1967 until his overthrow and execution in 1989. Here are some key aspects of Romania during the year 1965:
    1. **Political Landscape:**
    - Nicolae Ceaușescu's leadership marked a period of increased nationalism and independence for Romania within the Eastern Bloc. Initially, he pursued policies independent of the Soviet Union, but Romania remained a communist state.
    2. **Economic Policies:**
    - Ceaușescu implemented economic policies aimed at achieving rapid industrialization and economic development. This included the forced collectivization of agriculture and the prioritization of heavy industry.
    3. **Cultural and Educational Changes:**
    - The regime also sought to create a cult of personality around Ceaușescu, and there were efforts to reshape education and culture to align with the government's ideology. This included censorship and control over the media.
    4. **International Relations:**
    - Romania pursued a foreign policy that aimed at establishing itself as an independent actor within the Eastern Bloc. Ceaușescu criticized the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact troops in 1968, a move that distanced Romania from the Soviet Union.
    5. **Social Conditions:**
    - Despite economic growth, living conditions for many Romanians were challenging, with shortages of consumer goods and restrictions on personal freedoms. The regime's emphasis on heavy industry often came at the expense of consumer-oriented industries.
    6. **Securitate:**
    - The Securitate, Romania's secret police, played a significant role in maintaining control and suppressing dissent during Ceaușescu's regime. Political opposition was not tolerated, and dissenters faced severe consequences.
    It's important to note that Romania underwent significant changes in the years following 1965, including a period of relative independence from the Soviet Union, but the repressive nature of the regime and economic difficulties persisted until the fall of Ceaușescu in the 1989 revolution.

  • @calinandrei8374
    @calinandrei8374 3 года назад

    am fost si suntem vai de p noastra.......

  • @auroramurgescu3487
    @auroramurgescu3487 10 лет назад +10

    Ha, ha, ha! Cantau la balalaica la Voronet si in toata Romania. Singurul adevar! Au fost cativa ani de relaxare 1967 -1974, dupa care a urmat foamea, frigul si mizeria!

    • @Sleepingsun40
      @Sleepingsun40 3 года назад +4

      Habar nu ai ce vorbesti femeie...dupa anii 80 s-au stricat anii 70 mergeam la alimentara si cumparam orice iar iarna nu puteai pune mana pe calorife asa erau de fierbinti...asa ca nu vorbi aiurea.

    • @picatica
      @picatica 3 года назад

      @@Sleepingsun40 Iar tu habar nu ai sa citesti, tataie!

    • @Sleepingsun40
      @Sleepingsun40 3 года назад

      @@picatica Printre rânduri sau....mamaie?

    • @semper9565
      @semper9565 2 года назад

      @@Sleepingsun40 super, certati-va! Sunt copil de anii '80 si stiu ca nu aveam caldura, apa calda, curentul venea cand vroia el si rafturile erau goale mereu. Se plateau niste gestionare degeaba, pentru ca ele nu aveau niciodata ce vinde. Masina venea o data periodic si se bulucea toata lumea atunci.

  • @MrBoazhorribilis
    @MrBoazhorribilis 2 года назад +2

    "How did the monks of Moldavia managed to create such a long lasting evidence of a Christian settlement in the Communist world" .... Uhhhh ... there was no "Communist world in Moldavia, 500 years or so ago when these ecclesiastic masterpieces were built . Who wrote this silly commentary ?

  • @MrBoazhorribilis
    @MrBoazhorribilis 2 года назад

    The commentary of the BBC is incredibly naive and ignorant of Romania of the '60s. It would be laughable if it was not so alarmingly sad.

  • @kingdomofromaniaballstandw2347

    but from where do u get socialist archives?

  • @Deasvier34
    @Deasvier34 Год назад

    Zici ca vezi un film de propaganda romanesc, facut ca la studiourile Sahia 😢

  • @objetivista686
    @objetivista686 3 года назад +1

    Poor horses...

    • @semper9565
      @semper9565 2 года назад

      Why poor? It's part of their race training.

    • @objetivista686
      @objetivista686 2 года назад

      @@semper9565 "their"...

    • @burete9853
      @burete9853 2 года назад +1

      pizdificarea planetei

  • @frfv1973
    @frfv1973 8 лет назад +5

    Propaganda movie Hahaha!Sovietic dogmatism with religion didn't work ...So pass

    • @wallachia4797
      @wallachia4797 3 года назад +10

      You're dumb.
      Religion never disappeared in Eastern European countries, to this day Romania is 92% Orthodox Christian with Eastern European nations ranking the highest among religious adherence in Europe.
      You can't take religion away from Eastern Europeans, they tried and they died.

    • @picatica
      @picatica 3 года назад +1

      @@wallachia4797 Unfortunately, religion is not to go to church and comply with customs, but to remember the communist genocide and ask for justice, so that things do not repeat ... do "mea culpa" for accepting and collaborating with communism before and after 1989 voting extreme left governments that used their own compatriots (miners) to repress rights and freedoms and corrupted the main institutions that instead of serving the citizen, continued to serve the same left system, now the owner of the whole of Europe.