my advice to those who get rejected for opportunities in the industry

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 89

  • @chayadol
    @chayadol 2 года назад +109

    I got the friend who worked on a very famous 2D feature film (I need to keep their name and project out just in case lol)
    They tried to apply to the studio, I currently working. They definitely got a great animation skill and my animation director even said that they'd love to take anyone from that feature film project.
    However, in the end, they got rejected. I asked my studio why??? My studio said our project is already tight on deadline, and that person just too slow for the project based on the test
    My friend don't feel that bad tho cos they also don't like the TV production much, they think its production time is too tight.
    So that friend is now working as freelance and got a chance to work with a bunch of feature film that has 2D hand draw animation there.
    Sometime people got rejected becos they're just not fit with the style & workflow that the project want to go to, not becos they suck or studio too stupid to see the gold. It's just simply not fit.
    That's why one of the trick of character design portfolio is to show u can design character in different style, and that's why if you want to become a feature film animator you most likely need a bunch of 3D animation in your portfolio.

  • @Brettimaeus
    @Brettimaeus 2 года назад +47

    My complaint is that I have only been rejected twice, I’ve been GHOSTED dozens of times. I would prefer rejection any day.

    • @TonikoPantoja
      @TonikoPantoja  2 года назад +16

      i know the ghosted feeling too well.

    • @0ia
      @0ia 9 месяцев назад

      Yea... it's almost like I need to replay it in my head as if it were a rejection to get closure. Unsatisfying. I'd rather not care.

  • @alexreel1334
    @alexreel1334 2 года назад +78

    This is really important to hear especially as a student preparing to go into the animation industry and seek out these opportunities. Thank you

  • @lemond2007
    @lemond2007 2 года назад +12

    > Rejected by Netflix
    Dodged a bullet there.

  • @bloopboop9320
    @bloopboop9320 2 года назад +39

    I'm a storyartist who got calls and messages about the Pixar Storyboarding internship, Laika Story Internship, Disney Story Internship, and several others (might have made the BlueSky internship, but that was during COVID and then they shutdown after my interview haha) but I never made any of them. While it was definitely difficult to handle, I do kind of recognize that while my work was pretty good (I know I got into the finals in a lot of them) that my overall tone and storytelling techniques probably didn't combine very well with what any of the companies I applied to. During the end of my Junior year of college I watched Chomet's The Illusionist (2010), started watching Bergman films, and also watched all of Tarkovsky's films and I felt like I discovered a doorway into film making styles and techniques that I had never learned or even came close to understanding when aiming for a "studio storyboarding position". My senior year of college was essentially me battling what I truly believed to be "art that I liked" and I realized that my style of storytelling is antithetical to what is needed to make a broadly appealing animated film. I love cinematography and staging and I honestly find character acting to be super boring and unfun to storyboard.
    While it was frustrating that I didn't get my "dream jobs" I've also found work on several European based productions in France, Italy, and other places that have given me a bit more freedom to really mess around with different ideas and techniques that I wouldn't normally get the opportunity to work on. For instance, I love storyboarding tracking shots, and when I was working on a video game's motion capture cut-scenes I was told I could "do whatever I wanted with the camera" and because of that every scene I do I turn into a tracking shot and figure out how to perfect my technique on storytelling in one take. It doesn't pay anywhere as good as a Studio job in LA, but I'm also artistically free to explore in whatever style I want to do and spend a lot of time researching and studying different techniques that I want to test out.
    I live in an area where the cost of living is super cheap and I am artistically free to do what I want and learn what I want to learn. I plan to move further with other projects and work my way into a studio at some point, but for now I am happy with where I am at.

  • @jascherry
    @jascherry 2 года назад +55

    Connections is important. Plus think about how many people applied to the same job and they only have very very few spots. Netflix has reduced their animation section due to having less subscriptions which that is also hurting incoming animators.
    I love your talk and for sure if you really want it we just need to keep trying and getting rejections until we don't. But the rejections won't go away like you stated. Have plan B or even Plan C until you are able to reach plan A 😊 I know that's what I'm doing. Working outside if the animation industry for now but still trying to get in.

    • @matheussanthiago9685
      @matheussanthiago9685 2 года назад +2

      netflix's decision making is just all over the place it seems
      why the hell is animation getting the cut first, when it's their live-action projects that are floppoing time and time again
      looking from outside it seem as smart of a choice as announcing ads for paying costumers right when they're struggling to keep a paying costumers from living
      it just makes no sense

  • @JasmineRobotnik
    @JasmineRobotnik 2 года назад +9

    I always get told by my family who dont understand how the industry works
    " your draw so good. You should get a job doing it"
    Yes I am good. But so are millions of other artists, im really not that special.

  • @poilapan
    @poilapan 2 года назад +13

    Failure is a great teacher, no matter how technically competent or well-prepared you are. There are other places to catch your own fish.

  • @Smieska_13
    @Smieska_13 2 года назад +18

    Eyyyy! A fellow artist who got rejected from Sheridan twice! I wasn't as lucky since I lived in the maritimes and couldn't afford to go and the art fundamentals. So I stayed home and went for a general BA degree for 4 years, where I had to learn and practice by myself (no life drawing classes, just NOTHING lol I had to use my friends as models). I was able to do a semester exchange at Ryerson and thought 'oh hey lets pop by Sheridan and see what they're looking for when it comes to the animation program'. I went, I saw, and for someone who grew up in.... NOT A BIG CITY, went to a very small school (not art education at all), I thought it was extremely unfair that they wanted people who I thought were already amazing and could get jobs immediately. After I finished my BA, I tried for Sheridan again, and I somehow got a worse rejection than before; I had been studying their stupid 'grid' of how they mark the artwork for 4 years and I got worse. So I sent a letter back asking them to please explain what was wrong with my work and how did it not get accepted. I just wanted hard facts from them is all. They sent a letter basically saying 'sorry you didn't get in, heres an art program from another university in the middle of ontario you could check out.' I was furious lol
    Anyway, long story short I thought the whole experience was completely unfair because not everyone is from a big city with basic art education in highschool, I felt like I had to work 4 times as hard because I had zero help and could only go off of what I could find in early 2000s internet.

    • @TonikoPantoja
      @TonikoPantoja  2 года назад +12

      Yeah I remember dealing with sheridans admin and info back then and they were total morons.

  • @katon4525
    @katon4525 2 года назад +5

    I'm on the side of "it's their loss" I have come a long way with my work and I use to be really hard on myself, but now I've built a strong and healthy relationship with my work that I know what I am worth and know what I want. My hard work and dedication shows and willingness to learn, if that sounds egotistical then oh well. Some of these recruiters aren't the most professional either with how they be wording the rejections or just straight up ghost you.

  • @zamokuhlethusi2964
    @zamokuhlethusi2964 2 года назад +5

    "Rejection is empowering" -
    Toniko Pantoja
    Thanks for the quality content man

  • @FlashFastBlack
    @FlashFastBlack 2 года назад +8

    Great video! Great thoughts. Rejection and uncertainty is something I had to become very comfortable with early in my carrier. Working freelance I would work for 2-3 month and look for work for the next 2 -3 months, when I started in the industry I worried when my contract ended every 6 to 7 months. It can be scary, but if you have the talent and personality the work will follow.
    Now I can't make it through a contract without 2 or 3 job offers.
    One of the things I mentioned was personality, if you get rejected and your first instinct is to seek validation on the internet from your fans... that may have come off in your interview. Companies arn't just seeking the best artists, they are looking for the best team, if you have more talent than senses it's an immediate red flag.

  • @InkfightStudios
    @InkfightStudios 2 года назад +6

    Very good video! Personally as an animator and illustrator I feel like its important to take that time, to not post, not worry, and really focus on what YOURE doing. The fan fare is nice when it comes to trends and social media but I think it's important to get your skills up, find your happy place creatively, and stay consistent even if you dont see opportunities and have to make them yourself.

  • @passthepoi6661
    @passthepoi6661 2 года назад +5

    This was really nice to hear and see you share it with the community. I've been working for the last 25 years in the Animation industry and what artists of all skill levels have to realize is that even though the door is closed now, it may be open for you later. It's never permanently closed. It took 2 rejections and 13 years later for me to land at the company I've always had my eye on during my Sheridan College days. However, what does keep the door closed is attitude. While we face a lot of heartache, anxieties and anger, what's important is that we keep our emotions and egos in check. I've been humbled many times and have learned over the years that as an artist, you should always have that willingness to learn and grow. The truth is, there will always be someone better than you.
    Humility goes a long way and in turn makes you a lot of friends. And those friends, like Toniko says. will get you jobs. I of all people know that. Out of the 6 companies i've worked for, 5 of the jobs I got were because of friends. Sure, the reel is important, but those in hiring positions will always want to make sure that the artist's attitude is sound. And sadly, sometimes it does come down to the project's needs. Sometimes a faster animator who is decent is a better hire than someone who is slow and awesome.

  • @centuryfiles9558
    @centuryfiles9558 2 года назад +12

    This applies to a lot of careers in the arts thank you

  • @0ia
    @0ia 9 месяцев назад

    "Sensations are, at their core, neutral. They're not negative or positive, right? The negativity or positivity are things you assign later and, therefore, they're not that serious." - Jonathan Blow

  • @Rozenque74
    @Rozenque74 2 года назад +3

    I think Les Brown's quote really apply to this situation "When thing goes wrong, don't go with it" :)
    Thank you for the advice!

  • @kaymakesthings
    @kaymakesthings 2 года назад +2

    I'm just over my 1-year mark in the industry. My career has moved at a breakneck pace and it's left me with a lot of questions I still need to answer about myself creatively, and coming to terms with the idea that there will be jobs I just have to say 'no' to, because I only have so many hours and so much energy. But this is also coming from someone who just lingered for two years after graduating from a non-arts program, so whether you get rejected for something or feel like opportunities aren't coming your way-- just know that if you're a cool person to be around, if you're good at what you do, and if you're persistent and confident that this is the path for you, you'll make it. It's only a matter of time. Time is all you have, so make the most of it.

  • @ollietheartist1719
    @ollietheartist1719 2 года назад +5

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate your perspective on this. I’ve never gotten accepted to a studio. Never gotten a job as an artist unless I’ve made it available for myself. But I’ve been able to teach art and I’ve been able to teach myself. I love what I make and I didn’t for a while. I’m glad that was a short lived period. In the end it is about honesty with myself and my work. Sure being involved in a big studio project would be amazing. But I don’t need that to be an artist. I don’t need that to be good. I’m glad you talked about this. Thanks. And also: the working on yourself bit. There are plenty of people employed in project after project who just have a garbage outlook on life and other people and act like big poop heads in general. I’d rather not be that way and I’ve had a lot of time for self work. I’m grateful for that.

  • @HunterL850
    @HunterL850 2 года назад +2

    Needing to hear this as I’m applying for internships and entry level jobs.

  • @caroodraws
    @caroodraws 2 года назад +3

    I'm graduating in July and am getting ready for the rejection! I know it's going to happen, but I'm going to apply to everything I can and work on my own stuff until I see results, even if it takes a while. Thank you for the well timed video :D

  • @bojacksworldwideweb
    @bojacksworldwideweb 2 года назад +1

    wow tonkio, Ive been watching youre stuff for a long time, thank you for staying firm with animation vro, Im a pro artist too!!

  • @aimeefritz9186
    @aimeefritz9186 3 месяца назад

    Great advice, thank you so much! Very transparent, I appreciate your channel!

  • @shauryae478
    @shauryae478 2 года назад +3

    Can you please make a tutorial for the lighting techniques you used in KnygT HunD? It looked amazing and I'd love to learn how you did the separate light passes :)

  • @mastafran
    @mastafran 2 года назад +1

    I've made peace with the fact that I'll never ever get into the industry. My direction now is going indie and trying to be content with my own personal projects.

  • @varia6486
    @varia6486 2 года назад +11

    about that tweet, when someone rejects you and you react like that, calling it a loss for them is such a weak mindset. and then showing their work to the tweet to get approval from the people not hiring the person is just weird to me. As you said, it's all about the right fit, and you should take it as an opportunity to continue this journey of ''treasure hunting'' the moments in the industry

    • @TonikoPantoja
      @TonikoPantoja  2 года назад +1

      its not something i would do personally, to say "their loss" or what not because its just not me.

    • @guggvcjhh3713
      @guggvcjhh3713 2 года назад

      Yes it was a bad reaction. She will be known as the person who made that tweet now. The industry is so small

  • @akganimationstudioproducti3779
    @akganimationstudioproducti3779 2 года назад +2

    In the words of Walt Disney: Keep moving forward

  • @akganimationstudioproducti3779
    @akganimationstudioproducti3779 2 года назад

    Every aspiring animator needs to see this

  • @boristheteethguy9220
    @boristheteethguy9220 2 года назад +1

    heck i'm a artist to myself and i got rejected and hated and unfollowed by few people, because they say my drawings are to cartooning, and cute, and like not their intrests but hey it's my style of art and i see alot of good things from that type of art to me, but hey i dob't give up i keep pushing myself more and more to get better and better! even thou not alot of people are supporting me or my career i'm the one who keeps it up and make sure i stay on that point so the only support i really care to get is myself if it wasn't for me i probably be giving up instead but the more i ask GOD for strength and think about my bright future i don't want to let all my passion wasted so yes i do agree that getting hate, and reject is a good thing ( other ways you can make it work ) NEVER GIVE UP!!!
    P.S yes i do draw cute and adorable because it's my type of style lol

  • @lilkha9483
    @lilkha9483 2 года назад +2

    I kept having rejections so Iam preparing to build my own business

  • @RedGallardo
    @RedGallardo 2 года назад +3

    I think rejections should be common for graphic artists. We all have different styles, we may not fit in no matter the skill. I'd say it's possible that no studio in the world is looking for your art style at the moment. Yeah. Being an artist is this kind of risk. I thought we all knew it from day 0. Any type of crisis reduces the need for artists. Pandemics, wars... It was never a secret that it's a gambling with destiny. You choose doing what you love a lot, for that you lose stability and good profit. Like... a mage class in a game. High difficulty, low defense, awesome abilities you need to juggle right.

    • @csensale
      @csensale 2 года назад

      In response to “we all have different styles”…….I came close to losing a design deal with fitness guru Susan Powter because my portfolio was masculine leaning lol

  • @thevanamacha
    @thevanamacha 2 года назад +1

    Toniko, I always love watching your content. I greatly appreciate how you give us your raw stories of how your mindset has evolved and how you give realistic insight on being an animator, on being an artist, and on trying to get involved in the industry.
    I am a rising 3rd-year Illustration major on the east coast of the US, and your insight helped me not waste my time on investing in academic art projects and art opportunities I find little to no love in. Because of you, I've learned to always take a minute to stop, and think to myself whenever I find myself trying to overwork myself to create art and apply for art opportunities: Why am I trying to pursue xxx? Am I doing it because I hear everyone else has internships? Does the art I am trying to make allign with what I want to make, or does it align with what is mainstream and gets views? Do I have a personal connection with what I am making? If this internship exhausts me, will it make me happy and feel self-satisfying regardless?
    I've ended up getting art opportunities this summer I always had thought of in the back of my mind: being a figure model for figure modeling classes and apprenticing a muralist. Although neither are exactly making big bucks, I feel extremely satisfied, and I've acquired money in other ways.

  • @MARDIA10
    @MARDIA10 2 года назад

    Rejection sucks, but it is always an opportunity to look in other directions you never thought of

  • @AliceDiamondWisdom
    @AliceDiamondWisdom Год назад

    Fellow Sheridan 2x reject here who also eventually got hired in the industry! The second time i was literally off by half a point so I asked them for an appeal and the letter basically accused me of copying my animal drawings off a photograph, but I spent many days going to the ROM to draw the animal exhibit. It was infuriating but liberating too, cause it freed me from valuing their opinion of how good my art is over my own. Prior to this, I saw they weren't just gatekeepers to a program but judges on how skilled and talented I was. And getting rejected basically signalled I wasn't good enough, add that to a family that already told me I was no good and not talented and delusional, it was a double whammy. I needed something to tell me that I was good enough to be a "real pro artist" and no one outside of me gave that to me, but when I got that letter, I finally started to get what I needed, but not from people I counted on, but from myself. I no longer held their opinion on a pedestal and realized they are just flawed human beings who happen to hold a position that can affect me getting what I wanted. It felt unfair but at least i was finally free to start trusting myself, and others a whole lot less.
    I wouldn't say at that moment everything started getting better all at once, but years later I did end up having freelance work from big studios and small studios all over the world as well as individual clients. I'm now making a living as an artist but not without a lot of introspection. A good thing about rejection to keep in mind is, maybe see it as a chance not just to work on your personal projects, but take care of much neglected parts of your psyche and gave myself some much needed compassion that others weren't in a position to give me. I realized I had A LOT of limiting beliefs about my self worth, and my relationship to others, and to life. I was trapped in my head, in awful narratives that always put me in a victim position. Now I see, I was simply someone who got caught in belief and behavioural patterns that simply didn't serve me, that's all. Once i stopped taking things as personally, when jobs came to me, I was in a mental state that was much more prepared to deal with more challenges, and job stress doesn't affect me as much. Looking back, I'm kinda glad I didn't get sucked into the industry when I was young, with a chip on my shoulder and emotionally fragile and not quite ready for the world. Now I"m ready for the next phase of my life; committing continuously on my own Comic IP, so I can bring my best, to the thing I love the most.

  • @SHADZA4321
    @SHADZA4321 2 года назад

    One harsh reality; even had someone from the industry tell me this. Is that a lot of the times employers will hire someone based on how much they know them. In other words, if you had more to show than the other guy, but the other guy knew said employer more, they will just pick the other guy.
    There are a lot of variables when it comes to getting "chosen" by the industry. So don't be discouraged if you ate rejected.

  • @minami_iko
    @minami_iko 2 года назад

    Thank you for the Advice! This is really helping me for interships that i will faced soon

  • @PegiBruno
    @PegiBruno 2 года назад

    I have yet to be accepted anywhere so
    this was a very much needed advice

  • @AmeAnimation
    @AmeAnimation 2 года назад

    After 10yrs of constant rejection I wish that I listened to my parents and chose a different field. I'm 33 now and I don't want to be that 40yo still trying to get in.

  • @sprawlingpictures4171
    @sprawlingpictures4171 2 года назад

    Story of Hollywood. Conglomerates have always treated their workers unfairly then and now. I’m still confused why some animators would still want to work for a corporation instead of starting their own studio. There are way more tools now to start and run your studio. Our indie studio will soon have a contract with the city we’re in to promote their art programs. I’m just thankful for the self serve ad-platforms for social media. It means any creator regardless of audience size can get paid by local sponsors.

  • @stard9864
    @stard9864 2 года назад

    I needed this video esp now 😭.

  • @Shimamon27
    @Shimamon27 Год назад

    I feel like my skill, style and work output is not good enough to try and apply to anything.
    So, I don't even bother trying.
    I do have work on an indie game with weird art... Small job, but fun.
    But, I just feel not ready for the industry.

  • @MegaBleedman
    @MegaBleedman 2 года назад +3

    If you got rejected and you feel the need to tell the world, it's called insecurity.
    Yes just continue working hard but you don't need to brag about how good your art is and that it's the companies loss.
    That's a sign of bruised ego in desperate need of sympathy. Telling your followers "I"m a great artist I'm a great artist it's their loss" honestly is kinda pathetic.

  • @csabakovacs7713
    @csabakovacs7713 2 года назад +2

    CalArts is much better than Sheridan. When you got rejected by Sheridan and accepted by CalArts, that tells me that you are much better than Sheridan. So, that is good rejection. Good. Not only that, it's impressive that you got into CalArts because their standard is much higher than Sheridan's standard.

  • @_Bees
    @_Bees 2 года назад +1

    Man, I wonder if I'm good enough for Job Opps. I would like to take the indie route, but I'm aware of the challenges of becoming an indie creator and most of it is luck based. I want to make a whole indie cartoon project based off my childhood teddies, but I need to be able to have a sustainable income to be comfortable with it. The whole prospect of jobs scare me man. The work placement year for me was ruined due to Covid, so I have no job safety net once I'm finished Uni. Also need to improve my art much much more.

    • @binkybinkles
      @binkybinkles 2 года назад

      I understand ur struggle, I graduated uni 1 year ago and have been too busy to work on my 3D art portfolio and have no idea how hard it is to get a job now realistically

  • @tendollah156
    @tendollah156 2 года назад +1

    I was given a test task to create a logo. I made 3 designs, and more 10 in sketch. I was then told that my illustrations are pretty but they are looking for a graphic artist. Now the interesting part is, I wouldn't let that go so I asked them, how did I not pass the test task and what they imagine as graphic work. All I got as reply is that I did pass the task. I didn't bother to communicate any further as these people were clearly not serious if they cant even discuss what they want me to improve because I already got the skills to do that kind of job and I find communication in that type of job very important to be able to visualize their ideas.
    I think it is alright to not just see yourself as not the right fit but also view the company as not the right fit for You

  • @blenderblender792
    @blenderblender792 2 года назад +1

    Netflix now is in financial trouble, their stock tanked and if you are submitting to Netflix you might get caught up in damage control.

  • @eliznasamson8464
    @eliznasamson8464 2 месяца назад

    Uhhhh.... I really don't care about rejection I don't have or working in a industry I just animate wherever I go cause I'm just a 11 year old boy who likes to see his animation dreams come true. So yeah man I really like animating but all I animate was just a Stickman like fight scenes (don't judge me I'm very un experienced)

  • @trustlesseyes
    @trustlesseyes 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video! I'm currently applying left and right and getting rejected or no answer at all...

  • @Blariblary
    @Blariblary 2 года назад

    The animation school in nz i went to always talked about being ready for rejection. Oh so much rejection...

  • @playcebovision5319
    @playcebovision5319 2 года назад

    I will say, that artist on twitter is alright. Not that they are a bad artist, but from what I've seen I think they over estimate their own skills. And you're right, it probably just is a case of not being a good fit. Perhaps the project they applied to wants more flat backgrounds, or backgrounds of a totally different theme. And going around saying "they don't know what they are missing out on" tells the studio that this isn't a person you want to hire. If anything, this might actually prevent them from other jobs!

  • @matheussanthiago9685
    @matheussanthiago9685 2 года назад

    oh, I see that my anxious ass did really pick the right career huh

  • @iskanderandsivnator
    @iskanderandsivnator 2 года назад +2


  • @Yntsire
    @Yntsire 2 года назад

    I was wondering where all those tweets about rejection were coming from? The original person who tweeted about their rejection has a fantastic painting portfolio… but that doesn’t mean it’s a great fit for a story trainee position.

  • @andrewsung3965
    @andrewsung3965 2 месяца назад

    4:53 Im confused as to what you mean by you have to call them? What do you called them for? do you do it a week after the interview or 3 days after the interview? or a day after the interview?

  • @EnchantedSmellyWolf
    @EnchantedSmellyWolf 4 месяца назад

    Rejected for not being a loose person who drinks and smokes. Fine by me. Bye!

  • @Dmocrito3
    @Dmocrito3 2 года назад


  • @americancheese7383
    @americancheese7383 2 года назад

    Surely theres plenty of other art jobs they can apply for? Or are those companies "not good enough" for their ego.

  • @noel_curray
    @noel_curray 2 года назад

    pag na reject, apply sa call center.

  • @guggvcjhh3713
    @guggvcjhh3713 2 года назад

    Lol you should’ve seen her cuss on her insta story though.. her personality said a lot

  • @rinarina6247
    @rinarina6247 2 года назад +1

    “If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.”
    -Wayne Dwyer

  • @MikeTooleK9S
    @MikeTooleK9S 2 года назад +1

    The industry is not an opportunity for anybody except for capitalism to get the use of some great artists. people have got to get this thing unbackwards in their minds. in 10 years nobody in the industry is going to need to be in the industry they're just going to do whatever the heck they want with their computers and each other. as the heir to the legacy of Winsor McCay and Maajin Uub, I do declare that anybody who did work in the animation industry in the past 15 years is pretty cool. I'm saiyin, "elite". it is you Hollywood people that have established the very history of how it is to be done and all of your executive producers and bosses are a bunch of worthless geeks compared to you millennials my highest inspiration. Capitalism needs you you don't need capitalism and soon you will be free keep up the good work your liberation is intrinsic. your destiny is irredeemable👍 if you're not in the industry now just focus on your multimedia storytelling skills I'm confident there's no dream in an "industry". I mean literally even if your dream is literally that "I want to collaborate with a bunch of artists who work in the industry" the best way to make that happen it's just a work on your own thing. taking all of their great advice of course on how to be great like them. not to get a job in the system that makes the thing but to recognize that these people embody the thing itself and this is the way to be a conjuring dictator of the multimedia space. in 10 years there's not going to be an industry there's only going to be these people running the world. in the new age an animator is more like a musician the collaboration even moreso.

  • @dicloniusN35
    @dicloniusN35 2 года назад

    rejection for job opportunities because of restricted country...

  • @crazyimaginations1244
    @crazyimaginations1244 Год назад

    Highschool party voter

  • @mree.9794
    @mree.9794 2 года назад +1

    lol they rejected her but they chose me as a possible candidate haha

  • @venomtang
    @venomtang 2 года назад +1

    you do great work, but i dunno this comes off bitter, that you didn't get a higher role

    • @dziankolack9331
      @dziankolack9331 2 года назад

      Did you watch the video? He’s not saying you shouldn’t be humble.

    • @TonikoPantoja
      @TonikoPantoja  2 года назад

      what are you talking about

    • @venomtang
      @venomtang 2 года назад

      I dunno, it's like I feel like multiple videos talk about this already, why again

    • @TonikoPantoja
      @TonikoPantoja  2 года назад

      because there's multiple sides to something i may have touched on previously that i didn't get to address. the only thing im bitter about is not being able to address them all in a single condensed video

  • @bekwek3964
    @bekwek3964 2 года назад

    Why does this furry crud end up being recommended to me?

    • @bamb3928
      @bamb3928 2 года назад +7

      Seriously? This guy is a professional animator. Animators animate kid shows... which have talking animals most of the time. Guess all animators are furries. So silly. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @soysource3218
      @soysource3218 2 года назад +3

      Animators animate kids shows?
      That’s stepping a bit too far bud.
      Just like how the oscars did.

    • @bekwek3964
      @bekwek3964 2 года назад

      @@bamb3928 I didn't say that but the artstyle overall looks distinctly furry-y to me.

    • @Storse
      @Storse 2 года назад +1

      Just don't comment then and go away not that hard

    • @matheussanthiago9685
      @matheussanthiago9685 2 года назад

      just wait until you find about the amount of furries in IT industry
      you're whole life is run by furries and you don't even dream of it
      they're inside your firewalls

  • @Shibbykun
    @Shibbykun 2 года назад
