the most magnetic way to set boundaries (and finally stop people pleasing)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @flyawaybutterflyhealingchannel
    @flyawaybutterflyhealingchannel Год назад +6

    When you please ppl...they take you for a ride

  • @isabelcarter5085
    @isabelcarter5085 Год назад +3

    I love how you are speaking at live events now! I know it was something you have wanted to do for a long time now. That's so awesome, Aaron!

  • @antoniobortoni
    @antoniobortoni Год назад +2

    One time one person say somehting like this to me and change me forever... And when is it your time? When do you decide it's time for you? We've spent so much time seeking external recognition, trying to find our worth in the approval of others. We've tried to help, to give, to live for others, but how much is enough? How much of ourselves should we give before realizing that we too deserve a moment for ourselves? It's essential to remember that we can't pour from an empty jug. So, when will you decide it's your time? When will you allow yourself to live for you, to take care of yourself, and to give yourself the love and attention you deserve?

  • @ericwolfe666
    @ericwolfe666 Год назад

    I've been noticing people pleasing qualities that I didn't know were there. Very embarrassing. I appreciate these videos a lot.

  • @MiahDoughty247
    @MiahDoughty247 Год назад +1

    Aaron this video made me think of a post I posted On faceboom about myself. -
    I hate small chat it seriously gets on my nerves.
    I hate idol ramble. I am very quiet...
    It may seem like I have a lot to say on facebook cause I'm always writting, but When I type my lips dont move.
    I'm a writter, a published author, writting is my passion/talent. Its what I do. Its who I am. None of it requires actual noise.
    I dont speak, unless what I want to say, is something I want to say. It means something to me. It has significance to me. Then I will speak.
    I have nothing to say to you at this point. Nothing to say but..... (I'm the kind of person who finds it fake, and irritating to have to humor people, by validating their insecurities, every 2 seconds, in a conversation, with idol fake validations, like uh huh. Yes. Yeah. I'm listening.) So annoying!
    I'm listening, and A person needs therapy, and to heal, and shit, (when they need me to hold their hand and validate them durring a conversation) like shit... Im listening. Keep talking. Stop expecting me to validate your insecurities every 2 seconds and 20 times during a scentance *I'm listening* I'm absorbing information... dissecting your soul like a frog, durring a school science project. Reading your mind and energy.... Recieving downloads from the universe, my guides, my higherself, my intuition.... Man Up people, I dont want to validate your feelings every other word....
    Im quiet, recieving downloads from the universe about what your saying. If it is true. Other...
    By some rare chance I'm not listening, its because its idol, drama, negativity, producing an energy I refuse to let in my feild, and intentionally and intuitively tune it out...
    *keep talking* you shouldn't need my permission, and validation, to say what you want to say...
    You want to say it, say it..
    Ill channel another realhm and go into my head space or put my headphones on... But keep talking. Either way listening or not listening my eyes may dart, may be looking into the clouds out the window around the room like I am not listening.... (looking for signs like I see in clouds and trees) looking from coded messages. Having pshycic visions about your words, tone of voice, energy, ecs... what inside you is broke and needs me to do Ho-pononono... prayer... ecs....
    *I tend to be awkwardly silent, and make people feel vulnerable, and insecure, in the awkward silence...*
    Shouldn't matter if I'm ignoring you, thats a ego trip! A inner child wound of not feeling heard as a kid.... (thats part of me being a healer, and triggering areas of people that need healing)
    No offense sweetie, but we have nothing to talk about. Not until we have something to talk about.
    I'll know it, ill feel it, when that time comes.

  • @melissa_rabbani
    @melissa_rabbani 7 месяцев назад

    This was amazing 🎉

  • @jamest3336
    @jamest3336 Год назад

    Needed this today. Here it is.

  • @MiahDoughty247
    @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

    😂Ok and I love you, I love you, I love you! 😂 Its the story I keep telling myself.

  • @eileenbrazil8039
    @eileenbrazil8039 Год назад

    Blimey mate..your hair looks so good..❤❤❤

  • @MiahDoughty44
    @MiahDoughty44 Год назад +1

    ❤I Love You❤

  • @heartliss
    @heartliss 8 месяцев назад

    Trauma dump!

  • @Light-Shift
    @Light-Shift Год назад

    This is so valuable.

  • @devonlovemusic
    @devonlovemusic Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this story!!!

  • @jodiegall3366
    @jodiegall3366 Год назад

    So important ❤

  • @muppet7095
    @muppet7095 Год назад +1

    I'd like to better understand the difference between being in one's own frame and having 'closed off' energy on a walk where you pass other people. When those people wanted to engage you, were you already giving eye contact as you passed? If I'm 'keeping my energy to myself' people rarely engage me or greet me.

    • @Light-Shift
      @Light-Shift Год назад

      @muppet7095. Its not about closing yourself off. Its about anchoring your energies within yourself.

  • @createyourworldllc
    @createyourworldllc Год назад


  • @halfcenturyfarm607
    @halfcenturyfarm607 Год назад


  • @Dogs-xq9fe
    @Dogs-xq9fe Год назад +1

    What’s the deal with that Masonic symbol in the background!?

    • @Claire.Francis
      @Claire.Francis Год назад +1

      Thinking exact same thing @dogs-xq9fe !

    • @Dogs-xq9fe
      @Dogs-xq9fe Год назад

      New age shills, can’t believe I used to follow these grifters

  • @ElizabethPalacios111
    @ElizabethPalacios111 Год назад

    I didn't know that you are not vegan anymore, not even vegetarian 💔

  • @user-gf5gv6tj8m
    @user-gf5gv6tj8m Год назад +1

    first :)

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      You might be his first, or his first comment.... But I'm his last. THE LAST Comment he gets before he falls asleep. His last first kiss. His last first many and most.... 😊😮❤

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      I'll fence you for it! Unguard!😂🤺😊

  • @MiahDoughty247
    @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

    Oh and btw... I had just posted earlier today aboout you saying the same thing over and over in your videos..... I was trying to give you some advice. But... Its your choice to keep swinging from the vine of step moms abuse, and to keep swimming in the autopilot mind of (your dad being nice) i dont think you are being authentic in those comments. I think your hurting baby. Theres anger in your voice when you talk about how nice your dad is and the importance you put on not being like him... Im feeling baby. I think this comes from a innerchildhood wound. Your innabikity to say no! Thats the innerchild still fighting step mom and not being able to say no! Your gegting angry with yourself because your child is using you to take his power back for all the times he couldnt say no! Your angry with your dad and that anger is evident in the energy feild as you talk about how nice your dad is... Your child is angry because he was always so nice to your step mom and didnt help you and your brother. While he was beijg so ncie to everyone else he wasnt nice enough to save you. So your not being authentic right now! Your still in the fight mode, taking it out on all the nice people around you. Being mean and self serving (politely verbally, but not energetically) This is not authenticity! This is the innerchild (basic pshycology) of the auto pilot mind saying no now because it coukdnt as a kid. Resisting love, and attention, because you desire to be able to say no more because you couldnt as a child. When you are healed and over what your step mom did, youll forget about it. Youll let it go. Youll have a new story to use and tell yourself and everyone in these events/classes/reels/life ecs.. trust me I know! I healed from many things that I was just like you over and the rarely come to mind. Only once every few years.

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      You have to search deep within yourself to see the truth of why you have such an issue with being like your dad. Who you have had nothing bad to say about on the outside... Externally you only say the best stuff about your dad. You never blamed your dad that I have seen, for staying with a woman like that. For not protecting you from someone who wasn't even your real mom. Your innerchild blames him! Children look up to their parents for protection and safety and he was out protecting everyone else, and saving the world, but he let the wolves eat you! Now you keep searching for reasons to say no! I think they are things you would enjoy and have fun doing. They would be differant. You would meet people that... Your scared to meet with people. Your scared to be around people. It feels heavy, because your projecting what your mother did on these other people, so your innerchild can use you to take back control and say no 10000 times now. You resent your dad because he could put out all these other fires, and he couldn't put out yours and your brothers. He wouldn't stop your step moms fire out! Your soul house burnt down! When he was suppose to be the hero and the fire fighter and he couldnt save your house from burning down. Baby... Im so sorry your hurting so much. Your a phoenix baby! Come home! Your house isn't ashes! It isn't burnt up! Fire is just natures way of purging! Cleansing! Come home! Fully!

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      Yes baby! Look at your eyes! Your really put off about the idea that the energy is inside you! Yes it is! But not the way you think! Theres nothing wrong with being nice to people! Nothing wrong with validating people! What happened to you as a kid is not your fault dont keep swinging from the vine that keeps you swimming in the energy that keeps your heart cold and resistant. Allow your self to flow! Those eyes weren't flow! You weren't flowing with yoir dads niceness! Watch your video! The way you used your hands show symbolically the push and pull between you and your dad in that moment and your eyes so wide... Thats not flow! Thats resistance.

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      Also stop getting so defensive! Your being a people pleaser with this vegan stuff! Let them get pissed you eat meat! I love bison! Before anyone can even complain you empathically feel the attacks that you eat bison! You automatically throw your hands up in a defensive possition and make defensive comments when no one's said anything yet! Fuck them! Baby eat what you want! Stop validating other peoples attacks before they happen! You don't have to exsplain your choice to be vegan! Eat what you want! Unapologetically! Its your body, its your stomach.
      Yal better leave my man alone and stop attacking him about eating meat before I put all the plagues of Egypt on yals head.

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      And no! You didn't buy a car because you couldn't say no! Your innerchild has projected the fact they couldnt say no, onto all these external events! You baught the car, because it was meant to be! It was ❤destiny! It was pre-contracted! Your letting your human mind ❤put fear in you because of the risk and dangers you faced! Those risk triggered your innerchildhood wounds.
      Projected your step mom into the events...
      You exsperianced what you exsperianced because your my twin, and I was skidding on snow around a mountain at the same time you were... We were mirroring each other.
      We had fun! We had fun! What an adventure!
      Intentionally! It was an adventure in which you were not harmed! The roads were not your step mom! Stop projecting!

    • @MiahDoughty247
      @MiahDoughty247 Год назад

      I just see your innerchild screaming as your were sliding on that road! I see it and feel it baby! In all that snow! Your slidding and your inner child is screaming (I shoulda told her no) I shoulda said no! Your adult mind trying to understand the innerchild is like I shoulda told the cardealer no! Very intense!

  • @MiahDoughty44
    @MiahDoughty44 Год назад

    ❤I Love You❤