Ultimate Beast Fighter


Комментарии • 14

  • @Flyingtart
    @Flyingtart 16 лет назад

    Its about Masutatsu Oyama the founder of kyokushin karate. To prove and spread his karate he made a tour to america and wrestled bulls and fought opponents. He met 250 fighters in america in both wrestling and fighting and won all. He gained the nickname Godhand cuz you couldnt block the punches he threw without breaking your arm. You couldnt dodge cuz the punches were to fast and you couldn wrestle the man who could wrestle a bull.

  • @1banryukyu
    @1banryukyu 13 лет назад

    @Khairuleven I think the actor is a Taekwondo artist and the fight scences are based on Taekwondo and less on Kyokushin or the roots of Kyokushin which are Shotokan and Goju Ryu. But if you think about it Taekwondo base is from Shotokan anyway. General Hi did throw in some of the old Korean fighting arts but by that time Korean had only been free from Japan for 10 years. The last 50yrs were under Japanese rule which subdued all Korean fighting arts and replaced them with Japanese. Osu

  • @sayanth1
    @sayanth1 16 лет назад

    sick video

  • @peace-now
    @peace-now 14 лет назад

    ProTaekwondoKo. He certainly did fight and kill bulls - about 65 I think. You are correct in saying killing animals for no reason is sick. I am sure that Oyama would not do this today. Times have changed. Oyama was a good man.

  • @1banryukyu
    @1banryukyu 14 лет назад

    part 2
    Plus his hand strength was unequeled that is why his nickname was Kami Te(Gods hand). I hope this movie is true to his life and the time period he lived his life.Osu

  • @Clown7916
    @Clown7916 14 лет назад

    Two words: Fucking. Epic!

  • @Smokeyyy337
    @Smokeyyy337 13 лет назад

    They dont die after one hit, the will just wake up after 10 seconds

  • @CodeNerdRudi
    @CodeNerdRudi 16 лет назад

    It certainly is.

  • @Flyingtart
    @Flyingtart 16 лет назад

    Of course he fought bulls. There are even a video on youtube were he is wrestling one, and hundreds of wittness.

  • @Balint1987
    @Balint1987 17 лет назад

    what movie is it from?

  • @MightySunTzu
    @MightySunTzu 15 лет назад

    american styles or original teachings from japan?

  • @scifullnovelty
    @scifullnovelty 16 лет назад

    I heard it base on a true story??

  • @khairuleven
    @khairuleven 13 лет назад

    @1banryukyu this isnt tkd

  • @GuiltyGearRockYou
    @GuiltyGearRockYou 15 лет назад

    TOTALLY wrong music....