I knew he was lying as soon as he claimed he didn't know what the legal drinking age was and didn't know he was legally underage. What teenage boy DOESN'T know when he can buy alcohol or get a license?! What socialable college student doesn't know this?
Just to play devil’s advocate, if you went to college in a different state from your home, you might not recall which dates apply to which states. Personally, I think Kavanaugh is a disaster for the Court and the nation. The last thing this Court needed was yet another beer drinking Yalie who’d hardly practiced law and never represented a criminal client. There are too many prosecutors on the bench, and they see everyone as being guilty just because they’re charged, which is outrageous.
@@Happybidr OH no, I find it impossible to believe a group of young people who are dedicated drinkers would not be sure to talk about who is able to buy their alcohol and who is or isn't able to be served alcohol in a bar. This subject would be one of the first things they would have to straighten out at the beginning of a new semester for every newcomer to the group.
@@sandradevlin1344 Thanks. I'd like to add, it's curious that he felt it was in his best interest to blatantly lie about breaking this law so many years ago when he was so willing to tell the world he loved his beer and drinking was a huge part of his life. There's something seriously wrong with a person who lies about unimportant things.... We know they're not trustworthy or honorable when it DOES matter. I don't think he's very smart.
Nice to know we have a liar for a Supreme Court Justice. The FBI let us down on this one. Not questioning the college roommate was a big problem. No one knows the dirt better than a roommate.
The GOP ignoring mounds a documentation and testimony and following up with gross mud slinging and character assassination (classic Conservative move, "look how she dressed, she was asking for it.")
@Paul Miskell If anyone is a LIAR it's Trump...Have you not heard the lies, upon lies, upon lies??? Do you not see the faces of the insurrectionists? Those are the Demons who will do what Satan says and does...
Just his demeanour during testimony caused me to suspect he was a bully and a bit of a lout. Of courses people can change, can grow up, but when he launched into his snivelling diatribe I realized he hadn't. Even his wife looked disgusted at him.
Same here. He's a terrible liar, and I'm thinking he probably lies more often than the average person, and he probably gets caught out on it from time to time, but not much happens about it from his POV. That's just speculation on my part. But that snivelling diatribe was a bridge too far. I could hardly believe he was doing that. And they made a Supreme Court Justice out of him. I guess it was clear they would be doing that, but fGs.. At one point I thought I saw a look of embarrassment on his wife's face for a couple of seconds before it seemed she'd gotten a grip and remembered what side her bread was about to be buttered on, then she switched to empathetic. She may be slightly better at acting than him but I don't think that says much very about it.
@@greenwarrior4635 Sexual predators with a slew of complaints pushed through anyway by a morally bankrupt GOP rife with pathetic hypocrisy. Not sure I see any difference, maybe you can enlighten us simple folks.
@@jerrellbevers6071 the only reason white people call Clarence Thomas a sexual predator, is because he is Black. and white people like to treat Blacks and generally humans that dont look like them terribly. there is no evidence of any wrong doing by Clarence Thomas, but because he is Black, it is easy for people like you to believe anything negative about him, even if its not true.
@@greenwarrior4635 That's not necessarily true. If you were not old enough to watch Clarence Thomas's confirmation hearings, you should Google the name Anita Hill. That should give you an explanation
She was such a brave woman to go & testify against B.K. I give her all the kudos in the world. I wish there were more women like her. She's an inspiration to all women. Thank you, Dr Blasi.
@@silva7493 She was shown by the attorney who did all of the questioning for the Republicans that she lied or had at best faulty memory on many things. She is unstable with no recall at best or a liar at worst.
the argument was that Brett had grown into a great lawyer, etc. But his lying persisted. And we can't have liars on the SC bench. But yet we do have several.
Every politician lies also. It’s typical government . Trump lied, Biden just lied. They all do both parties and all the news networks either lie or don’t tell the complete truth.
@@kalijasin Yes, it is supposed to be a crime, yet Marjorie Taylor Gangrene lied under oath & the judge blew it off like she had simply stuck gum under her desk.
Supreme Court justices can be impeached. We know Kavanaugh lied about Roe v Wade being settled precedent as well. So we know Kavanaugh lies at least twice, so what are the odds he was lying about Blaise Ford as well? I’d say there’s an excellent chance he lied there too.
I have a friend who ran a supplemental addictions group for a good many years, along with reading groups. I was thoroughly educated by attending these, learning about all the common threads that spur any addiction you could name. While watching Brett Kavanaugh face the music, so-to-speak, I saw the clear red flags of an alcoholic denying he had any problem with drinking, interspersed with blatant admissions where he was practically singing, "I love beer!". You'd think this would have been picked up by any knowledgeable person in the room during those hearings, but all was swept under the rug due to the current Republican dirty political maneuvers. Republicans, at one time, prided themselves with aligning with what is right or moral, and now, all they do is make pathetic excuses for even worse behavior. Watching those hearings was like listening to a sick joke. You want to laugh, but then you realize there was nothing funny about it.
Absolutely agree. I know an alcoholic/addict when I see one. In addition to this, his temperament is not what comes to mind in terms of a sitting justice on the highest court in the land. He needs treatment, and I won’t be surprised when he seeks it out.
@@marcelavargas453 Uh, yeah. Some of us graduate with a doctorate and practice a profession for years without being detected. Completely functioning addicts are everywhere.
I watched that Kavanaugh's hearing and I felt in my heart that he lied and got away and got his job in the Supreme Court. I remember I was feeling so bad about the woman during that hearing. However, like his roommate said, Kavanaugh was drunk frequently and FBI did not ask his college roommate to be a witness during the hearing. I think K should not have been confirmed.
Did you see how hard he grabbed his wife's back when he was sworn in..1 daughter kept watching her Mother for signs .... He has a terrible temper..mean drunk
@@billygnosis6976Just so, corrupted justices. Bastards of the SC..Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Roberts are effing Traitor Trump cock suckers n the most despicable bastards.
Don’t most people who have careers in law have sense enough to invest wisely and make their very large incomes grow? These people don’t live from paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Another reason why it is so scary that they can make decisions that affect so many average American lives in huge, life changing ways for the rest of their lives!Don’t forget, their positions are till they die!
Thank U!!!! I have had the EXACT same questions. He’s a gambler. That habit makes one a security’s risk bc they often have money problems as he DOES. Unless he’s gotten help, Brett is still a gambling drunk.
Excellent point! Let's hope that some enterprising investigative reporter will dig into who "just happened" to pay off Kavanaugh's debts for him at the right moment.
This is all political theatre. No negative news about biden on this network at all, ever? And you think this is an unbiased network? You CNN sheep are nothing but cultists.
Matthew, you don't quite understand how all this works do you? I mean you think you do, you have been told these things. But in reality, that isn't how these things work.......
Seriously, who the hell are FBI investigating when "none" of the involved are questioned? Classmates try to call FBI but cannot speak to them and are not contacted back?
@Paul Miskell What ? Pretty sure he was guilty, but he was just a stupid kid trying to convince himself and his friend of his manhood. The girl just turned out to be the butt of his "joke." Obviously she had to go through a big shifting of gears, from feeling special to be invited to that party to having to realize that they never respected her, and thought she was an easy mark. Life goes on. Hopefully he matured through the years. His wife and daughter didn't look like they were happy people, though. Maybe now they can afford to take more trips away from him.
@Paul Miskell really so what about JORDAN, MTG GAETZ BROOKS and the rest of them, disgusting. Must be great to have a selective memory. They were all scrape from the bottom of the barrel.
@@edwinamendelssohn5129 How about not sticking your head in the sand. Nobody made anything up. Same goes for trump. That bastard has been accused more then 25 times of sexual harassment and even rape. Most occurred before he was even president, and usually this is a bad thing for any candidate for even just one accusation, but not that asshole. He was able to CON his cesspool of obsequious minions and cult followers to believe his innocence. He is The Lyin King Lord of the Lies.
I was impressed with Anderson Cooper. He actually did a good job interviewing - asking continuous probing questions but not to the point of being obnoxious and let the guy answer the questions rather than cutting him off and interjecting his own thoughts, like you see so often nowadays. Nothing really earthshaking here, but clear and strong confirmation of Kavanaugh lying while giving sworn testimony. And THAT'S disqualifying as a Supreme Court nominee in my view. (He lies under oath, yet listens to arguments and witnesses that swear under oath to tell the truth. Does anyone else see the irony, and the problem here?? What - so does he just totally disregard the presumption of truthful testimony and just base his judicial conclusions on whatever he wants to believe are the facts??)
True. Ari Melber continues to annoy me when he interrupts his guests to supposedly 'clarify' points as if his guests aren't capable of expressing themselves with clarity. Joe Scarborough likes the sound of his own voice so much, he doesn't even allow his guests to speak.
@@WildIrish53 Your comment reminds me of Charlie Rose and his interviews on PBS. He was sometimes unwatchable for the problem you describe. Right when an interviewee has developed an idea and is about to bring it all together and resolve it into a meaningful point, Rose would cut him off and ask some inane question. Drove me crazy.
Not if we don't maintain both The House and Senate. If Republicans take over either, we can kiss these investigations goodbye. Vote, America. Vote! We cannot move forwarded until we move the GOP out of our way.
@D. Luffy: Tara Reade has been proven to be not credible. The likelihood that she told the truth about anything regarding Joe Biden, whataboutist straw-man moron, is between 1 - 2%. Would you like to try again?
@@MorpheusOne Christine Blasey Ford has been proven to be not credible. The likelihood that she told the truth about anything regarding Brett Kavanaugh is 0%.
@D. Luffy: Actually, lots people, including many conservatives, including multiple members of Congress, political pundits, etc., acknowledged Christine Blasey Ford's credibility, her entire life history and her testimony; they did not necessarily do that in the context of criticizing Brett Cavanaugh. They did that to & for Christine Blasey Ford regardless of who she was speaking out against. You are, it seems rather likely, defending Brett Cavanaugh on here not to defend Brett Cavanaugh; you are doing it to defend the legacy of the worst POTUS that this country has ever had in, at least, modern American history. You are a thoughtless drone being told what to think & say. The former `Circus Freak in-Chief `, who is `joe citizen circus freak`, Donald Trump, is, correct me if I am wrong, the only twice impeached President in American history - that's his legacy. Downplaying the Pandemic, downplaying the importance of PPE & social distancing, resulting in 350,000 dead from Covid-19, during his time as POTUS, resulting in even greater number of deaths, long after he left office, because of his policies & rhetoric - that's his legacy! You don't have an argument. You're not even smart enough to know how to have one.
This guy is an American hero. Thank you for speaking out! I found out my rapist had raped other women bc his roommates spoke about hearing him be rough with women. Men, please call out abusers even if they are your friends or roommates.
@@anitakinnear6735 Yes, because it's the social chorus of acceptability that keeps these things happening, as if it's a rite of passage. If the men who are silent and disgusted made themselves HEARD, it would help a helluva lot. But that takes courage, character, and probably people who aren't afraid to suddenly not to be frat boys after that point. And if they are that strong in their minds, they probably don't NEED to be frat members and joiners in the first place. I often have wished they would do away with the Greek Life altogether at colleges and universities as obviously corrupt drunken rapist factories, but that will never happen. It's the club for future rich people and corporate moguls, and they will cling to it forever as a way to recognize and befriend one another. I know there are decent people in frats and sororities, truly I do, and that some of them do good. But in the aggregate there seems to be tremendous abuse that takes place and is protected by the organizations and the schools they infest. So it appalls me. If there's another way to solve it, I wish they would institute it and enforce it internally.
To my eye she presented like a physically or emotionally battered wife. She was cowering in fear. Trotting her and their daughters out to make him look like a fine, upstanding family man, was a transparent play.
@@marymargaretblumhorst5359 - Amen and I say to you‼️. Wish this man were our Supreme Justice instead of that ugly shorty stinking drunk. It looks like they drag homeless drunk in and dress him in black robe‼️ It’s an insult to homeless drunk‼️
Kavanaugh's freshman roommate is obviously an attorney. His parsing of words, lack of any specific details (possibly useful in a legal follow up but most likely self incriminating) an attitude of detachment/disdain while being interviewed, and his questionable timing coming forward. Every sentence is structured and spoken with self preservation and plausible deniability paramount. In this brief interview what practical use is there to vague references and generalities provided 1 week after K's SCOTUS appt? NONE. So why come forward at all? This man bills in excess of $500 per hour. He is a Yale graduate, nice looking, dressed well; and most likely working in New York, Boston or D.C.. I believe he came forward to ease his own conscience knowing 1st hand which laws were broken.
From someone on the interwebz in 2018: "If any of us sobbed, yelled, and repeatedly said how much we liked beer during a job interview, there's no way we'd be hired!"
@@Shelora This guy is lying. He wants his 15 minutes of fame on TV. He said he roomed with him for a couple months and talks like he was buddy-buddy with Brett for 2 years and knows everything about him. 2 months rooming from 20 years earlier and his memory is so clear? I bet if you looked up his political persuasion, he's probably a liberal and if they were in classes all day and studying at night they would hardly have see each other. How many people in college get drunk at parties on weekends? Almost everyone! You liberals are pathetic!
@@willrosen8800 know his roommate did not lie that one who has lie was Mr k him self he knows he's a drunk we saw it in his face the crying the fear on his face Said it all
Well one must question why this roommate wasn’t interviewed, or anyone who would have given a negative view on kavanaugh’s character. It is clearly evident to me that Kavanaugh was already given the position of Supreme Court judge. There was just a pretense of going through the motions to let the American people think that he was being vetted. But, as we all new watching the questioning, that he was indeed lying and he wasn’t even remotely good at pretending either.
When I was watching Brett's testimony, I couldn't help but notice his angry face. He was pissed, for sure. I didn't believe him then & I don't believe him now. "I like beer." He is one nasty person & here's a guy validating that.
My first impression exactly. The first thing that popped into my head as he continued to give testimony was: "Why, this guy is getting mad that they're even asking him questions! He figures he's got a rubber- stamp appointment!" 😳
You can tell just by looking at him how much he drinks. If that wasn't an indicator, the amount of anger and defensiveness when asked about his drinking should have been your next red flag.
The same thing arose here that frustrated me during the hearing regarding blacking out versus passing out. You can appear perfectly awake and alert and not remember a thing. That’s blacking out. Passing out is being so drunk that you appear to be sleeping. I am still mystified how Kavanah wasn’t better investigated though. And who paid those debts???
I was against this desperate scrutiny of the him in high school by the DEMs, but after hearing Kavanaugh's melt down, im sure I don't want that turd in our supreme court.
People wonder nowadays how the Weimarer Republic could turn into one of the worst dictatorships in history. Keep watching US politics and you will understand exactly how something like that comes about.
Well, we've certainly seen plenty of ignorant Nazis marching in the streets and raising hell at our universities to get a taste of it. I can even watch them nightly on this channel.
MrWagman11 the weimar republic is the commonly used term to describe the german state post-wwi (so from about 1919-1933) just before the nazi party came to power
It happens when their drunk, I'm sure we have a drunk sex offender in his younger days on the Supreme Court. Its totally believable that she didn't come forward given the age location and circumstance.
They questioned 10 people in 7 days. Neither Kavanaugh or Blasey Ford were among them. The person who was allegedly in the room turning up the volume to cover her screams (and their laughter) refused to be questioned.
All our lives society try to instill in us to be honest, have moral, integrity, sound principle and overall good standards. Then this country slaps us with likes of tRump and Kav.
@doobiewah357 Your story isn't as cute as you seem to think it is by your constant retelling. Kavanaugh is nothing but a shill. Even HE knows it, lol. He's so corrupt he doesn't care!
Remmi Maxwell you’re delusional this whole interview was scripted question and answer. That’s how it works sweetly on CNN to smear someone. Wake up & Smell the Coffee.
This guy can't even give a single anecdote about Kavanaugh losing memory after drinking. And yet he says it happened "frequently". He flat out refused to give an example when asked to do so.
@@codediporpal So? There are things that happen frequently that I know happen which I don't always remember, especially when they've occurred years ago. I can't recall what I had for breakfast 10 years ago but I know I had it everyday.
The problem: My issue is not that this judge may have had a past drinking problem but that he is a political hack who doesn't care about justice or the Constitution
I remember Sen Kennedy (the Republican one) asked Bret if he believed in God. Bret said yes, and of course, that was enough for Kennedy. Nothing else mattered.
@@maryswanson9982 “…nothing else mattered.” Proof, that there is absolutely NO difference between a Retrumplican and a radical Islamic terrorist!!! Both groups justify their obscene behavior, “in the name of religion.”
As far as drinking in college, that's understandable. Often getting drunk is alarming. BUT LYING UNDER OATH IS DISQUALIFYING. HE WOULD'VE BEEN OKAY JUST ADMITTING IT.
Mainly because the msm media would paint a picture for their own agenda. So he probably thought that not telling the whole truth was the best way to go at it. But maybe you should look at your own accuser. She has lied multiple times yet I don't see coverage of msm on her?
What do you think is going to happen in the future with everyone posting their SHIT on Facebook now. And with facial recognition. Smile, your on Candid Camera.
I can't imagine how horrible it would have been to be Kavanaugh's roommate! Good to see people who have known him for a long time come forward to tell the truth that Kavanaugh wouldn't. Though it was a long time ago, it seems Kavanaugh hadn't changed much.
BONEHEAD! THE VICTIM DENIES SHE WAS EVER ABUSED BY KAVANAUGH!!!! Some body told me they have pictures of you with a goat??? Is that enough to condemn you????
He didn't come forward sooner because he was part of that type of hyper, drinking ,run a train up on a drunk girl, behavior. He is embarrassed but he feels shitty about it now.
He did. Some of us read the original article. It's just that the major networks didn't pick it up. Just because you didn't hear about it, that doesn't mean he didn't speak out.
@@kathyweis7023 He came forward at the time. He contacted lawyers and was interviewed by at least one journalist, and he waited to be interiviewed by the FBI, assuming of course they would. It just didn't occur to him that they were only bullshitting an "investigation."
I had an employee that wanted to work as a forensic scientist with the CIA in accounting and they literally took me through four interviews extensively checking her out for a CIA job. You'd think they do more for a supreme justice.
Nawww, part of it was the times. Teen movies depicting wild parties and super drunk kids were the norm. In the late 1980's is when MADD and DARE were started to keep kids from partying. It was considered "normal" back then.
Thank you, Mr. Roche. As a private American born citizen, and taxpayer I saw during his confirmation hearing. He avoided questions and had some serious attitude visible in his face. It is very questionable that he was approved. Then again, they approved Clarence Thomas. Go figure.
Can you imagine if the members of Congress had to be vetted through interviews with their college frat boy and sorority girl roommates? What an eye opener that would be. For both parties.
because for Trump, it has to be him. he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't think that a sitting president can be indicted.. so for the Donald.. it's gotta be him.
DannyMorgan86.....I commented on a previous post that I need more credible witnesses…. like those who were never drunk. Imagine a drunk testifying against another drunk.
just watch Animal House 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc etc to see the culture of frat parties and the humiliation and abuse of women in that era. Hollywood telling it as it is - "No means Yes, Yes means Anal!" And that was Haveabeer's frat!
You Hit the Nail,Danny,Buddy nobody remembers Nothing!!!!!!You get Nothing for Nothing if You want to get Something for Something You got to give Something!!!😁🤗
Rather than focus on college binge drinking (which is rather typical), I would be more interested to understand just how Kavanaugh was able to graduate. One would think that a student, who was so often drunk, would not do so well academically.
High functioning alcoholic. Take a closer look at the politicians, CEOs, people in real power. Not saying ALL are alcoholics, but if you want to get an idea of what a high functioning alcoholic, drug addict, or active psychopathic looks like, start with that pool.
Not a problem at college level for many! Who knows where the support for individuals comes from, but it does for the ones that have the right people, organizations, fraternities, and sororities in their corner! Once again, it’s mostly about connections and money! Those old saws about staying straight, not sexually, and working hard really are archaic. Still good, but they just don’t fit in anymore. MMB
@@yvonnejones9940 Thanks for your input. I've never heard of the term "high functioning alcoholic". I suppose that makes sense for some people, after a number of years of drinking. But I can't imagine a young man (or woman) of 20 or so to have enough experience. Most 'kids' can't handle their liquor. I'm guessing Brett must have started at around 12. LOL
There is no set amount. What matters is if any of it is credible, and at this point no new witness testimony will ever be credible, because the case information is entirely public. Literally anyone can just read over the testimony of Kavanaugh and say "this bloke is lying his arse off". If the details of the case were kept confidential, and a witness that knows details of the case that the general public doesn't know, the new witness at the very least has a chance to be considered credible.
This is the part, thatnails it for me he lied to the Senate knowing there are people out there who shared these experiences with him and it's not just his perspective so if he lies that easily about the past he can do it in the future
I cannot forget that deer-in-the-headlights moment in the Hearing Chamber, when Senator Lindsey Graham theatrically blasted at Kavanaugh: “…are you a serial gang-rapist?!?” At that moment, we all knew he was, and that he knew that we knew it !!!
Brave man - thank you for coming forward James Roche. Its impreative in our world right now that the TRUTH come out more and more and the liars and villians have a BLARING light shined on them selves and their atrocious actions.
Trevor Noah of the daily show has an awesome monologue about weaponizing victimhood - More people need to speak up like Trevor has and raise real awareness in our world ruclips.net/video/4LZ3P1sv9jE/видео.html
@@Shelora Oh you little minds . . . example for SHELLDORA - A blare of sunlight flooded the room as she opened the shutters. fanfare; flourish; ostentation; flamboyance: a new breakfast cereal proclaimed with all the blare of a Hollywood spectacle". I think instead of worrying about my English (you obviously don't have it down yet in your older years) you should be worrying about your SOUL and whether or not any of its left!!!! :o) Good Luck
@@Shelora - Ignore @ Anastasia Maria's angry retort. If she was a sincere person, she would have thanked you, but politely pointed out Merriam-Webster's definition of the noun form showing you are both right, then moved on instead of displaying defensiveness. Civility takes such little effort! blare: noun 1: a loud strident noise 2: dazzling often garish brilliance 3: FLAMBOYANCE
@Niko Bellic by the time the impeachment is finished only trumptards will still vote for trump. Biden was handsy with people, common for the generation of the time when men were men. Nothing over the line on him so far. Trump lied about his worth, his shady financial dealings and his education, if Warren has only the Indian story in question she will be okay.
It’s 51 votes because Democrats will stop at nothing to get power. Republicans always vote for good SCOTUS nominations. Some democrat nominees have even received 97 votes. Because republicans care about the country. Democrats claim to care but what they really want is to grab power while supporting the “oppressed”, when they truly hope the oppressed stay that way so they can keep supporting them. Like Lindsey Graham said, “Boy y’all want power, and I hope ya never get it.”
There are many things that strike me as so absurd in Kavanaugh's dishonest testimony, but one that really bowls me over is this concept that because he was an athlete, he couldn't possibly have behaved badly or drank to excess. Does anyone know any high school athletes who didn't drink and party more than anyone else? Seriously. That's certainly not my experience or of anyone I know.
Maybe you were so busy being offended by the fact he played sports that you completely missed the fact he was a ridiculously strong scholar as well. It's okay. It's easy to do when you're absorbed in hating a president and party. When that happens you'll almost believe anything just because a woman said it.
Mystic Skexis - apparently you never heard of a little known athlete Babe Ruth. He was well known heavy drinker. Or the other relatively unknown Mickey Mantle? Or Joe Namath. Or Dennis Rodman. Should I continue? There are dozens more.
This is so depressing. You have all these people who are risking so much and coming out to do the right thing. Yet our government representatives really don't care and show nothing but disdain. So much for *_"... government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."_*
Its depressing that a liar can almost ruin someone's life with no evidence all. And even more depressing that the brainwashed sjw are so easily turned into sheep
Clickbait. Not significant or credible. This roommate doesn't look in the eye on several answers, didn't social with him and wasn't roommate after 2 months.
I was at Yale somewhat earlier, SM8*, and it most definitely was an alcohol-fueled undergrad culture. The famous tables down at Mory's featured alcohol-rich cups with color codes (more or less), and drinking them was an accomplishment. Residential colleges had drinking teams, ten per team who would speed drink 2o cups of beer in sequence for overall time. It is very hard to convey the accepted assumptions of that time into the present with accuracy. At that time Yale was only beginning to become fully coed, with prep school graduates thinking of Smith College, then for women, as the girl's school based on their prep school experience. Academic top performers often had seriously underdeveloped social skills, another excuse for drinking, as the price of getting there, and if you came from an all-boys school, the approval that mattered came from your fellow boys; the girls were how you proved yourself. Caveat : those who were legacies or otherwise advantaged were probably more socially adroit than those who (like myself) were there by way of SATs.
Baker Ward Are you 12? "Harhar he said alcohol was a big part of college, he must be a square who didn't drink harhar". This dude went to Yale, you probably went to the local community college.
Truth91 reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. Love the salt &pepper hair. Sexxxy😘. I just wonder who drug him out of the woodwork to discuss his whole "2" mos as Kavanaughs roommate. 🤔
Calm? I observed him screaming and threatening retaliation. And a known sex pervert, blackout drunk, LIAR, etc. He tried to manipulate an 18 year old immigrant in government custody to hold off her appeal to have a legal abortion until MONTHS after her due date. Real stroke of genius and so original. Complete disgrace even for a rebublikkklan.
It is appalling that that clown got confirmed to sit in the highest court in the land. His unprofessional reactions to the questions asked of him alone should have gotten him disqualified.
His roommate saw him act loud when he was drunk, never saw him hit anyone, never saw him act aggressive towards women......So, his demeanour in college, a little loud when drunk, means he can't get a job 30 years later?
Nah, we need a more wise man to fill this position. IT'S A POWERFUL ROLE THAT DETERMINES LAWS AND THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY. I need a person with a sharp, moral and emotional compass.
I smoke weed and got first rank in my batch . But this whole issue is not about drinking or acing your tests . It's about a person's personality and accusations against him by several people including the women who have been victim and even his friends who believe he did it . I believe he did it . He raped her and that's because I listen to him and I just know this guy is arrogant and how he would have been in his young day .
I knew he was lying as soon as he claimed he didn't know what the legal drinking age was and didn't know he was legally underage. What teenage boy DOESN'T know when he can buy alcohol or get a license?! What socialable college student doesn't know this?
Just to play devil’s advocate, if you went to college in a different state from your home, you might not recall which dates apply to which states. Personally, I think Kavanaugh is a disaster for the Court and the nation. The last thing this Court needed was yet another beer drinking Yalie who’d hardly practiced law and never represented a criminal client. There are too many prosecutors on the bench, and they see everyone as being guilty just because they’re charged, which is outrageous.
@@Happybidr OH no, I find it impossible to believe a group of young people who are dedicated drinkers would not be sure to talk about who is able to buy their alcohol and who is or isn't able to be served alcohol in a bar.
This subject would be one of the first things they would have to straighten out at the beginning of a new semester for every newcomer to the group.
Good points
@@sandradevlin1344 Thanks.
I'd like to add, it's curious that he felt it was in his best interest to blatantly lie about breaking this law so many years ago when he was so willing to tell the world he loved his beer and drinking was a huge part of his life.
There's something seriously wrong with a person who lies about unimportant things.... We know they're not trustworthy or honorable when it DOES matter.
I don't think he's very smart.
people like you actually exist....fascinating
The problem is that the people he lied to knew that he was lying but didn't care because he fit their agenda.
Sounds a lot like you idiotic Dem supporters.
@sussy who’s rent free on you head? We all know. Haha. NOOOOOOOOO!!!
@sussy aw. Poor little progressive.
Nice to know we have a liar for a Supreme Court Justice. The FBI let us down on this one. Not questioning the college roommate was a big problem. No one knows the dirt better than a roommate.
The GOP ignoring mounds a documentation and testimony and following up with gross mud slinging and character assassination (classic Conservative move, "look how she dressed, she was asking for it.")
Correction! Republicans let you down! Come on now! Say it how it is!
@Paul Miskell If anyone is a LIAR it's Trump...Have you not heard the lies, upon lies, upon lies??? Do you not see the faces of the insurrectionists? Those are the Demons who will do what Satan says and does...
@Paul Miskell what a troll you are!!
@Paul Miskell Poor Paul. Get some professional help FAST!
But…..he likes beer….!
@@pennychurchward1481 alot
Introduced and nominated by a man who lies moment by moment and was not fit to be the president !
the way he got so angry was enough for me to know he was unfit
The GOP will raise a glass and toast to their criminal cover up
Just his demeanour during testimony caused me to suspect he was a bully and a bit of a lout. Of courses people can change, can grow up, but when he launched into his snivelling diatribe I realized he hadn't. Even his wife looked disgusted at him.
His roomate's description was that of a person with Alcohol Related Psychosis.
The Matt Damon depiction on SNL is so spot on, it doesn't even seem fictional.
haha......put the bong down
Same here. He's a terrible liar, and I'm thinking he probably lies more often than the average person, and he probably gets caught out on it from time to time, but not much happens about it from his POV. That's just speculation on my part. But that snivelling diatribe was a bridge too far. I could hardly believe he was doing that. And they made a Supreme Court Justice out of him. I guess it was clear they would be doing that, but fGs.. At one point I thought I saw a look of embarrassment on his wife's face for a couple of seconds before it seemed she'd gotten a grip and remembered what side her bread was about to be buttered on, then she switched to empathetic. She may be slightly better at acting than him but I don't think that says much very about it.
He’s part of Trumps Liar Club.
Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh. The GOP is really good at picking _"the best people"_ aren't they?
Clarence Thomas and kavanaugh are not the same.
Sexual predators with a slew of complaints pushed through anyway by a morally bankrupt GOP rife with pathetic hypocrisy. Not sure I see any difference, maybe you can enlighten us simple folks.
@@jerrellbevers6071 the only reason white people call Clarence Thomas a sexual predator, is because he is Black. and white people like to treat Blacks and generally humans that dont look like them terribly. there is no evidence of any wrong doing by Clarence Thomas, but because he is Black, it is easy for people like you to believe anything negative about him, even if its not true.
@@greenwarrior4635 That's not necessarily true. If you were not old enough to watch Clarence Thomas's confirmation hearings, you should Google the name Anita Hill. That should give you an explanation
@@greenwarrior4635, you need a history lesson. The person accusing him is black and very brave: Anita Hill.
Watching the questioning of Kavanagh, it was so obvious he was lying. I certainly believed that poor woman giving evidence.
Her testimony had a clear ring of truth. I was convinced.
She was such a brave woman to go & testify against B.K. I give her all the kudos in the world. I wish there were more women like her. She's an inspiration to all women. Thank you, Dr Blasi.
@@morgantylerv9406 Baloney! One day she'll get what's coming to her. ...bearing false witness against a good man.
@@silva7493 She was shown by the attorney who did all of the questioning for the Republicans that she lied or had at best faulty memory on many things. She is unstable with no recall at best or a liar at worst.
@@morgantylerv9406 Her recall was horrible and she was caught in several lies. Screw her.
the argument was that Brett had grown into a great lawyer, etc. But his lying persisted. And we can't have liars on the SC bench. But yet we do have several.
Yeah we got rid of some democrats now the court is actually interpreting the constitution
Yeah, sure do. Alito, Thomas, Cavanaugh to name a few. They should ALL be impeached.
Every politician lies also. It’s typical government . Trump lied, Biden just lied. They all do both parties and all the news networks either lie or don’t tell the complete truth.
His behavior before the Senate should have disqualified him.
Lying under oath is suppose to be Crime.
@@kalijasin Yes, it is supposed to be a crime, yet Marjorie Taylor Gangrene lied under oath & the judge blew it off like she had simply stuck gum under her desk.
@@kalijasin Imagine, a Supreme court Justice lied under oath!
Ketanji Onyika Brown Jackson only one who didn't Lie.
This is not a revelation. How do we get him off the supreme court?
How do we get him off the supreme court?
Supreme Court justices can be impeached. We know Kavanaugh lied about Roe v Wade being settled precedent as well. So we know Kavanaugh lies at least twice, so what are the odds he was lying about Blaise Ford as well? I’d say there’s an excellent chance he lied there too.
The word you wrote looked familiar but it's spelled "perjury".
I have a friend who ran a supplemental addictions group for a good many years, along with reading groups. I was thoroughly educated by attending these, learning about all the common threads that spur any addiction you could name. While watching Brett Kavanaugh face the music, so-to-speak, I saw the clear red flags of an alcoholic denying he had any problem with drinking, interspersed with blatant admissions where he was practically singing, "I love beer!". You'd think this would have been picked up by any knowledgeable person in the room during those hearings, but all was swept under the rug due to the current Republican dirty political maneuvers. Republicans, at one time, prided themselves with aligning with what is right or moral, and now, all they do is make pathetic excuses for even worse behavior. Watching those hearings was like listening to a sick joke. You want to laugh, but then you realize there was nothing funny about it.
So you think that alcoholics are able to be athletes and get top grades throughout college? aaaaaahahahahahahahah!
Absolutely agree. I know an alcoholic/addict when I see one. In addition to this, his temperament is not what comes to mind in terms of a sitting justice on the highest court in the land. He needs treatment, and I won’t be surprised when he seeks it out.
@@marcelavargas453 There are thousands of them. He is just one example.
@@marcelavargas453 Uh, yeah. Some of us graduate with a doctorate and practice a profession for years without being detected. Completely functioning addicts are everywhere.
@@jennifer60515 competitive athletes?? What sport?
We know he lied, but hes sitting on the most important justice system we have in our society, this tells us a lot about the bile, of this nation.
this tells us more about who nominated him
Lets be honest here. Its not the nation its the republican party and its members. The republican party is a terrorist organization
An alcoholic sitting in the highest court...for Life.
About who we sre
I watched that Kavanaugh's hearing and I felt in my heart that he lied and got away
and got his job in the Supreme Court.
I remember I was feeling so bad about the woman during that hearing.
However, like his roommate said,
Kavanaugh was drunk frequently and FBI did not ask his college roommate to be a witness during the hearing. I think K should not have been confirmed.
Did you see how hard he grabbed his wife's back when he was sworn in..1 daughter kept watching her Mother for signs ....
He has a terrible temper..mean drunk
wow.......you skill sets in reading people must be put to good use.....what do you do for a living?
He lied and so did Clarence thomas
It didn’t matter to the republicans in the senate they love liars cheats and perverts that’s their MO!
@@billygnosis6976Just so, corrupted justices. Bastards of the SC..Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Roberts are effing Traitor Trump cock suckers n the most despicable bastards.
Don’t most people who have careers in law have sense enough to invest wisely and make their very large incomes grow? These people don’t live from paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Another reason why it is so scary that they can make decisions that affect so many average American lives in huge, life changing ways for the rest of their lives!Don’t forget, their positions are till they die!
Thank U!!!! I have had the EXACT same questions. He’s a gambler. That habit makes one a security’s risk bc they often have money problems as he DOES. Unless he’s gotten help, Brett is still a gambling drunk.
FBI, knows, but won't tell anyone!
This person is a Supreme Court Justice for LIFE.
God help us.
He can be impeached.
great pick
I agree he should be impeached.
Indeed my friend. Indeed!
Ha! Trying to start something are you!? 😜
Of course he lied. Who paid off his debts is a better question?
Excellent point! Let's hope that some enterprising investigative reporter will dig into who "just happened" to pay off Kavanaugh's debts for him at the right moment.
What debts did he have? What is this about?
Ask Senator Sheldon Whitehouse to investigate. He knows how to follow the Federalist money.
Follow the money.
This is all political theatre. No negative news about biden on this network at all, ever? And you think this is an unbiased network? You CNN sheep are nothing but cultists.
What kind of investigation into his college life would make the FBI not contact his roommate, very sketchy to say the least.
Extreme so isn't the purpose of an investigation to decipher between "he said, she said" and the truth?
Why would they consider going back that far when he had already been in the public eye for years with no one claiming sexual assault?
@@deelynnratliff2453 Because that's exactly what background investigations are designed to do. BACKGROUND.
Matthew, you don't quite understand how all this works do you? I mean you think you do, you have been told these things. But in reality, that isn't how these things work.......
He was a roommate for 2 months that's it they never got along they couldn't stand each other and this dude was a drunk how is he remember Brett?
OF COURSE HE LIED!!!!! The whole planet could see it. >GIANT EYE ROLL
Seriously, who the hell are FBI investigating when "none" of the involved are questioned? Classmates try to call FBI but cannot speak to them and are not contacted back?
FBI has lost its credibility....
All 45000 tips tossed in trumps trash when FBI turned them over to him.
Kavanaugh was heated and belligerent in his hearing! Can you imagine what he was like as a drunk university student?!?!
@Paul Miskell
What ? Pretty sure he was guilty, but he was just a stupid kid trying to convince himself and his friend of his manhood. The girl just turned out to be the butt of his "joke." Obviously she had to go through a big shifting of gears, from feeling special to be invited to that party to having to realize that they never respected her, and thought she was an easy mark. Life goes on. Hopefully he matured through the years.
His wife and daughter didn't look like they were happy people, though. Maybe now they can afford to take more trips away from him.
The hearing was a friggin job interview-- and he behaved like that? Can you imagine if he was a woman?
@Paul Miskell really so what about JORDAN, MTG GAETZ BROOKS and the rest of them, disgusting. Must be great to have a selective memory. They were all scrape from the bottom of the barrel.
@Paul Miskell another thing, who brings their wife and kid to a job interview and then ends up crying in front of the nation. What a joke BK is 👎👎👎
@@GiftSparks - Agreed! Didn't matter if he had a clean record before, he proved himself unworthy of the job at the hearing/interview.
We really, really need to review this whole "lifetime appointment" crap for Supreme Court justices for this very reason!!!
How about not making up crap about people?
In Australia there is an age limit 0f 70 . once you reach seventy your term expires .
@@edwinamendelssohn5129 How about not sticking your head in the sand. Nobody made anything up. Same goes for trump. That bastard has been accused more then 25 times of sexual harassment and even rape. Most occurred before he was even president, and usually this is a bad thing for any candidate for even just one accusation, but not that asshole. He was able to CON his cesspool of obsequious minions and cult followers to believe his innocence. He is The Lyin King Lord of the Lies.
Hell yeah. Amy, Brett and Gorscuch. They lied. They're all cunts.
If he had come forward, I wonder if the FBI would have listened to him! This is unforgivable.
I was impressed with Anderson Cooper. He actually did a good job interviewing - asking continuous probing questions but not to the point of being obnoxious and let the guy answer the questions rather than cutting him off and interjecting his own thoughts, like you see so often nowadays. Nothing really earthshaking here, but clear and strong confirmation of Kavanaugh lying while giving sworn testimony. And THAT'S disqualifying as a Supreme Court nominee in my view. (He lies under oath, yet listens to arguments and witnesses that swear under oath to tell the truth. Does anyone else see the irony, and the problem here?? What - so does he just totally disregard the presumption of truthful testimony and just base his judicial conclusions on whatever he wants to believe are the facts??)
Wow !
True. Ari Melber continues to annoy me when he interrupts his guests to supposedly 'clarify' points as if his guests aren't capable of expressing themselves with clarity. Joe Scarborough likes the sound of his own voice so much, he doesn't even allow his guests to speak.
@@WildIrish53 Your comment reminds me of Charlie Rose and his interviews on PBS. He was sometimes unwatchable for the problem you describe. Right when an interviewee has developed an idea and is about to bring it all together and resolve it into a meaningful point, Rose would cut him off and ask some inane question. Drove me crazy.
Kavanaugh will be investigated, as well as, Bill Barr's handling of the "vetting" process!!! Justice in 2021 for We the People!!!
Hope and pray your right
Watching from O.S can they be kicked out of office ?? IF found to be lying or proof comes forward re his behaviour???
Not if we don't maintain both The House and Senate. If Republicans take over either, we can kiss these investigations goodbye. Vote, America. Vote! We cannot move forwarded until we move the GOP out of our way.
I sure hope so we need the truth and the whole Truth nothing but
The people ? Not likely.
We all knew he was lying 🤥 his temper, body language, frustration and tripping over his tongue on repeated questions.
@melissa cason yes watched him, he was guilty as hell.
@@sharonramsey715 I agree. Biden is guilty as hell.
I believe Tara Reade.
@D. Luffy: Tara Reade has been proven to be not credible. The likelihood that she told the truth about anything regarding Joe Biden, whataboutist straw-man moron, is between 1 - 2%.
Would you like to try again?
@@MorpheusOne Christine Blasey Ford has been proven to be not credible. The likelihood that she told the truth about anything regarding Brett Kavanaugh is 0%.
@D. Luffy: Actually, lots people, including many conservatives, including multiple members of Congress, political pundits, etc., acknowledged Christine Blasey Ford's credibility, her entire life history and her testimony; they did not necessarily do that in the context of criticizing Brett Cavanaugh. They did that to & for Christine Blasey Ford regardless of who she was speaking out against.
You are, it seems rather likely, defending Brett Cavanaugh on here not to defend Brett Cavanaugh; you are doing it to defend the legacy of the worst POTUS that this country has ever had in, at least, modern American history. You are a thoughtless drone being told what to think & say. The former `Circus Freak in-Chief `, who is `joe citizen circus freak`, Donald Trump, is, correct me if I am wrong, the only twice impeached President in American history - that's his legacy. Downplaying the Pandemic, downplaying the importance of PPE & social distancing, resulting in 350,000 dead from Covid-19, during his time as POTUS, resulting in even greater number of deaths, long after he left office, because of his policies & rhetoric - that's his legacy!
You don't have an argument. You're not even smart enough to know how to have one.
This guy is an American hero. Thank you for speaking out! I found out my rapist had raped other women bc his roommates spoke about hearing him be rough with women. Men, please call out abusers even if they are your friends or roommates.
You’re so right. Men need to call out other men. There must be a social cost of holding each other accountable.
@@anitakinnear6735 Yes, because it's the social chorus of acceptability that keeps these things happening, as if it's a rite of passage. If the men who are silent and disgusted made themselves HEARD, it would help a helluva lot. But that takes courage, character, and probably people who aren't afraid to suddenly not to be frat boys after that point. And if they are that strong in their minds, they probably don't NEED to be frat members and joiners in the first place. I often have wished they would do away with the Greek Life altogether at colleges and universities as obviously corrupt drunken rapist factories, but that will never happen. It's the club for future rich people and corporate moguls, and they will cling to it forever as a way to recognize and befriend one another. I know there are decent people in frats and sororities, truly I do, and that some of them do good. But in the aggregate there seems to be tremendous abuse that takes place and is protected by the organizations and the schools they infest. So it appalls me. If there's another way to solve it, I wish they would institute it and enforce it internally.
@@ShakepearesDaughter I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you for saying it out loud. I’m with you.
It's to late why didn't he come out during the trial
Or we could just abort our sons to reduce the crime rate, especially rape.
His poor daughters and wife. She sat there silent knowing her husband was lying.
To my eye she presented like a physically or emotionally battered wife. She was cowering in fear. Trotting her and their daughters out to make him look like a fine, upstanding family man, was a transparent play.
That makes her a liar too.
I feel for them because they have to live with the guy. He's probably a nightmare.
💯☝🏻 That's exactly how I saw her, standing behind that awful lying SOB
Wow this dude would be a star in any witness box; he's direct, honest, descriptive and accurate, with no prevaricating or equivocating.
Plus gorgeous! MMB
@@marymargaretblumhorst5359 more important he sounds like a truthful person. Not that Brett would like that since all he does is lie.
@@marymargaretblumhorst5359 - Amen and I say to you‼️. Wish this man were our Supreme Justice instead of that ugly shorty stinking drunk. It looks like they drag homeless drunk in and dress him in black robe‼️ It’s an insult to homeless drunk‼️
Kavanaugh's freshman roommate is obviously an attorney. His parsing of words, lack of any specific details (possibly useful in a legal follow up but most likely self incriminating) an attitude of detachment/disdain while being interviewed, and his questionable timing coming forward. Every sentence is structured and spoken with self preservation and plausible deniability paramount. In this brief interview what practical use is there to vague references and generalities provided 1 week after K's SCOTUS appt? NONE. So why come forward at all? This man bills in excess of $500 per hour. He is a Yale graduate, nice looking, dressed well; and most likely working in New York, Boston or D.C.. I believe he came forward to ease his own conscience knowing 1st hand which laws were broken.
Most likely why he was not interviewed.
Of course he lied. His totally maniacal performance in the hearing screamed his guilt to the rafters and beyond.
From someone on the interwebz in 2018: "If any of us sobbed, yelled, and repeatedly said how much we liked beer during a job interview, there's no way we'd be hired!"
I like beer. Yet, I've never expressed this sentiment on a job interview. Oh well.
Welcome to bizarro world!
This poor guy was stuck as Brett's roommate.
For two months,
@@Shelora This guy is lying. He wants his 15 minutes of fame on TV. He said he roomed with him for a couple months and talks like he was buddy-buddy with Brett for 2 years and knows everything about him. 2 months rooming from 20 years earlier and his memory is so clear? I bet if you looked up his political persuasion, he's probably a liberal and if they were in classes all day and studying at night they would hardly have see each other. How many people in college get drunk at parties on weekends? Almost everyone! You liberals are pathetic!
@@willrosen8800 know his roommate did not lie that one who has lie was Mr k him self he knows he's a drunk we saw it in his face the crying the fear on his face Said it all
Poor America....stuck with him as a Supreme Court Judge.
Well one must question why this roommate wasn’t interviewed, or anyone who would have given a negative view on kavanaugh’s character. It is clearly evident to me that Kavanaugh was already given the position of Supreme Court judge. There was just a pretense of going through the motions to let the American people think that he was being vetted. But, as we all new watching the questioning, that he was indeed lying and he wasn’t even remotely good at pretending either.
the post hearing investigation was a joke. The Senate has too much power
Silver spoon boy now rules again the little people he would see on the streets from Daddy's limo. Didn't respect women then, doesn't now!
FBI is Executive Branch and under the President. If Pres says don’t interview the roommate, then obviously nobody interviews the roommate.
We now know why +- the FBI were told to give their findings to the WH
When I was watching Brett's testimony, I couldn't help but notice his angry face. He was pissed, for sure. I didn't believe him then & I don't believe him now. "I like beer." He is one nasty person & here's a guy validating that.
My first impression exactly. The first thing that popped into my head as he continued to give testimony was: "Why, this guy is getting mad that they're even asking him questions! He figures he's got a rubber- stamp appointment!" 😳
A rapist plain and simple!!!
You can tell just by looking at him how much he drinks. If that wasn't an indicator, the amount of anger and defensiveness when asked about his drinking should have been your next red flag.
I feel that way about all of GOP. The oppositional defiance disorder is hilarious.
We all knew that! His body language and emotional responses were tells. He is unfit for his position.
I still remember the look on Brett Kavanaugh wife's face. she knew that Christine Blasey Ford was telling the truth above her husband.
Too bad it's not like the movies where the jerk gets his comeuppance at the end. Instead the people are screwed.
she told you❓this is a defamation
@@Dirk-Nowitzkicry some more Sad Sack. 😂 😂 😂
You mistake his wife's expression 180⁰. Blassie Ford is a classic unhinged bag of loose hormones.
Yep just the kind of person we need beyond the supreme Court justice system wow I knew he was a loser from the start
@Paul Miskell , Paul he's still a rapist, alcoholic and I'm not a democrat, so I still think he's a loser, so what do you think about that?
Everyone knows he’s lying.. his wife knows he’s lying. Doesn’t matter, people in high places lie. No surprise.
Integrity is not important anymore.
The same thing arose here that frustrated me during the hearing regarding blacking out versus passing out. You can appear perfectly awake and alert and not remember a thing. That’s blacking out. Passing out is being so drunk that you appear to be sleeping. I am still mystified how Kavanah wasn’t better investigated though. And who paid those debts???
The Federalist Society , that's who !!
They are called functioning/working alcoholics. Both my parents were and this was back in the 1950's. Las Vegas, NV July 31, 2021
I was against this desperate scrutiny of the him in high school by the DEMs, but after hearing Kavanaugh's melt down, im sure I don't want that turd in our supreme court.
People wonder nowadays how the Weimarer Republic could turn into one of the worst dictatorships in history. Keep watching US politics and you will understand exactly how something like that comes about.
Well, we've certainly seen plenty of ignorant Nazis marching in the streets and raising hell at our universities to get a taste of it. I can even watch them nightly on this channel.
Weimar Republic
They don't know it but they will be the next expendable group after the dark skinned folks as far as Trump and his Alt. Right Regime sees the world.
Jan Fetzer keep watching how amerikkka works and you’ll find out unless in denial....sad truth
MrWagman11 the weimar republic is the commonly used term to describe the german state post-wwi (so from about 1919-1933) just before the nazi party came to power
Nothing wrong with beer. Wrong is that you CAN'T stop till you
Puke and pass out not remembering what you did or who you hurt. Sad
And then lie and scream during congressional questioning? That's Supreme Court Justice behavior for sure.
That's why their called alcoholics.
Kavanagh lied. He's a drunk. Always was and still is
It happens when their drunk, I'm sure we have a drunk sex offender in his younger days on the Supreme Court. Its totally believable that she didn't come forward given the age location and circumstance.
That is the classic definition of an alcoholic. They can’t stop. They don’t know when they’ve had enough.
Fascinating now that we now know the FBI didn't investigate squat.
Trump made sure his FBI head and the DOJ did what Donny told them to do.
@@robertirvine7938 intelligent as a park lake duck!
Trump had installed his stoolies that's why!
They questioned 10 people in 7 days. Neither Kavanaugh or Blasey Ford were among them. The person who was allegedly in the room turning up the volume to cover her screams (and their laughter) refused to be questioned.
Why the FBI turned over 4,500 leads to the White House is a mystery. It was a dereliction of duty, if I can use that term.
You should never lie especially under oath!!
David Ellis also known as perjury, which is a felony. Kavanaugh shouldn't be allowed to preside in any courtroom.
All our lives society try to instill in us to be honest, have moral, integrity, sound principle and overall good standards. Then this country slaps us with likes of tRump and Kav.
And especially a JUDGE shouldn’t lie!!!!! He must be impeached from his current job!!!
Unless you are part of the current administration. Lying is just routine for them.
nay. all politicians lie
Love this guy, answers the questions asked to him straight up. There needs to be more of this.
Your story isn't as cute as you seem to think it is by your constant retelling. Kavanaugh is nothing but a shill. Even HE knows it, lol. He's so corrupt he doesn't care!
doobiewah357 don’t be ridiculous! You are defending a serial rapist, a pathological liar. What does that say about you!
Remmi Maxwell you’re delusional this whole interview was scripted question and answer. That’s how it works sweetly on CNN to smear someone. Wake up & Smell the Coffee.
We’ll have to wait until the Trump administration is removed. We’re not going to get this until then, sadly.
U were on an0lane..but werent u listening about neett on tv before the condormation of Brett.
My heart goes out to Dr. Ford.
As many times that he said, “I like beer” when he was being interviewed during the hearings was enough for me.
Expensive prep schools and Ivy league colleges don’t keep accurate and meticulous student conduct records for precisely this reason.
What the hell do you know about it? Are you the master college record keeper or something?
jklmn101 to you and @roberto Allende. In the words of mlk Ivy League schools were created for these type of people. Bunch of privileged ass clowns
jklmn101 It’s common sense You numpty. They bow down to the rich parents
This guy can't even give a single anecdote about Kavanaugh losing memory after drinking. And yet he says it happened "frequently". He flat out refused to give an example when asked to do so.
@@codediporpal So? There are things that happen frequently that I know happen which I don't always remember, especially when they've occurred years ago. I can't recall what I had for breakfast 10 years ago but I know I had it everyday.
The problem: My issue is not that this judge may have had a past drinking problem but that he is a political hack who doesn't care about justice or the Constitution
Thank you, Sir for coming forward and sharing your truth. Your courage, integrity, and patriotism are greatly appreciated.
Does anyone remember Miss Lindsay's melt down defending Kavanaugh? What a show that was.
“Miss Lindsay.” Love it!!! Describes him/her to a tee.
I remember Sen Kennedy (the Republican one) asked Bret if he believed in God. Bret said yes, and of course, that was enough for Kennedy. Nothing else mattered.
@@maryswanson9982 “…nothing else mattered.” Proof, that there is absolutely NO difference between a Retrumplican and a radical Islamic terrorist!!! Both groups justify their obscene behavior, “in the name of religion.”
Lindsay's Preferred pronoun:
I vividly remember her outburst. It seemed like, "she does protest too much".
As far as drinking in college, that's understandable. Often getting drunk is alarming. BUT LYING UNDER OATH IS DISQUALIFYING. HE WOULD'VE BEEN OKAY JUST ADMITTING IT.
Don't lie, youd hate him either way.
He did....
But if he was an avid drinker that meant he would've been a rapist, right? Yeah that's fucking why
teehud313 he said he had tons of beer in college!!!! Wtf you morons screaming about.
Mainly because the msm media would paint a picture for their own agenda. So he probably thought that not telling the whole truth was the best way to go at it.
But maybe you should look at your own accuser. She has lied multiple times yet I don't see coverage of msm on her?
I bet this guy never thought he’d relive that epic prank on tv 35 years later lol
😂😅😋😅😂 STOP ALREADY NOW! 😅😂😅😂😅😂😅
Let alone the fact they had a fucking KEG in their DORM room. LOL. This is too much...
What do you think is going to happen in the future with everyone posting their SHIT on Facebook now.
And with facial recognition. Smile, your on Candid Camera.
smile ur gay
*with everyone posting their SHIT on Facebook now* you were all warned to not do that. there's no fool like a facebook user
I can't imagine how horrible it would have been to be Kavanaugh's roommate! Good to see people who have known him for a long time come forward to tell the truth that Kavanaugh wouldn't. Though it was a long time ago, it seems Kavanaugh hadn't changed much.
Once a drunk always a drunk. Wonder if he remembers fucking his wife or was he passed out!!
Too freaking little, too freaking late!! NOW we are stuck with him.
This guest is most convincing witness you could possibly imagine, so well spoken and trustworthy. He can easily convince everybody about anything!
Good on this man (roommate) victims of abuse in any kind often stand alone. 👏
Some body told me they have pictures of you with a goat???
Is that enough to condemn you????
Its good for this man NOT good on this man.
Thank you for your truth Mr Roche. Much appreciated.
Yes, thank you for another baseless, no evidence accusation that proves the leftist are insane and can't be trusted to be sane or honest.
Just curious. How do you know he is telling the truth?
This guy was as roommate for 2 months because him and Brett didn't get along this guy is a vindictive douche
Interesting phrase.... says alot....
Don't know if he is. But he has nothing to gain or lose. Not like a job for LIFE for a man who is not truthful.
why didn't you say something when he was under scrutiny?????
@@realmaletearsaspatriarchys1351 to whom was your rant about?
Why wasn't he asked or told about it??
He didn't come forward sooner because he was part of that type of hyper, drinking ,run a train up on a drunk girl, behavior. He is embarrassed but he feels shitty about it now.
He did. Some of us read the original article. It's just that the major networks didn't pick it up. Just because you didn't hear about it, that doesn't mean he didn't speak out.
@@kathyweis7023 He came forward at the time. He contacted lawyers and was interviewed by at least one journalist, and he waited to be interiviewed by the FBI, assuming of course they would. It just didn't occur to him that they were only bullshitting an "investigation."
I had an employee that wanted to work as a forensic scientist with the CIA in accounting and they literally took me through four interviews extensively checking her out for a CIA job. You'd think they do more for a supreme justice.
Heavy drinking pattern reveals lots of childhood trauma...or dysfunctional family patterns. Lack of confidence in Self.
Who cares? He is not fit for his position!
You just discribed trump and he's not a heavy drinker. Your statement is too general for such a broad subject.
Nawww, part of it was the times. Teen movies depicting wild parties and super drunk kids were the norm. In the late 1980's is when MADD and DARE were started to keep kids from partying. It was considered "normal" back then.
wow😱 thank u Anderson, sadly, government never took into consideration the truth from those who lived with him😤
For their own reasons...it's what is called," fake investigation"
Thank you, Mr. Roche. As a private American born citizen, and taxpayer I saw during his confirmation hearing. He avoided questions and had some serious attitude visible in his face. It is very questionable that he was approved. Then again, they approved Clarence Thomas. Go figure.
Can you imagine if the members of Congress had to be vetted through interviews with their college frat boy and sorority girl roommates? What an eye opener that would be. For both parties.
Members of Congress are not life time positions
Why are republicans still insisting on getting Kavanaugh through? Is there a shortage of talents in America or something?
Probably cause the other choices are worse than Kavanaugh .. lol
because for Trump, it has to be him. he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't think that a sitting president can be indicted.. so for the Donald.. it's gotta be him.
He will be confirmed on SAT......LMAO.
Guillaume Francois Looking at Pelosi, Walters and Ocasio-Cortez there is definitely some shortage:)
What I’ve learned from the Kavanaugh hearings:
Everybody in the 80s were hammered, And that’s why nobody seems to remember anything.
DannyMorgan86.....I commented on a previous post that I need more credible witnesses…. like those who were never drunk. Imagine a drunk testifying against another drunk.
just watch Animal House 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc etc to see the culture of frat parties and the humiliation and abuse of women in that era. Hollywood telling it as it is - "No means Yes, Yes means Anal!" And that was Haveabeer's frat!
Alison Brierley I don’t know why you being pro anal has to do with Brett Kavanaugh, butt cheers! 🍻
You Hit the Nail,Danny,Buddy nobody remembers Nothing!!!!!!You get Nothing for Nothing if You want to get Something for Something You got to give Something!!!😁🤗
America, I wish you the best of luck.
springbay1 Stay out, ugly!
thx 🅱 trump 2020
Thank you! We need it.
spingbay1_ Pray for us, It's really fucked up over here now!!!!! :(
@@uncruk6969 How has anything bothered you in particular?
Rather than focus on college binge drinking (which is rather typical), I would be more interested to understand just how Kavanaugh was able to graduate. One would think that a student, who was so often drunk, would not do so well academically.
No, as a former New Orleans college student, binge drinking did not affect loads of students academically.
High functioning alcoholic. Take a closer look at the politicians, CEOs, people in real power. Not saying ALL are alcoholics, but if you want to get an idea of what a high functioning alcoholic, drug addict, or active psychopathic looks like, start with that pool.
Not a problem at college level for many! Who knows where the support for individuals comes from, but it does for the ones that have the right people, organizations, fraternities, and sororities in their corner! Once again, it’s mostly about connections and money! Those old saws about staying straight, not sexually, and working hard really are archaic. Still good, but they just don’t fit in anymore. MMB
@@yvonnejones9940 Thanks for your input. I've never heard of the term "high functioning alcoholic". I suppose that makes sense for some people, after a number of years of drinking. But I can't imagine a young man (or woman) of 20 or so to have enough experience. Most 'kids' can't handle their liquor. I'm guessing Brett must have started at around 12. LOL
Good man to speak up. Thats what women need right now...good, ethical men not too weak to speak up.
I'm not a lawyer, so I want to know; how many testimonies against Kavanaugh does there need to be to be considered legal evidence?
Just ONE thats corroborated. So ....
Zero corroboration of ANY of her charges. Thanks for playing though
There is no set amount. What matters is if any of it is credible, and at this point no new witness testimony will ever be credible, because the case information is entirely public. Literally anyone can just read over the testimony of Kavanaugh and say "this bloke is lying his arse off".
If the details of the case were kept confidential, and a witness that knows details of the case that the general public doesn't know, the new witness at the very least has a chance to be considered credible.
@@Kanijox3 another reason why the court of public opinion is a bad idea.
I'm not a lawyer, so I want to know; how many made up stories against Michael Saenz does there need to be to be considered legal evidence?
This is the part, thatnails it for me he lied to the Senate knowing there are people out there who shared these experiences with him and it's not just his perspective so if he lies that easily about the past he can do it in the future
I cannot forget that deer-in-the-headlights moment in the Hearing Chamber, when Senator Lindsey Graham theatrically blasted at Kavanaugh: “…are you a serial gang-rapist?!?”
At that moment, we all knew he was, and that he knew that we knew it !!!
Pastor Craig, are you willfully blind?
Thank you, sir, For being honest, it takes courage to do what you have done!
No, it doesn't.
So stupid. Everyone is 'courageous' now for being a self righteous asshole.
@@fatdoggolovespizza knowing this guy is going to be attacked, I think it does take courage to say this.
He was an enemy of brett as they had an issue and he was kicked out of the dorm he isnt honest
Thank you for showing up for this, James Roche.
Brave man - thank you for coming forward James Roche. Its impreative in our world right now that the TRUTH come out more and more and the liars and villians have a BLARING light shined on them selves and their atrocious actions.
Trevor Noah of the daily show has an awesome monologue about weaponizing victimhood - More people need to speak up like Trevor has and raise real awareness in our world
I think you mean “GLARING” light. “BLARING” refers to sound, not light.
Oh you little minds . . . example for SHELLDORA - A blare of sunlight flooded the room as she opened the shutters. fanfare; flourish; ostentation; flamboyance: a new breakfast cereal proclaimed with all the blare of a Hollywood spectacle".
I think instead of worrying about my English (you obviously don't have it down yet in your older years) you should be worrying about your SOUL and whether or not any of its left!!!! :o) Good Luck
@@Shelora - Ignore @
Anastasia Maria's angry retort. If she was a sincere person, she would have thanked you, but politely pointed out Merriam-Webster's definition of the noun form showing you are both right, then moved on instead of displaying defensiveness. Civility takes such little effort!
blare: noun
1: a loud strident noise
2: dazzling often garish brilliance
Kavanaugh's hysterical reaction to Ford's testimony convinced me she was truthful.
Thank you James for your testimony.
Make America great again .... Drain the swamp
He passed with 51 votes. The worst vote ever for the worst candidate, EVER.
Chosen by the worst president ever.
@Niko Bellic by the time the impeachment is finished only trumptards will still vote for trump. Biden was handsy with people, common for the generation of the time when men were men. Nothing over the line on him so far. Trump lied about his worth, his shady financial dealings and his education, if Warren has only the Indian story in question she will be okay.
It’s 51 votes because Democrats will stop at nothing to get power. Republicans always vote for good SCOTUS nominations. Some democrat nominees have even received 97 votes. Because republicans care about the country. Democrats claim to care but what they really want is to grab power while supporting the “oppressed”, when they truly hope the oppressed stay that way so they can keep supporting them. Like Lindsey Graham said, “Boy y’all want power, and I hope ya never get it.”
Why didn’t he speak out during the CONFIRMATION HEARING??🤔🤔
I was wondering the very same thing...
The Democrats were denied the ability to call witnesses, I believe. The Republicons didn’t want any honest evidence to come to light.
He DID speak out during the earring. He and thousands of others were ignored.
You do realise this clip is almost three years old don't you? It was televised just before Kavanaugh's confirmation.
@@sheilaboston7051 I didn't realize it was from that long ago. Thank you for letting me know
There are many things that strike me as so absurd in Kavanaugh's dishonest testimony, but one that really bowls me over is this concept that because he was an athlete, he couldn't possibly have behaved badly or drank to excess. Does anyone know any high school athletes who didn't drink and party more than anyone else? Seriously. That's certainly not my experience or of anyone I know.
Mystic Skexis ok you’re one person lol stfu
Jocks are notorious for drinking their faces off!
Maybe you were so busy being offended by the fact he played sports that you completely missed the fact he was a ridiculously strong scholar as well. It's okay. It's easy to do when you're absorbed in hating a president and party. When that happens you'll almost believe anything just because a woman said it.
Are they notorious for graduating first in their class as well? Seriously are they?
Mystic Skexis - apparently you never heard of a little known athlete Babe Ruth. He was well known heavy drinker. Or the other relatively unknown Mickey Mantle? Or Joe Namath. Or Dennis Rodman. Should I continue? There are dozens more.
This is so depressing. You have all these people who are risking so much and coming out to do the right thing. Yet our government representatives really don't care and show nothing but disdain. So much for *_"... government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."_*
Hello good sir my you list out all the evidence so far I am having trouble making up my mind
Its depressing that a liar can almost ruin someone's life with no evidence all. And even more depressing that the brainwashed sjw are so easily turned into sheep
nobody is that good an actor. he seemed credible to me. also the fact that the FBI never interviewed him esp. this last time does not surprise me
Kavanaugh's approval seemed to be pushed through at every level. It still is fodder for a genuine "re-review". Who paid whom?
A lying judge in a life time appointed position. Wow
Fuck you!
Plot twist...they all lie.
What a fucking scam that is. There should be term limits on SCOTUS appointees no matter who it is, not fucking lifetime terms.
Oh wow. Every (D) is sick with lies. Are you kidding?
Clickbait. Not significant or credible. This roommate doesn't look in the eye on several answers, didn't social with him and wasn't roommate after 2 months.
I was at Yale somewhat earlier, SM8*, and it most definitely was an alcohol-fueled undergrad culture. The famous tables down at Mory's featured alcohol-rich cups with color codes (more or less), and drinking them was an accomplishment. Residential colleges had drinking teams, ten per team who would speed drink 2o cups of beer in sequence for overall time. It is very hard to convey the accepted assumptions of that time into the present with accuracy. At that time Yale was only beginning to become fully coed, with prep school graduates thinking of Smith College, then for women, as the girl's school based on their prep school experience. Academic top performers often had seriously underdeveloped social skills, another excuse for drinking, as the price of getting there, and if you came from an all-boys school, the approval that mattered came from your fellow boys; the girls were how you proved yourself. Caveat : those who were legacies or otherwise advantaged were probably more socially adroit than those who (like myself) were there by way of SATs.
Wavetrapped 186 o shut the hell up every college has a lot of drinking in it
Wavetrapped 186 you sound like you could use a game of beer pong you fuckin nerd I’m sorry 😂 but you sound like a dork
Cliffs...college kids drink.
@@bakerward1977 w/186 couldn't get in the end crowd.. Prolly!
Baker Ward Are you 12? "Harhar he said alcohol was a big part of college, he must be a square who didn't drink harhar". This dude went to Yale, you probably went to the local community college.
This bears out the other stuff we know of from Kavanaugh’s yearbook entries and various testimony: “alumnus” - “training” - “roofing”!
His explanation... It was a drinking game.
America is falling apart at every angle, why not have a shitshow in the SCOTUS?
Thank Trump for that also......
Kavanaugh's college roommate is handsome
So is his ass to you.
Truth91 reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. Love the salt &pepper hair. Sexxxy😘. I just wonder who drug him out of the woodwork to discuss his whole "2" mos as Kavanaughs roommate. 🤔
Almost looks like an actor 👀
Yes, handsome
Curiously Kavanaugh looks like Trump.
I think this guy should be the Supreme Court Judge...talk about calm demeanour!
burningfeet 57 We know Kavanaugh certainly doesn’t qualify for having integrity. !!
Calm? I observed him screaming and threatening retaliation. And a known sex pervert, blackout drunk, LIAR, etc. He tried to manipulate an 18 year old immigrant in government custody to hold off her appeal to have a legal abortion until MONTHS after her due date. Real stroke of genius and so original. Complete disgrace even for a rebublikkklan.
America put that dude into power, extreme power, we have lost our way.
Brett Kavanaugh comes from an influential family. The background check was cursory at best. You won't find stuff you've been told not to look for...
So interesting.. thank you for your honesty…
The unassailable truth about certain people who are endorsed by Trump is that they can be highly suspect.
Hardly a surprise. He looked like he was lying.
It is appalling that that clown got confirmed to sit in the highest court in the land. His unprofessional reactions to the questions asked of him alone should have gotten him disqualified.
This guy seems legit
His roommate saw him act loud when he was drunk, never saw him hit anyone, never saw him act aggressive towards women......So, his demeanour in college, a little loud when drunk, means he can't get a job 30 years later?
Allen Chancellor . . . Yes, when the job he's applying for is Supreme Court Justice!
No, it means he lied during his testimony to the Senate. Which automatically disqualifies him from serving.
You downplayed tf outta that Haha
Nah, we need a more wise man to fill this position. IT'S A POWERFUL ROLE THAT DETERMINES LAWS AND THE FUTURE OF THIS COUNTRY. I need a person with a sharp, moral and emotional compass.
Allen Chancellor, the point is, Kavanaugh has been shown to have lied under oath.
How did he do so well academically, if he was a drunk ??
Plus after graduating he certainly did reasonably well
He attempted to rape a woman. Why are you so proud of him? Why do you idolize rapists?
I smoke weed and got first rank in my batch . But this whole issue is not about drinking or acing your tests . It's about a person's personality and accusations against him by several people including the women who have been victim and even his friends who believe he did it .
I believe he did it . He raped her and that's because I listen to him and I just know this guy is arrogant and how he would have been in his young day .
This Awful Man ,should NEVER be on any Court . Let alone the Supreme Court.