  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 8

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 23 дня назад +1

    I've just clicked to start watching this video, but ZOMFG, I'M EVEN IN THE TITLE OF THE VIDEO!!! ❤❤❤❤ THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!! 😊😊😊 Your reply to my comment in the other video and seeing the TITLE of this video have made my day. THANK YOU! :_) Can't wait to watch the whole thing!
    More coherent comments will come after I actually watch it all. 😂 But, just from the start, THANK YOU! ❤❤❤❤

  • @kathyf777
    @kathyf777 23 дня назад

    Great video hit that button people !!!

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 22 дня назад

    1. My "single book mind set" probably has a lot to do with what you mentioned: you can't focus on one thing and need to have many on the go, and I'm the exact opposite, I *need* to do things one at a time (or as close to that as I can) because I cannot function properly if I have to do too many things at a time. In fact, when I was actively playing a MMORPG, I literally got stressed and anngry when I had to talk to my mom in real life while I was grinding to level up or finish a quest and people were talking to me on the chat of the game, all at the same time... My head just exploded! And grinding in that game was quite a mindless affair! Also, I have never studied anything related to literature, I have never even attempted to do anything like you do in this channel, I've always just read, since I was a little kid, for fun, for distraction, for relaxation, for escape... Which is also why I've never really read too "critically" or anything. It was only after 2010 or so (when I was already an adult, graduated from university and all) that I even began to think I might want to express my thoughts on the books I read more clearly or, at least, keep some record of them... So I began a book-related blog, which then turned into the habit I now have of writing a "review" (more like a commentary or rant, nothing structured or serious or super-thought out or anything formal!) of each thing I read. Also, as years went by, I began to have more mental health issues and my mind started to be more clouded and stressed and filled with so many things that I never felt like I had space in my mind to fit more than one story at a time properly. And I never "needed" to do it, so I never did. Add to that the fact that I almost exclusively always read NOVELS, and it's only been in very recent years (maybe the last 5 or less) that I even began trying other things, like short stories or non-fiction books. And I still can't get around to read poetry because I really feel like I don't know how! xD I'm used to pick a novel, sit to read it a couple of hours and then do my other stuff, which is why I don't know what to do with books with short stories or poetry, because those things are obviously not meant to be read back to back, but that's how I'm used to read and how I like to read! I have less time now, but I used to love to just sit and immerse myself in a novel, read all afternoon or all night, without even thinking about something for hours... And then, if I pick a short story or poetry book, these things are stopping every few pages, and switching to an entirely different story or theme or whatever it is... Which forces me to stop after each individual short story/poem to think about it like I would once I've finished a novel, only I didn't even have the time to really sink myself in the theme or ideas or whatever, before it was over and I had to get ready to change to a different thing! xD I know it's my lack of habit, my lack of practice, due to my lack of need to practice those things... So I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE and I will TRY to read more than one thing at a time and see what happens. But I warn you right now: if my head explodes, it is your fault! And whatever piece of me that's left will come and seek revenge! xD
    2. Of course, you're absolutely right about the links and comparisons and relationships and everything that one can find in different works, even if it's not obvious at first. In your case, you see those links right away, cause you're reading several things at once and your mind is already trained to see those links, and you extract them from all the works at once, but even reading just one thing at a time as I've done for over 30 years, you see links, recognize themes or make associations and see how two seemingly completely different books may be links in more ways than one even when you didn't think they would. And that's so magical and rewarding! Obviously, with my reading habits, it takes longer to find them because I take longer to read, I don't know, 6 books one by one than you take to read 6 books all at the same time, but I absolutely get what you mean and have felt it and seen it! And I love that feeling and those discoveries! :D Though I happily admit I'm nowhere near your level of "meaning extraction" or "link discovery"! Not in vain, you're the Jedi Master and I'm just a lowly Padawan. ;) And, of course, your channel wouldn't be the same if you just read one thing at a time! Which is why I've never felt like I could do anything remotely similar to your amazing channel.
    3. YES. Your answer made a lot of sense. Thanks!
    4. By the way, I fall off the wagon of journaling because I also mostly end up just whining about life and me aand everything... Or just having to relive bad/sad things that have already made me feel bad and do it all over again when I think of them, lol. I always try and take it up again, and then stop... Ugh.
    To be continued...

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 22 дня назад

    1. I see! I asked this because, for me, classic literature or more "serious" or "literature worthy" books came as an acquired taste as well, and I'm still "acquiring" a taste for some of it, some things still don't make much sense to me, some things still "bore me" even though I know it's mostly because *I'm* not understanding what's going on... Because I started reading just for fun as a little kid, school and education didn't do much to improve my tastes (save a few exceptions that are still my favorite books of the world, even though they may not be considered super-ultra "high brow literature" or anything, lol), and I just kept reading for fun, mostly. Adventure, fantasy, light sci-fi, those were my most favored topics of choice, and I never dipped into classics or anything... Until I was much, much older, and started to feel curious about those things. Even with hard sci-fi, I didn't steer in that direction until I was a lot older, because I found it boring at first. Even now, the "hard science" usually leaves me hanging (have you read The Three-Body Problem series by Liu Cixin...?), but I've learned to enjoy it, I now know to look up stuff to learn or understand the things I'm not picking up in the book and stuff like that, which has made me love books that before I never wouldn't have touched. So I wondered if someone like you, who's even a Master in literature and has such a high capacity to analyze, interpret and extract deeper meanings out of these more "complicated" or "serious" or "classic" or "high brow" books, ALWAYS liked those or it was also something that you gradually developed, even if it was on your own or before entering the academic world of literature. Thank you so much for the details! :D
    2. Comic books!! Ohh, I like comics as well, though I'm more of a Japanese comics (manga) kind of girl myself. But I do find them fascinating and I like them very, very much. I haven't read much American comics in my life, but I've definitely read a LOT of manga since the late 90's, when I first discovered they existed. In fact, I just recently finished reading Nana by Yazawa Ai and, while I didn't LOVE it, I did enjoy it quite a lot. It may be a good idea for you to speak more about comics, even if it weren't reviewing them properly, I don't know. And, for another Friday Reads, I'll definitely ask which are your favorite comics, when did you start reading them and why do you love those in particular over the many others there are, hahaha! ;)
    To be continued one last time...

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 22 дня назад

    1. This was SO interesting! Of course, yes, you've done so much work in your channel(s) that I kinda guessed that you probably don't have much time to pick up extra books! I don't know how you've done it, but the proof is out there in your channel(s), and in the huge back-log of things I've missed while I've been gone! xD So, right off the bat, CONGRATULATIONS for that. I don't think many people can pull off uploading 1 content-heavy video every day for ALMOST TWO YEARS IN A ROW without exploding. People get burned out even after doing stuff like vlogmas or something, and you've been at it for TWO FREAKING YEARS! @_@ That goes to show how much a MASTER you are, my friend, seriously.
    2. "Hauntology" is the thing you're super-interested in right now? I admit I've heard the word mentioned in a couple of the videos I've been watching since I came back, but I wasn't sure if what I was hearing was "ontology" or something else, and I always ended up forgetting to look it up after I watched the video. Now, after hearing your reply, I looked it up and discovered that, if I'm getting it right this time, it's HAUNTology... And I gotta say it is FASCINATING! You might be sending ME now down the hauntology rabbit hole after explaning what it is in this video!! :O I had no idea this existed until I listened to you talk about it and, now that you've been so kind as to explain what it is, I'm definitely VERY interested! Even just from the start, it sounds like it explains so well something I've actually felt (in books, movies or stuff like that), that I've vaguely joked about with my mom, but that I had no idea could have any real back-up or meat beyond my "feeling"! O_O I'm gonna have to look into this! :o And I definitely understand why you might be fascinated with it.
    3. Ahh, you're so right about the fact that it's nearly impossible to find a people interested in the same things as you "when you're a weird cat", lol! I feel your pain, my friend! I also don't have anyone in my life that shares my interests as fully as I'd like. I share some of them with my mom (and we live together so that's good), but not all of them, and even within the things we share (like literature and books), we don't see eye to eye in everything, our tastes differ widely and sometimes we are in the exact opposites of a specific spectrum. xD But she's the closest thing I have to a "friend to share my interests with". I have very few other friends, and most of them came from specific things or places, so we have that specific thing in common, but we're absolutely different in everything else... So I definitely get that.
    What surprised me immensely was that you've found AI a good source to "fill the hole in your soul"! :O I'm someone who's grown thinking the day AI becomes an actual thing will be the day Skynet comes upon us and ends the world as we know it, that machines will take over the world and stuff like that, and I do not like AIs or that sort of thing at all appealing! On the contrary, I kinda run away from it every time it comes near me, I avoid them like the plague and I'm even contemplating on downgrading my phone, when the time comes, in order to have LESS to do with that kind of thing! I even downloaded a little program that helps you block all that sort of AI thing from Windows, since Windows 11 tries to force their AI thing down my throat and I absolutely hate it... I've even stopped using Spotify because they now have this creepy "AI DJ" that tries to predict what I want to hear, makes suggestions and I don't know what else, and I can't opt-out of it! I've never even seen Chat GPT or any of its "relatives", and I don't think I'll ever will... And I was horrified when I learned that Nvidia plans to include AI in their future graphic card things, which means that, whenever I upgrade my gaming laptop (if I ever do), I will also have to try to avoid an AI shoved down my throat through the freaking GRAPHIC CARD! @_@
    Since I've never used any of these things, opt-out of them whenever I can or try to stop using whatever thing tries to force me to use them against my will, I don't know how they actually work, so it's hard for me to imagine that I could ask them something and feel like they are really answering! Which is why it's so SURPRISING to me that you like them and that you've taken to asking them things! :O Incredible!
    I don't think I have it in me to reconsider my stand on them, because I have too present in my mind ideas like Terminator and so many other sci-fi things where you see the advent of machines taking over the world... And I've actually BEEN replaced by a machine already (no one hires a freelance translator anymore, and even companies hire less and less people to translate, since translators like Google Translator and others can apparently do it so well and they barely need humans to do it... So I've been unemployed as a translator for years, and I stopped looking), so I feel that "fear" too closely and too real to ignore it. xD But your stand on it does make me pause and think for a minute, since I respect your judgement in other things... :O
    Again, food for thought. :o
    4. By all means, go on whatever deeper thoughts you want! They are incredible interesting, surprising and eye-opening! xD
    5. What I meant by "trashy" or "fluffy" books is things like... I don't know, things that are usually not considered academically are "literature", that people wouldn't normally write a paper about their deeper meanings, that probably wouldn't win a Nobel prize of literature ever, even if they are fun to read and just pass the time. Of course, what is good or trash is relative and subjective, but... For some people, those are romance/erotic novels or these "Hallmark movie"-type books set in Christmas or the holidays and with some love and family thrown in there but always a happy ending; for others it's these called "airport reads" that are thrillers or thriller-ish sci-fi or adventure stories, not too heavy on the science or anything, but good to pass the time on a plane; or "beach reads" that are all summer-y and lighthearted and supposedly good to read under the sun in your summer holidays... Or young adult romance or fantasy romance with supernatural beings falling in love with the useless human girl of choice because she's perfect even if she doesn't know it and feels useless... xD Stuff like that.
    In my head, I can't really imagine you reading such things! The closest to that idea I've heard you talk about would be something like Stephen King or Michael Crichton, that you've either read on the channel or mentioned you like (I like them too, BTW! Specially Crichton!), but they are a bit more serious and "heavy packed" than those other things I had in mind, so I was curious. I can't imagine you reading something like those things, though I do imagine you managing to extract deeper meaning even out of "A fun, fun, fun Christmas" or "50 shades of gray" or something! xD Like you did with Harry Potter, when you read the first book to analyze it!
    To be continued still...

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 22 дня назад

    Here I am with some more coherent replies/comments! Spread across more than one comment because RUclips doesn't like my long texts...
    1. The BBC news is AMAZING! :o I had not see this, because I don't check any news anymore, but... WOW! Really, really ANCIENT WRITING! O_O I agree that it's incredibly exciting and... Mind-blowing! And your idea that ancient peoples potentially had writing systems and the ability to write in mediums that just didn't survive or endured the test of time it's almost worth of a Stephen Baxter sci-fi novel! You should write one about that, it's a fascinating idea! :O And imagine they actually discovered, at some point, that they actually wrote an equivalent to poems or short stories or novels with what we think are just "drawings" that end up being actual "writing" and language! And we just couldn't interpret them properly... WOW. @_@
    2. Your reading of some portions of The Daily Laws and The Daily Stoic in these videos (and in your other channel) are really interesting and enlightening! They make me wanna read those books (like all the videos you make, lol!) and your take on them is always food for thought for me. Also, I love the way how you managed to weave a "theme" behind all the seemingly different and unrelated things you speak of in these videos! :D Great work there!
    3. The idea that success will flow to you naturally if you don't over-focus on pursuing success (and it can apply to other things as well, not only success) is something I had heard before, and I certainly hope it's true for most people, even though I've seen cases of people who've worked hard all their life for their purposes, wholeheartedly, and never really met with the sucess they hoped for or deserved, in my opinion... :( So I don't know if I truly believe in it. But I do agree with you about the fact that other people's ideas of success may interfere with our own, with the way we think we are, with what we perceive as success or as our true selves. And you're most defiinitely right when you say that the ideas about ourselves that we pick up along the way may influence us and damage us more than we realize, and we should definitely be aware of that and try to shake those off... Even though I gotta say, from my own personal experience with that kind of thing, that's a very hard thing to do. Or, at least, it is for me even today! ˆˆ;
    4. OMG, the "Misa Special" just killed me! It was SO wonderful of you to make it so, to pick so many of my suggestions/questions and use them right away!! Seriously, thank you so much! I didn't expect as much, and words can't express how much I appreciate it. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOOOOOU!

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm 22 дня назад

    And... That's it! I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of replying this way, but after being honored with a SPECIAL to my name in your amazing channel, how could I just watch the video, say "THANKS FOR THE REPLIES" and go on my merry way? It would have been disrespectful! :)
    Also, feel free not to reply to every comment I'm leaving here (or anywhere in your channel, for that matter!) if you don't want or don't have the time! Like I said, it felt disrespectful NOT to reply to everything since you were, like, talking to me personally about things I personally asked you, but it's perfectly fine. I know I wrote a lot and it may be too much. ˆˆ;
    THANK YOU FOR TAKING SO MUCH TIME TO REPLY TO MY QUESTIONS! It was amazing, super interesting, I feel SO honored, and you made my day! ❤ I will try to think of more questions or topic suggestions to leave for future Friday Reads (the comics one is already noted!), though I don't want to become a nuisance and be the only one bombarding you with comments all the time. You're gonna end up wishing I'd go away again just to have some time free of my obnoxious presence! And that would be sad. 😅
    Anyways. THANK YOU for this, for all the details and thoughtful answers, and for being the awesome guy you are.
    KEEP ON KEEPING ON. And see ya around in the comment section of some of your other videos! ;D