It's more than just record stores. It's small business and the fact you don't have to work for a corporation. Doing you're own thing in your own time. We are loosing our individuality. Everything is going to be owned and run by corporations in the future.
With streaming services becoming popular the vinyl sales could plummet and if there are no interest in vinyl who will buy audio equipment..receiver's..speakers ? Today's youth did not grow up with this niche..lets support viny on the local level..before buying on line !!!!
So much good insight for my thesis! thank you
It's more than just record stores. It's small business and the fact you don't have to work for a corporation. Doing you're own thing in your own time. We are loosing our individuality. Everything is going to be owned and run by corporations in the future.
I remember a record shop called Turtles Records back in the 90s
I still buy and play records.
So rad to see Redscroll Records on here and the fact they're still going strong!!!
The day the music die...Steve jobs
With streaming services becoming popular the vinyl sales could plummet and if there are no interest in vinyl who will buy audio equipment..receiver's..speakers ? Today's youth did not grow up with this niche..lets support viny on the local level..before buying on line !!!!
Liquorice Pizza was the best ever !