Eng,,,, jumaa mubaraka..... just saw your presentation today..... honestly i dont know where this region is heading , difficult for annalists to come with conclusion as its fast moving with all what is happening...note.. the horn is within the sphere of the MENA region... what goes there has an influence or impact to the HORN countries... any way thank you setit .
The alliance between Egypt and any East or Northern african country, including Somalia , is not the news. Expected all the time. Despite all internal issues, Ethiopia is ready to play with any kind of game . War is in the history of Ethiopia ....
Good discussion
Nice info and thanks.
Selam selam eng abdu❤❤❤
ማሃሪን ሓባሪን ዘተ
Eng,,,, jumaa mubaraka..... just saw your presentation today..... honestly i dont know where this region is heading , difficult for annalists to come with conclusion as its fast moving with all what is happening...note.. the horn is within the sphere of the MENA region... what goes there has an influence or impact to the HORN countries... any way thank you setit .
The alliance between Egypt and any East or Northern african country, including Somalia , is not the news.
Expected all the time.
Despite all internal issues, Ethiopia is ready to play with any kind of game
. War is in the history of Ethiopia ....
Read the Holy Qur'an " Surat AL'FIL" Afar Think-Tank Reedan-Makkaabe
ንሶማል ድዮም ከደናግሩ ወላ ምስ ጂቡቲ ክሓብሩ ?
ካብ ዓቕሞም ንላዕሊ ሽግራት አለዎም ። ጸገማት ዘይምስምማዕን ፍልልያትን ከምኡ"ውን ናይ ፖለቲካዊ"ውን ናይ ክድምና ልምዲ ወያነ ነበር ተንኮላት እውን መሊሱ ሽግራታ እበዝሕ አሎ ነታ ኢትዮጵያ ኢ..ት.. ዮ.. ጵ..ያ : ።
ከምቲ አሮን ክብርአብ ዝበሎ አብ 1991+👉 ተሓቢአ ኔራ ረኺብካያ ፈውሶም ረመጽ ኩዒኻሎም አብ ማእከል ደንበኦም ። ንወያኒ 1991 አብ አራት ኪሎ አብጺካ ምስተፈነወት አይክጥዕሞምን እዩ። ፍልልያት ሰሜን ደቡብ ምብራቕ ምዕራብ ወልቃይት ራያ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ ትግራዋይ አምሓራይ ኦሮሞ ሶማል እኳ ዘይአኽሎም ። ክሳብ መሊኡ ዝፈስስ ሰላም የውርደሎም ዶ ?
እቲ ቐደም 1950+-1 እውን ሽግራቶም መሊኡ ዝፈስስ ከሎ ከይፈለጡ እዮም ናባና አጸጊዔሞም/ ተጸጊዖም ።