I want use this space to comment on Carl Sagan's stupid comment: “I don't want to believe. I want to know.” It is stupid because he doesn't know he is in the wrong place. If you are in scientific domain, or materialistic domain, that would be reasonable. But science is not the entire world. There is whole vast space beyond science, moral, consciousness, region, arts, meaning of life, to name a few. You can't write an equation to prove meaning of life, and you can't prove the why Picasso painting is better than others. Is religion scientific? No. Is Moral standard we live by scientific? No. They don't mean be. To apply science on something that outside of scientific is just stupid.
@@seanleith5312 You make some interesting points, I understand why you did it..I get it, but your comment would have been far more intriguing if you refrained from using "$tupid" You are in good and far more sophisticated company in the comments on these videos Than the normal and typical social media rhetoric and imature audience. I can tell from reading your reply you're far more intelligent than to be dismissive in using "$tupid" to describe a point you disagree with.
Great conversations!! The struggle I have with Shermer's response is that he seems to assume a christian world view involves certainty. But we call it faith precisely because we can't be certain. A genuine and deep expression of christian faith would indeed not be certain, but instead, would have an honest agnostic belief that there is a God, and that He loves us, though we could never know this as a fact for certain. I will admit however, most christians would not agree with my statement here. But I think belief implies agnosticism, which I am, and yet I believe deeply and passionately. The christian, though he believes, is not being candid or honest if he says he knows. None of us know, though some believe.
No it is NOT, anyone can believe what they want, children believe in Father Christmas, this does not make it true or real, same goes with your man made god.
Ask God to reveal himself to you. If he isn't real nothing lost. If he or she is real you have found your treasure. God is a God of clarity that is what I believe ❤️ By the way repent means change your mind. So don't be offended love Jesus ❤️
Michael said he used to believe in God and Robert said he believes in God sometimes. God will never ever let His own Go. They are both saved eternally if there is a God HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHA HAHAHAH
Simply put: If I am at all concerned about myself, Why should I not believe in the POWER that has brought me into being? After all My own person is the only fact that I can be sure of and Who and What has created it should be my CONCERN!
I'll make 3 short points: i) God is not religious. Men have made religions, all claiming to be the direct route to God. ii) You might not choose God. Or have the choice to believe in God. God chooses you, and opens that dimension up to certain people. iii) How can you believe in God without any faith? If he came down and said "hey it's me", then you wouldn't need any faith, also your freedom would be encroached on in a major way as life would no longer have any mystery at all. Love the channel btw. Best one I'm found in years. I'm gonna watch all the episodes for sure. Excellent production quality too btw.
This lady Sarah rocks. She's got the mojo and the intuitive understanding (if not complete intellectual masterhood) of the reality of the Creator, the creation and ultimately, the afterlife.
Robert voiced out so many of my thoughts about this matter when Sarah was speaking I felt like she was speaking to me because of how much it resonates with me
I admire this guy Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Everything that's been bothering me about religion and God's existence etc seems to be addressed in this fascinating series. At the end of the day we all cease to exist and hope that there is an afterlife because it's too scary to die alone without believing that there is a heaven or something else. Thank you for these great video's.
Why is it scary to cease to exist? Your conscious self goes away every single night during deep sleep. Do you find that scary? Why would it be scary if you didn't wake up?
You've been brought to a place where activities take place and in reality none are objectively good or bad they are just things that happening that we've asigned meaning to. Now you have good and bad days/events/people/things etc. In death all this ceases to exist. Death is truly the ultimate place of rest because you cease to play the game of good and bad events and not only that, you cease to know that there was ever a game or that you ever were. This may sound morbid but its more liberating than I can explain. Certainly not a place to aspire to be because - enjoy the chance to experience but as the body gets weak and the mind tires be able to embrace the next stage of the process as it is not to be feared. For whatever reason you came into existence in the first place you may potentially exist again since energy is never destroyed it just changes form.
Without multiple religions God wouldn't be hidden enough to invoke our own gumption. I can't help thinking that the presenter's consequent disposition after these interactions betrays a weakness in the face of slight risk. Either give it up, or give it a try.
What a wonderful journey in this video. Thank you Robert. I'm new to this site but you just captured my entire life's journey vacillating process to answer the question...which I still can't. Thank you for helping improve my contentment with being largely agnostic!
So much silliness in this video. The silliness is coming from those who think you find God by thinking, by argument, by formulation, by rational thought. That never has been the way to find God, and does not work.
Brilliant. Positivism destroyed the intuition of the younger generations. They are prime candidates to be consumed by the matrix. No sense of spirit in them.
I believe that what's ultimately LEFT is acceptance. Acceptance that in not knowing, we can find contentment in this. Perhaps "the need to know" which IS absolutely human. Must accept that "faith" is not only all we CAN really "accept" but be content with BECAUSE we can't ultimately know. It's like, "well Lord, I don't know if you're there as there's no evidence but...here goes anyway.." and continue the prayer anyway. I'm similar in that I don't want to lie or mislead myself or BE mislead by "Golden Calf" intentioned people/leaders etc. But in matters of personal insight and OUTWARD seeking to such questions, I remain curious while at the same time "content" in the faith that maybe, there's something but if not, that's ok too. Life alone, has been worth the journey. I absolutely love your channel sir...Great thought provoking work, absolutely beautiful. ❤️💯😊👍
Isn't that circular logic? Couldnt it be said that that is exactly why we invented him to begin with? This would be an argument for the existence of religion, as a force of good (comfort, soothing, absence of fear and thos empowerment) but it would be a sort of willful self-deceit or in the past a deceit by the priestly class of the commoners and perhaps nobles alike.
The very act of knowing in itself requires faith. All of your knowledge of what's out there (the big philosophic question of WHAT IS ou THE BEING) starts and finish in your own mind, which recognizes basic truths (evidence) about reality. How is it capable of it? We simply don't know. You need to believe that your mind is not there to deceive you, but that it works well integrated with the outside world to know objective things. Furthermore, all scientific knowledge is made up of primary evidence. Unless you are a scientist who has had direct contact with this evidence, your "scientific knowledge" is based on belief (faith) in the testimonies of other people (book authors, teachers, etc., with whom you have had real contact). Whatever you think is your knowledge of things, from the perspective of your own cognition, requires much more faith than you and people commonly realize.
I doubt that Sagan was so dumb, or the majority of the people. When Sagan talks about knowledge he doesn't mean absolute knowledge, but something most far from "because the Bible says so".
I can say my whole life, I have felt just like this. Never felt like I "knew" anything, just keep "looking for meaning". Nobody taught me that. It's very hard to see all this, and say "What a happy accident". That takes faith too.
It really doesn't take faith at all. It just takes an honest answer of "I don't know, and I'm going to withhold judgement until better information comes along".
that is something that really ( really) needs attention..... for many it's a triggering point for " here we go again! some guy on a throne with a scepter pushing galaxies around and zapping people with lightning" . If we could get past this idea of a personal entity / proper noun it may be of use. I for one think of Creative Intelligence , in fact 'god' as the impulse of Creative Intelligence that is the fabric of all that is seen ( the universe from the quantum level to the galactic level) and every thing unseen ( existence itself, space, void, etc). There is more to this ( Creative Intelligence) , but is just more verbiage and can be offered at another time.
@@tomjackson7755 you may want to consider not being so absurdly judgemental about someone whom you know zero about... especially from a single sentence... my comment was nothing more than playful semantic-grammatical levity.
@Stefano Portoghesi to suggest Creative Intelligence is a personage or a director ( suggesting a proper noun or demonstrative pronoun) is to miss the point completely. It is the notion that the universe is and of itself inherently creative ( multiplicity and diversity) and intelligent i.e. it complies to its own rules it uses again, and 'we' capture/observe this compliance as physics. Example: A rose. Beauty; creative -all different kinds , shapes , colors and location i.e. 30,000 types. Intelligent - plant a rose seed ( a hip if you will) , you will get a rose , not a pumpkin or lettuce or corn. This 'intelligence' can be seen as orderliness , structure, classifications, etc.; at the rose level or at the spinning of a galaxy ; it complies to a level of order that is inherent in the system... Let's not even mention the level of intelligence in DNA , and the multiplicity ( creativity) we see in mammals. I will leave it there.
Having died three times, the only feeling there is after the end of ones physical presence is the purest form of love you can ever experience and there is absolutely nothing that can prepare you for it.
It’s really nice to see a comment section for such a heated topic behaving civilly and intellectually from both sides. This video and its comments display what most debates SHOULD be.
When I think about the fine structure constant and all the different particles in atoms and there precise mass and energy and all of man's technologies that depend on constant and precise values, I believe in God because nothing seems random to me .
Hello, The metaphore I use to express my inability to imagine God is to imagine a literary character that after I read the book in which it appears becomes a mental entity in my mind. As such I can make it do anything I want but I wonder if I can make it aware of the fact that it resides in my mind. In other words the inability of this character living in my mind to imagine me as the person in whose mind it exists is similar to my inability to imagine God in whose mind I reside! Leonard I ‘m sure you can find some fallacies in my reasoning and I’m keen to hear them!
I find Sarah such an elegant speaker... Her words at the end of her sit down was quite important for non believers and even those who have faith. "There WILL come a time when you are laying down and about to die, you won't be able to keep the fantasy of having control of your soul anymore. " People seem to forget the time will come and sooner then later, life is short. Figure it out. The last thing you don't want is fear and confusion in the end. You're not dying you are transitioning. I used to be an atheist but have had a couple moments in my life that I can't explain that woke me up. Comparing god to the tooth fairy and Santa really pissed me off...lose that argument it's disgusting.
@@theoskeptomai2535 no, that's not at all what I said. I was saying it's important to figure out what you believe in, so at that time of death you avoid that fear and confusion in your final moment's. As it's stressful enough. Is all I meant. Wether you believe or not. Make peace with your faith or lack of to be content at the end. I personally believe of an after life of some kind because of things I've personally experienced. Because of it my faith changed.
@@sheenaalexis8710 What, "fear and confusion", Sheena (great name, by the way)? Arbitrarily deciding something at the end of your life even though you don't know any more about what is going to happen after you die then you did before is just silly. It is like saying that you that better decide on how you will vote as a jury member before the trial starts. You just have to be at peace with the life you've led. Oh, I am scared about not knowing what I believe in, here on my death bed, lol.
@@theephemeralglade1935 you are over thinking my point...it's just a comfort thing...apparently it doesn't bother you. And that's great. But some of us may think of those things in our final moment's and find comfort in believing. And thank you. Sheena is my name Alexis is my middle one. I grew up hating my name until I was around 12 and heard the ramones lol then realized it's not so bad :)
Well said! Oakley was brilliant and really stood out from the usual crowd of scientism and materialism of the gaps and straw man arguments against the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/theism... “that of which nothing greater can be conceived” (Anselmo d’Aosta). All the best to you ♥️
Among all tour programs I have watched this stands out. I think Sarah nailed it. And I guess you will have to continue with your (fruitless?) search for truth, as she says, until the moment where you ultimately need to face truth and act upon it.
Could it be that fear closes down, no, no, narrows down the mind? Makes it turn to its more primitive (the wrong word ?) functioning modes? Perhaps it is the case that even after the fear situation is over, the habit of mind persists. But then, why aren't we all theologizers?
Over and over in this channel, I hear questions about whether or not God exists. What I don't hear is what a God would be and what would be the implications of God for the kind of world we inhabit.
Belief in God IS self-deception. But self-deception and illusion are the very fabric of existence. Choose your illusions according to personal preference.
the way closer to truth, is through creating excessive suffering (e.g. fear of making mistake), so that you must let go (i.e. not trusting yourself), because truth is much much bigger than you
Great episode. Its getting personal now. Thanks for the effort and vulnerability. This one stood out more than episodes I've seen before...and I've seen a lot of them.
I think ( my conjecture) is hours of filming, then edits into episodes. I have seen this when one subject is being addressed then Robert wil perhaps ask other-subject questions to that person, so he gets 'inventory'. Again, my assessment only.
@@bradsmith9189 Faith as defined as belief without evidence. Atheism is a lack of belief in God or gods. How can a lack of belief require faith (belief without evidence)?
This is the most interesting episode I’ve seen yet, and I’ve watched hundreds. The science, and philosophy, and religious aspects of this show is (and I think everyone will mostly agree), but it’s this interface dialogue he has with these views that is fascinating. But they are always entirely about abstract ideas. This episode was very personal and he was very vulnerable, and that’s what made it so great. It wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting without the real human dilemma of our fears and desires on display. Excellent content! The best yet!
Agnosticism isn't really no different than atheism. Either way there is no affirmative belief or claim in a god. Some do split between hard and soft atheism however.
We should believe in God when we commonly have many unavoidable troubles in life , feel stuck with worries and anxiety . When we can't control our life as planned or control ourselves mentally and physically . The words of God is the Way , the Truth and the Light that can lead your life to find your happiness . The miracle will happen when you accept God into your life that's when you have a greatest love in reality , when you feel happy with everything you have and everyone you meet , when you feel your life's filling with a lots of love , when you feel yourself unfearful and unstopable ....
Yeah, or you can just be an adult about your choices, and make better ones when you are unhappy. Nobody needs your assumptions to lead a good life, or be a good person. You can have the magic man in the sky all to yourself.
If there is really a god, we can’t just stop with belief, we need to know god. Belief and faith are great but they are just means, not the end. Knowledge is what we need. Belief is fragile. Knowledge is unshakable.
A very good and very important question. The discussions with Sara, Anthony, Christopher and Michael are very interesting and enlightening even if it wasn't sufficient to convince Robert and those who think like him. Thanks for sharing these discussions. Good Luck.
@@rudy8278 I disagree that can be one meaning if belief but it’s certainly not the standard nor the one I most typically use. Belief has to do with acceptance of a truth claim. Hence your believe the things you “know”.
People used to believe in many gods. Every tribe had many gods with different characteristics. Gradually, over several centuries, most people have reduced the number of gods they worship. Most modern believers only believe in one god. I think we are getting closer to the truth.
Read Breaking the Spell by Dan Dennet or The God Virus by Darrel W Ray. Both books explain how relgions evolve overtime to become the institutions we see today.
It seems like nobody ever asks, "How to believe in God?" Being raised in a very religious environment, I really wanted to, but being honest with myself revealed that I can't believe in something that I can't even possibly comprehend. Those who insisted that I do believe, seemed to think I have only to "decide". They pushed me using fear, guilt, and anger. How would I even be sure of exactly it is? Nobody EVER brings up this view, which is baffling to me. Am I supposed to simply insist to myself that I believe? There's no progress without clearing this hurdle, first.
@@JesusChrist-xk9ee Not knowing makes us pretentious, as we live on this planet manipulating everything as though we DO know.. After all, we are ‘sapient’! So, pretentiousness is the real problem..
Wanting not = Reality! In heaven; What if your loved ones “want” to have a different appearance ; be young/old/ sex change/etc. How would you recognize them? What if they don’t want to be with you?
Wanting may not be reality but it is possible there is a Heaven. And what would it matter if your loved one had a sex change at least you would still be able to see them again.
@@oskarngo9138 I suppose if they didn’t want to be around you then they wouldn’t have to be. And you would know them because God would tell you who they are (or were)
I believe we know god exists, probably not the god idolized in any religion, but something that explains the “what and why’s” of life. My personal search ended when i redefined god. I believe we know subconsciously via an intuition. An intuitive explanation that defines morality, purpose, floating above your “dead” body in an emergency room viewing from an improbable angle, our connections to other life forms, the purpose of emotions, the positives and negatives of life. Knowing via an intuition because we cannot discern such information that exists on informational wavelengths outside of our biological and technological capabilities. My discovery simply became my personal understanding.
lol. You know a lot of people's intuitions about the most fundamental aspects of reality have been mistaken--often badly mistaken. In the "god" issue there's a lot of motivated reasoning arising from infantile needs for security and comfort that leads to your kind of intuitions.
I think this episode pretty much boils down all the others because, after all, isn’t this at the crux of all your other questions? I can totally identify the pickle you find yourself in, because I am in the same pickle. Having gone from Roman Catholicism to fundamentalist biblical inerrantist, to a deep state of questioning, I find the answers elusive at best. At the age of 65, I have come to the conclusion that any further inquiry will not produce certainty. I find the comforts of belief very seductive, but my mind works toward seeking truth. I find it untenable to believe in something, no matter how comforting, if it is not true. The claims of faith based religions, in my present state of mind, have great difficulty in showing that they are even remotely true, try as I may to believe that they are.
Be still and you shall know God. Ppl who have actually known God, or the universe or themselves, whatever you wanna call it, found it by becoming still. I have like you pondered for ever, read tons of books, spent perhaps years contemplating it in my mind, but like you i find myself in the same pickle. That is why perhaps our whole approach is wrong and being still is where the answer lies. I have recently started meditation and it’s the hardest thing I have ever tried, and it is perhaps because I’m wayyyyy to analytical. But I am going to keep trying because questions never got me anywhere. It’s time to stop asking questions and try to achieve stillness.
It is humbling to accept that truth is something we can never fully grasp, the set of all things true, we get glimpses of it through our humanity. My hope is that truth has made for us a path into itself within our humanity. So it is never that we can find it but that it has moved to be revealed as it can be found, so that we may seek it within and outside of us, sustaining everything. I know I can’t reach the truth on my own, but truth can always reach me by grace.
I'm wondering if we even have free will to believe. Let's think that statement through with some silly examples. You tell me I go to Hell when I die if I DON'T believe in Bigfoot. That scares me, so I try with all my might to believe that this Bigfoot exists & is my personal lord & savior. Can I really ever get my brain to believe that? Can you force yourself to believe something absurd? 🤔 Therefore, do you really have free will to believe just anything? I think you don't. You can only get yourself to believe things that your brain can accept as factual based on some evidence. If your brain does not see sufficient evidence, the closest you can come to belief is to work yourself up into a state of delusion. You can't call such a state true belief. I'm making an argument we have almost no control over what we believe, yet Christians are telling us we go to Hell for failure to force ourselves to believe specific things prior to death. If I'm correct & also Christians are correct, we have no control over our own destiny. Therefore we don't really have free will. What will become of our souls has already been decided by someone other than us. Where am I wrong with this logic?
i feel sorry for mr. kuhn. i admire him greatly for his intelligence, skill, knowledge and accomplishments in life - to name a few but his quest cannot and will not ever have an ending to his satisfaction. perhaps, paradoxically, that is better for him because if he does find what he is seeking-who will and who can satisfactorily confirm it for him-and how? - then what would be next? --- still, after all that, it has been quite a great learning experience for me and i am very grateful to him.
To me conflicting religions are just an example of how the same energy is expressed in multiple ways, just like in art. A fruit bowl can be expressed in multiple ways in a painting. They all point to the same fruit bowl, but seen and realized in many different ways
Newton was an astonishing physicist, but a poor anatomist. The quote implies that one must think with a full heart to believe in God, but what Newton misses here is that one should think with one's BRAIN.
We ought to believe in God, because 1) it is logical - logic is the only global human language 2) Knowledge is not enough to understand things we feel and perceieve around us 3) we all need the calming effect of knowledge and belief. Knowledge and belief is the stepping stones for true human progress. Otherwise, wars will never end. The love of money as a means of power is chocking us all, the poor and the rich.
Why believe in God? Believing in God has never been compulsory at any time and will never be made compulsory. Indeed, belief in general, about anything, is not compulsory.
It would not be a belief, if it is compulsory. It would be something others may believe in. To pretend you believe in something doesn't mean anything but a lie, a show, a pose, pretense, or 'Riya', perhaps for a false vote as in an illusion to gain power.
Belief is like your digestion system. You eat what you want, when you want.
Even babies know what to eat and when. You can't shove food down anybodys' mouth. If you do, they may vomit it out or they may even become ill.
My grandson, who is only four months, squashes the food with his little fingers to taste first. If he likes it, he then opens his mouth. As a matter of principle, We ought to believe in God, because 1) it is logical - logic is the only global human language everyone should respect. For example, a table would never know who created it. What is created comes with a time limit on it. 2) Knowledge is not enough to understand things we feel and perceive around us. Knowledge only helps us to put our theories to test. 3) We all need the calming effect of knowledge and belief. Knowledge and belief are the stepping stones for true human progress.
"Where are true joys to be found ?" doesn't lead to the ultimate truth. People find satisfaction by believing in different things about God and the afterlife (mostly, depending on the geographic location). True joys can be found by stopping the anxiety related to wanting so desperately to find an answer to such big premature questions such as the origin of the universe, some reach the joys by believing in cows as gods, others find it by practicing stoicism. The satisfactory aspect doesn't make the belief an ultimate truth.
I have no faith in religions. I am now 65, and I was born to and raised in the Mormon religion (sounds a little crazy? to me it is) I have researched and studied and read about modern physics for about 35 years (not a real physicist) . I have come to a somewhat personal conclusion (maybe hypothesis?) that the fundamental basis of the universe is consciousness. Not a theory just my present idea.
@@goldentwilight1944 Well, many people don't desire the existence of a God, and desiring God's existence can be linked to survival, it doesn't prove the existence of a God. And I personally don't know how does the survival advantage of believing in a God proves its existence. I find this claim nonsensical (and if I'm wrong, enlighten me). For me, Even though I have a religious background, I no longer find myself desiring the existence of a God after I started putting my thoughts under the rational lens. I was influenced before by my environment, that doesn't mean it's an innate desire. Now, I have the desire to know all the secrets of our existence including the origin of our universe due to my insatiable curiosity but that doesn't mean I have (or even want) to use the joker card : "God" that many use, to have an immediate relieving answer to my questions. There can be many other possible alternatives that my mind wouldn't simply completely ignore due to the fact that we still ignore a lot about our existence and universe to jump into premature conclusions. What I'm trying to say is that there isn't really an innate desire for God's existence because many don't have it, and many others experience it differently and if you put your thoughts under the microscope and discover the cognitive biases people are trapped in to believe confidently that God (whatever the definition one uses) is the ultimate truth about our universe' existence, would you still think that the premise used in the argument from desire is true ?
@@bonesjones3421 I have some friends who think that too and they're quite confident about their ideas. Their confidence is puzzling for me. What made you have that personal conclusion or hypothesis exactly* (I'd prefer a detailed answer) ? I'm a physics student too but still a novice to understand WELL and properly modern physics.
I watch your shows, Robert, knowing that they don't lead to conclusions usually. Today I had an intuitive realization that (for me) the shows about the existence of a god are the same as the ones about "why something rather than nothing". They each lead to that place where we can't add more data, and we're stuck.
"It seems to me a fundamental dishonesty and fundamental treachery to intellectual integrity to hold a belief because you think it's useful and not because you think it's true" - Bertrand Russell.
@Pisstake Someone who hopes there isn't a God isn't objective regarding the likelihood of one. If I recall correctly, Russell's expression of hope was after he'd had what we'd now call a near death experience contained the suggestion that life may not end with death. Perhaps Russell simply found the idea of any form of consciousness cleverer than his own intolerable?
@@borderlands6606 ...Which changes NOTHING about the validity of Russell's statement. Whether something is true or not IS the acid test for whether to believe in it or not. Fortunately, we remember Isaac Newton for his scientific accomplishments...
@J w Just another bullshit assertion. You don't know any particular person's reason for feeling what they do until they say why. Stop being butthurt that other people see things differently than you . You have zero evidence. ZERO. We are interested in the arguments, and making our own points about them. It is what the comments section is for. Get over it.
I don't know but I choose to believe because it makes sense to my little brain that there is something way bigger, way smarter out there to give meaning to everything that I can see and I cannot see.
The first lady in this episode presumes that non-belief in God necessarily entails fear of death. But what is there to be afraid of about death if it just means the absence of life? The absence of life, it seems to me, entails the absence of fear. Eternal life, on the other hand, could involve the everlasting possibility of fear, which, to me at least, is a very frightening idea. I don't believe in God and I am not afraid of death - not my own, at any rate. The prospect of the deaths of those near and dear to me is frightening only because I may be alive to experience them. Once I am dead nothing can harm me. I like being alive; but eternal life? No thank you!
"I don't know" the most unpopular but honest answer.
most don't know.
"Plucking flowers to which the butterflies come. I don't know"
I want use this space to comment on Carl Sagan's stupid comment: “I don't want to believe. I want to know.” It is stupid because he doesn't know he is in the wrong place. If you are in scientific domain, or materialistic domain, that would be reasonable. But science is not the entire world. There is whole vast space beyond science, moral, consciousness, region, arts, meaning of life, to name a few. You can't write an equation to prove meaning of life, and you can't prove the why Picasso painting is better than others. Is religion scientific? No. Is Moral standard we live by scientific? No. They don't mean be. To apply science on something that outside of scientific is just stupid.
And the least used answer of all time.
@@seanleith5312 You make some interesting points, I understand why you did it..I get it, but your comment would have been far more intriguing if you refrained from using "$tupid"
You are in good and far more sophisticated company in the comments on these videos
Than the normal and typical social media rhetoric and imature audience.
I can tell from reading your reply you're far more intelligent than to be dismissive in using "$tupid" to describe a point you disagree with.
I always say.... I'm an optimistic agnostic. I pray that there is a God. I want to believe so badly.....
Because it will be better for humanity and life , more justice , no evil etc...
You should check out the book called The Last Superstition. It’s about how rational the belief in God is
Me too.
@@kevinpulliam3661 I think it's rational too
If you deny God you can’t justify objective morality.
as long as you keep believing, you will never get any closer to truth!
Belief is the excuse you give for having no evidence
Great conversations!! The struggle I have with Shermer's response is that he seems to assume a christian world view involves certainty. But we call it faith precisely because we can't be certain. A genuine and deep expression of christian faith would indeed not be certain, but instead, would have an honest agnostic belief that there is a God, and that He loves us, though we could never know this as a fact for certain. I will admit however, most christians would not agree with my statement here. But I think belief implies agnosticism, which I am, and yet I believe deeply and passionately. The christian, though he believes, is not being candid or honest if he says he knows. None of us know, though some believe.
This channel is a gift to humanity. Thank you!
No it is NOT, anyone can believe what they want, children believe in Father Christmas, this does not make it true or real, same goes with your man made god.
@@LookOutForNumberOne I was referring to the quality of the channel in general. Take a closer look at its content. Incidentally, I’m an agnostic.
@@gusmath1001 Sure, I will check the content. lol
Our Belief in God is basically our awe of all that we do not know.
Nice to see Robert opening up. Appreciated.
I'll put it in a understanding my grandma would understand, God is the air you breath period.
There's plenty of evidence for air e.g. Windmills operating but there's nothing even _close_ to that for _any_ god of _any_ description.
I strive for Kuhns intellectual and personal honesty.
I choose to believe in good, to believe in the beauty of redemption so that it may be real in me.
It gives aesthetic pleasue when you see two intelligent person geniunely discuss something.
Sure does..
If you notice, that energy bleeds over into the comments...
People are much more cordial, respectful and insightful with their responses and replies.
@@Peakfreud I agree...
The title is the purpose if our existence.
Robert is just like me. We both are searching for God. I'm fortunate that i can watch these episode on RUclips.
Ask God to reveal himself to you. If he isn't real nothing lost. If he or she is real you have found your treasure. God is a God of clarity that is what I believe ❤️
By the way repent means change your mind. So don't be offended love Jesus ❤️
Michael said he used to believe in God and Robert said he believes in God sometimes. God will never ever let His own Go. They are both saved eternally if there is a God HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHA HAHAHAH
In my personal search for God I found a personal relationship with Jesus and he told me it all was a bunch of msde up bunk.
Simply put: If I am at all concerned about myself, Why should I not believe in the POWER that has brought me into being? After all My own person is the only fact that I can be sure of and Who and What has created it should be my CONCERN!
I can’t get enough of this top tier content. Marvellous
So did you learn if there is a god? And if so, where is it?
@Stephen Mason You sound like your confused about the subject!
@@scottlouissmith2382 Confused is probably better than deluded.
@mark b Confusion is delusion. If you don't ask questions and your minds made up its you that are confused and delusional..
I'll make 3 short points: i) God is not religious. Men have made religions, all claiming to be the direct route to God. ii) You might not choose God. Or have the choice to believe in God. God chooses you, and opens that dimension up to certain people. iii) How can you believe in God without any faith? If he came down and said "hey it's me", then you wouldn't need any faith, also your freedom would be encroached on in a major way as life would no longer have any mystery at all. Love the channel btw. Best one I'm found in years. I'm gonna watch all the episodes for sure. Excellent production quality too btw.
This lady Sarah rocks. She's got the mojo and the intuitive understanding (if not complete intellectual masterhood) of the reality of the Creator, the creation and ultimately, the afterlife.
She's also extremely gorgeous!!
What I saw was delusional thinking searching intellectual boundaries to prove her thinking was right.
@@kriskanapo9282 who cares really. Eye of the beholder and your comment says way way more about you than "what you saw". There's that.
@@missuscarmennot that deep. Sarah wannabe
Robert voiced out so many of my thoughts about this matter when Sarah was speaking I felt like she was speaking to me because of how much it resonates with me
“I do want God to exist…” but with Kuhn it’s always on HIS OWN personal terms or conditioned on terms open to negotiation.
He's the best and the ONE
I admire this guy Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Everything that's been bothering me about religion and God's existence etc seems to be addressed in this fascinating series. At the end of the day we all cease to exist and hope that there is an afterlife because it's too scary to die alone without believing that there is a heaven or something else. Thank you for these great video's.
Why is it scary to cease to exist? Your conscious self goes away every single night during deep sleep. Do you find that scary? Why would it be scary if you didn't wake up?
@@ivankaramasov hmm
We ceased to exist before we were alive and will cease to exist after our death.
You've been brought to a place where activities take place and in reality none are objectively good or bad they are just things that happening that we've asigned meaning to. Now you have good and bad days/events/people/things etc.
In death all this ceases to exist. Death is truly the ultimate place of rest because you cease to play the game of good and bad events and not only that, you cease to know that there was ever a game or that you ever were. This may sound morbid but its more liberating than I can explain. Certainly not a place to aspire to be because - enjoy the chance to experience but as the body gets weak and the mind tires be able to embrace the next stage of the process as it is not to be feared. For whatever reason you came into existence in the first place you may potentially exist again since energy is never destroyed it just changes form.
Without multiple religions God wouldn't be hidden enough to invoke our own gumption. I can't help thinking that the presenter's consequent disposition after these interactions betrays a weakness in the face of slight risk. Either give it up, or give it a try.
What a wonderful journey in this video. Thank you Robert. I'm new to this site but you just captured my entire life's journey vacillating process to answer the question...which I still can't. Thank you for helping improve my contentment with being largely agnostic!
I do not fear death; I have fear of the moments leading to it.
Believe in what you know❤
This show is wonderful.
She has the most soothing voice ..
I wish the exchange between her and Lawrence was longer..
@prometheusrex1 You as well.
materialism has already been disproven countless of times by science.
Thank you.
Brilliant conversation. This series is addicting. A welcomed addiction.
Prof Coakley seems like somebody I could talk to for hours. This is great content.
Absolutely, would have loved to see a conversation between her and Christopher Hitchens.
This was cathartic in a way
So much silliness in this video. The silliness is coming from those who think you find God by thinking, by argument, by formulation, by rational thought. That never has been the way to find God, and does not work.
so what is the way?
@@justingodin7806nobody can teach you. You have to learn yourself pawn.
Positivism destroyed the intuition of the younger generations. They are prime candidates to be consumed by the matrix. No sense of spirit in them.
Wow! She's argumentative!
People are confused by the connection we have with the super conscious, also know as the collective conscious. It’s like a light of wisdom.
I believe that what's ultimately LEFT is acceptance. Acceptance that in not knowing, we can find contentment in this. Perhaps "the need to know" which IS absolutely human. Must accept that "faith" is not only all we CAN really "accept" but be content with BECAUSE we can't ultimately know. It's like, "well Lord, I don't know if you're there as there's no evidence but...here goes anyway.." and continue the prayer anyway. I'm similar in that I don't want to lie or mislead myself or BE mislead by "Golden Calf" intentioned people/leaders etc. But in matters of personal insight and OUTWARD seeking to such questions, I remain curious while at the same time "content" in the faith that maybe, there's something but if not, that's ok too. Life alone, has been worth the journey. I absolutely love your channel sir...Great thought provoking work, absolutely beautiful. ❤️💯😊👍
After 3 minutes into this discussion I already know it is the most intelligent video on YT since long time.
I truly appreciate how gentle and pastoral the atheist was. How refreshing!
“I agree with every atheistic argument except the conclusion” perfectly states how I feel. Wow.
Atheism can only refute certain conceptions of God or certain religion’s God (example Zeus).
Atheism is a religion. This is a religion without God.
@@przemkowaliszewski3290If atheism is a religion, then not playing tennis is a hobby.
@@michaelhall2709 If you want to see it in that way ... Yes, it is...
Isn't that circular logic? Couldnt it be said that that is exactly why we invented him to begin with?
This would be an argument for the existence of religion, as a force of good (comfort, soothing, absence of fear and thos empowerment) but it would be a sort of willful self-deceit or in the past a deceit by the priestly class of the commoners and perhaps nobles alike.
God is reason for human awareness, language and free will of conscious experience. God initiates and completes conscious reality.
Ms. Sarah Copley's mind is razor sharp.
Ummmm you think so ?
“I don't want to believe. I want to know.”
Carl Sagan
The very act of knowing in itself requires faith. All of your knowledge of what's out there (the big philosophic question of WHAT IS ou THE BEING) starts and finish in your own mind, which recognizes basic truths (evidence) about reality. How is it capable of it? We simply don't know. You need to believe that your mind is not there to deceive you, but that it works well integrated with the outside world to know objective things. Furthermore, all scientific knowledge is made up of primary evidence. Unless you are a scientist who has had direct contact with this evidence, your "scientific knowledge" is based on belief (faith) in the testimonies of other people (book authors, teachers, etc., with whom you have had real contact). Whatever you think is your knowledge of things, from the perspective of your own cognition, requires much more faith than you and people commonly realize.
Too bad lol
I doubt that Sagan was so dumb, or the majority of the people. When Sagan talks about knowledge he doesn't mean absolute knowledge, but something most far from "because the Bible says so".
Did Sagan know his mind or believed it
@@richardamos5898 What is Extended Mind? | Episode 1811 | Closer To Truth
|| The Philosophy of Sense8 | Emotion and Connection
I can say my whole life, I have felt just like this. Never felt like I "knew" anything, just keep "looking for meaning". Nobody taught me that. It's very hard to see all this, and say "What a happy accident". That takes faith too.
It's seriously haunting dude
It really doesn't take faith at all. It just takes an honest answer of "I don't know, and I'm going to withhold judgement until better information comes along".
The first question should be how do you Define God
that is something that really ( really) needs attention..... for many it's a triggering point for " here we go again! some guy on a throne with a scepter pushing galaxies around and zapping people with lightning" . If we could get past this idea of a personal entity / proper noun it may be of use.
I for one think of Creative Intelligence , in fact 'god' as the impulse of Creative Intelligence that is the fabric of all that is seen ( the universe from the quantum level to the galactic level) and every thing unseen ( existence itself, space, void, etc). There is more to this ( Creative Intelligence) , but is just more verbiage and can be offered at another time.
The second question: why did Lee capitalize the 'd' in Define?
@@StreetsOfVancouverChannel It is part of the christian con to seem more important.
@@tomjackson7755 you may want to consider not being so absurdly judgemental about someone whom you know zero about... especially from a single sentence... my comment was nothing more than playful semantic-grammatical levity.
@Stefano Portoghesi to suggest Creative Intelligence is a personage or a director ( suggesting a proper noun or demonstrative pronoun) is to miss the point completely. It is the notion that the universe is and of itself inherently creative ( multiplicity and diversity) and intelligent i.e. it complies to its own rules it uses again, and 'we' capture/observe this compliance as physics. Example: A rose. Beauty; creative -all different kinds , shapes , colors and location i.e. 30,000 types. Intelligent - plant a rose seed ( a hip if you will) , you will get a rose , not a pumpkin or lettuce or corn. This 'intelligence' can be seen as orderliness , structure, classifications, etc.; at the rose level or at the spinning of a galaxy ; it complies to a level of order that is inherent in the system...
Let's not even mention the level of intelligence in DNA , and the multiplicity ( creativity) we see in mammals.
I will leave it there.
I want to believe in God so my prayers will be answered. Particularly with repect to the lotto.
you have to ask for the right things. the things you truly need
Having died three times, the only feeling there is after the end of ones physical presence is the purest form of love you can ever experience and there is absolutely nothing that can prepare you for it.
Ummmm no you have not
I love this show. This is precisely where I am in my life.
It’s really nice to see a comment section for such a heated topic behaving civilly and intellectually from both sides. This video and its comments display what most debates SHOULD be.
This channel should have literally infinite subscribers 💜☀️😊💪
When I think about the fine structure constant and all the different particles in atoms and there precise mass and energy and all of man's technologies that depend on constant and precise values, I believe in God because nothing seems random to me .
The metaphore I use to express my inability to imagine God is to imagine a literary character that after I read the book in which it appears becomes a mental entity in my mind. As such I can make it do anything I want but I wonder if I can make it aware of the fact that it resides in my mind. In other words the inability of this character living in my mind to imagine me as the person in whose mind it exists is similar to my inability to imagine God in whose mind I reside! Leonard I ‘m sure you can find some fallacies in my reasoning and I’m keen to hear them!
Suffering necessitates hope, and hope necessitates God. That is why suffering points to God.
Suffer all your life and continue have hope ... stay broke and get sick 👍
I like how she expresses herself
Robert what a great show. Perfect guests for this discussion.
Her voice is so soothing..
I find Sarah such an elegant speaker...
Her words at the end of her sit down was quite important for non believers and even those who have faith.
"There WILL come a time when you are laying down and about to die, you won't be able to keep the fantasy of having control of your soul anymore. "
People seem to forget the time will come and sooner then later, life is short. Figure it out.
The last thing you don't want is fear and confusion in the end. You're not dying you are transitioning.
I used to be an atheist but have had a couple moments in my life that I can't explain that woke me up.
Comparing god to the tooth fairy and Santa really pissed me off...lose that argument it's disgusting.
So are you claiming that the fear and confusion that many face upon approaching death is evidence that a god exists?
@@theoskeptomai2535 no, that's not at all what I said. I was saying it's important to figure out what you believe in, so at that time of death you avoid that fear and confusion in your final moment's. As it's stressful enough. Is all I meant. Wether you believe or not. Make peace with your faith or lack of to be content at the end. I personally believe of an after life of some kind because of things I've personally experienced. Because of it my faith changed.
@@sheenaalexis8710 What, "fear and confusion", Sheena (great name, by the way)? Arbitrarily deciding something at the end of your life even though you don't know any more about what is going to happen after you die then you did before is just silly. It is like saying that you that better decide on how you will vote as a jury member before the trial starts. You just have to be at peace with the life you've led. Oh, I am scared about not knowing what I believe in, here on my death bed, lol.
@@theephemeralglade1935 you are over thinking my point...it's just a comfort thing...apparently it doesn't bother you. And that's great. But some of us may think of those things in our final moment's and find comfort in believing. And thank you. Sheena is my name Alexis is my middle one.
I grew up hating my name until I was around 12 and heard the ramones lol then realized it's not so bad :)
Well said! Oakley was brilliant and really stood out from the usual crowd of scientism and materialism of the gaps and straw man arguments against the belief in the fundamental nature of mind and consciousness/theism... “that of which nothing greater can be conceived” (Anselmo d’Aosta).
All the best to you ♥️
Among all tour programs I have watched this stands out. I think Sarah nailed it. And I guess you will have to continue with your (fruitless?) search for truth, as she says, until the moment where you ultimately need to face truth and act upon it.
Could be one of the best conversations I've ever heard is included in this episode.
This was a great one!
Fear seems to make us turn to God...which gives us yet one more thing to be afraid of!
Could it be that fear closes down, no, no, narrows down the mind? Makes it turn to its more primitive (the wrong word ?) functioning modes? Perhaps it is the case that even after the fear situation is over, the habit of mind persists. But then, why aren't we all theologizers?
24:37 “Conflicting religions undermine ALL religions” 👏👏👏
Over and over in this channel, I hear questions about whether or not God exists. What I don't hear is what a God would be and what would be the implications of God for the kind of world we inhabit.
Belief in God IS self-deception. But self-deception and illusion are the very fabric of existence. Choose your illusions according to personal preference.
the way closer to truth, is through creating excessive suffering (e.g. fear of making mistake), so that you must let go (i.e. not trusting yourself), because truth is much much bigger than you
Great episode. Its getting personal now. Thanks for the effort and vulnerability. This one stood out more than episodes I've seen before...and I've seen a lot of them.
Absolutely agree. I concur.
My favourite channel at present
How does Closer To Truth pump out so many episodes all of the time?!
I think ( my conjecture) is hours of filming, then edits into episodes. I have seen this when one subject is being addressed then Robert wil perhaps ask other-subject questions to that person, so he gets 'inventory'. Again, my assessment only.
The best one yet.
Boy, Sarah's good. I'm an absolute atheist, and she had me hanging on every word.
I'm right there with you. The way she speaks is incredibly encapsulating. Cheers, mate.
Atheism seems to require more faith than any other belief..... To me anyway.
@@redriver6541 Nope.
But he’s not wrong
@@bradsmith9189 Faith as defined as belief without evidence. Atheism is a lack of belief in God or gods. How can a lack of belief require faith (belief without evidence)?
This is the most interesting episode I’ve seen yet, and I’ve watched hundreds.
The science, and philosophy, and religious aspects of this show is (and I think everyone will mostly agree), but it’s this interface dialogue he has with these views that is fascinating. But they are always entirely about abstract ideas.
This episode was very personal and he was very vulnerable, and that’s what made it so great. It wouldn’t have been nearly as interesting without the real human dilemma of our fears and desires on display.
Excellent content! The best yet!
I love this conversation and it shows how open and fascinating Close to Truth is. I m not a believer but I am not an atheist either.
That makes you agnostic.
@Will 'Slap' Smith keek
That makes you an agnostic?
Agnosticism isn't really no different than atheism. Either way there is no affirmative belief or claim in a god. Some do split between hard and soft atheism however.
We should believe in God when we commonly have many unavoidable troubles in life , feel stuck with worries and anxiety . When we can't control our life as planned or control ourselves mentally and physically . The words of God is the Way , the Truth and the Light that can lead your life to find your happiness . The miracle will happen when you accept God into your life that's when you have a greatest love in reality , when you feel happy with everything you have and everyone you meet , when you feel your life's filling with a lots of love , when you feel yourself unfearful and unstopable ....
Yeah, or you can just be an adult about your choices, and make better ones when you are unhappy. Nobody needs your assumptions to lead a good life, or be a good person. You can have the magic man in the sky all to yourself.
9:49 onwards describes my existential dread and equally, my hope & faith. What a paradox
Very powerfully stated indeed!
If there is really a god, we can’t just stop with belief, we need to know god. Belief and faith are great but they are just means, not the end. Knowledge is what we need. Belief is fragile. Knowledge is unshakable.
A very good and very important question. The discussions with Sara, Anthony, Christopher and Michael are very interesting and enlightening even if it wasn't sufficient to convince Robert and those who think like him. Thanks for sharing these discussions. Good Luck.
Nobody can believe in God without faith. If you don't have it there is no problem. Be a good person! ❤
As suggested by Carl Jung, believing isn't enough. Knowing is the thing!
Do you not believe what you know?
@@justchilling704 Belief is theory or hope, knowing is from direct experience. As Carl Jung said, “I don’t believe, I know.”
@@rudy8278 I disagree that can be one meaning if belief but it’s certainly not the standard nor the one I most typically use. Belief has to do with acceptance of a truth claim. Hence your believe the things you “know”.
God took care of Carl Jung already pawn.
@@rod6189 What did God do?
People used to believe in many gods. Every tribe had many gods with different characteristics.
Gradually, over several centuries, most people have reduced the number of gods they worship.
Most modern believers only believe in one god.
I think we are getting closer to the truth.
Read Breaking the Spell by Dan Dennet or The God Virus by Darrel W Ray. Both books explain how relgions evolve overtime to become the institutions we see today.
I Love this channel, "Closer To Truth"!
It seems like nobody ever asks, "How to believe in God?"
Being raised in a very religious environment, I really wanted to, but being honest with myself revealed that I can't believe in something that I can't even possibly comprehend.
Those who insisted that I do believe, seemed to think I have only to "decide".
They pushed me using fear, guilt, and anger.
How would I even be sure of exactly it is?
Nobody EVER brings up this view, which is baffling to me. Am I supposed to simply insist to myself that I believe?
There's no progress without clearing this hurdle, first.
Why is it so difficult to admit that you don't know when you don't know or are not in a position to know something?
Precisely ! 👏👏
Because not knowing drives us nuts
@@JesusChrist-xk9ee Not knowing makes us pretentious, as we live on this planet manipulating everything as though we DO know.. After all, we are ‘sapient’!
So, pretentiousness is the real problem..
That is an incredibly fascinating and brilliant woman. I could listen to her for hours.
To believe in Lord helps me to be human being to be close to someone else...
That female priest: Literally the most evasive answer in the history of evasive answers.
We want too believe in God because we want too exist again and see our loved ones again that's not hard too understand
Wanting not = Reality!
In heaven; What if your loved ones “want” to have a different appearance ;
be young/old/ sex change/etc.
How would you recognize them?
What if they don’t want to be with you?
Wanting may not be reality but it is possible there is a Heaven. And what would it matter if your loved one had a sex change at least you would still be able to see them again.
How would you know them; if they don’t want to be known (by you)???
@@oskarngo9138 I suppose if they didn’t want to be around you then they wouldn’t have to be. And you would know them because God would tell you who they are (or were)
In heaven whose reality is it???
Obviously; heaven cannot exist if there are multiple realities!....
that was my original question.
Closer to truth you are heroes for doing this episodes.
It was nice to see Robert Lawrence being interviewed.
Robert Kuhn
I believe we know god exists, probably not the god idolized in any religion, but something that explains the “what and why’s” of life. My personal search ended when i redefined god. I believe we know subconsciously via an intuition. An intuitive explanation that defines morality, purpose, floating above your “dead” body in an emergency room viewing from an improbable angle, our connections to other life forms, the purpose of emotions, the positives and negatives of life. Knowing via an intuition because we cannot discern such information that exists on informational wavelengths outside of our biological and technological capabilities. My discovery simply became my personal understanding.
lol. You know a lot of people's intuitions about the most fundamental aspects of reality have been mistaken--often badly mistaken. In the "god" issue there's a lot of motivated reasoning arising from infantile needs for security and comfort that leads to your kind of intuitions.
The tools at your disposal are meditation on experience, observation, intuition, mind.
@@publiusovidius7386 The intuition is more impressive as insight increases.
@@publiusovidius7386 Exactly! Well put.
This channel is awesome. The host is great. The topics are interesting. I am glad to be here.
Only direct personal experience can convince at this stage of history.
Excellent chapter. I loved how you tackled this question from a very personal and honest point of view.
As a Muslims, I would take my hat off for Sarah Coakley, the way she tried to penetrate Robert Lawrence Kuhn position.
Great show, thank you for making this
Believing starts where knowing ends.
I think this episode pretty much boils down all the others because, after all, isn’t this at the crux of all your other questions? I can totally identify the pickle you find yourself in, because I am in the same pickle. Having gone from Roman Catholicism to fundamentalist biblical inerrantist, to a deep state of questioning, I find the answers elusive at best. At the age of 65, I have come to the conclusion that any further inquiry will not produce certainty. I find the comforts of belief very seductive, but my mind works toward seeking truth. I find it untenable to believe in something, no matter how comforting, if it is not true. The claims of faith based religions, in my present state of mind, have great difficulty in showing that they are even remotely true, try as I may to believe that they are.
Be still and you shall know God.
Ppl who have actually known God, or the universe or themselves, whatever you wanna call it, found it by becoming still.
I have like you pondered for ever, read tons of books, spent perhaps years contemplating it in my mind, but like you i find myself in the same pickle.
That is why perhaps our whole approach is wrong and being still is where the answer lies.
I have recently started meditation and it’s the hardest thing I have ever tried, and it is perhaps because I’m wayyyyy to analytical.
But I am going to keep trying because questions never got me anywhere.
It’s time to stop asking questions and try to achieve stillness.
It is humbling to accept that truth is something we can never fully grasp, the set of all things true, we get glimpses of it through our humanity. My hope is that truth has made for us a path into itself within our humanity. So it is never that we can find it but that it has moved to be revealed as it can be found, so that we may seek it within and outside of us, sustaining everything. I know I can’t reach the truth on my own, but truth can always reach me by grace.
Use your mind and reason and logic, and you shall be set free from religion
I'm wondering if we even have free will to believe. Let's think that statement through with some silly examples. You tell me I go to Hell when I die if I DON'T believe in Bigfoot. That scares me, so I try with all my might to believe that this Bigfoot exists & is my personal lord & savior. Can I really ever get my brain to believe that? Can you force yourself to believe something absurd? 🤔 Therefore, do you really have free will to believe just anything? I think you don't. You can only get yourself to believe things that your brain can accept as factual based on some evidence. If your brain does not see sufficient evidence, the closest you can come to belief is to work yourself up into a state of delusion. You can't call such a state true belief. I'm making an argument we have almost no control over what we believe, yet Christians are telling us we go to Hell for failure to force ourselves to believe specific things prior to death. If I'm correct & also Christians are correct, we have no control over our own destiny. Therefore we don't really have free will. What will become of our souls has already been decided by someone other than us. Where am I wrong with this logic?
i feel sorry for mr. kuhn. i admire him greatly for his intelligence, skill, knowledge and accomplishments in life - to name a few but his quest cannot and will not ever have an ending to his satisfaction. perhaps, paradoxically, that is better for him because if he does find what he is seeking-who will and who can satisfactorily confirm it for him-and how? - then what would be next? --- still, after all that, it has been quite a great learning experience for me and i am very grateful to him.
Love Kuhns work. Great channel. 👍🏽💪🏽🔥🔥🔥
To me conflicting religions are just an example of how the same energy is expressed in multiple ways, just like in art. A fruit bowl can be expressed in multiple ways in a painting. They all point to the same fruit bowl, but seen and realized in many different ways
“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.”
― Isaac Newton
Newton was an astonishing physicist, but a poor anatomist. The quote implies that one must think with a full heart to believe in God, but what Newton misses here is that one should think with one's BRAIN.
It is a good thing he is remembered for what he did as a scientist.
Rob LoveStar That’s not what the word half-heartedly
We ought to believe in God, because 1) it is logical - logic is the only global human language 2) Knowledge is not enough to understand things we feel and perceieve around us 3) we all need the calming effect of knowledge and belief. Knowledge and belief is the stepping stones for true human progress. Otherwise, wars will never end. The love of money as a means of power is chocking us all, the poor and the rich.
Why believe in God?
Believing in God has never been compulsory at any time and will never be made compulsory. Indeed, belief in general, about anything, is not compulsory.
It would not be a belief, if it is compulsory. It would be something others may believe in. To pretend you believe in something doesn't mean anything but a lie, a show, a pose, pretense, or 'Riya', perhaps for a false vote as in an illusion to gain power.
Belief is like your digestion system. You eat what you want, when you want.
Even babies know what to eat and when. You can't shove food down anybodys' mouth. If you do, they may vomit it out or they may even become ill.
My grandson, who is only four months, squashes the food with his little fingers to taste first. If he likes it, he then opens his mouth.
As a matter of principle, We ought to believe in God, because
1) it is logical - logic is the only global human language everyone should respect. For example, a table would never know who created it. What is created comes with a time limit on it.
2) Knowledge is not enough to understand things we feel and perceive around us. Knowledge only helps us to put our theories to test.
3) We all need the calming effect of knowledge and belief. Knowledge and belief are the stepping stones for true human progress.
"Where are true joys to be found ?"
doesn't lead to the ultimate truth.
People find satisfaction by believing in different things about God and the afterlife (mostly, depending on the geographic location). True joys can be found by stopping the anxiety related to wanting so desperately to find an answer to such big premature questions such as the origin of the universe, some reach the joys by believing in cows as gods, others find it by practicing stoicism. The satisfactory aspect doesn't make the belief an ultimate truth.
The satisfactory aspect doesn't make belief an ultimate truth?
But what about the argument from desire?
Yes, cows, or prophets, or reincarnation, or holy books, or rituals, or a care taking god, or an afterlife...
I have no faith in religions. I am now 65, and I was born to and raised in the Mormon religion (sounds a little crazy? to me it is) I have researched and studied and read about modern physics for about 35 years (not a real physicist) . I have come to a somewhat personal conclusion (maybe hypothesis?) that the fundamental basis of the universe is consciousness. Not a theory just my present idea.
@@goldentwilight1944 Well, many people don't desire the existence of a God, and desiring God's existence can be linked to survival, it doesn't prove the existence of a God.
And I personally don't know how does the survival advantage of believing in a God proves its existence. I find this claim nonsensical (and if I'm wrong, enlighten me).
For me, Even though I have a religious background, I no longer find myself desiring the existence of a God after I started putting my thoughts under the rational lens. I was influenced before by my environment, that doesn't mean it's an innate desire. Now, I have the desire to know all the secrets of our existence including the origin of our universe due to my insatiable curiosity but that doesn't mean I have (or even want) to use the joker card : "God" that many use, to have an immediate relieving answer to my questions. There can be many other possible alternatives that my mind wouldn't simply completely ignore due to the fact that we still ignore a lot about our existence and universe to jump into premature conclusions.
What I'm trying to say is that there isn't really an innate desire for God's existence because many don't have it, and many others experience it differently and if you put your thoughts under the microscope and discover the cognitive biases people are trapped in to believe confidently that God (whatever the definition one uses) is the ultimate truth about our universe' existence, would you still think that the premise used in the argument from desire is true ?
@@bonesjones3421 I have some friends who think that too and they're quite confident about their ideas. Their confidence is puzzling for me.
What made you have that personal conclusion or hypothesis exactly* (I'd prefer a detailed answer) ?
I'm a physics student too but still a novice to understand WELL and properly modern physics.
I watch your shows, Robert, knowing that they don't lead to conclusions usually. Today I had an intuitive realization that (for me) the shows about the existence of a god are the same as the ones about "why something rather than nothing". They each lead to that place where we can't add more data, and we're stuck.
"It seems to me a fundamental dishonesty and fundamental treachery to intellectual integrity to hold a belief because you think it's useful and not because you think it's true" - Bertrand Russell.
Russell also said he deeply hoped there wasn't a God. That's antitheism, not atheism.
Great quote. Thanks for posting.
@Pisstake Someone who hopes there isn't a God isn't objective regarding the likelihood of one. If I recall correctly, Russell's expression of hope was after he'd had what we'd now call a near death experience contained the suggestion that life may not end with death. Perhaps Russell simply found the idea of any form of consciousness cleverer than his own intolerable?
@@borderlands6606 ...Which changes NOTHING about the validity of Russell's statement. Whether something is true or not IS the acid test for whether to believe in it or not. Fortunately, we remember Isaac Newton for his scientific accomplishments...
@J w Just another bullshit assertion. You don't know any particular person's reason for feeling what they do until they say why. Stop being butthurt that other people see things differently than you . You have zero evidence. ZERO. We are interested in the arguments, and making our own points about them. It is what the comments section is for. Get over it.
I don't know but I choose to believe because it makes sense to my little brain that there is something way bigger, way smarter out there to give meaning to everything that I can see and I cannot see.
The first lady in this episode presumes that non-belief in God necessarily entails fear of death. But what is there to be afraid of about death if it just means the absence of life? The absence of life, it seems to me, entails the absence of fear. Eternal life, on the other hand, could involve the everlasting possibility of fear, which, to me at least, is a very frightening idea. I don't believe in God and I am not afraid of death - not my own, at any rate. The prospect of the deaths of those near and dear to me is frightening only because I may be alive to experience them. Once I am dead nothing can harm me. I like being alive; but eternal life? No thank you!