I feel that I need to destroy this stereotype of Irish people being red/ginger. Only about 9% of Irish people are red-haired. Irish people are mostly dark-haired with blue eyes.
Awesome. I usually feel the need to destroy the stereotype that Mexicans with red hair are Irish! Our Spanish ancestors were also Celtiberians/Celtic in the ancient past. People should know the truth!
As a flaming redhead who is still asked when my family came over I second this… I’m half Norwegian and not at all Irish 🤷🏻♀️ BUT… Ireland does have one of the top 5 percentages of natural born redheads in the world along with Scotland, the USA etc. etc.
Hi, Dutchie here, I can track back my ancestry back to 1440. My ancestors all lived in the north east of the Netherlands. My DNA result is 93,2% English, 5,8% Scandinavian and 1% Middle East. The English is solely due to fact that the English are Anglo- Saxon, angles from Denmark en Saxon from North east Germany / north East Netherlands. So Zach is very Dutch 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Alot of Flemish have migrated to England aswell throughout history, there is even a place in Pembrokeshire known as Little England Beyond Wales and they are mostly of Flemish descent. Even where I live in the English Midlands there are alot of families with anglicanised Flemish names, there is even a family in my village with the surname Holland and have been here a very long time. Genetically English and Dutch people are basically the same, a mixture of Germanic and Celtic and descended from very similar Germanic peoples like Frisians, Franks, Saxons and Norse.
My DNA results didn’t surprise me too much. I’m more Scottish than I expected. However, I was shocked to discover that my Mom’s first husband was not my biological father and that I had a half sister and 3 half brothers I didn’t know about - not to mention a father I never heard about.
Not all Irish are redhead ... They also have dark hair, blonde hair and they have blue eyes, dark eyes and green eyes. Same everywhere in Europe but there are just different percentages of blonde hair, dark hair, blue/brown/green/honey eyes in fonction of the country (if it's located northern or southern Europe) 😉 My friends in Sweden have almost all dark hair and one third have brown eyes 😉 And I have a Spanish friend who gas blonde hair with blue eyes 🙂
Hi you guys. After I watched Austin and Cam do their MyHeritage DNA kits, I ordered one and mine said that I am 64.1% English, 32.5% Scandinavian, 1.9% Italian and 1.5% Iberian. It also said that I have over 15,000 distant relatives. I didn't write down the exact number. I have to say that this is kind of neat. Thanks for doing this. Hugs to you all. Take care!
Not all Irish are redhead ... They also have dark hair, blonde hair and they have blue eyes, dark eyes and green eyes. Same everywhere in Europe but there are just different percentages of blonde hair, dark hair, blue/brown/green/honey eyes in fonction of the country (if it's located northern or southern Europe) 😉 My friends in Sweden have almost all dark hair (but the girls tend to have a much higher percentage of blonde (and lighter blonde) because of hair dye) and one third have brown eyes, one with amazing honey/copperish eyes, one with green eyes and the rest of them blue eyes 😉 And I have a Spanish friend who has blonde hair with blue eyes 🙂
As a genealogist, I can say often times the paper trail and the DNA does not match. People moved around, and borders changed constantly. Also, the DNA only goes back a certain amount so it is possible at one time your family was where the paper trail came from. We also need to remember that some countries do not test as much as others and in some countries such as France it is against the law to take a DNA test. For example, Louis Monet (made up name) is french and his whole family lived in France. Louis goes to England and meets an English woman who he falls in love with and marries. He brings her back to France and they have a son Hugo Monet. in Hugo's lifetime the borders switch and a german city becomes a French city he meets a woman who lives in the city that was formerly German and he falls in love and marries her, they stay in France and they have a son Andre Monet. Andre meets a woman from Ireland and marries her, they settle in France and have a son Paul Monet. And so on and so forth. By the time it gets to you, the paper trail says your family is from France, and your last name says you are obviously French, however, your DNA shows no French because of how far back your actual French ancestor was. It doesn't mean your family isn't French, it just means you personally have not inherited the French DNA. Also, the tests from different websites are different because they go off their own base of DNA findings. If you took an Ancestry or 23andme test you will come up with a different percentage and or different area of ancestry. For example, my DNA findings on Ancestry say I am 28% England & Northwestern Europe, which includes England, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, 20% Germanic, which includes Germany, Austria, Switzerland, 19% Scotland, which includes Northern Ireland, 15% Northern Italy, 6% Southern Italy, 12% Iberian. While MyHeritage says I am 41% English, 25% Eastern European, 12% Iberian, 8% Italian, 1% Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and 13% West Asian. Ancestry DNA results follow my paper trail more so than the MyHeritage does. My paternal grandfather is 100% Italian and my father is 50% Italian so Ancestry showing I am about 25% Italian is correct. Also, with your DNA matches, don't go off what the website tells you the relation is. Go off the cM's you share with the match. The website will only give you an estimation.
We covered DNA and genetics in Biology at school (England) and 35% of English people are estimated to carry the ginger gene. In addition, Scotland has the most Ginger's per percentage of the population than any other country. As for people connecting ginger's with Ireland, it's true that they have many, especially if you add in the Leprechauns 😊
For what it’s worth, from my experience (have been working with dna testing for genetic genealogy for my extended family for close to 10 years) MyHeritage’s (a newer company) ethnicity estimates are a bit less refined and prone to error than some of the DNA testing giants like Ancestry and 23andMe that have had more time to refine the estimates. So with MyHeritage it’s not unusual for the estimate to be off somewhat in either amount or exact location. So the ‘missing Dutch’ for the guy on the left may just be lumped in with the English estimate as those are very similar DNA wise.
So after Cam and Austin did theirs my husband and I ordered our dna kits from my heritage and we were shocked especially by my husbands results. We both thought we were mainly English, Irish, German, and Native American. My results were 82.4% English 11.3% Irish Scottish and welsh 3.9% Greek and south Italian 1.2% ashkenazi Jewish 1.2% Balkan My husbands results were 45.7% Scandinavian 17.7% English 13.9% east European 12.7% Italian 4% North African 1% Nigerian Needless to say both he and I and our parents were shocked by the results!
Ok so before I start watching the video I just have to say that just 2-3 days ago I was watching a men Men Try video ( I’m a new subscriber to both channels😊) the one where you and Austin did the My Heritage DNA test, and I was thinking to myself like “Man, I hope they do this on Five’s A Crowd” and you did! I’m so excited for this, I’m super into like genealogy and so this is gonna be so much fun to watch😃 I’m especially excited to find out if my guesses have been right😆
Fascinating results. I could have guessed all those tbh, maybe in a different order at worst. My results were these: 54% Native American 2% Inuit/Alaskan 42% Iberian Not that surprised to be honest but it's always fun to find out what you are.
Keep in mind, those results will change. I was 58% Scandinavian and 10% Irish/Scottish. Now 53% English/Northwestern European and 33% Scottish. The more time goes by the more in depth the research goes.
I’m wondering if that’s another reason I should wait to have my DNA tested. I know that more people doing the tests is what makes them more accurate, though.
@@autumnphillips151 buy when have discount ..right now (12 Sept 2023, UTC +8) got discount with price of $39 for end of summer sale..if buy more than 1 will get free shipping
Hi fives a crowd podcast! I research in Swedish genealogy. If you find your Scandinavian ancestors and find if they are Swedish i can help you further back.
I did the DNA test with Ancestry. I have always been told that my grandma on my dad's side of the family was half American Indian. My DNA showed no Indian. But it is fun learning more about all of you! Love and hugs from Norway!
@3:43- LOL, yeah not all redheads come from Ireland lol. Like my grandma is a redhead, and her maiden name is Gillespie. I was always told that was Irish, but for all we know it could be Scottish too lol. I did get my DNA results and 40% comes from the British Isles (including Ireland), so there's still a possibility that my paternal grandma's family (on her father's side) is Scottish lol. FYI, I got my DNA test from 23andMe. It was an early bday present from my brother and sister-in-law. Now it was even MORE fun to compare my brother's and my results because while they were obviously similar enough to establish, "Hey y'all are siblings", there were some major differences in the distribution of those results. I mentioned how I was 40% British/Irish, for my brother that was 16% lol. He was over 60% in German/French, I was 45% of that. Everything else was spread out against mostly Northern Europe (no Southern Europe in there). And a trace amount of African (my dad's family lived in the Southern US states pre-Revolutionary war, so that doesn't surprise me, the African nations were western). Growing up, I always KNEW I was French, British, and German (was told I was Irish), due to the family historians in my own family. I just always wanted a DNA test done to see the percentages and to see if anything else popped up since my dad's family has been in the US before it was founded (my mom's family came in between the 1840s and 1900s).
A) My mom's family names (and locations) were Netherlands: VanWesten, Staat, Groot & Reidenga. Her dna came back with Germany & Scotland! She was totally blindsided, like Zack. B) I'm a ginger with 2 brunette parents. The mutated Ginger gene is recessive- so both my parents had the gene and that's how i got the red hair/pale skin. My bro is a tan, dark haired god lol He's Colin Farrell and I'm Conan O'Brien. :(
I did the Family Search thing too. I have a lot of the same famous relatives as Zach and Cam. Almost everybody they mentioned are also in my family tree.
3rd to 4th cousin is a relationship range, the algorithm cant tell exactly how you are related so you can do the genealogy research to find out how you are exactly related.
MyheritageDNA does give extra Scandinavian and Spanish to your background. To be sure count the Spanish and Scandinavian cousins. Can do another video with 23andMe or Family Tree DNA. Funny video.
When you talked about being related, the truth is that we're all related if you go back enough generations. I'm about 40% English/Irish/Welsh, about 40% Middle Eastern and 16% Italian, according to my Ancestry DNA. I don't know where the Italian came from because my mom's side of the family doesn't have any. My biological dad is Iranian, so we think the Italian comes from his side somewhere.🤗😘
MyHeritage is not 100% accurate and also he should compare with other Dutch to see what they get. They most probably get a similar breakdown. He should test with 23&Me as they have refined their results over the years. No on these tests will get Dutch but only Dutch Genetic Groups as there is not category just for Dutch. All of the people above get Irish, Scottish and Welsh yet get no Genetic Groups from those areas so unless they have ancestry from that area it's most probably just part of the ancestry composition but not genuine.
If you test with different companies, you get vastly different results. My ancestry and my my heritage are completely different. In fact they couldn’t be less alike. If you are really serious about this I recommend taking that approach. In fact I would go with Ancestry first. They allow you to download your dna data and you can upload your dna data to all the companies that allow that for free. It’s the same sample just analyzed by different algorithms. You will have larger numbers of people to compare to. You DNA estimates will forever changing because they are estimates.
Finland isn't in scandinavia. It will show up separately in these tests :) as we saw on Chris, welcome to the Finnish family for the two of you! This was fun to watch.
I can't remember the percentages off hand because it was years ago but my DNA from Ancestry came back majority European which I expected. I'm English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, French, German. The Norwegian was more of a surprise though some family trees lead towards Vikings in our ancestry.
im planning to do this, i took the CRI genetics test, i just ordered this ancestry test. Ive always wanted to look at my heritage background. plus me and my younger sister are trying to find out if shes my fullblooded or half blooded sibling (CRI doesnt show you who you are related to so thats why im getting this one). our mom thinks that her dad is my dads cousin cause she had a thing with him there for a while (until his death by car accident) so me and her are doing some sherlock holmsing.
I don't need to know by a DNA test. My genealogy is quite extensive. Although I'm mainly English, Scottish, and Irish...my ancestry takes me all over Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. I did my family tree using the genealogy collected from many family members, which led to books about our family. James Garfield is my 2nd cousin, 4x removed. Removed is the number of generations.
I did mine thru Ancestry ages ago. The percentages are always changing. When I first got my results it said I was like 1% Jewish. I quickly realized where that came from (there's actually a book series about my Jewish ancestors. They escaped the inquisition). When I told my grandmother my results she was like "No way are we Jewish!" (it was on her side). Fortunatly one of my uncle's had done it as well and got 3% Jewish... so Im like "But your son is too!" *lol*
Prince William and Harry have part Indian blood, from India, from his mother's side. They have an ancestor in the 17th or 18th century that married an Indian woman and brought her back to the UK. The British ruled India for a over a century.
You Brits were pretty late compared to us with Spanish ancestry. My ancestor founded Santa Fe de Nuevo México in 1598. Mexico already had a printing press, university, vineyards, cathedrals, etc when the pilgrims landed. Mexican silver was prized in the 13 colonies, and the dollar (Dólar) symbol ‘$’ was Spanish/Mexican before it was adopted by the U.S.
If you've irish, the Scandinavian DNA could well come from either the vikings coming to Ireland before Brian Boru defeated them or more likely through tbe Anglo Norman invasions. The Norman, were tbe Vikings ancestors who had settled in northern France and then invaded England first, and then Ireland 100 years later after becoming the 'Anglo Nornans '
About the Viking who "founded" Russia is not quite correct. He did not found, but was called to reign in the already existing Slavic settlements. He reigned in Novgorod, not in Kiev. His descendants came to Kiev. :)
My brother & sister in law, my mom and my husband and I just did AncestryDNA. I’m 52% Ireland, 13% Eastern Europe & Russia (Ukrainians in Eastern Europe), 13% England & Northern Europe, 6% France, 6% Scotland, 2% Norway, 2% European Jewish, indigenous Americas - North 1% & Finland 1%. My brother and I share 45-52% of DNA we even have small percentages that the other doesn’t (he got more my mom and I got more my dad) and my mom shares 50% with each of us.
Can I make a suggestion that you guys also do a test through Ancestry ... I have tested through both and I do find ancestry to be a bit more accurate but both are good to test through to get a clearer picture . For example, I am roughly half Irish, Scottish and Welsh and ancestry DNA showed this result yet myheritage came back that I was only 7.9% which I know is very innacurate so you may be surprised by what Ancestry DNA tells you.
I am related to John Adams and John Quincy Adams and Grover Cleveland and The inventor of the TV. Philo Taylor Farnsworth (who was Mormon) It is fun to see who we are related to.
@@lorriemiller6750 supposedly I was supposed to be related to The Adam's presidents on my mom's side of the family but I found them through my dad's side LOL.
I wish i could post pics because the men in my family look just like dude with red hair and funny i always say im so white im see through and im 62 percent english
They are mostly German Whites in general everywhere have some red. It's a recessive gene so can pop up spontaneously if it's on both sides of your family tree.
The English actually came from Scandinavia. The Anglo and saxon "axe men" come from the same area the vikings came from. England means "Anglo land". The anglos were viking before the Viking era. Theyre the ones that gave the romans a hard time when they conquered Britain at the time. The anglos were rading roman Britain. When the romans left the anglos moved in to britian. They were still pagan. Then with Christianity the Anglo atarted to relax and got raided by their cousins the Vikings. Lol❤ You can say that after the Romans left Britain became viking history. Iriland also has a Viking history😊
Wikitree is the site where you can find connections to famous people. I am a member. You can get our genealogists to research your family if you wish. Let me know if you guys are interested and i can put you in touch with someone to get it started.
I did mine with Ancestry and I have a lot of Mormon Pioneers in my family and my side of the family is not even Mormon . Some had been Quaker, Methodist, Mennonite. Maybe you just did not get Dutch even if you have family that is. I have a lot of other related that it says I did not get.
30:13 Sir, this **was** Mexico. Half of the US wouldn’t be the US if not for a fraudulent war. In addition to the land being stolen, the “dollar” symbol '$' was Spanish and Mexican first (Dólar). Americans stole half of the land mass of Mexico/New Spain and the money sign as well as the name "Dólar", but also the "gold pan" which was originally the 'batea', mining techniques, cattle ranching, sheep farming, irrigation systems, etc etc.
It is easy to explain because Dutch DNA does not exist. DNA goes back thousands of years when the Netherlands was still a sea. Our Dutch DNA comes from the same pool you descend from. I am a Dutchman hundreds of years ago, but my DNA tells me as a Dutchman 63.4% Scandinavian and 34.6% North European German tribes Engenland French. So there is no real Dutch DNA. We come from the surrounding countries because the Netherlands was actually just the seabed at the time.
seen as though all ye have Scandinavian and Irish/Scottish/Welsh ye could be related to each other or even have some same relatives. Irish and Scottish are known as cousins. Unfortunately I'm on Ancestry so I can't see if I'm related to any of ye.
I feel that I need to destroy this stereotype of Irish people being red/ginger. Only about 9% of Irish people are red-haired. Irish people are mostly dark-haired with blue eyes.
Awesome. I usually feel the need to destroy the stereotype that Mexicans with red hair are Irish! Our Spanish ancestors were also Celtiberians/Celtic in the ancient past. People should know the truth!
As a flaming redhead who is still asked when my family came over I second this… I’m half Norwegian and not at all Irish 🤷🏻♀️
BUT… Ireland does have one of the top 5 percentages of natural born redheads in the world along with Scotland, the USA etc. etc.
There are Africans with red hair and others with blonde hair. I saw a black man in Kansas city with blue eyes.
@@whyaskwhybuddryno there not African Americans are mixed with a lot of European ancestry
There more redheads in Scotland then in Ireland almost 15 %
Hi, Dutchie here, I can track back my ancestry back to 1440. My ancestors all lived in the north east of the Netherlands. My DNA result is 93,2% English, 5,8% Scandinavian and 1% Middle East. The English is solely due to fact that the English are Anglo- Saxon, angles from Denmark en Saxon from North east Germany / north East Netherlands. So Zach is very Dutch 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Alot of Flemish have migrated to England aswell throughout history, there is even a place in Pembrokeshire known as Little England Beyond Wales and they are mostly of Flemish descent.
Even where I live in the English Midlands there are alot of families with anglicanised Flemish names, there is even a family in my village with the surname Holland and have been here a very long time.
Genetically English and Dutch people are basically the same, a mixture of Germanic and Celtic and descended from very similar Germanic peoples like Frisians, Franks, Saxons and Norse.
This was awesome!
My DNA results didn’t surprise me too much. I’m more Scottish than I expected. However, I was shocked to discover that my Mom’s first husband was not my biological father and that I had a half sister and 3 half brothers I didn’t know about - not to mention a father I never heard about.
Genetics are amazing. Migration was amazing. The mixing pool made us who we are.❤
I love these dna test videos! Are Ladies and Lattes also going to do the dna test too? This is a great episode!!
Not all Irish are redhead ... They also have dark hair, blonde hair and they have blue eyes, dark eyes and green eyes.
Same everywhere in Europe but there are just different percentages of blonde hair, dark hair, blue/brown/green/honey eyes in fonction of the country (if it's located northern or southern Europe) 😉 My friends in Sweden have almost all dark hair and one third have brown eyes 😉 And I have a Spanish friend who gas blonde hair with blue eyes 🙂
I would agree with the Swedish. From my Family in Sweden they all have darker Hair than the German relatives from my husband.
Most people don't know this but more Scottish people have red hair than Irish people.
I was looking forward to this video all week and it was so worth it!!!! Thank you guys so much!!!
If you didn't already know, you can also scan for friends near you and see if you are all related.
Hi you guys. After I watched Austin and Cam do their MyHeritage DNA kits, I ordered one and mine said that I am 64.1% English, 32.5% Scandinavian, 1.9% Italian and 1.5% Iberian. It also said that I have over 15,000 distant relatives. I didn't write down the exact number. I have to say that this is kind of neat. Thanks for doing this. Hugs to you all. Take care!
Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English... I’d say you’re all very WISE!
Not all Irish are redhead ... They also have dark hair, blonde hair and they have blue eyes, dark eyes and green eyes.
Same everywhere in Europe but there are just different percentages of blonde hair, dark hair, blue/brown/green/honey eyes in fonction of the country (if it's located northern or southern Europe) 😉 My friends in Sweden have almost all dark hair (but the girls tend to have a much higher percentage of blonde (and lighter blonde) because of hair dye) and one third have brown eyes, one with amazing honey/copperish eyes, one with green eyes and the rest of them blue eyes 😉 And I have a Spanish friend who has blonde hair with blue eyes 🙂
As a genealogist, I can say often times the paper trail and the DNA does not match. People moved around, and borders changed constantly.
Also, the DNA only goes back a certain amount so it is possible at one time your family was where the paper trail came from. We also need to remember that some countries do not test as much as others and in some countries such as France it is against the law to take a DNA test.
For example, Louis Monet (made up name) is french and his whole family lived in France. Louis goes to England and meets an English woman who he falls in love with and marries. He brings her back to France and they have a son Hugo Monet. in Hugo's lifetime the borders switch and a german city becomes a French city he meets a woman who lives in the city that was formerly German and he falls in love and marries her, they stay in France and they have a son Andre Monet. Andre meets a woman from Ireland and marries her, they settle in France and have a son Paul Monet. And so on and so forth. By the time it gets to you, the paper trail says your family is from France, and your last name says you are obviously French, however, your DNA shows no French because of how far back your actual French ancestor was. It doesn't mean your family isn't French, it just means you personally have not inherited the French DNA.
Also, the tests from different websites are different because they go off their own base of DNA findings. If you took an Ancestry or 23andme test you will come up with a different percentage and or different area of ancestry. For example, my DNA findings on Ancestry say I am 28% England & Northwestern Europe, which includes England, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, 20% Germanic, which includes Germany, Austria, Switzerland, 19% Scotland, which includes Northern Ireland, 15% Northern Italy, 6% Southern Italy, 12% Iberian.
While MyHeritage says I am 41% English, 25% Eastern European, 12% Iberian, 8% Italian, 1% Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and 13% West Asian.
Ancestry DNA results follow my paper trail more so than the MyHeritage does. My paternal grandfather is 100% Italian and my father is 50% Italian so Ancestry showing I am about 25% Italian is correct.
Also, with your DNA matches, don't go off what the website tells you the relation is. Go off the cM's you share with the match. The website will only give you an estimation.
We covered DNA and genetics in Biology at school (England) and 35% of English people are estimated to carry the ginger gene. In addition, Scotland has the most Ginger's per percentage of the population than any other country. As for people connecting ginger's with Ireland, it's true that they have many, especially if you add in the Leprechauns 😊
For what it’s worth, from my experience (have been working with dna testing for genetic genealogy for my extended family for close to 10 years) MyHeritage’s (a newer company) ethnicity estimates are a bit less refined and prone to error than some of the DNA testing giants like Ancestry and 23andMe that have had more time to refine the estimates. So with MyHeritage it’s not unusual for the estimate to be off somewhat in either amount or exact location. So the ‘missing Dutch’ for the guy on the left may just be lumped in with the English estimate as those are very similar DNA wise.
Wow! So cool to have so many close friends! Hope they stay friends for life!
I would be interested to see how 23&Me compares to this test.
This ☝🏻23&me tends to break things down more.
I can't believe how long it took these five men to get thru this session.
This was so much fun. Such good sports about it!! This is the best part of America!
Yep a bunch of white guys discovering they are white😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So after Cam and Austin did theirs my husband and I ordered our dna kits from my heritage and we were shocked especially by my husbands results. We both thought we were mainly English, Irish, German, and Native American.
My results were
82.4% English
11.3% Irish Scottish and welsh
3.9% Greek and south Italian
1.2% ashkenazi Jewish
1.2% Balkan
My husbands results were
45.7% Scandinavian
17.7% English
13.9% east European
12.7% Italian
4% North African
1% Nigerian
Needless to say both he and I and our parents were shocked by the results!
I’ve been waiting on this one!
Ok so before I start watching the video I just have to say that just 2-3 days ago I was watching a men Men Try video ( I’m a new subscriber to both channels😊) the one where you and Austin did the My Heritage DNA test, and I was thinking to myself like “Man, I hope they do this on Five’s A Crowd” and you did! I’m so excited for this, I’m super into like genealogy and so this is gonna be so much fun to watch😃 I’m especially excited to find out if my guesses have been right😆
Fascinating results. I could have guessed all those tbh, maybe in a different order at worst.
My results were these:
54% Native American
2% Inuit/Alaskan
42% Iberian
Not that surprised to be honest but it's always fun to find out what you are.
My great great grandfather came to Canada from France but my family has very little french DNA. Its pretty cool to discover yourself 😊
I've always wanted to see someone send off the same DNA testing again to see if they come back the exact same
I've tested with 3 different companies and got roughly the same results.
Keep in mind, those results will change. I was 58% Scandinavian and 10% Irish/Scottish. Now 53% English/Northwestern European and 33% Scottish.
The more time goes by the more in depth the research goes.
I’m wondering if that’s another reason I should wait to have my DNA tested. I know that more people doing the tests is what makes them more accurate, though.
@@autumnphillips151 buy when have discount ..right now (12 Sept 2023, UTC +8) got discount with price of $39 for end of summer sale..if buy more than 1 will get free shipping
My family that was from the Netherlands was actually english as well.. They lived in exile in the Netherlands due to religion.
MyHeritage does tend to read Dutch as English or Scandinavian a lot of the time, the new update now has a Dutch ethnicity specifically
This made me want to take up my own research again. 😊
Hi fives a crowd podcast! I research in Swedish genealogy. If you find your Scandinavian ancestors and find if they are Swedish i can help you further back.
I did the DNA test with Ancestry. I have always been told that my grandma on my dad's side of the family was half American Indian. My DNA showed no Indian. But it is fun learning more about all of you! Love and hugs from Norway!
@3:43- LOL, yeah not all redheads come from Ireland lol. Like my grandma is a redhead, and her maiden name is Gillespie. I was always told that was Irish, but for all we know it could be Scottish too lol. I did get my DNA results and 40% comes from the British Isles (including Ireland), so there's still a possibility that my paternal grandma's family (on her father's side) is Scottish lol. FYI, I got my DNA test from 23andMe. It was an early bday present from my brother and sister-in-law. Now it was even MORE fun to compare my brother's and my results because while they were obviously similar enough to establish, "Hey y'all are siblings", there were some major differences in the distribution of those results. I mentioned how I was 40% British/Irish, for my brother that was 16% lol. He was over 60% in German/French, I was 45% of that. Everything else was spread out against mostly Northern Europe (no Southern Europe in there). And a trace amount of African (my dad's family lived in the Southern US states pre-Revolutionary war, so that doesn't surprise me, the African nations were western).
Growing up, I always KNEW I was French, British, and German (was told I was Irish), due to the family historians in my own family. I just always wanted a DNA test done to see the percentages and to see if anything else popped up since my dad's family has been in the US before it was founded (my mom's family came in between the 1840s and 1900s).
This was so fun to watch! Thanks!
I find etymology of surnames fascinating!
❤ from the English pig. 👍🏴
I haven't heard the movie quote" I'm from Holland isn't that verid" in a hot minute. Thanks for the nostalgia!
This was lots of fun
Awkward at times but so much fun!😂😂😂😂😂 Five’s not a crowd, it’s a PARTY! 😉😎🤓🌎🌍🌏
I wish you guys could implement pictures on the screen. Would be cool to see what you're seeing too
That was fun to watch!
A) My mom's family names (and locations) were Netherlands: VanWesten, Staat, Groot & Reidenga. Her dna came back with Germany & Scotland! She was totally blindsided, like Zack. B) I'm a ginger with 2 brunette parents. The mutated Ginger gene is recessive- so both my parents had the gene and that's how i got the red hair/pale skin. My bro is a tan, dark haired god lol He's Colin Farrell and I'm Conan O'Brien. :(
I did the Family Search thing too. I have a lot of the same famous relatives as Zach and Cam. Almost everybody they mentioned are also in my family tree.
This is my new podcast for when I'm gardening now 😊
3rd to 4th cousin is a relationship range, the algorithm cant tell exactly how you are related so you can do the genealogy research to find out how you are exactly related.
lol basically a panel of the descendants of the british 🤝🤣
MyheritageDNA does give extra Scandinavian and Spanish to your background. To be sure count the Spanish and Scandinavian cousins.
Can do another video with 23andMe or Family Tree DNA. Funny video.
When you talked about being related, the truth is that we're all related if you go back enough generations. I'm about 40% English/Irish/Welsh, about 40% Middle Eastern and 16% Italian, according to my Ancestry DNA. I don't know where the Italian came from because my mom's side of the family doesn't have any. My biological dad is Iranian, so we think the Italian comes from his side somewhere.🤗😘
Bless his heart, I think Zach was upset with his. Maybe not upset but blown away.
Good morning huggers! Love!❤😊❤
The kits are on sale right now for Easter in case anybody is interested.
I just ordered my DNA kit!
Your Dutch is in your English component, as many Brits score Dutch on gedmatch!
MyHeritage is not 100% accurate and also he should compare with other Dutch to see what they get. They most probably get a similar breakdown. He should test with 23&Me as they have refined their results over the years. No on these tests will get Dutch but only Dutch Genetic Groups as there is not category just for Dutch. All of the people above get Irish, Scottish and Welsh yet get no Genetic Groups from those areas so unless they have ancestry from that area it's most probably just part of the ancestry composition but not genuine.
You should do this again but with AncestryDNA 😃
If you test with different companies, you get vastly different results. My ancestry and my my heritage are completely different. In fact they couldn’t be less alike. If you are really serious about this I recommend taking that approach. In fact I would go with Ancestry first. They allow you to download your dna data and you can upload your dna data to all the companies that allow that for free. It’s the same sample just analyzed by different algorithms. You will have larger numbers of people to compare to. You DNA estimates will forever changing because they are estimates.
I'm 43% England and Northwestern Europe. 28% Scotland 19% France 5% Wales 3% Norway and 2% Ireland
Finland isn't in scandinavia. It will show up separately in these tests :) as we saw on Chris, welcome to the Finnish family for the two of you! This was fun to watch.
I can't remember the percentages off hand because it was years ago but my DNA from Ancestry came back majority European which I expected. I'm English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, French, German. The Norwegian was more of a surprise though some family trees lead towards Vikings in our ancestry.
Yall should try the other DNA companies and compare them to each other
im planning to do this, i took the CRI genetics test, i just ordered this ancestry test. Ive always wanted to look at my heritage background. plus me and my younger sister are trying to find out if shes my fullblooded or half blooded sibling (CRI doesnt show you who you are related to so thats why im getting this one). our mom thinks that her dad is my dads cousin cause she had a thing with him there for a while (until his death by car accident) so me and her are doing some sherlock holmsing.
So zach little history the Scandinavian comes from vikings that actually invaded England or france then England
i want his dad to take the dna test and find out if he really is dutch XD
All were surprising
I don't need to know by a DNA test. My genealogy is quite extensive. Although I'm mainly English, Scottish, and Irish...my ancestry takes me all over Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.
I did my family tree using the genealogy collected from many family members, which led to books about our family. James Garfield is my 2nd cousin, 4x removed.
Removed is the number of generations.
I did mine thru Ancestry ages ago. The percentages are always changing. When I first got my results it said I was like 1% Jewish. I quickly realized where that came from (there's actually a book series about my Jewish ancestors. They escaped the inquisition). When I told my grandmother my results she was like "No way are we Jewish!" (it was on her side). Fortunatly one of my uncle's had done it as well and got 3% Jewish... so Im like "But your son is too!" *lol*
So your all coming to the U.K.????
You need to checkout geneavlogger. Take the ethnicity estimates with a pinch of salt. The dna matches are the real exciting bit.
The last podcast makes more sense. They filmed this before the last one.
Prince William and Harry have part Indian blood, from India, from his mother's side. They have an ancestor in the 17th or 18th century that married an Indian woman and brought her back to the UK. The British ruled India for a over a century.
We Brits were some of the earliest legal settlers in America and Canada. I am English, Scottish, Northern Irish, Northern European.
You Brits were pretty late compared to us with Spanish ancestry. My ancestor founded Santa Fe de Nuevo México in 1598. Mexico already had a printing press, university, vineyards, cathedrals, etc when the pilgrims landed. Mexican silver was prized in the 13 colonies, and the dollar (Dólar) symbol ‘$’ was Spanish/Mexican before it was adopted by the U.S.
No you guys were criminal ìnvaders!!!
Welsh- UK.
My nephew uses Wikitree to find possible ancestors.
If you've irish, the Scandinavian DNA could well come from either the vikings coming to Ireland before Brian Boru defeated them or more likely through tbe Anglo Norman invasions. The Norman, were tbe Vikings ancestors who had settled in northern France and then invaded England first, and then Ireland 100 years later after becoming the 'Anglo Nornans '
About the Viking who "founded" Russia is not quite correct. He did not found, but was called to reign in the already existing Slavic settlements. He reigned in Novgorod, not in Kiev. His descendants came to Kiev. :)
Austin, you should request, that Jess and Holly do that DNA TEST on Ladies and Lattes
My brother & sister in law, my mom and my husband and I just did AncestryDNA. I’m 52% Ireland, 13% Eastern Europe & Russia (Ukrainians in Eastern Europe), 13% England & Northern Europe, 6% France, 6% Scotland, 2% Norway, 2% European Jewish, indigenous Americas - North 1% & Finland 1%. My brother and I share 45-52% of DNA we even have small percentages that the other doesn’t (he got more my mom and I got more my dad) and my mom shares 50% with each of us.
Can I make a suggestion that you guys also do a test through Ancestry ... I have tested through both and I do find ancestry to be a bit more accurate but both are good to test through to get a clearer picture .
For example, I am roughly half Irish, Scottish and Welsh and ancestry DNA showed this result yet myheritage came back that I was only 7.9% which I know is very innacurate so you may be surprised by what Ancestry DNA tells you.
All 5 of you guys have Scandinavian in your DNA. You guys can now start a tribe lol.
Men try…. Trying my heritage? 🤷🏻♀️ food, sports, and traditional drinks 🍺
I am related to John Adams and John Quincy Adams and Grover Cleveland and The inventor of the TV. Philo Taylor Farnsworth (who was Mormon) It is fun to see who we are related to.
Hey Shelly that makes you one of my distant cousins and you will find a lot of the President's are actually related .
@@lorriemiller6750 supposedly I was supposed to be related to The Adam's presidents on my mom's side of the family but I found them through my dad's side LOL.
I wish i could post pics because the men in my family look just like dude with red hair and funny i always say im so white im see through and im 62 percent english
."Baltic" are Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians - not Slavs and not Russians.
Henry II, Richard the Lionheart, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Princess Diana's 3 siblings and son, Harry, are a few English red heads.
They are mostly German
Whites in general everywhere have some red.
It's a recessive gene so can pop up spontaneously if it's on both sides of your family tree.
Scandinavia is only Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Nordic countries adds Finland and Iceland to the mix 🙂
Iceland is Scandinavian
@@Jp-do9ny Haha no.
@@Nekotaku_TV on myheritage it is dingus
97% English 3% Scandinavian ❤ (probably a viking from long long ago) xx
You could all get gedmatch accounts and see who is related.
I am 69% England Northwestern Europe
19% Scotland
6% Ireland
4% Wales
2% Germanic Europe
Everyone is related and African if you go back far enough 😊
Twice removed means its the grandchild of your cousin or you are the grandchild of their cousin.
The English actually came from Scandinavia. The Anglo and saxon "axe men" come from the same area the vikings came from. England means "Anglo land". The anglos were viking before the Viking era. Theyre the ones that gave the romans a hard time when they conquered Britain at the time. The anglos were rading roman Britain. When the romans left the anglos moved in to britian. They were still pagan. Then with Christianity the Anglo atarted to relax and got raided by their cousins the Vikings. Lol❤
You can say that after the Romans left Britain became viking history. Iriland also has a Viking history😊
My kids are:
Puerto Rican
Native American,
I’m pretty sure I’m related to Emma Smith so I’m probably related to Cam and Zach!
My greats Irish and bohemia
Wikitree is the site where you can find connections to famous people. I am a member. You can get our genealogists to research your family if you wish. Let me know if you guys are interested and i can put you in touch with someone to get it started.
Welsh not Welch.
I did mine with Ancestry and I have a lot of Mormon Pioneers in my family and my side of the family is not even Mormon . Some had been Quaker, Methodist, Mennonite. Maybe you just did not get Dutch even if you have family that is. I have a lot of other related that it says I did not get.
My sister looks Chinese but she's only German and Jewish. I would f*****g DIE of laughter and honor if I had any Asian in me. Even .01% lol
Scandinavian is Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Finland is a Nordic land but not a part of Scandinavian.
Greetings from Denmark🇩🇰👍
30:13 Sir, this **was** Mexico. Half of the US wouldn’t be the US if not for a fraudulent war. In addition to the land being stolen, the “dollar” symbol '$' was Spanish and Mexican first (Dólar). Americans stole half of the land mass of Mexico/New Spain and the money sign as well as the name
"Dólar", but also the "gold pan" which was originally the 'batea', mining techniques, cattle ranching, sheep farming, irrigation systems, etc etc.
It is easy to explain because Dutch DNA does not exist. DNA goes back thousands of years when the Netherlands was still a sea. Our Dutch DNA comes from the same pool you descend from. I am a Dutchman hundreds of years ago, but my DNA tells me as a Dutchman 63.4% Scandinavian and 34.6% North European German tribes Engenland French. So there is no real Dutch DNA. We come from the surrounding countries because the Netherlands was actually just the seabed at the time.
Where in this world come from that Spanier's are dark LOL
seen as though all ye have Scandinavian and Irish/Scottish/Welsh ye could be related to each other or even have some same relatives. Irish and Scottish are known as cousins.
Unfortunately I'm on Ancestry so I can't see if I'm related to any of ye.