How to plan your first corneal allogenic intrastromal ring segment "CAIRS" procedures for patients with keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration and post-LASIK ectasia.
Hi. Great question. You can cross link before, at the same time as or any time after CAIRS. In my experience if a patient is already cross linked there is not a reduced benefit from CAIRS.
How much vision improvement can do Cairs
Great thanks sir for sharing this wonderful experience
I ask whether we put the rings before or after cross linking???
With best regards
Hi. Great question. You can cross link before, at the same time as or any time after CAIRS. In my experience if a patient is already cross linked there is not a reduced benefit from CAIRS.
@@drbrendancronin 🌹🌹🌹
Good afternoon Doctor, what will be the eye requirement,, I have thin cornea.. also will you be require to use glasses or will you still use scleral
Can somebody explain to me the difference between een steep K and a flat K?