The "people" number 250,000,000. Surelythere are brilliant minds among that many, ample funds too, to go up against the tiny few the vast majority allow to run them nowadays. Chomsky noted there are 1,000,000 workers who, having gotten a taste of freedom during covid by being forced to work from home who now REFUSE to ever return to those prison like offices. Studies show it costs between $34-$53 DAILY for a person to work anywhere but home. Do the math. Why would anyone be willing to entertain that habitual expense for random strangers profit? Each 1 of us CAN make a difference. That can benefit both ourself and the whole. You dont have to be Superman, Chompsky or Einstein to figure out how and when to make YOUR move.
No actually don't read foucault because if you want something that you can conceptualize and apply Foucault's concept of power is while more accurate in actually defining power, is actually much more difficult to apply.
Ellias Canetti: Masses and Power(or Might); Machiavelli: The Prince; Le Bon: The Masses; although only indirectly linked i would give Sun Tzus: Art of War a go, as it has to do with mass psychology.
Thank you! I think this is the first time I have heard Mr. Chomsky speak about the Troika outside of his talk with Yanis Varoufakis which I've listened to carefully and learned a lot from. And thank you Noam Chomsky!
I've heard him reference the supposed reaction by elites to the "civilizing" and democratizing by the public that went on in the 60s before, but this is the first time I noted his examples. The two examples he gives here at the end are _The Powell Memo_ (1971) and _The Crisis of Democracy- Trilateral Commission_ (1975). After reading the first and part of the latter, I must recommend reading these for yourself. It's truly shocking how little he's exaggerating when he stresses how disturbed elites were by the popular movements and how determined they were to regain control and suppress democratization.
Always heartening and edifying to hear from Mr Chomsky. His command of the facts helps cut through the various confusing ideological positions leading us to a more adult reasoned outlook that we would do well to adopt.
Yes. But he's not perfect. He himself desires an educated (generally speaking) audience. When I heard him speak here in Toronto, he told the audience 'Don't believe me'. Which got their attention. And then he made the important point that you need to question authority and be skeptical. If you believe that he can't be wrong, ever, then what happens when he 'is' wrong?
Arrbyy+ Thats not an issue: Chomsky is never wrong, concider him as God and everything will be fine. I would vote for him if he'd run for "world dictatorship". :-)
I don't think it's a stretch to say that Noam Chomsky's definition of Neo-liberalism is the greatest pathology that humanity has ever had to live through. One might note that there have been past atrocities, which are legitimate, of course. However, Neo-liberalism seeks to ratify, legitimate and mass produce a never-ending chain of horrors. I believe that makes it worse. It is a reveling in that which causes human suffering to occur.
50:30 a study from a swiss university in a newspaper i read about in either november 2012 or 2013 collected publicly available data on companies and their owners and came to the conlcusion that roughly 130 companies do own 90% over 2 million companies world wide. The intertwined state of the shares through mother and daugheter companies often masked that in studies before, but as they put all data in a huge electronic database and connected the dots it turned out that only 130 so to speak mega companies are left and due to blood relations, marriage or just alliances it may be broken down to only 30. It was said that there seems to be a huge pressure for this concentration of corporate wealth and power and due to that massive wealth is concentrated. That lead to a conclusion as a sideeffect of that study which wasn't intentional as they then stated that this would be the biggest threat to democracies worldwide. 1:10:00 Why would the US need educaton, from the perspectives of the owners, when you have 50% of economies world wide under your controll, you just use the things developed somewhere else. 1:14:00 i wonder what he thinks is going on in Bilderberg meetings
@@fernandofisher8489 It was done by "Technischen Hochschule (ETH) Zürich" I found an article from a different newspaper on the same study. It is in german, if you have ways to translate that or can read it even better, but i guess there should be also international responses on this if you do a deep dive into google search.
@@fernandofisher8489 The article says 2011 and 145 companies, thats because it is an ongoing study. The article i read first, was from november 2012 as far as i can remember by now. The original newspaper i readabout this was .
Even though I heard this same talk so many times, I always listen to it because each time he introduces new facts and different people I have never heard of.
I posted this on the neoliberal subreddit (yeah that's a thing), they all insisted this isn't neoliberalism but rather libertarian. Its like listening to a battered wife.
KentAllard - you know, I've majored in political science for 4 years so far and in that time I still can't figure out how people classify themselves. There is so much variety within each group, at what point can one still identify themselves with that group, while still having disagreements?
It's mainly cable news brainwashing...rarely their fault. Neoliberals think they're "good people" who think that all of us have to sacrifice on the fiery altar of state-capitalism to succeed in this world. They have accepted that as the only legitimate reality. Total delusion.
@Oners82 Much like socialism, the average American has no idea what libertarianism is. Plus there's left-libertatianism, which is often seen people like Chomsky, and they really have no party that's relevant in DC politics
I suggested that the Israelis insure the Palestinians & Palestinians insure the Israelis as a disincentive to the killings of innocents. I was attacked on Twitter where I am Transcendian by a Palestinian who said "Nobody will decide for Palestine." I am brought to the conclusion that both sides are inflexible. It likely would take UN forces of Gendarmes in Gaza to keep the peace. For even my disincentive it would likely take the UN forcing them to insure each other. But yah know they have gone on this way my whole life.
In 1973 the Trilateralists met under the chair of David Rockefeller in NYC and stated in The Crisis of Democracy that people were too well-educated and there was an excess of democracy. Expectations were too high. Libertarianism (funded by the Koch brothers - now one - and funnelled through James McGill Buchanan) and Neoliberalism were great covers to rectify that situation. Now the word “freedom” has been co-opted by the alt right as a toxic word meaning selfishness and disregard for communal well-being. One of the other things done was so-called think tanks were established under the Koch brothers Atlas network.
We need to just share these to our friends. All my friends are Republicans and they just don't get what's going on. I beleive most people at their hearts are decent. Everyone can understand what chomskys saying, they just need an oppurtunity.
I was fascinated by the Dwight Eisenhour. 1952 presidential campaign speech quote. "I have no use for those, regardless of their political party, who hold some foolish dream of spinning the clock back to days when unorganised labour was a huddled almost helpless mass. Today, in America, unions have a secure place in our industrial life; only a handful of un-reconstructed reactionaries harbour the ugly thought of breaking unions. Only a fool would try to deprive the working man or woman of the right to join a union of their choice".
Could someone kindly please edit out the introductioniary part, and upload it on RUclips so many could benefit from hearing what Chomskey says instead of skipping it in first few minutes?
Because with Noam Chomsky, you get so engrossed with what he's saying that you wouldn't mind what's going on outside, except of course if you don't belong to that forum
50:40 who owns world's wealth 53:40 buying elections 57:40 mobilise factions for votes 1:07:48 german banks getting back their bad loans 1:09:08 education
As an endless stream of exhaust fumes-belching cars go by just outside the windows. Should have gone with a comprehensive mass transportation system long ago, but the U.S. thought it was better for every person to have their own gas-burning vehicle instead. Cough! Cough!
Oil is life. Get over it. Oil makes everything including Other energy. Only nuclear power will work To 'Zero' carbon goals. Wind and solar and batteries are A joke. In fact anything but oil Is DEMOCIDE like Socialists and Marxists last Century. Green DEMOCIDE.
Neolibralism has infected the US political system on both sides (The Democratic and Republican party) The only difference is the Democratic party advocates increased government spending when it suits their needs. Neolibralism Definition: 1. a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending. 2. Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy. Any objective logical individual can see both parties largely fit these definitions and neither has ever stopped the Neolibralism agenda except for when the bill/policy directly goes against their own interests which is the exception to the norm of solidifying Neolibralist subservience and measures!
I do not understand Noam's term Neo-Liberalism. To my understanding Reagan Conservatism, weakening Govt, weakening Unions growing bank power, i.e. the "problems" are not liberal or new. What is neo-liberalism about Repbulican programs.?
Milton Chapman To my understanding, it's all of that but coming from people who purport to be left wing. Labels are difficult since the overton window is so far shifted to the right.
So you agree with Chomsky when he says of neo-liberalism that "Its not new and it isn't liberalism"? - less lightly there are plenty of books out there that write about neo-liberalism and would explain why Reagan and Thatcher (as examples) were subtle variations of the neoliberal agenda in the political and economic sense. One brief but informative book about neoliberalism is Steger and Roy "neoliberalism: a very short introduction" (part of the Oxford short introductions series).
Milton Chapman Neo-liberalism should be understood as a purely economic term. Those we in the US have called conservatives and neo-conservatives have long espoused neo-liberal economic theory. (See comment by hoogmonster.)
Bernard Popp are you asking for a concise summary of his views? There are videos, and published essays if you want to go in depth, of him talking about it if you google it. That, and you can google for vids, or just wiki, libertarian socialism and anarcho-syndicalism, which are what he subscribes to. ✌🏼
The building, or at least this room is awful to have someone like Noam Chomsky. I want to be 100% focused in what he is saying, but the cars, the people walking and the rest truly distract me.
Perhaps if Psy sang and danced what Chomsky was detailing, 100 million people would watch this and we could take back society from the elite oligarchy.
As a counterpoint, Poland was also subjected to the shock therapy in 1990 (our prime minister was directly advised by Jeffrey Sachs, the author of the concept of shock therapy), and has more or less stuck to neoliberal policies after that. Now, in 2024, the people's standard of living is incomparably higher vs year 1990. The policies have basically worked really well for us.
@@nuvaneducation, like many other government services like the military, do not need to be tax payer funded. the government is not funded by tax money.
It would have been mightily useful, during last year's referendum, to have the voices of Chomsky and Varoufakis speak up for the progressive pro-democracy and anti-neoliberal side for Leave, so that "Brexit" (hate that word) was not viewed almost universally as a reactionary xenophobic kneejerk fit of anger, but rather a rational and moral affirmation of democracy in the face of a global financial technocratic dictatorship. Jus' sayin'.
The problem there is that Brexit is backed by disaster capitalists and taxevaders. The post brexit plan is to make Britain a tax haven, that's not rejecting neo-liberalism.
+Chris Parker Is that what passes for wit around here? So sad. Although I am flattered that you think pretending to be interested in what I say would score you points.
The main body of left-wing thinkers are sycophants. They'll abandon the leftist ideology the second they realize that they no longer gain status from supporting it.
It would almost be a understatement to say he has memory. More like a vast hard drive that stores facts and data that one could only ever find in a textbook. He has gobbled everything and knows more than the average citizen though I'm suspicious about his intellectual honesty
nathan wallace Don't worry, he is quite honest in his assesments and you can look at his sources and citations to see that. He mostly quotes mainstream discourse and intellectuals, along with respectable sources on polls and data.
Sad that he's currently becoming a laughing matter due to his stance on the fascist invasion of Ukraine. His work in academia, and economic views, are definitely worthwhile and need consideration.
And is he wrong?Ukraine is just another unnecessary proxy war , engineered and fueled and escalated and funded by the US for her geopolitical or should I say hegemonic interests of the 20th century. Everything I predicted at the beginning of the war eventually came to prophecy, that US and Europe had no intention of letting Ukraine into NATO,and neither did they have any intention of dieing for Ukraine whatever it is, despite pounding the war drums and urging the Ukrainians in some sort of a
Venezuela was in poverty before the few years the economies been under Chavez's direction, neoliberalism destroys and loots most of the global south for the european white elite of their countries and the elite of ours. Chavez's direction tries to undo that thievary and balance it a bit, it could be done better obviously not saying it's perfect. The govt has also been suffering under sanctions since its existence and the U.S govt's been trying to overthrow it since its inception so if we'd like them to do better we could first lift the sanctions and stop trying to start a coup there so the govt doesnt have to focus its time on finding infiltrators and what now.
Arrbyy When Yanis was still in the office syriza was siding with the people of Greece. After he was forced to leave, the party bent over to the rule of the Troika.
bob Pointless. His translated books and articles translated into many languages amount to entire libraries all over the world. There are probably thousands of hours of video footage from interviews, discussions and lectures. It wouldn't matter if he died tomorrow. His theories will continue to be discussed for centuries to come.
Remember that Chomsky is an anarchist. Before you decide you agree with his views, take the trouble to find out what anarchism actually is. It certainly is not about preserving individual freedom or improving Western democracies. I wish Chomsky had the honesty and integrity to make his real views clear; but then if he did the book sales would fall!
He's been very honest about that, there was one talk "On Anarchism" that was just about his views on anarchism, his C-Span BookTalks interview he goes in detail, those are two that just I remember off the top of my head, his Q&A's also frequently have him outline his views. In addition, its your opinion that anarchism cannot be structured to protect individual values or western democracies, its his opinion that it can be (mine too). It requires imagination to think of a different kind of world. It's funny you accuse Chomsky of being disingenuous for not telling people his personal political economic vision for the world every time he critiques something, yet I didn't hear you outline your (let's be honest, conservative) views while making this comment. BTW I think conservative free market capitalist values do not protect individual freedom or encourage western democracies to flourish, but I'm assuming you'd disagree. See how that works, people think different from one another, how scary.
"It certainly is not about preserving individual freedom..." It actually is. Maybe you should heed your own advise. "... or improving Western democracies." Again, Anarchism would be an improvement. Again you should heed your own advise.
Sorry Stafford but this reply was made of wrong - except for the fact that Chomsky is an Anarchist thinker - who clearly and continually has spoken honestly about his advocacy of anarcho-syndicalism. I've taken the trouble to find out what Anarchism is, and frankly it IS about freedom, and it is about true democracy. Seems you don't really understand what Anarchy is, and are intent to peddle the mainstream cliches that come from no deep reading whatsoever. Still if you want to live in a society which offers you Hobson's choice at the elections once every few years - if that's freedom for you - knock yourself out.
Chomsky is a libertarian socialist and an anarcho-syndicalist. Maybe inform yourself on the range of different kinds of anarchy. The fact you don't think he elaborates on his anarchy reflects your lack of research.
Perhaps if Psy sang and danced what Chomsky was detailing, 100 million people would watch this and we could take back society from the elite oligarchy.
"The economy is doing fine, but the people aren't."
Chomsky: "That is the simplest accounting of neoliberalism."
The "people" number 250,000,000. Surelythere are brilliant minds among that many, ample funds too, to go up against the tiny few the vast majority allow to run them nowadays. Chomsky noted there are 1,000,000 workers who, having gotten a taste of freedom during covid by being forced to work from home who now REFUSE to ever return to those prison like offices. Studies show it costs between $34-$53 DAILY for a person to work anywhere but home. Do the math. Why would anyone be willing to entertain that habitual expense for random strangers profit? Each 1 of us CAN make a difference. That can benefit both ourself and the whole. You dont have to be Superman, Chompsky or Einstein to figure out how and when to make YOUR move.
Intro ends at 7:15
Thanks, i really hate useless introductions.
Knew someone would post the time stamp, thanks.
zanzeh teh hero worse than a
"prank" channel intro
zanzeh teh hero Thanks! 😊
You dropped this 👑
"Chomsky needs no introduction" - proceeds to give a 7 minute introduction.
They do that crap every time he gives a speech. Just once I'd like to see someone say "A man who needs no introduction" and walk away from the mic.
And give us 5-10 extra minutes of Chomsky speaking ... (which would be priceless)
Dont need to take everything literally
Never attended an academic conference, Eric?...
To be fair the intro was mostly about UMass :P
Cannot like this enough. If you want to change your relationship to power, understand that power.
Then read Foucault.
No actually don't read foucault because if you want something that you can conceptualize and apply Foucault's concept of power is while more accurate in actually defining power, is actually much more difficult to apply.
It is horrible, how easy to missguide people and destroy European Union by Communists like Chomsky. Horribly missguided lecture.
Ellias Canetti: Masses and Power(or Might); Machiavelli: The Prince; Le Bon: The Masses; although only indirectly linked i would give Sun Tzus: Art of War a go, as it has to do with mass psychology.
Mindaugas dumbfuck
Starts around 7:17.
Fantastic, You are an inspiration Noam.
Thank you! I think this is the first time I have heard Mr. Chomsky speak about the Troika outside of his talk with Yanis Varoufakis which I've listened to carefully and learned a lot from.
And thank you Noam Chomsky!
I've heard him reference the supposed reaction by elites to the "civilizing" and democratizing by the public that went on in the 60s before, but this is the first time I noted his examples. The two examples he gives here at the end are _The Powell Memo_ (1971) and _The Crisis of Democracy- Trilateral Commission_ (1975). After reading the first and part of the latter, I must recommend reading these for yourself. It's truly shocking how little he's exaggerating when he stresses how disturbed elites were by the popular movements and how determined they were to regain control and suppress democratization.
Great talk! The last question about education led to a great overview of the attack on education.
He's wearing a jumper with the logo OG. Couldn't be more true. What a guy
'O G Simpson', is it some sort of American thing?
No that's o j simpson. OG is slang for original gangster
O.G Simpson LOL!
Original Gangster.
Always heartening and edifying to hear from Mr Chomsky. His command of the facts helps cut through the various confusing ideological positions leading us to a more adult reasoned outlook that we would do well to adopt.
Yes. But he's not perfect. He himself desires an educated (generally speaking) audience. When I heard him speak here in Toronto, he told the audience 'Don't believe me'. Which got their attention. And then he made the important point that you need to question authority and be skeptical. If you believe that he can't be wrong, ever, then what happens when he 'is' wrong?
Arrbyy+ Thats not an issue: Chomsky is never wrong, concider him as God and everything will be fine. I would vote for him if he'd run for "world dictatorship". :-)
@@Arrbyy "Don't believe me"-- Noam Chomsky and the Buddha.
Facts? Which ones?!
Stop aging. Stop it.
noam chomsky is a socialist moron, lets just hope he croaks from old age soon so he can stop infecting young minds with his drivel
Go away
Free Helicopter Rides I inderstand that the frog meme is a symbol for those living in mom's basement with too much time on their hands. Is that right?
Michael Holmes Sounds like you're projecting, don't worry though, I'm sure Bernie can still win this thing.
Free Helicopter Rides Projection? Fuck you. I've been living on my own and making a responsible living since age 18. What about you?
I don't think it's a stretch to say that Noam Chomsky's definition of Neo-liberalism is the greatest pathology that humanity has ever had to live through. One might note that there have been past atrocities, which are legitimate, of course. However, Neo-liberalism seeks to ratify, legitimate and mass produce a never-ending chain of horrors. I believe that makes it worse. It is a reveling in that which causes human suffering to occur.
I think you're spot on mate, couldn't have said it better my self 👍
Revel in the horrors! And be happy about it. Well put.
Thank you UMass and for a UMass Prof. always talking about this guy Chomsky, saved my life growing up in the USA.
50:30 a study from a swiss university in a newspaper i read about in either november 2012 or 2013 collected publicly available data on companies and their owners and came to the conlcusion that roughly 130 companies do own 90% over 2 million companies world wide. The intertwined state of the shares through mother and daugheter companies often masked that in studies before, but as they put all data in a huge electronic database and connected the dots it turned out that only 130 so to speak mega companies are left and due to blood relations, marriage or just alliances it may be broken down to only 30. It was said that there seems to be a huge pressure for this concentration of corporate wealth and power and due to that massive wealth is concentrated. That lead to a conclusion as a sideeffect of that study which wasn't intentional as they then stated that this would be the biggest threat to democracies worldwide.
1:10:00 Why would the US need educaton, from the perspectives of the owners, when you have 50% of economies world wide under your controll, you just use the things developed somewhere else.
1:14:00 i wonder what he thinks is going on in Bilderberg meetings
I understand that you posted this three years ago, however, I would greatly appreciate the name of that Swiss study or a link to it.
@@fernandofisher8489 It was done by "Technischen Hochschule (ETH) Zürich"
I found an article from a different newspaper on the same study. It is in german, if you have ways to translate that or can read it even better, but i guess there should be also international responses on this if you do a deep dive into google search.
@@fernandofisher8489 The article says 2011 and 145 companies, thats because it is an ongoing study. The article i read first, was from november 2012 as far as i can remember by now. The original newspaper i readabout this was .
Even though I heard this same talk so many times, I always listen to it because each time he introduces new facts and different people I have never heard of.
Chomsky is a good man sharing this information but what are we going to do about it, how long do we as a people continue to accept all this evil?
I love Noam Chomsky.
This man is a goddamn national treasure
Chomsky starts at 7:22
I posted this on the neoliberal subreddit (yeah that's a thing), they all insisted this isn't neoliberalism but rather libertarian. Its like listening to a battered wife.
KentAllard - you know, I've majored in political science for 4 years so far and in that time I still can't figure out how people classify themselves. There is so much variety within each group, at what point can one still identify themselves with that group, while still having disagreements?
sarah041795 It's more like not taking responsibilities for the history of your ideology, which is very clear in the case of neo-liberalism.
Well. Neoliberalism is libertarianism -- for banks.
It's mainly cable news brainwashing...rarely their fault. Neoliberals think they're "good people" who think that all of us have to sacrifice on the fiery altar of state-capitalism to succeed in this world. They have accepted that as the only legitimate reality. Total delusion.
@Oners82 Much like socialism, the average American has no idea what libertarianism is. Plus there's left-libertatianism, which is often seen people like Chomsky, and they really have no party that's relevant in DC politics
It was my experience as well to have him answer an email. He did say my idea was great but hopeless.
What idea was that?
I suggested that the Israelis insure the Palestinians & Palestinians insure the Israelis as a disincentive to the killings of innocents. I was attacked on Twitter where I am Transcendian by a Palestinian who said "Nobody will decide for Palestine." I am brought to the conclusion that both sides are inflexible. It likely would take UN forces of Gendarmes in Gaza to keep the peace. For even my disincentive it would likely take the UN forcing them to insure each other. But yah know they have gone on this way my whole life.
Russell Day What's your view of Chomsky's opinion on how to solve the conflict?
In 1973 the Trilateralists met under the chair of David Rockefeller in NYC and stated in The Crisis of Democracy that people were too well-educated and there was an excess of democracy. Expectations were too high. Libertarianism (funded by the Koch brothers - now one - and funnelled through James McGill Buchanan) and Neoliberalism were great covers to rectify that situation. Now the word “freedom” has been co-opted by the alt right as a toxic word meaning selfishness and disregard for communal well-being.
One of the other things done was so-called think tanks were established under the Koch brothers Atlas network.
Astroturfs to deny global warming too
Great lecture from a great man.
Neo Liberalism: YOU be the liberal, ill be the wealthy guy.
Name of M.I.T. Political economist mentioned @ 49:50 ? Sjon Starr? I'd like to take a look at his work.
Holden He was referring to Sean Starrs.
Please provide a DESCRIPTION in the field labeled "description."
We need to just share these to our friends. All my friends are Republicans and they just don't get what's going on. I beleive most people at their hearts are decent. Everyone can understand what chomskys saying, they just need an oppurtunity.
52:07 "The economy is doing fine, but the people aren't"
I was fascinated by the Dwight Eisenhour. 1952 presidential campaign speech quote. "I have no use for those, regardless of their political party, who hold some foolish dream of spinning the clock back to days when unorganised labour was a huddled almost helpless mass. Today, in America, unions have a secure place in our industrial life; only a handful of un-reconstructed reactionaries harbour the ugly thought of breaking unions. Only a fool would try to deprive the working man or woman of the right to join a union of their choice".
Skip the intro to 7:15
Noam 68,359 views - Ariana Grande and Victoria Monét
Where are the captions???????
14:10 ''another such effect reached international prominence in November 2017''
Wait a sec, how come this video was uploaded in April 2017?
Could someone kindly please edit out the introductioniary part, and upload it on RUclips so many could benefit from hearing what Chomskey says instead of skipping it in first few minutes?
Noam is a natural treasure. ❤
Starts at 7:11
07:10 chomsky begin
chomsky starts at 7:21
Guys, don't hate on the guy giving his - looong - introduction: such things are decided at the top and he very probably had no say in the decision.
start at 7:00 to skip the intro
7:15 skips the intro. :)
We are fighting here in Chile to end this model.
Carlos Andrés good luck. The world will thank you.
who puts their podium in front of windows
Because with Noam Chomsky, you get so engrossed with what he's saying that you wouldn't mind what's going on outside, except of course if you don't belong to that forum
50:40 who owns world's wealth
53:40 buying elections
57:40 mobilise factions for votes
1:07:48 german banks getting back their bad loans
1:09:08 education
Noam: 7:15
As an endless stream of exhaust fumes-belching cars go by just outside the windows. Should have gone with a comprehensive mass transportation system long ago, but the U.S. thought it was better for every person to have their own gas-burning vehicle instead. Cough! Cough!
Oil is life.
Get over it.
Oil makes everything including
Other energy.
Only nuclear power will work
To 'Zero' carbon goals.
Wind and solar and batteries are
A joke. In fact anything but oil
Socialists and Marxists last Century.
What year is this from?
Let him sit >_
It's my party, I get to pick the film
Neolibralism has infected the US political system on both sides (The Democratic and Republican party)
The only difference is the Democratic party advocates increased government spending when it suits their needs.
Neolibralism Definition:
a political approach that favors free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.
Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.
Any objective logical individual can see both parties largely fit these definitions and neither has ever stopped the Neolibralism agenda except for when the bill/policy directly goes against their own interests which is the exception to the norm of solidifying Neolibralist subservience and measures!
I do not understand Noam's term Neo-Liberalism. To my understanding Reagan Conservatism, weakening Govt, weakening Unions growing bank power, i.e. the "problems" are not liberal or new. What is neo-liberalism about Repbulican programs.?
Milton Chapman To my understanding, it's all of that but coming from people who purport to be left wing. Labels are difficult since the overton window is so far shifted to the right.
So you agree with Chomsky when he says of neo-liberalism that "Its not new and it isn't liberalism"? - less lightly there are plenty of books out there that write about neo-liberalism and would explain why Reagan and Thatcher (as examples) were subtle variations of the neoliberal agenda in the political and economic sense. One brief but informative book about neoliberalism is Steger and Roy "neoliberalism: a very short introduction" (part of the Oxford short introductions series).
Milton Chapman Neo-liberalism should be understood as a purely economic term. Those we in the US have called conservatives and neo-conservatives have long espoused neo-liberal economic theory. (See comment by hoogmonster.)
Jeremy: Neoliberalism is totalitarian, reducing it on purely economic terms isn't false but it falls short.
Would appreciate a concise definition of a Chomsky anarchy.
Bernard Popp are you asking for a concise summary of his views? There are videos, and published essays if you want to go in depth, of him talking about it if you google it. That, and you can google for vids, or just wiki, libertarian socialism and anarcho-syndicalism, which are what he subscribes to. ✌🏼
The building, or at least this room is awful to have someone like Noam Chomsky. I want to be 100% focused in what he is saying, but the cars, the people walking and the rest truly distract me.
Maybe the audience is used to it.
Chomsky is the cutest old man (nohomo)
Perhaps if Psy sang and danced what Chomsky was detailing, 100 million people would watch this and we could take back society from the elite oligarchy.
Do you think Noam will agree to cryo freeze his head?
that really.
As a counterpoint, Poland was also subjected to the shock therapy in 1990 (our prime minister was directly advised by Jeffrey Sachs, the author of the concept of shock therapy), and has more or less stuck to neoliberal policies after that. Now, in 2024, the people's standard of living is incomparably higher vs year 1990. The policies have basically worked really well for us.
In Poland, a fascist party is in power.
Comparing Egypt with the USA, Japan with the Ashanti...without anyone laughing out loud!
And if it wasn't for the other contenders, Bernie would have won :) and no one knows him! :D
Other things happening in Europe...Podemos.
"Education is free" -> Education is paid by the tax payer. Never free.
@@nuvaneducation, like many other government services like the military, do not need to be tax payer funded. the government is not funded by tax money.
Hernandez Daniel Harris Elizabeth Martinez Frank
There's no 'P' in Chomsky... Maybe someone should explain that to the goof introducing him...
He might be confusing Nim Chimpsky with him. :D
I'm 1 millisecond old and I'm watching this. My generation is so immature... >:(
Butt Ass 😂
It would have been mightily useful, during last year's referendum, to have the voices of Chomsky and Varoufakis speak up for the progressive pro-democracy and anti-neoliberal side for Leave, so that "Brexit" (hate that word) was not viewed almost universally as a reactionary xenophobic kneejerk fit of anger, but rather a rational and moral affirmation of democracy in the face of a global financial technocratic dictatorship.
Jus' sayin'.
The problem there is that Brexit is backed by disaster capitalists and taxevaders. The post brexit plan is to make Britain a tax haven, that's not rejecting neo-liberalism.
Miller Lisa Hernandez Maria Perez Brenda
why are there empty seats ? so much disrespect UMASS
same goes for you Khatack.
too many nazi welfare trust fund kids attending would explain the empty seats
+Chris Parker Is that what passes for wit around here? So sad. Although I am flattered that you think pretending to be interested in what I say would score you points.
The main body of left-wing thinkers are sycophants. They'll abandon the leftist ideology the second they realize that they no longer gain status from supporting it.
are these facts or just your biased opinion Khatack.
That zooming in and out around 40 mins made me so mad
Taxation without representation.
you really owned the libs on this one
That guy blabbed on for 7 minutes. Shameful.
Rodriguez Richard Thomas Mark Lee Susan
It would almost be a understatement to say he has memory. More like a vast hard drive that stores facts and data that one could only ever find in a textbook. He has gobbled everything and knows more than the average citizen though I'm suspicious about his intellectual honesty
nathan wallace Don't worry, he is quite honest in his assesments and you can look at his sources and citations to see that. He mostly quotes mainstream discourse and intellectuals, along with respectable sources on polls and data.
Johnson Nancy Lopez Anthony Rodriguez Shirley
Anderson Betty Anderson Jeffrey Martinez James
Sad that he's currently becoming a laughing matter due to his stance on the fascist invasion of Ukraine. His work in academia, and economic views, are definitely worthwhile and need consideration.
Could be vindicated when the history books are written.
Could u elaborate?
And is he wrong?Ukraine is just another unnecessary proxy war , engineered and fueled and escalated and funded by the US for her geopolitical or should I say hegemonic interests of the 20th century.
Everything I predicted at the beginning of the war eventually came to prophecy, that US and Europe had no intention of letting Ukraine into NATO,and neither did they have any intention of dieing for Ukraine whatever it is, despite pounding the war drums and urging the Ukrainians in some sort of a
Hall Matthew Young Barbara Martin Kenneth
Jesus Christ intro
What a long winded intro....shut up!
I only belonged to 1 union, rife with corruption, theft, and in bed with the company, local1-2 nyc, never again!
No one cares anymore, just waiting for the flood! Boom! You may take this comment down at any time that is convenient for whom ever. Boom!😂🤣😂
Pity that he has nothing to say about Venezuela. I wonder why not?
How is the rejection of neo liberalism working for Venezuela?
He talked about Venezuela three weeks ago.
This is a speech about neoliberalism, a program that our country has foisted on the much of the rest of the world. That answers your question.
The United States doesn't have the automatic right to invade countries
Venezuela was in poverty before the few years the economies been under Chavez's direction, neoliberalism destroys and loots most of the global south for the european white elite of their countries and the elite of ours. Chavez's direction tries to undo that thievary and balance it a bit, it could be done better obviously not saying it's perfect. The govt has also been suffering under sanctions since its existence and the U.S govt's been trying to overthrow it since its inception so if we'd like them to do better we could first lift the sanctions and stop trying to start a coup there so the govt doesnt have to focus its time on finding infiltrators and what now.
I am a Neoliberal and I disapprove of this video.
Chomsky is simply wrong, dead wrong, about Syriza in Greece. They were never with the people.
he's a left winger, its not really in their best interest to attack left wing party unless its a must.
Arrbyy When Yanis was still in the office syriza was siding with the people of Greece. After he was forced to leave, the party bent over to the rule of the Troika.
bob Facts. Bring them.
What Bob,what u sayin, nothing, fuck all .
bob Pointless. His translated books and articles translated into many languages amount to entire libraries all over the world. There are probably thousands of hours of video footage from interviews, discussions and lectures. It wouldn't matter if he died tomorrow. His theories will continue to be discussed for centuries to come.
no bench? Socialism on meteoric popularity rise and you dont think an army of us aren't sharpening our Marxist talons on this knowledge?
Remember that Chomsky is an anarchist. Before you decide you agree with his views, take the trouble to find out what anarchism actually is. It certainly is not about preserving individual freedom or improving Western democracies. I wish Chomsky had the honesty and integrity to make his real views clear; but then if he did the book sales would fall!
Boo! Hissss! Shammmmme!
He's been very honest about that, there was one talk "On Anarchism" that was just about his views on anarchism, his C-Span BookTalks interview he goes in detail, those are two that just I remember off the top of my head, his Q&A's also frequently have him outline his views. In addition, its your opinion that anarchism cannot be structured to protect individual values or western democracies, its his opinion that it can be (mine too). It requires imagination to think of a different kind of world. It's funny you accuse Chomsky of being disingenuous for not telling people his personal political economic vision for the world every time he critiques something, yet I didn't hear you outline your (let's be honest, conservative) views while making this comment. BTW I think conservative free market capitalist values do not protect individual freedom or encourage western democracies to flourish, but I'm assuming you'd disagree. See how that works, people think different from one another, how scary.
"It certainly is not about preserving individual freedom..."
It actually is. Maybe you should heed your own advise.
"... or improving Western democracies."
Again, Anarchism would be an improvement. Again you should heed your own advise.
Sorry Stafford but this reply was made of wrong - except for the fact that Chomsky is an Anarchist thinker - who clearly and continually has spoken honestly about his advocacy of anarcho-syndicalism. I've taken the trouble to find out what Anarchism is, and frankly it IS about freedom, and it is about true democracy. Seems you don't really understand what Anarchy is, and are intent to peddle the mainstream cliches that come from no deep reading whatsoever. Still if you want to live in a society which offers you Hobson's choice at the elections once every few years - if that's freedom for you - knock yourself out.
Chomsky is a libertarian socialist and an anarcho-syndicalist. Maybe inform yourself on the range of different kinds of anarchy. The fact you don't think he elaborates on his anarchy reflects your lack of research.
Perhaps if Psy sang and danced what Chomsky was detailing, 100 million people would watch this and we could take back society from the elite oligarchy.
OH! That guy! XD
Chomsky starts at 7:19