@@the0pointChrist says so himself in the Bible that 'Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.' Why are you talking like you understand and are able to belittle others with your brain dead opinions, the fact that you said 'derp' just shows the tool you are and nonsense opinions with no reply. What you see outside is a projection of what is already inside you.
Although this speech was aimed and focused at Christianity, Greek philosophy and Western rationale, Jordan Peterson has been immensely popular in Turkey, these last years. It was an honor having him here. I sincerely hope he enjoyed his stay and will one day do a lecture at a Turkish university or foundation.
Jordan Peterson is the NEW Greek Philosopher of Universal value, universal truth, absolute objectivity (in its probably, at times, temporary findings and allegations). I absolutely LOVE HIM and I follow him through his books, speeches - including this one. Brilliant! ONLY THE TRUTH will save us.
Beautiful. Instead of passively standing by while things are moving in the wrong direction Jordan Peterson is actively doing what he can with his motivations to make things better.
@@steven5054100% deserved and also irrelevant. As the person above said, if you think him making money is something that can be used to discredit or put him down, or a negative, then you are a idiot who is completely oblivious to what is actually significant in this world....
Thank you for making this available! The energy and the silence comes through the high-quality video. I wonder how long ago Dr. Blackwood had this idea to have Dr. Peterson lecture here.
Have just read Dr Peterson's excellent 12 Rules, so scrolling through YT I was struck by the title Logos / Ephesus and decided to Wikipedia both words first... it referred to a book/letter in the New Testament which to my amazed mind was exuding affection and tenderness... about a 'logos - the divine Christ - giving a destiny in love... giving power and desire to explore and draw on 'the riches of his immeasurable grace and love... surpassing knowledge (not experience)... 'awakening from the shadows...being renewed in spirit...reverencing those around'. And then finding out that the author - St Paul - spent 3 years elaborating on these and other ideas - and living them out in community for 3 years in Ephesus... and then the deep grief/appreciation the Ephesians showed Paul when he finally had to move on. It all made my hair stand on end and wonder. I wonder why, in such a place, JP went off in such an conceptual tangent - yes, sometimes it is genuinely useful to abstract out, but it seems to me the title & place invites something more earthed, something potentially more stable and joyful.
Its nice to see Jordan develop .. one can really hear John Vervaeky, Ian McGilchrist (probably spelled both wrong :D ) and other of his dialogue partners.
Being and Becoming. Was just thinking about that the other day. Yeeeeup... That's the big one. When it comes to the first principles of western philosophy. Can't get any simpler than that.
It has to be torturous to see that clearly and communicate in hopes a mere fraction can comprehend let alone live in a manner that rings the maximal good from one’s soul.
Yes - it’s an incredible unflinching assessment of his view of our circumstances and our potential. I tend to think he has ‘found it’ rather than ‘thought of it’ - And yes, beautifully put, a mere fraction will understand what he is saying, or grasp the truly momentous message. And perhaps no one at all will take up the challenge it faces each one of us with. And that includes Jordan. He has quoted Nietzsche as saying ‘there was only one Christian and that was Jesus Christ’ Jordan has said he himself is ‘terrified’ of what a human being may become if they ‘100 per cent believed’, Jordan says he thinks it would be a ‘ completely transfiguring experience’ and he has said ‘we do not know what we might become’ because we have not ‘run the programme’ - and that as a clinical psychologist that’s what you do to test a hypothesis ‘you run the programme’ so I’m wondering if Jordan is ‘running the programme’ with his own life - he is a phenomenal human being already - complete, I’m sure, with feet of clay - how else do you know what it really means to stand up? And then comes the moment when you realise you were standing up all along. That’s the theory anyway! Earth moving lecture tbh.
PLEASE notice how he cries (literally) at the end. If you THINK he's crying for some lighthearted, foolish reason - I will leave you where you are and to you, I won't speak to anymore - for you are a waste of my time. No. Jordan cries because he GRASPED, wholly, the immense risk our world has come to. As few, if any possibly, he sees humanity - throughout history, then and now - and he sees that the moment to act the change is now - pending doom and self-destruction (which has happened again and again in the history of humanity). He SEES the destruction, pending on us - and he fears it. At the same time, he longs for self-actuation, for the necessity of completing ourselves and fully actuating our potential - literally crying for us to awake to the need for that of each one of us. If this doesn't shake you, doesn't move you, doesn't make you reflect - again - I have no further need to speak to you nor I will listen back. To the others - we'll have to find our own way to deal with all of this -
The science of language includes sounds( phonations) phonemes, morphology(words)syntax, semantics, structures, literal and lastly pragmatic( contextual meaning). Language in its structure can have fractal meanings, with double, triple or more entendres ( meanings) given the same syntax, semantics structures, sounds, etc. Language is regarded as a representation of information. Words are not only sounds but transmit meaning. Transmission of meaning is a function of intent. Sounds and words can have meaninglessness by intent but when there is meaning there is necessarily intent. Sounds transmit action. Sounds are measured as frequencies and vibrations. Sounds and vibrations can act on reality. Chladni plates, cymascopes, oscilloscopes, etc are means of demonstrating the actionable properties of sound. Sounds can have particular shapes and patterns. These shapes and patterns are determined by the substances being acted upon as well as the substance acting. Water is a classic example of such actings visualized in cymascopes and oscilloscopes. Furthermore water not only can be acted upon by sound but water also then produces sound. Multiple sources of frequencies, vibration can simultaneously act on water. Oceans are acted on by wind, earth crust ( earthquakes and volcanoes, tectonic plates and subsurface dynamics) , gravity and electromagnetic fields, etc. Water crashing on a beach creates sounds as well as patterns in sand or rock. Sounds as spoken can have structural topology. This topology itself has transmitting effects( these effects can have effects into and beyond the structure directly acted on.. ocean waves caused by earthquakes can transmit patterns on land, sand and rocks not acted on directly by the earthquake, etc.).
Because priests giving a sermon ain't giving you anything useful to integrate into daily life. I have never heard them say as Christ did 'Worry not about tomorrow orwhat you shall eat, drink or wear. Leave it to God it is his Will that will take care of us, what do we worry for. He takes care of the birds, the flowers and the trees no? Why you should worry. If they taught this as Christ did the economy would collapse and modern day man would be human again. This sadistic society is the problem, we have already unleashed the forces of evil upon the earth, and the people know not even how it looks, comes, or affects the world. T
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is most definitely a prophet of God; of the highest order. Thank God that He places people in history when they are most needed. I am a believer and a son of God, and Jordan Peterson is my brother. I pray for him continually.
@@jamescarr4662 Psalm 139 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
@@jamescarr4662no he doesn't. You literally would understand that if you watch the video. He does not think that God is either a character or fictional, infact the opposite. I believe they also called Christ a heretic and blasphemous and charlatan also. The highest order is Good. It is sad to see people believe they can speak and dismiss the ideas and thoughts of others, it is sad when people believe their opinion and ego is actually something real, and not simply a superimposed superficiality- a delusion.
Have you considered reaching out to the college and asking that question for yourself? It’s no small task creating a new college: perhaps that detail slipped their mind. Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice what you can otherwise attribute to ignorance.
Why do you care if you watch it on RUclips or Rumble? What even is alternative sites and colleges, apart from rejection of the corrupt and brainwashed mainstream media? How is that what you take away from this video? Stop thinking and asking stupidity and take ACTION instead.
We need to encourage children to keep journals and write in a free style or free association manner about their abservations about the world they live in and what they would do to make it better. Writing is thinking on paper. The sooner we get children to write about what they think the more we get people in every age group develope throughout their lives the habit of journaling their insight, observations and feeling the more conscious our civilization can become and the more well ordered our political systems and social constructs or means of solving social problems. We might consider as part of psychotherapy to have patients write or free associate on paper before counseling. sessions. And have patients share past writing from private journals or class assignments or published articles as a means of developing society wide a higher level of consciousness. Democratic civilizations should strive for higher consciousness among their citizens if they wish to promote higher freedom conjoined with higher individual and social responsibility. And as we get people to write more we will have to encourage people to write by hand not just type on computer or typewriter because hand written letters help people develope and hold on to longer term memories which facilitate higher levels of consciousness. Encouraging people to write more by hand possibly handing in both hand written essays and typed pages of the same hand written essays will help prevent altimers syndrome especially if we make a conscious effort to join physical fitness with psychological fitness and increase physical activity and reduce sedandary behavior as much as possible. Hand written intellectual exercises can help people develope a higher degree of moral reasoning which if done civilization wide could lead to truly freer societies serving to preserve Democratic Societies.
Now then consider the fractal nature of language and the fractal nature of sound.The science of language includes sounds( phonations) phonemes, morphology(words)syntax, semantics, structures, literal and lastly pragmatic( contextual meaning). Language in its structure can have fractal meanings, with double, triple or more entendres ( meanings) given the same syntax, semantics structures, sounds, etc. Language is regarded as a representation of information. Words are not only sounds but transmit meaning. Transmission of meaning is a function of intent. Sounds and words can have meaninglessness by intent but when there is meaning there is necessarily intent. Sounds transmit action. Sounds are measured as frequencies and vibrations. Sounds and vibrations can act on reality. Chladni plates, cymascopes, oscilloscopes, etc are means of demonstrating the actionable properties of sound. Sounds can have particular shapes and patterns. These shapes and patterns are determined by the substances being acted upon as well as the substance acting. Water is a classic example of such actings visualized in cymascopes and oscilloscopes. Furthermore water not only can be acted upon by sound but water also then produces sound. Multiple sources of frequencies, vibration can simultaneously act on water. Oceans are acted on by wind, earth crust ( earthquakes and volcanoes, tectonic plates and subsurface dynamics) , gravity and electromagnetic fields, etc. Water crashing on a beach creates sounds as well as patterns in sand or rock. Sounds as spoken can have structural topology. This topology itself has transmitting effects( these effects can have effects into and beyond the structure directly acted on.. ocean waves caused by earthquakes can transmit patterns on land, sand and rocks not acted on directly by the earthquake, etc.). nd. If sound is an operative of words and therefore language then such sounds can transmit intent by their meaning.
In Star Trek, third season, Mr. Spock made a statement very similar to this. The episode "Spectre of the Gun." Star Trek ahead of the times and Mr. Spock!
Unfortunately this platform does not allow visual communication. However I will tell you that the brain is a Mandelbrot set complex morphology ( both Mandelbrot and connected Julia sets). It is the image in which you are made. The Mandelbrot set has a beginning and an ending ( on the real number line). The Mandelbrot set is simultaneously infinite ( infinite borders) and finite ( limited area). As a transformation from a polar grid circle to a polar Mandelbrot it can be shown to be a manifestation of structure from the Bose-Einstein condensate to the largest structures in the universe. Thus it is everywhere. It makes ( the morphology of) everything. In such a function ( Mandelbrot) everything can be known only from its origin but to everything afterwards things are relativistic. It explains both freewill and determinism. By being everywhere in everything and being from its beginning it “ knows” all iterations . Given the above the mathematics which God uses is a description of God. However, Wolfram claims that a brain is equivalent in computation to a rock. We intuitively understand that there is a difference between a rock and a brain. This computational equivalence is no different from a live or a dead brain. So then structure is as a computational equivalence to structure. Therefore the difference in function of life compared with non living and non life is extra computational.
What a wonderful man. I sometimes struggle with my Faith and question it perhaps I’m getting caught up in supposed expert’s Big Bang theory? but as soon as I hear Jordan speak It comes back without question. Messenger sent from above☝🏼🤓
Why? The big bang, if it proves anything at all it is that God is real. In the deep deep quantum real lies all the answers, we can't understand this with our rational minds but we can feel it intuitively. The Big Bang is a miraculous event that answers nothing and proves nothing except it is the creation myth of the sciences, which science itself can't explain. The laws of physics as we understand them dissolve at the quantum realm, which is the FUNDAMENT ABSOLUTE REALITY and source of all existence itself. I am a firm believer and understander of Science.and the scientific method, and also of world Philosophy and Spirituality Religious Ideology, and they are not in anyway opposition to each But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
He invokes the Greeks but fails to recognize the Aristotelian. If one reads the Nicomachean Ethics with any degree of comprehension, that is, in a good translation, and one is reading directly - you discover a fine rebuttal to Dr Peterson. In fact, Plato & Christianity do not have a monopoly over interpreting the perennial brilliance of our Greek progenitors. We cannot taste or see or even comprehend what he means by "underlying pattern" - it doesn't really make any more sense in Greek than it does in Kant, except as a refusal to accept Hume's conclusions. What he dismisses as "behaviorism" or "postmodernism" are two ways of contending with this, not merely denying it, or reducing it. Peterson ought to be careful about what he expresses antipathy towards, as that is what is dead in his own heart.
Sounds:consonants:vowels:words:sentences:syntax:semantics:symbols:communication:language:literal:pragmatic =FRACTAL Puns, poetry,prose It is the communication that matters. Communication is fractal at its highest good. Truth and beauty::deceit and ugliness. Comfort and struggle. Strength and weakness. Nutrition and poison. Life and death. Communicating so that you can live and do it more abundantly. Hearing:listening Consider that the real number line of a Mandelbrot complex morphology is a golden ratio, Fibonacci function. It’s why you can count, do math. It is part of the cochlea as well as the mid sagittal cross section of the brain. Imagine trying to claim that a random process caused function. Very specific yet multiple functions in the same pattern.
perfect example of both how Sincere and how Wrong a person can be; the question of "truth" is different from the implicit need for vision & hope that Person instills in his disciples - so I suspect there's a nihilism at the heart of Peterson? - i mean, isn't this revealed in his own personal struggles? or is the ad hominem not allowed here? how long can a bubble float before being popped?
Understanding this now consider: In the beginning ( or when, in the beginning) God created the Heaven ( singular) and earth( what are the ancient Hebrew words for black holes, galaxies, dust clouds… the universe?/ these words did not specifically exist but given the fractal nature of words and language it can be, and is understood to be, that “the Heaven and earth “ has fractal meaning in that it represents the concept of the universe as a whole and that at the beginning the conditions were set by which the earth was created). And the earth was without form, and void( again as fractal meaning the earth was set in its place even at the creation before there was a universe per se/ given the fractal nature of language ( as I will consider throughout) when earth is presented in this manner it can be understood as meaning both the earth itself and the universe because by necessity the earth is part of the universe/ was without form = without morphology, shape, etc. and void… was actually not of physical substance… again fractal read is that both the earth was of no physical substance nor was the universe, and the earth as well as the universe was without shape, morphology = form) . Was without form and void is a great description of what occurs before a lightning strike. The pattern which the lightning strikes is set up by the pre lightning strike “void” pattern. And darkness was upon the face of the deep ( recall that darkness is without understanding… without understanding if the light because light transmits information via structure, topology. What is the “face of the deep”? Does deepness have a face? What is a face? A face is a structure, a topology, a morphology. But herein that structure, morphology was dark, which is the absence of light. Yet there was a face of the deep… a structure of the universe, nay but a structure into which the universe could expand into with light which could and would travel and transmit information from God as the word which was before creation but was the creator as the word with the creator God( to be to be.. the essence of existence)). And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters( again fractal read, the face if the water has been interpreted as the surface of the ocean but the fractal reading is the water is a category as well as a type of substance. Here we have introduced the spirit of God. The spirit is like the wind moving to and fro whether you know not where it blows… so the spirit of God is the transmission of the word as in frequency, energy and vibration… acting on liquid/ plasma matter-energy. Fractal as acting upon h2O as well as molten metal, lava the earth as well as the universe… God in this chapter of Genesis has compacted information which was interpreted in literal terms as a particular meaning framed within a paradigm and that paradigm projected that interpretation through time without the understanding of a present paradigm but because of the fractal nature of language it represents truth through both interpretations within those disparate paradigms ( genius supreme). Recall the highest order of language is not literal but pragmatic. In this function of pragmatic interpretation a fractal nature as well as a categorical interpretation lends to understanding as to be scientifically precise. / acting on liquid the flow of information and energy moving on the face= morphology, shape… shaped the universe and necessarily the earth and liquid of earth… again recall that sound as waves can impart action through other on other things( earthquakes->water-> land) as such the liquid forms structures, patterns on which the next wave can function… words with sentences, paragraphs, storylines, books… information, progressions of information, iterations of information). So then before there was light the spirit of God acting on plasma/liquid energy flows( spirit winds) generated the structure into which light and subsequently life could flow and grow as iterations.
Given the above consider: In the beginning was the word( a word as a form of expression of meaning and intention) and the word was with God, and the word was God( when you speak your words are you and the spirit of your intentions and so then the words, sounds of the words having meaning by God’s intention are transmitted information). The same ( word) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him( the word of God as God); and without him was not anything made that was made( all things then are made by the word, sound, frequency, vibration, as language , as information transmission, as God/ I am that I am, as in to be to be, God as existence itself, being as the primary category of existence, that being spoke into existence all other being/ being the creator of all other being is not the same as being that other being ( not a oneness of all things .. not a Buddhist proposition). In him( the word as God, in the word was life/ life is spoken into existence) was life; and the life was the light of men( life as light, in the word was life which was light/ light is the fundamental being ( object as wave particle… as a something which exists… which has structure and is a transmitter of information/ light as a particle, as spherical, an object with a surface which surfaces can carry-transmit information). And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not( this is a necessary understanding, darkness is not light and darkness is not a transmitter of information by structure in the way that light is a transmitter of information… therefore darkness does not comprehend light information). …And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Knowing the image in which we are made and understanding that we are created in the image of God that is more same as the likeness of God. However God made us in his image and likeness. Understanding the fractal that is this image it is understood that what is claimed and communicated is fractal. Hebrew is fractal. All communication is fractal. Communication relies on functions of the commutator those to whom ( Or that which is) communicated to and with. Pragmatic communication is the understanding of the communicator knowing what the subject communicated to will and will not( fractal in time, space, etc.) Thus if God communicates to Moses but also to us then the same language ( words, syntax, semantics, literal and pragmatic communication) can mean entirely different things in time, space, etc. Given the above: When communicating “ kinds” “ images” and “likenesses” when not communicated separately are understood in context of the other two. There are kinds of things. There are images of things( patterns by which we identify things in time and space and in reference to other things… even if it is the same thing it is different in time and space) . God is a “kind” of thing. We are made in the image and likeness of God. However created other things are also made in an image and a likeness. Understanding the fractal image and that everything is a function of that same image. Therefore plants and animals are made in that image ( we just are in a nearly full image not a rotation or vibration pattern-image-transformation) What is it like to be a bat? Idk exactly but I have some idea. God is not us. We are not God. God claimed “ I am that I am”, being itself. God curiously seems to know us by leaving us. How we behave without God communicates what it is like to be us to God. However since this is all mathematical the end can be known if and only if you created the starting conditions. God only creates the universe God created because it is a thing created in the image of God.
Jordan, God is love. We don't need to pay anything to Him. We do His commands because we love Him, not because we want pay for the sin of Adam and Eve. It is written in Old Testament by a prophet that ''God wants mercy than animal sacrificies''. It is like a father and a son. If a son behaves unfairly, will ever a Father say ''you offended me, you have to pay''? Or He might just say ''my boy is too young and immature''. To conclude, we fast and pray so that we become worthy of His endless love. God doesn't require anything from us, except as you said, to become what we can' the act of becoming the best version of ourselves. So, the meaning of the gospel is joyful because Christ is risen and we have to follow His path of love to join Him eventually and eternally.
Jordan, if you're reading this... I see what you're doing but give it to these bitches raw. It might not taste good but it's what they need. Be the Father.
never trust someone who defends "reality" by asking "it depends on how you define reality" - same mistake Jung made as Foucault made. Both Freud & Language philosophy are equally detrimental to direct thought. By beginning with a false problem - the problem of perception - he's able to route his audience into a fake kind of conclusion. it turns out you & your interlocutors are not only "not right" but you are not even wrong.
And God said( the word as information, iterated onto/into the structure of the plasma/liquid energy created by the movement of the spirit of God), Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light( observer perspective/action/quantum effects), that it was good( what is good, goodness, evil, evilness? Here the fractal meaning is philosophical as in John 1: 9-11, That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came into his own, and his own received him not. ( darkness cannot comprehend light)): And God divided the light from the darkness ( not separated but divided them. Could this possibly mean? We understand the universe to be expanding and expanding at a particular rate, the cosmological constant. The rate at which the universe is expanding is faster than the speed of light. What is faster than the speed of light? The speed of dark is faster than the speed of light. So then consider that by God dividing the light from the dark we consider 1/137 as that division of light from dark.) . And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. ( Here we are amazed at the reality of fractal and pragmatic functions of language. Neither the Sun nor the Moon have yet been created, so then what is this supposed to mean Day and night and evening and morning? If no where else but here it is understood that there is pragmatic and fractal meaning herein. Thus we move into a compaction of information understood in terms of categories. ) The next two “day”’s are the creation of Heaven and earth again (?) I will not give the fractal interpretation here but understand that it is so precise in its science that I do not feel compelled to give such information. Be that as it may the categories remaining are sufficient in fractal interpretation as to be remarkable and like the 5th chapter of genesis have meaning beyond literal interpretation. The end of the first chapter of genesis is key to understanding that the text is fractal. The image in which you are made is the lock that opens the fractal nature of the text.
Peterson is crazy but that is simply my opinion. Peterson is in over his head. Contrary to Peterson the world did not come from chaos. That which is, cannot come from that which is not. Everyone knows that except JP.
Applications for Ralston College's MA in the Humanities for 2023 are now open: www.ralston.ac/humanities-ma
Lol not worth anything.
This man restored my faith in faith itself
Yes indeed
Faith in what exactly?
@@hodgepodge5901faith in faith. Faith in the Highest Good. Faith in a faithless world.
The smile on Jordan's face when the dog barks, priceless.
Dr Peterson is as real a pillar in my life as those that surround him - a colossal positive influence.
That pillar is really a weapon, derp.
The pillar is a pillar. It's only a weapon if you're losing an argument against what is stone.. Derp.
@@the0pointChrist says so himself in the Bible that 'Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.'
Why are you talking like you understand and are able to belittle others with your brain dead opinions, the fact that you said 'derp' just shows the tool you are and nonsense opinions with no reply.
What you see outside is a projection of what is already inside you.
An honest man.
An intelligent man.
A man of integrity.
I see how hell hates him,
And Heaven adores him.
God bless all the good people of the earth.
A beautiful poem.
Damn, he‘s basically explaining my Doctoral Thesis xD Always great to see that thoughts can conflate despite coming from completely different angles
@@madraven07 🤣😂🤣🤯
Although this speech was aimed and focused at Christianity, Greek philosophy and Western rationale, Jordan Peterson has been immensely popular in Turkey, these last years. It was an honor having him here. I sincerely hope he enjoyed his stay and will one day do a lecture at a Turkish university or foundation.
Jordan Peterson is the NEW Greek Philosopher of Universal value, universal truth, absolute objectivity (in its probably, at times, temporary findings and allegations). I absolutely LOVE HIM and I follow him through his books, speeches - including this one. Brilliant! ONLY THE TRUTH will save us.
The ultimate Sophist, in the modern sense.
Wow! This is incredible. What a great event!
Yes Wow! Wonderful!
Beautiful. Instead of passively standing by while things are moving in the wrong direction Jordan Peterson is actively doing what he can with his motivations to make things better.
And making bank too!
@@steven5054 Well, if all you think about is money then you clearly will never get any.
He is a sinister charlatan devoid of any scholarly credibility whatsoever. A joke figure.
@@steven5054100% deserved and also irrelevant. As the person above said, if you think him making money is something that can be used to discredit or put him down, or a negative, then you are a idiot who is completely oblivious to what is actually significant in this world....
Here we have just been served the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.
"We're built for the adventure of our lives." And your adventure, Dr. Peterson, has been to enjoin us to begin our own!
Thank you for making this available! The energy and the silence comes through the high-quality video. I wonder how long ago Dr. Blackwood had this idea to have Dr. Peterson lecture here.
This is wonderful, thankyou Ralston College!
The stage is epic. Wow
Jordan Peterson discussions are instrumental in leading individuals to higher levels of consciousness and higher degree of logical reasoning.
This is deeper than you have ever gone with it
Have just read Dr Peterson's excellent 12 Rules, so scrolling through YT I was struck by the title Logos / Ephesus and decided to Wikipedia both words first... it referred to a book/letter in the New Testament which to my amazed mind was exuding affection and tenderness... about a 'logos - the divine Christ - giving a destiny in love... giving power and desire to explore and draw on 'the riches of his immeasurable grace and love... surpassing knowledge (not experience)... 'awakening from the shadows...being renewed in spirit...reverencing those around'. And then finding out that the author - St Paul - spent 3 years elaborating on these and other ideas - and living them out in community for 3 years in Ephesus... and then the deep grief/appreciation the Ephesians showed Paul when he finally had to move on. It all made my hair stand on end and wonder.
I wonder why, in such a place, JP went off in such an conceptual tangent - yes, sometimes it is genuinely useful to abstract out, but it seems to me the title & place invites something more earthed, something potentially more stable and joyful.
Wonderful presentation.
Been to Ephesus so many times but now I realise never really in spirit.
Spot on. God bless you
This is really fantastic
it surprices me that this video doesn't have more views.
I’ve been watching you for years now. Thank you
So, right. He is such a good, strong man with tremendous wisdom.
My favorite Teacher. Well one of my favorites = )
Wow, amazing speech!
What appeared to be a cat limping was priceless…
What a brilliant man
Much Love and Respect Sir.
very beautiful
Its nice to see Jordan develop .. one can really hear John Vervaeky, Ian McGilchrist (probably spelled both wrong :D ) and other of his dialogue partners.
He is starting to catch up, as am I.
Diogenes is still heckling
Woof woof woof
Being and Becoming. Was just thinking about that the other day. Yeeeeup... That's the big one. When it comes to the first principles of western philosophy. Can't get any simpler than that.
Thank you Dr Peterson for teaching knowledge
It has to be torturous to see that clearly and communicate in hopes a mere fraction can comprehend let alone live in a manner that rings the maximal good from one’s soul.
Existential Existence
Yes - it’s an incredible unflinching assessment of his view of our circumstances and our potential. I tend to think he has ‘found it’ rather than ‘thought of it’ - And yes, beautifully
put, a mere fraction will understand what he is saying, or grasp the truly momentous message. And perhaps no one at all will take up the challenge it faces each one of us with. And that includes Jordan. He has quoted Nietzsche as saying ‘there was only one Christian and that was Jesus Christ’ Jordan has said he himself is ‘terrified’ of what a human being may become if they ‘100 per cent believed’, Jordan says he thinks it would be a ‘ completely transfiguring experience’ and he has said ‘we do not know what we might become’ because we have not ‘run the programme’ - and that as a clinical psychologist that’s what you do to test a hypothesis ‘you run the programme’ so I’m wondering if Jordan is ‘running the programme’ with his own life - he is a phenomenal human being already - complete, I’m sure, with feet of clay - how else do you know what it really means to stand up? And then comes the moment when you realise you were standing up all along. That’s the theory anyway! Earth moving lecture tbh.
PLEASE notice how he cries (literally) at the end. If you THINK he's crying for some lighthearted, foolish reason - I will leave you where you are and to you, I won't speak to anymore - for you are a waste of my time. No. Jordan cries because he GRASPED, wholly, the immense risk our world has come to. As few, if any possibly, he sees humanity - throughout history, then and now - and he sees that the moment to act the change is now - pending doom and self-destruction (which has happened again and again in the history of humanity). He SEES the destruction, pending on us - and he fears it. At the same time, he longs for self-actuation, for the necessity of completing ourselves and fully actuating our potential - literally crying for us to awake to the need for that of each one of us. If this doesn't shake you, doesn't move you, doesn't make you reflect - again - I have no further need to speak to you nor I will listen back. To the others - we'll have to find our own way to deal with all of this -
Or he just has a Messiah complex
@@steven5054or you just don't understand the human condition at all. Clearly you have yet to truly live.
“Humility is dependence on God as pride is independence of Him. The humble soul is always the thankful soul.”
- Fulton J. Sheen
The science of language includes sounds( phonations) phonemes, morphology(words)syntax, semantics, structures, literal and lastly pragmatic( contextual meaning). Language in its structure can have fractal meanings, with double, triple or more entendres ( meanings) given the same syntax, semantics structures, sounds, etc. Language is regarded as a representation of information. Words are not only sounds but transmit meaning. Transmission of meaning is a function of intent. Sounds and words can have meaninglessness by intent but when there is meaning there is necessarily intent. Sounds transmit action. Sounds are measured as frequencies and vibrations. Sounds and vibrations can act on reality. Chladni plates, cymascopes, oscilloscopes, etc are means of demonstrating the actionable properties of sound. Sounds can have particular shapes and patterns. These shapes and patterns are determined by the substances being acted upon as well as the substance acting. Water is a classic example of such actings visualized in cymascopes and oscilloscopes. Furthermore water not only can be acted upon by sound but water also then produces sound. Multiple sources of frequencies, vibration can simultaneously act on water. Oceans are acted on by wind, earth crust ( earthquakes and volcanoes, tectonic plates and subsurface dynamics) , gravity and electromagnetic fields, etc.
Water crashing on a beach creates sounds as well as patterns in sand or rock.
Sounds as spoken can have structural topology. This topology itself has transmitting effects( these effects can have effects into and beyond the structure directly acted on.. ocean waves caused by earthquakes can transmit patterns on land, sand and rocks not acted on directly by the earthquake, etc.).
He has more pull in faith than most priest have while giving a sermon
That's what makes him so unique, in today's world, in his profession especially.
Because priests giving a sermon ain't giving you anything useful to integrate into daily life.
I have never heard them say as Christ did 'Worry not about tomorrow orwhat you shall eat, drink or wear. Leave it to God it is his Will that will take care of us, what do we worry for. He takes care of the birds, the flowers and the trees no? Why you should worry.
If they taught this as Christ did the economy would collapse and modern day man would be human again. This sadistic society is the problem, we have already unleashed the forces of evil upon the earth, and the people know not even how it looks, comes, or affects the world. T
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is most definitely a prophet of God; of the highest order. Thank God that He places people in history when they are most needed. I am a believer and a son of God, and Jordan Peterson is my brother. I pray for him continually.
You should know that he literally believes God to be a fictional character. He is an intellectual charlatan of the highest order.
Psalm 139
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
@@jamescarr4662no he doesn't. You literally would understand that if you watch the video. He does not think that God is either a character or fictional, infact the opposite.
I believe they also called Christ a heretic and blasphemous and charlatan also.
The highest order is Good.
It is sad to see people believe they can speak and dismiss the ideas and thoughts of others, it is sad when people believe their opinion and ego is actually something real, and not simply a superimposed superficiality- a delusion.
YJMJR : Jordan Peterson is a Johny come lately
59:53 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If Ralston College is an alternative college, why does Ralston College not have a channel on Rumble and other alternative sites?
You’ve just answered your own question…
Have you considered reaching out to the college and asking that question for yourself? It’s no small task creating a new college: perhaps that detail slipped their mind.
Hanlon’s Razor: never attribute to malice what you can otherwise attribute to ignorance.
Why do you care if you watch it on RUclips or Rumble? What even is alternative sites and colleges, apart from rejection of the corrupt and brainwashed mainstream media?
How is that what you take away from this video?
Stop thinking and asking stupidity and take ACTION instead.
Good stuff mate 🎉 🧉
I have the idea that one spirit speak trough DR Peterson, and this spirit is God
We need to encourage children to keep journals and write in a free style or free association manner about their abservations about the world they live in and what they would do to make it better.
Writing is thinking on paper. The sooner we get children to write about what they think the more we get people in every age group develope throughout their lives the habit of journaling their insight, observations and feeling the more conscious our civilization can become and the more well ordered our political systems and social constructs or means of solving social problems.
We might consider as part of psychotherapy to have patients write or free associate on paper before counseling. sessions.
And have patients share past writing from private journals or class assignments or published articles as a means of developing society wide a higher level of consciousness.
Democratic civilizations should strive for higher consciousness among their citizens if they wish to promote higher freedom conjoined with higher individual and social responsibility.
And as we get people to write more we will have to encourage people to write by hand not just type on computer or typewriter because hand written letters help people develope and hold on to longer term memories which facilitate higher levels of consciousness.
Encouraging people to write more by hand possibly handing in both hand written essays and typed pages of the same hand written essays will help prevent altimers syndrome especially if we make a conscious effort to join physical fitness with psychological fitness and increase physical activity and reduce sedandary behavior as much as possible.
Hand written intellectual exercises can help people develope a higher degree of moral reasoning which if done civilization wide could lead to truly freer societies serving to preserve Democratic Societies.
Now then consider the fractal nature of language and the fractal nature of sound.The science of language includes sounds( phonations) phonemes, morphology(words)syntax, semantics, structures, literal and lastly pragmatic( contextual meaning). Language in its structure can have fractal meanings, with double, triple or more entendres ( meanings) given the same syntax, semantics structures, sounds, etc. Language is regarded as a representation of information. Words are not only sounds but transmit meaning. Transmission of meaning is a function of intent. Sounds and words can have meaninglessness by intent but when there is meaning there is necessarily intent. Sounds transmit action. Sounds are measured as frequencies and vibrations. Sounds and vibrations can act on reality. Chladni plates, cymascopes, oscilloscopes, etc are means of demonstrating the actionable properties of sound. Sounds can have particular shapes and patterns. These shapes and patterns are determined by the substances being acted upon as well as the substance acting. Water is a classic example of such actings visualized in cymascopes and oscilloscopes. Furthermore water not only can be acted upon by sound but water also then produces sound. Multiple sources of frequencies, vibration can simultaneously act on water. Oceans are acted on by wind, earth crust ( earthquakes and volcanoes, tectonic plates and subsurface dynamics) , gravity and electromagnetic fields, etc.
Water crashing on a beach creates sounds as well as patterns in sand or rock.
Sounds as spoken can have structural topology. This topology itself has transmitting effects( these effects can have effects into and beyond the structure directly acted on.. ocean waves caused by earthquakes can transmit patterns on land, sand and rocks not acted on directly by the earthquake, etc.).
nd. If sound is an operative of words and therefore language then such sounds can transmit intent by their meaning.
In Star Trek, third season, Mr. Spock made a statement very similar to this. The episode "Spectre of the Gun." Star Trek ahead of the times and Mr. Spock!
Unfortunately this platform does not allow visual communication.
However I will tell you that the brain is a Mandelbrot set complex morphology ( both Mandelbrot and connected Julia sets). It is the image in which you are made.
The Mandelbrot set has a beginning and an ending ( on the real number line).
The Mandelbrot set is simultaneously infinite ( infinite borders) and finite ( limited area). As a transformation from a polar grid circle to a polar Mandelbrot it can be shown to be a manifestation of structure from the Bose-Einstein condensate to the largest structures in the universe. Thus it is everywhere. It makes ( the morphology of) everything.
In such a function ( Mandelbrot) everything can be known only from its origin but to everything afterwards things are relativistic. It explains both freewill and determinism. By being everywhere in everything and being from its beginning it “ knows” all iterations .
Given the above the mathematics which God uses is a description of God.
However, Wolfram claims that a brain is equivalent in computation to a rock.
We intuitively understand that there is a difference between a rock and a brain. This computational equivalence is no different from a live or a dead brain. So then structure is as a computational equivalence to structure. Therefore the difference in function of life compared with non living and non life is extra computational.
"There aren't that many wheeled rats."
- Dr. Jordan Peterson at Ralston College in Savannah, Georgia on August 31, 2022
he's speaking to like 30 people, kind of nice! also , i'd like to know what those ruins he's speaking in IS.
Check out the thumbnail for the location details.
What a wonderful man. I sometimes struggle with my Faith and question it perhaps I’m getting caught up in supposed expert’s Big Bang theory? but as soon as I hear Jordan speak It comes back without question. Messenger sent from above☝🏼🤓
Why? The big bang, if it proves anything at all it is that God is real.
In the deep deep quantum real lies all the answers, we can't understand this with our rational minds but we can feel it intuitively.
The Big Bang is a miraculous event that answers nothing and proves nothing except it is the creation myth of the sciences, which science itself can't explain. The laws of physics as we understand them dissolve at the quantum realm, which is the FUNDAMENT ABSOLUTE REALITY and source of all existence itself.
I am a firm believer and understander of Science.and the scientific method, and also of world Philosophy and Spirituality Religious Ideology, and they are not in anyway opposition to each
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
My favorite part was the cat loafing in the background.
He invokes the Greeks but fails to recognize the Aristotelian. If one reads the Nicomachean Ethics with any degree of comprehension, that is, in a good translation, and one is reading directly - you discover a fine rebuttal to Dr Peterson. In fact, Plato & Christianity do not have a monopoly over interpreting the perennial brilliance of our Greek progenitors. We cannot taste or see or even comprehend what he means by "underlying pattern" - it doesn't really make any more sense in Greek than it does in Kant, except as a refusal to accept Hume's conclusions. What he dismisses as "behaviorism" or "postmodernism" are two ways of contending with this, not merely denying it, or reducing it. Peterson ought to be careful about what he expresses antipathy towards, as that is what is dead in his own heart.
God was definitely showing off when He made Jordan Peterson…
Thanks Gentlemen, we'll done.
Sounds:consonants:vowels:words:sentences:syntax:semantics:symbols:communication:language:literal:pragmatic =FRACTAL
Puns, poetry,prose
It is the communication that matters.
Communication is fractal at its highest good.
Truth and beauty::deceit and ugliness. Comfort and struggle. Strength and weakness. Nutrition and poison. Life and death.
Communicating so that you can live and do it more abundantly.
Consider that the real number line of a Mandelbrot complex morphology is a golden ratio, Fibonacci function.
It’s why you can count, do math. It is part of the cochlea as well as the mid sagittal cross section of the brain.
Imagine trying to claim that a random process caused function. Very specific yet multiple functions in the same pattern.
perfect example of both how Sincere and how Wrong a person can be; the question of "truth" is different from the implicit need for vision & hope that Person instills in his disciples - so I suspect there's a nihilism at the heart of Peterson? - i mean, isn't this revealed in his own personal struggles? or is the ad hominem not allowed here? how long can a bubble float before being popped?
Understanding this now consider:
In the beginning ( or when, in the beginning) God created the Heaven ( singular) and earth( what are the ancient Hebrew words for black holes, galaxies, dust clouds… the universe?/ these words did not specifically exist but given the fractal nature of words and language it can be, and is understood to be, that “the Heaven and earth “ has fractal meaning in that it represents the concept of the universe as a whole and that at the beginning the conditions were set by which the earth was created).
And the earth was without form, and void( again as fractal meaning the earth was set in its place even at the creation before there was a universe per se/ given the fractal nature of language ( as I will consider throughout) when earth is presented in this manner it can be understood as meaning both the earth itself and the universe because by necessity the earth is part of the universe/ was without form = without morphology, shape, etc. and void… was actually not of physical substance… again fractal read is that both the earth was of no physical substance nor was the universe, and the earth as well as the universe was without shape, morphology = form) . Was without form and void is a great description of what occurs before a lightning strike. The pattern which the lightning strikes is set up by the pre lightning strike “void” pattern.
And darkness was upon the face of the deep ( recall that darkness is without understanding… without understanding if the light because light transmits information via structure, topology. What is the “face of the deep”? Does deepness have a face? What is a face? A face is a structure, a topology, a morphology. But herein that structure, morphology was dark, which is the absence of light. Yet there was a face of the deep… a structure of the universe, nay but a structure into which the universe could expand into with light which could and would travel and transmit information from God as the word which was before creation but was the creator as the word with the creator God( to be to be.. the essence of existence)).
And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters( again fractal read, the face if the water has been interpreted as the surface of the ocean but the fractal reading is the water is a category as well as a type of substance. Here we have introduced the spirit of God. The spirit is like the wind moving to and fro whether you know not where it blows… so the spirit of God is the transmission of the word as in frequency, energy and vibration… acting on liquid/ plasma matter-energy. Fractal as acting upon h2O as well as molten metal, lava the earth as well as the universe… God in this chapter of Genesis has compacted information which was interpreted in literal terms as a particular meaning framed within a paradigm and that paradigm projected that interpretation through time without the understanding of a present paradigm but because of the fractal nature of language it represents truth through both interpretations within those disparate paradigms ( genius supreme). Recall the highest order of language is not literal but pragmatic. In this function of pragmatic interpretation a fractal nature as well as a categorical interpretation lends to understanding as to be scientifically precise. / acting on liquid the flow of information and energy moving on the face= morphology, shape… shaped the universe and necessarily the earth and liquid of earth… again recall that sound as waves can impart action through other on other things( earthquakes->water-> land) as such the liquid forms structures, patterns on which the next wave can function… words with sentences, paragraphs, storylines, books… information, progressions of information, iterations of information).
So then before there was light the spirit of God acting on plasma/liquid energy flows( spirit winds) generated the structure into which light and subsequently life could flow and grow as iterations.
And our place in the cosmos, and our purpose is:.......
Given the above consider:
In the beginning was the word( a word as a form of expression of meaning and intention) and the word was with God, and the word was God( when you speak your words are you and the spirit of your intentions and so then the words, sounds of the words having meaning by God’s intention are transmitted information). The same ( word) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him( the word of God as God); and without him was not anything made that was made( all things then are made by the word, sound, frequency, vibration, as language , as information transmission, as God/ I am that I am, as in to be to be, God as existence itself, being as the primary category of existence, that being spoke into existence all other being/ being the creator of all other being is not the same as being that other being ( not a oneness of all things .. not a Buddhist proposition).
In him( the word as God, in the word was life/ life is spoken into existence) was life; and the life was the light of men( life as light, in the word was life which was light/ light is the fundamental being ( object as wave particle… as a something which exists… which has structure and is a transmitter of information/ light as a particle, as spherical, an object with a surface which surfaces can carry-transmit information).
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not( this is a necessary understanding, darkness is not light and darkness is not a transmitter of information by structure in the way that light is a transmitter of information… therefore darkness does not comprehend light information).
…And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Knowing the image in which we are made and understanding that we are created in the image of God that is more same as the likeness of God. However God made us in his image and likeness.
Understanding the fractal that is this image it is understood that what is claimed and communicated is fractal. Hebrew is fractal. All communication is fractal. Communication relies on functions of the commutator those to whom ( Or that which is) communicated to and with. Pragmatic communication is the understanding of the communicator knowing what the subject communicated to will and will not( fractal in time, space, etc.) Thus if God communicates to Moses but also to us then the same language ( words, syntax, semantics, literal and pragmatic communication) can mean entirely different things in time, space, etc.
Given the above:
When communicating “ kinds” “ images” and “likenesses” when not communicated separately are understood in context of the other two.
There are kinds of things.
There are images of things( patterns by which we identify things in time and space and in reference to other things… even if it is the same thing it is different in time and space) .
God is a “kind” of thing.
We are made in the image and likeness of God.
However created other things are also made in an image and a likeness.
Understanding the fractal image and that everything is a function of that same image. Therefore plants and animals are made in that image ( we just are in a nearly full image not a rotation or vibration pattern-image-transformation)
What is it like to be a bat?
Idk exactly but I have some idea. God is not us. We are not God. God claimed “ I am that I am”, being itself.
God curiously seems to know us by leaving us. How we behave without God communicates what it is like to be us to God.
However since this is all mathematical the end can be known if and only if you created the starting conditions.
God only creates the universe God created because it is a thing created in the image of God.
Jordan, God is love. We don't need to pay anything to Him. We do His commands because we love Him, not because we want pay for the sin of Adam and Eve. It is written in Old Testament by a prophet that ''God wants mercy than animal sacrificies''.
It is like a father and a son. If a son behaves unfairly, will ever a Father say ''you offended me, you have to pay''? Or He might just say ''my boy is too young and immature''. To conclude, we fast and pray so that we become worthy of His endless love. God doesn't require anything from us, except as you said, to become what we can' the act of becoming the best version of ourselves. So, the meaning of the gospel is joyful because Christ is risen and we have to follow His path of love to join Him eventually and eternally.
I’m awake
sad: EVERYBODY in the world won't get the message
lol Lobster God Values paralleled by stacked obviousness garnished with anecdotes and frolicking fantasies about social science.
I don't think the "obviousness" is so obvious to new atheists, obvious enough to apply it to science.
@@revermightstar8004 there could be some operational blindness on my side.
What a word salad. I can bare it no longer. Does he really say anything?
Damn wtf he talkin bout patterns n shyt
22:30 As The Great Patrice O'neal would say JP with the 'sneak medicine', like Jeffrey Gurian. If u kno, u kno.
Jordan, if you're reading this... I see what you're doing but give it to these bitches raw. It might not taste good but it's what they need. Be the Father.
Most of the this true for Man but not Woman. And you know this Jordan. 30:00
never trust someone who defends "reality" by asking "it depends on how you define reality" - same mistake Jung made as Foucault made. Both Freud & Language philosophy are equally detrimental to direct thought. By beginning with a false problem - the problem of perception - he's able to route his audience into a fake kind of conclusion. it turns out you & your interlocutors are not only "not right" but you are not even wrong.
And God said( the word as information, iterated onto/into the structure of the plasma/liquid energy created by the movement of the spirit of God), Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light( observer perspective/action/quantum effects), that it was good( what is good, goodness, evil, evilness? Here the fractal meaning is philosophical as in John 1: 9-11, That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came into his own, and his own received him not.
( darkness cannot comprehend light)):
And God divided the light from the darkness ( not separated but divided them. Could this possibly mean? We understand the universe to be expanding and expanding at a particular rate, the cosmological constant. The rate at which the universe is expanding is faster than the speed of light. What is faster than the speed of light? The speed of dark is faster than the speed of light. So then consider that by God dividing the light from the dark we consider 1/137 as that division of light from dark.) .
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. ( Here we are amazed at the reality of fractal and pragmatic functions of language. Neither the Sun nor the Moon have yet been created, so then what is this supposed to mean Day and night and evening and morning? If no where else but here it is understood that there is pragmatic and fractal meaning herein. Thus we move into a compaction of information understood in terms of categories. )
The next two “day”’s are the creation of
Heaven and earth again (?)
I will not give the fractal interpretation here but understand that it is so precise in its science that I do not feel compelled to give such information.
Be that as it may the categories remaining are sufficient in fractal interpretation as to be remarkable and like the 5th chapter of genesis have meaning beyond literal interpretation.
The end of the first chapter of genesis is key to understanding that the text is fractal. The image in which you are made is the lock that opens the fractal nature of the text.
also bit cringe reading lecture notes on a phone
What a farrago of nonsense. Likely regurgitating whatever the AI bot was sending to his phone. Is that an insult to AI bots?
Peterson is crazy but that is simply my opinion. Peterson is in over his head. Contrary to Peterson the world did not come from chaos. That which is, cannot come from that which is not. Everyone knows that except JP.
JP is the prophet of our day...and he doesn't even know it.
Hail to the wheeled rats!
Am I crazy or is his delivery of the lecture influenced by Ye? The growling
incoherent nonsense - this is peterson at his worst.
i really cannot understand how people don't understand this man , it's not like he speaks inchoherently :P