While my only take downs are from twists and/or braids, those take downs still require Patience, Patience, Patience... Great video. I was really hoping that you would share your shed hair amount, which helps us get a better sense of what is a "normal" shed hair amount.
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I always thumbs up as soon as your video starts to play, I mean it’s Mary of course I’m gonna enjoy the video!➰➰➰👍🏾
Heyyyyy Lianne, thank you so much for your support! 💖
The Curly Closet 👍🏾👍🏾
What was your WORST braid take down experience? I wanna hear! Tell the story below!
well overdue for a takedown, thanks for sharing
You're welcome 🙂
COMMENT BELOW! What tips do you have for taking down your protective style safely with no breakage?
While my only take downs are from twists and/or braids, those take downs still require Patience, Patience, Patience...
Great video. I was really hoping that you would share your shed hair amount, which helps us get a better sense of what is a "normal" shed hair amount.