Beethoven - Piano Concerto No.6 / Violin Concerto Tr. + P° (ref.record.: F.-R.Duchable / Y.Menuhin)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 159

  • @classicalmusicreference
    @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +16

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    Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) - Piano Concerto No.6, Op.61a
    Beethoven's transcription of the Violin Concerto / Cadences : Beethoven
    **Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation** (00:00-04:15)
    I.Allegro non troppo (00:00)
    II.Larghetto (24:04)
    III.Rondo (35:06)
    Piano : François-René Duchable
    Timpani : Piotr Kostrzewa
    Sinfonia Varsovia
    Conducted by Yehudi Menuhin
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    **We fully assume this title of 6th concerto, because it is a new creation. For more details, read the presentation (English subtitles).**
    Beethoven, Concerto pour piano No.6, Op.61a (transcription par l'auteur du Concerto pour violon, op.61).
    Dans son apollinienne perfection, le Concerto en ré majeur Op.61 s'impose comme l'une des plus hautes réalisations de la littérature de violon. Les choses eussent probablement été différentes si Mozart, durant la dernière décennie de son existence, s'était à nouveau intéressé à l'instrument à archet. Tel ne fut pas le cas et, quelles que soient les beautés des cinq concertos écrits durant les années salzbourgeoises de l'auteur de Così, le privilège revient à l'Opus 61 de Beethoven d'ouvrir l'ère des « grands » concertos de violon romantiques.
    Les lecteurs des critiques qui rendaient compte de la création sous l'archet de Franz Klement du Concerto en ré majeur Op.61, le 23 décembre 1806 à Vienne, au Théâtre « An der Wien », n'imaginaient sûrement pas l'importance que prendrait par la suite cet ouvrage. On lui reprocha en effet son « manque de cohérence » ou « un vacarme continuel entretenu par quelques instruments » ! Le public quant à lui ne s'y trompa point, réservant un chaleureux accueil à une partition qui, du fait de sa difficulté, fixait, il est vrai, pour le soliste des critères de virtuosité absolument nouveaux dans le domaine concertant. Peu à peu, grâce en particulier à l'ardeur avec laquelle Joseph Joachim (1831-1907) défendit la partition, l'Opus 61 trouva sa place au répertoire et ses vastes proportions, la noblesse de son propos, le classicisme épuré de son trait sa lumineuse tonalité de ré majeur aussi - alimentèrent la réflexion de créateurs tels que Brahms ou Tchaïkovsky. Des contemporains surent toutefois reconnaître la valeur du Concerto pour violon et plus généralement de la musique de Beethoven. Ainsi Muzio Clementi signa-t-il en 1807 avec ce dernier un contrat qui l'autorisait à publier à Londres plusieurs partitions de son confrère, parmi lesquelles le Concerto pour violon, Op.61... et son adaptation pour piano !
    C'est en effet Clementi qui avait suggéré à Beethoven cette réalisation, imaginant - à tort - que, par phénomène d'entraînement, son succès rejaillirait sur l'original pour violon. Beethoven pour lequel la proposition de Clementi présentait bien entendu un intérêt financier - mena à bien la transcription au cours de l'année 1807 et la dédia à Julie von Breuning, la soeur de Stephan, dédicataire de la version pour violon.
    En adaptant pour piano son Concerto Op.61, Beethoven n'apporta que peu de modifications à la partie de violon. Il devait en revanche lui offrir le soutien d'une partie de main gauche qui s'apparente à tout autre chose qu'un simple « remplissage ». Les trouvailles harmoniques du compositeur démontrent que son travail de transcripteur, loin de se cantonner à assurer le passage du violon au piano, était aussi l'occasion de projeter sur une partition chère à son cœur un éclairage vraiment nouveau. Par ailleurs, le fait que Beethoven, qui n'avait écrit aucune cadence pour le Concerto de violon Op.61, prit le soin de rédiger les quatre que renferme la transcription pour piano procède également de cette volonté. C'est bien évidemment sur la cadence de l'Allegro ma non troppo initial qu'il importe de mettre l'accent. Outre ses vastes dimensions, elle présente la particularité de faire dialoguer le piano et les timbales. Ce moment de haute virtuosité pianistique, dont le matériau thématique contient des échos de Fidelio, s'apparente à un coléreux déferlement sonore. L'opposition entre le piano et la percussion - que sous-tend celle, foncièrement beethovénienne, entre l'individu et l'univers - prend l'allure d'une véritable lutte de titans dont l'enjeu n'est autre que la Liberté.
    Les deuxième et troisième cadences se révèlent infiniment plus modestes, l'une assurant la transition entre le Larghetto médian et le Rondo, l'autre impliquant une première fois le soliste au cours du finale à partir d'un petit motif. On s'attardera plus en revanche sur la dernière cadence du Rondo, bien plus riche que les deux précédentes, où le compositeur exige force brio du soliste.
    Cet aspect rappelle quel extraordinaire pianiste était Beethoven et à quel point sa maîtrise du clavier l'avait aidé lors de ses débuts dans le monde musical viennois. Installé dans la capitale autrichienne à la fin de 1792, le jeune artiste retint vite en effet l'attention des salons de l'aristocratie où il régalait ses auditoires d'improvisations ou de compositions originales qui avaient pour titres rondo, variations ou sonate.
    Ludwig Van Beethoven PLAYLIST (reference recordings) :видео.html

    • @user-rq3en3pw6v
      @user-rq3en3pw6v 4 года назад

      It's violin concerto

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +1

      What?! Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 6?! Yes, it's not a typo, there is a sixth piano concerto. The first measures where only the timpani resonates are surely familiar to you, and that's normal, Beethoven himself transcribed his violin concerto for the piano. It is a magnificent work. The violin concerto is the most spiritual, the noblest of the great violin concertos. The same goes for his piano transcription.
      Through this work, we understand that virtuosity is not only about playing at full speed, it is above all about being able to elevate the musical discourse (and technique contributes to it) to something true, pure, noble, worthy; just as a human being can elevate his moral values and thus be able to love and be loved thanks to his wonderful inner qualities that he uses to do good. Thus, Beethoven achieves here a degree of musical purity, of spirituality that is essential to bring out for a performer who tackles the performance of this work.
      François-René Duchable is this kind of musician. His long experience in the practice of Beethoven's music makes him one of the ideal interpreters. The same goes for Yehudi Menuhin, who gave up the violin to conduct the orchestra. He has played and recorded the violin concerto alongside the greatest conductors, such as Wilhelm Furtwängler. These two interpreters have developed human qualities that enable them to interpret this work well. For like Beethoven, before being a musician, one must be a human being in the full moral sense of the expression..
      We fully assume this title of 6th concerto, because it is a new creation. For more details, read the presentation (English subtitles).
      Classical Music/ /Reference Recording

    • @davidrehak3539
      @davidrehak3539 4 года назад

      Köszönöm az értékelést

    • @oddviews
      @oddviews 4 года назад

      Beethoven also had a piano concerto No '0'. Look it up

    • @gad9707
      @gad9707 Год назад

      On y arrivera 💍💕💍💍💍💕💍💕🙏🙏💞je suis ton âme sœur cheri

  • @michaelattwell7502
    @michaelattwell7502 4 года назад +11

    This is ravishing. If the Violin Concerto hadn’t existed, this would be regarded as a masterpiece in its own right. Which it is. Those beautiful extended passages of delicacy in the second and third movements! Doesn’t matter what you call it; since it is a full-length concerto, it might just as well be his Sixth.

    • @tapioca8147
      @tapioca8147 6 месяцев назад

      His sixth (unfinished) concerto is also in D Major, so they sometimes get confused, I think.

  • @quocbaonguyen4588
    @quocbaonguyen4588 4 года назад +9

    having yt recommendation bring me this magnificent transcription of my beloved composition from beethoven without to do anything is almost too good to be true. I'm so glad get to live and breath right in this moment. Thank you all.

  • @rememberme5279
    @rememberme5279 3 года назад +3

    It is an amazing transformation from violin to piano concert. Whenever I listened Beethoven' violin concert (D Major), I thought what if it was converted as a piano concert. It happened here. I really enjoyed. Thanks a lot.

  • @notaire2
    @notaire2 4 года назад +8

    Es ist meine erste Gelegenheit, dieses Werk zu hören. Erstaunlich fein arrangiert und wunderschön aufgeführt mit anmutigem doch gut artikuliertem Klang des genialen Soloklaviers und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen anderer Instrumente. Der unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das hoch funktionelle Orchester im gut phrasierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Hörenswert, doch nicht so tiefempfunden wie das originale Violinkonzert!

  • @cohomological46
    @cohomological46 3 года назад +12

    Masterpiece. Thank you very much. It's so sad that Beethoven wrote only one violin concerto 😭The public of his time didn't appreciate this masterpiece. It was performed only twice (TWICE!!!) in his whole lifetime. The reason why Beethoven wrote piano transcription for his violin concerto is due to the advice of Muzio Clementi (a composer and a brilliant pianist), who suggested disappointed Beethoven to do so. So tragic :(

    • @alhfgsp
      @alhfgsp Год назад +3

      A reason for the lack of his violin concerto's success is perhaps a poor performance on behalf of the soloist. Beethoven never became a very experienced violinist and wrote brilliant musical ideas rather awkwardly for the instrument. Franz Clement performed it to the best of his abilities. Violinist Itzhak Perlman considers Beethoven's violin concerto to actually be more of a challenge than Paganini simply due to this reason. Still, the violin concerto as originally written is one of the best in history.
      I'd bet that the original interpreter of the soloist section just didn't know what to do with it. Today, soloist violinists perform it well with the benefit of 200 years of violin technique evolution.

  • @mehmetiksel3081
    @mehmetiksel3081 2 года назад +3

    How amazing that this work was unappreciated in Beethoven's lifetime. Today and even a century ago it remains THE violin concerto. Even the Brahms pales in comparison. Of course it has to work on a keyboard ! Clementi's advice was sound.

  • @francescoelia.marino
    @francescoelia.marino 4 года назад +6

    This concert for violin rearranged for the piano is sublime and beautiful. Unfortunately, it is rarely played.

  • @CaroleHoldem-lh4np
    @CaroleHoldem-lh4np Год назад +3

    The Magic of Beethoven,, Wonderful Recording 💞✨✨💜👏🎶🎶

  • @kanekokazuko7034
    @kanekokazuko7034 4 года назад +5


  • @EkRatana
    @EkRatana 4 года назад +16

    Funny to say it'a 6th Piano Concerto. the piece is opus 61a finished in 1807 before emperor concerto(No.5) for 2years.
    it should be No.4 1/2

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 4 года назад

      Funny !

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 4 года назад +5

      Harry Potter concerto ! Platform 9 3/4 !

    • @fairplayforchildren
      @fairplayforchildren 4 года назад +1

      Ah but ..... Concerto 2 came before 1 but is called 2. What LvB might have called it is not known - probably "cash cow" knowing his attitude to money. It does work, of course, AND the candenza has been transcribed in recent times back to the violin and knocks spots off anyone else's inc Kreisler which is the one most used today. LvB adds also back the timpani in this section. Magic.

  • @mariainesandradealcantara9979
    @mariainesandradealcantara9979 4 года назад +9

    Não importa se é transcrição para piano ou violino.O que importa é obra de BEETHOVEN! !!!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  • @johntravena119
    @johntravena119 3 года назад +3

    It is unmistakably Beethoven in a way some of his earlier works were not - they often could be mistaken for Mozart if you hadn’t already heard them - but more melodic and flowing than most of his mature works.

  • @user-xc8pv4ip2f
    @user-xc8pv4ip2f 4 года назад +6

    This is probably the best of Beethoven

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 4 года назад +1

      It is the piano version of his best known violin concerto which is one of the finest in world reputoire.

  • @calanthea1607
    @calanthea1607 3 года назад +3

    Sublime interprétation au piano ainsi, bien sûr, qu`à la direction. D'une grande Beauté. Une Merveille !

  • @robertoa.m.3984
    @robertoa.m.3984 4 года назад +5

    Great interpretation of a marvelous musical document, testimony to LvB incredible musical genius!!
    Thank you for this!

  • @larrykatz3333
    @larrykatz3333 4 года назад +15

    I'll take my Beethoven any way I can get it.

  • @anitarauld
    @anitarauld 4 года назад +6

    A dream, so sweet, thanks it's so beautiful 😊🌻🍀

  • @reubenlahav6327
    @reubenlahav6327 2 года назад +2

    Fantastic performance ,bravo .

  • @classicalmusicreference
    @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +7

    What?! Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 6?! Yes, it's not a typo, there is a sixth piano concerto. The first measures where only the timpani resonates are surely familiar to you, and that's normal, Beethoven himself transcribed his violin concerto for the piano. It is a magnificent work. The violin concerto is the most spiritual, the noblest of the great violin concertos. The same goes for his piano transcription.
    Through this work, we understand that virtuosity is not only about playing at full speed, it is above all about being able to elevate the musical discourse (and technique contributes to it) to something true, pure, noble, worthy; just as a human being can elevate his moral values and thus be able to love and be loved thanks to his wonderful inner qualities that he uses to do good. Thus, Beethoven achieves here a degree of musical purity, of spirituality that is essential to bring out for a performer who tackles the performance of this work.
    François-René Duchable is this kind of musician. His long experience in the practice of Beethoven's music makes him one of the ideal interpreters. The same goes for Yehudi Menuhin, who gave up the violin to conduct the orchestra. He has played and recorded the violin concerto alongside the greatest conductors, such as Wilhelm Furtwängler. These two interpreters have developed human qualities that enable them to interpret this work well. For like Beethoven, before being a musician, one must be a human being in the full moral sense of the expression..
    We fully assume this title of 6th concerto, because it is a new creation. For more details, read the presentation (English subtitles).
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    • @MrFefeleaga
      @MrFefeleaga 4 года назад +4

      Stop calling it Beethoven's 6 Piano Concerto! This is wrong. This is a transcription. You are being horribly misleading. Beethoven had actually started working on his 6th piano concerto and that's NOT it.

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +4

      @@MrFefeleaga We invite you to read the full commentary at the beginning of the video with English subtitles. This is much more than a transcription: it is a new creation.

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  3 года назад

      @@ChristovanRensburg :-)

    • @matthewpoplawski8740
      @matthewpoplawski8740 3 года назад

      I'll admit, when I first saw the title, and, first heard the music, I thought a mistake had been made.
      I'M THE ONE who the mistake. Had no idea Beethoven had transcribed the Violin Concerto for piano.THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!
      Tell those wet blanket sticks-in-the- mud to get over themselves. Why not call this Concerto #6??
      Bet you there's a lot music that's been lost over the years. 👏👏👏❤❤❤✌✌✌✌

  • @migueleliasp
    @migueleliasp 4 года назад +3

    Excelente. Ahora quiero escuchar el EMPERADOR en versión violín.
    Excellent. Now I want to listen to the EMPEROR in violin version.

  • @rutpanuphan1649
    @rutpanuphan1649 2 года назад +3


  • @zk1479
    @zk1479 3 года назад +2

    Thank you

  • @HistoricHomePlans
    @HistoricHomePlans 4 года назад +10

    The performance is excellent. But the video is disappointing. This is Beethoven's own transcription of his violin concerto, opus 61. However years later he indeed started a piano concerto number SIX, and this is not that work, which was unfinished. It's listed as Hess 15.

  • @DressedForDrowning
    @DressedForDrowning 4 года назад +5

    FIRST Yehudi plays this concerto with his violin, THEN he conducts it with a piano player :-)

    • @Piflaser
      @Piflaser 3 года назад +1

      As a conductor and violinist he can. Yes he can!

  • @remomazzetti8757
    @remomazzetti8757 4 года назад +44

    Beethoven did start composing a 6th piano concerto but never finished it. This transcription of the Violin Concerto is not his 6th Piano Concerto and should not be listed as such.

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +5

      We invite you to read the full commentary at the beginning of the video with English subtitles. This is much more than a transcription: it is a new creation.

    • @Cherubini47
      @Cherubini47 4 года назад +4

      I totally and strongly agree with your opinion. and I dare go a bit further and say that to claim that these transcriptions were meant to be the 6th. piano concerto IS A CRIME AGAINST BEETHOVEN.

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +3

      @@Cherubini47 The Appassionata was not nicknamed as such during Beethoven's lifetime, but in 1838 by a publisher who published an arrangement for four-handed piano. A crime ?

    • @Cherubini47
      @Cherubini47 4 года назад +3

      @@classicalmusicreference I think that it is, if it was not clear for everyone that this was not Beethoven's choice of name. But this claim of 6th piano concerto is much larger than just a name.

    • @classicalmusicreference
      @classicalmusicreference  4 года назад +7

      @@Cherubini47 In this case we fully assume our crime :-) read the subtitled comment anyway..

  • @carloslijoicarcano
    @carloslijoicarcano 4 года назад +3

    una caricia para el oído y para el alma

  • @georgemylonakis106
    @georgemylonakis106 4 года назад +3

    A great revalation!. Thank you.

  • @carloscamara961
    @carloscamara961 8 месяцев назад +1

    Lo mejor que he oído en mucho tiempo la interpretación soberbia

  • @lockjiang
    @lockjiang 2 года назад

    love that precision in the execution of the cadenza!

  • @osvaldocosta631
    @osvaldocosta631 3 года назад +3

    Essa pra ouvir até decorar cada frase

  • @johnroh3905
    @johnroh3905 4 года назад +3

    Great recording, thanks

  • @davidrehak3539
    @davidrehak3539 4 года назад +3

    Ludwig van Beethoven:D-dúr Zongoraverseny Op.61a (Hegedűverseny feldolgozása)
    1.Allegro ma non troppo 00:00
    2.Larghetto 24:04
    3.Rondo 35:06
    François-René Duchable-zongora
    Sinfonia Varsovia
    Vezényel:Yehudi Menuhin

  • @user-fu6tt8qq4v
    @user-fu6tt8qq4v 4 года назад +4

    아름다운 연주곡 잘 들었읍니다~감사합니다~🎵🎻🎹🌿🍀☘🌹🌹☘🍀🌿❤❤

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 4 года назад +8

    Sorry but Beethoven did start to work on his 6th piano concerto (Not transcription of any of his previous work) but only two rough sketchy manuscript movements survive.He did however made a transcription of his only Violin Concerto into exact note by note , phrase by phrase piano concerto and dedicated to a friend of him.

  • @jmg1884
    @jmg1884 4 года назад +13

    This can not be named as "Concert No.6", but a transcription by Beethovem himself of his Violin Concerto.

    • @johntravena119
      @johntravena119 3 года назад +2

      Beethoven transcribed this? I’ve never heard it played on the piano. It deserves to be heard more often.

  • @hiramcastroescritor3199
    @hiramcastroescritor3199 4 года назад +2

    Amazing, tender, superb!!!!

  • @militaryandemergencyservic3286
    @militaryandemergencyservic3286 4 года назад +7

    it's alright, but not something I would listen to twice. I take that back - this is INCREDIBLE.

  • @itdo4869
    @itdo4869 4 года назад +4


  • @timofievyermac
    @timofievyermac 4 года назад +3

    es una curiosidad interesante, propia del genio inquieto de Beethoven, pero coincido plenamente con el comentario de Jaime VI. Tiene la estructura propia de un concierto para violín y como tal uno de los más bellos que se han escrito para ese instrumento.

  • @fatimacanche9081
    @fatimacanche9081 3 года назад +1

    Precioso concierto al amanecer

  • @jerhsiongwang9611
    @jerhsiongwang9611 2 года назад +1

    A very lovely and wonderful masterpiece comparable to the original viol

  • @TheStockwell
    @TheStockwell 4 года назад +23

    Calling this transcription Piano Concerto No.6 means you've invented "classical click bait."

    • @yanair2091
      @yanair2091 4 года назад +1

      Indeed, very confusing

    • @patricksmith5031
      @patricksmith5031 4 года назад +1

      The incorrect title was not appreciated :( but now we know!

    • @louisvalencia5244
      @louisvalencia5244 4 года назад +1

      People have not problem, calling the Brandenburg no.6 the transcription of the 4th and they got no problem, why wouldn´t it be the same for Beethoven?

    • @Piflaser
      @Piflaser 3 года назад

      @@louisvalencia5244 It was written between nr. 4 and 5, ist is number 4.5 but 6 is more memorable. Like symphony 0 and 00 by Bruckner.

    • @johntravena119
      @johntravena119 3 года назад +2

      😃 I was all Wut, wut?? Bach often reworked his own & other composers’ works for new instruments. If you ask me, it works as a piano concerto. Love it!

  • @osvaldocosta631
    @osvaldocosta631 3 года назад +1

    As vezes fico penso que ele não tinha cerebelo e sim computador de última jeracao na cabeça simplesmente foi e será o melhor de todos obrigado por existir e pelos interples por vcs conhecemos a obra desse jenio

  • @horacefrancou9802
    @horacefrancou9802 4 года назад +3

    If it would be a real Beethoven piano concerto I shall conider it close to number 3.Did you ever listen de flute transcription ?

  • @KaanCelen
    @KaanCelen 2 года назад +1

    III.Rondo, like a meal you never want to end.

  • @jerhsiongwang9611
    @jerhsiongwang9611 2 года назад +2

    A lovely and wonderful masterpiece comparable to his original violin version. But as a matter of respect, it should not be named No 6 but as his transcription of the only Violent concrto he wrote

  • @Dylonely42
    @Dylonely42 Год назад

    Very interesting that Beethoven decided to transcribe it on piano.

  • @oddviews
    @oddviews 4 года назад +1

    Beethoven also had a piano concerto No '0', look it up!

  • @user-jv5kq6oi5h
    @user-jv5kq6oi5h 4 года назад

    베토벤 피아노 협주곡 6번은 처음 듯는데 5번까지 하고는 많이 다르네용~~좋습니다

  • @etiquetaseimpresionesdemex9099
    @etiquetaseimpresionesdemex9099 4 года назад +2

    I think that is not appropriate name a transcription of a violin concert, beautiful, a piano and orchestra version as a piano concert itself. Much better if it is presented just like a transcription.

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 4 года назад

      Beethoven just copy the violin soloist part and transcribe it into piano version and give it to his friend who can hardly play violin vibrato !

  • @fransmeersman2334
    @fransmeersman2334 4 года назад +3

    Oef ! So much different opinions. I enjoy just the music as apparently also Duchable and Menuhin did and they were no simpletons. So nevertheless thank you.

  • @patricksmith5031
    @patricksmith5031 3 года назад

    Although this is classical clickbait, I still love it

  • @2Hot2
    @2Hot2 3 года назад

    According to the notes above, Beethoven himself wrote out the cadenzas for the piano transcription, which he didn't do in the orginal violin version, when the virtuoso David pretended to break all the strings but one and then play a virtuoso passage on the one remaining string, which really pisseed Beethoven off.I was wondering about that, because the cadenzas are incredibly good so I wondered who the composer/improviser was. By the way, does anybody really call cadenzas "cadences"? I thought a "cadence" was just a closing sequence of chords not an improvised passage.

  • @cts9718
    @cts9718 3 года назад

    Amadeus Webersinke & Kurt Masur, Gewandhaus Leipzig, 1970's. I've heard a few recordings of this fantastic concerto, including the very disappointing Daniel Barenboim version, and nothing reaches the clarity and discipline of Amadeus Webersinke, especially in the atmospheric middle section of the 1st part. Try to find it, if I may recommend.

  • @painpaul2024
    @painpaul2024 4 года назад +1

    concerto No.6 ?il n'existe pas que je sache ?d'ailleurs vous nous faites entendre le concerto pour violon et orchestre joué sur piano avec orchestre .

    • @louis8944
      @louis8944 4 года назад

      lisez les explications plus haut et vous comprendrez peut-être.

  • @Dylonely42
    @Dylonely42 Год назад


  • @agustinpintobahamondes1602
    @agustinpintobahamondes1602 4 года назад +2


    • @carloslijoicarcano
      @carloslijoicarcano 4 года назад +1

      comparto plenamente el concierto para violín de beethoven es sublime

  • @alainspiteri502
    @alainspiteri502 4 года назад

    J did't not known that there was a transcription of violin,-concerto but who is Composer ? but j known François René Duchable since his recording of 24 Chopin-studies , also of Saint-Saens-studies for piano , there is on Y Tube pne Legend of Listz by Duchable ; j learn to day there is six Beethoven--concertis j discover one more time on Y T very interesting

    • @TheStockwell
      @TheStockwell 4 года назад +1

      Beethoven wrote this transcription.

  • @jerhsiongwang9611
    @jerhsiongwang9611 2 года назад

    A lovely and wonderful masterpiece, but as a matter if respect, it should not be named No 6 but a piano transcription from his only Violent Concerto in D

  • @wolfgangmozart3330
    @wolfgangmozart3330 3 года назад

    ベートーベンのピアノ協奏曲6番??5 番しかないはずだがと思って聴いて見たらバイオリン協奏曲をピアノで弾いてみましたっていうことですね。・・で良かったです。ベートーベンはピアノで作曲していた人なのでピアノにも似合う曲なわけです。この曲は38:45からがとてもいいと思います。

  • @raoultak
    @raoultak 4 года назад

    Is there any conceivable reason why Beethoven transcribed his violin concerto to a piano concerto?

    • @FougarouBe
      @FougarouBe 4 года назад

      Yes, it is explained in the comments below the video, which say: "It was indeed Clementi who had suggested to Beethoven this realization, imagining - wrongly - that, by training phenomenon, his success would reflect on the original for violin. Beethoven, for whom Clementi's proposal was of course of financial interest - completed the transcription in 1807 and dedicated it to Julie von Breuning, Stephan's sister, dedicatee to the violin version." Cheers ;)

    • @anthonyharrison9525
      @anthonyharrison9525 3 года назад

      He was paid to transcribe it, added cadenzas, and a lot of extras for the left hand!

  • @jaimevi3870
    @jaimevi3870 4 года назад +1

    En realidad Beethoven así lo escribió. Eran para su único concierto de violín opus 61. Pero se sentía desconfiado de presentarlo ya que su fuerte era el piano. Si ponen atención, el pianista toca la mayor parte del tiempo con una sola mano, principalmente la mano derecha que son las notas más agudas del piano, ya que este es polifonico, es decir , puedes tocar 10 notas a la vez. No como el violín que toca prácticamente una nota a la vez. Sus amigos le dijeron que la composición para violín era hermosa y lo convencieron para qu lo presentara así. Lo presentó y hasta hoy es un delo conciertos de violín más bellos que se han escrito

  • @ivopicco5922
    @ivopicco5922 4 года назад

    dolce risveglio,con gioia e amore per voi adoratiRiki,Carola,Martina

  • @FN-im9xj
    @FN-im9xj 4 года назад

    Too much advertising during the video. Quit watching it...

  • @PP1969GR
    @PP1969GR 4 года назад +1

    Wow. But I prefer the violin edition

    • @Piflaser
      @Piflaser 3 года назад +1

      I prefer them both!

  • @MaestroTJS
    @MaestroTJS 4 года назад +2

    I've never understood why this transcription, by the composer himself, has never gained traction. More great Beethoven is always better Beethoven! We have alternate versions of concertos by Bach and Mozart which are routinely played, yet for some reason, not this, which is based on one of the greatest compositions ever written. It makes no sense. The only fly in the ointment is the astonishingly tasteless, inappropriate, and BIZARRE cadenza wrote for the piece. (The third movement one is...okay.) But a pianist would not be obligated to use it anyway.

    • @canman5060
      @canman5060 4 года назад

      It is a transcription for a close friend of him.This transcription is more of a 'note for note' , 'phrase for phrase' directly from his violin concerto without any particular pianistic distinction coming from the piano part.

    • @MaestroTJS
      @MaestroTJS 4 года назад

      @@canman5060 The same could be said for the other pieces I referenced, though. Plus he did add a left-hand part.

  • @petermerelis
    @petermerelis 3 года назад

    classical clickbait? we've finally made it in the digital economy!

  • @tomaxi007
    @tomaxi007 2 года назад +1

    Sorry, aber ich weiß nicht, was einen so großen Musiker wie Yehudi Menuhin, der dieses Violinenkonzert so hinreißend und hingebungsvoll und eines seiner besten Interpretationen ist, sich dazu hat hinreißen lassen dieses Violinenkonzert für das Instrument Pianoforte zu dirigieren. Es grenzt an Geschmacklosigkeit diese inhaltsvollen Melodien, die der Violinenpart hat so leer und schlecht arrangiert zu hören. Thriller Ketten lösen auch nicht das Problem und Beethoven hätte wohl eine vollkommen andere Tonalität und akkordisch andere Lösungen gefunden, als die hohlen Klänge die der Klavierpart den Violinenpart ersetzen will. Leider vollkommen missglückt und vollkommen überflüssig. Schade!

  • @marra0810
    @marra0810 4 года назад

    Beethoven solo compuso 5 concierto. ESTE ES EL CONCIERTO N°5 "EL EMPERADOR". CORRIJAN EL ERROR

    • @septimosegunda
      @septimosegunda 4 года назад

      Esta es la transcripción para piano de Beethoven de su concierto para violin opus 61. Lo escribió dos años antes de que compuso le 5º concierto para piano. Que la hayan bautizado el 6º concierto para piano crea cierta confusión, pero no es “El Emperador”.

    • @marra0810
      @marra0810 4 года назад +1

      @@septimosegunda De todas formas, no compuso 6 conciertos para piano. Compuso 5. No suban información ERRONEA. Gracias

    • @septimosegunda
      @septimosegunda 4 года назад

      maría Alvarez Eso sí es verdad.

    • @septimosegunda
      @septimosegunda 4 года назад

      Por otro lado, la transcripción es de Beethoven mismo. Esta catalogada como opus 61a. Confuso...

    • @hectorricardovegagutierrez1403
      @hectorricardovegagutierrez1403 4 года назад

      ¿Que importa si es el 5, 6, 7 o enésimo concierto? Simplemente disfruten esta gran interpretación y no pierdan su tiempo en discuciones bizantinas....Saludos desde México.

  • @patricksmith5031
    @patricksmith5031 4 года назад

    This is like Mozart and Liszt had a baby

  • @タケウチマサミチ
    @タケウチマサミチ 4 года назад +2


    • @SuperbBleu
      @SuperbBleu 2 года назад

      Sorry to disagree. The violin version sounds far more profound and expressive. The piano saps away the energy of this magnificent concerto. The cadenza sounds majestic though.

  • @jacopastorius319
    @jacopastorius319 4 года назад +3

    This is better than his piano concertos

    • @prof.jasonsaid2718
      @prof.jasonsaid2718 4 года назад

      How can you say that when there is the Emperor concerto in existence !!!! The greatest piano concerto ever written since or before or & after .... it is the concerto of humanity after all the misery inflicted by us against each other

    • @jacopastorius319
      @jacopastorius319 4 года назад +1

      Prof. jason said // Emperor concerto is great but i think his violin conerto is much better than his 5 piano concertos. And when it comes to piano concertos , Mozart is the best no doubt.

    • @prof.jasonsaid2718
      @prof.jasonsaid2718 4 года назад +1

      Haha. You haven't got a clue you and your Mozart. When Beethoven talks God talk. Leave priests out of it. Also people who grown eating kaviar and drive Porsches. Don't relate to Beethoven... Is

  • @aeido23dejh74
    @aeido23dejh74 4 года назад

    Ese no es un concierto para piano,es el único concierto para violín que compuso Beethoven.

    • @ulisescenturion7382
      @ulisescenturion7382 4 года назад

      la versión con piano es op 61 a , y la versión con violín es op 61 b

  • @tbarrelier
    @tbarrelier 4 года назад +2

    I consider Beethoven and Bach to be the greatest composers of all time. That being said, I do not believe Beethoven was infallible. I have no idea why he took his violin concerto, a divine work, and sullied it with this piano transcription. This is a parody. Maybe he did it to squeeze a few more florins out of the concerto. Sorry, this isn't played more often because it is a travesty.

    • @MaestroTJS
      @MaestroTJS 4 года назад

      How is this a travesty? The only thing that's questionable are the cadenzas, but performers are not obligated to use them.

  • @williamsu5552
    @williamsu5552 3 года назад


  • @didierclaes7218
    @didierclaes7218 2 года назад

    etre humain toujours aussi débile , mon chien est bien plus intelligent et c'est vrai nous sommes tous des mamifères

  • @Cherubini47
    @Cherubini47 4 года назад +2

    My heart, ears, soul, and more than 50 years of listening Beethoven's music, tells me that this was intended to be the 6th. piano concerto has no merit or validity whatsoever. The piano score is not in harmony with the orchestral part, and obviously intended as rough guidelines for the violin, otherwise it's will be not up to the high standards of Beethoven's compositions. What's the reason for that proclaim, and for what benefit, this I cannot understand or explain.

    • @MaestroTJS
      @MaestroTJS 4 года назад +1

      Beethoven's compositions were not all up to his own "high standards" anyway. Ever heard Wellington's Victory or some of the lesser-known overtures? This is at least better than those because the source material (i.e., the Violin Concerto) is far superior.