That's so interesting! So in the Quantized signal, you can hear both the original and the noise at the same time. I'm guessing that's how hearing multiple sounds work in real life. Thanks for the image example too, it helps visualize it more.
Glad you liked it. I find that hands-on experimentation is usually the best way of really "knowing" something, but often knowing the theory tells you how to experiment, since there are so many possibilities.
Don't most players have some sort of interpolation on bit depth and sample rate to make it sound more smoother, or curve it as opposed to say connecting the dots (linear) or using the nearest neighbor? Probably through a cubic interpolation? It would at least make it resemble a sinusoidal but might make more complex waveforms more muddy.
That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that. One thing's for sure: *some* sort of "interpolation" is used simply by turning the digital signal into a continuous analog voltage signal. However this is not what you were talking about.
But sir i just don't get it, an error due to low depth its simply a slightly different frequency and amplitude of the original but when played it sounds like noise
If I render a track to WAV using 48khz and 24bit, would there be any need for dithering? What I'm trying do is render an entire track to audio, and then master it with dithering.
Ideally, you should dither whenever you reduce the bit depth of your audio. So, whether or not you'd need dithering would depend on whether your source material is at a higher bit depth than 24 bits.
That's so interesting! So in the Quantized signal, you can hear both the original and the noise at the same time. I'm guessing that's how hearing multiple sounds work in real life. Thanks for the image example too, it helps visualize it more.
Great explanations here. It's very interesting to see the details behind quantisation noise
Glad you liked it. I find that hands-on experimentation is usually the best way of really "knowing" something, but often knowing the theory tells you how to experiment, since there are so many possibilities.
Only 1 minute in and i find it more interesting than what my lecture teaches me.
OMG so well explained!!!! thank you very much!!!
great video! absolutly helpful!
Thank you. Once again, very concise and understandable.
Great video, concise with excellent examples on to part 2
Excellent video - perfectly explained. Thanks!
Brilliant explanation
Don't most players have some sort of interpolation on bit depth and sample rate to make it sound more smoother, or curve it as opposed to say connecting the dots (linear) or using the nearest neighbor? Probably through a cubic interpolation? It would at least make it resemble a sinusoidal but might make more complex waveforms more muddy.
That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that. One thing's for sure: *some* sort of "interpolation" is used simply by turning the digital signal into a continuous analog voltage signal. However this is not what you were talking about.
the dark arts. ahhhh my love
fantastic video
But sir i just don't get it, an error due to low depth its simply a slightly different frequency and amplitude of the original but when played it sounds like noise
Not sure I understood your question.
that was so clearly explained ..Thank you
You're welcome Mike.
If I render a track to WAV using 48khz and 24bit, would there be any need for dithering?
What I'm trying do is render an entire track to audio, and then master it with dithering.
Ideally, you should dither whenever you reduce the bit depth of your audio. So, whether or not you'd need dithering would depend on whether your source material is at a higher bit depth than 24 bits.
Thanks Buddy. Excellent!
Thanks for watching!
Love it!!
Thank you!
thanks a lot!
I just don't get it...
This is real altruism.
Thanks man. I really appreciate the comment.