September marks the beginning of autumn. This past summer, I spent time volunteering at several nursing homes, and I hardly noticed the heat. As I look back on this season with gratitude, I find myself reminiscing through the song "Summertime." In fact, this song is a blessing, traditionally sung by parents as they cradle their child.
September marks the beginning of autumn. This past summer, I spent time volunteering at several nursing homes, and I hardly noticed the heat. As I look back on this season with gratitude, I find myself reminiscing through the song "Summertime."
In fact, this song is a blessing, traditionally sung by parents as they cradle their child.
어느 여름 날의 아름다운 멜로디
9월이면 가을입니다.
올여름 내내 양로원 음악봉사 다니면서
더운줄 몰랐습니다.
고맙고 감사했던 이여름을
Summertime 이란곡으로
사실 이노래는 엄마 아빠가 아이를 안고서
부르는 축복송입니다.
멋진친구 화이팅