I ran through the first wood after the farm, a couple a weeks ago in the lovely autumn colours. Such a contrast to today. What was the name of the 2nd wood? I’m trying to find it on the map as I can’t see it. Thanks 👍
Looks like I said it was close to a blizzard. There were winds up to 70mph as part of the storm. It had been snowing heavily just before I started filming
Hope everything is ok with you... Sure miss those great walks through the woods, stay safe Chris
Wow, those roads look treacherous! Lovely walk though! Thanks very much for sharing!
Enjoyed the run..! Thanks for the upload
Very beautiful places man 😉
Hello my friend I'm Indonesia have a nice day and well done..
tough to run on that stuff
I ran through the first wood after the farm, a couple a weeks ago in the lovely autumn colours. Such a contrast to today. What was the name of the 2nd wood? I’m trying to find it on the map as I can’t see it. Thanks 👍
It is Beaconwood nature reserve
@@Athletophy - thanks Chris. I’ll look out for that turning through the gate in the hedge next time I’m that way.
Sorry mate, but that's not a blizzard....
Looks like I said it was close to a blizzard. There were winds up to 70mph as part of the storm. It had been snowing heavily just before I started filming