Linear is my absolute favorite way to play - when I play non-lin, it feels weird (but still good) now! My drum teacher back in the 80's showed me some, and I was thinking -------- whoooa. I only (re-)started doing it and showing it to beginner students having trouble hitting two things at once - so we have fun with it until they are comfy enough to bang out some double-hits. I love this channel.
Hi Mike ! I don´t know if you are one of the best drummers. But yes I think you are one of the best teachers, if not really the best one ! About the lesson, I think that the linear grooves are the most cool. While the tight grooves with ostinatos are necessaries, in differents moments in a musical context, and we be abble to play them, I like the linear grooves more and I prefer them. Apart the music, drums and teaching, I think thay you are a beautiful human being and a teacher of life itself ! Thank you for sharing and cheers from Formosa Argentina !
Love your videos! You've been so inspiring and helpful to me as someone who's getting back behind the kit after 5 or so years without playing. So gutted I didn't manage to get a ticket to your drum clinic in Glasgow!
Mike, I want to first thank you for helping me become a more confident drummer. You have expanded my mind, so I don’t think in rights, left and kicks, but to internalize the flow. Love your lessons brother. Have a wonderful week Mike!👍✌️👊😁
Cool stuff man, like your feel and touch on the drums! :) Would be awesome to show how you record your audio on your videos! :) Keep rockin' man! Cheers from Croatia! :)
first vid I've seen of you. holy crikeys! subscribed. question though: you have an interesting technique with your hi hat ostinato here, the way you swing your hand about. could be please direct me to a link where you explain that a bit more?
Hi Mike, please consider having the notation higher up on the screen, youtube's interface is blocking it, especially when paused. Awesome groove, btw, thank you!
Damn that's got some Zing. Getting back into drumming after a few years away from it. Gots me a TD25KV and signed up to Been having a blast. "I'll never use this, I'll never use this, I'll never use this, I'll never use this, Yes YOU WILL!" literally made me laugh out loud in my kit room all alone like an idiot.
@@mikeslessons hat off to that. Will and the Jackets are my main inspiration. And you are as motivator. Really thanks. Could you do a video talking about the experience? I think is the only way to feel close to taking lessons with him. Since he seems not giving lessons right now. Thanks!!!!
Dude, your touch on the kit is really something! Respect.
Jeff Randall My friend, thank you so much. The same right back to you!
Mike J
Awsome groove and glad to see I am not the only one drumming with a Rolex on!!
Linear is my absolute favorite way to play - when I play non-lin, it feels weird (but still good) now! My drum teacher back in the 80's showed me some, and I was thinking -------- whoooa. I only (re-)started doing it and showing it to beginner students having trouble hitting two things at once - so we have fun with it until they are comfy enough to bang out some double-hits. I love this channel.
That explanation for „linear“ has opened some serious doors ins my mind!
lightbulb fucking moment for sure
Mikes dad jokes are on point, I love it
Some serious spicy stuff right here!! Love this little cowbell shot at 4:15!! 👌👌 Awesome Mike!!
A little pepamint for the kids :)
Best drum instructor on the planet bar none
Erik Schultek Thank you old friend. Seriously appreciated :)
Mike Johnston now I have to go work on this groove now! Haha seriously and I’m still working on the correct accents from the last one!
Hi Mike ! I don´t know if you are one of the best drummers. But yes I think you are one of the best teachers, if not really the best one ! About the lesson, I think that the linear grooves are the most cool. While the tight grooves with ostinatos are necessaries, in differents moments in a musical context, and we be abble to play them, I like the linear grooves more and I prefer them. Apart the music, drums and teaching, I think thay you are a beautiful human being and a teacher of life itself ! Thank you for sharing and cheers from Formosa Argentina !
you´re awesome mikeeeee !!!!
Love your videos! You've been so inspiring and helpful to me as someone who's getting back behind the kit after 5 or so years without playing. So gutted I didn't manage to get a ticket to your drum clinic in Glasgow!
Yes Mike, I gave this a thumbs up before I watched it...because I already knew.
LOL! Thanks Travis :)
Mike J
Aah, here comes the cowbell ) Now I'm in peace ) God, what a relieve! Thanks, mr. Mike linear-groove Johnston !
Damn that is a spicy groove! 🌶
pyroseed13 Thanks so much my friend 🙏
Mike J
Cowbell sounds goooooood ;)
Love the energy
Much appreciated my friend :)
This is a fun groove. Starting with the left foot on 1 makes it really a different feel. Thanks Mikey Mike!
This groove is so tasty. Cheers Mike!
This is cool, enjoy your drum Tutorials,u have really helped me improve in my play
thanks for all music and all inspiration, Dude you´re best teacher!!! big hug from argentina
Mike, I want to first thank you for helping me become a more confident drummer. You have expanded my mind, so I don’t think in rights, left and kicks, but to internalize the flow. Love your lessons brother. Have a wonderful week Mike!👍✌️👊😁
Steve Osborne YES!!! That’s so awesome to hear Steve. Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey :)
You can definitely feel the sauce! Thanks Mike!
Excellent as usual Mike!!
Thanks a million brother!
Mr. Johnston. I’ve been following you since I’m 17.. I’m 28 now😆... I remember the old studio where you use to tech drum lessons..
Yeah, baby! Great groove, great explanation.
You're a legend sir!
This chanell is pretty awesome!
Loved that outro music
Good technique sir, you have clearly remembered your rudiments.
I really enjoyed this lesson! Gonna go spend some time in this groove environment!
I bought your signature ride... speachless! Never played a ride like this before... thank you Mike 😊. When will you come in Italy?
i love this groove :")))
I'm a big fan of 3 cups of tea Mike, he's fun 😆
Cool stuff man, like your feel and touch on the drums! :)
Would be awesome to show how you record your audio on your videos! :)
Keep rockin' man! Cheers from Croatia! :)
Great video, Mike! Get intimate with them grooves son!
Ethan Mondy Exactly!!!
Mike J
4:26 amazing
Johnston, my man, If I wasn't already subscribed you'd get me right here.
omg I have an Aunt Judy and she loves my drumming haha Awesome sauce as always man
Love it!!!
Thank you my friend :)
Mike J
Awesome groove, next one to practice! :-)
Renato Costa Thanks so much! Good luck with it my friend :)
Mike J
first vid I've seen of you. holy crikeys! subscribed. question though: you have an interesting technique with your hi hat ostinato here, the way you swing your hand about. could be please direct me to a link where you explain that a bit more?
I love you !
I’m really gonna be using this at church 😅
That was realy cool
UGH yes that was some saucy sauce that's for dang sure
What’s the metronome app on your iPad? Can’t seem to find it anywhere!!
Hi Mike, please consider having the notation higher up on the screen, youtube's interface is blocking it, especially when paused. Awesome groove, btw, thank you!
fuck this is making me want to start playing again after like eight years
How do you come up with all this stuff? Great lesson btw, you’re so fluid on the kit it’s sickening lol
Saludos desde peru
Dig it!
Bizarr, Dennis Chambers plays Linaer keeping eight notes on the hi hats to keep the band together like Steve Gadd or Billy Cobham...Any thoughts ???
Somebody has been taking notes from Peter McKinnon... But seriously tho great stuff as always!
Kinda songo-ish. I like it.
Hells yeah
Lol so true 2:21 . keep up the good works
Damn that's got some Zing. Getting back into drumming after a few years away from it. Gots me a TD25KV and signed up to Been having a blast. "I'll never use this, I'll never use this, I'll never use this, I'll never use this, Yes YOU WILL!" literally made me laugh out loud in my kit room all alone like an idiot.
I’m Akira Jimbo
Can I get some garlic bread with that pasta and sauce! That was a great groove. Holy crap you studied with Will Kennedy :-o
Sticks0915 Yes, yes you can! And yes, yes I did :)
Mike J
@@mikeslessons that's freaking awesome!! How long did you study with him?
I just realized what these cymbals remind me of. You ever mix a ton of cocoa into cold milk, but didn't stir it enough? That :D
Bro you need to cut down on that tea ;) Excellent groove, what a blast (ok too many death metal jokes now :)
Nix Neato Not a chance, lol :)
mike did said you studied with will kennedy????
I did indeed!
@@mikeslessons hat off to that. Will and the Jackets are my main inspiration. And you are as motivator. Really thanks. Could you do a video talking about the experience? I think is the only way to feel close to taking lessons with him. Since he seems not giving lessons right now. Thanks!!!!
Mike Johnston Mobile App please :)
He has the Groove Freedom app. It's awesome and I absolutely love it!
Fucking love it.
Ah bro, that is=a=spicey! Gotta come up from a visit.
🇧🇷 Brasil
Bro I might have blow the dust off my bass and rock that groove!!!! That is soooooooo musical (:{)
Me likey!!!
Please, someone, send Mike a case of BBQ sauce, or some kinda sauce, he really has a thing for sauce, and he doesn't have enough.
I think I tend to rush upload to instagram AND THEN try to make it sound good 😂.
I was waiting for some doom dug a dig a da dat
I’m sorry to say this Mike but not enough cowbell
1 man, 3 cups.
You're 50% Benny Greb and 50% John C. Reilly
id probably eat his pasta
a ha
Lessons from Will Kennedy? Really? GTFO!!! I can't imagine what that would be like.