No. I’ve met quite a few celebrities, and most have been nice. Especially the sports stars. Tom Cruise & Bill Clinton were among the nicest. But I realize people are people, and you might catch them on a bad day, and it’s only human for them to not want to engage. These days, when ever I see a celeb, I smile and say, “Hey, how are you?” & that’s all. They don’t need me bothering them.
Yes. Julian Casablancas was nice to fans swarming him. I cannot imagine him being rude. I would have to really, really keep my cool though as he seems sensitive to craziness. Just say, "Thanks for the music, man" and I know he would smile and wave.
No. Not a good idea. Wouldn’t call Jewel a hero but I was pretty into her when her first album came out. I think I’m her age so everything was more impressionable to me at age 18 and I thought she was very wise. Fast forward to 2018 and I was working for a high end catering company in a swanky Seattle house where she was the guest musician. I was passing appetizers and most people either politely say thank you, take the food or say no thank you...some people ignore you all together, even though you have a tray of beautiful little treats in their face...Jewel was one of those. It’s as if I didn’t even exist. No eye contact. She treated me like a servant peon who was way too beneath her to even graciously give me any acknowledgement. The richest guy in the world at least gives eye contact. Let’s just say, I don’t listen to Jewel anymore. I guess she thinks she’s the shit. Never meet your “heroes.” They are humans and often assholes at that.
Thank you! I thought I was the only one thinking that. After work aren’t you going to be tired, feet hurting and just want to some privacy? She was nice compared to most. She should run into Jennifer Lawrence on a bad day then she’d have a story!
Yeah but I think she was upset because Lea just ignored her and just walked past her, while another guy who was with her told her that it wasn't a good time
Yep, and she's not the one who said that but her PA. Point is don't judge someone by 1 rude attitude as celeb is like everybody else and can have a really really bad day..
Funny thing is some celebs pull the "Do you know who I am?" when people aren't falling all over them and catering to them. They want their celebrity status known when it benefits them.
I did several times. I pretended that I had no idea who they were. They're probably still talking to their therapist about the big ugly old guy lolololol Btw, Frank Zappa was the absolute best. Incredible person.
@@mikelouis9389 yes. I snuck backstage at a Zappa show , Christmas-- New Year '76 at The Palladium , N.Y.C. . I had a cup of Earl Grey Tea with him and we chatted . Terry Bozio and Don Pardo were also very nice at that time . The stagehands were polite and understanding. They caught on , but it was cool with Frank , Terry , Don and others . When I sensed it was time , I left .
I have to agree but I also don't get stopped every minute I'm in public. I can imagine how that could be difficult if you're having a bad day. I would just hope they could always be polite even when they aren't feeling it, they have to remember what it was like to not be famous and how devastated they would've been to have their fave celeb be rude to them.
I keep seeing this clip about Brosnan. So I'll give my encounter story to even things out: I was working at the prod co for whom Brosnan eventually did Matador. While I was fetching my boss some coffee, I rounded a corner too quickly and had to quickly side-step a belly-bump with an intern. I side-stepped; the coffee did not. It all sloshed to the floor, barely missing Brosnan. As my horrified stare traveled up from his feet to his face, I heard him say, "I just hate that when that happens, don't you?", followed by a huge smile when our eyes met. He was beyond warm and charming. I'm never star-struck, but in this case, I was floored.
I've met Pierce Broson twice. As a young teen and again in my mid 30s. Both times he was charming and extremely polite and kind. This video is a bit tabloid-esque, one off incidents and people who seem easily offended.
I’ve never heard anything negative about Pierce, if this is true then yes, he was definitely being a jerk, however this could have been a one-time event. The guy, for whatever reason, could have been having a bad day. The question is: is this a regular part of his personality or just a rare moment?
After hearing Pierce Brosnan was Rude to James Corden I now like Pierce even more. There is something so insincere about James Corden. It’s not something I can put my finger on but we all know it’s there. Also please feel free to keep him America.
I absolutely agree. A few years back, when carpool karaoke wasn’t a thing, Mariah Carey was the first celeb to agree on participating in this new show/concept. A lot of other celebs who have been asked turned it down before she came on the show. Cordon didn’t reveal to her, that there was some singing involved. She had a 3 hour sleep and jet leg and still sang. Because of her other celebs jumped on the “band wagon”. But Cordon wasn’t appreciative at all. He was complaining. A$$h0le. I really don’t like him. He’s the diva. And he can’t sing to save his fat a$$.
James Corden isn't necessarily 'kind' he seems pretty biased and supposedly has a fun personality in front of the camera but arrogant in real life and doesn't interact with his audience unless when the camera is on. Another thing, dropping names on live TV is unprofessional as well as arrogant knowing full well his followers will support him. I'm not a fan, I'm sorry!
I met one of the sweetest celebrities EVER!!! MENA SUVARI!!! I was in a taco joint in San Fransisco and she showed up with a small group of friends. I did not want to bother her, but I was with my little baby girl and I sort of wanted to one day show my daughter that she had met a huge star. Can you believe that Mena Suvari held my little girl on her hip while I snapped a photo? That was just so kind! My daughter is 14 now and she really gets a kick out of that photo! Thanks Mena!!!
Funny thing about when Pierce Brosnan was brought up at the start is that people that have worked for James Corden on set say that he is one of the rudest people they have ever met and his on screen persona is totally fake
Well known story here. Pierce Brosnan was in a book store in Ireland. A woman was struggling with her babies buggy. He took the buggy and carried it down the stairs for her. He didn't have to do that.
Not saying it will happen but imagine if we find out that Keanu Reeves did either something terrible(say a scandal) or was really an asshole behind very closed doors(very private and different places). It would break the internet into tiny pieces.
It’s very unlikely to happen thought since he’s basically been shown to be nice in every scenario and place. Examples like him doing an ama on reddit, the many story’s and videos of him being nice, and of course his E3 appearance.
I met Keanu once.He was waiting for a train on the London Underground,cap on scruffy shoes.Nobody recognised him,so I quietly went up to him and asked for a discreet autograph.He was super nice and humble.
You know Keanu Reeves never asked you to stand up for him on the internet. Infact he actually publicly speaks out about this attitude and tries to convince people he's not perfect. (Of course they don't believe him lol)
Lea Michele is rude, when me and my friend were waiting to meet Lea, she took so long to come out and instead left though the back. Now it has surfaced that she’s racist & honestly I’m not surprised 🤷🏾♀️
Rho A Where have you been? She was exposed by her cast months ago for being extremely rude. Several people confirmed that she has been horrible to them and she even wrote an apology.
Honestly, i'm not going to agree or disagree with either but imma say it anyway 😂. I don't believe Lea is racist. She was exposed for being rude to everyone not only people of color. The costar who exposed her first called her racist and said stuff Lea would do or say to her but none of it was racist, it was just rude.
Bill_E Zane no, he was rude for vacating the standing area of a concert and just outright pushing somebody out of the way to get his “spot” back when he decided to return, as if he was entitled to it.
I laughed when Nicki Swift said reports from "nice" actors and then said James Corden since he is known as a giant asshole. The only things I have read about Brosnan is he is a nice guy, I can guess that Corden was not innocent in remembering the encounter. Remember, there are 3 sides to a story, your side, my side and the truth.
James Corden took that seat by accident, he didn’t know that was Pierce’s Spot. Pierce could have been more polite and asking for it back instead of just grabbing James violently!
@@scottyd2262 Haha, no, I'd be happy to give an autograph. Haha. That would make my day actually. However, being a celebrity and constantly having to sign autographs could get tiresome.
I met Pierce Brosnan at a resort in Jamaica. He was nice to everyone. He even sat for a portrait with a bunch of people staring at him, and didn't move so that the artist could do the best job possible.
Pierce was never going to marry again after losing his first wife Cassie to ovarian cancer (thirty years last year). But he met Keely and she really made the effort to spend time with Pierce's children and do family things.
@@cian634 or James could have stayed in his own seat? the problem is his selfish entitlement. he feels entitled to a better seat (someone else's); he feels entitled to a polite interaction when he is rude to someone (by stealing their seat); he feels entitled to be angry about a situation that he directly caused by being selfish.
No i think the issue is that Pierce Brosnan just pushed his whole body instead of just saying excuse me you're in my seat. James definitely shouldnt have done that tho
Adriana Thanks yo her a baker almost lost his license abs she used her sisterhood power to get him under police thread after she broke the law and contaminated food. Notice that she apologized to USA but never to the backer.
If I was a celebrity, I would sometimes be rude as well. Imagine running out of milk at 9am , going down to the supermarket. Paparazzi and fans everywhere. And you’re just thinking “oh my god I just came down for damn milk” 😆
@@evangelina4256 That's not the point at all. People should have the option of leaving their house without being harrassed. Should celebrities just stay inside their house online shopping all day?
Well that's the life of a celebrity I mean they knew what they were getting themselves into your life is not yours anymore once you're out in the public eye every day so I don't feel sorry for them I you know that's what they signed up for.
Julie Rancic’s “I fought 13 years to be on the left. It’s my good side!” is so pathetic and down right annoying. You’re an interviewer, it’s not and never will be about you! 🙄🙄🙄
There is a German compound word 'Backpfeifengesicht' that means 'a face that should be slapped'. James Corden should be next to that word in a dictionary.
@@sbaxter3252 It's a good word, isn't it? It's one I find myself forced to use more and more as I get older. However, I can't use when I'm talking to people because I can never remember the correct pronunciation.
I’m loving Pierce Brosnan all the more for putting that overinflated ego and mediocre talent in his place! James Corden has delusions of grandeur. In my opinion, he is a poor quality interviewer, terrible actor and incredibly phoney. It is painful to watch his over zealous style and stupid phoney laugh. I believe it stems for his own disbelief at how he landed such an incredible job with such little talent. 10/10 for Pierce.
Pierce goes to the bathroom or whatever during a U2 concert and comes back to find Corden's fat ass in the seat he paid for. I can see that upsetting most people!
I read that Steve Martin would give out a business card that said something like "This card verifies that I have met Steve Martin and found him to be charming, funny, and smart." He said that there are very few people who actually collect autographs, and so the cards were overwhelming successful.
Wow my two friends said the same thing about her. They meant JLo as well at different times. They both weren’t asking for an autograph, all they were doing was working at a high inn restaurant. By the way both were males.
Meanwhile, when fans ignore them, some will pull out the, “Do you know who I am, card”. One celebrity that needs to be #1 on any “rudest celebrity” list, is Jennifer Lopez. That chic is beyond being, just a diva. She’s intentionally MEAN, & rude as hell.😒
Adam Sandler is a very sweet man my niece was at Disneyland a few years back and she was standing in line for a ride and she kept looking over and she saw a few people around Adam Sandler and she kept looking and she she was stunned to see him and then he looked over at her and he smiled and waved at her and she said he was a nicest nicest man he was there with his family his kids and his wife and he couldn't be any more nicer than he was she said he was the greatest he handled the people around him with such class and he was so nice
Sandler was filming a movie in the city where I live and one day he was at a community center playing basketball and my supervisor’s son was there too with his friends. They all ended up playing basketball together and apparently Sandler was really nice.
These people are freaks. When people don’t recognize them and treat them like a normal people they go all Reese Witherspoon “don’t you know who I am” and demand special treatment but when people know who they are and try to talk to them they get all Jennifer Lawrence “leave me alone, I just want to be treated like everyone else”.
When they pull that arrogant 'Don't you know who I am ??' stuff - the best type response would be ' yeah, I know who you are, and don't care. Behave like a human or go away.'
I dont know if you are Game of Thrones fans but there's a line from a character saying that a man who needs to say I'm the King is no true king, so I took his logic to real life , so when someone says "don't you know who I am" I instantly know they're shit.
Keanu Reeves once bought an ice-cream cone that he didn't want, for the sole purpose of signing the receipt to give to a fan. He then threw the cone into the trash, after handing the autograph to the guy.
I used to live in Los Angeles and work in the entertainment industry and let me tell you everything about celebrities is blown out of proportion. I’ve come across many but I treated them like regular people. I never gushed or asked for any damn autographs or photos. I treated them with respect and that’s all they want.
Most non A-list celebs are cooler than everyday people. They just wanna be liked and respected, many of them don’t even want you to treat them like they’re famous.
Exactly Celebs are just people with the same insecurities and worries as anyone except its their job to be famous. The whole celeb worship thing and freaking out in front of them is Bizarre
About the lead singer of Snow Patrol... umm... if you're told not to ask someone something in an interview for a particular reason, and you do it anyway, you DESERVE to be treated rudely. She was told he'd be angry about, and he freakin' got angry! D'UH!!! All he did was sit there with his middle finger raised in protest. She's lucky he didn't just cut the interview short and leave. If you're told not to ask someone something, don't fucking ask it!
Not really. I've heard stories of celebs being a nightmare to work with (especially with his/her co-stars) but being really friendly with fans and normal people. I think some celebs just can't stand others and them being rude was completely out of spite (I know James Corden is far from the best human being, so Pierce Brosnan's behavior towards him is kind of justified lol)
I was in Kauai last May and had the privilege of speaking with Chuck Norris for 20 minutes. Humble, funny and very nice. He was sitting on a bench waiting for his wife as she was inside a shop. This cute older couple walked by us and they stopped and asked “are you who we think you are? “ He laughed and asked them who they thought he was. He spoke with them as if they were good friends. When his wife came out he introduced her to me and then said… “It was a pleasure meeting you. Enjoy my home town” My friend was upset I didn’t get a picture but that wasn’t important to me. I was simply enjoying our conversation.
You can tell by her interviews alone, Chris Martin who's prob one of the nicest ppl in the world got moved like trash after they broke up, probably because of cheating. She got engaged less than a year after their divorce and married in such a short time, they were working together leading up to the divorce as well. Anyone with common sense can connect two and two together that they probably started their "relationship" while married
Nicest celeb I ever met: Lindsey Buckingham. Polite, friendly, smiling, asked for my name, shook my hand. I was in a Southwest baggage claim line at JFK and he was talking to a woman while walking in the opposite direction in the same baggage claim line. I was a bit gobsmacked. I apologized for interrupting his conversation, but I realized that if I didn't say anything, I'd never get another chance to at least say hi to one of my favorite musicians. I told him I was a big fan, and he smiled and said thanks. We chatted briefly. He wasn't upset with me, arrogant, or rude. Just a great guy. Ill never forget that.
In Jon Hamm's defense, I wouldn't be thrilled about running into Kathy Griffin either, since she basically clings to the spotlight nowadays by talking shit about famous people.
She’s so obnoxious I’m surprised the story wasn’t about her. Come to think of it, it probably was and she just told it from their perspective to make her look less terrible.
At the other end of the spectrum, I ran into Keifer Sutherland and he was very nice. I just said hello and that I enjoyed his work over the years. He was very friendly and polite
Most of them are just like you and me. If you walk up, are polite, and just tell them Hi, and that you like their work, 99% of them will be rather gracious and kind with you. Now you walk up on someone trying to eat dinner with with their spouse or trying to wind down after a long day after work and yeah, anybody would get rude.
Pierce is not unfriendly. I met him doing extra work . He was jovial. Good natured I was just standing around out in the field and he and 2 guys were heading to the river to fish. Asked me where a trail was. We were on call alll niTe and it was chilly. I had no.hewt in my car and someone let me use theirs luckily
Don't understand how anyone could admire Gene Simmons. He's always looked & behaved ugly. Why would old age make him any better? Rot doesn't get better with age, it just gets more rotten.
Pierce was within his rights. Met the guy and have friends that have worked with him and he is perfectly nice. Corden sounds a bit arrogant actually. Who the hell is he anyway?
i mean if someone left their spot for a while at a concert would you want them grabbing you and pushing you out of the way?? mans could of just said “excuse me”
I've encountered so many celebrities in my life do to my job but, always have in the back of my mind "don't react, don't go kissing asses and do NOT fuel that ego"
Gene Simmons didn't want to be kissed by a stranger on a plane. How rude of him. And it's common courtesy to not disturb a workout. Charlize Theron wasn't the rude one.
@@NuclearGrizzly The Gene joke was tongue in cheek. You know damn well the mom didn't do shit, except maybe say hello. She refused to relinquish her seat to some asshat who thinks he rules the world. How rude of her, right? Gene has a looooooooong history of being a total prick. Hearing about him being NICE is the rarity.
good lord. they’re human beings too. sometimes they have bad days, and they aren’t perfect. sometimes they just want privacy just like other people, and they get annoyed.
I was born in the early 90s, and my childhood heroes were bill Nye and Steve irwin. I met bill in my early 20s, and Steve as a boy Steve was the best. He was JUST like he was on his shows. Bill, on the other hand... is much different. He was even BETTER. Was hilarious. I got pics with both, and I'm proud to say my heroes were worthy of ALL the praise they've garnered over the years. Not that they woulda been unworthy had they been unfriendly to me, as they still would be the best. But it's always AMAZING to learn your heroes are the way you imagined them, if not better. I met Harrison Ford once, and while he was VERY put off by my parents, he was VERY cool to me, and signed a box of poptarts I had (The ONLY thing I had on me at the time). If you get a chance, meet Bill Nye. It's worth it. Rest in peace, Steve Irwin. He's up there, hogtying Jesus with suey. Every time an Australian says "WHOOOO", Steve captures an angel.
I understand when celebs don't want to be bothered 24/7. It doesn't make them rude in my opinion. They need some privacy too. At a sports class, before a taping of a show, when dining. The public should be reasonable.
But sometimes their reactions or what they reply with can be pretty rude and I know that sometimes of them are nice about it but people like Ariana grande and all that arent too nice about it
Not letting Theron off the hook. She has wide rep for being rude regularly and especially at the gym. She reportedly has women moved from her 'favorite' cycles at spin class and an all around bad attitiude. She forgot she's not in apartied S.A.
Billions of people in the world, most can be rude... some more than others. It's not necessarily a jaw dropping concept that people who are well known can be rude just like your average day to day Joe driving a taxi in NYC flipping people off. People are people that's what I hope others understand
You’re right, but these people who have a worldwide audience to their work should have the common courtesy to be polite even when they are trying to brush people off cos it’s understandable that you just can’t be bothered with every person coming up to you at random times, but these are people who most likely admire you so it’s pretty terrible to be rude to people who are excited to see you, so dare I say they are slightly obligated to be welcoming even in the slightest because it can easily be passed off as being a self indulgent, entitled rich and famous asshole who thinks their shit doesn’t stink.
@@wolfy9549 I have to say that I agree with your reasoning. I appreciate ur thoughts on the matter where you could see it from the two different perspectives
Wolfy i agree but they aren’t obligated.If they are rude,they’re rude.Nothing we can do about it.If they want to be disrespectful to fans constantly..they can but it just not the best thing to do when you can be a decent human
God I consider myself to be an OK person but I can get tired and can b off sometimes, I don't go around doing it, its not all of me it's just the odd moment I'm like this bcaus I'm human.
Christina and her ex husband were leaving a restaurant and I said hello, told her I liked her, etc.. Myself and 10 of my friends were there, dressed to the nines around 7pm for a local business meeting and she was such a jerk.
Pink, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Mary J Blige, The Wanted, Mariah Carey, and several other celebs and fans have said the same thing, that she is extremely rude and arrogant. I doubt it was just a “bad mood”
Cody, my brother used to do security at the Prudential Center in Boston, is a huge fan of Mary J. Blige’s. One day, he spotted her trying to be low-key in the shopping center, and approached her to tell her how much he admired her. He kind of walks up beside her, says “I know who you are...”. She looks up to see this big white guy in an armed security uniform and smiles at him, replies “oh, you do, huh? Walk with me, and we’ll talk about it.” He said she was the sweetest, coolest celebrity he’d ever met, and they sat at one of the coffee shops in the Prue for a good 45 minutes before she had to go to a public appearance. She actually thanked him for being a fan, and for being respectful to her. From then on, he became an even bigger fan than he had been.
Ka Bar Brother I said that all those celebrities are on record stating Christina was nasty to them when they met, not that all those celebrities are rude 😂
In college one of my professors had worked security for Olivia Newton John and he said she was so arrogant, rude, and mean. A real diva. He mentioned one time she spoke to store personnel to get and entire store shut down so she could shop without being bothers by fans.
Two stories: Years ago, while Theron filmed a movie in a historic courthouse in Oregon State, she took a smoke break inside a rounded stairwell that was lined with aged, original, old-growth wood/paneling. A courthouse employee kindly asked Theron to quit smoking, as it wasn’t allowed inside the building. Without breaking her glance, Theron inhaled a final time, blew her ciggy smoke in his face and snuffed out the cigarette on the vintage wood paneling on the wall. She’s vile. I visited NYC a few years back and my friend and I went out to eat at a very trendy restaurant located in a hip part of town. The manager took a liking to me-said he liked my sassy conversational style-and he sent a bottle of expensive champagne to our table. I glanced at the bar and saw Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone waiting at the bar (separately) for their tables, so the restaurant catered to some high-end celebrities. Later on the manager came over and sat with us and, well, we got to gossiping. I asked him to name the absolute worst celebrity he’s ever had to deal with. His answer, HANDS DOWN, was Christina Aguilera. The story is too long to tell here, but believe me, she’s another one to add to the Vile Celebrity Hall of Fame.
I have heard from other people Charlize Theron can be not such a nice person. All I will say is she wasn't the most liked person on Fast and Furious 8 set.
Would you want to meet your hero?
Never meet your heroes.
No. I’ve met quite a few celebrities, and most have been nice. Especially the sports stars. Tom Cruise & Bill Clinton were among the nicest. But I realize people are people, and you might catch them on a bad day, and it’s only human for them to not want to engage. These days, when ever I see a celeb, I smile and say, “Hey, how are you?” & that’s all. They don’t need me bothering them.
Saga Svensson exactly
Yes. Julian Casablancas was nice to fans swarming him. I cannot imagine him being rude. I would have to really, really keep my cool though as he seems sensitive to craziness. Just say, "Thanks for the music, man" and I know he would smile and wave.
No. Not a good idea. Wouldn’t call Jewel a hero but I was pretty into her when her first album came out. I think I’m her age so everything was more impressionable to me at age 18 and I thought she was very wise. Fast forward to 2018 and I was working for a high end catering company in a swanky Seattle house where she was the guest musician. I was passing appetizers and most people either politely say thank you, take the food or say no thank you...some people ignore you all together, even though you have a tray of beautiful little treats in their face...Jewel was one of those. It’s as if I didn’t even exist. No eye contact. She treated me like a servant peon who was way too beneath her to even graciously give me any acknowledgement. The richest guy in the world at least gives eye contact. Let’s just say, I don’t listen to Jewel anymore. I guess she thinks she’s the shit. Never meet your “heroes.” They are humans and often assholes at that.
"Sorry, now is not a good time" is not rude, it's honest and polite.
But she wanted it NOW
Thank you! I thought I was the only one thinking that.
After work aren’t you going to be tired, feet hurting and just want to some privacy?
She was nice compared to most.
She should run into Jennifer Lawrence on a bad day then she’d have a story!
Yeah but I think she was upset because Lea just ignored her and just walked past her, while another guy who was with her told her that it wasn't a good time
Yep, and she's not the one who said that but her PA. Point is don't judge someone by 1 rude attitude as celeb is like everybody else and can have a really really bad day..
The best way to treat celebrities is to simply ignore them!
Funny thing is some celebs pull the "Do you know who I am?" when people aren't falling all over them and catering to them. They want their celebrity status known when it benefits them.
I did several times. I pretended that I had no idea who they were. They're probably still talking to their therapist about the big ugly old guy lolololol
Btw, Frank Zappa was the absolute best. Incredible person.
I wouldn't know who they were unless they were on TV.
Iggy Barrato unless they’re nice asf
@@mikelouis9389 yes. I snuck backstage at a Zappa show , Christmas-- New Year '76 at The Palladium , N.Y.C. . I had a cup of Earl Grey Tea with him and we chatted . Terry Bozio and Don Pardo were also very nice at that time . The stagehands were polite and understanding. They caught on , but it was cool with Frank , Terry , Don and others . When I sensed it was time , I left .
My friend met James Corden before he was famous in America and told me he was up himself and rude. So maybe James should practice what he preaches
I've met him to & can vouch for your friend.
People in the industry love to pull up a front and say that they’re so nice and all ...
James Corden is the male Ellen.
said every single person who has met james corden ever.
i have an off vibe about James Corden, I really do not like him
Don't worship celebrities. They're just people with money.
Ana S yup
And most of the times with no brains
Ana S Couldn’t agree with you more!! Some think they are in titled!!! NOT!!!😜
why not ? Money doesn’t change you, it changes the people around you. All money does to you is make you more of who you are
Not all of them are same 😊😊😊
Celebrities aren't celebrities without the fans. Funny how fame changes people.
MrGrombie but there are some people who fame doesn’t get to. i can think of so many celebrities who are incredible people but are also celebrities.
But there is no way to smalltalk with every fan, there are just too many of them.
I feel like they get tired. you wouldn’t know how these people also feel unless you’re in their shoes this is my opinion
I have to agree but I also don't get stopped every minute I'm in public. I can imagine how that could be difficult if you're having a bad day. I would just hope they could always be polite even when they aren't feeling it, they have to remember what it was like to not be famous and how devastated they would've been to have their fave celeb be rude to them.
Not all celebrities are horrible people.
I keep seeing this clip about Brosnan. So I'll give my encounter story to even things out: I was working at the prod co for whom Brosnan eventually did Matador. While I was fetching my boss some coffee, I rounded a corner too quickly and had to quickly side-step a belly-bump with an intern. I side-stepped; the coffee did not. It all sloshed to the floor, barely missing Brosnan. As my horrified stare traveled up from his feet to his face, I heard him say, "I just hate that when that happens, don't you?", followed by a huge smile when our eyes met. He was beyond warm and charming. I'm never star-struck, but in this case, I was floored.
I saw him in England years ago he was walking alone on the main shopping street& smiled warmly
Wow Noelle - such an incredible story. A celebrity saw you drop something and made a cliché remark.
One "rude" moment does not make someone a rude person. Sometimes people have bad moments and give the perception that they are rude.
If every rude moment I had was on the internet I’d be fu@ked lol
It is how they carry themselves.
Yeah. People can be too dramatic these days.
There's a lot of "rumors" about Charlize Theron.
I've met Pierce Broson twice. As a young teen and again in my mid 30s. Both times he was charming and extremely polite and kind. This video is a bit tabloid-esque, one off incidents and people who seem easily offended.
His name is Brosnan - you use terms like 'tabloid-esque' but can't be bothered to spell his name correctly?
@@ElaAusDemTal it's just a spelling mistake that can't prove his point isn't valid
Getting pushed from your seat is pretty rude. He's lucky he didn't get his ass handed to him. I'll love him from a distance
I’ve never heard anything negative about Pierce, if this is true then yes, he was definitely being a jerk, however this could have been a one-time event. The guy, for whatever reason, could have been having a bad day. The question is: is this a regular part of his personality or just a rare moment?
@@xochirodriguez5019 Cordan's lucky his ass wasn't handed to him. He's a dolt.
3 years later and we’ve all established that Piers Brosnan wasn’t being rude, he just knew that james cordon was an absolute waste of space.
After hearing Pierce Brosnan was Rude to James Corden I now like Pierce even more. There is something so insincere about James Corden. It’s not something I can put my finger on but we all know it’s there.
Also please feel free to keep him America.
I absolutely agree. A few years back, when carpool karaoke wasn’t a thing, Mariah Carey was the first celeb to agree on participating in this new show/concept. A lot of other celebs who have been asked turned it down before she came on the show. Cordon didn’t reveal to her, that there was some singing involved. She had a 3 hour sleep and jet leg and still sang. Because of her other celebs jumped on the “band wagon”. But Cordon wasn’t appreciative at all. He was complaining. A$$h0le. I really don’t like him. He’s the diva. And he can’t sing to save his fat a$$.
@@user-pi5zx7nv7g To do this to Queen Mimi is unacceptable! He should appreciate her for hyping up his show. I knew he wasn't good news
My friend met him before he was famous in America. They said he was rude and up himself
As an American I only reason I watch him is because of fill your guts & very rarely carpool karaoke. Only watch if it's a celeb I like.
Ha ha! Well said.
James Corden isn't necessarily 'kind' he seems pretty biased and supposedly has a fun personality in front of the camera but arrogant in real life and doesn't interact with his audience unless when the camera is on. Another thing, dropping names on live TV is unprofessional as well as arrogant knowing full well his followers will support him. I'm not a fan, I'm sorry!
mayumi ueyama No need to apologize!
@@winnifredforbes8712 💚
I stopped watching that show a long time ago.
His show is still entertaining sooo....WHO CARES
Id rather drop a name than eat some bull's balls :D
I met one of the sweetest celebrities EVER!!! MENA SUVARI!!! I was in a taco joint in San Fransisco and she showed up with a small group of friends. I did not want to bother her, but I was with my little baby girl and I sort of wanted to one day show my daughter that she had met a huge star. Can you believe that Mena Suvari held my little girl on her hip while I snapped a photo? That was just so kind! My daughter is 14 now and she really gets a kick out of that photo! Thanks Mena!!!
*These celebrities should learn from Keanu Reeves*
I agree, love Keanu Reeves.
yes and johnny depp
Yes, and Bruce Springsteen.
This is an understatement ! Keenu Reeves is one of the most humble people ever!!
James Corden got treated the way he treats non famous people BOOHOO 😭😭
I hope Brosnan did that just because it was James Corden
Cordon makes me miss Craig Ferguson every night, when I turn off the TV after Colbert.
Chris I would have done the same. Is not nice when you leave and come back and two idiots are on your spot.
@@welcometothemovies9157 sweet
@@twistedthumbv2 Well Corden is friends with Weinstein and a whole slew of Hollywood sleazebags maybe Brosnan just doesnt like him
Funny thing about when Pierce Brosnan was brought up at the start is that people that have worked for James Corden on set say that he is one of the rudest people they have ever met and his on screen persona is totally fake
Well known story here. Pierce Brosnan was in a book store in Ireland. A woman was struggling with her babies buggy. He took the buggy and carried it down the stairs for her. He didn't have to do that.
@slarti bartfast true, it is common courtesy but some celebs act like they don't
Yes he did
@@deborahunderwood472 all celebrities fart....but from what I've heard none of them poop
@@izziesaurusrex1645 I thought only Kim Yong Un does not poop?
Thank you for the update!! 😉
@@izziesaurusrex1645 Ha, Ha!
These so called “celebrities” could take a lesson on humility from Keanu Reeves.
Not saying it will happen but imagine if we find out that Keanu Reeves did either something terrible(say a scandal) or was really an asshole behind very closed doors(very private and different places). It would break the internet into tiny pieces.
It’s very unlikely to happen thought since he’s basically been shown to be nice in every scenario and place. Examples like him doing an ama on reddit, the many story’s and videos of him being nice, and of course his E3 appearance.
I met Keanu once.He was waiting for a train on the London Underground,cap on scruffy shoes.Nobody recognised him,so I quietly went up to him and asked for a discreet autograph.He was super nice and humble.
Elizabeth R that’s our Keanu
You know Keanu Reeves never asked you to stand up for him on the internet. Infact he actually publicly speaks out about this attitude and tries to convince people he's not perfect. (Of course they don't believe him lol)
Lea Michele is rude, when me and my friend were waiting to meet Lea, she took so long to come out and instead left though the back. Now it has surfaced that she’s racist & honestly I’m not surprised 🤷🏾♀️
She left through the back so that means she is rude and that she's racist? Ok.
Rho A Where have you been? She was exposed by her cast months ago for being extremely rude. Several people confirmed that she has been horrible to them and she even wrote an apology.
Honestly, i'm not going to agree or disagree with either but imma say it anyway 😂. I don't believe Lea is racist. She was exposed for being rude to everyone not only people of color. The costar who exposed her first called her racist and said stuff Lea would do or say to her but none of it was racist, it was just rude.
so you go home and cry every time someone is rude to you? or when someone in your little brain is racist...grow the hell up.
@@flygirl7268 wtf are you talking about
I met Pierce Brosnan at an Irish pub in Vancouver in the mid-2000's and he was really nice so, I disagree with James Corbyn.
James said I don't think he is a rude man juts that he was rude one time🙂
James has much more of a fake guy vibe than Pierce
Damn everyone seeing this guy, From what I see in the comments, he seems like a regular dude.
Tbh Jennifer Lawrence is no surprise to me same goes for Ariana Grande
You can really see it in the way they talk
I am not surprised about Christina Aguilera!
I feel like jlaw is super over the moon rude. Like in all her press with co stars she kinda actd rude towards them. Thats the vibe i get
@@gillianlandry283 Christina is a bitch to those who always trying to tell her negativity. she has always been kind to her fans
Mystery of the Universe Ariana seems lovely
It’s funny that James Corden calls Pierce Brosnan rude when he is notoriously rude and difficult.
So pierce is rude for reclaiming his seat from some guy who rudely stole it?
Bill_E Zane no, he was rude for vacating the standing area of a concert and just outright pushing somebody out of the way to get his “spot” back when he decided to return, as if he was entitled to it.
Our source is James cordon, so I doubt that actually happened the way he said it did.
I laughed when Nicki Swift said reports from "nice" actors and then said James Corden since he is known as a giant asshole. The only things I have read about Brosnan is he is a nice guy, I can guess that Corden was not innocent in remembering the encounter. Remember, there are 3 sides to a story, your side, my side and the truth.
James Corden took that seat by accident, he didn’t know that was Pierce’s Spot. Pierce could have been more polite and asking for it back instead of just grabbing James violently!
Who cries about not getting an autograph. It’s not being rude to say “sorry, no”
Diana Bandicoot - She would have been 13 or 14 at the time. A star struck kid, brushed off by a lackey.
it said in the video she was very young. I can imagine she was incredibly disappointed
@@kato64 But that's life though.
@@JLDReactions You have 2.14k subs... Would you refuse someone if they wanted your autograph????
I'd love to hear your response...
@@scottyd2262 Haha, no, I'd be happy to give an autograph. Haha. That would make my day actually. However, being a celebrity and constantly having to sign autographs could get tiresome.
I met Pierce Brosnan at a resort in Jamaica. He was nice to everyone. He even sat for a portrait with a bunch of people staring at him, and didn't move so that the artist could do the best job possible.
I like Pierce Brosnan even more now he has no time for Corden.
My first thought exactly. Spot on, brother. Lol
Hahha me to Corden is a unfunny brit
Yeah me too. Corden is a pretentious fake a-hole.
If i'll choose between James Corden and Pierce Brosnan, I'd choose Pierce.
Pierce is a nice man to his wife and family, he has overcome many traumatic life experiences and seems like a good dad. James Corden is obnoxious.
Corden is infamous in the industry as just being awful to anyone who's not also a celebrity.
Pierce was never going to marry again after losing his first wife Cassie to ovarian cancer (thirty years last year). But he met Keely and she really made the effort to spend time with Pierce's children and do family things.
So James Corden steals someone's seat and then expects the person to be really nice about asking for it back?
Kirk Chan he didn’t know pierce was coming back 🤷♂️ he could still at least ask nicely
@@cian634 or James could have stayed in his own seat? the problem is his selfish entitlement. he feels entitled to a better seat (someone else's); he feels entitled to a polite interaction when he is rude to someone (by stealing their seat); he feels entitled to be angry about a situation that he directly caused by being selfish.
No i think the issue is that Pierce Brosnan just pushed his whole body instead of just saying excuse me you're in my seat. James definitely shouldnt have done that tho
You guys seem to forget there is always two sides of a coin.
The lady who called ariana a diva used a story of how she absolutely needs to be on the left side of the camera 😂 WHOS THE DIVA??!!
i really dont get why figh over a camera xD
Adriana Thanks yo her a baker almost lost his license abs she used her sisterhood power to get him under police thread after she broke the law and contaminated food. Notice that she apologized to USA but never to the backer.
@@jaimeduncan6167 Jaime, ffs, use your Spellcheck. You write like an illiterate 3rd grader.
That's literally not what she said AT ALL.
The funny part to me about that story is that this woman thinks she actually has a "good side" LMAO
I'd like to meet Keanu Reeves. He's breathtaking.
Humble I'd say as well
Me, too. Supposed to be very nice.
Pirelli913 just don’t get too close he might use his karate skills on you 😂
Pirelli913 oh and you’re breathtaking
@@mikk. You're breathtaking! You're all breathtaking!
"i went and sat in someone else's seat, and when he came back i had to move.... how rude"
that james corden story doesn't hold water
I waited on Pierce Brosnan at a private party, and found him to be very warm and polite.
If I was a celebrity, I would sometimes be rude as well. Imagine running out of milk at 9am , going down to the supermarket. Paparazzi and fans everywhere. And you’re just thinking “oh my god I just came down for damn milk”
If you are a celebrity who have paparazzi and fans following you then you sure as hell can order someone else to get your milk.
@@evangelina4256 That's not the point at all. People should have the option of leaving their house without being harrassed. Should celebrities just stay inside their house online shopping all day?
Well that's the life of a celebrity I mean they knew what they were getting themselves into your life is not yours anymore once you're out in the public eye every day so I don't feel sorry for them I you know that's what they signed up for.
Oh, well! Don't work so hard to become a firefighter if you don't like the flames.
Mystical Pineapple lmao
I met Pierce Bronson at a premiere and he was SUPER nice to me and everyone!!
The fact that Kathy Griffin is judging others for being rude is laughable
She doesn’t need to be identifying people for the list; she needs to be on the list
And James Corden!
About like Hitler accusing somebody of antisemitism.
Pierce Brosnan is really a very friendly person.This is BS.
Adam Sandler seams like the most down to earth REAL celebrity out there. I don't care much about the rest.
I heard Tom Hardy is a nice person
Keanu Reeves?
will smith
@@ruellazaro5488 oh man he's the best
I’ve heard that James a orden isn’t the nicest person either, though.
Julie Rancic’s “I fought 13 years to be on the left. It’s my good side!” is so pathetic and down right annoying. You’re an interviewer, it’s not and never will be about you! 🙄🙄🙄
Yea arianna seems pretty cool to me especially by celebrity standards
Isn't Rancic the one who made a crack (near racist one at that) about Zendaya's hair? Uh no chick, shut up and move over. You're the diva not Ariana.
She doesn’t have a good side in my opinion.
@@jessicamartin2658 The back of her head is her best side
kotare86 whoever you are, I spit out my coffee, thank you
Corden sounds like he's exaggerating and after all he tried to take seats that weren't his, doesn't matter if Brosnan left them for a little.
Keanu Reeves would just left them with out saying a single word
James Corden's not so rosy himself. He got slated on an AMA on Reddit for past rumours about himself.
There is a German compound word 'Backpfeifengesicht' that means 'a face that should be slapped'. James Corden should be next to that word in a dictionary.
I have heard nothing but horror stories about people meeting James Corden. He really needs to have a seat.
@@terrybaby6146 Luv that you managed to work an under used word into a reply!
@@sbaxter3252 It's a good word, isn't it? It's one I find myself forced to use more and more as I get older. However, I can't use when I'm talking to people because I can never remember the correct pronunciation.
I’m loving Pierce Brosnan all the more for putting that overinflated ego and mediocre talent in his place! James Corden has delusions of grandeur. In my opinion, he is a poor quality interviewer, terrible actor and incredibly phoney. It is painful to watch his over zealous style and stupid phoney laugh. I believe it stems for his own disbelief at how he landed such an incredible job with such little talent. 10/10 for Pierce.
Pierce goes to the bathroom or whatever during a U2 concert and comes back to find Corden's fat ass in the seat he paid for.
I can see that upsetting most people!
@@michaelmarron8441Right? Lol
I read that Steve Martin would give out a business card that said something like "This card verifies that I have met Steve Martin and found him to be charming, funny, and smart." He said that there are very few people who actually collect autographs, and so the cards were overwhelming successful.
I'm surprised more celebrities don't do that. Would save them time.
Him and Bill Murray I have to meet
Nicest celebrity’s I’ve met are Sean Astin and Tony Hawk.
Rudest was JLo.
Jillian Doyle what happened w JLo?
Jim dela Cruz Vera celebrates
Jim dela Cruz Vera ceremonies
Wow my two friends said the same thing about her. They meant JLo as well at different times. They both weren’t asking for an autograph, all they were doing was working at a high inn restaurant. By the way both were males.
As I recall Pierce and his wife had paid for seats a few months before they book a flight and James is lying Pierce didn't push out of the way.
Never understood the fascination of having someones signature or even meeting them. They can stay right in my t.v. as far as im concerned. 😆
I'm with Pierce on this one.
James Cordon got his ego crushed a little and can't stand it. Know for a fact he's far worse than Brosnan.
Meanwhile, when fans ignore them, some will pull out the, “Do you know who I am, card”. One celebrity that needs to be #1 on any “rudest celebrity” list, is Jennifer Lopez. That chic is beyond being, just a diva. She’s intentionally MEAN, & rude as hell.😒
Yup. I am a flight attendant and she has a really bad reputation amongst us 😅
Adam Sandler is a very sweet man my niece was at Disneyland a few years back and she was standing in line for a ride and she kept looking over and she saw a few people around Adam Sandler and she kept looking and she she was stunned to see him and then he looked over at her and he smiled and waved at her and she said he was a nicest nicest man he was there with his family his kids and his wife and he couldn't be any more nicer than he was she said he was the greatest he handled the people around him with such class and he was so nice
No, he isn't. He isn't funny either. Just annoying and unbearable, especially in his movies.
While I haven't met him, he was filming where I live. There was nothing but good reports of how friendly he was to everyone.
Sandler was filming a movie in the city where I live and one day he was at a community center playing basketball and my supervisor’s son was there too with his friends. They all ended up playing basketball together and apparently Sandler was really nice.
Whoa there, Carol! Take a breath. Commas and periods exist, you know?
@@sam_the_man extra ass
These people are freaks. When people don’t recognize them and treat them like a normal people they go all Reese Witherspoon “don’t you know who I am” and demand special treatment but when people know who they are and try to talk to them they get all Jennifer Lawrence “leave me alone, I just want to be treated like everyone else”.
When they pull that arrogant 'Don't you know who I am ??' stuff - the best type response would be ' yeah, I know who you are, and don't care. Behave like a human or go away.'
You are so right!!
Love "they get all Reese Witherspoon." She sure showed how high she is on herself. Would have loved to shake that arresting officer's hand.
I dont know if you are Game of Thrones fans but there's a line from a character saying that a man who needs to say I'm the King is no true king, so I took his logic to real life , so when someone says "don't you know who I am" I instantly know they're shit.
They shouldn't demand special treatment. They're like everyone else.
Corden has repeatedly used the line, "Do you know who I am?!" Wouldn't call him a "nicer" star.
Keanu Reeves once bought an ice-cream cone that he didn't want, for the sole purpose of signing the receipt to give to a fan. He then threw the cone into the trash, after handing the autograph to the guy.
He may have been nice to the fan, but he treated the poor ice cream cone like garbage.
Idk if this is true but this is the most keanu reeves thing ive ever heard of
Bet your IQ is somewhere between 0 and nothing.
Shadysif you would too, if you were lactose intolerant! xD
Maybe Keanu is concerned about his health. Ice cream is indeed a trash on your body.
oh, how about James Corden realise he stole someone else's seat and apologise?!
How about giving him a chance to apologise before shoving him out the way!?
@@livlogz5579 bro he didn't seem like he was ready to apologize. Pretty self centered.
I used to live in Los Angeles and work in the entertainment industry and let me tell you everything about celebrities is blown out of proportion. I’ve come across many but I treated them like regular people. I never gushed or asked for any damn autographs or photos. I treated them with respect and that’s all they want.
Most non A-list celebs are cooler than everyday people. They just wanna be liked and respected, many of them don’t even want you to treat them like they’re famous.
Exactly Celebs are just people with the same insecurities and worries as anyone except its their job to be famous. The whole celeb worship thing and freaking out in front of them is Bizarre
About the lead singer of Snow Patrol... umm... if you're told not to ask someone something in an interview for a particular reason, and you do it anyway, you DESERVE to be treated rudely. She was told he'd be angry about, and he freakin' got angry! D'UH!!! All he did was sit there with his middle finger raised in protest. She's lucky he didn't just cut the interview short and leave. If you're told not to ask someone something, don't fucking ask it!
Indeed, she crossed the line and got what she asked for.
Interviewer = rude. Snow Patrol Lead = not so rude, justifiably pissed.
If you’re rude to other stars....
Imagine how they treat fans
Not really. I've heard stories of celebs being a nightmare to work with (especially with his/her co-stars) but being really friendly with fans and normal people. I think some celebs just can't stand others and them being rude was completely out of spite
(I know James Corden is far from the best human being, so Pierce Brosnan's behavior towards him is kind of justified lol)
James Cordon calling another person rude is like Ted Bundy calling another dude a violent misogynist
Cordon you took his seat! You gambled and you lost. You were the rude one. Taking the seat that wasn’t yours
Its literally...a seat dude don't be so dramatic
He didn't. If you watch the actual clip they were in the standing area of a concert.
He can't hear you fool
Ariana grande is actually rude and airhead, I've met her. It was bad. And even her friends said that they don't agree with what she does.
Suli What happened?
What licking Donuts in a coffee shop glassless
I was in Kauai last May and had the privilege of speaking with Chuck Norris for 20 minutes. Humble, funny and very nice. He was sitting on a bench waiting for his wife as she was inside a shop. This cute older couple walked by us and they stopped and asked “are you who we think you are? “ He laughed and asked them who they thought he was. He spoke with them as if they were good friends.
When his wife came out he introduced her to me and then said… “It was a pleasure meeting you. Enjoy my home town”
My friend was upset I didn’t get a picture but that wasn’t important to me. I was simply enjoying our conversation.
They forget Gwenyth Paltrow!
You can tell by her interviews alone, Chris Martin who's prob one of the nicest ppl in the world got moved like trash after they broke up, probably because of cheating. She got engaged less than a year after their divorce and married in such a short time, they were working together leading up to the divorce as well. Anyone with common sense can connect two and two together that they probably started their "relationship" while married
Yes and Jerry Seinfeld.
She's annoying
Yes, we ALL try to forget her.
She was on the list of arrogance
James Corden shouldn't talk when the discussion of "who's mean" if it ever comes up in conversation.
It's not rude to say "Sorry it's not a good time." That's just being polite and setting your boundaries .
😂😂😂😂 Its nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!
vinifari 2300 Amen
Well said👌
Very well put together. I'm stealing your words for sure!
Very beautifull!
Couldn't of said it any better
Yooooooo there's nothing more accurate than judging 100% of someone's character based off a single encounter
I’m almost sure you’re sarcastic 😂but pls confirm
@@kbyeforgrande4555 missXspencer1 probably is.
Nicest celeb I ever met: Lindsey Buckingham. Polite, friendly, smiling, asked for my name, shook my hand. I was in a Southwest baggage claim line at JFK and he was talking to a woman while walking in the opposite direction in the same baggage claim line. I was a bit gobsmacked. I apologized for interrupting his conversation, but I realized that if I didn't say anything, I'd never get another chance to at least say hi to one of my favorite musicians. I told him I was a big fan, and he smiled and said thanks. We chatted briefly. He wasn't upset with me, arrogant, or rude. Just a great guy. Ill never forget that.
Celebrities have on and off days just like us.
Yeah more off days and what are you their public defender
@Estela Lopez not all the time most times he is a good man and has a good mood
Perfectly put
I've never liked Ariana Grande and Jennifer Lawrence thou
@@AnneettaLife I think that's 100% true!
Thou shall not speak ill of Jennifer Lawrence
Same here, for good reasons.
@Felicity Tannenbaum I know about "everyone liking" ariana grende. It's like saying 'everyone likes Justin Bieber.' We don't.
Felicity Tannenbaum you clearly didn’t listen to her last 2 albums if you’re saying that
If I saw my favorite actors, I would just give them space. Not cry out for their autograph like a the other idiots. I would just let them be.
@Estela Lopez Well I know almost all Celebrities. And I most likely won;t be around those kinds.
In Jon Hamm's defense, I wouldn't be thrilled about running into Kathy Griffin either, since she basically clings to the spotlight nowadays by talking shit about famous people.
That’s probably what he meant by, “What are you doing here?”
She always did that that's nothing new she is obnoxious
Mike Burns John Hamm is actually really cool. My buddy shot a funny or die with him and he’s really a good dude.
She’s so obnoxious I’m surprised the story wasn’t about her. Come to think of it, it probably was and she just told it from their perspective to make her look less terrible.
Can't stand Kathy Griffin. Just awful.
At the other end of the spectrum, I ran into Keifer Sutherland and he was very nice.
I just said hello and that I enjoyed his work over the years.
He was very friendly and polite
Most of them are just like you and me. If you walk up, are polite, and just tell them Hi, and that you like their work, 99% of them will be rather gracious and kind with you. Now you walk up on someone trying to eat dinner with with their spouse or trying to wind down after a long day after work and yeah, anybody would get rude.
@@bluegrasssurvival9423 Agreed. I specifically didn't bother him while he was in the store shopping.
I don't know if it's just me, but I don't trust all of those allegations, especially corden's who himself has a bad reputation
I have only heard good things about Pierce Brosnan. Of course an ass like Corden would dislike a decent person.
Pierce is not unfriendly. I met him doing extra work .
He was jovial. Good natured
I was just standing around out in the field and he and 2 guys were heading to the river to fish. Asked me where a trail was. We were on call alll niTe and it was chilly. I had no.hewt in my car and someone let me use theirs luckily
I gotta respect Eric stonestreet for sticking up for his mom.
I’ve heard that Gene Simmons and Christina A are extremely rude from someone who had to briefly work with them.
Don't understand how anyone could admire Gene Simmons. He's always looked & behaved ugly. Why would old age make him any better? Rot doesn't get better with age, it just gets more rotten.
Pierce was within his rights. Met the guy and have friends that have worked with him and he is perfectly nice. Corden sounds a bit arrogant actually. Who the hell is he anyway?
It like everyone should bow down to Corden's fragile ego because he was ignored by Pierce.
@@jacqueline8307 James Corden is an idiot like Jimmy Kimmel.
i mean if someone left their spot for a while at a concert would you want them grabbing you and pushing you out of the way?? mans could of just said “excuse me”
@@emilio2647 you mean the other Jimmy?
I've encountered so many celebrities in my life do to my job but, always have in the back of my mind "don't react, don't go kissing asses and do NOT fuel that ego"
Lmao solid advice 👏🏽
The Lea Michele situation wasn't even rude, it just wasn't a good time.
It's common knowledge that she's a rude bitch
Ironically, hailee is now bigger than her.
@Hayat huh? Hahahha
Nuwan Delacruz who’s that? Idk who hailee steinflop is
@@urvenicebitch she has more hits than lea Mitchell. Hahhahaha
Brosnan's reaction was justified.
Gene Simmons didn't want to be kissed by a stranger on a plane. How rude of him. And it's common courtesy to not disturb a workout. Charlize Theron wasn't the rude one.
@@NuclearGrizzly I agree
@@NuclearGrizzly The Gene joke was tongue in cheek. You know damn well the mom didn't do shit, except maybe say hello. She refused to relinquish her seat to some asshat who thinks he rules the world. How rude of her, right? Gene has a looooooooong history of being a total prick. Hearing about him being NICE is the rarity.
@@Mystress1980 I wonder why out of all the people on the plane not one corroborated her story?
good lord. they’re human beings too. sometimes they have bad days, and they aren’t perfect. sometimes they just want privacy just like other people, and they get annoyed.
pretty sure corden is rude and brosnan was justified
Corden is definitely a fat no talent.
Best quote "I fought 13 years to get on the left. It's my good side!" Who's the diva! Good side??? 🤣🤣🤣🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
i feel like we all have a Jen moment when we just don't want to be bothered and be left alone to enjoy a meal
Well James Corden is known to be super rude and conceited so I'll pass on his opinions
How was Lea Michele rude? She was just at work and busy lmao
She has a reputation
Because she flat out ignored her, maybe? And she was walking to her trailer, she wasn’t that busy lmao
Lea not giving her an autograph isn't rude, she ain't obligated lmfao😭😭😭
I was born in the early 90s, and my childhood heroes were bill Nye and Steve irwin. I met bill in my early 20s, and Steve as a boy
Steve was the best. He was JUST like he was on his shows.
Bill, on the other hand... is much different. He was even BETTER. Was hilarious. I got pics with both, and I'm proud to say my heroes were worthy of ALL the praise they've garnered over the years.
Not that they woulda been unworthy had they been unfriendly to me, as they still would be the best.
But it's always AMAZING to learn your heroes are the way you imagined them, if not better.
I met Harrison Ford once, and while he was VERY put off by my parents, he was VERY cool to me, and signed a box of poptarts I had (The ONLY thing I had on me at the time).
If you get a chance, meet Bill Nye. It's worth it.
Rest in peace, Steve Irwin. He's up there, hogtying Jesus with suey. Every time an Australian says "WHOOOO", Steve captures an angel.
I've heard that about Steve Irwin. Just an all around great guy that left the world far too soon.
Love Steve. Erwin, but bill nye " I used to love" has lost his ever loving mind😕
Want to know who one of the most gracious actors is? Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future). Such a gentleman.
Uhhhh, Reverend Jim, please!!
How could ANYONE be rude & dismissive to Valarie Bertinellli?!!?! Never did like Christina Aguilera
I understand when celebs don't want to be bothered 24/7. It doesn't make them rude in my opinion. They need some privacy too. At a sports class, before a taping of a show, when dining. The public should be reasonable.
But sometimes their reactions or what they reply with can be pretty rude and I know that sometimes of them are nice about it but people like Ariana grande and all that arent too nice about it
@hanarachel i agree with you
Not letting Theron off the hook. She has wide rep for being rude regularly and especially at the gym. She reportedly has women moved from her 'favorite' cycles at spin class and an all around bad attitiude. She forgot she's not in apartied S.A.
Billions of people in the world, most can be rude... some more than others. It's not necessarily a jaw dropping concept that people who are well known can be rude just like your average day to day Joe driving a taxi in NYC flipping people off. People are people that's what I hope others understand
I think we know but this *I wanna watch*
You’re right, but these people who have a worldwide audience to their work should have the common courtesy to be polite even when they are trying to brush people off cos it’s understandable that you just can’t be bothered with every person coming up to you at random times, but these are people who most likely admire you so it’s pretty terrible to be rude to people who are excited to see you, so dare I say they are slightly obligated to be welcoming even in the slightest because it can easily be passed off as being a self indulgent, entitled rich and famous asshole who thinks their shit doesn’t stink.
@@wolfy9549 I have to say that I agree with your reasoning. I appreciate ur thoughts on the matter where you could see it from the two different perspectives
Wolfy i agree but they aren’t obligated.If they are rude,they’re rude.Nothing we can do about it.If they want to be disrespectful to fans constantly..they can but it just not the best thing to do when you can be a decent human
God I consider myself to be an OK person but I can get tired and can b off sometimes, I don't go around doing it, its not all of me it's just the odd moment I'm like this bcaus I'm human.
Perhaps asking James Corden, of all people, who is rude isn't the right strategy.
Christina and her ex husband were leaving a restaurant and I said hello, told her I liked her, etc.. Myself and 10 of my friends were there, dressed to the nines around 7pm for a local business meeting and she was such a jerk.
A. Von really? Thats sad😭
Pink, Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Mary J Blige, The Wanted, Mariah Carey, and several other celebs and fans have said the same thing, that she is extremely rude and arrogant. I doubt it was just a “bad mood”
Cody, my brother used to do security at the Prudential Center in Boston, is a huge fan of Mary J. Blige’s. One day, he spotted her trying to be low-key in the shopping center, and approached her to tell her how much he admired her. He kind of walks up beside her, says “I know who you are...”. She looks up to see this big white guy in an armed security uniform and smiles at him, replies “oh, you do, huh? Walk with me, and we’ll talk about it.” He said she was the sweetest, coolest celebrity he’d ever met, and they sat at one of the coffee shops in the Prue for a good 45 minutes before she had to go to a public appearance. She actually thanked him for being a fan, and for being respectful to her. From then on, he became an even bigger fan than he had been.
Ka Bar Brother I said that all those celebrities are on record stating Christina was nasty to them when they met, not that all those celebrities are rude 😂
In college one of my professors had worked security for Olivia Newton John and he said she was so arrogant, rude, and mean. A real diva. He mentioned one time she spoke to store personnel to get and entire store shut down so she could shop without being bothers by fans.
That surprises me, she always came across to me as nice.
worked a flight with JLo in business class....wouldn't skip a step walking by her...rudest woman I have ever met
Two stories: Years ago, while Theron filmed a movie in a historic courthouse in Oregon State, she took a smoke break inside a rounded stairwell that was lined with aged, original, old-growth wood/paneling. A courthouse employee kindly asked Theron to quit smoking, as it wasn’t allowed inside the building. Without breaking her glance, Theron inhaled a final time, blew her ciggy smoke in his face and snuffed out the cigarette on the vintage wood paneling on the wall. She’s vile.
I visited NYC a few years back and my friend and I went out to eat at a very trendy restaurant located in a hip part of town. The manager took a liking to me-said he liked my sassy conversational style-and he sent a bottle of expensive champagne to our table. I glanced at the bar and saw Sharon Stone and Sylvester Stallone waiting at the bar (separately) for their tables, so the restaurant catered to some high-end celebrities. Later on the manager came over and sat with us and, well, we got to gossiping. I asked him to name the absolute worst celebrity he’s ever had to deal with. His answer, HANDS DOWN, was Christina Aguilera. The story is too long to tell here, but believe me, she’s another one to add to the Vile Celebrity Hall of Fame.
I have heard from other people Charlize Theron can be not such a nice person. All I will say is she wasn't the most liked person on Fast and Furious 8 set.