Conservative Pundits Say Removal Of Confederate Flag Will Destroy The South

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Boy, Republicans are really mad that people are talking about Dylan Roof and how he was a right-winger, conservative, and racist. He used the confederate flag as a symbol. All those things are indisputably true.
    Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks) breaks it down. Is there a chance that the South could collapse because of the removal of the confederate flag? Tell us what you think in the comments below.
    Read more here: mediamatters.or...
    Even by the standards of fury Bill O’Reilly unleashes routinely on The O’Reilly Factor, the thunderbolts he’s hurtled over the past two nights on Fox News have been especially impressive. One night after shouting over one of the channel’s house-liberals, Kirsten Powers, on the subject of systemic racism in America, O’Reilly bellowed a challenge to his perceived foes on Wednesday evening. “You want a war? You got a war!” said O’Reilly, his earthy baritone raising in volume like that of a great opera singer. What would this war be about, you ask?
    O’Reilly’s lead-off segment, his patented “Talking Points Memo,” was titled “Demonizing America As A Racist Nation.” In it, he said he believes some on the "far left” - O’Reilly never says “left”; it’s always the “far left,” as opposed to regular guest Bernard Goldberg, who calls liberals “the hard left” - are promoting the idea that “white Americans are actively trying to keep black Americans down."
    In the wake of recent events such as the murderous massacre that occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, and the riots in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray, O’Reilly has commented more frequently on this notion that, as he put it on Wednesday, "far-left smear merchants have the nerve to say that America is a white supremacist nation."
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Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @RoninDave
    @RoninDave 9 лет назад +109

    From O'Reilly's upcoming memoirs:
    "It was a misty morning in April 1865 somewhere in the war-weary hills of Virginia. A ragged rabble of rebels waited for the inevitable - surrender. Having just come from the Last Supper with Jesus, my spirits were already low. I had been covering this war for four years with a quill (as these new fangled fountain pens are the tools of the devil) and now it appeared my work was coming to an end. What I wondered would the future be for the Confederacy, the South, the Cause, the Fox Confederate - the newspaper I worked for?
    Robert E Lee our noble leader astride his favorite horse Traveler rode slowly by me. His eyes were downcast and shoulders slumped with the heaviness of command.
    "Are we gonna whup 'em again, General, sir?" I said to him hoping to raise his spirits a bit.
    Lee looked up with sad grey eyes. Not even a flicker of that slight annoyance in his eyes was there which he usually had whenever speaking to me. "No, Bill. It's over. It's done. We've lost. I am on my way to surrender and I would rather face a thousand deaths bef----"
    "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Look, Bob, cut the dramatics!" I said exasperatedly. "Think about what you are doing! The North is just going to crow about this in the liberal press for the next century and a half plus they're going to make the South look like a bunch of slave owning despots."
    "But we have owned slaves, Bill, and South Carolina started the secession over fears that President Lincoln would curtail the right to continue that institution with -"
    "Horsepuckey! Have you been reading that liberal rag Harper's Weekly again? The right for one man to own another man is a sacred one from the Bible itself. Hey, we're not the bad guys here! They are! For going against God's plan. Come on, Bob. You know I'm right. Look, give me just one hour to sort this out before you go crying to Grant, alright?"
    Lee reluctantly agreed and off I rode. I had to call in a few favors that were owed to me which would be too long for me to go into here.
    Long story short, with the help of Moses, John Wayne, and the Duke boys I was able to split the blue tide in front of us and circle around the Union rear in the General Lee taking Ulysses S Grant completely by surprise. His bloodshot eyes couldn't believe it when he saw the General Lee jump the wide gully behind his camp with us letting out a boisterous Rebel Yell in mid-air. Another pull on the whiskey jar did little to belay his utter disbelief.
    Grant surrendered to us and we kindly gave him some of the moonshine the Duke boys had been running for their Uncle Jesse. When a flabbergasted Robert E Lee finally arrived he graciously accepted Grant's formal surrender. The terms they came to were pretty fair.
    Although we had licked Grant, the South admittedly was in no condition to keep on fighting so Lee agreed to stop the struggle. The South would end slavery on the condition that it would be allowed to keep blacks as lowly paid workers with no health insurance plus the right to impede their voting privileges whenever there was a liberal on the ballot. The North agreed so long as the South would also treat poor whites the same occasionally so as not to raise too much suspicion and they also agreed not to call the South a bunch of slave-owning racist cousin fuckers.
    A deal was struck and the rest is history or at least it would have been if the damn liberal media with their liberal communist gay French agenda had not gotten its hands dirty twisting true history with their lies and propaganda. Now here I am, Bill O'Reilly, on my lone crusade for Truth trying to set the record straight so help me God and George Washington. And if what I have written is not the God's Honest Truth, then may God strike Obama dead!"

    • @BloodMoneyLLC
      @BloodMoneyLLC 9 лет назад +6

      Beautiful! Also free market fundamentalist economics will destroy the south. Removing antiquated flags representing unpatriotic insurrection and racist terrorism will not destroy the south.

    • @torinju
      @torinju 9 лет назад +14

      Ronin Dave Given O'Reilly's claims in the past, its hard to tell if this is a parody or an excerpt.

    • @LabTech41
      @LabTech41 9 лет назад +4

      Ronin Dave I just have to say, your dedication to fanfic is legendary, do you do any work on /writingprompts on Reddit?

    • @fitzpatric12
      @fitzpatric12 9 лет назад +5

      Great writing! Very creative! I enjoyed it very much! But trip! Sounds like Bill O'Reilly!!!

    • @RiotKurhein
      @RiotKurhein 9 лет назад +3

      Ronin Dave This seriously deserves more thumbs ups!

  • @Jason_Singe
    @Jason_Singe 9 лет назад +18

    1:45 "Southern culture is considered conservative, which is racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe."
    I have no way to argue against that.

  • @lowellford3419
    @lowellford3419 9 лет назад +61

    Wait...the guy who lied and distorted his own news casts, is now saying he is going to war with liars and distorters...this is too good. Mr. O'Really has struck again.

    • @RoninDave
      @RoninDave 9 лет назад +7

      Lowell Ford I'm sure he's already written how he won that war

    • @sandrasnow-balvert7766
      @sandrasnow-balvert7766 9 лет назад +1

      Lowell Ford with all this going on how can Jon Stewart even think of leaving, the comedy is writing itself :D

    • @shawnwhiteshair
      @shawnwhiteshair 9 лет назад +1

      All Hail Chael Troll

    • @stephenwells6434
      @stephenwells6434 9 лет назад +1

      All Hail Chael TYT = Commentary channel.
      TYT, unlike FOX News, isn't a news channel, and they don't claim to be. They do political commentary.

    • @blaze12771
      @blaze12771 9 лет назад

      Can somebody tell me if these two men are on drugs.

  • @josh83219
    @josh83219 9 лет назад +7

    9 people get shot in a church, and the guy that did it has a confederate flag, so that makes that flag horrible. I won't deny that. It is a horrible thing to have happen.
    How many people have Americans killed all over the world? They do it under the name of America and have American flags. Does that mean that the American flag is racist? Why is it okay to support killing a whole lot of people, but when 9 people get shot, it's horrible? If the confederate flag makes you a racist, then the American flag makes you a mass murderer. Do you anti confederate flag people see how stupid you sound when someone uses your logic against you?
    I have some General Lee's (the car, not the man) I even have a mockup of the confederate flag that I bought at a fair years ago. Guess what, I am not racist at all. The confederate flag doesn't make you a racist. Being racist is what makes you racist. Even though it started out as a the symbol of a horrible horrible thing, the things that it represents can change over time. Look at the American flag. When the first American flag flew, it stood for, freedom, and democracy. Now it stands for invading other countries, illegal spy programs, and a crooked and corrupt government that does not do what we tell them even though they are supposed to work for us. It stands for the rich who have enough money to buy the politicians and screw all of the American citizens every time they get a chance. I wish it wasn't true, but for those of you who say that it really isn't true, ask yourself, which flag is flying in two countries right at this moment that we illegally invaded, and have killed thousands of innocent people? Yes, their flags fly too, but most of those citizens see the American flag as being racist. Face it, we are there killing people for two reasons. The war machine needs fed, and the ones we are feeding to it aren't the same colour as us.

    • @Primalxbeast
      @Primalxbeast 9 лет назад

      josh simpson Hold on to those model General Lee cars. Warner Brothers is saying that they aren't going to make them anymore.I agree with not flying the flag on government grounds, but trying to eradicate anything at all that has the flag is BS.

    • @josh83219
      @josh83219 9 лет назад

      I don't even know if I am for taking the flag down or not. This is supposed to be America, and we are supposed to have the right to fly that flag if we want to. As for the people who get offended by it, look at other stuff. I'm sure there are all kinds of things that people can look at instead of something that offends them. What about all the horrible stuff hat our government has done, to us, and the rest of the world? As long as we are taking down flags because they offend some people, we should take down the American flag too. Why? Because I am offended by a flag that belongs to a country that starts wars, kills it's own citizens, steals from the working class and giving it to the wealthy, and refuses to tell it's citizens what they are doing, not only in this country, but all over the world. If the confederate flag is a symbol of slavery and racism, then the American flag is a symbol of A government that no longer works for it's citizens, and bullies every other country across the planet.

    • @josh83219
      @josh83219 9 лет назад

      Huh? English is my first language, but I have no clue as to what you are going on about.

  • @EricLing64
    @EricLing64 9 лет назад +26

    Was thinking hurricanes, tornadoes, and sinkholes would probably destroy the south. But sure, a flag being removed from government buildings I guess, must have magical powers imbued upon it by a witch, what were you supposed to do to witches?

    • @MrGroxana
      @MrGroxana 9 лет назад

      Last I checked, the South was more of a myth than an actual place. These days, destroy the little symbols they have left as a common denominator, and they fall apart. Frankly, the Stars and Bars are the last enduring symbol of the Southern identity. Without that, the whole schtick falls apart. That being said, it can't happen fast enough.

    • @MrGroxana
      @MrGroxana 9 лет назад

      We'll get a trade going with Amsterdam once it's legalized, all the best.

  • @crotchet1586
    @crotchet1586 9 лет назад +10

    Why don't racists actually believe they're racist?

    • @Rechenmaschine
      @Rechenmaschine 9 лет назад +5

      Crotchet People don't just hate for the sake of hating. Racism is the result of an individual's belief they are superior to others and that those inferior others should not be given the ability to walk equally. Look all over the world, throughout history. Every culture that was oppressed, used for slavery, and disposed of, were the victims of another group that felt it was superior and deserving of such authority. You can't see yourself as racist when you've excused yourself from crime.

    • @charkvaror2112
      @charkvaror2112 9 лет назад

      Rechenmaschine Interesting theory. I've always thought racism was born from that tendency we all have to look for a scapegoat instead of facing our own failures. Well I suppose in the end it's an accumulation of different factors.

    • @Rechenmaschine
      @Rechenmaschine 9 лет назад

      Chark Varor
      Definitely every little thing culminates into what we can only call our "personality." Especially if the factor is easy to employ. Like blaming others, helps us deflect personal fault. Can't blame ourselves, because we have to feel important. We have to feel important, because McGuffin.

    • @CGphotoOp
      @CGphotoOp 9 лет назад +1

      Because they don't experience racism therefore they don't believe it exists

    • @babybunloaf
      @babybunloaf 9 лет назад

      Crotchet Denial is the first stage of grief... Sadly, acceptance is the last.
      But more to that, why I think the Kübler-Ross Model really _does_ apply here is that I think that people with firmly held beliefs go through this just like in death events, which isn't that weird. I mean, we accept the stages for situations like drug addiction or some relationship-related events. So by that token, someone thinking there _aren't_ ANY racists (of their race) _could_ be one. But I think you could get even _more_ specific and say it happens only if it's _absolutly_ _INTERENSIC_ to a person being _that_ _person_, instead of just simply _adopting_ a personality intrinsic to the _belief_. BO I think is one of the former... Off topic but some could be of a religious nature (I think this is true for huge swaths of Christians who were born into the faith but there again that's not true for ALL Christians born into the faith- I'm really only mainly talking about Low Church Protestants because that's been the people I see this in the most).

  • @NickonPlanetRipple
    @NickonPlanetRipple 9 лет назад +17

    Bill came this close >< to saying that the root problem is rap music. Come on, you KNOW he wanted to say it.

  • @thewp187
    @thewp187 9 лет назад +35

    Why does bill refer to himself as "talking points?"

    • @garvythecapricorn
      @garvythecapricorn 9 лет назад +20

      thewp187 He also calls himself "the people."

    • @schmusoperator8215
      @schmusoperator8215 9 лет назад +1

      garvythecapricorn Gold!

    • @sandrasnow-balvert7766
      @sandrasnow-balvert7766 9 лет назад +9

      thewp187 I'm still wondering why he has his teleprompter being shown as well. Most of his audience can't read anyway. :D

    • @tysonphillips657
      @tysonphillips657 9 лет назад +1

      He tries to make it seem as if it wasn't just his opinion but that of a group of pundits.

    • @temujin1234
      @temujin1234 9 лет назад +1

      garvythecapricorn He does speak for millions, probably the Republican Party at large, so while disgusting the label is probably accurate.

  • @raydeen2k
    @raydeen2k 9 лет назад +6

    Wait..ISIS isn't here?! Goddamn, the way the Right Wing has been talking for a while, I could have sworn they were!

  • @Starboard76
    @Starboard76 9 лет назад +3

    "No one here will be splitting the Atom anytime soon.."
    Matthew McConaughey's character in True Detectives at a huge outdoor Southern revival gathering.

  • @waynedooley8556
    @waynedooley8556 9 лет назад +3

    Got to give Limbaugh and O'Reilly credit, they are masterful "spin doctors"

  • @brandonmartin9895
    @brandonmartin9895 9 лет назад +1

    I am tired of this "there's no racism, black people are poor because of poor decisions"
    As a college educated product of a 2 parent home I have experienced racism, and it's not because of rap music, my pants hanging too low, lack of education, or being apart of any gangs.
    If you said my treatment was because of other unrelated black people's actions you are probably a racist...

  • @Gareth_Mayers
    @Gareth_Mayers 9 лет назад +13

    im black i agree with bill, to an extent

    • @TheLifemission
      @TheLifemission 9 лет назад +8

      ***** yeah, black woman here, some things he was saying was agreeable but the things in the black community didn't just fall out of the sky either. I think both sides have to come to a certain understanding of history and its psychological effects as well as the black community and its current responsibilty

    • @JamesDavis-kc6kk
      @JamesDavis-kc6kk 9 лет назад +2

      ***** Also the South tried to overthrow the US, and lost the war. When your side is conquered, you don't continue to fly your flag. Also check out neo-Nazis, the KKK, and other white supremacist groups that fly the Confederate flag openly and with pride. The flag stood for State's rights, i.e. the right for southern states to own black people, Africans, as property.

    • @Gareth_Mayers
      @Gareth_Mayers 9 лет назад

      ***** i hear you but i hear what bill is saying, and i dont think he is malicious, i also understand his main point about the liberal meadia, and he is 100 on that, tyt being a huge offender, if people say anything against gay marriage, or the LGBT comunity, they rain hell on them. its getting to the point where they want you to just stick your head in the sand and shut up if you dont agree

    • @mrswimmyboy
      @mrswimmyboy 9 лет назад +1

      ***** "they rain hell on them". Good thing conservatives don't do this. Oh wait. They do. On the radio and Fox News. Happens all the time. Nice try to make them the innocent party here. Unbelievable...

    • @Gareth_Mayers
      @Gareth_Mayers 9 лет назад

      ***** hey i said i agree with bill not hanity he's a ass, plain an simple, but bill is genuine in his intent, he has been pointing out bad parts of black culture for years just like bill cosby, but he happens to be white so we brush him off as racist but alot of the stuff bill says i live and see with my own eyes, and they teach in church, just a black pasture says it. so in my book bill is cool to a point he will not know fully but his intentions are not racist

  • @michaelcoulter1114
    @michaelcoulter1114 9 лет назад

    To say that "students in black neighbourhoods are not DEMANDED to achieve the high standards that are DEMANDED from white students" is a lie of epic proportions. Schools in poor neighbourhoods don't recieve the same funding that schools in middle-class or wealthy neighbourhoods do. Poor schools do not have the equipment that richer schools do - no computer labs, inadequately equipped science labs, the teachers assigned to these schools aren't the "best and brightest" and sometimes these schools don't even have simple necessities such as paper and pencils.
    For Reilly to even use that as an example of "corrosive black culture" is disgusting!
    What colour skin do most of the people in government at the municipal, state and federal level have?
    The majority are white, yeah?
    They are the ones who decide how much funding for education is recieved at the state and municipal level, and who decide to inadequately fund schools in poor, predominantly black neighbourhoods, true?
    Education reduces crime - fact
    Education allows people to support themselves instead of being forced onto welfare - fact
    Education engenders self-respect - fact
    And yet, numbnuts O'Reilly blames black people and their "corrosive culture" for the plight that African-Americans find themselves in today, instead of blaming an education system that sets them up to fail.
    Un-fucking believable!

  • @wfcyellow
    @wfcyellow 9 лет назад +1

    Racists go in, racists go out..
    You can't explain that.

  • @kevindevilling8698
    @kevindevilling8698 9 лет назад

    I hope the Consies are right. I hope removing the Traitor's flag from public land and property destroys the Southern culture,...that part that deserves destruction. I am a Southerner in, (in spite of what some tell me), and I love the things about the South that are good and productive. Our easy courtesy, our food, our beautiful scenery ( Yah, I know that that's got nothing to do with anything, I just like the view from Stone Mountain on a Summer morning), the way we welcome guests and still cling to the old-school work ethic that predates slavery. Our loyalty to our friends, and the quiet generosity we practice every day. That goddamned flag has been more corrosive to the true south, the south I've loved since I was a little 'un. We are funny, slow to anger, but quick to respond. If taking down those damned rags will purge the south of the hatred and violence, bigotry, and willful ignorance that has become part of out "culture", then burn 'em all. Tell the complete story of that flag in schools and museums. Tell how it, ( and every OTHER flag ever flown) has been perverted and turned into monument to bad ideas and worse people. This shit needs to end before this century does, or we're going to be stuck in the 19th Century for another 150 years.

  • @theoneguyian8671
    @theoneguyian8671 9 лет назад +1

    its funny how Amazon will sell a 15 inch knife , but wont sell a damn flag

  • @x2x3456
    @x2x3456 9 лет назад

    I get annoyed when people label America as 'the land of the free'. America, in it's entire history, has NEVER deserved to be described as 'the land of the free'.

  • @wrotenwasp
    @wrotenwasp 9 лет назад

    I've had a confederate flag displayed in my kitchen for ages however I'm far from a racist. I hate no minorities, I work with minorities and have minority friends. WTF? To me, this flag is just a reminder of my southern roots. No more, no less. Im far froma a dylan roof. It's ironic this country has so many more problems of epic proportions yet all we seem to talk about is race and lately the confederate flag. Seems like a little bit of a diversion tactic. Keep the people's minds off our real problems. 18 trillion dollar debt, Iran, ISIS, unemployement,,,,,we all know the list. And both parties don't seem to be very effective at fixing any of this. This country is another declining empire., Sad

  • @benmcfee
    @benmcfee 9 лет назад +1

    Also, blaming this shooting on "black culture": isn't that a bit like saying the rape victim shouldn't have been dressed the way she was? Of course, to a guy like O'Rielly, I'm sure both of those are valid arguments. To those of us who are human, it's repulsive.

  • @krisrussell3480
    @krisrussell3480 9 лет назад

    To be fair to Rush Limbaugh, I don't think he meant to say that liberals instigated the "assault" of Southern Republican ideology with the Charleston shootings, but does seem entirely convinced that the "liberal media" is exploiting the tragedy for the agenda. An amusing concept, if it weren't the notion that this hasn't been the first time that racial or gun violence have been a prevailing factor in huge public and political conversations over the last decade -- and that the Charleston shooting just happen to be a molotov cocktail that combined the two, which have triggered a passionate response, as a result.
    Of course, the conservative wing is being coy about the issue of race, because despite their token black pundits and politicians, most legislation decisions they represent don't reflect a mindset aimed at leveling the playing field for African Americans/black. Far easier to pin blame that doesn't require inflection of policy.

  • @MollyGermek
    @MollyGermek 9 лет назад +1

    The root cause of poverty? Capitalism?

  • @bjrnvenstad9245
    @bjrnvenstad9245 7 лет назад +1

    Quote Jesse Ventura "Anyone who wants to fly The confederate flag on their own lawn is free to do so. It is what we call free speech. But it has nothing to do on official buildings". Mr Ventura is absolutely right here. Same in Norway: Anyone wanting to fly tke Swastika on their lawn can do that. But it will never be put on any official building in this country. Not unless Breivik becomes prime minister, wich is not very likely.

  • @Bspstroke_
    @Bspstroke_ 9 лет назад

    This is stupid.. the civil war was not even about slavery or racism like everyone seems to think. Obviously the south used slave labor for a way of life just like the north had factories and mills as a way of life. Eventually the north disagreed with the southern way of life and thought that the factories over ruled farming, so the north decided they would try and abolish slavery to end the southern way of life since they believed in factories rather than farming. The south then said fuck no and tried to secede. Well the constitution says that's illegal so the north decided they have to declare war on the south. so they did, and the south fought back defending their farming way of life which they believed in. Long story short- the south was defending their way of life and standing up to the north just like someone might stand up to a bully. The souths way of life just so happened to involve "slavery" therefore everyone thinks it STANDS for slavery which it DOES NOT. Also note that the factory workers in the north were practically slaves too. They got paid a shit salary, many of them were caught in machines and lost body parts because of NO safety regulations, most families had to make their kids work in these unsafe places just to afford food, if you did not do a superb job you were easily replaced because of all the other people next in line for the job who may be able to work faster than you. You are now probably saying "they weren't slaves because they were allowed to leave whenever".. Well technically yes they could leave, but then again they financially couldn't. Yes they could leave if they wanted to starve to death on the streets... Now I'm not saying the slaves were ALWAYS better of than the factory workers but in many cases they were. Why would a farmer spend money on a slave just to physically harm him anyways? Most of the time they were kept in good health and fed decent so they could work more efficiently. Farmers didn't just wip the shit out of them and make them work 24/7. Why would a modern farmer beat the heck out of his farm equipment and run it 24/7? The term "slave" doesn't always mean extreme negativity. And obviously NO the slaves couldn't just leave but for many there was no reason to. I mean it wasn't some high class way of living but they got shelter, food, water, ect... which is more than they would get on their own, even more than a lot of factory workers. Know your history before you go bitching about a flag that you don't fully understand the meaning to. Hell for some people it has nothing to do with history, it just represents the southern region itself. K I'm done now

  • @mikewolfkin
    @mikewolfkin 9 лет назад

    Cenk, O'Rielly never said "Black culture" when he spoke of a culture that was holding down black people. With his jabs about the degradation of the family and holding black people to a lower standard in education, it is quite clear that he did not mean "Black Culture". So I don't know which is sadder: The fact that your worldview is so focused on the color of people's skin that you cannot help but to see racism even where it is not; or the fact that O'Reilly was blaming *Liberal/Progressive* culture and you were too blind to realize that he was talking about and blaming liberals like you for black people living and being trapped in poverty. You could have easily called him out on that asinine statement, but you are so focused on your narrative that you couldn't even see it for what it was. What do I care though? Thanks to watching more than one news source, I have learned that both sides are full of crap about different things, and that TYT is just the liberal equivalent of FOX news. Kind of sad and pathetic, really, that there isn't a political group based on reason and evidence, it's all about preset ideologies on all sides.

    @KANYETHEGIANT228 9 лет назад

    Removing that flag from public property, should have been done yesterday. Anyone who thinks otherwise should also admit they don't believe in a civil union and wants to secede.

  • @tetsubo57
    @tetsubo57 9 лет назад

    It's been my experience that racists *really* don't like when you point out that they are racists.

  • @joecane6340
    @joecane6340 9 лет назад

    It's so obvious. Every person I know that supports theconfederate flag has had a history of racism and have the nerve to say that the confederate flag is not about racism.

  • @thevrana
    @thevrana 9 лет назад +2

    In last tow videos we had O'Reilly talking about telling the truth and Kim Kardashian talking about objectification of women. What is next,Cheney talking about human rights?

  • @JamesDavis-kc6kk
    @JamesDavis-kc6kk 9 лет назад +1

    Hey isn't "Black" culture tremendously popular with non-black people all over the US and the World for that matter? Wouldn't it have the same "corrosive" effect on evreryone else too?

  • @MrSideliner
    @MrSideliner 9 лет назад +1

    Rush Limbaugh's voice sounds like the voice of the boss in The Incredibles! xD Look for a clip on youtube if you don't believe me! haha

  • @herny45
    @herny45 9 лет назад +1

    There's no organized force out to harm black people?
    The police.
    That was too Ez.

  • @arthidon1466
    @arthidon1466 9 лет назад

    I may only be 27 years old, but I don't feel like like our culture is white supremacist. I'm from NY, and I didn't even know the confederate flag was a thing until I moved to VA. So I get the general mentality that the confederate flag is bad, but that mentality was/is ignorant. The flag means different things to different people, I have met many who cherish that flag that are not racist.
    I work with many African Americans, and many of them make much more than me. I have a professional career job and so do they. In fact I have an African American father I adopted. That's right I loved him so much I adopted him, I call him pappy XD. I'm not saying we don't have problems in this country, but we do like to focus on very specific negatives and ignore a lot of other problems.
    -For instance the TPP, this trade agreement would effectively allow multi national corporations to create/overrule our own laws. It takes away our sovereignty.
    -Search 1st amendment audit, or 2nd amendment audit on youtube. Police officers don't understand the law and the Constitution they swore to uphold. They will illegally detain and infringe on citizens rights/amendments.
    -Then lets look at the economy, if we don't fix that nothing else will work. I don't wan't human history to have anymore book burning s. I don't want my fellow Americans starving. The economy needs to be one of our top priorities for it is the foundation of all intellectual and civil pursuits.
    -Regardless, I appreciate and understand all of my fellow American's opinions

  • @awsomechad1
    @awsomechad1 9 лет назад

    I love how we blame a fucking flag instead of the the guy who killed 9 people. We don't blame cars for killing people in a drunk driving incident, then why blame a flag?

  • @huckleberry12
    @huckleberry12 9 лет назад +1

    hmm interesting. a liar on tv is threatening people who may lie in the future...if only he were held to that same standard

  • @beverlymurphey2906
    @beverlymurphey2906 9 лет назад

    O'Reilly's right. A lot of the problem of poverty in Black families is that a lot of the fathers of those families are in prison for things like possession of a joint (which, it turns out, could very well have been planted on him). Chaos in the neighborhoods? Maybe that's because the way cops police black neighborhoods you're better off dealing with an issue yourself, rather than call the cops. And our educational system? Has he ever visited a black school? Does he even know what the requirements for a diploma are these days? They're pretty universally low. OF COURSE 'traditional black families' and black culture have suffered.

  • @Ardenwolfe
    @Ardenwolfe 9 лет назад +1

    O'Reilly takes this so personal. Makes me wonder why.

  • @tylerm1538
    @tylerm1538 9 лет назад

    Everyone remember the time Rush took so many oxys, he went deaf? That was classic.

  • @Argumemnon
    @Argumemnon 9 лет назад

    "There is an all-out assault on the conservative way of life."
    Yeah, things change over time. The assault comes from reality.

  • @zhiyuanchen6211
    @zhiyuanchen6211 9 лет назад

    If just that will destroy the South, then southern culture was a house of cards to start with.

  • @dirtbeard108
    @dirtbeard108 9 лет назад

    2015 the year we show tolerance for the ISIS flag and attack a historical American flag.

  • @Dazbog373
    @Dazbog373 9 лет назад +2

    Bill O' Reilly's declaring war? I wonder if he'll bring his pen.

  • @scotlynhatt
    @scotlynhatt 9 лет назад

    Imagine if you will an image of all friends and family of this white ISIS member behind him in spirit as he pulled the trigger. This is the CORE of what these communities believe and all of them are culpable.

  • @ASTCify
    @ASTCify 9 лет назад

    "Conservative Pundits Say Removal Of Confederate Flag Will Destroy The South"
    I don't see how that's a bad thing...

  • @klieu90210
    @klieu90210 9 лет назад

    O'Reilly is right. The black culture does not encourage entrepreneurship nearly as much. Entrepreneurship is low in general, because politicians and media networks use propaganda to provoke passivity, but it has been historically especially low among blacks.

  • @agenor12001
    @agenor12001 9 лет назад

    You know I`m tired of O`reilley saying that whites don`t have nothing to do with the problems in black neighborhoods when it was a point of the US government that set up how neighborhoods were set up by how the housing industry was financed and following that how schooling was financed so to say that this is a problem of how family broke down is to refute how all of this was brought on by how these people were systematicly by the government put into neighborhoods where they were meant to fail is looking at this through a racist glass.

  • @ratherbenapping10
    @ratherbenapping10 9 лет назад

    How did poverty make a racist kill 9 people?

  • @CapitalVictims
    @CapitalVictims 9 лет назад

    But the American flag was made by racists too

  • @jokelly1926
    @jokelly1926 9 лет назад

    So being poor, living in poverty is caused by not being married. Stop the presses. And here I thought lack of money,opportunity, jobs, poor education and other factors were.

  • @jayzenitram9621
    @jayzenitram9621 9 лет назад

    At least now they are openly admitting that racism is "the conservative way of life".

  • @MubzxayStar
    @MubzxayStar 5 лет назад

    There's no institutional racism in the USA. . . It's the education system?
    The only real question is... Does he do 'doublespeak' on purpose? Or is he ignorant of his own ignorance?

  • @ronaldreagan305
    @ronaldreagan305 9 лет назад

    wow, I know billo isn't as stupid as he acts, but it can't all be a cynical pony show for hire. he seems too sincerely outraged for it to all be fake. he must at least partially buy into this shit to some degree, otherwise he couldn't look at himself in the mirror, no matter what they're paying him. (of course, he's also convinced himself that he was in a war zone in argentina). but still, I know I have friends and clients who honestly believe that Obama hates this country and is actively working to destroy it, and has only been thwarted by true patriots like cliven bundy and ted cruz. wtf is wrong with this country? dems say Obama is okay, rethugs say he is the antichrist. okay, what are his stats? stock market has doubled, unemployment has halved, 8 million more americans have health insurance, no more 911s, troops out of Iraq, leaving Afghanistan. what does the rest of the world say? Obama is a success, he deserves the nobel prize, and America is once again admired by the rest of the world. fuck them, say the rethugs, cliven bundy the lying, fucking thief who attacked law enforcement officers with automatic weapons knows best. I fear for our nation and the world.

  • @scandalasdog
    @scandalasdog 9 лет назад

    Wow Bill O Reilly's family will have to keep Bills grave secret. It'll be destroyed with all the people who will be dancing on it.

  • @nanaAnn96
    @nanaAnn96 9 лет назад

    In my opinion as a 19 year old black female , the confederate flag did not cause the death of those innocent black beautiful people. However you can't deny the Confederate flag has historical ties with slavery....I mean the southern states wanted to separate with the rest of the country because they wanted the continuation of slavery. I think there's nothing wrong with southern pride as long as the dark history of slavery isn't involved, like for example you can be a proud German without having the dark history of the holocaust involved

    • @hermaeusmora345
      @hermaeusmora345 9 лет назад

      I agree 100% unfortunately however, people get more and more stupid by the year

  • @AK-sm9ys
    @AK-sm9ys 9 лет назад

    That scarface clipat the end was good. LMAO.

  • @Dennisjay9
    @Dennisjay9 9 лет назад

    Yeah bills right there is no effort to police black people into being poor thats why poor black people and Mexican neighborhoods that have a majority black or Mexican population have a vast majority of white police and fire men and road and building management is lacking from other parts of the city. Pot usage is nearly the same among every race yet blacks and Mexicans are arrested much more. Yeah bill has it all figured out.

  • @MarkbyMarkAFosterPhD
    @MarkbyMarkAFosterPhD 9 лет назад

    That is Oscar Lewis' widely discredited "culture of poverty" model.

  • @liberalinoklahoma1182
    @liberalinoklahoma1182 9 лет назад

    'There is no organized effort to harm black people" the KKK DAAA.

    • @liberalinoklahoma1182
      @liberalinoklahoma1182 9 лет назад

      You are either very ignorant or have been brainwashed by racists. Everything you wrote is wrong.

  • @itiswhatitis5620
    @itiswhatitis5620 9 лет назад

    If a piece of cloth with some stars and stripes on it will destroy the South, then the South was empty and wanton in the first place.

  • @AnonRanGER01
    @AnonRanGER01 9 лет назад

    Yeah, ban the flag, not the guns. Way to nail it.

  • @larsvbundli1740
    @larsvbundli1740 9 лет назад

    Removing the confederate flag because some people think it represent racism is like baning rap for what other people think it means.

  • @ballista100
    @ballista100 9 лет назад

    well we finally got a conservative to admit that Isis isn't invading from Mexico

  • @Taverens_Pull
    @Taverens_Pull 9 лет назад

    Anyone else think it's funny that rush said that ISIS isn't in the U.S. when a few months ago all you heard from him was that ISIS was starting to invade Texas

  • @lilithrichter4146
    @lilithrichter4146 9 лет назад

    I really don't see the big deal, what did the flag commit the shooting? No. I was born raised etc in the south and it's just been there. It's a flag, and if you are honestly offended by it, then that's a little sad. I can understand African Americans being offended but most of them are just white people that get offended by a flag. It's not like the flag identifies with racism, it identified with the south during the civil war. Yes, there is racism, but if the flag would be banned everywhere in the us that'd be ridiculous.

  • @Velzen5
    @Velzen5 9 лет назад

    True, de surrender of the army of Norththern Virginia did indeed mark the end of the confederacy.

  • @AZ240992
    @AZ240992 9 лет назад

    All this hysteria over a damn flag is ridiculous. Stopping a flag from being flown, bought, displayed etc. WILL NOT solve any of the issues supposedly associated with it. Quit wasting your time.

  • @banks-xyz
    @banks-xyz 9 лет назад

    My stomach turns whenever I hear anyone say "traditional family".

  • @Nade100T
    @Nade100T 7 лет назад +1

    The South Will Rise Again!

  • @TurdFurgeson571
    @TurdFurgeson571 9 лет назад

    So if Bill has declared war and if Dylan Roof's purpose was to start a war, is Bill O. on the side of Dylan Roof? I'm sure the irony is lost on Bill O.

  • @cyber6sapien
    @cyber6sapien 9 лет назад

    Bill O'Reily has a point. A big problem is within the black community itself. But it's not the only problem. Many of the issues are systemic and serve to exacerbate the problem.

  • @g0stn0te
    @g0stn0te 9 лет назад

    is their culture the sole reason why black people are a majority in poverty? no. is it a factor? yes. any culture that promotes people "not snitching" when someone is murdered is in some way perpetuating their own demise.

  • @gadoatl5133
    @gadoatl5133 9 лет назад +1

    I'm just happy comments weren't disabled.

  • @ohnoitsandrew9538
    @ohnoitsandrew9538 9 лет назад

    "There is no organized effort to subdue black people. That doesn't!"
    I wonder what he thinks about the kkk and neo-nazis? What does he think those groups are?

  • @traveljapan3733
    @traveljapan3733 9 лет назад

    I've ignored this flag my entire life, now it's a big deal!

  • @jaina4365
    @jaina4365 9 лет назад

    ... how does the Confederate flag represent patriotism? It was used (in a different visual form) as the flag of the south, who didn't want to be a part of America anymore. It also has represented segregation in the 60s and is used by the KKK. It does stand for racism, not even relating to just the civil war. It was made by a dude who was a white supremacist. But hey, if you want your "heritage" to represent that then fine.

  • @ocaveney
    @ocaveney 9 лет назад

    Bill O'Reilly knows that just because you are shouting something doesn't mean its true

  • @JimboS1ice999
    @JimboS1ice999 9 лет назад

    "root causes of poverty" as I''m in a 200$ suit. Fuckin what?

  • @tannisthapatra3654
    @tannisthapatra3654 9 лет назад

    I don't understand why Fox News refuses to acknowledge racism still exists in this country and the effects of past discrimination still echoes into today. Also, O'Reilly sounds like he's doing a bad Liam Neeson impression to me.

  • @ettorefm
    @ettorefm 9 лет назад

    "States rights" are just a codeword for being able to do whatever you want without consequences
    If states could just do whatever they wanted and popular vote decided rights, half the US would still have slavery, wouldn't have women suffrage, interracial marriage, and so on.
    Or do you think that there was public support for the civil rights act in the southern states? Ask Alabama that in 1963 and see what was the opinion back then. To think that it would have changed by its own is absurd.
    Sometimes societies have to drag the 1700's part of the country to the 21st centur

  • @JB1unique
    @JB1unique 9 лет назад

    What O Reilly saying is offensive to the nation he should be fired that's my opinion.

  • @dantaylor3439
    @dantaylor3439 9 лет назад

    I love the part where billbo says Americans are happy to pay tax dollars to help needy family's when he's one of the one calling to cut entitlement programs.

  • @jeova0sanctus0unus
    @jeova0sanctus0unus 9 лет назад

    When he said "I´m not going to sit here any more." I was very happy for a moment... but sadly he stays on television.

  • @wasgoodintech
    @wasgoodintech 9 лет назад

    I don't see how seeing you have 1. The USA flag that reps the entire union 2. Every state got their own damn flag

  • @Kevin15047
    @Kevin15047 9 лет назад

    Idk wth the confederate flag means in the south, but to me all it ever meant was slavery.

  • @PaddySnuffles
    @PaddySnuffles 9 лет назад

    Question: what's with the background writing of literally what O'Reilly just said? Is it because they want to make sure their viewers can see what he's saying since they're too old to hear? Or is this some antiquated newsform that O'Reilly insists on 'cause _he's_ old?

  • @jokehim
    @jokehim 9 лет назад

    Interesting Bill has poverty right poor areas and bad schooling, but forgot who caused that to happen in certain areas of America. I would like to know what Bill thinks is real schooling? I would like to know who is running as in charge of the poorer areas? I would like Bill to say that teaching only the Bible in schools is all children need to run the country and work in good jobs? I would like Bill to say how he would make the poorer areas of America rich and give people the health system that is needed to help Americans in work? I would like Bill to explain and help people not live in fear of cops that will shoot first as they shoot white and black people that way? Finally Ask Bill if he would put some of his millions in to helping any poor people even if just for white people, and helping out in streets soup kitchens for the homeless?

  • @gazeebo88
    @gazeebo88 9 лет назад +1

    "And that is the truth!"

  • @fedorablesocialjusticewarr5555
    @fedorablesocialjusticewarr5555 9 лет назад +1

    4:08 how can you people say this isn't true?

  • @killer52k
    @killer52k 9 лет назад

    Ok, first off. That is not the Confederate flag. No no. He didn't use the flag called the "Stars and bars", which was the official flag of the Confederate States Of America. He did use a flag that is commonly placed as the same with the Confederacy, but that is actually a state battle flag for North Virginia (Was). Using this same logic, you can call General Sheridan's HQ Flag the flag for the entire Union.

  • @thepokekid01
    @thepokekid01 9 лет назад

    It's been a long, long... very long while since I've seen that movie, but seeing that clip from Scarface looked like Al Pacino just blew away the Brady Bunch.

  • @Disthron
    @Disthron 9 лет назад

    Let's be fair, the idea of capitalizing on tragic events to further your political agenda is a thing that happens. In fact I think this is ANOTHER case of these guys projecting there own thoughts onto other people.

    @DEAD-FROM-NY 9 лет назад

    Rush invented a technique used, NOW, by all
    Right wing media, and even bloggers.
    He likes to start his shows with "Ya know, I have a THEORY,.."
    Then he spends the rest of the show, commenting, analyzing
    and pontificating on something, his theory, - HE JUST MADE UP.

  • @TraumaQueen65
    @TraumaQueen65 9 лет назад

    My Headless Horsemann's' Headtaker is called "My Other Little Friend"!
    If you don't know, don't worry. Like if you do ;)

  • @yellowSmileyFacee
    @yellowSmileyFacee 9 лет назад

    The system created the culture. So yes, Bill and Cenk are both correct. It's the system and the culture that are the problem.

  • @thomasanderson4685
    @thomasanderson4685 9 лет назад

    So cenk calls Bill O'Reilly a rasict for being a concervativ He is as Bill O'Reilly, I KNOW THE TRUTH. A political point of view is not racism.

  • @LouMontana-wc7nr
    @LouMontana-wc7nr 9 лет назад

    Rush and O'Reilly are the past and will fade away like the Confederate flag.

  • @TrigTrig
    @TrigTrig 9 лет назад

    It's amazing that his points also apply to Muslims almost completely but he's still completely against Islam in any form

  • @manchesterblue2007
    @manchesterblue2007 9 лет назад

    Limbaugh dilutes the importance of freedom of speech

  • @alguitarchristie
    @alguitarchristie 9 лет назад

    Maybe if you just ignore Fox news they may go away! Stop giving them so much time on you're channel and trying to make sense of it, they are idiots, period!

  • @meghanphillips6562
    @meghanphillips6562 9 лет назад

    Oh no! He's calling "em out on "The Factor"! Scary!