SPACE GUN TAITO Gun shooting game part 3 of 3


Комментарии • 12

  • @TimelordR
    @TimelordR 14 лет назад

    Now that's top-notch alien killing! I salute you in making it through the entire game without continuing! The world owes you its gratitude...

  • @jeremymtc
    @jeremymtc 14 лет назад

    My friends and I used to play this all the time back in the day. In the arcade I was never able to reach the end without destroying the cockpit of the shuttle though. Great playthrough, very well done indeed.

  • @figment1988
    @figment1988 14 лет назад

    @ghost909090 it's a great nod to the alien films, but it somewhat takes up more from Alien (since the main plot involved responding to an S.O.S. from an attacked station)

  • @figment1988
    @figment1988 12 лет назад

    in order to obtain the good ending, i would often stockpile on freeze bombs and just spent them on the final alien. Another thing i would do is shoot the final alien on the lower part of his body since that would also reduce the possibility of damaging the cockpit.

  • @avigreen611
    @avigreen611 15 лет назад

    Excellent game.

  • @ghost909090
    @ghost909090 15 лет назад

    what great arcade is close of movies aliens

  • @KGershkoff
    @KGershkoff 13 лет назад

    @romajo oh, OK. If there was one, it would probably be just another Halo clone, right?

  • @Jayson619
    @Jayson619 11 лет назад

    This game played on PC or PS2?

  • @KGershkoff
    @KGershkoff 13 лет назад

    @romajo There was a sequel!!??

  • @TheKlink
    @TheKlink 14 лет назад

    and chance of you posting up the death music?

  • @luckey24
    @luckey24 13 лет назад

    Ooh So thats what you have to do...
    Lol I was wondering why I kept Getting Game over at that Point....
    I was shooting the Last alien while hitting the Control panel lol

  • @luckey24
    @luckey24 14 лет назад

    I didnt know what to do on that Part
    I kept Dying for no reason. =-(