Very handsome man with an extraordinary beautiful voice! So extremely talented. Love it with a passion! Can't get much better than this! Thanks for posting!!! Note: What a beautiful concert hall too!
In response to Thormander113: Soinam Wangmo won the first prize of “Amateur Singers Category” "业余组民族唱法金奖” at China’s 10th CCTV Vocalists Competition in 2002, not even close to the level of the Professional Vocalists such as Tsewang Dorjie. Sadly her voice has been…within the last three years.
Tsewang Dorjie and Wang Hongwei were trained by the renowned Professor Mong Ling (15 years apart). Tsewang Dorjie was born with an innate gift of a voice that is one of a kind. In my opinion, he has better control and breathing techniques. One can tell the difference from the best folk song tenors in China now performing Mr. Wang Honwei's signature song: " 西部放歌” at 38' 《CCTV音乐厅》20120910 孟玲师生音乐会 I agree with eversunronnie that Tsewang Dorjie needs to have his own style but totally disgree that he Imitates Wang Hongwei.
男版天路头一次听 也好听极了
Wonderful music 🌹🌸🌹
十二年前王宏伟在军队唱的《 西部放歌 》一曲,震撼了整个中国歌坛。好好的,看今天唱天路这首歌,虽然是洋人的乐队,却反而没有把这首歌发挥好。主要是西藏人唱歌那种渴望,感恩,高亢,豪放的风韵演绎得不够理想。
l love it !!!! wondeful !!!!
Very handsome man with an extraordinary beautiful voice! So extremely talented. Love it with a passion! Can't get much better than this! Thanks for posting!!! Note: What a beautiful concert hall too!
陈敏中音Alto Min Chen 演绎了这支曲子,欣赏一下你会发现它们的差别在哪里👍👍👍
good musicians from Europe
excellent song. I like it.
His dimples remind me of Jet Li xD
That aside, I love this song, it's so enchanting. This is a beautiful version!
l love it !!!!
(8D音频/Audio) 韩红《天路》/ Han Hong《Heavenly Road》-【听起来像一场音乐会!】 - RUclips
In response to Thormander113:
Soinam Wangmo won the first prize of “Amateur Singers Category” "业余组民族唱法金奖” at China’s 10th CCTV Vocalists Competition in 2002, not even close to the level of the Professional Vocalists such as Tsewang Dorjie. Sadly her voice has been…within the last three years.
唱成K歌也好,有利普及也 !
@Thormander113 王宏伟是现役军人,泽旺也是,他们目前同在中国人民解放军总政歌舞团。王宏伟鼎盛的时候,泽旺还是解放军艺术学院的学生,唱功等各方面都还有待加强。这几年泽旺进步了很多,但是也许是和王宏伟师出同门的原因,声音越来越像王宏伟。男高音的嗓音是脆弱的,王宏伟已年过不惑,嗓音的积劳成疾影响发挥,维也纳的演唱并不是他的最高水平。但是泽旺要超越王宏伟,还要唱出自己的风格,而不是模仿师兄。要说青歌赛提问,很多是关于少数民族历史文化音乐的,汉族歌手答不出的也不少。
Tsewang Dorjie and Wang Hongwei were trained by the renowned Professor Mong Ling (15 years apart). Tsewang Dorjie was born with an innate gift of a voice that is one of a kind. In my opinion, he has better control and breathing techniques. One can tell the difference from the best folk song tenors in China now performing Mr. Wang Honwei's signature song: " 西部放歌” at 38' 《CCTV音乐厅》20120910 孟玲师生音乐会 I agree with eversunronnie that Tsewang Dorjie needs to have his own style but totally disgree that he Imitates Wang Hongwei.
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