Still fucking baffles me how Blood Dragon got a sequel that was a spin off of *another* game series. I want the third game to be a spin of of some other entirely different ubisoft franchise, like Assassin's Creed or Watchdogs or something, just keep going until every game has something blood dragony hanging off it.
Still fucking baffles me how Blood Dragon got a sequel that was a spin off of *another* game series. I want the third game to be a spin of of some other entirely different ubisoft franchise, like Assassin's Creed or Watchdogs or something, just keep going until every game has something blood dragony hanging off it.
Imagine a for honour blood dragon
god that was a shot of nostalgia for an LP all about nostalgia. Nostalgia squared or maybe cubed?
I love how Matt's definition of the 90s is teenage boys being obsessed with sliming people.
I thought that was the official definition
90s kids for boys were just ways to gross out your sister for some reason
slime was always involved