euronews interview - Beppe Grillo explains

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Comedian Beppe Grillo has shaken up Italian politics, with his 5 Star Movement party (Movimento 5 Stelle) winning local and administrative polls in the Italian city of Parma and several smaller towns. Euronews met him in Tuscany.
    Beppe Grillo: "The media show pictures of me taken during my shows, when I of course I'm overacting. Because that's my job. I have to get the audience's attention. I can't whisper. Look at this frontpage. He looks serious and I look crazy. They put these examples of my facial expressions on a front page and then they write: "Would you let your country be controlled by someone like Grillo?" So everyone says: "Of course not!"
    So how have the mainstream media and other political parties reacted to his political success? Is he serious?
    Beppe Grillo: "They still don't know how to react to what is happening. It is not a political revolution, more like a cultural one. The real leader is the movement and the movement's programme rather than any physical person. People should start voting for a programme not a person."
    But having having attacked professional politicians is Grillo's movement ready to shoulder social responsibilities and manage real cities?
    Beppe Grillo: "Taking responsibility is a marvellous thing. We want to. But we are talking about citizens voting for other citizens who will enter local parliaments and the national government. Our country is almost economically ruined. We will take on responsibilities but we will also say: "We are not magicians, but let's see what we can do." I have toured all of Europe and met young people that have left Italy. There are millions of them. They are educated, with MBAs, and they say, "We cannot come home under these economic circumstances," but they are almost in tears as they speak. We should give these people a chance. If we start to bring people rather than parties into the national parliament, if we get elected specialists in energy, in transport, in waste, if we bring to the national parliament citizens that have a real and daily relationship with the community... then I bet our well educated young people will come back to Italy. After Romania we have the biggest diaspora in Europe. We export well educated people and import less educated workers."
    The 5 Star Movement's manifesto is on line. Beppe Grillo is not alone with his ideas. Many other European political parties criticise European politics.
    Beppe Grillo: "Our movement has filled a very dangerous vacuum. We are talking about Greek extremists, about Marine Le Pen's movement in France, about Hungarian far right movements. These kind of Fascist movements flourish in a sociopolitical vacuum. Think about the fact that Italy "invented" Fascism and we have exported it throughout the world. And today, in Italy, instead of having Fascism the vacuum is filled with citizens with no criminal records."
    Is Europe dead? Is there any common political future for the continent or is the political end of the European Union nigh?
    Beppe Grillo: "Europe was a marvelous dream invented by Jacques Delors and Willy Brandt but it has failed by trying to putting together economies which were very far away the one from another. This, and also a currency which shouldn't have been the same for all. Two currencies would have been better. Otherwise Angela Merkel and Germany could go back to the Deutsche mark and we will have a weaker euro used in South European countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, even Ireland. We could form a "different" eurozone. Let's sit down and discuss this. We have nothing to lose. We have already lost 30% of our economy since joining the euro. Our economy is imploding because of the lack of confidence in the future. Firms are failing and the national debt grows instead of shrinking."
    And what does Beppe Grillo think of ex Italian leader, Silvio Berlusconi?
    Beppe Grillo: "Berlusconi seemed to be eternal. He left only a short time ago but he still seems like ancient history. He looks like an even older guy. He doesn't use make up any more. Berlusconi is just something which doesn't mean anything anymore. He achieved success thanks to his tv channels. Once his channels no longer had the monopoly, he fell beause he had built nothing during his public life."
    But even the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano says that he's not impressed by Grillo.
    Beppe Grillo: "When he talks about Grillo-ism, or about demagogues, he should be careful because a president should be neutral. We have now 250 local administrators elected by citizens. He was chosen by parties, he wasn't elected by individual citizens."
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Комментарии • 12

  • @lucaks123
    @lucaks123 12 лет назад +3

    in italy isn't possible to view this video!!..
    i proud of you, euronews!!!...
    congratulations Beppe Grillo!!...
    GO Ahead!!!

  • @zappescu
    @zappescu 12 лет назад

    Grillo is the new expression of a new kind of make politics in Italy. No one is able to do it there like him. Our politics are digital idiots related to ancient communication ways and they are not aware how a simple man without TV presence could have built the third politics force in Italy. We could now live our "Italian spring" like north-africans before us, thanks to Grillo and his five star movement.

  • @robertorinaldi812
    @robertorinaldi812 11 лет назад +1

    Foschie Biaschi say not the thrue.....the thrue is that the movement is a pacific, onest, made of people movment! Not Fascist, it don't take money

  • @zacharyasbarabbas1627
    @zacharyasbarabbas1627 11 лет назад


  • @biggy20081
    @biggy20081 12 лет назад


  • @mariglianese1
    @mariglianese1 11 лет назад


  • @foschiebiaschi8439
    @foschiebiaschi8439 11 лет назад

    Grillo is a FASCIST : he controls his party as a dictator,he expelled members of his party only because they though differently from the official political line of the party, whereas a mayor as Pizzarotti as remained to rule in Parma, where he has applied the austerity recept: that means that Grillo wants austerity for all Italy. Grillo quotes Mussolini with a certain frequence,he's against the citizenship for children of immigrates, although even of second or third generation and not only:

    • @iosonolavocedellaverita9447
      @iosonolavocedellaverita9447 6 лет назад

      Is not fascist.. you don t know nothing about real fascism, he just want to govern Italy without criminal politicians

  • @antonio7plz
    @antonio7plz 11 лет назад +1

    plots are unfounded, they are the v for vendetta Italian

  • @davedelph81
    @davedelph81 12 лет назад

    you can see this video everywhere in Italy. He refuses to have interview with Italian media, really to get more attention on him. Grillo released this on euronews to be heard by non-italians too. Anyway... thumbs up! .......I want to believe

  • @TheMistaron
    @TheMistaron 11 лет назад

    Once the spark of an idea takes hold and the serfs look up from the fields, the Oligarchs and their fawning acolytes will have cause to tremble. After all, Christianity only began as an idea. It not only changed an empire, but the known, civilized world. (' I ain't religious).