Your Completely Untrustworthy Memory

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @jasey5502
    @jasey5502 5 лет назад +491

    I was eating some chemical soup when I heard about the Cambrian explosion.

  • @a-bird-lover
    @a-bird-lover 6 лет назад +242

    I don't remember where I was for any of that because I'm a dumb kid and I wasn't alive yet. The world ending in 2012 was fun though

    • @evanhammans4866
      @evanhammans4866 6 лет назад +6


    • @aspiretospidey
      @aspiretospidey 5 лет назад +6

      Same except I was 5 months old on September 11th

    • @ghostpepperwine
      @ghostpepperwine 5 лет назад +2

      Me too. I was only like 6 tho. My dad believes in aliens and that crap so I was obviously kinda freaked out because he was freaked out

    • @ariesegamesofwar9042
      @ariesegamesofwar9042 5 лет назад +3

      I convinced a bunch of kids at school that it was really a few weeks before and on the day of they were crying and saying good bye to everyone
      they tried to beat me up the day later

    • @Missmay123p
      @Missmay123p 5 лет назад +2

      A Bird Lover yeah I was -2 years old when 9/11 happened so same

  • @cremetangerine82
    @cremetangerine82 4 года назад +1

    I have a story about the Challenger explosion. It happened on my fourth birthday (Tuesday, January 28, 1986), I remember my mom taping something off the TV onto VHS, so I knew something important had happened. The previous Saturday, I had a birthday party at my house with a Winnie the Pooh cake my mom made and a “Pin The Tail on Eetore” game in the living room.
    On September 11, 2001, I was having a study session with my chemistry professor and another student. Someone ran into the room, and said was happened. I immediately said, “that can’t happen”, because it was so inconceivable to me that a terrroriat attack could happened in the United States. The other people began to panicked because her father worked at the Pentagon and wanted to call him to see if her dad was alive.

  • @BaboRulz
    @BaboRulz 6 лет назад +207

    I was expecting a memory test on the pizza you made at the end of the video. lol

    • @EpicPinkCreeper
      @EpicPinkCreeper 6 лет назад +6

      Me too

    • @xCorvus7x
      @xCorvus7x 6 лет назад +24

      Or that in the end he is suddenly not taking a plate with pizza to the couch but with spaghetti or something else.

    • @closeenough7490
      @closeenough7490 5 лет назад +1

      It is pizza just square

    • @xquonorbrop
      @xquonorbrop 4 года назад +2

      Pizza was originally triangle... go check

  • @RicardoAlmeidatm
    @RicardoAlmeidatm 3 года назад

    I was leaving school. I got in my mom's car and she told me people had hit planes into some buildings in the United States. As an 8 year old kid living in Brazil I had no idea what the WTC was or even what the concept of terrorism was to get shocked at it. It took me years to finally understand what happened.

  • @corywack6742
    @corywack6742 6 лет назад

    I'm not old enough to know where I was durring 9/11 but thanks to my Grandmother I know. She had just dropped me off at my Grams' house, then she drove to the school she taught at. On the one city block drive, she heard the story on the radio. A few minutes later school had been called off. So she watched coverage about it rest pf the day with her fellow teachers.

  • @rinnhart
    @rinnhart 2 года назад +1

    My mother woke me up and told me terrorists had crashed a plane into the world trade center. She had read a tom clancy novel during a recent vacation with a similar plot, so, I thought she was giving me grief for sleeping in. I got out of bed and into the living room just in time to see the second plane hit, live.

  • @poethewondercat7851
    @poethewondercat7851 8 лет назад +22

    Hey, great stuff. I was wondering if you could do a video on sleep paralysis. I use to get it and it is really terrifying. I'd hove to hear your take on the brain science behind it.

    • @KnowingBetter
      @KnowingBetter  8 лет назад +20

      Tell you what sir... you get finished on that channel icon and I'll do a full episode on sleep disorders just for you :)

  • @stackflow343
    @stackflow343 6 лет назад

    "Advice is a form of nostalgia - dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth"

  • @StevenBanks123
    @StevenBanks123 6 лет назад +5

    Kept waiting for him to test me on the Pizza ingredients.

  • @wodm
    @wodm 6 лет назад +3

    right, paused video at 1 min 15s to reply.
    i was in my living room and just finished watching Neighbours (australian soap) when the BBC news came on and said about a plain hitting a tower. We watched live footage on the news and seen the second plain live.
    I know memories are not reliable though. I had a little bump in my car which caused no damage but me and the other guy checked anyway, shook hands and left.
    Me and the missus both thought the car was different colours (i thought blue and she thought red) but when i watched my dash cam footage back later the car was white! mind blown.

  • @kylehallman1283
    @kylehallman1283 5 месяцев назад

    Oldest memory is what feels like a one second clip of me riding a baby tricycle down the street. There's the neighbor's pickup truck, my friend's mom is there as well as another person I don't know who. That's it. I don't remember where I was on 9/11 because I was 1.5 years old.

  • @northof-62
    @northof-62 6 лет назад

    It's fun trying to navigate through a city I used to live in ten years ago by memory. Always get lost quickly at a dead end.

  • @Comrade-Corvid
    @Comrade-Corvid 5 лет назад

    9/11 - I was sitting in 5th grade Math class and at some point the teacher must have found out and turned on the TV. We basically sat and watched it unfold and pretty much did this for the rest of the day. I distinctly recall being unable to make any sense of it. Everyone seemed sad or incredibly angry and I mostly felt confused at the time as to why such a thing could happen. When I got home, I immediately called my grandfather, who usually could give a decent enough explanation for why things happened whenever I asked him. This was the only time I remember him saying that he just didn't understand why either.
    The oldest memory I recall in that distinct way where I felt like I was conscious throughout it was my fourth birthday. My long-term memory seems to kind of "fade in" there. I recall experiencing it this way, as though I was running through the house and it faded from black mid-sprint.

  • @Marsyas01
    @Marsyas01 3 года назад

    It was September 11, 2001. I was asleep in my bed. I came back to a muddled sort of consciousness. My roommate was telling me something. I didn't catch what it was. He called my name and I woke up more fully.
    "Someone crashed planes into the World Trade Center," he told me. He looked at me expectantly, his voice was more serious than I had ever heard it before.
    "Okay," I said, and went back to sleep.
    I wrote down this recollection in my journal later that day. My memory of the happening is now considerably more muddled than what I wrote in my journal, but what I wrote was what I remembered when I woke up two hours later.

  • @cremetangerine82
    @cremetangerine82 5 лет назад

    The Challenger disaster happened on my fourth birthday, the very first one I can clearly recall. There was a Winnie -the-Pooh shaped cake and a “Pin the Tail on Eeyore” game at my home. Later that evening, I remember my mom VCR recording something on the evening news with a sad look on her face. I knew it was a “big event”, but I didn’t know until I was older what exactly happened. My mom only had one photo she took that day (of the cake) and I recalled the rest of the memories that she had forgotten (and also what happened to the VHS tape).

  • @warrcoww6717
    @warrcoww6717 4 года назад

    I was in downtown Brooklyn on 9/11, I was only 3 months old, so I had no idea what was happening, but I did see the smoke, and ash rained down in our yard.

  • @austinconstantino2148
    @austinconstantino2148 6 лет назад

    I was in my first grade classroom on 9/11. Another classroom’s teacher came into our room and told the teacher to turn on the news. My mom came and picked me up early from school. I had no idea what any of it meant at the time.

  • @rawfullyhealthylife6380
    @rawfullyhealthylife6380 8 лет назад +7

    Every time I watch your videos I find myself questioning my whole life. Thanks. And yah pizza sounds good, I'll probably make some tonigh. But of course minus all the hormones you put on yours! 😂😉

    • @KnowingBetter
      @KnowingBetter  8 лет назад +3

      Hormones = flavor.

    • @qui9
      @qui9 6 лет назад

      Knowing Better Mmm, testosterone

  • @_JayRamsey_
    @_JayRamsey_ 6 лет назад

    I learned about the 9/11 attacks while leaving school for the day in the fourth grade; the teaching staff didn't bring it up during the day. I recall thinking it may have been the British who attacked us, likely influenced by the class's contemporaneous study of the American Revolution. I still find it odd that I managed to live that long without learning that international relations had changed since the late 18th century. Blame the public schools.
    I remember watching Columbia break up during re-entry in my parents' living room. I don't remember much aside from my father being there.

  • @anjhindul
    @anjhindul 6 лет назад

    9-11 I was in my bedroom... My mother was watching the morning weather... and came running in to tell me the first tower was hit... Now, i don't recall what I was DOING... I think I was playing video games though it may have been to early and I was doing class work (home schooled)
    Earliest memory is VERY... blurry? The best way to describe it is perhaps corrupt... I am near water and picking things up and people I know are nearby me... I later am told by my parents that when I was 6 months old we visited this spot and I collected these shells... But I don't recall anything about the location in my memory but the water, feeling safe and picking things up...

  • @danielmartin9057
    @danielmartin9057 6 лет назад +4

    Slight problem with ur questions at the beginning... I was born after 9/11

  • @lucidity1
    @lucidity1 6 лет назад

    on my bike back home from high school, at the crossroads, I ran into my friend Nick and his friend (Marcel; I think). they we're on they way to soccer practice and nick said to me "did you hear? a plane flew into the WTC..." . we had a short talk and I rode home which was about a minute away and turned on TV to watch the news. I still remember being baffled and thinking "it has to be an accident but it can't be" and "Did the pilot commit suicide?" a few minutes later I was treated to live footage of plain 2 and the shock realization of "I am watching an act of terrorism unfold". it's why for the rest of my live I will Rember that there is a 6 hour time difference between Amsterdam and New York.

    • @lucidity1
      @lucidity1 6 лет назад

      here are the 2 things I am not sure of, who was with my friend nick, and where they were headed. I do remember that it was sports related so I filled in soccer because that is what I remember Nick was into at the time. so most likely soccer.
      otherwise I tend to have photographic memory.

  • @pocketdragon8469
    @pocketdragon8469 6 лет назад

    I was at school doing math homework when 9/11 happened. I was listening to the radio when they announced it and my dad called the school asking if I wanted to go home since all the parents were picking up their kids.

  • @davesvoboda2785
    @davesvoboda2785 4 года назад

    Challenger explosion: I was in college, and returned to the dorm, sat down in the common room, and someone I knew came up and told me, knowing I'd be interested (AeroE major), that the Challenger had blown up after launch. I remember looking at him and saying, "Bullshit", as it wouldn't have been the first time the guy pulled my leg. But, watching the news, yup, blown up.
    The next day, in my Spacecraft Systems class, Dr Seversike suspended the normal lesson, and presented us with pictures from that video that shows the SRB venting sideways, and we discussed it. Turns out he was one of the hundred or so experts tapped by NASA to get some quick answers.
    9/11. I was working at Nokia. I arrived at work already knowing about the first tower, I have no idea how I heard that, but it wasn't the car radio as I generally rode a motorcycle to work, there. I very much remember where I heard about the second tower being hit, that was my boss Larry Nolen, who came over to my desk and told me. I jumped to a conclusion and asked him, "Are we at war?"
    I was three months old when Kennedy was shot. No memory, there. I do remember staying up late to watch Buzz and Neil walk on the moon, though.

  • @84Plato
    @84Plato 6 лет назад

    I had been watching the Lock, Stock TV show when 9/11 actually happened, finished watching the show and went to bed, was woken up by my dad the next day who told me the pentagon had just been hit. I was in year 12 at the time.

  • @Lord_Horker
    @Lord_Horker 4 года назад

    I was 4 and staying home sick from school. My mom was in the kitchen and I was in the living room on the floor in front of one of those massive rear projection TVs. I remember an annoying ammount of my life so I'm interested to see if/how my memory contradicts this video.

  • @Darkdaej
    @Darkdaej 6 лет назад

    Well, my 9/11 memory is accurate - I woke up and went to a chatroom on IRC I used to hang out in all the time. The people were all talking about that, which led me to open the TV.
    I've thought back on this moment often and the memory has never changed.

  • @lenn939
    @lenn939 6 лет назад +10

    ZIP files use lossless compression, so the quality would stay the same.

    • @brantisonfire
      @brantisonfire 5 лет назад

      This could be your advertisement! Yeah, he isn’t the brightest when it comes to techy stuff, especially in his video about humans not seeing in 4k resolution. He misspeaks about a lot of stuff, but I don’t think he notices or cares because it’s not convenient for his perspective and explanation.

  • @decidiousrex
    @decidiousrex 4 года назад

    9/11 - I was in grade school and remember teachers telling us about this tragedy that was going on. Then I remember getting home and my parents watching the news all night. Honestly, I had no concept of the gravity of the event at the time. To this day, I have clear snapshots of certain things, but the most ingrained is the towers burning on TV, because it just played over and over and over. Sitting in school watching the towers burning, sitting at the kitchen table at home watching the towers burning... basically 9/11 footage to this day, but back when it was breaking/semi-breaking news.
    Later on I learned my mom was actually incredibly distraught that day because she was from New York and worked in finance. She had close friends who worked in the World Trade Center. But I've always known that at the time I had no idea about that, and mostly I just wanted my parents to stop watching the news because cartoons were on.

  • @Tyrannosaurus_Wrexx
    @Tyrannosaurus_Wrexx 5 лет назад

    I don’t remember what I was doing during the Challenger Explosion (though I do remember what I was doing during the break up of Columbia)
    9/11, I was on maternity leave, and riding on my coworker’s bus, trying to figure out what had happened.

  • @rparl
    @rparl 6 лет назад

    I was going between classes at Marin Jr College when someone said, "The President's been shot." I turned and said, "Don't be ridiculous!" and continued to class, probably Physics 4B or C. Indirectly, this resulted in my entrance to the Army and most of a tour in Viet Nam.
    I was at de Anza College in the student cafeteria when the Challenger exploded. Those poor newscasters had nothing to say but they were being required to stay on the air and repeat what they had already said.
    I don't remember were I was for the world's slowest car chase (OJ), but the helicopter feed was on (then) every channel.

  • @WelshRabbit
    @WelshRabbit 6 лет назад

    No one I knew in law school possibly had the time to read bio's about some judge. That would have been an utterly frivolous waste of time. Everyone was much too busy buried in briefing their cases in preparation for the next day's grilling in class (yes, the it WAS like "The Paper Chase" for most of the courses). What passed for "free time" was spent reading and outlining the likes of Corbin on Contracts, Prosser on Torts, Perkins on Crimes, Tiffany on Real Property, and other "hornbooks" de jour, plus the "Restatements," the Nutshell series, Gilbert's Summaries, and trying to write in whatever nonexistent spare time remained an article or "note" which might just get yourself on the Law Review, graduation in the top 10% of the class, and from there, trying to land the plumiest first law job, a federal judicial clerkship after graduation.

  • @mikepictor
    @mikepictor 5 лет назад

    I'm old enough for the challenger explosion....but I have no memory at all of what I was doing when I first heard about it. I remember is occupying some of the household conversation for a time, but that's about it.
    9/11 ... I was at work, east end of the city. I could name you the building, but not the floor, but I certainly remember aspects of the environmet.

  • @Rurix48
    @Rurix48 6 лет назад

    since he asked, even though i am late to the party. heard about the 9/11 incident in school. because i am Norwegian it was not a need for panic in every home. didn't even understand what it was really about before i grew older.

  • @NinjaMonkey088
    @NinjaMonkey088 5 лет назад

    Honestly the first time I remember hearing about 9/11 was in 2003, When my 2nd grade teacher asked everyone if they remembered it... I had no idea what she was talking about

  • @CCRider2400
    @CCRider2400 6 лет назад

    Challenger--I was in high school not sure if it was a teacher that told me or the PA. They let some of us go down to library and watch the news. about as much of it as I remember.
    9/11-I was sleeping when the first plane hit, living at home, my mom woke me up because I was going to have to get up to go to work soon. My mom told me about the first plane being on the news, watching the news we saw the 2nd plane hit as they showed it on the news.

  • @eloiselovesdevi
    @eloiselovesdevi 6 лет назад

    I was in the basement of the Mormon Tabernacle in SLC when i heard of 9/11. I was a missionary then and our president called an emergency meeting with all the missionaries to make sure we knew what had happened. I had only been in America for a couple of months then and i did not understand what it all meant. In fact it wasn't until a couple of years later, in college, that i learned more details about it. That's why i like educational channel like this, so i can learn more about US history and politics.

  • @jliller
    @jliller 6 лет назад

    A memory error that I've both witnessed and experienced first-hand is Conflation. That's when your memory takes two similiar events and combines then into one event.
    For example, my freshman year of high school I remember a Tropical Storm forming suddenly just offshore then quickly moving ashore and causing widespread flooding. When I looked up the event a decade later I was surprised to find that the storm and the flooding were two separate weather events that happened about 2 months apart.

  • @zachw2906
    @zachw2906 5 лет назад

    Addendum: I am old enough to remember Challenger, but I don't. The only thing I get when I look is a vague idea of the explosion on the news and a late night - both of those could be from any time in my childhood, and might not even be related.

  • @JChapman1201
    @JChapman1201 5 лет назад

    Challenger I was 3.
    9/11 I was at the county fair, heard it on the radio that something happened. They announced it I we the PA. Some headed home to get my brother and sister who were sent home from school early.

  • @woodb51
    @woodb51 6 лет назад

    I was in the 7th grade music class when I heard about JFK having been shot in Dallas. Our music teacher was WW2 vet so he speculated what kind of weapon might have been used to shoot him. That was strange to say the least.

  • @Jaigarful
    @Jaigarful 5 лет назад

    Freshman in Highschool. Was in my Life Skills class (i thought it wasn't going to be home eco, but it basically was, but at least I learned how to make spaghetti sauce) when the twin towers were hit. I don't really remember what we did after turning on the TVs in the class rooms, if we went home or stayed.

  • @bobbobinson11
    @bobbobinson11 5 лет назад

    Not the first time, but the furthest back my memory about 9/11 goes to a Saturday 9/11 a few years later when 4kids tv (fox on Saturdays) had a memorial program for the dead instead of the usual cartoons

  • @Krawurxus
    @Krawurxus 5 лет назад +1

    First memory is being scared shitless of one of the power sockets in my room because i thought there was a pig looking at me from inside the wall (the ones in Germamy do look like a pigs snout)
    9/11 was when I came home from school and everyone was watching the news coverage of it in grandmas living room. I think when I arrived the second plane hadn't hit yet, but I'm not sure about that detail.

  • @kailomonkey
    @kailomonkey 6 лет назад

    I don't have these issues with my memory. Before you call me out for assuming I'm better than humanity, what I mean is (maybe because of my place on the autistic spectrum? or however you like to define it) I was very aware even as a child of how memories were working. My first memory is one that my brain luckily knew was important enough to store and repeat to me, and it's how I knew as a kid that I used to visit my father. But I also noticed how repeating memories were then memories of memories, I was remembering remembering. And occasionally these days (I'm 36 now) I have memories which I am all too aware are in the possibility space of having changed ownership, and probably sound rather strange as I tell the story and delay to express the possibilities that it might have been me or not. I seem to know when these faults have formed in the memories my brain even gives me percent chances of this and that where things are displaced. Thankfully it's very rare to end up in that situation, I tend to be talking about things in the upper most regions of certainty... Barring the possibility that reality is an illusion and nothing happened ever.
    Anyway, thanks perhaps to the power of suggestion, I do have to consider the possibility that someone told me my first memory now, so thanks for that! And considering I don't remember what happened after, perhaps it could be true... But no, other early memories I never told anyone to tell me back, and can remember vividly... So I should probably return to the belief I had that something spiritual informed my brain that it was important to remember, or that things that then happened after highlighted the need to encapsulate the situation in a memory at a time when my brain was not formerly prepared for memory making... And retroactively re-enforced the memory of the event I have.

  • @user-ju5rt6ph1o
    @user-ju5rt6ph1o 5 лет назад

    I didnt exist when 9/11 happened. Although my biology teacher this year (just finished freshman year) was in elementary school. Her dad came to school to sign out her and her sister early and take them home. Her mom was on a flight to New York, and the government refused to release the flights that were hijacked and the victims. Her mom was fine, she called them when she got off the plane.

  • @TaliaIGhul
    @TaliaIGhul 6 лет назад

    I am a gen-xer, but I can tell you when I remember hearing about the Challenger. Though I was too young to understand it, the first time I heard about it was in a movie theater actually when I saw Star Trek 4 in theaters. Before the movie started, there was a dedication to the victims of the disaster.

  • @KillahDream
    @KillahDream 4 года назад

    As a person who did Quiz Bowl for so long, these are the battles we have to rectify.

  • @chaseyongue594
    @chaseyongue594 5 лет назад

    my first memory of nine 9/11 was me waiting for my mom to finish watching the tv so i watch cartoons. she sat on a recliner watching the news, it might be cnn but i'm not sure. I remember seeing the first building that was just struck and i remember seeing the smoke coming out of that building. Nothing else about it.

  • @ZGKIV
    @ZGKIV 2 года назад

    I think about the parents telling the story constantly and bring it up when i tell those stories that theyve told me.

  • @jliller
    @jliller 6 лет назад

    I was really expecting some kind of payoff at the end about "So do you remember at the start of this video when I..." moment and it never happened.

  • @JustinasD
    @JustinasD 2 года назад

    I came back from school and 9/11 events were on TV. My mum said "Oh my God, it's a beginning of a war".

  • @everydaychris5597
    @everydaychris5597 6 лет назад

    Ok, I just stumbled upon your channel by accident and literally got zero done at work today binge-watching episodes. While I honestly only disagree with 5-7% of the opinions (I actually am surprised at how much I agree with you, despite my staunch skepticism). So cutting to the chase, why are you not a professor in a college institute?? I’ve learned way more just today, than I’ve ever had through all of high school or my measily 2 years of college!

  • @LisaLisa001
    @LisaLisa001 5 лет назад

    I have kept diaries since grade school and I always double check my memory every decade or so and I am TOTALLY OFF. On the weirdest details that are insignificant.

  • @nickcarwell912
    @nickcarwell912 2 года назад

    I was in Mrs. Clark 5th grade science class. We actually watched it on the news after the second plane hit.

  • @kaylinn452
    @kaylinn452 5 лет назад

    9/11 - I was getting ready to go to school, I was in the second grade. My mom was combing my hair and she had the TV on in the background.

  • @mai_komagata
    @mai_komagata 6 лет назад

    9/11 i was in chemistry class and teacher wheeled a tv in. Then the school went into lockdown since it was in DC.
    I dont remember challenger, too young.

  • @ericksmith454
    @ericksmith454 6 лет назад

    I know it's old. I woke up to my stepbrother yelling at his mom that a plane hit the twin towers. Assuming it was some tiny accident, I fell back asleep. I really woke up when he said another plane hit.

  • @Priest4hire
    @Priest4hire 2 года назад

    I was at my computer when 9/11 happened and my son returned from his computer and handed me a report of the event complete with the two planed and my first thought was it must be advertising for a new science fiction show. Until I had to realize it actually had just happened. And don't pull the string of a person who actually has a photographic memory. I never forget your rant on the Nazis and Germans, it really hurt my feelings. I grew up with the guilt feeling of what WE did to the Jews. We were all guilty from the baby in the cradle to the dying senior. Grow up with that and imagine the harm it did to children. I thought I could leave it behind but this has to be "warmed up" again. It really HURTs when you're that person. My father was anti-Nazi, he never used the Nazi greeting but I had this on me all my life. Your rant did much harm to me. We support you because you're a "daddy" of two ferrets and the little dears need to eat.

  • @AaronPharaoh
    @AaronPharaoh 5 лет назад

    9/11 I was in high school sophomore geometry class. There was an announcement over the intercom.

  • @bandols
    @bandols 6 лет назад

    I was in my World Geography class in what I think was 8th grade (may be 7th). My teacher wanted to watch it on the tv and told us about it.

  • @Magmoormaster
    @Magmoormaster 6 лет назад

    Before I mention my "flashbulb moments", why is no one in the comments mentioning the fact that he put PICO ON A PIZZA?!?!?!?!?!?!
    9/11- My mom woke me up something like 30 minutes earlier than normal, saying something about the World Trade Center (which I was only familiar with due to Sim City 3000) being hit by a plane. I seem to recall her saying it wasn't that big a deal, so I stayed in bed for a while, probably until the 2nd plane hit when my mom told me to get up. I don't remember much about the actual news broadcast (all of it being muddled by later viewings of broadcasts from various news agencies). I remember going to school after, and I remember a seemingly unreligious kid praying very hard during our daily "moment of silence."
    Columbia explosion- I was having a sleepover at my cousin's house, watching Saturday morning Pokemon. My aunt came walking in, phone in hand, said "shit" and changed the channel. I was pissed until I saw what was going on. Although I was probably rather insistent about changing back. Saturday morning Pokemon was the most important thing ever.

  • @mackkiesel4196
    @mackkiesel4196 2 года назад

    I remember clearly where I was when the runner came with news that Constantinople had been sacked by crusaders.

  • @SquidLips413
    @SquidLips413 3 года назад

    When I first heard about 9/11 I was downstairs playing and the news was on showing it. I know this with absolute certainty because it wasn't until later that I found out it was a major terrorist attack. At the time I saw it, I thought it was a demolition project. It was clear this was going to be a major historical event, so I committed those few details not as memories, but as historical facts. As a memory, I can only get the vaguest glimpses and trying to fill out more details would be every bit as unreliable as this video suggests.

  • @afa78djd
    @afa78djd 5 лет назад

    I definitely know about 911 but don't remember challenger disaster.

  • @margaretgrace713
    @margaretgrace713 4 года назад

    So, my friend's totally false story about getting a ride home from a guy on a motorcycle is faulty memory, not lying? I drove her home that day (female with a Buick Skylark) yet she sticks to the motorcycle guy story. Haven't really trusted her stories ever since.

  • @imdone8243
    @imdone8243 5 лет назад

    I'm actually deeply worried about my cognitive abilities. I seem to have derealization and disonance by the tons.
    Since middle school or high school I have been slowly forgetting language. I was able to know how to write any word and or spell it in English or Spanish. But that died completely. Even forgetting words, making my vocabulary stupid small and having to rely on autocorrect. Tons of "what's the word, it's on the tip of my tongue" moments. Constantly forget where my phone is and well everything and literally when walking to do something in another room, halfway I forget, I arrive and I'm like , wtf am I doing here? Also overall, how I perceive reality just feels not like how it should be or was.
    Doesn't feel here or real.
    Along the fact that I have connected all of these things to a head tension I always have and when I relieve it, everything feels so real, like a de-saturate filter being taken off and now your eyes are vomiting rainbows..
    Fleeting ideas, like I get an idea or remember something but I instantly forget it.
    I have thought about the possible candidates of what's happening to me.
    ADHD, was diagnosed a year ago, also somewhat recently bipolarity.
    Depression, though I take antidepressants since a year ago..
    Malnutrition. Long story short.
    I have a bad history with foods taste. Very selective, so much so that I was scared lol.
    Some kind of tumor or damage in the brain or something, or stress fucking the brain up.
    Cause I was severely depressed since young.
    Also if anyone cares to read this, thanks.
    Note that sometimes very minor actions, can save a life.
    This whole ordeal has led me to attempt suicide two times, had to quit college..
    If anyone knows what it could be, or any advice, suggestion anything. Please do tell!
    I'm currently in treatment, slow but steady, one has to wait to see reactions.. But my obsessive curiosity has helped the professionals help me.
    Really anyone, if any idea of anything. Really really tell me.
    In case.

  • @weltarchiv4
    @weltarchiv4 5 лет назад

    getting rid of that doing some mundane task during the video was a good decision

  • @baseballlover312
    @baseballlover312 6 лет назад

    I was two so I'm gonna guess I was licking a doorknob and crapping myself somewhere.

  • @EnderPryde
    @EnderPryde 6 лет назад

    My first childhood memory was driving home from... something. I think church... and wanting to open the window but not knowing how, even though I saw my five year old brother opening his window next to me. So I reached over and opened the door HANDLE and the door went flying open just as we pulled off of the main highway. In front of our house.
    I was about two, at the time, and my parents both still give me shit about it (in that stereotypical loving jab sort of way) any time I'm in the back seat of the car, even to this day, so it absolutely was an event that happened.
    Edit: interestingly, they didn't start doing the joking until after I brought it up to them when I was 16 and asked if it really happened, so it wasn't a memory told to me.

    • @EnderPryde
      @EnderPryde 6 лет назад

      As for 9/11, I was in Music Class in 6th grade. I wasn't really paying much attention, but the silence that spread around the school that day was the only thing I DISTINCTLY remember.

  • @21st1century5kids
    @21st1century5kids 6 лет назад

    I was there at 9/11, my school was 3 blocks away from ground zero

  • @OutdorsDanny
    @OutdorsDanny 6 лет назад

    I was in middle school and I instantly thought it was project mayhem.

  • @SlimThrull
    @SlimThrull 6 лет назад

    I saw the challenger explosion happen on TV in first grade. The teacher had brought in a TV (back then you had to wheel them in on a cart). She quickly shut it off after the explosion happened. That's how I remember it anyway.
    But there's a problem. The Challenger explosion happened in Jan of '86. I was in second grade at the time (not first as my very vivid memory insists). I'm actually unsure if I saw it happen i school at all (even though my memory insists I did). Did I see it in school in second grade? Maybe. If so, how would I transpose my first grade teacher (and the classroom) on to a memory that happened in second grade.
    Brains are weird.

  • @seandraco3797
    @seandraco3797 6 лет назад

    I can place the classroom within the school for 9/11 but have no clue about the people or teachers. I know memory is crap so I attempt to remain correct. I noticed issues as a teen and being a nerd stuck to data over socialization. Also I notice massive drops in retention when stressed or emotional.

  • @2Fast4Mellow
    @2Fast4Mellow 5 лет назад

    I know exactly where I was when I heard of 9/11. While the events happen mid morning on the east coast, it was already afternoon in Europe. By change, a week earlier we saw a light aircraft fly through and hanger as part of an airshow and the hanger was also called trade center. So, when my colleague says a plane flu through the world trade center I thought that he was talking about the video I saw earlier and disregarded it. Then 5 minutes later another colleague told us to go to the CNN website because a major aircraft accident has happened in the city of New York and it was showing a live feed in a very small resolution. In the conference room we had a big TV and tuned into the European CNN and like most of the world we saw the impact of the second tower live on TV and not much later the collapse of the two towers. Never before (or after) saw so many people the horrors of terrorism live on TV..
    In 2016 I visit New York during the memorial of 9/11. I was truly impressed with the site and the whole ceremony. When I'm in the US I normally live in Centreville, VA and have visited the Pentagon memorial services on 9/11. The (European) company I work for gives it American workers paid leave in 9/11 falls on a business day.. We like to think of it like a 2nd memorial day.. Because it should happen never again! You know what I find the best moment of the 9/11 memorials? Normally DC is widely divided city, but on this day everybody seems one. At the US office we have Republicans and Democrats working in one building and they often have debates that sometimes get a bit out of control, but on 9/11 they stand side by side and that is why we give them a day off..

  • @Fetrovsky
    @Fetrovsky 6 лет назад

    I consider myself to be right on the border between an X-er and a millennial, and I show signs of being both and also none of them. I was born in 1978. I think the first time I heard about the challenger explosion was a comment my mom made when I was a child, saying how surprising it was to see the scorpion shape the smoke drew in the sky.

  • @pewien_internauta
    @pewien_internauta 6 лет назад

    So that's why my memories from when I was 4 years old are in 3rd person...

  • @haruruben
    @haruruben 2 года назад

    I remember on 9/11 when i was commuting into Manhattan and listening to Howard Stern and they covered it

  • @2Loto
    @2Loto 2 года назад

    Man....I wish I had even one friend like you irl 😕

  • @RealButcher
    @RealButcher 6 лет назад

    Aaaahww.... that ferret ....

  • @greenflagracing7067
    @greenflagracing7067 2 года назад

    I was drinking a Cuba Libre when the USS Maine blew up.

  • @williammccudden7025
    @williammccudden7025 4 года назад

    I first heard about 9/11 in a history book in the primary school library.

  • @shastabare6026
    @shastabare6026 5 лет назад

    Well, 9/11. I was on an army Cadet camp. The last two girls on picket (over night watch) were talking about it in the lines after they woke us up at 6am. I assumed it was a gag or just an idea - I don't usually bother with other people's conversations - but I told them to shut up cos that wasn't funny to talk about...... Yeah...

  • @danailstoilov130
    @danailstoilov130 6 лет назад

    9/11 - I was at home, watching the TV with my mom and dad. I remember being frustrated, because there was supposed to be a cartoon at the time - not this crap lol.

  • @twickdaddy8767
    @twickdaddy8767 6 лет назад +1

    Does everyone’s memories behave this way for he most part, or are there really thungs like photographic memories?

  • @Jwoodard9101
    @Jwoodard9101 6 лет назад

    9/11 I was getting off shift at the fire station.. That is for sure

  • @SaifSameer
    @SaifSameer 4 года назад

    This video worth a remake, considering to avoid:
    1. Recording in an echo intense room
    2. Loud background music

  • @Nevir202
    @Nevir202 6 лет назад

    Damn it!
    I’d assumed the whole pizza making thing was a clever device to show the fallibility of memory, I am disappoint.

  • @ChaoticNeutralMatt
    @ChaoticNeutralMatt 3 года назад

    The only thing I remember about 9/11 was me saying that this will be the only thing I'll remember about 9/11. Holds up.
    Edit: I do remember a christmas to some degree when I was younger. Rough but supplemented with pictures.
    No really young memories that stick out. Why would high school be a highlight? It was a mixed bag.

  • @raizayacarter6259
    @raizayacarter6259 5 лет назад

    I was 2 years old when 9/11 happened in either South Carolina or Virginia

  • @TMBG1337
    @TMBG1337 6 лет назад

    when 9/11 happened i was at disney world. there were short lines for the rest of the time we were there

  • @BurnTheTeddy
    @BurnTheTeddy 2 года назад

    This video is so adorable for some reason omg

  • @cameronallmon
    @cameronallmon 5 лет назад

    I can't believe I've been trusting the word of a man who uses anything made by Ragu

  • @Revernaught
    @Revernaught Год назад

    That pizza actually looks pretty good

  • @highheellove1
    @highheellove1 5 лет назад

    I was in my bed with the man I later had my first and second children with. My room at the time was in a house with a bunch of other teens in a sunroom.

  • @Whereveryouare01
    @Whereveryouare01 6 лет назад

    I remember. I was doing my 215 day old stuff. You all know what I’m talking about.

  • @zackiemay
    @zackiemay 5 лет назад

    I remeber crying at the age of 3 about my birthday cake having coconut on it.

  • @TheKuulia
    @TheKuulia 6 лет назад

    3:28 No it isn't because zip file format is lossless compression.

  • @Thundawich
    @Thundawich 5 лет назад

    Uhh, I learned about 9/11 a decade after the fact. I mean I'm not sure if I'd have been able to tell you about it prior to my english class doing a decade memorial thingy on it, but it was a surprise to me when I heard that it happened. But yea, not sure if that was when I first heard about it, or when it first registered or what, but english class. (Was actually 8 years old when it happened though)
    My first memory though, I'm not sure what it is. It is an image, looks like a church. Well, very church-like. Big room, rows of pew-looking things, muted light but all natural. Just a fuzzy image. I've told parents about this, and they generally attribute it to my great grandmothers funeral, but I don't know. I just have that image, the rest of early memories is just weird shapes, locations and faces. Exploring buildings with impossible layouts that have morphed over time, generally all leading back to a the inside of a room that is bright blue but has no entrance, even though I just walked in. Basically a big dream. Most of my memories of that though are remembering that I had that memory, the actual memories of the experiences has faded completely.