The Church in America with Eric Metaxas | Ep. 29

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Eric Metaxas is a well-known author, speaker, and radio host who is highly regarded as a great mind in the Christian sphere. He has written a number of best-selling books including his latest, Letter to the American Church. On this episode of The City of God Podcast we discuss the state of the Church in America today, and how cowardice and complacency are leading many Churches to compromise on Biblical truths.
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Комментарии • 8

  • @nancyprier416
    @nancyprier416 Год назад

    first time listener. thank you

  • @dr.kimfriesen9611
    @dr.kimfriesen9611 Год назад

    Definitely the next book I read.

  • @harthome875
    @harthome875 Год назад

    And give God credit for the great guests you get! :)

  • @billstewart4579
    @billstewart4579 Год назад +1

    I find it odd that Eric totally avoids commenting on Trump and the dangers to our freedom he represents. If it is true that we need to openly debate these issues we have to be guided by truth and honesty.

  • @LindeeLove
    @LindeeLove 2 месяца назад

    How quickly will he bring up that he went to Yale....where he was an english major.

  • @strangetheology
    @strangetheology Год назад

    Metaxas is on 🔥 this conversation is happening at such a time as this for a reason!

  • @neilray8427
    @neilray8427 Год назад

    👇 Promo>SM

  • @yvonnegordon1952
    @yvonnegordon1952 Год назад

    monotheism began the same way it will end: Abraham's covenant is the heart circumcision that makes one a monotheist and nothing else can because without the heart circumcision one has not experienced Hashem so they have no idea how he is one and how there is NONE beside him: ALL religious belief is conjecture of the ego and carnal mind (five physical senses): Jesus said ABRAHAM saw my day and was glad: It will take the same thing for all Jews and gentiles and Christians and Muslims to know how GOD IS ONE and his NAME is ONE: The experience of the heart circumcision which is why this covenant is between Hashem and Abraham and "ALL" his descendants: This is the only thing that comes with the PROMISES to Abraham. The Mosaic law comes with blessings and curses but the ABRAHAMIC COVENANT makes one a MONOTHEIST and a Jew and understanding of how HASHEM is ONE and there is NONE and I mean NONE (not even you) besides him: The Abrahamic covenant made him a FATHER OF MANY nations and joined him to Hashem and those who claim him as their Father without that covenant are simply not telling the truth. Christianity is based on the Abrahamic covenant that the house of David, tribe of Judah experiences after the order of Melchizedek. It is not based on the Mosaic law which is given to Israel who did not keep the Abrahamic covenant till they do and fulfill Jeremiah 31, the heart circumcision. When Israel keeps Abrahamic covenant, they will be OUT OF EXILE and become a TRUE LIGHT to the nations:
    Daniel 9 and Mathew 24 are the CUTTING of that covenant by the MESSIAH within the heart (inner court) of Israel: This is the covenant of circumcision: Without this, there is no WITNESS of the Messiah and the inner court, the holy place, the HEART OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL are still left with the abomination that causes all desolations in the earth. Only Israel can remove it and it is removed by the Messiah cutting that covenant with them. This is the REAL JEWISH FEAST DAYS and I know, because I experienced them in 1992:
    God dies as his own SEED (YACHIDA) for three days (3000 years) till he is completely risen in all people so the GLORY of the LORD can fill the earth as the WATER covers the sea (subconscious): THE YAHIDA is the "ONLY SON" or the LIGHT that goes OUT from God (Hashem) as a seed, (seed of the woman) rises within the woman (heart, inner court, this is how Messiah rises in the HOUSE OF BREAD (Bethlehem) and becomes FOOD for the beasts (Heart without God that now is going to experience the CUTTING OF THE COVENANT (Jewish Feast days): A seed falls to the ground and dies (we are the ground and the good ground of our heart must RECEIVE (Kabbalah) this Yachida, so God can FORM HIM as the INNER MAN of the heart (VOV in YHVH's name) by the SHIN, the threefold flame that comes from a SINGLE POINT (DREIDEL, singularity) which is how Hashem/God is ONE and his name is ONE: HE comes as HIS OWN SEED TO US to be among us (IMMANUEL):
    its not hard once you grasp it based on experience:
    all who experience it will find this ONE TRUTH and all those who don't, will remain in religion or atheism.
    monotheism began the same way it will end: Abraham's covenant is the heart circumcision that makes one a monotheist and nothing else can because without the heart circumcision one has not experienced Hashem so they have no idea how he is one and how there is NONE beside him: ALL religious belief is conjecture of the ego and carnal mind (five physical senses): Jesus said ABRAHAM saw my day and was glad: It will take the same thing for all Jews and gentiles and Christians and Muslims to know how GOD IS ONE and his NAME is ONE: The experience of the heart circumcision which is why this covenant is between Hashem and Abraham and "ALL" his descendants: This is the only thing that comes with the PROMISES to Abraham. The Mosaic law comes with blessings and curses but the ABRAHAMIC COVENANT makes one a MONOTHEIST and a Jew and understanding of how HASHEM is ONE and there is NONE and I mean NONE (not even you) besides him: The Abrahamic covenant made him a FATHER OF MANY nations and joined him to Hashem and those who claim him as their Father without that covenant are simply not telling the truth. Christianity is based on the Abrahamic covenant that the house of David, tribe of Judah experiences after the order of Melchizedek. It is not based on the Mosaic law which is given to Israel who did not keep the Abrahamic covenant till they do and fulfill Jeremiah 31, the heart circumcision. When Israel keeps Abrahamic covenant, they will be OUT OF EXILE and become a TRUE LIGHT to the nations:
    Daniel 9 and Mathew 24 are the CUTTING of that covenant by the MESSIAH within the heart (inner court) of Israel: This is the covenant of circumcision: Without this, there is no WITNESS of the Messiah and the inner court, the holy place, the HEART OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL are still left with the abomination that causes all desolations in the earth. Only Israel can remove it and it is removed by the Messiah cutting that covenant with them. This is the REAL JEWISH FEAST DAYS and I know, because I experienced them in 1992:
    PS, God's seed started rising within Abraham (his own loins) as the YACHIDA (Isaac) who is a part of Abraham and God together, making HASHEM ONE with his creation, able to REFORM them into "MAN" (the Last Adam): If your heart is not circumcised, then you are not part of Abraham or Isaac, but part of Ishamel (man who must HEAR God): Only the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob "SEE" God and LIVE: ONLY the heart circumcision makes you KNOW ('da'at) Hashem as ONE and his name as ONE (ECHAD): Religion makes you believe, but the heart circumcision by the YACHIDA, makes you "KNOW".
    Christianity then is only REAL when you EXPERIENCE it like the first Christians: From the time that it became a "BELIEF" system, along with Judaism, it became a religion, continuing with blessing and curses if you keep the law, which Jews can not keep because of all their excuses, but it is all because they lack the heart circumcision, making them a LIVING STONE in the TEMPLE HASHEM alone can build on the cornerstone (Messiah), no longer stony hearts, or stiff necks because they have TURNED BACK their heart and neck to God (teshuvah) by the POWER of the anointing (Messiah) that fulfills the law in the heart and mind.