Here is the link to the Church's official Book of Mormon Geography Essay
That was fantastic. Loved the 'inner map' explanation. Could I ask that you do a number 43 draft and write out the names in BOLD BLACK? Thank you 🙏🏼 for all you hard work.
You just answered my prayers. I am like one of your students who could not make sense of how to connect all that is happening in the BOM and our Savior. When I could visually see an example on the plight the Nephite”s were in. I cried as I finally realized what was happening to those people! I could then start to understand how much faith it took for that civilization to keep moving forward. Incredible faith in the Savior’s love and power and the Nephrite’s practice of mighty prayer. How I can liken their experience to the incredible trials and challenges in my life, both past and present. I know miracles and many answers to prayers were wrought in my behalf. As a convert to the Church, I thank you for this. I now feel better prepared and even more worthy to seek guidance in my life through the Book of Mormon. Finally, I feel peace that I am worthy to receive personal revelation through scripture. An aspect that I have been seeking more inspiration and blessings for many years now. Much aloha to both of you. I cannot adequately express how your life’s teaching passion on scripture is helping to change spiritual lives. THANK YOU. I am am so excited to now move forward as an “adult” to study the Book Of Mormon and graduate from the simplistic Primary style of studying that I had resorted to.
Please extend our appreciation to Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffins for the last four years. We are looking forward to these revisited lessons, knowing that there are treasures and insights that we missed. I hope they enjoy the “ time off”.
After watching this, when I read the part about King Lamoni's father's desire to give up his entire kingdom to know the things of eternity, I really had a picture in my mind of what that truly meant to him. I am so grateful for the time & effort put into this map, and how it helps me study the deeper principles with some kind of reference points, clearer picture, less confusion. Much appreciated.
Three cheers for this undertaking. I couldn't agree more that internal geography is not by far the most important element in this wonderful God-given Book of Mormon, but it definitely helps visualize the various journeys and to place the numerous events it describes, and I am grateful for this map. Thanks for all the work required to produce it.
Am in tears at your humility and dedication, devotion to the Lord and to our Prophet's exhortations. My understanding and spiritual eyes and my heart are opening more to all of our Father's blessings and provisions--his righteous record keepers and other righteous peoples in the Book of Mormon and your teaching us about them. I can only imagine the obstacles the adversary has put in your paths to hinder you in your callings. Thank you and bless you and your families, my very dear Brothers💕Sue
I was raised evangelical christian in America, so was always taught that LDS was just a cult to be written off and that its geographical claims were nonsense from the start. I watched this whole video to get an idea for how y’all approach it from your own point of view and was impressed by the approach and the apparent internal consistency of the lands that the book is set in. I know myself that if I hear talks from scholars who doubt the historicity of events in the Bible that most of me tends to err towards ‘this may be true from their perspective, but we’re talking ancient history and I don’t believe the door can ever be entirely closed on whether these events happened or not; instead I’ll continue to approach the story in faith.” That said it’s not my intention to stop my ears and cover my eyes if I’m facing some fact that challenges a presupposition - I never want to be willfully ignorant in that way. To pull it back, I enjoyed this video and its attempt to visualize the book of Mormon’s plot.
LDS scholar William Hamblin wrote that 55% of all sites mentioned in the Bible have been located and verified. As opposed to 0% for Book of Mormon sites.
I admire your knowledge of the Book of Mormon. I like when you share about how we have to be careful going around the importance spending our time counting the stones holding the well instead of drinking the water from the well! I love following you guys. I am not a scholar or anyone who would be considered a person to talk about the Book of Mormon or anything close to that. But when I got baptized 14 years ago and started to study the Book of Mormon there were numbers of experiences revealed to me that yes. The Book is truly the words of God! I kept those experiences as my miracles about the Book of Mormon. A Book that everybody in my life at that time hates or rebuked through my investigating the church to the time I got baptized. I finally realized that I need to study this book and find out myself. Every time something stuck out to me would be a great life lesson or a protection. It expands my view and build my deep relationships with my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. It profounds falls teachings. I remembered when I joined my daughter attended her church (Pentecostal) then her pastor was sharing about Jesus Christ came to earth as God. It didn’t sound right to me but I didn’t say much for he was a pastor and felt that it would rise problems. But I went home and prayed about it. The two events that came to my mind in new testaments were, Jesus Christ at Gethsemane praying to Heavenly Father and on the cross, and the time that He was about to take His last breath and asked Heavenly Father to forgive those who crucified Him for they know not what they do. It then occurred to me that there’s no way Jesus was on earth as God, the Father. He is the gods but cannot be the Father. I love learning about the Articles of faith and verse 1 did expands my understanding during this challenge. Thanks so much for all you’ve spiritually devoted and shared!
Hello ! I am a french single mother and grandmother and I try to understand the most I can with a basic (british) english I've been learning at school. I love your teachings. It helps me to open my mind, heart and spirit. All your teachings, questions, testimonies are very helpfull to me. I can share it with members, friends and family. I just thougt while listening this one how happy I am to live in a part of the world, speak a language and have a culture that does not lead me to deeply ask myself too many technical questions. It's easier to focus on the Lord and his gospel as we are kind of pioneers here, not specialists. I have so much to improve for personal and family progression 😁 ! Don't have time to look over the marked point 😉. Thank U so much ! You are doing a wonderfull job ❤ !
@@heberfrank8664 Please STOP focusing on geography! That is not the point of our lessons, this forum, or the Book of Mormon. No where are we told to have a testimony of please don't distract.
I literally wrote in my scriptures “ Ineed a map here”. thank you for this, i was so lost. you both do an amazing job each week sharing your knowledge and truths of the gospel with us. Thank you for all your preparations each week. Now, i need an ancient language app for the book of mormon, so i can decipher words from greek, hebrew, egyptian, arabic, etc.
Your map has helped me so much while reading The Book of Mormon. It helps me picture the journeys and geography, which helps me feel more engaged with the events. I keep a copy of it with my scriptures and refer to it, especially in the war chapters. Thank you!
Hey... I get your point completely because this is what I was looking for to make more appealing the study/reading of the book. I have been struggling to keep focused when reading and this INTERNAL MAP is the best tool I have come across in many years! Thank you Central !!!! Thank you for this wonderful work.
In 1981, I was baptized after 3 weeks. My Angels Scott Webb and Loren Betteridge and I have been in constant contact. Both came after their mission and I visited Scott in Utah. What you teach me now is great! I feel your love for the scriptures very strongly. Thank you for your testimony and yes throughout the book I know that my savior means everything to me. Btw I love the drawn version and hope my grandchildren will follow this with mom and dad
As I watched this video this morning, the first 17 min along with various other clarifications through this video was a very much needed clarification of the intent and position and the reasons for building this "internal" map the way they have chosen to do so. I appreciate the efforts to eliminate the contentions that have been stirring for many years of where the Book of Mormon took place, they did a good job here of doing that. I really appreciated seeing the clarification on their approach to their Book of Mormon map. Thank you.
Loved this and so appreciate your study and efforts to prepare. It helps me visualize the geographical events throughout the Book of Mormon. Thank you both!!!
I very much appreciate, not only your hard work and great insights, but also the humility with which you presented your findings. I have read some writings of one particular person who has been critical of your map, and you were much kinder to his views than he has been to yours. (And that's what Christ has called us all to do.) Well done.
I believe that the Book of Mormon events like wars etc began in the United States. I believe that Lehi and his family landed in Florida on the East coast where they migrated north. How would the gold plates have gotten buried in Hill Cumora in New York, would Mormon have walked 5000 miles to bury the plates? This is my belief.
Brother Tyler's transparent, open, and even-handed explanation is wonderful and can help us avoid contention as we focus closely on what is most important-- that it is another testament of Jesus Christ.
The Church makes no claim on BoM Geography. However, Joseph Smith has said he found relics here that were Nephite. Therefore, I believe BoM people lived in N. America and other places.
Taking every statement by Joseph Smith or any other prophet as revelation is a mistake! Joseph made many statements showing he viewed evidence found in Central and South America as support for the Book of Mormon. The early members of the Church generally had an "entire American continent" view of the Book of Mormon lands.
Thank you so much for this map and explanations. I am one of those who would get hung up on the locations of geographical features. Not because I needed an exact location on planet earth, but because I am a visual learner. I think of things in 3 -d. I need to be able to draw the picture of what is happening in my mind.
Thank you! Yes, many of us are visual learners. We see pictures as we read and learn. For me, even math. We are NOT expecting perfection of maps, but an approximation is marvelous! Grateful.
This is great! I appreciate having an "anchor" as I read through the movements of the peoples of the Book of Mormon. And your comments about the lack of precision clarified a lot for me. I've tried to create maps, because I needed the anchor, but I've struggled with the multiple interpretations of "land" and "up/down," etc. This is very helpful!
Thank you for sharing the wisdom and learning. I appreciate the time and planning that goes into putting these CFM videos together for us. This video and map has certainly helped me and has given me more understanding on BOM geography. I love how your videos enhance my understanding of the scriptures. The learning also provides new and added perspective. Thank you, Thank you & Thank you - I am looking forward to the next one :)
I will say this much brothers. This presentation was without the most interesting talk about the geography in the Book Of Mormon I have ever heard . Also the most logical . Still I love the BOM simply for what it is . Another Testiment Of Jesus Christ . When I found the first Book Of Mormon I had ever seen and began reading from the introduction on, was when I think I realized that Jesus Christ , my savior ,.redeemer my Lord was so much more than just a story.
Dr. Wayne May has really a very believable geography of the BOM 'landings' and history. Its really mirrors what the Prophet Joseph Smith said about this land, (North America). His study showed consistency, logic and based on buriel mounds, locations and comparative remarks from the BOM. This also is really an amazing look at the same subject.
I really like the book about the 116 pages by don Bradley, which, while not being doctrine, gives some pretty interesting insights from both church history and the Book of Mormon itself on how the 116 pages were probably the first half of Mormon’s abridgment, and that the small plates of nephi were given to Joseph as the summary replacement of the 116 pages, including stuff on how Mosiah the first led the righteous out of the land of Nephi into the land of Zarahemla in an exodus, which is only mentioned briefly in Omni due to the first half of Mormon’s abridgment being missing.
I really enjoyed this video. Thank you for your time and effort. What I would be really interested in seeing in regards to your map, is a chronological timeline of movement and migration throughout the Book of Mormon. As my wife and I have been reading the book together again, I thought it would be a great supplement to our learning to be able to track the movement as it happens in our reading.
I have a print out of the travellings/groups of people from Don't Miss This. There is no way to attach it here,though. Not a timeline, as such, but gives the scriptures relative to the people's and their travelling.
This is interesting and I can see why you made this elastic. Georgia has Mayan type ruins that are similar to those in Chichen Itza in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico in both Macon and Dahlonega, GA. There is also a park named Fort Mountain where the Indians told archeologists in the 1700’s that these fortifications were a last stitch defense effort by a great white race wiped out by their ancestors long ago. This is to say that it’s highly possible that the Book of Mormon covers Central and North America. Think how fast America has spread in 414 years from Jamestown 1607 until now. The Nephites/Lamanites had 1,021 years to spread, and the Lamanites much longer. National Geographic did a special around 1985-1986 that talked about unearthed cities that were totally buried and roads that were completely straight and then went right over mountain tops. Much of the evidence of these civilizations was wiped out When they were wiped out at Christ’s coming. There are wonderful evidences in Mexico, Central America and North America, I’m not sure why people take an either or approach. The Lehi Cave and stone are in Mexico, the Mound Builders of the Ohio Valley have oral legends of Christ visiting and dna ties to Israel. So many wonderful evidences are there if we seek them, but I’m not sure the Lord wanted us to have a perfect knowledge, it defeats the purpose of gathering the elect based upon faith.
Jared, I loved your response. I have no doubt the people of the book of Mormon are further and wider than we can imagine. As long as they could walk or sail, they are the ancestors of Lehi and Jared. From the time Columbus came to America and the English and Spanish colonizing, disease caused a lot of death amoungst the natives. And their are ruins all over North and South America. To know what the land could have been is amazing.
If the Book of Mormon happened in South America, you are claiming that Joseph Smith did not translate Jacob’s words correctly. Jacob very clearly states, “And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles.” South American countries have had kings. The United States of America is the only American land that has not had kings. Your other videos are awesome! I really wish you’d believe the words of Jacob!
North America also had kings, the king of England, the king of France, the king of the Netherlands and the tsar of Russia, the Spanish Empire had half of the US so it also had the kings of Spain
America had the king of England and Canada still has. Although not one country in the Americas had a king of their own only as part of an empire. The emperor of Brazil doesn't count as a king.
My Book of Mormon has pictures of these guys in South America and they are all white people and even look American? Why? Where are the descendents down there? Clearly with many wives, the blood lines must have made it into the natives...
Yes but by the same logic North America has had a king as well until King George and of course the Canadians still have royalty on some of their currency. Which central or south american countries currently have a king? None of them. Some have dictators or strongmen but none is a true monarchy.
My friends u r misunderstanding the Book of Mormon I,m Latino never been any king in South Ameca in modern times Book of Mormon , is in deed taking about modern times , it only been under dictatorship which is case with Cuba and Venezuela got it !!!
You are absolutely right to focus on the message. Whilst the physical geography may be fascinating, it would be a distraction from the message, not a confirmation of it. Faith is essential and paramount.
I have an opinion on location, but what you have laid out is truly all that’s important. Coming to know it’s another Testament of Jesus Christ is real truth and knowledge.
One thing I never hear discussed is SCALE. Scale in terms of distances and population. When referring movements of large numbers of people (armies) there is little discussion about the length of time it would take an army of - say - 30,000 to move with all its supporting supplies from one point to another point. Armies traveling on foot cannot cover distances of even 20 miles a day for sustained periods of time. Thus when considering the movement of armies it should be possible to make a reasonable estimate of the distance traveled in the time frames provided in the narrative. Consider the events described in the Bible. For the most part those events take place in a relatively compact geographical area, not over continent sized land masses. We also know from documented historical battles the relative size of the armies involved by extrapolating the reported casualties. Any army loses combat effectiveness if it sustains 30% casualties, or more. Where casualties are reported you can develop the likely size of the army. From such information you can also extrapolate the size of the population required to support an army of a given size. Using scale estimates based on other documented ancient events you can determine feasible range of distances traveled. Using what we know about the movements of large bodies of people it seems probable that the events in the Book of Mormon are likely geographically confined to a fairly discreet area. The Lamanites did not march from Brazil to Missouri in the space of a few days or even a few weeks. Thus it is not only unlikely but virtually impossible that the land southward was all of South America. Consideration of scale and of the general human experience in the externally documented ancient world can add additional insight as to the story reported in the Book of Mormon.
Thoughts on the Hopewell people? Well done. Some day we will all know and have a good laugh. In the mean time very grateful for this 2nd testament of Jesus Christ.
The Hopewell people Are the actual descendants of the Lamanites. The are the same time frame....At the first page of the Book of Mormon it tells that the Native American Indians are the Lamanites . I am very sad to see this theory is still being pushed. I choose to believe the Lord who tells Joseph Smith who the Lamanites are and where they are located which in all in the Heartland of America. The Lord, Joseph Smith, the scriptures are the witnesses. There is soooooo much evidence here in North America. Christ did go go the Mayan people , but they are not the people of the Book of Mormon and it did not happen there. go toвидео.html and, Wayne May, Rod Meldrum, Come Eventhe Native American Indians who are members of the church know who they are . Please pray and look into this. I hope this comment doesn’t get deleted before you see it.
It would be intersting to use a computer to see what correlation the Internal Map has with actual geography. With an AI program and Google Earth I bet there would be a number of matching places.
Very possible the book of Mormon lands were in North America. The geography we know today might have changed during the earth shaking at the time of the crucification of Christ.
That was beyond excellent and informative!! I so agree we shouldn’t have other incidentals as our main focus, but learning about them is important - at least to me - because it helps me visualize more what it was like back then, more personally relate to them and how they lived their everyday life, and have more compassion for all the tremendous trials and tender mercies they experienced.
I think it's important otherwise, if we don't know where everything all happened how do we explain to others. For me, it's so helpful. Thank you so much.
Great work. It satisfies my understanding of the truth of the BOM. It's not a book for the fact checkers it's from God as a convesion to Christ book. Thats why it converts instead of convinces. Roger Kroshus
Bravo! You caught it! So few do! You point out that the day and a half journey for a Nephite is from the east to the west sea, not from the east sea to the west sea as so many think. However, I interpret the line Bountiful just a little different. In Alma 22:32 it reads - 'being a day and a half journey ON the line Bountiful' whereas you said it was FROM the line Bountiful. I interpret the line Bountiful as a physical ridge-line running from the east to the west sea. It's written in an odd way hard for our English minds to visualize based on our orienteering conditioning.
Knowing that the Book of Mormon is ANOTHER Testament of Jesus Christ, and the First Presidency urging members 'not to advocate those personal theories' thank you for helping me understand the overview of mapping these cities. It gives me a better visual as I follow along. Great job!
This is wonderful! Just three minor points could be noted: 1) The more idle Lamanites dwelt on the west OF the land of Zarahemla, and west IN the land of Nephi. 2) The migrants in Alma 63 and Helaman 3 went northWARD, not just north. 3) The narrow strip of wilderness had extensions which wrapped around the land of Zarahemla, bordering on a west seashore side and on an east wilderness side. So, the land of Zarahemla seems to have been closer to the sea west than to the sea east, with a rather larger east wilderness than depicted.
A 20 minute explanation that this map is not official church doctrine could literally be said in one sentence. And then sprinkled throughout. Stop apologizing. Dudes, just give the presentation.
Sorry. We've had lots of people want to start contention over Book of Mormon geography and so we were erring on the side of over communicating that (1) what we are providing is an educational tool and (2) no one should be contending about BOM geography.
@@taylorhalverson3052 I'm glad u read my comment. Im offering constructive criticism. I honestly couldn't make it thru because of 20 minute disclaimer. Don't worry about being nice to everyone. Don't err on the side of caution. Don't apologize. Instead, Here's what we think, hope you all like it, drop the hammer, thank you , walk away.. boom, boom, boom done. I think you'll get more respect from the latter. It's like a 10 min talk where the individual takes the first 4 minutes to explain how nervous they are. If I could offer one bit of advise to them it's this, don't begin your talk with an apology, begin your talk with your talk... I get it. We all do. It's nerves. It's ice breaker. Is there any truth to what I'm saying, maybe a kernel? Thx for reply. God Bless
@@45s262 I hear you. We've used a variety of approaches when presenting this map (including just presenting without any context from the Brethren). We determined that for a video like this, it would be best to educate everyone on what matters most. For some people, they get the idea immediately and would rather jump into the map. We realize we can't please everyone (and not even ourselves at times!). :) all the best, Taylor
@@taylorhalverson3052 a bit off script but hear me out. I'm reminded of an interview with Morgan Freeman when asked, is racism a problem? Morgan Freeman replied, in America? Today? Then with affirmation he said, No! Interview continues, then how do we solve the idea of racism in America? Morgan Freeman replied simply, Stop Talking About It!! Amazing isn't it.
@@45s262 yeah, I wish the solution were that simple. I love simple solutions. Unfortunately, I continue to see in my life that many problems are more complex and take more time, care, concern, and effort...and I wish I could pop a pill and have the problem go away :)
Bravo - well done. The internal geography helps to put the chapters of the Book of Mormon into a relational perspective which enables the more meaningful gospel messages to be center stage. Yes, your love for the Book of Mormon and for the Gospel is very clear.
I agree so much with Ray Smith. As I was listening to the first part of the video, I was like.. FINALLLLLYYY!! SOMEONE THAT GETS IT!! Lol!! I've tried so hard to explain this so many times, TO SO MANY PEOPLE and you hit it right on the head!!! Thank youuuu!!! Whether the geography is exact or not, it gives me that mental picture to at least not feel like all the ppl in the bom aren't just floating around in some visionless places. I struggled to focus, lost focus and then would get bored. This helps a ton! Thank you!
What about when Christ was killed and the whole face of the land changed, mountains to valleys, valleys to mountains, and whole cities falling into the sea.
Great question. If the geography was unrecognizable, then Mormon could not have given us such detailed geography 300+ years after Jesus. Therefore, we read "face" as surface level and not structural and that in some limited cases (that are listed in the text) there were mountains that fell or valleys that were raised up.
@@taylorhalverson3052 The crucifixion catastrophe was undoubtedly a worldwide event. The New Testament mentions the earthquake and storm over Jerusalem, but Mormon's abridgment, as well as Nephi's prophecy of it provide jaw-dropping details that indicate it was cataclysmic on a scale that nobody on earth had experienced at least since the exodus, if not the time of the universal flood. It could have re-surfaced and re-shaped vast areas of the Western Hemisphere and other parts, and in so doing altered the landscape sufficiently that much of it no longer corresponded with the pre-cataclysm internal map. Mormon was condensing the records that were created by their original chroniclers at the times given, and with the aid of the Urim and Thummim. He had all of their geographical references, undoubtedly far more than he gave us, by which to orient the narrative. I see no necessity for him to have had intimate personal knowledge of their geography any more than we have of his.
I think it would be great to do bite size segments using the map, to discuss certain sections of the Book of Mormon. This was great! I can’t believe I have always over looked the narrow strip of wilderness! 😆
And since the Book of Mormon took place over hundreds of years, the geography wasn't all the same all the time. I've actually been learning animation with After Effects so that I could create some short videos on geography and movement of people in The Book of Mormon. Hopefully I can put something out soon.
The Migratory Beasts were undoubtedly the Buffalo. Start there and the rest will fall into place. We’ve been off on many things for a long time. Look to the early 1900’s versions of the book Where the Prophet Joseph who translated the plates states where things took place on the footnotes.
I am loving watching and learning from your guys. The pictures in my mind as I read and listen to you is amazing and I’m loving learning this way. Thank you so much.
This is a great study! Thank you very much for your hard work! There must be more than 24 hours in a day, eh? Thanks again! The BOM has come alive as my family studies and listens to your Come Follow Me instruction.
Hello! Is there or would you ever consider making a printable version of this map? I would like to print it out and have it in my scriptures as I study 🙂 I am 27 years old and lifelong member of the church. I never took the time to learn the chronology or geography of the BOM. I made it a goal to finally learn because I felt like I was missing out on spiritual insights I could have received with better context of what’s going on geographically.
Is there a hard copy of this map available? Would appreciate having it as a study guide, understanding it is not to be considered a perfect model of Book of Mormon Geography. Thank you for this presentation. I once created a crude and ‘exceedingly large’ map of the Book of Mormon. Needless to say it is not useful in daily study nor as detailed;) Thanks again for the your 9 year devotion and future devotion to providing these tools. Sister Camille Alexander
I liked the proposed map. But, because the Book of Mormon focus study is about our Savior Jesus Christ, I would liked to have had discussion on where the Savior came to visit the Nephite and Lamanite righteous people in the Land Bountiful. Much of the discussion was on Moroni's battles and strategies, and other stories.
There have been several maps somewhat similar to the one presented here. While the witness of Jesus Christ is the primary mission, the BOM has much information that is easily compared to known geography, topograpghy, traveling times and distances that has nothing to do with the "heart land".
People also forget (with external models) that the whole face of the land changed when the Savior was crucified. I appreciate your internal map so much - especially traveling with Alma and Ammon and Captain Moroni. 😁
Yes, but for context, Mormon lived after that time and still gave us the all the geography from before the time of Jesus. This would suggest that perhaps superficial features changes occurred but not underlying structure changes. That is to say that the geography of Alma was substantially the same geography as the time of Mormon.
Your model assumes the “seas” ran the entire shore line of the region. While we have no boundary other than the “narrow neck of land” that divided the sea East and West there could be several sizes of your “elastic” model for the seas
There is some very serious work done, things said by early-day church leaders, and evidence found that puts the Book of Mormon happenings within the president-day (somewhat) United States. I've also been in Central America and there is compelling evidence there. All in all, I will be very entertained someday watching the real happenings on post-mortality TV. Until then I won't loose my testimony over the push-pulls of where it all took place.
Isn't the one in the BoM itself sufficient? If you check out the institute manual for the BoM there's a detailed timeline in there, from my memory... unless you are asking to have a timeline presented in conjunction with the map, in which case ooops, ignore me 😅
Always good to remember that ancient people didn't have maps, satellite images, or bird's eye views. If you want to appreciate how ancient writers described lands, directions, and journeys, watch this video:видео.html Cartography (map making) wasn't really a thing until after the Renaissance. The Book of Mormon fits with the Bible and other ancient documents in describing lands and features from a ground level view, and can be difficult for us who are used to Google Maps to understand.
Thank you so much for working to give us this visual help to make the Book of Mormon more alive. Thank you so much for all your work. You bring the Spirit into the study and I love this so much. I'm always looking forward to what is next and it is more interesting and fun to go over this and relate to it personally!
Our family loves you guys!! I really love that this map parallels roughly what I had in my head but the detail is definitely more than my head can recall as I read specific verses in the BOM - what I also love is how pedagogically this helps a greater variety of learners - I truly have a testimony of our Saviour Jesus Christ - this resource material just stills the mind for some learners to give a skeletal framework for the ideas presented and allows the mind to be more receptive to the spiritual prompts that ultimately enable increases in our testimony- THANKYOU kind sirs your work is amazing !
This is SO GREAT! Thank you for your fantastic work to put up this map. I love it because it is very helpful to me to figure out the happenings in the Book of Mormon. I had some hard time to find my way, before having it (same thing with the fiction books you mentioned). Thank you also for the spiritual insights.
So what if you haven't yet activated the ability to see in your head? Its possible everyone can but it's also possible some people just never will. So far I'm one of the ones who can't picture and it really does make scriptures harder to follow.
I can't make up my mind completely whether it took place in the south or in the north. Because of things Joseph Smith said I lean toward the north. But at the end of the day it really doesn't matter because it did happen and some day we will know. There are many things they didn't put in the BOM that would have been very interesting. Maybe when I die I will make friends with some of them and they can fill me in on the rest of the story.
well at the end of the day. that internal map you have there only needs to be copied and paste to match hill cumorah. cause that will only be the specific location shown.
Here is the link to the Church's official Book of Mormon Geography Essay
Thank you.
@@denisehwilliams you are most welcome! :)
That was fantastic. Loved the 'inner map' explanation. Could I ask that you do a number 43 draft and write out the names in BOLD BLACK? Thank you 🙏🏼 for all you hard work.
Thank you so much for this vídeo and link.
Im gonna share It on my fanpage about The Book of Mormon in Portuguese.
I love the graphics. I am a visual learner. Thanks so much
You just answered my prayers.
I am like one of your students who could not make sense of how to connect all that is happening in the BOM and our Savior.
When I could visually see an example on the plight the Nephite”s were in. I cried as I finally realized what was happening to those people! I could then start to understand how much faith it took for that civilization to keep moving forward. Incredible faith in the Savior’s love and power and the Nephrite’s practice of mighty prayer. How I can liken their experience to the incredible trials and challenges in my life, both past and present. I know miracles and many answers to prayers were wrought in my behalf.
As a convert to the Church, I thank you for this. I now feel better prepared and even more worthy to seek guidance in my life through the Book of Mormon. Finally, I feel peace that I am worthy to receive personal revelation through scripture. An aspect that I have been seeking more inspiration and blessings for many years now.
Much aloha to both of you. I cannot adequately express how your life’s teaching passion on scripture is helping to change spiritual lives. THANK YOU.
I am am so excited to now move forward as an “adult” to study the Book Of Mormon and graduate from the simplistic Primary style of studying that I had resorted to.
Please extend our appreciation to Taylor Halverson and Tyler Griffins for the last four years. We are looking forward to these revisited lessons, knowing that there are treasures and insights that we missed. I hope they enjoy the “ time off”.
You two are very knowledgeable and informative. Thank you for all of your hard work and inspirational insights. 💜
After watching this, when I read the part about King Lamoni's father's desire to give up his entire kingdom to know the things of eternity, I really had a picture in my mind of what that truly meant to him. I am so grateful for the time & effort put into this map, and how it helps me study the deeper principles with some kind of reference points, clearer picture, less confusion. Much appreciated.
We are really happy this is helping!
Three cheers for this undertaking. I couldn't agree more that internal geography is not by far the most important element in this wonderful God-given Book of Mormon, but it definitely helps visualize the various journeys and to place the numerous events it describes, and I am grateful for this map. Thanks for all the work required to produce it.
Am in tears at your humility and dedication, devotion to the Lord and to our Prophet's exhortations. My understanding and spiritual eyes and my heart are opening more to all of our Father's blessings and provisions--his righteous record keepers and other righteous peoples in the Book of Mormon and your teaching us about them. I can only imagine the obstacles the adversary has put in your paths to hinder you in your callings. Thank you and bless you and your families, my very dear Brothers💕Sue
Thank you Sue for the encouragement!
I was raised evangelical christian in America, so was always taught that LDS was just a cult to be written off and that its geographical claims were nonsense from the start. I watched this whole video to get an idea for how y’all approach it from your own point of view and was impressed by the approach and the apparent internal consistency of the lands that the book is set in. I know myself that if I hear talks from scholars who doubt the historicity of events in the Bible that most of me tends to err towards ‘this may be true from their perspective, but we’re talking ancient history and I don’t believe the door can ever be entirely closed on whether these events happened or not; instead I’ll continue to approach the story in faith.”
That said it’s not my intention to stop my ears and cover my eyes if I’m facing some fact that challenges a presupposition - I never want to be willfully ignorant in that way. To pull it back, I enjoyed this video and its attempt to visualize the book of Mormon’s plot.
LDS scholar William Hamblin wrote that 55% of all sites mentioned in the Bible have been located and verified.
As opposed to 0% for Book of Mormon sites.
I admire your knowledge of the Book of Mormon. I like when you share about how we have to be careful going around the importance spending our time counting the stones holding the well instead of drinking the water from the well! I love following you guys. I am not a scholar or anyone who would be considered a person to talk about the Book of Mormon or anything close to that. But when I got baptized 14 years ago and started to study the Book of Mormon there were numbers of experiences revealed to me that yes. The Book is truly the words of God! I kept those experiences as my miracles about the Book of Mormon. A Book that everybody in my life at that time hates or rebuked through my investigating the church to the time I got baptized. I finally realized that I need to study this book and find out myself. Every time something stuck out to me would be a great life lesson or a protection. It expands my view
and build my deep relationships with my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. It profounds falls teachings. I remembered when I joined my daughter attended her church (Pentecostal) then her pastor was sharing about Jesus Christ came to earth as God. It didn’t sound right to me but I didn’t say much for he was a pastor and felt that it would rise problems. But I went home and prayed about it. The two events that came to my mind in new testaments were, Jesus Christ at Gethsemane praying to Heavenly Father and on the cross, and the time that He was about to take His last breath and asked Heavenly Father to forgive those who crucified Him for they know not what they do. It then occurred to me that there’s no way Jesus was on earth as God, the Father. He is the gods but cannot be the Father. I love learning about the Articles of faith and verse 1 did expands my understanding during this challenge. Thanks so much for all you’ve spiritually devoted and shared!
Hello ! I am a french single mother and grandmother and I try to understand the most I can with a basic (british) english I've been learning at school. I love your teachings. It helps me to open my mind, heart and spirit. All your teachings, questions, testimonies are very helpfull to me. I can share it with members, friends and family. I just thougt while listening this one how happy I am to live in a part of the world, speak a language and have a culture that does not lead me to deeply ask myself too many technical questions. It's easier to focus on the Lord and his gospel as we are kind of pioneers here, not specialists. I have so much to improve for personal and family progression 😁 ! Don't have time to look over the marked point 😉.
Thank U so much ! You are doing a wonderfull job ❤ !
Avez-vous envisagé le modèle andin?
Awesome comment! I love how you stay focused on what matters!
@@heberfrank8664 Please STOP focusing on geography! That is not the point of our lessons, this forum, or the Book of Mormon. No where are we told to have a testimony of please don't distract.
I literally wrote in my scriptures “ Ineed a map here”. thank you for this, i was so lost. you both do an amazing job each week sharing your knowledge and truths of the gospel with us. Thank you for all your preparations each week. Now, i need an ancient language app for the book of mormon, so i can decipher words from greek, hebrew, egyptian, arabic, etc.
Maybe the BYU store sells a Urim & Thummim? ha ha :)
Wonderful Job guys. I love it that you emphasized that we focus more on Jesus Christ. Keep up the great work you are doing
Thanks Gregg!
Yes misdirection is everywhere 😁
Your map has helped me so much while reading The Book of Mormon. It helps me picture the journeys and geography, which helps me feel more engaged with the events. I keep a copy of it with my scriptures and refer to it, especially in the war chapters. Thank you!
Please share how you got the copy. Thanks!
@@CWhite-rd6xh I took a screen shot from the video and made a copy.
Hey... I get your point completely because this is what I was looking for to make more appealing the study/reading of the book. I have been struggling to keep focused when reading and this INTERNAL MAP is the best tool I have come across in many years!
Thank you Central !!!!
Thank you for this wonderful work.
Awesome that this is helpful!
In 1981, I was baptized after 3 weeks. My Angels Scott Webb and Loren Betteridge and I have been in constant contact. Both came after their mission and I visited Scott in Utah. What you teach me now is great! I feel your love for the scriptures very strongly. Thank you for your testimony and yes throughout the book I know that my savior means everything to me. Btw I love the drawn version and hope my grandchildren will follow this with mom and dad
As I watched this video this morning, the first 17 min along with various other clarifications through this video was a very much needed clarification of the intent and position and the reasons for building this "internal" map the way they have chosen to do so. I appreciate the efforts to eliminate the contentions that have been stirring for many years of where the Book of Mormon took place, they did a good job here of doing that. I really appreciated seeing the clarification on their approach to their Book of Mormon map. Thank you.
Thanks Larry!
Loved this and so appreciate your study and efforts to prepare. It helps me visualize the geographical events throughout the Book of Mormon. Thank you both!!!
I very much appreciate, not only your hard work and great insights, but also the humility with which you presented your findings. I have read some writings of one particular person who has been critical of your map, and you were much kinder to his views than he has been to yours. (And that's what Christ has called us all to do.) Well done.
Thank you for the kind words. We have deeply hoped to stay focused on the purpose of the Book of Mormon, which was not revealed to reveal geography :)
Thank you all for your testimonies and teachings! Blessed!
I believe that the Book of Mormon events like wars etc began in the United States. I believe that Lehi and his family landed in Florida on the East coast where they migrated north. How would the gold plates have gotten buried in Hill Cumora in New York, would Mormon have walked 5000 miles to bury the plates? This is my belief.
Chile is the most accurate.
Brother Tyler's transparent, open, and even-handed explanation is wonderful and can help us avoid contention as we focus closely on what is most important-- that it is another testament of Jesus Christ.
By the way , I enjoy all of your teaching more than I can say . Thank you both for all your efforts .
I just watched this and it opened up a lot new insights for me. Thank you so much! I’m going to share this with my family and friends.
The Church makes no claim on BoM Geography. However, Joseph Smith has said he found relics here that were Nephite. Therefore, I believe BoM people lived in N. America and other places.
Taking every statement by Joseph Smith or any other prophet as revelation is a mistake! Joseph made many statements showing he viewed evidence found in Central and South America as support for the Book of Mormon. The early members of the Church generally had an "entire American continent" view of the Book of Mormon lands.
Book of Mormon events took place in South America.
Our family love both you Brothers! Thank you for your service.
Thank you so much for this map and explanations. I am one of those who would get hung up on the locations of geographical features. Not because I needed an exact location on planet earth, but because I am a visual learner. I think of things in 3 -d. I need to be able to draw the picture of what is happening in my mind.
You guys are AWESOME/AMAZING!!!
Love your insights!
Thank you! Yes, many of us are visual learners. We see pictures as we read and learn. For me, even math. We are NOT expecting perfection of maps, but an approximation is marvelous! Grateful.
Thanks for watching!
This is great! I appreciate having an "anchor" as I read through the movements of the peoples of the Book of Mormon. And your comments about the lack of precision clarified a lot for me. I've tried to create maps, because I needed the anchor, but I've struggled with the multiple interpretations of "land" and "up/down," etc. This is very helpful!
Awesome to hear this!
Thank you for sharing the wisdom and learning. I appreciate the time and planning that goes into putting these CFM videos together for us. This video and map has certainly helped me and has given me more understanding on BOM geography. I love how your videos enhance my understanding of the scriptures. The learning also provides new and added perspective. Thank you, Thank you & Thank you - I am looking forward to the next one :)
Thanks for your support Marlee!
Know Iknow where they were and went.
This helps me completely. Thanks
I will say this much brothers. This presentation was without the most interesting talk about the geography in the Book Of Mormon I have ever heard . Also the most logical . Still I love the BOM simply for what it is . Another Testiment Of Jesus Christ . When I found the first Book Of Mormon I had ever seen and began reading from the introduction on, was when I think I realized that Jesus Christ , my savior ,.redeemer my Lord was so much more than just a story.
don't fall for this nonsense. Please read 2nd Nephi...
WE LOVE your channel! Every week we learn something NEW. Thank you.
Awesome this is of value to you!
Dr. Wayne May has really a very believable geography of the BOM 'landings' and history. Its really mirrors what the Prophet Joseph Smith said about this land, (North America). His study showed consistency, logic and based on buriel mounds, locations and comparative remarks from the BOM. This also is really an amazing look at the same subject.
Most of the events of book of Mormon was actually happened in south America.
I really like the book about the 116 pages by don Bradley, which, while not being doctrine, gives some pretty interesting insights from both church history and the Book of Mormon itself on how the 116 pages were probably the first half of Mormon’s abridgment, and that the small plates of nephi were given to Joseph as the summary replacement of the 116 pages, including stuff on how Mosiah the first led the righteous out of the land of Nephi into the land of Zarahemla in an exodus, which is only mentioned briefly in Omni due to the first half of Mormon’s abridgment being missing.
Great insight! Don Bradley is a great scholar. :)
So awesome...I love this story and you're dedication
I LOVE both of your insights! Thank you so much for sharing your talents and knowledge! ❤️
Thank you so much!
Awesome to hear this.
I really enjoyed this video. Thank you for your time and effort. What I would be really interested in seeing in regards to your map, is a chronological timeline of movement and migration throughout the Book of Mormon. As my wife and I have been reading the book together again, I thought it would be a great supplement to our learning to be able to track the movement as it happens in our reading.
You've nailed it. We are actually working toward that because we've had the same "pain point" in our scripture study that you describe.
I have a print out of the travellings/groups of people from Don't Miss This. There is no way to attach it here,though. Not a timeline, as such, but gives the scriptures relative to the people's and their travelling.
This is interesting and I can see why you made this elastic. Georgia has Mayan type ruins that are similar to those in Chichen Itza in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico in both Macon and Dahlonega, GA. There is also a park named Fort Mountain where the Indians told archeologists in the 1700’s that these fortifications were a last stitch defense effort by a great white race wiped out by their ancestors long ago. This is to say that it’s highly possible that the Book of Mormon covers Central and North America. Think how fast America has spread in 414 years from Jamestown 1607 until now. The Nephites/Lamanites had 1,021 years to spread, and the Lamanites much longer. National Geographic did a special around 1985-1986 that talked about unearthed cities that were totally buried and roads that were completely straight and then went right over mountain tops. Much of the evidence of these civilizations was wiped out When they were wiped out at Christ’s coming. There are wonderful evidences in Mexico, Central America and North America, I’m not sure why people take an either or approach. The Lehi Cave and stone are in Mexico, the Mound Builders of the Ohio Valley have oral legends of Christ visiting and dna ties to Israel. So many wonderful evidences are there if we seek them, but I’m not sure the Lord wanted us to have a perfect knowledge, it defeats the purpose of gathering the elect based upon faith.
If Georgia is "Book of Mormon lands," then we should be able to find some DNA relationships between Hebrew/Semites and native Cherokees, right?
Jared, I loved your response. I have no doubt the people of the book of Mormon are further and wider than we can imagine. As long as they could walk or sail, they are the ancestors of Lehi and Jared. From the time Columbus came to America and the English and Spanish colonizing, disease caused a lot of death amoungst the natives. And their are ruins all over North and South America. To know what the land could have been is amazing.
This map does help my understanding with all their travels, thanks for that!
Thanks for watching!
If the Book of Mormon happened in South America, you are claiming that Joseph Smith did not translate Jacob’s words correctly. Jacob very clearly states, “And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles.” South American countries have had kings. The United States of America is the only American land that has not had kings. Your other videos are awesome! I really wish you’d believe the words of Jacob!
North America also had kings, the king of England, the king of France, the king of the Netherlands and the tsar of Russia, the Spanish Empire had half of the US so it also had the kings of Spain
America had the king of England and Canada still has. Although not one country in the Americas had a king of their own only as part of an empire. The emperor of Brazil doesn't count as a king.
My Book of Mormon has pictures of these guys in South America and they are all white people and even look American? Why? Where are the descendents down there? Clearly with many wives, the blood lines must have made it into the natives...
Yes but by the same logic North America has had a king as well until King George and of course the Canadians still have royalty on some of their currency. Which central or south american countries currently have a king? None of them. Some have dictators or strongmen but none is a true monarchy.
My friends u r misunderstanding the Book of Mormon I,m Latino never been any king in South Ameca in modern times Book of Mormon , is in deed taking about modern times , it only been under dictatorship which is case with Cuba and Venezuela got it !!!
You are absolutely right to focus on the message. Whilst the physical geography may be fascinating, it would be a distraction from the message, not a confirmation of it. Faith is essential and paramount.
Thank you for all the work you put into this map of the Book of Mormon as well as helping us learn through your Come, Follow Me lessons!!! I love it!!
You are most welcome.
I have an opinion on location, but what you have laid out is truly all that’s important. Coming to know it’s another Testament of Jesus Christ is real truth and knowledge.
Thank you!
I love this video the disclaimers are constructed carefully and thoughtfully. An excellent configuration and very informative. I just love BOM central
Thank you Leota!
I think wilderness could also mean, land beyond boarders, unrecognizable land, land rarely traveled, uninhabited unexplored land.
Interesting, in some contexts the wilderness = mountainous areas. And the core meaning of wilderness = wild!
One thing I never hear discussed is SCALE. Scale in terms of distances and population. When referring movements of large numbers of people (armies) there is little discussion about the length of time it would take an army of - say - 30,000 to move with all its supporting supplies from one point to another point. Armies traveling on foot cannot cover distances of even 20 miles a day for sustained periods of time. Thus when considering the movement of armies it should be possible to make a reasonable estimate of the distance traveled in the time frames provided in the narrative. Consider the events described in the Bible. For the most part those events take place in a relatively compact geographical area, not over continent sized land masses. We also know from documented historical battles the relative size of the armies involved by extrapolating the reported casualties. Any army loses combat effectiveness if it sustains 30% casualties, or more. Where casualties are reported you can develop the likely size of the army. From such information you can also extrapolate the size of the population required to support an army of a given size. Using scale estimates based on other documented ancient events you can determine feasible range of distances traveled. Using what we know about the movements of large bodies of people it seems probable that the events in the Book of Mormon are likely geographically confined to a fairly discreet area. The Lamanites did not march from Brazil to Missouri in the space of a few days or even a few weeks. Thus it is not only unlikely but virtually impossible that the land southward was all of South America. Consideration of scale and of the general human experience in the externally documented ancient world can add additional insight as to the story reported in the Book of Mormon.
Thoughts on the Hopewell people? Well done. Some day we will all know and have a good laugh. In the mean time very grateful for this 2nd testament of Jesus Christ.
The Hopewell people Are the actual descendants of the Lamanites. The are the same time frame....At the first page of the Book of Mormon it tells that the Native American Indians are the Lamanites . I am very sad to see this theory is still being pushed. I choose to believe the Lord who tells Joseph Smith who the Lamanites are and where they are located which in all in the Heartland of America. The Lord, Joseph Smith, the scriptures are the witnesses. There is soooooo much evidence here in North America. Christ did go go the Mayan people , but they are not the people of the Book of Mormon and it did not happen there. go toвидео.html and, Wayne May, Rod Meldrum, Come Eventhe Native American Indians who are members of the church know who they are . Please pray and look into this. I hope this comment doesn’t get deleted before you see it.
It would be intersting to use a computer to see what correlation the Internal Map has with actual geography. With an AI program and Google Earth I bet there would be a number of matching places.
How about the mension of Zerahemla in the D and C that talks about it being across the river from Nauvoo
They named that land Zarahemla but that doesn't necessarily mean it was the original land of Zarahemla
So take a look at the other evidence pointing to Zarahemla being across from Nauvoo
Very possible the book of Mormon lands were in North America. The geography we know today might have changed during the earth shaking at the time of the crucification of Christ.
My grandma was born in Paris.............................................Idaho.
That was beyond excellent and informative!! I so agree we shouldn’t have other incidentals as our main focus, but learning about them is important - at least to me - because it helps me visualize more what it was like back then, more personally relate to them and how they lived their everyday life, and have more compassion for all the tremendous trials and tender mercies they experienced.
Thank you Kathleen!
I think it's important otherwise, if we don't know where everything all happened how do we explain to others. For me, it's so helpful. Thank you so much.
Great work. It satisfies my understanding of the truth of the BOM. It's not a book for the fact checkers it's from God as a convesion to Christ book. Thats why it converts instead of convinces. Roger Kroshus
Thanks Roger!!
Bravo! You caught it! So few do! You point out that the day and a half journey for a Nephite is from the east to the west sea, not from the east sea to the west sea as so many think. However, I interpret the line Bountiful just a little different. In Alma 22:32 it reads - 'being a day and a half journey ON the line Bountiful' whereas you said it was FROM the line Bountiful. I interpret the line Bountiful as a physical ridge-line running from the east to the west sea. It's written in an odd way hard for our English minds to visualize based on our orienteering conditioning.
Excellent work guys, love it. Thank you. The church needs more Sunday school lessons like this.
Knowing that the Book of Mormon is ANOTHER Testament of Jesus Christ, and the First Presidency urging members 'not to advocate those personal theories' thank you for helping me understand the overview of mapping these cities. It gives me a better visual as I follow along. Great job!
Awesome! We're glad this educational resources is of help in your engagement with the Book of Mormon.
Thank you for what you guys do
This is wonderful! Just three minor points could be noted: 1) The more idle Lamanites dwelt on the west OF the land of Zarahemla, and west IN the land of Nephi. 2) The migrants in Alma 63 and Helaman 3 went northWARD, not just north. 3) The narrow strip of wilderness had extensions which wrapped around the land of Zarahemla, bordering on a west seashore side and on an east wilderness side. So, the land of Zarahemla seems to have been closer to the sea west than to the sea east, with a rather larger east wilderness than depicted.
Thanks for your suggestion. There are always refinements we can make by closer readings and a review of the existing passages, as you suggest.
I love this map. I am sure there will be more edits, but while reading Alma’s war chapters, it is priceless!
Thanks Scott!
More so than the geographical location, I really appreciate the layout and the proximity of one city to another. Thank you.
Is there anywhere to get a copy of the map you are showing? I'm interested in getting one. Thanks!
What excellent teaching, deeper, clearer and useful. So exciting, thank you.
Thanks joining one of the largest sunday school classes online.
A 20 minute explanation that this map is not official church doctrine could literally be said in one sentence. And then sprinkled throughout. Stop apologizing.
Dudes, just give the presentation.
Sorry. We've had lots of people want to start contention over Book of Mormon geography and so we were erring on the side of over communicating that (1) what we are providing is an educational tool and (2) no one should be contending about BOM geography.
@@taylorhalverson3052 I'm glad u read my comment. Im offering constructive criticism. I honestly couldn't make it thru because of 20 minute disclaimer.
Don't worry about being nice to everyone.
Don't err on the side of caution. Don't apologize. Instead,
Here's what we think, hope you all like it, drop the hammer, thank you , walk away.. boom, boom, boom done.
I think you'll get more respect from the latter.
It's like a 10 min talk where the individual takes the first 4 minutes to explain how nervous they are.
If I could offer one bit of advise to them it's this, don't begin your talk with an apology, begin your talk with your talk... I get it. We all do. It's nerves. It's ice breaker.
Is there any truth to what I'm saying, maybe a kernel? Thx for reply. God Bless
@@45s262 I hear you. We've used a variety of approaches when presenting this map (including just presenting without any context from the Brethren). We determined that for a video like this, it would be best to educate everyone on what matters most. For some people, they get the idea immediately and would rather jump into the map. We realize we can't please everyone (and not even ourselves at times!). :) all the best, Taylor
@@taylorhalverson3052 a bit off script but hear me out. I'm reminded of an interview with Morgan Freeman when asked, is racism a problem?
Morgan Freeman replied, in America? Today? Then with affirmation he said, No!
Interview continues, then how do we solve the idea of racism in America?
Morgan Freeman replied simply, Stop Talking About It!!
Amazing isn't it.
@@45s262 yeah, I wish the solution were that simple. I love simple solutions. Unfortunately, I continue to see in my life that many problems are more complex and take more time, care, concern, and effort...and I wish I could pop a pill and have the problem go away :)
Bravo - well done. The internal geography helps to put the chapters of the Book of Mormon into a relational perspective which enables the more meaningful gospel messages to be center stage. Yes, your love for the Book of Mormon and for the Gospel is very clear.
Thank you Ray!
I agree so much with Ray Smith. As I was listening to the first part of the video, I was like.. FINALLLLLYYY!! SOMEONE THAT GETS IT!! Lol!! I've tried so hard to explain this so many times, TO SO MANY PEOPLE and you hit it right on the head!!! Thank youuuu!!! Whether the geography is exact or not, it gives me that mental picture to at least not feel like all the ppl in the bom aren't just floating around in some visionless places. I struggled to focus, lost focus and then would get bored. This helps a ton! Thank you!
Thanks. You explanations were fantastic. They ´ve enlightened my mind. I do know THE BOOK OF MORMON is sacred and True.
Thank you Tania!
Very much enjoyed this. Well done
don't fall for it
@@GAILandROD what do you mean don’t fall for it? Suppose your the one that fell for something wrong?
What about when Christ was killed and the whole face of the land changed, mountains to valleys, valleys to mountains, and whole cities falling into the sea.
Great question. If the geography was unrecognizable, then Mormon could not have given us such detailed geography 300+ years after Jesus. Therefore, we read "face" as surface level and not structural and that in some limited cases (that are listed in the text) there were mountains that fell or valleys that were raised up.
The crucifixion catastrophe was undoubtedly a worldwide event. The New Testament mentions the earthquake and storm over Jerusalem, but Mormon's abridgment, as well as Nephi's prophecy of it provide jaw-dropping details that indicate it was cataclysmic on a scale that nobody on earth had experienced at least since the exodus, if not the time of the universal flood. It could have re-surfaced and re-shaped vast areas of the Western Hemisphere and other parts, and in so doing altered the landscape sufficiently that much of it no longer corresponded with the pre-cataclysm internal map.
Mormon was condensing the records that were created by their original chroniclers at the times given, and with the aid of the Urim and Thummim. He had all of their geographical references, undoubtedly far more than he gave us, by which to orient the narrative. I see no necessity for him to have had intimate personal knowledge of their geography any more than we have of his.
@@paulmacfarlaneslp9209 Can you point us to some scholarly works re: archaeological evidence for such cataclysmic upheavals in the alleged timeframe?
I think it would be great to do bite size segments using the map, to discuss certain sections of the Book of Mormon.
This was great! I can’t believe I have always over looked the narrow strip of wilderness! 😆
And since the Book of Mormon took place over hundreds of years, the geography wasn't all the same all the time. I've actually been learning animation with After Effects so that I could create some short videos on geography and movement of people in The Book of Mormon. Hopefully I can put something out soon.
Thanks for your note!
Wonderful lesson. THANK YOU.
You are most welcome!
Where can I get a copy of the 43rd version of this map :) it would be nice to have as a reference while I read.
By the way, I like your well analogy. Water tastes better than rocks anyway.... lol
@@RealEstateInvestingUnmasked ha ha, yep! go here:
The Migratory Beasts were undoubtedly the Buffalo.
Start there and the rest will fall into place.
We’ve been off on many things for a long time.
Look to the early 1900’s versions of the book
Where the Prophet Joseph who translated the
plates states where things took place on the
I am loving watching and learning from your guys. The pictures in my mind as I read and listen to you is amazing and I’m loving learning this way. Thank you so much.
Glad that this was helpful!
This is so great. Your explanation of the map points is the best I have ever seen and so helpful. Thank you for your hard work!!
Thanks for watching!
This is a great study! Thank you very much for your hard work! There must be more than 24 hours in a day, eh? Thanks again! The BOM has come alive as my family studies and listens to your Come Follow Me instruction.
Awesome to hear this! And if there were more hours...I'd probably be sleeping more, ha ha :)
Hello! Is there or would you ever consider making a printable version of this map?
I would like to print it out and have it in my scriptures as I study 🙂 I am 27 years old and lifelong member of the church. I never took the time to learn the chronology or geography of the BOM. I made it a goal to finally learn because I felt like I was missing out on spiritual insights I could have received with better context of what’s going on geographically.
Fantastic! This is perfect for helping to put places in relation to the stories and will certainly aid in my study of the Book of Mormon.
Great to hear this!
I don’t see the link to the statement put out by President Nelson.
Thank you! We just added it to the description and the comments section.
Thanks for catching that.
Is there a hard copy of this map available? Would appreciate having it as a study guide, understanding it is not to be considered a perfect model of Book of Mormon Geography.
Thank you for this presentation. I once created a crude and ‘exceedingly large’ map of the Book of Mormon. Needless to say it is not useful in daily study nor as detailed;)
Thanks again for the your 9 year devotion and future devotion to providing these tools.
Sister Camille Alexander
Thank you Camille! find a digital copy here:
Thank you,you are à very good teacher
Thank you!
I liked the proposed map. But, because the Book of Mormon focus study is about our Savior Jesus Christ, I would liked to have had discussion on where the Savior came to visit the Nephite and Lamanite righteous people in the Land Bountiful. Much of the discussion was on Moroni's battles and strategies, and other stories.
There have been several maps somewhat similar to the one presented here. While the witness of Jesus Christ is the primary mission, the BOM has much information that is easily compared to known geography, topograpghy, traveling times and distances that has nothing to do with the "heart land".
People also forget (with external models) that the whole face of the land changed when the Savior was crucified. I appreciate your internal map so much - especially traveling with Alma and Ammon and Captain Moroni. 😁
Yes, but for context, Mormon lived after that time and still gave us the all the geography from before the time of Jesus. This would suggest that perhaps superficial features changes occurred but not underlying structure changes. That is to say that the geography of Alma was substantially the same geography as the time of Mormon.
Taylor Halverson good point! 😂
I have seen you use this map in your lessons. It is interesting to know the "history" behind it. Just thanks!
You are welcome!
This is great! Thanks for your hard work!
Can I get copy of this internal map? A link is fine. Thanks for all you do. I love your insights. They make me think.
This guy is really good at presenting
Your model assumes the “seas” ran the entire shore line of the region. While we have no boundary other than the “narrow neck of land” that divided the sea East and West there could be several sizes of your “elastic” model for the seas
Excellent!!! Love this!!!
Thanks Teya
There is some very serious work done, things said by early-day church leaders, and evidence found that puts the Book of Mormon happenings within the president-day (somewhat) United States. I've also been in Central America and there is compelling evidence there. All in all, I will be very entertained someday watching the real happenings on post-mortality TV. Until then I won't loose my testimony over the push-pulls of where it all took place.
Well said! ❤
South and North America is where the BOM took place.
A timeline on when the Book of Mormon took place would also be helpful ?
Isn't the one in the BoM itself sufficient? If you check out the institute manual for the BoM there's a detailed timeline in there, from my memory... unless you are asking to have a timeline presented in conjunction with the map, in which case ooops, ignore me 😅
Just wanted to say thank you, you guys are great teachers. My wife and I have learned so much from your lessons.
Great to have you here!
Always good to remember that ancient people didn't have maps, satellite images, or bird's eye views. If you want to appreciate how ancient writers described lands, directions, and journeys, watch this video:видео.html
Cartography (map making) wasn't really a thing until after the Renaissance. The Book of Mormon fits with the Bible and other ancient documents in describing lands and features from a ground level view, and can be difficult for us who are used to Google Maps to understand.
Thank you so much for working to give us this visual help to make the Book of Mormon more alive. Thank you so much for all your work. You bring the Spirit into the study and I love this so much. I'm always looking forward to what is next and it is more interesting and fun to go over this and relate to it personally!
Our family loves you guys!! I really love that this map parallels roughly what I had in my head but the detail is definitely more than my head can recall as I read specific verses in the BOM - what I also love is how pedagogically this helps a greater variety of learners - I truly have a testimony of our Saviour Jesus Christ - this resource material just stills the mind for some learners to give a skeletal framework for the ideas presented and allows the mind to be more receptive to the spiritual prompts that ultimately enable increases in our testimony- THANKYOU kind sirs your work is amazing !
Awesome! I say more maps like some people say "more cowbell". Lol
ha ha!
This is SO GREAT!
Thank you for your fantastic work to put up this map. I love it because it is very helpful to me to figure out the happenings in the Book of Mormon. I had some hard time to find my way, before having it (same thing with the fiction books you mentioned). Thank you also for the spiritual insights.
You are welcome!
The internal map makes so much sense to me.
Thanks Vicki!
So what if you haven't yet activated the ability to see in your head? Its possible everyone can but it's also possible some people just never will. So far I'm one of the ones who can't picture and it really does make scriptures harder to follow.
We hope that the visuals we share will help! :)
I can't make up my mind completely whether it took place in the south or in the north. Because of things Joseph Smith said I lean toward the north. But at the end of the day it really doesn't matter because it did happen and some day we will know. There are many things they didn't put in the BOM that would have been very interesting. Maybe when I die I will make friends with some of them and they can fill me in on the rest of the story.
Hello. Is it possible to get a copy of the internal map for study reference?
Thank you! I appreciate your efforts
Fantastic. I highly recommend it
Thanks Rex!
well at the end of the day. that internal map you have there only needs to be copied and paste to match hill cumorah. cause that will only be the specific location shown.
Yes one of the many storage places ( cumorah’s) for many preserved records( histories) is in New York