I was under ten years of age when I fell in love with Carmen Miranda, 70 years ago. It was at The Grand Palace cinema in my home town in England. At last, when I was In Brazil after a Christmas cruise (2017) I was reintroduced to her by Wilson a Brazilian. He helped me to find her again. Thank you Wilson.
Keith Sly, hi! I'm Brazilian. I do not speak English. I have suggestions: ruclips.net/video/BrZBiqK0p9E/видео.html ruclips.net/video/VEHckjjbE8I/видео.html
This is so fun! It is goofy, super fun, sweet, and sexy in the most surreal yet innocent way. I cannot imagine how long they had to work to get everything so perfectly coordinated. It is just great fun. And Carmen Miranda us just the best!! So talented, so lovely
This brings back my childhood years ... oh my gosh! ❤❤❤😂 Carmen Miranda was my very first love of Brasilian music and American theater music. ❤❤❤ I will never ever forget her charming and colorful singing and dancing. 💃😇💖💝
She was very versatile. She's kind of like Judy Garland in that way, singing dancing acting, playing different roles. She had so much potential besides your pan-Latina image. Carmen could dance and move and speak in a way that nobody in the States had seen before even in Brazil her band mates in Bando da Lua said she could speak and make up nonsense words, like American Jazz scatting. A decent singer, I'm always impressed by her vocal range too. I love her. Even if she was stereotyped, I adore her as if she comes from a culture of her own invention. Ay Ay Ay I like her, VERY much lol
Carmen Miranda canta com inglês cheio de sotaque "latino" de propósito, faz parte da personagem que ela magistralmente criou não só para o Brasil mas para o mundo. Sinceramente, não vi até hoje nenhuma artista brasileira tão multimídia como ela. Olhares, mil expressões do rosto, voz, dança, figurino, cenário. Parece que Carmen é uma comissão de frente e o carro abre-alas de uma escola de samba. Será que o carnaval carioca teria se inspirado nela em suas fantasias e na organização das alas? A maior artista pop brasileira sem dúvida insuperável até hoje. E não é nenhuma ofensa dizer que ela é brasileira, mesmo tendo nascido em portugal porque tudo que ela canta, dança e seu figurino são da cultura brasileira. Agradeço aos irmãos portugueses por ter nos enviado tão lindo talento. Sem a cultura brasileira não existiria Carmen Miranda e vice-versa rs ... Que interessante: Carmen Miranda e Luis Gonzaga dois grandes artistas que influenciaram a cultura brasileira contemporânea, migrantes. Ela de portugal para o Rio, do Rio para os EUA. Ele, de Pernambuco para o Rio.
Whenever i feel down i watch Carmen ,she picks up my spirits,love her cheerie persona in character,what a gal !!! and this number is so classic ---Fabulous Busby Berkley imagination of ...Way BIG musicals ......mmmmm !! Strawberry-Banana combo cant be beat !
Maravilhoso! Tenho 16 anos e Carmen Miranda é minha artista favorita! É um orgulho para Brasil ter uma artista histórica, fenomenal e maravilhosa! Pena que a maioria das pessoas de hoje em dia não conhecem ela...
Eu tenho poster de Carmen Miranda em minha casa. Tenho uma gatinha com o nome de Miranda. Eu tenho gosto musical eclético e, embora minha formação musical seja erudita, aprecio músicas populares; gosto de composições brasileiras dos Anos Vinte, Trinta, Quarenta... Era tudo muito inocente, puro..., mas saudável. O Brasil começou a degringolar no final dos Anos Setenta, mas quase ninguém percebeu. Sair dessa situação não vai ser nada fácil. Quanto à Música atual o que dizer? Lamentável!
Nossa quanta gente brigando tentando provar a nacionalidade dela rsrsr. Ela so nasceu em Portugal, veio ainda bebe, aos 9 meses de idade. Cresceu e se criou aqui no Brasil. Ela tinha nacionalidade brasileira, era uma brasileira, de cultura brasileira, nunca morou em Portugual. Viveu no brasil, estudou, trabalhou e comecou sua carreira no lugar onde ela sempre morou : Brasil. Musicas brasileiras... Ai vem alguns portugueses querendo da o merito da carreira dela a Portugual so porque ela apenas nasceu la. Me poupe ne rsrsr. Ela so nasceu em Portugual, mas a Terra e patria dela foi o Brasil. E bananas de presente para cada um de voces. FIM
Sabe de uma coisa, os europeus ou os norte americanos, ou o dois, tentam sempre criar identidades ideológicas que os firmem como "superiores" as outras nações. Eles criam narrativas históricas que os favoreçam.
Caramba, quanta gente brigando pela origem dela. Se portugal tivesse algum significado maior pra ela, ela cantaria que tava com saudade de Lisboa.. ela tinha era saudade da bahia. rsrs
Eu nasci na capital de São Paulo, fui pra Guarulhos com 2 anos e me sinto apenas de Guarulhos kkk e é o mesmo Estado kkk imagina vc nascer em um PAÍS e crescer em outro,deve ser como se o que vc nasceu não existisse pra você
Pois é. Chegou com 1 ano de idade ao Brasil e nunca voltou a Portugal. Se não tivesse tido a relevância que teve ninguém faria questão da nacionalidade.
Everything I've read about this indicates that the giant bananas were 100% innuendo and everyone not only knew it at the time, but was scandalized by this.
@@gxtmfaExactly. It’s more “exotic sexualized foreign women dancing with GIANT bananas in a post-code film”, not meant to be at the time a totally innocent & random performance about fruit lol
"Não é certo nem verdadeiro, que eu tenha afirmado nos Estados Unidos a minha nacionalidade, sou brasileira, porque aqui me encontro desde a idade de um ano; e nesta terra me eduquei e fiz minha carreira artística. É ao povo brasileiro - aos meus patrícios - que devo todo este incentivo, todo este aplauso, todas estas homenagens. E não ha, sequer, uma entrevista minha, em qualquer órgão de imprensa, em que não tivesse sempre reafirmado, categoricamente, este meu amor, este meu meu carinho, esta minha admiração pelo Brasil." _Carmen Miranda_
Busby Berkeley was a lieutenant in WWI and watched and learned from the drills the men were put through. He was an infamous taskmaster. Judy Garland got him fired from Girl Crazy. He must’ve been hell to work for, but I can’t help admiring what he came up with. There is a reality to the number that seems almost quaint. Today, CG would make his kaleidoscopes geometrically perfect. It’s practically rock ‘n’ roll! You have to have somebody as strong as Carmen Miranda on the human side of this machine to make it work.
Ela não falava inglês desse jeito na vida real.. ela usava esse sotaque pesado, pois os americanos achavam engraçado...ela era caricata, fazia parte do personagem dela...era uma mulher inteligente e muito bem articulada para a época.
I wish Carmen Miranda knew how many fans she still has, even after almost 64 years after passing. I wish all those great legends of Hollywood’s Golden Age knew that the internet would keep them alive to millions and millions of new fans! God rest your sweet soul Miss Miranda! ✝️😊💃
Technicolor is a superior color process, even in '43. Color was 'stepped up a notch' even exaggerated. They've been toying around with color in movies since the silent days.
I always though the water ballet in Footlight Parade was Busby's best, possibly I still do simply because of it's so ridiculous scenario. But hey! It's pure entertainment and this clip is the 'Dry land' equal. You just have to love those dancing Bananas, they almost upstage Carmen .
+renarga Couldnt agree more. Stanley Baxter did a brilliant parody of this and many others. Busby Berkely certainly was a cinematic genius and way ahead of his time
¡Que despliegue,cuanto trabajp y cuanto talento del coreografo,los decoradores,las bailarinas y por supuesto,Carmen!. Hermoso y espectacular video. ME ENCANTO.
The musical that is high in vitamins, fiber and potassium; low in calories. Brought to you by Dole, Contadina and Del Monte Productions in association with General Mills Breakfast Cereals. Can't have one without the other.
@@alicebatbar1 she also never set foot in Portugal, I mean, since she left it as a baby before 1yo maybe she crawled over it, or maybe she was only carried.
I wanted to see a biopic of her... I'm a young brazilian but I like her. I love your history. Is amazing your talent and carism... She's the lady with the hat of fruit, leading Brazil to the joy of the world, but she was not Brazilian, she had a piece of every place of the world on his little body.
...ela nasceu em portugal,mas disse até o fim da sua vida que era brasileira de coração,vamos curtir a musica dela,homenagea-la,não esquece-la e discutir menos.
Totally bonkers and i love it! 1943, 76 years ago! As much as i love the dancing, the beautiful girls dancing, i can't help it knowing that every time i watch this, i know that none of these people are no longer with us.
Portugal se diz orgulhoso da "filha portuguesa", mas os correios de lá, nunca emitiram um selo comemorativo sequer, para homenageá-la, já o Brasil, emitiu vários selos e carimbos comemorativos a Pequena Notável. Recentemente, os correios dos Estados Unidos, a homenageou, em uma série de cantores de renomes.
Não podemos negar a influência da cultura portuguesa no Brasil e vice-versa. Afinal, ela sendo nascida portuguesa adquiriu toda a cultura brasileira aqui: suas roupas, seu ritmo, seus olhares, o samba, tudo que está em Carmen Miranda é fruto da cultura brasileira, mesmo ela tendo cantado nos EUA e em alguns momentos em inglês.
Curioso que seja a Carmen Miranda que associou o turbante ao Brasil no imaginário de todos... tendo sido uma espanhola, Rainha Consorte Carlota Joaquina que pós turbante no mapa, ao desembarcar a recém estreada Capital do império, cheia de piolho em 1808... Viva o Brasil!
"I'm Chiquita banana and I've come to say - Bananas have to ripen in a certain way - When they are fleck'd with brown and have a golden hue - Bananas taste the best and are best for you - You can put them in a salad - You can put them in a pie-aye - Any way you want to eat them - It's impossible to beat them - But, bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator - So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator."
I'd say she many things to many people! I wish people wouldn't get so possessive of her and "her country!!" Her personal journey took her from Portugal, to Brazil, then to the USA... She's got an amazing life story! She belongs to the world! We all love her!
How did this ever get any "unlike " votes. Who could not love Carmen Miranda, I have loved her ever since I was a kid. If you are having a bad day to watch her the dancing eyes, her timing dancing and singing and team with Busby I never get tired of watching her and it always make me laugh and smile.
*Mas foi msm querido!! Isso é apenas uma performance musical q ela fez no filme e em todos os filmes (até mesmo de Charles Chaplin tinha) videoclipes só apareceram nos anos 50 e através de outros cantores/grupos*
cof cof. Os videoclipes só apareceram na segunda metade dos anos 60, qdo se popularizaram. Carmen Miranda, assim como Elvis Presley e até os próprios Beatles, antes de 67, *não produziam videoclipes* - até pq nenhum artista produzia clipes até então. Na época os artistas costumavam promover suas músicas com filmes. A exemplo disso cito novamente Carmen Miranda (ela fazia filmes nos EUA nos anos 40, mas tb já fez filmes no Brasil pra promover suas músicas nos anos 30), Elvis Presley que já fez vários filmes, sobretudo na década de 50, The Beatles, com A Hard Days Night (1964, vale mt a pena assistir), Help! (1965 esse é "legalzinho") e Magical Mystery Tour (1967 horrível, não assistam kkkk só as músicas são boas). Em 1967, os Beatles já não estavam mais fazendo shows, mas como ainda estavam no auge da fama, sempre eram convidados pra ir a programas de TV. Foi então q eles gravaram os primeiros videoclipes para promoção de música (foram as músicas" Strawberry Fields 4Ever" e "Penny Lane". Se vc vir, vai reparar q são quase iguais os clipes - mesmos cenários, roupas... mas é pq foram lançados juntos mesmo). Elvis Presley não sei qdo gravou seu primeiro videoclipe, mas sei q os Beatles foram os primeiros artistas a fazê-lo. Carmen Miranda nunca gravou videoclipes, porque faleceu nos anos 50... Acho importante registrar isso pq a gente vê hoje "clipes" de músicas de Carmen Miranda, Judy Garland, Marilin Monroe... mas muitos se confundem porque não sabem q esses "clipes" na verdade são cenas de filmes, capice? ;)
The last musical number of the movie is incredible. One of Busby's best, and a truly great movie swan song for Alice Faye. She was never more beautiful.
Carmen Miranda was a young hatmaker before she was invited to display her singing talents at a music academy. That attempt proved successful and she went on to become a popular singer in clubs and on radio in Brazil. It was during this time that she developed the costume with the distinctive fruit hat from the traditional headdress seen on black women fruit sellers. In the mid-thirties, a theatrical producer named Lee Shubert saw her act in Brazil and offered her a spot on his new Broadway show. Knowing the need for a real Brazilian band to keep the appropriate music true, she insisted that her backup band be included in the deal. With the help of the Brazilian government who saw the good national image opportunity in Carmen, her demand was met. She proved to be a hit on Broadway, though her image was that of a foreign bimbo because she didn't know english. She later made films, but by then much of Brazil thought she became too "Americanized". When the US entered World War II, South America became the subject of American diplomatic attention, because it was an alternative source for raw materials that previously came from Europe. Carmen was the showpiece of Hollywood's contribution to this attitude of trans-Continental chumminess. Unfortunately, in doing so, Carmen became trapped in the image of the fruit dancer that every producer insisted on having. Even her attempt at a break-out role in Copacanba had to have her doing the same dance act for part of the film. It proved to be a disaster in many ways since it failed and she married the producer of the film, David Sebastian. He proved to be an abusive and opportunistic brute who made Carmen's life hell. Yet Carmen was a good Catholic and never considered a divorce. Instead she kept up a grueling schedule of shows, taking uppers and downers to remain functional, even when they began to damage her health. Eventually she collapsed and her doctor ordered her to go back to Brazil. She recovered and returned to America to resume the grind until she died of a heart attack hours after her final appearance on the Jimmy Durante Show.
Me, too . . . any musical by Busby Berkeley is stellar, though. Thanks for posting this and sharing it with all of us who either weren't around at that time or not interested. Funny how so many things we didn't care about when we were very young become incredibly interesting and worthwhile the older we get. My parents got a lot smarter, too! :-)
I am so glad my ex had kids to women with the actress Carmen Miranda name. I'm glad you're stuck and I would rather be over here able to move anywhere in the world. So yep I definitely stay where I am...no strangers to deal with🤣🤣🤣
True to that! You are so right. I've not live as long as most but I have seen things come and go only to return with a vengeance. It just sucks that not everyone appreciates it the 1st time around.
I was under ten years of age when I fell in love with Carmen Miranda, 70 years ago. It was at The Grand Palace cinema in my home town in England. At last, when I was In Brazil after a Christmas cruise (2017) I was reintroduced to her by Wilson a Brazilian. He helped me to find her again.
Thank you Wilson.
Keith Sly, hi! I'm Brazilian. I do not speak English. I have suggestions:
I love her and im 30. I feel I lived those times
Me 2 I'm 63..I wish she lived longer
New York Times reviewer Bosley Crowther said the Freudian implications of this sequence were inescapable.
Back when TALENT was indispensable in the entertainment industry. A true classic Hollywood moment.
The camera crew are the unsung heroes of this scene. Absolutely brilliant
And using big, bulky old-style technicolor cameras! Busby Berkeley was an insane genius!
I am russian man , I Love it !!! Carmen , i love , remember , and miss you !!!
Visually its beautiful without computers or blue screens. That is what a real color movie is all about.
This is so fun! It is goofy, super fun, sweet, and sexy in the most surreal yet innocent way. I cannot imagine how long they had to work to get everything so perfectly coordinated. It is just great fun. And Carmen Miranda us just the best!! So talented, so lovely
Always loved seeing Carmen Miranda! Fabulous star and talent.💃❤️💯
I am simply amazed by the cinematography.
This brings back my childhood years ... oh my gosh! ❤❤❤😂
Carmen Miranda was my very first love of Brasilian music and American theater music. ❤❤❤
I will never ever forget her charming and colorful singing and dancing. 💃😇💖💝
Me too
Aw ❤️ what era did you grow up in?
The best 1960s. 🎼🎺🎵🤗
The 60's
@@isabella-a-a-a The 1960.s born
"When you're gay, you dress that way, and there's nothing wrong with that!!!"
Campy, deranged, FABULOUS!!!
koln1996 very much a legend and icon
Skye88 everyone knows that
1943 was a terrible time.This must have been a ray of sunshine in those dark days.Still works today,great to watch.
@@dayane_nutri ww2
Not in the USA
@@dayane_nutrimaybe the world war that was going on? 💀💀💀
@@bennygoodmanisgod watching a colorful video like this doesn't make us think about history btw
She was very versatile. She's kind of like Judy Garland in that way, singing dancing acting, playing different roles. She had so much potential besides your pan-Latina image. Carmen could dance and move and speak in a way that nobody in the States had seen before even in Brazil her band mates in Bando da Lua said she could speak and make up nonsense words, like American Jazz scatting. A decent singer, I'm always impressed by her vocal range too. I love her. Even if she was stereotyped, I adore her as if she comes from a culture of her own invention. Ay Ay Ay I like her, VERY much lol
She was not "latina", she was portuguese and therefore european.
Cohen Sommer we, the portuguese, are europeans and latins...
Cohen Sommer from oxford dictionary, latin is a native or inhabitant of a country whose language developed from Latin, especially a Latin American.
Runga Tunga, "...specially a Latin American". She was not Latin American, she was european. Maria do Carmo was portuguese, and thefore not "Latina".
amazing artist from Portugal who went to Brazil and conquer the world :)
Carmen Miranda canta com inglês cheio de sotaque "latino" de propósito, faz parte da personagem que ela magistralmente criou não só para o Brasil mas para o mundo. Sinceramente, não vi até hoje nenhuma artista brasileira tão multimídia como ela. Olhares, mil expressões do rosto, voz, dança, figurino, cenário. Parece que Carmen é uma comissão de frente e o carro abre-alas de uma escola de samba. Será que o carnaval carioca teria se inspirado nela em suas fantasias e na organização das alas? A maior artista pop brasileira sem dúvida insuperável até hoje. E não é nenhuma ofensa dizer que ela é brasileira, mesmo tendo nascido em portugal porque tudo que ela canta, dança e seu figurino são da cultura brasileira. Agradeço aos irmãos portugueses por ter nos enviado tão lindo talento. Sem a cultura brasileira não existiria Carmen Miranda e vice-versa rs ... Que interessante: Carmen Miranda e Luis Gonzaga dois grandes artistas que influenciaram a cultura brasileira contemporânea, migrantes. Ela de portugal para o Rio, do Rio para os EUA. Ele, de Pernambuco para o Rio.
Pure art.
Everything about this is simply amazing. So much joy and imagination
Her voice is so amazing.
The Queen of Brazil
+Vinícius Oliveira Love her!!!
The first pop star ever!
Oh Carmen, you are wonderful. The whole thing just makes you smile. They sure knew how to dazzle and entertain us back then! Love it!
What on earth is this marvelous fever dream? I love it - why can't we still have some beautifully whacko films like this these days?
Whenever i feel down i watch Carmen ,she picks up my spirits,love her cheerie persona in character,what a gal !!! and this number is so classic ---Fabulous Busby Berkley imagination of ...Way BIG musicals ......mmmmm !! Strawberry-Banana combo cant be beat !
Maravilhoso! Tenho 16 anos e Carmen Miranda é minha artista favorita! É um orgulho para Brasil ter uma artista histórica, fenomenal e maravilhosa! Pena que a maioria das pessoas de hoje em dia não conhecem ela...
Eu tenho poster de Carmen Miranda em minha casa. Tenho uma gatinha com o nome de Miranda. Eu tenho gosto musical eclético e, embora minha formação musical seja erudita, aprecio músicas populares; gosto de composições brasileiras dos Anos Vinte, Trinta, Quarenta... Era tudo muito inocente, puro..., mas saudável. O Brasil começou a degringolar no final dos Anos Setenta, mas quase ninguém percebeu. Sair dessa situação não vai ser nada fácil. Quanto à Música atual o que dizer? Lamentável!
tenho doze e considero Carmen uma Deusaa
Mateus Moura
E para mim também ela sempre será a minha Diva eterna Carmen Miranda.
Carmen Miranda era portuguesa.
Nossa quanta gente brigando tentando provar a nacionalidade dela rsrsr. Ela so nasceu em Portugal, veio ainda bebe, aos 9 meses de idade. Cresceu e se criou aqui no Brasil. Ela tinha nacionalidade brasileira, era uma brasileira, de cultura brasileira, nunca morou em Portugual. Viveu no brasil, estudou, trabalhou e comecou sua carreira no lugar onde ela sempre morou : Brasil. Musicas brasileiras... Ai vem alguns portugueses querendo da o merito da carreira dela a Portugual so porque ela apenas nasceu la. Me poupe ne rsrsr. Ela so nasceu em Portugual, mas a Terra e patria dela foi o Brasil. E bananas de presente para cada um de voces. FIM
É verdade. Ela é da minha familia, sempre tentei aprender sobre ela. :D
Sabe de uma coisa, os europeus ou os norte americanos, ou o dois, tentam sempre criar identidades ideológicas que os firmem como "superiores" as outras nações. Eles criam narrativas históricas que os favoreçam.
Oq tu ganha com isso se ela for do Japão, Portugal, Colômbia, Brasil? Todos nós somos seres humanos e isso que importa
She was wonderful, and what a charisma she had!!!!
Caramba, quanta gente brigando pela origem dela.
Se portugal tivesse algum significado maior pra ela, ela cantaria que tava com saudade de Lisboa.. ela tinha era saudade da bahia. rsrs
Aí sim haha
E queria comer bacalhau ao invés do chuchu
Eu nasci na capital de São Paulo, fui pra Guarulhos com 2 anos e me sinto apenas de Guarulhos kkk e é o mesmo Estado kkk imagina vc nascer em um PAÍS e crescer em outro,deve ser como se o que vc nasceu não existisse pra você
Pois é. Chegou com 1 ano de idade ao Brasil e nunca voltou a Portugal. Se não tivesse tido a relevância que teve ninguém faria questão da nacionalidade.
The painted hat in the end was gorgeous
How can anyone not like this? It is wonderfully zany and from a more innocent time when a giant banana was just a giant banana!
Everything I've read about this indicates that the giant bananas were 100% innuendo and everyone not only knew it at the time, but was scandalized by this.
@@gxtmfaExactly. It’s more “exotic sexualized foreign women dancing with GIANT bananas in a post-code film”, not meant to be at the time a totally innocent & random performance about fruit lol
Será que era apenas isso?
It’s great in a theater!
The bananas and the strawberries.
How extraordinary! Thank you
"Não é certo nem verdadeiro, que eu tenha afirmado nos Estados Unidos a minha nacionalidade, sou brasileira, porque aqui me encontro desde a idade de um ano; e nesta terra me eduquei e fiz minha carreira artística. É ao povo brasileiro - aos meus patrícios - que devo todo este incentivo, todo este aplauso, todas estas homenagens. E não ha, sequer, uma entrevista minha, em qualquer órgão de imprensa, em que não tivesse sempre reafirmado, categoricamente, este meu amor, este meu meu carinho, esta minha admiração pelo Brasil."
_Carmen Miranda_
gostaria de me comunicar vom vc
com* sou fã de carmen
Por isso eu me recuso acreditar quando alguém diz que Carmen é portuguesa
@@Jabutilendario Portuguesa de nascimento, mas uma brasileira de coração.
Busby Berkeley was a lieutenant in WWI and watched and learned from the drills the men were put through. He was an infamous taskmaster. Judy Garland got him fired from Girl Crazy. He must’ve been hell to work for, but I can’t help admiring what he came up with. There is a reality to the number that seems almost quaint. Today, CG would make his kaleidoscopes geometrically perfect. It’s practically rock ‘n’ roll!
You have to have somebody as strong as Carmen Miranda on the human side of this machine to make it work.
the first diva ever!!!
Ela não falava inglês desse jeito na vida real.. ela usava esse sotaque pesado, pois os americanos achavam engraçado...ela era caricata, fazia parte do personagem dela...era uma mulher inteligente e muito bem articulada para a época.
+Cláudio Ogando E muito à frente do seu tempo.
renarga, muito mesmo
This is so Racist!!
@@SuperBullaMan whyyy??
@@SuperBullaMan Obrigar ela a falar com sotaque, porque era engraçado? É isso que você diz que é racista?
I wish Carmen Miranda knew how many fans she still has, even after almost 64 years after passing. I wish all those great legends of Hollywood’s Golden Age knew that the internet would keep them alive to millions and millions of new fans! God rest your sweet soul Miss Miranda! ✝️😊💃
Technicolor is a superior color process, even in '43. Color was 'stepped up a notch' even exaggerated. They've been toying around with color in movies since the silent days.
This never fails to cheer me up and the lyrics are so camp.
you cant help but smile when you watch this
+Kezycat111 by fear...
+Hanna Wilck hahaha
Leftovers from Wizard of Oz.
For me, after 10 hours graft on a building site, total escapism. I adore this lady.
There never was another production number quite like this one! Thanks for posting.
I always though the water ballet in Footlight Parade was Busby's best, possibly I still do simply because of it's so ridiculous scenario. But hey! It's pure entertainment and this clip is the 'Dry land' equal. You just have to love those dancing Bananas, they almost upstage Carmen .
And people think Lady Gaga or D. Bowies videos were unusual 😂 😂
"Some people I dress too gay, but every day I feel so gay, and when I'm gay, I dress that way. Is something wrong with that?" LMAO. Classic.
I'm sure that's on a t-shirt or bumper sticker somewhere.
That needs to be on a T-shirt definitely .
@Pip Cheerio 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
and still to this day some dummies didn't learn lol smh
@Pip Cheerio nah better keep the original
Carmen Miranda + Busby Berkeley = Pure genius
+renarga Couldnt agree more. Stanley Baxter did a brilliant parody of this and many others. Busby Berkely certainly was a cinematic genius and way ahead of his time
¡Que despliegue,cuanto trabajp y cuanto talento del coreografo,los decoradores,las bailarinas y por supuesto,Carmen!. Hermoso y espectacular video. ME ENCANTO.
This film is fabulous, and our beloved Carmen Miranda appeared at her best! Thanks a lot for sharing with us this moment.
I simply just love her!
The musical that is high in vitamins, fiber and potassium; low in calories. Brought to you by Dole, Contadina and Del Monte Productions in association with General Mills Breakfast Cereals. Can't have one without the other.
I love Brazil !
Carmen is Portuguese and never gave up her citizenship. i love Brazil too :)
@@alicebatbar1 she also never set foot in Portugal, I mean, since she left it as a baby before 1yo maybe she crawled over it, or maybe she was only carried.
Love her!
"But why are you gay?"
"It's the hat."
1.2m views and just 7.5k likes. Either same people are watching over and over or this is so dazzling people forget to like
The amount of effort for this shot is amazing!
I wanted to see a biopic of her... I'm a young brazilian but I like her. I love your history. Is amazing your talent and carism... She's the lady with the hat of fruit, leading Brazil to the joy of the world, but she was not Brazilian, she had a piece of every place of the world on his little body.
...ela nasceu em portugal,mas disse até o fim da sua vida que era brasileira de coração,vamos curtir a musica dela,homenagea-la,não esquece-la e discutir menos.
RIP Goddess!
Man, this is so light hearted and frivolous; it's hard not to have your spirits boosted watching it.
Suddenly I really feel like a smoothie
magnificent and unequalled!
Totally bonkers and i love it! 1943, 76 years ago! As much as i love the dancing, the beautiful girls dancing, i can't help it knowing that every time i watch this, i know that none of these people are no longer with us.
The Greatest Musical of it's time.
Portugal se diz orgulhoso da "filha portuguesa", mas os correios de lá, nunca emitiram um selo comemorativo sequer, para homenageá-la, já o Brasil, emitiu vários selos e carimbos comemorativos a Pequena Notável. Recentemente, os correios dos Estados Unidos, a homenageou, em uma série de cantores de renomes.
Não podemos negar a influência da cultura portuguesa no Brasil e vice-versa. Afinal, ela sendo nascida portuguesa adquiriu toda a cultura brasileira aqui: suas roupas, seu ritmo, seus olhares, o samba, tudo que está em Carmen Miranda é fruto da cultura brasileira, mesmo ela tendo cantado nos EUA e em alguns momentos em inglês.
Não importa. O que importa é que ela era DIVA!!!
Arlan dos Santos Argôlo Carmen se dizia filha de Portugal e brasileira de coração. Ela é o mais belo símbolo da irmandade entre o Brasil e Portugal.
Curioso que seja a Carmen Miranda que associou o turbante ao Brasil no imaginário de todos... tendo sido uma espanhola, Rainha Consorte Carlota Joaquina que pós turbante no mapa, ao desembarcar a recém estreada Capital do império, cheia de piolho em 1808...
Viva o Brasil!
Carmen was well before my time, but I do recognize her as a great entertainer who thrilled many of her audiences with her unique style and talent.
Looks like a level from an N64 game
"I'm Chiquita banana and I've come to say - Bananas have to ripen in a certain way - When they are fleck'd with brown and have a golden hue - Bananas taste the best and are best for you - You can put them in a salad - You can put them in a pie-aye - Any way you want to eat them - It's impossible to beat them - But, bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator - So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator."
I'd say she many things to many people! I wish people wouldn't get so possessive of her and "her country!!" Her personal journey took her from Portugal, to Brazil, then to the USA... She's got an amazing life story! She belongs to the world! We all love her!
But Carmen always considered herself Brazilian, that's a fact 😒
Carmen Miranda was spectacular ! And also from this fine film , " No Love , No Nothing ," vocalized by the great Alice Faye .
Wonderful Carmen!!
How did this ever get any "unlike " votes. Who could not love Carmen Miranda, I have loved her ever since I was a kid. If you are having a bad day to watch her the dancing eyes, her timing dancing and singing and team with Busby I never get tired of watching her and it always make me laugh and smile.
wow this could keep Freudian psychiatrists up at night
This is the perfect video to watch while high on the couch in a soft blanket.
She was the most fabulous actress of the 20th century!
Brasileira ou portuguesa, tanto faz. Ela tá representando a nossa cultura, aliais, foi com ela que ela chegou a Hollywood.
O fato é que ela própria se considerava brasileira e pronto.
It is gorgeous watch Carmen Miranda. She and her music are wonderful!
Brazil!!! Carmen Miranda, luso-brasileira maravilhosa; quande orgulho para o meu país, o Brasil.
I'm sorry, Shakira,but Carmem Miranda was the first female latin artist GLOBAL
And today we have a crap named Anitta as a latina pseudo artist
@@Brasileiro222 CARMEM y ANITTA two fly mamasitas
@@anittalovers23Anitta sneak
Greetings from Brazil! There is only a word that defines our feelings about Carmem, a unique Portuguese word: 'saudade'!
Syncretized swimming, but with bananas! 🍌🍌🍌
They _definitely_ don't make movies like this anymore.
They should though, this is fun!
I want a smoothie right now.
This is so random...
I love it!!!
@William Jefferson Felipe não tem comparação
Just wonderful ! Don't know how I missed this !
*Mas foi msm querido!! Isso é apenas uma performance musical q ela fez no filme e em todos os filmes (até mesmo de Charles Chaplin tinha) videoclipes só apareceram nos anos 50 e através de outros cantores/grupos*
cof cof. Os videoclipes só apareceram na segunda metade dos anos 60, qdo se popularizaram.
Carmen Miranda, assim como Elvis Presley e até os próprios Beatles, antes de 67, *não produziam videoclipes* - até pq nenhum artista produzia clipes até então. Na época os artistas costumavam promover suas músicas com filmes. A exemplo disso cito novamente Carmen Miranda (ela fazia filmes nos EUA nos anos 40, mas tb já fez filmes no Brasil pra promover suas músicas nos anos 30), Elvis Presley que já fez vários filmes, sobretudo na década de 50, The Beatles, com A Hard Days Night (1964, vale mt a pena assistir), Help! (1965 esse é "legalzinho") e Magical Mystery Tour (1967 horrível, não assistam kkkk só as músicas são boas).
Em 1967, os Beatles já não estavam mais fazendo shows, mas como ainda estavam no auge da fama, sempre eram convidados pra ir a programas de TV. Foi então q eles gravaram os primeiros videoclipes para promoção de música (foram as músicas" Strawberry Fields 4Ever" e "Penny Lane". Se vc vir, vai reparar q são quase iguais os clipes - mesmos cenários, roupas... mas é pq foram lançados juntos mesmo).
Elvis Presley não sei qdo gravou seu primeiro videoclipe, mas sei q os Beatles foram os primeiros artistas a fazê-lo.
Carmen Miranda nunca gravou videoclipes, porque faleceu nos anos 50...
Acho importante registrar isso pq a gente vê hoje "clipes" de músicas de Carmen Miranda, Judy Garland, Marilin Monroe... mas muitos se confundem porque não sabem q esses "clipes" na verdade são cenas de filmes, capice? ;)
The last musical number of the movie is incredible. One of Busby's best, and a truly great movie swan song for Alice Faye. She was never more beautiful.
Awesome!!!!!! I love Carmen Miranda.
I know what my dreams will be filled with tonight....BANANAS! Carmen, you were AMAZING.
2:10 me when people tell me to stop being extra. :-P
Thanks for the fun memories, Jay.
love it!!!
Carmen Miranda was a young hatmaker before she was invited to display her singing talents at a music academy. That attempt proved successful and she went on to become a popular singer in clubs and on radio in Brazil. It was during this time that she developed the costume with the distinctive fruit hat from the traditional headdress seen on black women fruit sellers. In the mid-thirties, a theatrical producer named Lee Shubert saw her act in Brazil and offered her a spot on his new Broadway show. Knowing the need for a real Brazilian band to keep the appropriate music true, she insisted that her backup band be included in the deal. With the help of the Brazilian government who saw the good national image opportunity in Carmen, her demand was met. She proved to be a hit on Broadway, though her image was that of a foreign bimbo because she didn't know english. She later made films, but by then much of Brazil thought she became too "Americanized". When the US entered World War II, South America became the subject of American diplomatic attention, because it was an alternative source for raw materials that previously came from Europe. Carmen was the showpiece of Hollywood's contribution to this attitude of trans-Continental chumminess. Unfortunately, in doing so, Carmen became trapped in the image of the fruit dancer that every producer insisted on having. Even her attempt at a break-out role in Copacanba had to have her doing the same dance act for part of the film. It proved to be a disaster in many ways since it failed and she married the producer of the film, David Sebastian. He proved to be an abusive and opportunistic brute who made Carmen's life hell. Yet Carmen was a good Catholic and never considered a divorce. Instead she kept up a grueling schedule of shows, taking uppers and downers to remain functional, even when they began to damage her health. Eventually she collapsed and her doctor ordered her to go back to Brazil. She recovered and returned to America to resume the grind until she died of a heart attack hours after her final appearance on the Jimmy Durante Show.
He’s after everything I do
The entire seven minutes is worth it for that final pullback at 6:59.
Miranda... apesar de ser jovem .. amo suas musicas! pois pra musica boa nao existe idade!
The greatest Brazilian singer of all times.
Elis Regina.
Me, too . . . any musical by Busby Berkeley is stellar, though. Thanks for posting this and sharing it with all of us who either weren't around at that time or not interested. Funny how so many things we didn't care about when we were very young become incredibly interesting and worthwhile the older we get. My parents got a lot smarter, too! :-)
The late singer dancer musician Prince at times mimicked her spot-on.
I am so glad my ex had kids to women with the actress Carmen Miranda name. I'm glad you're stuck and I would rather be over here able to move anywhere in the world. So yep I definitely stay where I am...no strangers to deal with🤣🤣🤣
when she said gay she meant HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True to that! You are so right. I've not live as long as most but I have seen things come and go only to return with a vengeance. It just sucks that not everyone appreciates it the 1st time around.
I';m wearing an awesome Carmen Miranda costume right now! :) Happy Halloween!
The opening orchestration is pure Stravinsky 'Petrushka' to be exact . How clever!