@ The Emperor is a shield for me, so am I a shield for my brothers! 🛡My job as a bulwark will always be to ensure my brothers make it back to the thunderhawk in one piece.
Banner is such a weird spot, because everytime you don't really need it it is up, and everytime you really need it it is on Cooldown. So you always feel like you should Horde it until you really need it rather then drop it when ever you want. Because i had times where I literally never felt like I needed to use it by the final act of a mission everyone is max hp with 2 stims and I only had to pop it like 1 time. Other times your teammates get blown up by a random pack of Spore Mines sneaking behind them and you have to survive 20 seconds until your banner is back up, being chased by a the whole Tyranid swarm.
II typically follow the most aggressive player and drop when he gets in trouble, though. If he takes a clean power hit on high difficulty it’s almost certainly a good time to drop it
I'll drop mine for teammates before myself every single time.. usually. What's frustrating is that I cannot see teammates contested hp, when they go in for execution, it gets wasted. Doesn't help that no one uses in game comms.
You honestly don't need comms. Pings are quite enough. If you're situationally aware, perceptive, and can recognize threats, it's very easy to know when to and not to drop a banner regardless of your teammate's health. Hell, even there behavior can be an indicator. I'll list a few examples; If your teammate is getting whipped up by 2+ majoris enemies and is missing a lot of their parries/blocks/dodges, banner If your teammate is roll dodging for their life, banner. If you and or your teammate(s) are getting pelted by a bunch of ranged mobs for an extended period of time and there's nothing around to finish/gunstrike or you can't reach anything (i.e: chalice), banner Basically your main primary heals before anything else are finishers, gunstrikes, and parries/blocks. If those fail for any one teammate, you ram that banner right up their a** Only way to learn this stuff is by using it. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
it's very hard to effectively use banner with randoms, often people do not know what it does, and do not take advantage of it. It does not help that we can't see teammates contested health, or that sometimes contested health drops during the terminus execution animation, and other times it doesn't, and sometimes if there's just a bit of lag it does not even give any contested at all. Additionally as bulwark is a melee class, we can't just stand next to the sniper popping banners at their convenience, it needs some coordination.
@@gumballdeuce6657speaking of vanguard Do please take the ability charge on execution team perk The other 2 perks are frankly, useless(melee perk does not feel like it does anything, HP grained for extremis finisher is literally just 1 HP
I personally choose to save my banners to either bring someone back to life or to win back a ton of contested health for someone. I use my mic and tell the others to wait to do an execution until I can get there and then drop it
I stopped doing executions as soon as they pop up. sometimes just moving on to the next major as assault has multiple ways to get armor back and usually i will tag team a major and let my teammate have the ex and when I have a bulwark they will drop a banner for me or take the ex for themselves. You have a few seconds before the major can fight again so there's no reason unless you're fighting Tyranids to execute them immediately.
The bulwark doesnt exist solely to clean up a teammates mistakes, stop playing as if the bulwark is going to drop everything to keep you alive, they're in the exact same situation you're in and chances are they're saving it to sustain the fight should someone go down. Also consider they may not be running a medic build at all and are using the banner to be more aggressive and hit harder. At the end of the day you're responsible for keeping yourself alive, dont crutch on other players
I’m gonna offer a dissenting view. You are one part of a 3 man squad. As a Bulwark, (at the higher difficulties), it is incumbent on you to fill a specific role. IF you are running Invigorating Icon, it is part of your chosen role (an honour imho). IF you are not running Invigorating Icon, I think the responsible thing to do is communicate that to your squad. Ultimately YOU are correct. Brothers should not rely on the Bulwark to fix their F@$!-ups. But success of the mission is paramount and everyone has role to play. Just some thoughts (flame away should you feel the need).
@@MercTekBenny It’s your preference brother Merc, you can have both comments posted for more viewers to acknowledge or leave it as is. The comment you replied to is above all others so I think you’re doing fine. But if you really believe in what you’re saying then by all means post the comment again. Never forget that social media etiquette STARTS with YOU.
I mane the bolwork and what I've Noticed since The beginning Is that Many teams won't stay near their bolwork To actually benefit from the banner. Remember the bolwork can't help you if you're too far away. Especially if you're a speed runner if I play with a speedrunner, I flat out won't drop banner for them
@DamonKeel what do you consider a speed runner because ANYONE whom has cleared operations on Lethal will tell you NEVER TO LINGER in an area and to move at a brisk pace to avoid multiple waves or to lessen the risk for a massive wave my question is what is that line of brisk pace to speed run
@@howardxu8050 I tried to position myself about 20 to 30 ft out in front of the sniper so that he can close the distance and benefit from the banner but he can also use me as a firing point while I draw aggro
@@kingjakyl4851 I try to maintain a decent pace one that doesn't linger too long but still allows for the team to find the Geen-Seed/armory data. Vanguard's tend to be the worst at this they're always willing to move to the next area before anybody has a chance to gather themselves
I run the invigorating icon in conjunction with advanced conditioning I also like to run that defensive advantage with shock and awe so that I'm slowing enemies down and putting damage on them
My problem when I play Bulwark is people not understanding how the banner works. Either for contested health via stims and executions or fighting under it during a large wave. Like I'd pop a banner next to the execution target and the player with 10% HP shoots the target to death during an execution phase. To be honest I'm hoping they move bulwark away from apothecary and add them as a class instead.
The guys and I that normally play together try to wait until we can use the banner to either get rid of mortal wounds, or to restore all contested health with an execution.
I think the perks changing the way the banner works in higher difficulties is part of the problem. I got used to popping banner when I’m in a tricky spot, and now I’m supposed to keep banner until all of us are grouped together and low health. I’ve been criticized and even kicked for not using banner the way someone else thinks I should. If the run is going fine, why are you complaining?
As a lethal sherpa and lethal solo with 200+ hours: If you need banner for absolutely anything other than the very last resort before a mission wipe, then you're 100% playing the game wrong. There are a gazillion of strategies, equipment and perk combinations that you can use that'll keep you alive forever if you use them relatively well (low-balling) A few situations where I recommend using it: 1. Respite for reloading in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation 2. Respite for picking up ammo/nades in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation 3. Pushing back a relatively huge wave in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation 4. Reviving a teammate in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation 5. Immediately after your teammate goes into takedown animation to replenish full contested health (at any point, as needed) Anything else is can be handled without it
Something worth being aware of when it comes to medkits. Originally on the games release, they didn't restore contested health. So I'm not surprised the game doesn't explain it well.
Sometimes I don't use banner the entire match or maybe 1 time. In these cases I usually have heavy and tactical and my team and everyone dies SO fast that no one recieves damage at all
Do you think it is a good idea to have a score in the game that can give more XP if you were helpful to your team? An example would be like using the banner?
as for other bulwarks I haven't noticed this issue in my games when I play vanguard the ones I have ran into use when its absolutely necessary I use the perk lets me regain health by executing majoris enemies
Unless you're playing with a friend that's experienced in Space Marines 2; don't set expectations on a random. I remember I was playing with one on a lethal game; my friend and I thought "oh great he's a bulwark" the bulwark drops banner and no contested health happens... I press tab and the Bulwark is level 5 and made sense to me why I had to clean up his mobs. TLDR just expect all Bulwarks to be unhelpful in your game, but if they roll and give you a banner on execute it's like a nice surprise.
People didn't know stimpacks did not heal contested health? Sure, it isn't explained, but you do not have eyes. Any time the ability is available is a time to get something out of it. Regardless of "is this a good use of the ability" moment. If it's up and it will make a difference, use it.
When I play bulwark I point out medicae stimms to teamates that are low on health and have one wound so that when I place it they can use the stim not only to get full health back but also recover a wound
Sounds to me like we need a method for players to heal (somewhat consistently) outside of nerfed and scarce lunch boxes on higher difficulties. And not placing the responsibility on one class to heal you.
I've been reviving with banner and fully healing myself whenever i am low (im not picking up medkits). I find it hard when playing with randoms to time the heal for them, especially with lag. With the longer finishers its easier to time it. But whenever i see people leaving their executions alive then i'll pop the heal for them (if its not on cooldown).
This guy does a video on bulwarks not popping banners while in a previous video he plys a bulwark and never drops the banner on a run while grabbing two med kits. 🤡
Tips for banner always run the god damn heal one idk why people don't its the same reason I run the heavy perk for picking up downed teamates brings em back to full so people save there stims to fix there mortals and for banner if a freind is even semi below half if u see a group or a hoardes coming wait and pop that next to him so he heals idk why people are doing stuff like no banner or not grabbing heals or the even more bs of kicking people
I always try to heal players using the banner and they just ignore me completely or just stare at me when I drop the banner next to an enemy. But that's just my personal experience.
You already know how it’s going to go if they aren’t using the power sword and instead have a chainsword equipped. This is why I take it upon myself to play as bulwark. How useless most I’ve encountered are. I’ll drop mine the instant I see someone with low health going for an execution, and timing is crucial. It must be before the execution starts. Your contested health will be replenished to full on my watch. It’s not hard to keep track of either, you have a hud for a reason. There’s even a running joke in my personal friend group with the one who started out playing the game as bulwark, hogging the class calling it “his class”, well he has lost privileges, and instead of choosing something helpful he plays as vanguard. Mid battle while I was carrying the gene seed and getting overwhelmed I said to him “drop you banner… Drop your banner… DROP YOUR BANNER DARREN!” *he reacts 4-5 business days later* and of course he had it. He would go entire games without using it a single time. And we would comment on it all the time. Bro use your ability you didn’t use it at all the entire operation. “Oh I forget I even have it..” so now it gets brought up as a response to when his derpiness shines, which is often, usually mentioned as a joke by the other friend who was a part of our trio and played as heavy. As the emperor is my shield, so am I for my brothers!
Been playing a lot of bulwark lately. Play average and substantial. When the match is going well I forget to plant the flag. But if I see my teammates health drop even a little I plant it.
I left Bulwark for the last class to level up to level 25, and I found it to be frustrating to use supportively. Which is a shame because a support Bulwark can be extremely fun to play and without the support aspect the Bulwark is just a worse Assault in my opinion. Some context, when leveling new guns or classes I play in substantial before I move up to ruthless for most of my gameplay. Even at low level when all the banner did was give armor and revive teammates, I noticed my battle brothers would simply avoid staying in the banners range and would go down, where I would stay within the range and be perfectly fine. Even on revives I would talk to my brothers over the mic and tell them to save their relics and let me revive them with the banner and they simply would not listen. This trend was pretty consistent all the way up until level 23 when you unlock Invigorating Icon. Once I had access to this perk, I would try to explain to my teammates how the perk worked to no avail. Many of my teammates would not let me be in range of them when pulling off executes, even if it was the last enemy. If I purposely left an executable enemy and signaled that my ability was ready to heal them, they would simply look at me and walk away or just shoot the enemy. I am not sure why so many of my brothers refuse to take the help from me when I play as the Bulwark, but I am not going to stress myself to make sure you get healing if you won't even do basic changes to your play style to get it. I am now at the point with Bulwark where I will try to play as a team one or two times before I just simply give up and use my banner selfishly.
As a bulwark I've been trying to use my banner but it's harder to get people to actually pay attention to your banner or stick near you so you can pop banner on them. I've had to resort to using it as a self heal because I'll end up holding a flank during a wave alone while my team mates are ignoring the fact I'm up to my eyeballs in Minoris and Majoris. EDIT: Yes, a shorter cool down would be good. Like 1 minute instead of 2 minutes would be a better baseline.
Im actually on a mission to make bros avoid using stims by healing them with invigorating icon and 50% slower contested health drop idk why. also that music makes me wanna hug my stun needle pillow man 😅
Unfortunately I’m one of them, but I’ve been playing this way since day one haha. I honestly hate being relied on for heals and revives when I just want to get in the thick of it and fight. I don’t even run the revive option so I literally can’t revive anyone at all.
It's not easy to know when to use any of these things like the banner because it has more than one use. If stuff regenerated faster would make things easier but then it would make the game too easier for some players. I usually throw a banner down when we get a lot of enemies around us and when someone needs picked up. I haven't ran into a Bulwark who just doesn't use it at all.
It is. It's called learning through experience. Banner has a very short cooldown for what it does. What makes it strong is how you use it. Here are some tips on how and when to use banner; If your teammate is getting whipped up by 2+ majoris enemies and is missing a lot of their parries/blocks/dodges, banner If your teammate is roll dodging for their life, banner. If you and or your teammate(s) are getting pelted by a bunch of ranged mobs for an extended period of time and there's nothing around to finish/gunstrike or you can't reach anything (i.e: chalice), banner Basically your main primary heals before anything else are finishers, gunstrikes, and parries/blocks. If those fail for any one teammate, you ram that banner right up their a** Only way to learn this stuff is by using it. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
As a rule of thumb for me jnplaynit a lot better being a bit selfish with it, I also now try to use it once we start to drop health at all as opposed to save it to the desperate situations. If I drop it when our armour goes I can sometimes get two out even.
I drop the banner when players have no armor. It’s a little annoying because my eyes gotta dart around a lot. The other time is about 15 seconds after a massive wave hits. Most people don’t wait to use stims. That sucks because a lot of times it’s worth it to drop it out of combat so people heal fully.
As someone who plays Bulwark, I find that I have to run my teammates down to try to get banner heals off on them much more than I used too... I'm not standing next to this executable Majoris for no reason you know...Stop splitting up and going in opposite directions from each other, forcing me to choose which one of you I'm going to help as well. Even if you don't get the executable full heal, you can still get some health back from the temporary health granted.
I endeavor to keep my banner on CD as much as possible w/o being dumb/wasteful. Yeah sometimes I miss a terminus execute by a few seconds, but really the CD is so quick that it doesnt matter. I ran a Ruthless on w/ my Bulwark and I reset 11 health bars. 3 on a terminus, self only twice. and 3 more times where my banner allowed both teammates to heal (yay for ground pound + nades or auspex.) I even wasted a pop cause they were out of range (by a few pixels) and used another to res. If your team is not damaged, and you are facing 4+ majors, banner up front and let that heal your armor when you get staggered or choose to miss a parry.
When im playing bulwark i look at healing teammates as a mini game. And i want to win by healing as frequently as possible. As soon as someone goes below 50% im looking for the perfect opportunity to heal them
Bulwark is the only class I don't have at 25. It's also the only class I don't like. Aftering starting as Assualt and leveling every class, bulwark feels weird.
When I'm playing bulwark I try to use it to help my allies when they have lost 75% of health or if they are severely outnumbered and struggling to survive. the hard part is using them at the right place and right time, too far won't help much poor timing they won't get much use out of it. communication and teamwork also plays a factor, teams may not have good communication some have good some have bad which makes it tricky to properly utilise with gameplans. And teamwork somtimes people are just a young arrogant reinhardt from overwatch 2 they'll get themselves pinned and downed.
I wouldn't know if I don't use the banner enough because I can't play Bulwark. My Bulwark is level 16, and I'm trying to level it up as it's one of 2 classes I have left to get to 25, but when I join people they kick me. I'm assuming they're kicking me because I'm not high enough level to have Invigorating Icon, but still, I get kicked basically immediately after I join. My loadout is full Relic, so I'd be able to hold my own, but people quite literally refuse to give me the chance. I could go down to Minimal or Average, but I don't want to have to do double or triple the amount of matches to level up, so just... I don't think I'll ever finish leveling Bulwark at this point. The class might as well not exist for me with how butthurt people are about me not having Invigorating Icon unlocked yet.
Banner revive perk is pretty useless imo, and never try to revive with banner if you are playing with a heavy with bonds of brotherhood. The banner revive doesn't recover you at full health, you need to manually revive for them to be recovered at full hp.
Teammates never let me have a heal or help me at all the banner is for me in that case not you. If I get a team that actually works together I use the banner on them.
I wouldn't hold this against newer players but if I see the power sword that shows Lethal completion id be a lil upset especially with a bulwark you are trading a primary weapon and in turn trading off effective range DPS for the ability to hold back the tide with mele and shield also IN GENERAL people need to understand that PVE is team focused and players should focus on team perks that not only benefit them but there team like with tactical you would want them to run trans-human physiology for that 30% extra contested health right, personally i feel that all players need to be hit with the same message Destiny 2 used to show players before random queuing into a PVE mission (giving players a warning that not supporting team players or refusing to use coms could be met with an automatic kick and its not the devs fault but your own) but reworded to fit Space Marine 2 because lets be honest on ruthless and more on Lethal TEAM PLAY IS A CORE MECHANIC if there was one thing I cant stand its a player that is being selfish I ran a random que operation on ruthless as a tactical on INFERNO I went down twice because I couldn't find any stims it wasn't until I looked at my teams levels bulwark 23 and Sniper 25 both players were hoarding Stims all game sniper id get but bulwark?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME we cleared mission I left lobby neither player was supportive and bulwark never dropped banner once I practically solo'd carnefex in the jungle at least I was rocking a good kit to compensate for bad team mates and lack of team cohesion
I stopped dropping banners because nobody knows what to do with them. I have literally seen people ignore executes and walk off with the banner up. I would even communicate with people telling them I'd drop a banner on their next execute and they wouldn't wait around for me to do that, so now I just use it for myself. Players in Space Marine 2 are just bad. They need to make banners just a heal when its dropped. Drop the execute requirement, its just an extra step. Keep it simple. Its already on a timer.
Only way to learn use things properly is by using it and trying to use it in different ways. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
As a bulwark main I get too many thanks you when I'm in lobby cause i stick with the team an I force teammates to take Stims in case I can't get close to them when a random oh shit moment happens. Bulwark is broken in the right hands I come from a dark souls background so reading frames is easy an the powersword is busted paired with shield bash damage perk mixed with switching from speed to electric/heavy swing damage perk is godly I usually 1v1 bosses so the team doesn't die
i've had the game since release but only picked up bulwark recently since it was my real life actual brother's class i'm very unused to checking in on other player's shields and hp during a fight (and tbh prolly a good 75% of my attention is wasted raging at how trash the sword feels coming from a mostly pvp player) so i kind of save it for resing downed squadmates if shit hits the fan... but no one left playing the game really goes down in sub and ruthless difficulties it seems, people hold their own idk. i defo want to improve in time for when i unlock invigorating icon tho
Lemme be honest (pve) maybe my teammates should stay near me since they have no idea when im dropping banner and the best bonuses are right when its activated. “You just used it on yourself” your goddamn right i did, theres 6 heretic marines infront of me im not waiting for you to run from across the map and stand next to me.
I've noticed that still noone knows about the bulwark banner team heal on terminus. Ill drop the banner and heal myself and the person executing the terminus but the third player runs off, not getting the heal. Or if im not playing bulwark most people playing bulwark don't do the terminus heal. And one time i was running up to a player who was about to execute but when i got up to him and dropped the banner it was too late , he already finished the execution. Then they got on the game chat and cussed me out cuz i was "too slow". I said "well i tried to heal you". The guy dies a few minutes later and rage quit. 🤦♂️ Also i will see they have a mortal wound and stims so ill drop the banner next to them and the don't do anything. So now i have to get in game chat and ask them if they want to remove the mortal wound and explain to the what to do before i drop the banner.
One thing I don't understand is why can't we see our teammates armor, I would definitely drop it more if I noticed my battle brothers were in need... Seeing their help is useless I just need to know how much armor u have and who's on mortal wound...
Yep I've noticed this. Thank God I've trained myself to survive without it. To me it's just a bonus. But yeah I've seen this personal heal only by some. It's actually kind of insulting though. But yeah, learn to go without and with limited stims. Just me though, I'm saying.
i dont play it that often anymore, but when i do i drop it for others but if they are ALWAYS playing selfish and such eventually ill play selfish as well. it happens
The worst is when the noob bulwark keeps hoarding med kits and using them without a banner. Bro is clueless 💀 When I see the bulwark acting like this I just switch my play to solo mod when I keep two med kits for healing mortal wound.
I know I’ll catch some flak but who cares I wholeheartedly support the selfish bulwark play style if you don’t stick to the bully like glue then ya don’t get the heals if ya don’t like the way someone else is playing that class pick it up for yourself and play it how you want
Maybe, just maybe, the other 2 squad mates aren't your personal tools and getting and at them for playing their way is beyond childish. Speaking to you, 20-40 yo streamers and try hards. It's. A. Game.
Rule of thumb for me: I watch my teammate's HP like a hawk, those w/ mortal wounds get first dibs, then those with
I have a similar rule but me is the priority. I can't keep them alive if I'm dead.
Good man👍
@ The Emperor is a shield for me, so am I a shield for my brothers! 🛡My job as a bulwark will always be to ensure my brothers make it back to the thunderhawk in one piece.
Banner is such a weird spot, because everytime you don't really need it it is up, and everytime you really need it it is on Cooldown. So you always feel like you should Horde it until you really need it rather then drop it when ever you want.
Because i had times where I literally never felt like I needed to use it by the final act of a mission everyone is max hp with 2 stims and I only had to pop it like 1 time. Other times your teammates get blown up by a random pack of Spore Mines sneaking behind them and you have to survive 20 seconds until your banner is back up, being chased by a the whole Tyranid swarm.
II typically follow the most aggressive player and drop when he gets in trouble, though. If he takes a clean power hit on high difficulty it’s almost certainly a good time to drop it
Yeah absolutely same thing for me
I'll drop mine for teammates before myself every single time.. usually. What's frustrating is that I cannot see teammates contested hp, when they go in for execution, it gets wasted. Doesn't help that no one uses in game comms.
You honestly don't need comms. Pings are quite enough. If you're situationally aware, perceptive, and can recognize threats, it's very easy to know when to and not to drop a banner regardless of your teammate's health. Hell, even there behavior can be an indicator. I'll list a few examples;
If your teammate is getting whipped up by 2+ majoris enemies and is missing a lot of their parries/blocks/dodges, banner
If your teammate is roll dodging for their life, banner.
If you and or your teammate(s) are getting pelted by a bunch of ranged mobs for an extended period of time and there's nothing around to finish/gunstrike or you can't reach anything (i.e: chalice), banner
Basically your main primary heals before anything else are finishers, gunstrikes, and parries/blocks. If those fail for any one teammate, you ram that banner right up their a**
Only way to learn this stuff is by using it. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
it's very hard to effectively use banner with randoms, often people do not know what it does, and do not take advantage of it. It does not help that we can't see teammates contested health, or that sometimes contested health drops during the terminus execution animation, and other times it doesn't, and sometimes if there's just a bit of lag it does not even give any contested at all. Additionally as bulwark is a melee class, we can't just stand next to the sniper popping banners at their convenience, it needs some coordination.
I'll be completely honest... I sometimes forget i have the Banner when playing Bulwark💀
True. I just feel it has a long cooldown considering how important it is, but its really not that long
I'm kinda the same with all the classes but Vanguard 😅
same dude i just forget or don't have a perfect opportunity to drop it*
@@gumballdeuce6657speaking of vanguard
Do please take the ability charge on execution team perk
The other 2 perks are frankly, useless(melee perk does not feel like it does anything, HP grained for extremis finisher is literally just 1 HP
Fencing/balance power sword…I always have armor…pretty much no matter what. Easy to forget when things are smooth
I personally choose to save my banners to either bring someone back to life or to win back a ton of contested health for someone. I use my mic and tell the others to wait to do an execution until I can get there and then drop it
I stopped doing executions as soon as they pop up. sometimes just moving on to the next major as assault has multiple ways to get armor back and usually i will tag team a major and let my teammate have the ex and when I have a bulwark they will drop a banner for me or take the ex for themselves. You have a few seconds before the major can fight again so there's no reason unless you're fighting Tyranids to execute them immediately.
The bulwark doesnt exist solely to clean up a teammates mistakes, stop playing as if the bulwark is going to drop everything to keep you alive, they're in the exact same situation you're in and chances are they're saving it to sustain the fight should someone go down. Also consider they may not be running a medic build at all and are using the banner to be more aggressive and hit harder. At the end of the day you're responsible for keeping yourself alive, dont crutch on other players
This 100%
I’m gonna offer a dissenting view. You are one part of a 3 man squad. As a Bulwark, (at the higher difficulties), it is incumbent on you to fill a specific role. IF you are running Invigorating Icon, it is part of your chosen role (an honour imho). IF you are not running Invigorating Icon, I think the responsible thing to do is communicate that to your squad.
Ultimately YOU are correct. Brothers should not rely on the Bulwark to fix their F@$!-ups. But success of the mission is paramount and everyone has role to play.
Just some thoughts (flame away should you feel the need).
@@MercTekBennyas a Bulwark main, I completely agree with you, you should add this as a comment instead of a reply
TBH I don’t know social media etiquette. Do I delete and repost as a comment or just add as a comment and leave the reply as it is?
@@MercTekBenny It’s your preference brother Merc, you can have both comments posted for more viewers to acknowledge or leave it as is. The comment you replied to is above all others so I think you’re doing fine. But if you really believe in what you’re saying then by all means post the comment again. Never forget that social media etiquette STARTS with YOU.
It bothers me so much that the bulwark on screen isn't even running the perks to heal with the banner
I mane the bolwork and what I've Noticed since The beginning Is that Many teams won't stay near their bolwork To actually benefit from the banner.
Remember the bolwork can't help you if you're too far away. Especially if you're a speed runner if I play with a speedrunner, I flat out won't drop banner for them
I still feel that this might disadvantage ranged classes pairing for the heals, such as bulwark+sniper/heavy setups
@DamonKeel what do you consider a speed runner because ANYONE whom has cleared operations on Lethal will tell you NEVER TO LINGER in an area and to move at a brisk pace to avoid multiple waves or to lessen the risk for a massive wave my question is what is that line of brisk pace to speed run
@@howardxu8050 I tried to position myself about 20 to 30 ft out in front of the sniper so that he can close the distance and benefit from the banner but he can also use me as a firing point while I draw aggro
@@kingjakyl4851 I try to maintain a decent pace one that doesn't linger too long but still allows for the team to find the Geen-Seed/armory data. Vanguard's tend to be the worst at this they're always willing to move to the next area before anybody has a chance to gather themselves
I run the invigorating icon in conjunction with advanced conditioning I also like to run that defensive advantage with shock and awe so that I'm slowing enemies down and putting damage on them
My problem when I play Bulwark is people not understanding how the banner works. Either for contested health via stims and executions or fighting under it during a large wave. Like I'd pop a banner next to the execution target and the player with 10% HP shoots the target to death during an execution phase. To be honest I'm hoping they move bulwark away from apothecary and add them as a class instead.
You don’t need an execute to make invigorating icon worth it either. You can get good health back pretty easy just with shooting.
The guys and I that normally play together try to wait until we can use the banner to either get rid of mortal wounds, or to restore all contested health with an execution.
I think the perks changing the way the banner works in higher difficulties is part of the problem. I got used to popping banner when I’m in a tricky spot, and now I’m supposed to keep banner until all of us are grouped together and low health. I’ve been criticized and even kicked for not using banner the way someone else thinks I should. If the run is going fine, why are you complaining?
As a lethal sherpa and lethal solo with 200+ hours:
If you need banner for absolutely anything other than the very last resort before a mission wipe, then you're 100% playing the game wrong. There are a gazillion of strategies, equipment and perk combinations that you can use that'll keep you alive forever if you use them relatively well (low-balling)
A few situations where I recommend using it:
1. Respite for reloading in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation
2. Respite for picking up ammo/nades in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation
3. Pushing back a relatively huge wave in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation
4. Reviving a teammate in the MIDDLE of a dire confrontation
5. Immediately after your teammate goes into takedown animation to replenish full contested health (at any point, as needed)
Anything else is can be handled without it
Something worth being aware of when it comes to medkits. Originally on the games release, they didn't restore contested health. So I'm not surprised the game doesn't explain it well.
Haven't seen many bulwarks recently, but I am levelling Sniper finally, so if there are new ones they haven't been near me.
I've been trying to use it for armor gen more.
For now when I see someone get hit, Flag!
Get sniped, Flag!
5 majors on us n melee, FLAG!
Keep flagging and fragging brother
I play Bulwark probably every day, I make sure I'm near my team at all times. Especially since we do ruthless and lethal only.
Sometimes I don't use banner the entire match or maybe 1 time. In these cases I usually have heavy and tactical and my team and everyone dies SO fast that no one recieves damage at all
Do you think it is a good idea to have a score in the game that can give more XP if you were helpful to your team? An example would be like using the banner?
as for other bulwarks I haven't noticed this issue in my games when I play vanguard the ones I have ran into use when its absolutely necessary I use the perk lets me regain health by executing majoris enemies
I use it as a personal heals especially when playing with Randoms that run off. I drop it for the team sometimes but I don't pick up any stims either.
Unless you're playing with a friend that's experienced in Space Marines 2; don't set expectations on a random.
I remember I was playing with one on a lethal game; my friend and I thought "oh great he's a bulwark"
the bulwark drops banner and no contested health happens...
I press tab and the Bulwark is level 5 and made sense to me why I had to clean up his mobs.
TLDR just expect all Bulwarks to be unhelpful in your game, but if they roll and give you a banner on execute it's like a nice surprise.
People didn't know stimpacks did not heal contested health? Sure, it isn't explained, but you do not have eyes.
Any time the ability is available is a time to get something out of it. Regardless of "is this a good use of the ability" moment. If it's up and it will make a difference, use it.
When I play bulwark I point out medicae stimms to teamates that are low on health and have one wound so that when I place it they can use the stim not only to get full health back but also recover a wound
Sounds to me like we need a method for players to heal (somewhat consistently) outside of nerfed and scarce lunch boxes on higher difficulties. And not placing the responsibility on one class to heal you.
I've been reviving with banner and fully healing myself whenever i am low (im not picking up medkits).
I find it hard when playing with randoms to time the heal for them, especially with lag.
With the longer finishers its easier to time it.
But whenever i see people leaving their executions alive then i'll pop the heal for them (if its not on cooldown).
They're not even using it for themselves. It's like they've forgotten its there
I am a new player and healing people with banner gives me the biggest dopamine hit. Can't imagine not using it.
This guy does a video on bulwarks not popping banners while in a previous video he plys a bulwark and never drops the banner on a run while grabbing two med kits. 🤡
Tips for banner always run the god damn heal one idk why people don't its the same reason I run the heavy perk for picking up downed teamates brings em back to full so people save there stims to fix there mortals and for banner if a freind is even semi below half if u see a group or a hoardes coming wait and pop that next to him so he heals idk why people are doing stuff like no banner or not grabbing heals or the even more bs of kicking people
I also use it to quickly pick someone up
I always try to heal players using the banner and they just ignore me completely or just stare at me when I drop the banner next to an enemy. But that's just my personal experience.
Iam still thinking of to Play this Game … is it worth it ? Are there enough Players for pvp Anymore ?
@@Tisto90 I think it is a good time to get into the game. A lot is going to be announced soon for updates!
You already know how it’s going to go if they aren’t using the power sword and instead have a chainsword equipped. This is why I take it upon myself to play as bulwark. How useless most I’ve encountered are. I’ll drop mine the instant I see someone with low health going for an execution, and timing is crucial. It must be before the execution starts. Your contested health will be replenished to full on my watch. It’s not hard to keep track of either, you have a hud for a reason. There’s even a running joke in my personal friend group with the one who started out playing the game as bulwark, hogging the class calling it “his class”, well he has lost privileges, and instead of choosing something helpful he plays as vanguard. Mid battle while I was carrying the gene seed and getting overwhelmed I said to him “drop you banner… Drop your banner… DROP YOUR BANNER DARREN!” *he reacts 4-5 business days later* and of course he had it. He would go entire games without using it a single time. And we would comment on it all the time. Bro use your ability you didn’t use it at all the entire operation. “Oh I forget I even have it..” so now it gets brought up as a response to when his derpiness shines, which is often, usually mentioned as a joke by the other friend who was a part of our trio and played as heavy. As the emperor is my shield, so am I for my brothers!
I don’t know I like the chainsword-block. And I still be healing my teammate
Ik you aint slandering the chainsword like that. It's just as good as the power sword if not better for hordes usually.
Been playing a lot of bulwark lately. Play average and substantial. When the match is going well I forget to plant the flag. But if I see my teammates health drop even a little I plant it.
I left Bulwark for the last class to level up to level 25, and I found it to be frustrating to use supportively. Which is a shame because a support Bulwark can be extremely fun to play and without the support aspect the Bulwark is just a worse Assault in my opinion.
Some context, when leveling new guns or classes I play in substantial before I move up to ruthless for most of my gameplay.
Even at low level when all the banner did was give armor and revive teammates, I noticed my battle brothers would simply avoid staying in the banners range and would go down, where I would stay within the range and be perfectly fine. Even on revives I would talk to my brothers over the mic and tell them to save their relics and let me revive them with the banner and they simply would not listen. This trend was pretty consistent all the way up until level 23 when you unlock Invigorating Icon. Once I had access to this perk, I would try to explain to my teammates how the perk worked to no avail. Many of my teammates would not let me be in range of them when pulling off executes, even if it was the last enemy. If I purposely left an executable enemy and signaled that my ability was ready to heal them, they would simply look at me and walk away or just shoot the enemy.
I am not sure why so many of my brothers refuse to take the help from me when I play as the Bulwark, but I am not going to stress myself to make sure you get healing if you won't even do basic changes to your play style to get it. I am now at the point with Bulwark where I will try to play as a team one or two times before I just simply give up and use my banner selfishly.
As a bulwark I've been trying to use my banner but it's harder to get people to actually pay attention to your banner or stick near you so you can pop banner on them. I've had to resort to using it as a self heal because I'll end up holding a flank during a wave alone while my team mates are ignoring the fact I'm up to my eyeballs in Minoris and Majoris.
EDIT: Yes, a shorter cool down would be good. Like 1 minute instead of 2 minutes would be a better baseline.
Ive noticed when i play bulwark my teammates tend to make more mistakes then when im playing another class.
Im actually on a mission to make bros avoid using stims by healing them with invigorating icon and 50% slower contested health drop idk why. also that music makes me wanna hug my stun needle pillow man 😅
Unfortunately I’m one of them, but I’ve been playing this way since day one haha. I honestly hate being relied on for heals and revives when I just want to get in the thick of it and fight. I don’t even run the revive option so I literally can’t revive anyone at all.
It's not easy to know when to use any of these things like the banner because it has more than one use. If stuff regenerated faster would make things easier but then it would make the game too easier for some players. I usually throw a banner down when we get a lot of enemies around us and when someone needs picked up. I haven't ran into a Bulwark who just doesn't use it at all.
It is. It's called learning through experience. Banner has a very short cooldown for what it does. What makes it strong is how you use it. Here are some tips on how and when to use banner;
If your teammate is getting whipped up by 2+ majoris enemies and is missing a lot of their parries/blocks/dodges, banner
If your teammate is roll dodging for their life, banner.
If you and or your teammate(s) are getting pelted by a bunch of ranged mobs for an extended period of time and there's nothing around to finish/gunstrike or you can't reach anything (i.e: chalice), banner
Basically your main primary heals before anything else are finishers, gunstrikes, and parries/blocks. If those fail for any one teammate, you ram that banner right up their a**
Only way to learn this stuff is by using it. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
As a rule of thumb for me jnplaynit a lot better being a bit selfish with it, I also now try to use it once we start to drop health at all as opposed to save it to the desperate situations. If I drop it when our armour goes I can sometimes get two out even.
I drop the banner when players have no armor.
It’s a little annoying because my eyes gotta dart around a lot.
The other time is about 15 seconds after a massive wave hits.
Most people don’t wait to use stims. That sucks because a lot of times it’s worth it to drop it out of combat so people heal fully.
As someone who plays Bulwark, I find that I have to run my teammates down to try to get banner heals off on them much more than I used too... I'm not standing next to this executable Majoris for no reason you know...Stop splitting up and going in opposite directions from each other, forcing me to choose which one of you I'm going to help as well. Even if you don't get the executable full heal, you can still get some health back from the temporary health granted.
Exactly my experience too. Some of the new players do not know about how it works.
I endeavor to keep my banner on CD as much as possible w/o being dumb/wasteful. Yeah sometimes I miss a terminus execute by a few seconds, but really the CD is so quick that it doesnt matter. I ran a Ruthless on w/ my Bulwark and I reset 11 health bars. 3 on a terminus, self only twice. and 3 more times where my banner allowed both teammates to heal (yay for ground pound + nades or auspex.) I even wasted a pop cause they were out of range (by a few pixels) and used another to res. If your team is not damaged, and you are facing 4+ majors, banner up front and let that heal your armor when you get staggered or choose to miss a parry.
When im playing bulwark i look at healing teammates as a mini game. And i want to win by healing as frequently as possible. As soon as someone goes below 50% im looking for the perfect opportunity to heal them
Bulwark is the only class I don't have at 25. It's also the only class I don't like. Aftering starting as Assualt and leveling every class, bulwark feels weird.
When I'm playing bulwark I try to use it to help my allies when they have lost 75% of health or if they are severely outnumbered and struggling to survive. the hard part is using them at the right place and right time, too far won't help much poor timing they won't get much use out of it. communication and teamwork also plays a factor, teams may not have good communication some have good some have bad which makes it tricky to properly utilise with gameplans. And teamwork somtimes people are just a young arrogant reinhardt from overwatch 2 they'll get themselves pinned and downed.
I wouldn't know if I don't use the banner enough because I can't play Bulwark. My Bulwark is level 16, and I'm trying to level it up as it's one of 2 classes I have left to get to 25, but when I join people they kick me. I'm assuming they're kicking me because I'm not high enough level to have Invigorating Icon, but still, I get kicked basically immediately after I join. My loadout is full Relic, so I'd be able to hold my own, but people quite literally refuse to give me the chance. I could go down to Minimal or Average, but I don't want to have to do double or triple the amount of matches to level up, so just... I don't think I'll ever finish leveling Bulwark at this point. The class might as well not exist for me with how butthurt people are about me not having Invigorating Icon unlocked yet.
Banner revive perk is pretty useless imo, and never try to revive with banner if you are playing with a heavy with bonds of brotherhood. The banner revive doesn't recover you at full health, you need to manually revive for them to be recovered at full hp.
I drop the Banner when ever I can to heal my team and I only play ruthless and above
Teammates never let me have a heal or help me at all the banner is for me in that case not you. If I get a team that actually works together I use the banner on them.
I wouldn't hold this against newer players but if I see the power sword that shows Lethal completion id be a lil upset especially with a bulwark you are trading a primary weapon and in turn trading off effective range DPS for the ability to hold back the tide with mele and shield also IN GENERAL people need to understand that PVE is team focused and players should focus on team perks that not only benefit them but there team like with tactical you would want them to run trans-human physiology for that 30% extra contested health right, personally i feel that all players need to be hit with the same message Destiny 2 used to show players before random queuing into a PVE mission (giving players a warning that not supporting team players or refusing to use coms could be met with an automatic kick and its not the devs fault but your own) but reworded to fit Space Marine 2 because lets be honest on ruthless and more on Lethal TEAM PLAY IS A CORE MECHANIC if there was one thing I cant stand its a player that is being selfish I ran a random que operation on ruthless as a tactical on INFERNO I went down twice because I couldn't find any stims it wasn't until I looked at my teams levels bulwark 23 and Sniper 25 both players were hoarding Stims all game sniper id get but bulwark?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME we cleared mission I left lobby neither player was supportive and bulwark never dropped banner once I practically solo'd carnefex in the jungle at least I was rocking a good kit to compensate for bad team mates and lack of team cohesion
I stopped dropping banners because nobody knows what to do with them. I have literally seen people ignore executes and walk off with the banner up. I would even communicate with people telling them I'd drop a banner on their next execute and they wouldn't wait around for me to do that, so now I just use it for myself. Players in Space Marine 2 are just bad.
They need to make banners just a heal when its dropped. Drop the execute requirement, its just an extra step. Keep it simple. Its already on a timer.
As a new bumwalk I can say I defo had banner shyness, analysis paralysis
Only way to learn use things properly is by using it and trying to use it in different ways. Remember; wasting a banner is almost always better than getting a mortal wound
As a bulwark main I get too many thanks you when I'm in lobby cause i stick with the team an I force teammates to take Stims in case I can't get close to them when a random oh shit moment happens. Bulwark is broken in the right hands I come from a dark souls background so reading frames is easy an the powersword is busted paired with shield bash damage perk mixed with switching from speed to electric/heavy swing damage perk is godly I usually 1v1 bosses so the team doesn't die
i've had the game since release but only picked up bulwark recently since it was my real life actual brother's class
i'm very unused to checking in on other player's shields and hp during a fight (and tbh prolly a good 75% of my attention is wasted raging at how trash the sword feels coming from a mostly pvp player)
so i kind of save it for resing downed squadmates if shit hits the fan... but no one left playing the game really goes down in sub and ruthless difficulties it seems, people hold their own idk. i defo want to improve in time for when i unlock invigorating icon tho
Lemme be honest (pve) maybe my teammates should stay near me since they have no idea when im dropping banner and the best bonuses are right when its activated. “You just used it on yourself” your goddamn right i did, theres 6 heretic marines infront of me im not waiting for you to run from across the map and stand next to me.
If im having to rely on the bulwark then im the one letting the team down not them
I've noticed that still noone knows about the bulwark banner team heal on terminus. Ill drop the banner and heal myself and the person executing the terminus but the third player runs off, not getting the heal. Or if im not playing bulwark most people playing bulwark don't do the terminus heal. And one time i was running up to a player who was about to execute but when i got up to him and dropped the banner it was too late , he already finished the execution. Then they got on the game chat and cussed me out cuz i was "too slow". I said "well i tried to heal you". The guy dies a few minutes later and rage quit. 🤦♂️ Also i will see they have a mortal wound and stims so ill drop the banner next to them and the don't do anything. So now i have to get in game chat and ask them if they want to remove the mortal wound and explain to the what to do before i drop the banner.
One thing I don't understand is why can't we see our teammates armor, I would definitely drop it more if I noticed my battle brothers were in need... Seeing their help is useless I just need to know how much armor u have and who's on mortal wound...
If there isn't a white line around their class symbol next to the health bar, they don't have armour
@berserker_2886 thanks I will definitely look for that
Yep I've noticed this. Thank God I've trained myself to survive without it. To me it's just a bonus. But yeah I've seen this personal heal only by some. It's actually kind of insulting though. But yeah, learn to go without and with limited stims. Just me though, I'm saying.
i dont play it that often anymore, but when i do i drop it for others but if they are ALWAYS playing selfish and such eventually ill play selfish as well. it happens
The worst is when the noob bulwark keeps hoarding med kits and using them without a banner. Bro is clueless 💀
When I see the bulwark acting like this I just switch my play to solo mod when I keep two med kits for healing mortal wound.
I know I’ll catch some flak but who cares I wholeheartedly support the selfish bulwark play style if you don’t stick to the bully like glue then ya don’t get the heals if ya don’t like the way someone else is playing that class pick it up for yourself and play it how you want
Maybe, just maybe, the other 2 squad mates aren't your personal tools and getting and at them for playing their way is beyond childish. Speaking to you, 20-40 yo streamers and try hards. It's. A. Game.