I am glad dreamcatcher peaked your interest to the point where you wanted to listen to more of them without anyone suggesting it, that actually speaks volumes for them as artists but also for you as a genuine reaction chanel. Your honesty is one of the main reasons keeping me around ngl. As for dreamcatcher, its fine you didnt like this album as much, its more than enough that you acknowledged their diversity in sound so far. IMO thats what makes them what they are, once you peak around their main concept as this K-pop rock mash up you are in for a treat for various sounds. Its only natural they are going to explore some sounds that some will enjoy less or more than the other. Its just nice to watch people realize they have the ability to produce music for almost any taste. As I said on stream already, I think the other 2 remaining apocalypse albums are going to be more to your taste again. Just lmk whenever you need a playlist ;)
I don't care if you don't like songs, it's completely fine and valid but calling the songs you don't like ''ass'' isn't nice at all.
I am glad dreamcatcher peaked your interest to the point where you wanted to listen to more of them without anyone suggesting it, that actually speaks volumes for them as artists but also for you as a genuine reaction chanel. Your honesty is one of the main reasons keeping me around ngl. As for dreamcatcher, its fine you didnt like this album as much, its more than enough that you acknowledged their diversity in sound so far. IMO thats what makes them what they are, once you peak around their main concept as this K-pop rock mash up you are in for a treat for various sounds. Its only natural they are going to explore some sounds that some will enjoy less or more than the other. Its just nice to watch people realize they have the ability to produce music for almost any taste.
As I said on stream already, I think the other 2 remaining apocalypse albums are going to be more to your taste again. Just lmk whenever you need a playlist ;)