The Many REINCARNATION STORIES of Cynthia Henderson Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 124

  • @KB0522
    @KB0522 2 года назад +45

    Reincarnation stories are my favorite! I love this channel ❤️

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад +1

      Do you believe in reincarnation.

    • @KB0522
      @KB0522 2 года назад +2

      @@anmol_OO7 yes I do

    • @annied1827
      @annied1827 2 года назад +1

      my son from age 2 insisted he lived in America we have never been ive never even been on a plane lol and he lived in a house he built and lived with his wife and girls his 2 daughters, dog and horse he went to war in red coats with his brother and best friend they all died by the same man via sword and musket, they were trying to save him, the funniest thing I ever saw was when he told a man in a museum at age 3 just how to use a musket correctly as he had said something wrong, my son said to the man son your talking about the wrong musket that's the one your talking about pointing to another and then went on to tell him how to use a cannon, the man asked how he knew his mistake, the man told him he'd known hed made a mistake but didn't think anyone would notice, my son said, son I've been using these from before you were born in fact you weren't even a twinkle in your parents eyes as I've been using these since before your parents were born 🤣🤣 this coming from a 3 year old my son then told him that musket has a hell of of a kickback which could knock your shoulder out if you used it wrong and because of that he preferred the other one as it didn't play hell on your your shoulder like that one plus it had better range on it. He then told the man you must always remember to move fast after the cannon is lit as the kickback could easily crush and kill a man as he'd seen it happen many times and it wasn't a pretty sight seeing a man crushed under a cannon, it was a nasty way to die as you don't die straight away it can take hours sometimes days unless the head is crushed and the man was to trust him that noone liked scraping brains off the cannon when that happened it was a messy business war and trying to lift a cannon even a small one off someone wasn't much fun either, he'd seen many crushed legs due to the cannon landing on them of course the poor guy would often die from gangrene due to a crushed leg or two we could try taking it the leg off but it was war and that only made death come quicker or sometimes slower but death always came you couldn't stop it, the cannon could knock you off your feet and land right on top of a man crushing his chest, arms, legs pretty much anywhere it landed, when that happened they never made it home as we didn't take our dead home with us most were left where they dropped just like me, my brother and our friend were, although they were idiots and should never have tried to save me I knew I was a dead man they didn't need to go with me, although I know for a fact I'd have done the same for both of them so guess that would make me a idiot too, a few were buried but they never went home, we were never buried but we were dead so we didn't care, I did go see my wife and girls, my brother and friend went to their families before we moved on, we'd visit from time to time, then I ended up here I can't remember my family dying I visited them but time is different when your dead it was like I was there and next I was here nothing in-between !! They talked for ages about the different weapons ones he'd used etc. The man was amazing, he spoke to and listened to my son like he was a adult not a 3 year old it was very strange to witness, a middle aged man and a 3 year old talking about weapons from the civil war and the 3 year old calling him son like he was the adult and explaining about how it was to die lol. My son always spoke to people like he was a adult. The man came to me after their chat and said ok that was weird ive never believed in past lives but I do now he told me things I didn't know about and I'm the guy who should know. I told him yep I know it's weird, he's a werid kid hes always spoken about his past life and death we just go with it and have stopped trying to make sense of it. He lost these memories by age 8 but he talked about his life before all the time on how he lived, hed talk about his girls his wife and brother and friends what the war was like etc and how he died and what it was like to be dead. He also saw and spoke with ghosts from a very young age like myself but unlike me who still sees and hears them he lost that along with his memories. Sorry its such a long story but I thought it might interest you 😃

    • @KB0522
      @KB0522 2 года назад

      @@annied1827 thank you for sharing!!! Very cool!!

    • @annied1827
      @annied1827 2 года назад +2

      @@KB0522 it was very strange I've seen and spoke with spirits since childhood and knew he could see them from when he was a baby, as he reacted to them and played with our household ghosts. But when he started talking and asking about his girls and talking about his other life I had no idea what he was talking about I had to look things up to try figure it out and we worked out it was the civil war, we are uk so we don't know anything about American civil war or history, but the day at the museum, that day was a real eye opener as he was so excited to show the man and talk to him about everything he knew and tell him what really happened in the war.

  • @jessicacanfield5408
    @jessicacanfield5408 2 года назад +10

    This 3 part video about one womans past lives was wonderful thank you.

  • @reginac5488
    @reginac5488 2 года назад +12

    I have memories of three past lives. In the first, I was a member of twins in Jerusalem about 200 BCE. My family was poor, we lived in a hut, our mother made baskets from wheat. The floors were dirt and there was a crude inside fireplace. Our home caught fire from the embers, we died that night. 2th - I was a young soldier during the civil war. My friend was shot in the head and I tried to load my weapon, while I was fumbling, I too was killed. In the 3rd, I was a very old Irish woman on my deathbed, surrounded by roughly 30 loving grand children, it was so, so peaceful.

    • @lanefraz3152
      @lanefraz3152 2 года назад +1

      I am still trying to get my head around reincarnation.

  • @ChristinaB9782
    @ChristinaB9782 2 года назад +20

    Thank you for another great video and part 3 to this story! I thought it was over at part 2, but was surprised and happy to see another chapter to her reincarnation story!! Fascinating, simply fascinating!!!

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад +1

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

    • @marythompson7874
      @marythompson7874 2 года назад

      I love this content! It's riveting!

    • @marythompson7874
      @marythompson7874 2 года назад +1

      @@anmol_OO7 Now I do believe in reincarnation, but I didn't a few years ago.

    • @itsjustme7487
      @itsjustme7487 Год назад

      @अनमोल शिवभक्त I think I do. I have had dream "visits" from deceased loved ones for a while after their deaths, and then they stop. Possibly reincarnated?

  • @rsuriyop
    @rsuriyop 2 года назад +9

    Stories of actual reincarnation are always so bittersweet. Just can't imagine the feeling of remembering an entire past life experience only to see how events had transpired up to the present. Who wants to revisit their old childhood home from a previous life that's now in ruins and how the entire landscape has changed? Must be very humbling, I think I'd be very distraught.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

    • @rsuriyop
      @rsuriyop 2 года назад +1

      @@anmol_OO7 Certainly, yes. I've heard quite a few convincing stories to believe them.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад +1

      @@rsuriyop then you believe in Hinduism because Hinduism is only religion who believe in reincarnation.
      Read bhagwad Gita to know reincarnation in detail.

  • @Nobe_Oddy
    @Nobe_Oddy 2 года назад +33

    This has been THE BEST story/video on this channel since I discovered it!!! All I can say is WOW!!!!! I mean I didn't need any validation for what I already knew to be true (reincarnation that is) but this was just like the strawberry on top of the icing on top of the most delicious and beautiful cake there could EVER be!!1 What could be more important to learn about about than what happens after you pass over? Reincarnation is 100% real and nothing can be said to persuade me otherwise. Although I still do believe in ghosts, Heaven, Hell, and even purgatory, this is just yet another aspect to the story of the next chapter of our existence after we leave this reality.
    I believe that I too lived a past life that I have caught a glimpse of some memories. I was possible a prisoner during the Revolutionary War here in the States. Although I do not know which side I was on, I do have a glimpse of either escaping a jail or prison here in Southern New Jersey and clearly feeling like I would be 'caught' if I was seen or spotted, OR I was committing some sort of sabotage against the other side and I could not be caught or seen. These memories came flooding back to me when I visited a small "park" that had some large stones that had been carved into maybe driveway entrances, but they were familiar to me, and I 'recognized' the area when I went there randomly one day with a woman I was seeing. And as I was being flooded with these memories she pointed out that there was a museum of sorts there (it was more like a house) from the Revolutionary War time period! I had no prior knowledge of this place, or those memories, but when I went exploring inside this museum/house and then the accompanying area, the memories were done. They all just came to me in a flash as I got there and saw those large rocks, but that was it. IT all just came to me at once, and I never had anymore come back. BUT I DID have some very VERY strange happenings after meeting this woman, just strange coincidences and weird happenings, dreams, simultaneous thoughts, and ESP type events. Nothing too outrageous and nothing in particular that I can remember (they must have not been all that great if I didn't bother committing them to memory lol) EXCEPTY FOR ONE INCIDENT. I lived with my parents at the time and she was the one with the vehicle. We had gone out to where ever for whatever reason but we ended up back at7 my parents house but we were there alone. We had been hanging out in her truck in my driveway, and she needed to use the bathroom. This was the first time she had gone into the house, and we were planning on going back out to the truck after she was done. Well I showed her where the bathroom was and then waited for her down the hall, in the foyer at the front door. Now I have to add a but of side info so you can understand this. About 15 years ago my younger brother died in our house from doing drugs and I've had some paranormal experiences since then, but that's a whole other story. So this is hard to explain without going back and forth between her visit and how it relates to my brother, so I'll just give you the info you need to know. Well if any of you have had a brother close to your age you may have grown up doing strange things and those have become memories that are so unique that no one will ever understand. Well one of me and my brother's memories was drinking soda and having burping contests. And my brother was ALWAYS the winner LOL and he was proud of it, but I guess it was something that he remember much more fondly than me, because he passed at the age of 20 and this isn't something that I had remember AT ALL until the night that this girl was at my house.
    She finished using the bathroom and was walking down the hall way to the foyer and she let out a HUGE AMAZING BURP that surprised me and blew me away! So as she rounded the corner I said to her "NICE ONE!" and she responded with "Nice what?" so I say "Nice burp! That was great!" and she tells me "I didn't burp"
    "Yea, you did. I just heard you"
    "Just now, right after you came out of the bathroom"
    "I didn't burp"
    "I'm telling you, I DID NOT BURP AT ALL!"
    "HOLY COW! That is SOO WEIRD!!"
    A sort of long pause hung in the air as I replayed the sound of this FANTASTIC burp over and over in my head and I said to her "That HAD to be my brother! Because it sounded IDENTICAL to his burp" Which it ABSOLUTELY DID!!! The INSTANT I heard it I KNEW it was Jonny's burp. Like it didn't even take a split second for me to think 'man that sounded like Jon's burp' NO... it WAS Jon's burp. I INSTANTLY KNEW that it was his. And that is what caused me to say something to her. Normally is someone burps you really don't pay attention to it. But when it's a very distinct, guttural, INTENTIONAL PURPOSEFUL show of machismo BLECH AND A HALF, YOU SAY SOMETHING!! LOL - And it was just HIS.
    I don't know how many of you have ever experienced something paranormal for yourself, but there is ALWAYS a BURST on emotion that gets conveyed to you as you are experiencing it. And when i heard this, I experienced that emotion as "this is mine! look at me!" The way you would feel if you were a BMX biker doing a flip off a ramp in front of a crowd... Part of your emotion (or maybe even all of it) is screaming out "LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!!!" Well this is what I felt!
    Now this girl (I don't think I can even call her a woman, she was even grown up enough to understand how that was a special 'event' for me because I had just received a psychic burst of a message from my dead brother and she didn't give a rats ass5 and thought I was making mountains out of ant hills - how childish) just brushed it off like it was nothing, just like she did with most things. Notice I'm not using her name, mainly because I haven't talked to her in years, don't ever plan on talking to her again, and don't even feel like spending the energy trying to remember her name anyway. lol
    If you don't understand that whole burst of psychic emotional energy then you probably never have an up-close encounter with a ghost. Not just seeing one, but essentially coming face to face where you KNOW there is a ghost right in front of you and the ghost KNOWS that you are right in front of them. nd I have tons of opinions and thoughts on all of this because I have had a few of these up-close and personal encounters and they are very emotional.... But that doesn't necessarily mean I think they are all this way, but I have read enough first hand accounts to know that I'm not the only one that experienced this.
    Well, I really want to make one thing clear, as much as I and displeased with that girl, she was the trigger for all of these experiences happening to me. I didn't have things like this happening until I met her, and after we stopped talking they have settled down. It's like she was the key that fit the lock to opening that spiritual doorway. And that is VERY INTERESTING INDEED!!!
    If you read all of this then BRAVO!!! Most people skip over my yapping after the first 17 sentences lol. But I want to say THANK YOU for investing a bit of time to allow me to express something that I don't really talk about, but I would really like to more often. Hopefully one day I'll be able to tell my story of coming face to face with my dead brother in the middle of the night and almost needed a fresh pair of undies... lol :) Thank You

    • @brynns305
      @brynns305 2 года назад +2

      What a marvelous experience. He came with that burp because he knew you would know it was him and maybe a little eh I don’t think much of this girl you’re dating either! lol kill two birds with one burp!! Good for you They’re always around us just we don’t always pay attention to the smaller things that they can do on the daily.

    • @evilspirit1329
      @evilspirit1329 2 года назад +1

      Weird story

    • @AnneEloiseOfCNY
      @AnneEloiseOfCNY 2 года назад

      Such involved stories are often "tall tales" to be told around the fireplace at bedtime. Most are.
      For me, yours has an authentic ring (or burp). You write reenvisioning and rethinking the scenes. How real!
      And you write with joy. I should have felt spooked. Instead I felt your joy of reconnection with your late brother.
      Thanks for sharing!

    • @heinmolenaar6750
      @heinmolenaar6750 2 года назад

      Do you know that you can find the whole documentaire in two parts on you tube. It's about 4 austalian woman who remember a past life..And it's much better than this video

  • @thetimetraveller6550
    @thetimetraveller6550 2 года назад +3

    All three of these were amazing the narration you both do is excellent beyond words brilliantly done I could watch every single video you do over & over I really look forward to these thank you so much..

  • @terdasilva4320
    @terdasilva4320 2 года назад +2

    Thank you, I love this video I think I have passed life when I was about five I remembered I live in a small red brick house, as I get older it fade away, I love living in the country, I love gardening it reminds me of something of the past

  • @Bethsabee_Sheba_Newrose
    @Bethsabee_Sheba_Newrose 2 года назад +16

    Wait, “Part Three?” Argh - I never knew about parts 1 & 2.

    • @newnewsbrooklyn1513
      @newnewsbrooklyn1513 2 года назад

      It was either part 1 or 2 that described cynthia being killed by beheading by an angry mob during the french revolution. It also described her earlier life

    • @erinbernauer2504
      @erinbernauer2504 2 года назад

      @@markcooke5270 Thank You :)

    • @ChristinaB9782
      @ChristinaB9782 2 года назад

      IKR, I hate when that happens!! 😂

  • @latshenry5904
    @latshenry5904 2 года назад +5

    Part 3 and I’ve never seen 1 or 2… Daaam I’m gonna have to go back

  • @amethyst5538
    @amethyst5538 2 года назад +4

    I thought y'all forgot part 3. Not that I am complaining this morning.

  • @shaneclyde8694
    @shaneclyde8694 2 года назад +12

    I love stories about reincarnation

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад +1

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

    • @shaneclyde8694
      @shaneclyde8694 2 года назад

      @@anmol_OO7 yes I do

  • @rach5516
    @rach5516 2 года назад +3

    I find this so fascinating.

  • @Nyctophora
    @Nyctophora 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for another great video!

  • @tinacollins9213
    @tinacollins9213 2 года назад

    Love this channel I watch so many videos

  • @francisfischer7620
    @francisfischer7620 2 года назад

    Wow! How could anyone doubt after listening to these three sections!? Fantastic!!!

  • @persephoneperry776
    @persephoneperry776 2 года назад +3

    Oh wow I just started watching these and the 3rd just came out an hour ago wow

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

  • @renatatarnawski5974
    @renatatarnawski5974 2 года назад +1

    I was dying for Another part (3)

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

  • @cynthiaennis3107
    @cynthiaennis3107 2 года назад +1

    This is from the book, ‘In Search of Lives Past,’ by Peter Ramster, Psychologist & Hypnotherapist.

  • @sweetmissypetuniawilson9206
    @sweetmissypetuniawilson9206 2 года назад +2

    Am I missing the links to part one & two?
    Generally they're in the description or the uploader pins it at the top of the comments.
    Not finding them & don't wanna start with part 3...

  • @jasonladd6400
    @jasonladd6400 2 года назад +1

    I would like to know all my past lives so I can add them to my resume.

  • @jeffreyplummerhtd4life740
    @jeffreyplummerhtd4life740 2 года назад +7

    Another great part to that story. I think I lived a life before this one because I saw myself as an very old man with a long beard holding one of those old olive oil candles I believe they are called. They are made from clay like the Egyptians would use I guess?. I know they where used for along time before they came out with wax type candles and other style lamps. But when I asked myself who his was and I got a response and I heard me. I know it was a dream I’m telling you but that’s when a lot of strange things happen to me. I’ve had a lot of crazy things happen when I’m sleeping and then when I wake up and see things. Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s true or if it’s a dream?. I’ll hear my name loud in my ear. I’ll feel like someone sits down next to me on my bed. I’ve had something grab my foot and wake me up. I mean the list goes on and on. I see orbs or light and dark shadows. I’ve even seen my dead cat a few times. Not when I’m sleeping but wake.

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 2 года назад +4

    HOLLY CRAP!!! U can make a streaming service series with this woman. Lol

  • @kristinadjurfors8280
    @kristinadjurfors8280 2 года назад +3

    Just fascinating 😊

  • @jennydonnelly4436
    @jennydonnelly4436 2 года назад +3

    Love it..she was not ask the husbands name?family menbers?these things are differently facts to confirm without a doubt?? Loving your stories..keep them coming xx

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

  • @jessicacanfield5408
    @jessicacanfield5408 2 года назад +2

    I believed I had a past life maybe 2 but I only remember one thing about one what a little town was like in about the 1800's. The other thing is when my daughter was a baby i would go back in the house when we were leaving the house and frantically look for the other baby. I would look for this baby for 10 minutes some time and we have a small house.

  • @kambo_king1280
    @kambo_king1280 2 года назад +1

    We need more….

  • @Nick-1992-SRB
    @Nick-1992-SRB 2 года назад

    As soon as I saw 👀 on the thumbnail 1980s instant watch and like 👍🏼

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Do you believe in reincarnation?

    • @Nick-1992-SRB
      @Nick-1992-SRB 2 года назад

      @@anmol_OO7 Yes kind of.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      @@Nick-1992-SRB Do you know about the bhagwad Geeta.

  • @MoSteel2
    @MoSteel2 2 года назад +4

    Everyone has reincarnated, our souls are immortal after all.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      If you believe in this . Then you believe in Hinduism Because this is the concept of Hinduism

    • @MoSteel2
      @MoSteel2 2 года назад +1

      @@anmol_OO7 It's not a concept isolated to any one religion. I'm not a religious persons because that isolates me. I take what works for me, from wherever and leave what doesn't. Religion means that this is better then that. That's not the case for me. I hate any and all orginized religion.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      @@MoSteel2 but Hinduism is not organised religion here you debate on anything which is written in religion. and follow the instructions which makes your life's better because the root belives of Hinduism is reincarnation and karma and Don't believe in heaven and hell.

    • @MoSteel2
      @MoSteel2 2 года назад

      @@anmol_OO7 The difference in what you say and I is that I know there is reincarnation. I know there is no heaven and hell because we're supposed to create heaven. We're God's asleep. Religion is what people believe, where as I know. That's the main difference. Karma is real as well. Not a belief but factual.

    • @angr3819
      @angr3819 2 года назад

      @@anmol_OO7 The ancient gnostics knew of it, including 'Jews'. It was early popes who decided it was an heresy. Most faiths knew of reincarnation. The Druz do.

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @leewalker1177
    @leewalker1177 2 года назад +2

    I have no doubt that what this woman has experienced is real events....however, the most likely explanation is that somehow she has inherited memory cells from one of her ancestors...whether that be a bloodline ancestor or a close friend of her ancestor...either way the same information could be relayed down the centuries to present day...much in the same way we inherit our looks.

  • @petermills5052
    @petermills5052 2 года назад +1

    All of this is a retelling of an Australian 1980's documentary called "Reincarnation". It is still on You Tube, check it out, it's WAY better than this!

  • @helencheadle5285
    @helencheadle5285 2 года назад

    Can’t find parts 1&2!,,, 🤔🤔🤔

  • @HuyenbivaSieunhien-85
    @HuyenbivaSieunhien-85 4 месяца назад

    Cảm ơn bạn, tôi thích video này

  • @persephoneperry776
    @persephoneperry776 2 года назад +2

    Does she have any servants or slaves in this life? She was the master then the slave girl then a person who had indentured servants again which is the same thing because the word slave wasn’t born yet

  • @dgsunny23
    @dgsunny23 2 года назад +5

    Does a soul gets to choose the body and where it would take birth or it is a thermodynamic process and gets into a body which is getting formed? Can a soul/person decide its reincarnation?

    • @SPIKE-0000
      @SPIKE-0000 2 года назад +2

      Not only that, but do we get the choice to..."not come back here at all" and instead, choose to just be observers here...and not have to put up with "physical laws"....

    • @brynns305
      @brynns305 2 года назад +4

      I think we make those family choices long before we have a flesh body. My then 3 year old daughter said, do you remember when I was the mom? I’m sure she was my mom once at least she still bosses me around at 23 😜

    • @dgsunny23
      @dgsunny23 2 года назад

      @@brynns305 my Father just before dying said he will come back as my son. He passed away last month and I am in extremely grief. But can I truly hope that he will return? Can this be really possible? Can I and my wife try to have a child now? Someone told me that a soul enters a new body immediately. Hence I am scared that he might have entered another body immediately but I am praying that he didn't and can wait a bit. Sir please advise if this can be true that he waits and returns as my son?

    • @dgsunny23
      @dgsunny23 2 года назад

      @@SPIKE-0000 Sir if the dying wish of my Father was to return as my son, then can that truly happen? He was deeply attached to me and so am I. Is it truly possible that his soul waits and returns as my son?

    • @brynns305
      @brynns305 2 года назад +2

      @@dgsunny23 I think a soul can enter a fetus at anytime. Whether it’s conception, or when they take that first breath of air or anytime in between. I’ve experienced all of them. I guess you don’t have to believe me. I know my nephew was brought into his flesh body when his mom popped him out and he cried and took that breath. I my May don’t I believe entered his body around 6 month of my do I know, I could feel something much different than before . I mean I’d felt him move and stuff but after that I felt this soul connection.. My daughter I believe and know she came into her flesh around 3 weeks before she was born, I could feel the communication was different. I felt like she and I spoke to each other. I don’t believe that if your dad meant to come back to you there would be no mistake. God doesn’t make mistakes!
      Peace and love friend

  • @marshapeterson7423
    @marshapeterson7423 2 года назад +4

    Ecclesiastes 9:5-7
    For the living know that they will die,
 but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward,and even their name is forgotten.
    6 Their love, their hate
 and their jealousy have long since vanished;
never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun.
    7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart,for Yah has already approved what you do.
    Ecclesiastes 12:7
    At death the spirit will return to YAH who gave it-The words of the wise are as goads-The whole duty of man is to fear YAH and keep His commandments. ... 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto YAH who gave it

    • @kellysouter4381
      @kellysouter4381 5 месяцев назад

      I don't think it says whether He will give it again.

  • @desyreemalig9329
    @desyreemalig9329 2 года назад +2

    I definitely believe in reincarnation but asking to describe what's inside a church most people can do 😜

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      Then you believe in Hinduism. Read bhagwad Geeta to know the reincarnation in detail.

  • @joethebrowser2743
    @joethebrowser2743 2 года назад +3


  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 года назад +1

    Purple clothing was only allowed for aristocracy.

  • @ahuddleston6512
    @ahuddleston6512 2 года назад +1

    Can I have a bit of what she's been drinking 😜

  • @jamiecurran3544
    @jamiecurran3544 Год назад

    She probably had the long amnesia🤕because of loosing her head when she was guillotined in the revolution!🙃, I think I could have been a stalk or a similar bird in one of my past life's, as I always have strange dreams where I do a small run n then take off into the air n fly around!🤔✌️

  • @richardreed3016
    @richardreed3016 2 года назад

    1700 ad. Me an alien. Et et .

  • @ciceroferreira6831
    @ciceroferreira6831 2 года назад +2

    We are millenary spirits.
    In new edition.
    Essa não é a primeira vez que estamos aqui.
    Já vivemos muitas vidas com muitas pessoas diferentes da nossa atual família.
    Voltamos em novos corpos carnais para continuar nossa jornada evolutiva na terra.
    O aprendizado nunca termina.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      If you believe in this . Then you believe in Hinduism.

  • @lawrwncemitchell9955
    @lawrwncemitchell9955 2 года назад +4

    This lady is Bat 💩 Crazy ...

    • @MeMyselfandmysavior
      @MeMyselfandmysavior 2 года назад +3

      Why is she crazy because she can describe things she should know nothing about or maybe because her ideas and beliefs don't match yours? so therefore she must be crazy if she believes and thinks anything different from the close minded brainwashed majority in the world today... Crazy I think not open minded and free , yes that's her

    • @lawrwncemitchell9955
      @lawrwncemitchell9955 2 года назад +1

      @@MeMyselfandmysavior There is no reincarnation that is a joke. It's in the Bible even My Lord Jesus thinks she is a Nut case 💯😊

    • @lawrwncemitchell9955
      @lawrwncemitchell9955 2 года назад

      @@MeMyselfandmysavior Maybe she read about those people and events 😳💯

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      @@MeMyselfandmysavior this man hate Hinduism because Hinduism is the only religion . Believe in reincarnation.

    • @anmol_OO7
      @anmol_OO7 2 года назад

      @@lawrwncemitchell9955 this is the prove of Hinduism book bhagwad Geeta.