Fiddlesticks is BAD

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @agturtle6065
    @agturtle6065 7 месяцев назад +22

    Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that felt underwhelmed with the state of fiddlesticks in season 14. I think a combination of the carry/invade champs being strong, there being less ult spots, the magic pen from rocket belt being removed, grubs being so impactful and no best build on him really takes a toll on the strength of fiddlesticks. Those 5 minute grubs will always be a pre 6 fight that fiddle will lose. With the grubs giving so much exp, this will usually result in fiddle already being behind.

  • @SN-xv1tp
    @SN-xv1tp 7 месяцев назад +14

    I think they need to increase his ult range to compensate for the extremely weird angles. Also, they could give him some better AP scaling or maybe something to better sustain himself, because he’s just so squishy into this new one shot meta..

  • @Noxielle
    @Noxielle 7 месяцев назад +13

    I’ve surfed the fiddlemains subreddit, I’m a fiddle otp myself who’s tried EVERYTHING to excel like I did in S13. Been smoking a lot of copium and I’ve got nothing. Fiddle jungle is truly dead til they buff him, he’s not fun to play, and to win you literally have to sell your soul. I’ve seen fiddle support doing well so thats your only real answer.
    Today I played Graves, Blue Kayn and Evelyn jungle and it truly felt like I fucking leveled up. The difference is so gross, hell you can even have a better time picking up kills with Shaco. Other champions just do what he wants to do better, and its really sad for us OTPs.

    • @forzajuve4935
      @forzajuve4935 4 месяца назад +1

      Years ago I used to play a lot of fiddle support. This last week i've gone back to it and won around 70%of my games. I honestly feel like its really strong. He struggles into hard engage supps like leona and naut but you mostly face squishy heal or poke supports right now which fiddle absolutely destroy. I rush shureliya, cdr boots and zhonya most games. I've carried several games actually, his strengths are the same as jng but he isnt focused as much when he's support. And ulting from brush or alcove in lane is just sooo easy. Plus a lvl 6 fiddle standing in a lane brush is probably the best zoning tool in league lol. His e range is massive so poke is top tier, with low mana cost and cd. He has excellent sustain and waveclear and his peel with q is honestly underrated in lane.
      He is so strong around lvl 6 that you easily turn an enemy gank into a double or triple kill, i've actually done that 3 times this week.

  • @f0x106
    @f0x106 7 месяцев назад +6

    i wasnt a great fiddlesticks player but tbh I had so much fun especially when jumping with an ult on top of 3-5 people and melt them it was insanely fun. lately after the item changes like rocketbelt for examples, I can't keep up with people after jumping with my ultimate anymore. so I gotta choose where to ult really carefully and make sure I fear them or else its a wasted ult.
    Hopefully just like the recent patch, they will keep buffing champs or adjusting items based on which champs use it and who is falling behind.

  • @corruptkitten1007
    @corruptkitten1007 7 месяцев назад +4

    As a sylas jungle main I see this as an absolute loss

  • @GabrielSilva-mv4fm
    @GabrielSilva-mv4fm 7 месяцев назад +4

    i'm still one tricking fidd and doing fine, but i feel that the item changes will affect him a lot since he cant keep up with other junglers if he get even weaker
    also i'm low elo so my perspective can be biased

  • @N3207H05
    @N3207H05 7 месяцев назад +4

    the problem is that fiddle cant rly gank lanes with his ult anymore in a lot of positions and i dont rly know how they want to fix that, cause its not about his numbers. mid lane is almost impossible to gank and even countergank most of the time now as fid. the only thing that comes to my mind to fix by just changing his numbers would be his ult range, but that would make him crazy op in other situations and of course after laning phase.

    • @yuricecconi561
      @yuricecconi561 7 месяцев назад

      You can still gank mid with Ult-Flash-W but it doesn't reach the entire lane and it's a 5 min CD. Overall, I think the bush changes have screwed with so many junglers.

    • @N3207H05
      @N3207H05 7 месяцев назад

      @@yuricecconi561 yeah but fiddle harder than others. I rly hope they change his ult in some way, to make up for it.

    • @yuricecconi561
      @yuricecconi561 7 месяцев назад

      @@N3207H05 I think they should increase cast radius while in bushes.

    • @N3207H05
      @N3207H05 7 месяцев назад

      @@yuricecconi561 i like that idea!

  • @dressup154
    @dressup154 7 месяцев назад +5

    I have been playing him almost exclusively support and he actually feels pretty solid there. Something to consider?

  • @Linoo12
    @Linoo12 7 месяцев назад +2

    I've managed to hit about 80 LP @ Masters, playing alongside GMs and Challengers and I must say... None of new items feels OK to rush... If I go Belt i lose SO MUCH damage; if I go Shadowflame I have NOTHING but damage - no health, no CDR, no move speed... Damn, I feel so underpowered...
    Even with 4 items I hardly do 30k+ damage on a 40min game - unless I go full bown Shadowflame + Rab + Pen. That's nuts.
    I somehow managed to get back to my end of the season rank and I'm still climbing, but every game it feels like a coin toss; you either snowball (with your team, not just you) or get completely useless.
    One thing I think it should help is to increase our damage vs Monsters. That way we can get better tempo with clearing and actually try to contest stuff without having to commit full DMG items 100% of the time.

  • @blipojones2114
    @blipojones2114 7 месяцев назад +2

    I had to give up on him...only started OTP in end of s13 but my god the difference was stark.
    Just can't fear anyone with the wide lanes. The cost-risk/reward for gank attempt it just so much higher now.

  • @jonnyb7466
    @jonnyb7466 7 месяцев назад +1

    I've found it really hard to gank with the new map and only found success with lane ganks or tower dives but these are way more situational.

  • @howmany8851
    @howmany8851 7 месяцев назад +4

    i only have fun on this champion tbh, most fun -- i hope they do something for him in the future

  • @tomayto70
    @tomayto70 7 месяцев назад +6

    It really sucks because I was getting so hype, it didn't help that SkillCapped thought he was going to be crazy with Malignance. Seems like he may be a victim of the map changes like Illaoi. I wonder if they would consider giving him an effect like increased MS towards feared enemies.

  • @temlan3042
    @temlan3042 7 месяцев назад +1

    The items just suck for him now, malignance has you wasting gold on a dead stat (mana), and Shadowflame and zhonyas have no ability haste so you cant rush that, and even rocketbelt somehow sucks now. Every item sucks so bad Im even thinking about rushing cosmic drive

  • @htutnaing3641
    @htutnaing3641 7 месяцев назад

    I can get back to my original rank but it feels horrible to play. I'd be having a carry statline while having 8-10k less damage on average. It just plain sucks without a compensation buff.

  • @jamescarr6380
    @jamescarr6380 6 месяцев назад

    What do you think about fiddle in current meta? Brand and lilia nerfed a bit - saw fids winrate is up a nice chunk. Do you think still hugely outclassed?

    • @simoneracioppa5733
      @simoneracioppa5733 5 месяцев назад

      Even Aurelion Sol is nerfed, in this season mages are underpowered. Fiddlesticks was bad in previous season, but in this one is even worse

  • @JasonSlazak
    @JasonSlazak 5 месяцев назад

    his w needs to do more damage if it's only hitting one target/or tether range needs another increase/ or quality of life changes so he can clear camps faster(increased damage to monsters).
    I hate that you are basically required to buy liandrys in order to do damage.
    another option would be to have his w do additional missing health damage over the duration. so u can get at least a little bit more dmg if u cant finish the channel

  • @N3207H05
    @N3207H05 7 месяцев назад

    i just had an idea to fix fid without changing much.
    They could is so fid shots a skill shot when he starts ulting (the 1.5 sec start). this skill shot is only visible for his team. if he hits the enemyhe jumps onto them with his ult(after the initial 1.5 sec). the skill shot does no dmg and the enemy doesnt notice that he got hit. if he doesnt hit, he just ults normaly like we know it in the direction of the skill shot.
    This way fiddle can still use his q passive in combination with his ult, extending the range, but its no to op.
    What do you think? Is there any option to send riot such ideas?

  • @randomas1864
    @randomas1864 7 месяцев назад

    Split 1 and 2 master otp fiddle jungle here. I feel like i'm not gonna be able to hit master this season by playing fiddle. the belt rush doesn't provide pene (used to play no zhonyas fiddle only) to make u oneshot after second item. Midlane is ungankable, botlane which from the topside was such a great way to gank, nobody would vision it, which is not the case anymore. I'm gonna try laning with fiddle for a while to see.

  • @themothpope1720
    @themothpope1720 5 месяцев назад

    i guess i am the odd one in this season bc i honestly just feel like its reversed for me. i despised last season bc i couldn’t seem to make him work, and this season he feels like a jungle monster that takes all the objectives… but idk interesting to hear everyone else is feeling meh about him

  • @luckyy1683
    @luckyy1683 7 месяцев назад +1

    It really sucks that you can't even play fiddle and have fun anymore, i became a fiddledticks main/onetrick because you and your content i'm really sorry to hear, that there is no fun in playing him:(

    • @f0x106
      @f0x106 7 месяцев назад


  • @RocoPwnage
    @RocoPwnage 7 месяцев назад

    Camille and Illaoi are getting buffed to compensate for new map being built like a fucking airplane hangar. Hopefully Fiddle gets some love as well

  • @jadedrain8064
    @jadedrain8064 7 месяцев назад

    I dropped so much, I'm not the best fiddle by any means, but I was keeping at 61% winrate in gold and plat last season and just playing him has felt awful this season and it feels like I can't even climb with him anymore

  • @Kaaaanapka
    @Kaaaanapka 7 месяцев назад

    Good to see i wasn't only one who felt that way it's so hard to play with him right not and last season i was otp him with around 56-58% winrate which is nice now it's arround 49-50% so it's decent i guess but damn he need something to let him shine agian, because of new "OP" mage items (which are not good on everyone and fiddlesticks is good example of it) they won't buff him at all but champs like akali/gragas won't be nerfed, instead they gonna nerfs mage items (like rocketbelt) which makes fiddle in even worse spot

  • @ravenousturtle8498
    @ravenousturtle8498 7 месяцев назад +1

    I dropped from eme 1 to plat 2 as a fiddle onetrick.

  • @Leon94349
    @Leon94349 7 месяцев назад

    Also, want to say one thing! Map change make him even worse! Now you need to control new objectives, when could gank other lane. And bushes on the mid lane now longer, so you need to spend 2 scarecrow for cheking wards.

  • @siralexandertggaming
    @siralexandertggaming 7 месяцев назад

    I usually would play fiddle or Karthus when my team needed magic dmg. It's so crazy neither of them are viable right now. I've been having to play Lilia or Diana instead which just isn't as fun for me.

  • @frustratedsquirrel
    @frustratedsquirrel 7 месяцев назад

    they even nerfed my support fiddle by taking away Everfrost.

  • @argotheanimator
    @argotheanimator 5 месяцев назад

    Bro just started maining him 😫😫😫

  • @kennyt4685
    @kennyt4685 7 месяцев назад +2

    Idc imma still play him

    • @kingfidd
      @kingfidd  7 месяцев назад +2

      I will too, will just not be doing a lot of winning though

  • @Gho73t
    @Gho73t 7 месяцев назад

    I mean i might be wrong with that since im not that good of a player (never really had the time to break out of the d4 dumpsterbucket) but i feel like the fact that fiddle sucks right now isn't really his fault. Its more at least from what i have experienced, that the games are so quick now and especially in solo que i feel like everyone is just doing stuff all the time, which means that even though fiddle is strong i a fight on his terms, players aren't gonna have the patients to wait till you are setup.

    • @kingfidd
      @kingfidd  7 месяцев назад

      If Fidd is unplayable because no one plays around him or if he is unplayable because he is weak, there is no difference in outcome, you still lose. Fidd needs buffs or changes or something and does not feel great right now. Also games are statistically lasting longer this season than before so its not that games are shorter.

    • @Gho73t
      @Gho73t 7 месяцев назад

      @kingfidd I meant the games feel more fast paste, not that they are shorter. And i think it makes a difference because if fiddle is weak, then they can buff him, but if he doesn't fit the metas playstyle, then he's kinda unfixable (unless they give him tons of stats).

    • @kingfidd
      @kingfidd  7 месяцев назад +1

      there is literally no difference, he is shit to play right now and needs buffs, there is no maybe or meta whatever the fuck he is shit@@Gho73t

  • @oldfaq93
    @oldfaq93 7 месяцев назад

    I switched to Evelynn. I don't know if Riot will fix the fiddlesticks, because it doesn't just need a flat dmg buff. His teleport ult radius to the lanes should be 30-40 percent larger, but it should be the normal in the jungle area. Will Riot do it? Never.
    A friend of mine, OTP Eve, climbed no higher than E2 in season 13. Now he is d3 top 1 RU Evelynn with 70-80 games. I was d2 top 10 RU Fiddlesticks in s13 (I climbed into d2 in the last 3 hours of the season, through the few days maybe I would've been top 3-5 because leagueofgraphs refines the stats to 100% accuracy within 3-5 days), 58% wr Fiddle. Now i'm E3 with 20% wr for ~40 games. First game as Eve in Ranked I pop off with 6/5/13 with ease. As fiddle I would have lost this game.

  • @THFFChannel
    @THFFChannel 7 месяцев назад

    Tank fiddle is still good. Try that guys. I am loving it. 😊

  • @rrberlin2047
    @rrberlin2047 7 месяцев назад

    I am so SAD, Fiddle dont feel good anymore :(

  • @mono4205
    @mono4205 7 месяцев назад

    the king have spoken

    @VALKIRADD 7 месяцев назад

    Dont like to see my main i weak even like last time i played with my friend flex q and we played on iron/bronze ranks, i didnt feel to good bc it was something wrong with my dmg. but hey, Good for me that i decided to take a brake in the new seson soo at least i can socus on more inportant thinks.

  • @bernkbestgirl
    @bernkbestgirl 3 месяца назад

    Is this still true now?

  • @user-so5df4bn2k
    @user-so5df4bn2k 7 месяцев назад

    yep i stopped playing fiddlesticks

  • @bliighted1822
    @bliighted1822 7 месяцев назад

    Make us be able to walk in W tbh, would fix alot

  • @79pure
    @79pure 7 месяцев назад


  • @faith_9670
    @faith_9670 7 месяцев назад


  • @remus6846
    @remus6846 7 месяцев назад

    or maybe we are just used to uber op fidd so we cant play him now

    • @kingfidd
      @kingfidd  7 месяцев назад +2

      I'm one of the best fidd players in the world and it's harder to win on him than me first timing a champ