31. Duriel wasnt supose to be a lesser evil. No npc ever mentioned him, not even after you killed him and talked to them like they do to Andariel and the gossips. Blizzard add the giant skug background on arreat sumit .com some time later...
It is literally one of the greatest games ever made. This week my brother and I decided to give median XL another play through. it's really sad that blizzard of today will probably never recreate the magic that the blizzard we knew in the 90s created with every game franchise they had back then
Man, I love this game and its expansion pack. Just the Music and atmosphere, alone, still is fantastic. This goes to show that no matter how amazing graphics has gotten nowadays, it's the actual amtosphere and other elements that weighs more in the long run. This game is a Classic for a reason.
pronouncing names wrong was a bit strange, but then saying the cow level wasn't used for massive experience gain was wrong information. I still enjoyed this video though
@@oldleaf3755 he didn't say it wasnt. He said it was in the early 2000s then they nerf'd the exp. During LoD the cow exp was pretty trash compared to bail runs, they indeed did nerf it. It used to be really good exp to grind into the high 90s
I started playing diablo at 12, stopped at 21, now i'm 29 and came back to battlenet, just cant get enought. Legendary games like whisky, get better with every passing year
A friends character ,level 88 , died on HC a day ago. Cries about it on Discord that it´s enough, he´ll quit the game for good this time. A day later, he is on it again from the begining. Something about this game affects you and is addictive. Thank you for the video and thank BN for a great game.
Hey X Good vid with many interesting information. But in addition to 10. Call to Arms: this oskill cap also works for other classes on different items, for example... Frostwind - Unique Cryptic Sword - +7-14 to Arctic Blast (Druids are capped at +3) Flamebellow - Unique Balrog Blade - +12-18 to Inferno (Sorceress is capped at +3) Trang-Oul's Avatar (4 items) - +18 Fire Ball - +13 Fire Wall - +10 Meteor (Sorceress is capped at +3 each time)
By the way... a few seconds ago I read about the "Dragonscale" Zakarum Shield - +10 to Hydra. Sorceress will be capped at + 3. So maybe while programming the Addon the Paladin Shields (and the other class specific items) were usable for all classes?!
this was awesome! thanks for putting this video together. i would challenge 21. Stone of Jordan Cube Recipes. 7:12 I don't recall magic or rare items having ability to add sockets pre Xpansion. also, gambling unique items were quite common. also, version 1.08 had a bunch of items with crazy stats that were nerf'd by 1.09. I have an old book bought before Xpansion came out. D2 before D2x was quite a different world :)
Good video! I played about a million hours of this in high school and I didn't know most of these. Man, if the game industry quit focusing on graphics and just got back to basics i'd probably still play games. The key thing with this game was the items. Random drops of items that have ranges of stats and can be enhanced with gems and runes and stuff. Somehow the items held a real value and people wanted to collect them to build up the best pvp chars.
Hi Xtimus, Im pretty sure the Cammel (Fact 8) was used in version 1.6. It was in the one of the areas in Act II and had a very high drop rate of gems. It was basically like a monster that would never fight back.
Judging by how the dev's talk about it those development tools are long gone so that's basically impossible without building the engine again.....or not I'm not a programmer 🤷♂️
Really cool collection. I thought it's the usual but I didn't know about at least half of it. It still turned out a pretty good game, huh, after 5 years break I am playing again this ladder. I got bored of d3 in 1 week, now 1+ month still going with d2... I wish we would get a d4 that is somehow similar game experience with d2, depth, with quite a few OP builds, people being motivated to work together like it happens on bnet for rushes, baal runs, etc... so many things are done right in d2, we still love it despite its flaws and age.
@@vicusdanielson no take me back to when he stole equipped items instead of pots, that was most brutal. Back when your skels as necro lacked noclipping
Yea, and this is flat one, meaning it will grant you 75 HP if hit by magic. But if the damage is greater than 150 you'd still loose life. And outsider Magic Damage Reduced, there is no way in Diablo 2 to reduce damage from magic. But with the resistance and % absorb it can be really serious. Look at Dwarf Star if you want an example
4:15 it's 75 flat magic absorb, not 75 % 75 absorb is not game breaking or anything, see rising sun amulet and since absorb % is capped at 40%, 75% absorb isn't game breaking either magic absorb, flat or %, is actually pretty much useless in pvm since there is like no magic dmg there
act 5 harpies act 4 knights there is at least 1-2 types of common mob in each act that has magic damage i believe the undead resing guys in a2 also do magic damage its been a few years so cant remember everything i used to know
the red balls of harpies are physical (that's why they hurt when you're amp'd) the bone spirits of a4 are magical, but their white projectiles are physical the dark projectiles or a2 are magical the bonespears of lategame vipers are magical the manaburn of baal is magical, but the knockback wave is physical
1) "magic" in "magic damage reduced" does include fire/cold/light, but "magic" in "magic absorb" doesn't 2) magic dmg in pvm is very rare and never actually threatening. Being immune to magic dmg in d2 pvm is nowhere near OP. Just look at the rising sun amu, it gives ~70 fire absorb, fire is like 20 times more common and dangerous than magic dmg, and rising sun isn't op at all. 3) there is no synergy between Energy Shield and Magic Absorb here. If you have 75 magic absorb and you get hit by a magic spell in hell p8, the spell does about 80dmg, which results in you healing for 70. If you add ES to the equation, well instead of healing for 70, you heal for 5, and you lose between 56 and 150mana depending on how many points you spent in telekinesis 4) es in pvm is a bad idea because melee manaburn is bugged and burns 256times more mana than it should, which is, all your mana in 1hit. 5) the idea that you mentioned (using ES together with stacked dr/mdr), often called "100%es", is a pvp thing. It's good in long fights where you make use of your mana regeneration, but your health doesn't regenerate so you want to protect it from slowing being chipped away. But in pvm there are health potions, so this is irrelevant. Being able to afk in the middle of pack of monsters and not ever die is fun, sure, but it's not actually useful. It's overkill and greatly costs you in term of dmg and mobility, def not op.
It is op AF. Had you put it on energy shield sorc you would be basically immune to hammer/bonemancer while pvping them. In pvp you have 83% damage penalty, meaning that hammerdin with 14000 magic dmg would have dealt 3780 dmg per hit. ES sorces have 95% damage to mana convertion, meaning that if such hammerdin hit her, her hp would be lowered by 189. If she had 75, he would deal her 114 dmg to hp. With some hp replenish and mana regen she would be unkillable. Now do your maths with bonemancer, who deals about 6 k dmg.
There is a mercenary and act 5 named Wulfgar. I was wondering if that wasn't a reference to RA. Salvatores Barbarian in the Forgotten Realms Drizzts books???
Resu was taken out because of the one lifer mode, but wtf, why not just simply programm the game to not have that spell in that mode, just into the original mode? This really shows that even paid devs are lazy asses sometimes.
Larzuk's Champion was supposed to be a unique Collossus Sword if I'm not mistaken. Also, Larzuk's poses are that of the former Mister Olympia, i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger ;)
3:08 here overlooks that Theif actually dropped equipped items (weapons. armor, shield, etc) first, the 'Potion Thief' was a nerf prior to total remove
3:35 this behavior applies to any item that has plus to skills, if you play as the class to which that skill belongs. e.g. Flamebellow (+12-18 to Inferno) will show only +3 to Inferno if you are a Sorc. Fun fact: if you see a Barb selling Call to Arms, ALWAYS jump in the game. I got a couple of +4-5 BO CtA to the price of +3 ones back in the days, exactly because he couldn't see the correct bonus. :D
Amazing! An "x things you didn't know" video that actually contains mostly things i didn't know. And i have thousands of hours in this game. Well done!
The Corpse Spitters are from act 4, not 5. Also, kind of incorrect to say features are "removed" rather than "unimplemented." Saying they were removed implies they were actually finished mechanics, which they weren't. That being said; I did learn about a few new trivia bits from this. One I would have added that I never see discussed was how the Necromancer's Bone Wall used to very briefly drop loot. You had to return to town to make it happen, so it definitely wasn't intended, but it was a method of farming for a time.
Those boots are not 75 percent magic absorb, they are just 75 magic absorb. FAR less op than you thought. Seems blizzard could easily release an update and put in all the things that were left out originally. All of it seems like good content.
Thanks for this. I'm a D2 veteran and just got back into the game with none of my original gear unfortunately. Starting over on bnet is a challenge but I'm really enjoying it. I never even knew any of this stuff or thought about what could be left in the game files.
Just two notes, it isn't possible to receive more than +3 to any of any class own skills, not just Barbarian. Also the 75 magic absorb is pure magic damage, not percent.
Number 10 is a bit wrong. CtA has those skills as "oskills", which are cross-class usable, however all "oskills" are nerfed for the class that has that skill. There are several items with those "oskills", and if you class has this skill, it will be capped to +3.
My dying wish is that they go back and put those elements into the game. Tweak it, balance it. But make it happen. and update the graphics a little too. I swear. It would be so good if they did that.
In LoD 1.07 (release version) as the Druid you USED to be able to conjure a bear AND a few wolves. In 1.08 you could only have one or the other. Not a bug but it was cool.
Fun fact: The revive necromancer spell could be cast from an item runeword - but if you cast revive as a paladin, you lose 50% of your health instantly. Try it.
Here is one for you: There was once a Bug that when you took out gems from your socketed items.. if It had a zod in it, the industructable would still remain. My best friend cough wind of this in the early parts of .09? and had one of the rarest items in the game.. A bugged Zodded (Industructable) Ethereal Messerschmidt's Reaver. My Close friend used this on his druid until it eventually went to the way of character decay and gone forever. I think this bug was also associated with ITH items, But I am not sure.
BO/barb thing is pretty well known - all skill bonuses are capped to 3 when used by the appropriate class. Same can be seen on the inferno sword. This is also the reason why you shouldn't make barb mules.
There was a point playing the Druid at almost invulnerability, that the little white pygmy guys somewhere in the ice caves to Act 5, I think, could kill me with 1 or 2 shots and I never knew how, I assumed it was a bug. It was always a rush to open the seal in the far right corner dead end in the Sanctuary and all the super fast Demon Lords descended upon you.. Getting past Duriel for the first time way back when.The Memories. Once you have the editor though you can do 'science' experiments, cannot be frozen was great.
The camel is REAL. I was told back in the day that there was an NPC in D2 in act 2 by the name "camel man" and he'd sell camels to PCs who'd ride these. I never found any references to camel man anymore, but shit, the fact that camels do exist as a Sprite has given me hope.
the last quest makes a lot of sense it would explain the cinematic where they say the champion destroyed both soulstones, but we as players only destroy mephisto's
Here's one you missed: In early versions of the game, there were 2 other barbarians next to the barb cooking a rabbit in harrogath, and they would sort of agro on you if you came too close.
Did you know that you can trap Diablo on the right side of his lair where there's a small opening in which his red lightning or fire attacks cannot penetrate but your skills will. Like Bone Spear, Lighting, Whirlwind, etc...
Number 10 is wrong. The "o-skill" affix (off-class skill) is limited to +3 by default for all native classes, as the affix isn't meant to boost a class' own skill, but make it usable to other classes
I'm still playing this game after all this time (nearing forty >old man alert< this summer).. Note that i'm not a pro or anything but if i personally would like seeing any old school rpg game being remade, it would definitely include Diablo 2 which would be placed firmly into my personal top 5 games of all time.
Fact: nowadays games are all about graphics but back then games were made with a ton of complexity in the story spells skills items something today’s games need desperately
awesome video. only knew a handful of these. makes me wanna go play now. any chance you've already done or could do a video on the top X altered versions of Diablo. such as Plugy, Median, Path of Diablo etc? not like a ranking since that's just people's preference but the most popular ones
Its such a shame D3 was a generic rpg, without real skill trees like in D2. they have nerfed every great idea and made a kid friendly game for brain damaged ppl. id rather play with myself than D3
Except Diablo 2 didnt had a real skill tree, and if you made a mistake, you character was completely useless until they released the skill reset thing.
No real skill tree? which world are u live in??? it was a rly nice skill tree with lots of choices to have fun with, especially when lod came in and they made skill synergies happen. Man those were the days!
It wasnt a skill tree at all, it was mostly an "Passives Tree" where most of the skills where useless and/or only served to provide a bonus to your main skill/attack in LoD, especially playing as Necro, your summons where basically Passives, you just used a single skill from the Magic & Bone tab(Bone Spear), and a curses where mostly usesless, with Amp Dmg, Life Tap or Decrepify being the only useable curses.
AAH I see, so u were one of those guys who searched the most dmging skills and go for the most obvious builds. well if you look at it this way D3 or even poe is boring one class build game. where one build per class rules the dmg chart. But tell me honestly when you made your first necro, u didn't have fun with even only the simple skeletons, just making an army of them and watch them as they butchered every fallen in their way! and the pvp, maan the pvp was rly engaging as well!
Actually, Diablo 3 is no longer a "One Build per Class" game, every class has 3-4 viable builds now with a huge room for customization (Dont like X skill? Well, swap it out for something you feel more comfortable with!), unlike PoE that has 1, maybe 2 builds per spec and they are extremely rigid, you have to use this very specific path, or your build is now fucked up and wont be able to progress further into the game, and yes, I had fun in Diablo 2 with an army of useless skeletons that got me stuck in Act 2 because they sucked (and insta-died on Duriel) until I had to re-do another Necro with correct stats and optimal skill point spendings.
I miss the old days of 1.08-1.09. Dueling elites, 2bills, and 99's on Nightshivers. Then I went on closed because most my friends played it and kept bugging me to convert. Since I was so well know on USeast and much feared on west, I decided it was time to go legit and play closed. Got hooked on HCL and never looked back. Props to my old friends, Smoke RFC, Taran, Choco Taco, all the AG crew and of course Ds. ~Jaws~
About the Ragnar Lothbrok thing, it's not really true. Ragnar has been a fairly common given name in Scandinavia for a very long time, so chances are they just picked it because it fits the Barbarian's viking schtick. You can find plenty of Ragnars in any games with viking-ish dudes in them.
Just a quick note. 1.09 or 1.08 stone of jordans were not that uncommon because of duping. The main reason was the way they dropped. Every 3rd unique ring would guaranteed turn into a stone of jorden :)
Video also got recommended to you out of nowhere for no reason? :) As an answer about he easy SoJ trick, that was before the expansion, which was 1.08 minimum. Not sure if it was allready fixed in 1.07, but from memory i believe that was the last patch you could get easy SoJ´s. 1.08 did have something else going for it, certain expansion items were overpowered as shit, they were nerfed in 1.09. However if you allready had one, that was a nice find, you could simply install an older patch though :)
İts not a unused camel design by the way , it has used at cinematics between first and second act when decard cain moves to desert , it collapses in the way.
I like #3 plague runeword. #6 (the guildhouse) also looked interesting. Thanks for sharing the info that stones of jordan could be duped. Can I use the pattern runeword in single player.
The first Diablo ended as the player, losing to an addiction as he becomes Diablo himself after defeating Diablo. It's very poetic showing that the demons are all in our heads, once we kill the demons, we see that they were also humans, just gone the wrong way. Some people unable to forgive themselves, become demons as well. The warrior going mad is a letter to all future soldiers. Diablo 2 was supposed to be players, learning from past mistakes, deciding to destroy the soulstones of the demons. One for the Rogue, Andariel. Two for the Sorceror, the Summoner. Three for the Warrior, Diablo. 6 quests in 3 acts for each demon, 666. But they decided to make it a grinding fest. Mephisto and Tal-Rasha feel like too much was added. Maybe they should have been like the 3 quest semi boss of the 3 Acts. Baal with vikings? What were they doing? So now, almost no one cares about Diablo 4 anymore.
Strange how Diablo's Soulstone didn't make it to the expansion either. I thought that was a cliffhanger till D3 came out. Still, because of the cinematics of the expansion, you end up assuming DS was also destroyed as well...
I was pretty salty at D3 gaming style. But after sometime I give it a thought. Blizzard simply decided to convert D3 in a "hacknSlash/Beatemup" and we lost our dear old game and expectations. On the other hand, they did a good job, the story is epic, the effects amazing, even the scenery is breathtaking. If they only leveled correctly the difficulty across the game and items... AND NOT OBLIGATE PLAYING ONLINE!!!!
The Act 1 quest 3's boss "The countess" is based on a real-life Hungarian countess; Elizabeth Bathory, a woman who had tortured an estimated 600 women and literally bathed in their blood. She believed the rejuvenating blood of the youth would keep her looking young an beautiful forever. Its an interesting story if anyone wants to look her up. The similarities between her and Diablo 2's "The countess" are undeniable.
I remember not being able to buy mana, and Telekinesis being able to pick up all sorts of items. I wonder how different an experience D2 would have been had it had all those cut items. I wonder what the obelisks were meant to do...
Great video man, I wasn't expecting to learn so many things about this game. :-P Also corpse spitters are found in the city of the damned in act 4, not exclusive to act 5. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to add an annotation correcting that.
Hey, really nice channel! Takes me back to the good old times of when I was playing Diablo 2 as a young chap. Is D2 still a thing on battle.net? I remember the crazy years of 1.09 and the craziness going on the battle.net chats and plenty of games. Magic times!
I love you guys!!!!!! Here's quick links to skip to what part of the video you want to see.
1. Obelisks 0:31
2. Druid Eagle Shapeshift. 0:45
3. Plague Runeword (Cham Um Fal) 0:57
4. Poison Shrine (Hidden Bonus) 1:24
5. Resurrection Skill 1:38
6. Guild House Maps 2:24
7. Heaven Portal. 2:40
8. The Lost Camels. 3:01
9. Lord de Seis' Thief Ability. 3:08
10. Call to Arms on a Barbarian. 3:20
11. Herbs 3:42
12. Merman's Sprocket Boots 4:01
13. Sander's Folly - McAuley's Folly 4:21
14. Purchasing Mana Potions. 4:40
15. 64 Player Game Difficulty setting 5:03
16. Thresh Socket Triple Drop Bonus. 5:33
17. Wonder Runeword 6:07
18. Cow level Experience 6:24
19. Telekinesis 6:44
20. Shenk the Overseer Easter Egg 7:01
21. Stone of Jordan Cube Recipes. 7:12
22. Varaya and Khan. 7:57
23. Pattern Runeword. 8:09
24. The Diggler Easter Egg 8:27
25. Ginther's Rift. 8:37
26. Ragnar Lothbrok Easter Egg. 8:45
27. Larzuk's Champion. 8:57
28. Corpse Spitter Mercenary 9:16
29. Dueling Arena Maps. 9:48
30. Lost Diablo Quest. 10:04
Outro: 10:44
Those boots at 4:08 So much awesome wished it existed
i can't connect to dim.qcgames.org it says bad character version, why's that?
31. Duriel wasnt supose to be a lesser evil. No npc ever mentioned him, not even after you killed him and talked to them like they do to Andariel and the gossips. Blizzard add the giant skug background on arreat sumit .com some time later...
This is so scientific. diablowiki Anyone know a good forum about d2?
Its durr-ation not durry-ation.
It is literally one of the greatest games ever made. This week my brother and I decided to give median XL another play through. it's really sad that blizzard of today will probably never recreate the magic that the blizzard we knew in the 90s created with every game franchise they had back then
Still playing today and just introduced it to my son since he’s old enough now. If he quotes Cain at least once in my lifetime, I’ll die happy..
Stay a while and listen
Do you play Diablo 3??
Джинзó Аркайдия I have. It’s fun, but almost too easy. D2 is merciless at times. Lol
What if he ends up being the type that quotes Nihlathak?
Daniel W. R. Hart then I have failed as a mother because that means he’s strayed too far from the path...
#31: Diablo 2 was the greatest game of all time. Hands down.
true ..playin it still today ..since 2001
Then you get move onto Diablo 3 and it's all downhill from there.
I still play it today. My favorite RPG game. 😇
For me as well.. still playing it haha
The name of the vid is things you didn't know
Man, I love this game and its expansion pack. Just the Music and atmosphere, alone, still is fantastic. This goes to show that no matter how amazing graphics has gotten nowadays, it's the actual amtosphere and other elements that weighs more in the long run. This game is a Classic for a reason.
"30 facts that are not a part of diablo 2 which you've no clue about due to them not being in the game you just played"
haha, so true. still funny developpements facts.
pronouncing names wrong was a bit strange, but then saying the cow level wasn't used for massive experience gain was wrong information. I still enjoyed this video though
@@oldleaf3755 he didn't say it wasnt. He said it was in the early 2000s then they nerf'd the exp. During LoD the cow exp was pretty trash compared to bail runs, they indeed did nerf it. It used to be really good exp to grind into the high 90s
@@Jesse-cw5pv That is right, I remember rethinking what I said shortly after I posted that comment that is along with what you said
@@Jesse-cw5pv And then mephisto runs for MF
The music in the series is so unique and iconic
like any goth-like instrumental music
I used to play d3 while listening to d2 ost
D1 ost is kinda metal
The Cinematics and music OST still give me chills....yet comforting.
My dad sat me down to play this when I was growing up and it’s great knowing the game holds up 20 years later so I can do it to my son
I started playing diablo at 12, stopped at 21, now i'm 29 and came back to battlenet, just cant get enought. Legendary games like whisky, get better with every passing year
This is more like 30 things that didnt get added to the game...
A friends character ,level 88 , died on HC a day ago. Cries about it on Discord that it´s enough, he´ll quit the game for good this time. A day later, he is on it again from the begining. Something about this game affects you and is addictive. Thank you for the video and thank BN for a great game.
I miss the days playing D2 on a rainy week, transfering save files via diskette and collecting ears. gotta love 'em ears.
Hey X
Good vid with many interesting information.
But in addition to 10. Call to Arms: this oskill cap also works for other classes on different items, for example...
Frostwind - Unique Cryptic Sword - +7-14 to Arctic Blast (Druids are capped at +3)
Flamebellow - Unique Balrog Blade - +12-18 to Inferno (Sorceress is capped at +3)
Trang-Oul's Avatar (4 items) - +18 Fire Ball - +13 Fire Wall - +10 Meteor (Sorceress is capped at +3 each time)
By the way... a few seconds ago I read about the "Dragonscale" Zakarum Shield - +10 to Hydra. Sorceress will be capped at + 3. So maybe while programming the Addon the Paladin Shields (and the other class specific items) were usable for all classes?!
this was awesome! thanks for putting this video together.
i would challenge 21. Stone of Jordan Cube Recipes. 7:12
I don't recall magic or rare items having ability to add sockets pre Xpansion.
also, gambling unique items were quite common.
also, version 1.08 had a bunch of items with crazy stats that were nerf'd by 1.09. I have an old book bought before Xpansion came out. D2 before D2x was quite a different world :)
Good video! I played about a million hours of this in high school and I didn't know most of these. Man, if the game industry quit focusing on graphics and just got back to basics i'd probably still play games. The key thing with this game was the items. Random drops of items that have ranges of stats and can be enhanced with gems and runes and stuff. Somehow the items held a real value and people wanted to collect them to build up the best pvp chars.
Hi Xtimus,
Im pretty sure the Cammel (Fact 8) was used in version 1.6. It was in the one of the areas in Act II and had a very high drop rate of gems. It was basically like a monster that would never fight back.
"rest assured we are exploring ways of adding guilds after diablo 2 ships" 20 years later
Imagine if they release a new D2 expansion with a new act and 2 new characters
Judging by how the dev's talk about it those development tools are long gone so that's basically impossible without building the engine again.....or not I'm not a programmer 🤷♂️
@@jooka2010 Yes. They lost hella assets.
Remaster is upon us.
@@avatar1867 👀👀👀👀
@@diabl2master you called it 3 years ago wow
Really cool collection. I thought it's the usual but I didn't know about at least half of it.
It still turned out a pretty good game, huh, after 5 years break I am playing again this ladder. I got bored of d3 in 1 week, now 1+ month still going with d2... I wish we would get a d4 that is somehow similar game experience with d2, depth, with quite a few OP builds, people being motivated to work together like it happens on bnet for rushes, baal runs, etc... so many things are done right in d2, we still love it despite its flaws and age.
that portal looks like the one diablo came out of in the movie clip from act 2 !! 2:41
absolutely correct.
I didn't understand your sentence, tbh.
On of your best videos to date. Thank you for your efforts X
Diablo 2 remastered... where are you?
I'd give anything for that.
dead with blizzard north.
Never will happen
why remaster this legendary game? Its perfect !!!
no need for remaster ...play it or leave it
if they remaster d2, it would be great to see mods add things like the pvp areas and guilds!
De Seis doesn't steal potions anymore?? WHAT! I've been avoiding him because I thought he still did that!
You! Take me back to that time!
@@vicusdanielson no take me back to when he stole equipped items instead of pots, that was most brutal. Back when your skels as necro lacked noclipping
Bahahhaaa you’re a gem
•75 magic absorb != 75% magic absorb
I think it's 75, not 75%, there is a percentage type of absorb, and an integer type.
Yea, and this is flat one, meaning it will grant you 75 HP if hit by magic. But if the damage is greater than 150 you'd still loose life. And outsider Magic Damage Reduced, there is no way in Diablo 2 to reduce damage from magic.
But with the resistance and % absorb it can be really serious. Look at Dwarf Star if you want an example
Kim F. Wendel oath rw has +absorb magic
waynezor yea, couldn't remember any that had it, mostly because it isn't that useful an affix anyway
It's pretty nice on Spirit... whether leveling or for LLD...
4:15 it's 75 flat magic absorb, not 75 %
75 absorb is not game breaking or anything, see rising sun amulet
and since absorb % is capped at 40%, 75% absorb isn't game breaking either
magic absorb, flat or %, is actually pretty much useless in pvm since there is like no magic dmg there
act 5 harpies
act 4 knights
there is at least 1-2 types of common mob in each act that has magic damage
i believe the undead resing guys in a2 also do magic damage
its been a few years so cant remember everything i used to know
the red balls of harpies are physical (that's why they hurt when you're amp'd)
the bone spirits of a4 are magical, but their white projectiles are physical
the dark projectiles or a2 are magical
the bonespears of lategame vipers are magical
the manaburn of baal is magical, but the knockback wave is physical
I guess you don't know what bickering means
1) "magic" in "magic damage reduced" does include fire/cold/light, but "magic" in "magic absorb" doesn't
2) magic dmg in pvm is very rare and never actually threatening. Being immune to magic dmg in d2 pvm is nowhere near OP. Just look at the rising sun amu, it gives ~70 fire absorb, fire is like 20 times more common and dangerous than magic dmg, and rising sun isn't op at all.
3) there is no synergy between Energy Shield and Magic Absorb here. If you have 75 magic absorb and you get hit by a magic spell in hell p8, the spell does about 80dmg, which results in you healing for 70. If you add ES to the equation, well instead of healing for 70, you heal for 5, and you lose between 56 and 150mana depending on how many points you spent in telekinesis
4) es in pvm is a bad idea because melee manaburn is bugged and burns 256times more mana than it should, which is, all your mana in 1hit.
5) the idea that you mentioned (using ES together with stacked dr/mdr), often called "100%es", is a pvp thing. It's good in long fights where you make use of your mana regeneration, but your health doesn't regenerate so you want to protect it from slowing being chipped away. But in pvm there are health potions, so this is irrelevant. Being able to afk in the middle of pack of monsters and not ever die is fun, sure, but it's not actually useful. It's overkill and greatly costs you in term of dmg and mobility, def not op.
It is op AF. Had you put it on energy shield sorc you would be basically immune to hammer/bonemancer while pvping them. In pvp you have 83% damage penalty, meaning that hammerdin with 14000 magic dmg would have dealt 3780 dmg per hit. ES sorces have 95% damage to mana convertion, meaning that if such hammerdin hit her, her hp would be lowered by 189. If she had 75, he would deal her 114 dmg to hp. With some hp replenish and mana regen she would be unkillable. Now do your maths with bonemancer, who deals about 6 k dmg.
There is a mercenary and act 5 named Wulfgar. I was wondering if that wasn't a reference to RA. Salvatores Barbarian in the Forgotten Realms Drizzts books???
Posted 3 days ago about this age old game and still so many viewers and comments you're doing a wonder Xtimus thank you and keep it up!!
Corpse Spitters and Maw Fiends are primarily Act 4, not 5. The latter only appears briefly in a mini-level in Act 5.
that dueling arena and resurrect would have been very kool...those boots were so godly wow man, thanks for showin what you found out..
Resu was taken out because of the one lifer mode, but wtf, why not just simply programm the game to not have that spell in that mode, just into the original mode? This really shows that even paid devs are lazy asses sometimes.
9:16 You mean exclusively in A4?
Business Cat yes
Larzuk's Champion was supposed to be a unique Collossus Sword if I'm not mistaken. Also, Larzuk's poses are that of the former Mister Olympia, i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger ;)
This is prolly the first "x things you didn't know about y" where I actually didn't know stuff. I'll sub for that alone
Good stuff, guy. Big Diablo fan here and you still surprised me!
3:08 here overlooks that Theif actually dropped equipped items (weapons. armor, shield, etc) first, the 'Potion Thief' was a nerf prior to total remove
3:35 this behavior applies to any item that has plus to skills, if you play as the class to which that skill belongs.
e.g. Flamebellow (+12-18 to Inferno) will show only +3 to Inferno if you are a Sorc.
Fun fact: if you see a Barb selling Call to Arms, ALWAYS jump in the game. I got a couple of +4-5 BO CtA to the price of +3 ones back in the days, exactly because he couldn't see the correct bonus. :D
Amazing! An "x things you didn't know" video that actually contains mostly things i didn't know. And i have thousands of hours in this game. Well done!
The Corpse Spitters are from act 4, not 5. Also, kind of incorrect to say features are "removed" rather than "unimplemented." Saying they were removed implies they were actually finished mechanics, which they weren't.
That being said; I did learn about a few new trivia bits from this. One I would have added that I never see discussed was how the Necromancer's Bone Wall used to very briefly drop loot. You had to return to town to make it happen, so it definitely wasn't intended, but it was a method of farming for a time.
Those boots are not 75 percent magic absorb, they are just 75 magic absorb. FAR less op than you thought.
Seems blizzard could easily release an update and put in all the things that were left out originally. All of it seems like good content.
I still get the feeling of dread whenever see or hear Diablo 2 graphics and ost. It's chilling and that's exactly why I liked the game.
I've been playing Diablo II since it's day 1 launch. Surprising how many of these I remembered from back in the day.
The sounds.. the nostalgia.. 😍
Thanks for this. I'm a D2 veteran and just got back into the game with none of my original gear unfortunately. Starting over on bnet is a challenge but I'm really enjoying it. I never even knew any of this stuff or thought about what could be left in the game files.
Just two notes, it isn't possible to receive more than +3 to any of any class own skills, not just Barbarian. Also the 75 magic absorb is pure magic damage, not percent.
I was so deep into D2 stuff but i didint know a lot of these things, gj mate
Number 10 is a bit wrong. CtA has those skills as "oskills", which are cross-class usable, however all "oskills" are nerfed for the class that has that skill. There are several items with those "oskills", and if you class has this skill, it will be capped to +3.
I'm blown away that you found some amazing hidden gems in this game which I like many others thought we knew everything about. Nice video!
My dying wish is that they go back and put those elements into the game. Tweak it, balance it. But make it happen. and update the graphics a little too. I swear. It would be so good if they did that.
Too bad they only really care about money.
Blizzard would find a way to fuck it up. The Blizzard that made Diablo 2 no longer exists. They're basically Diet EA now.
SavvySteak its Ea all over again. They destroyed their amazing studios. Ea(Black Box) Blizzard(Blizzard North)
Please announce the remaster already, Blizzard! I can't wait to get back into this game.
Shadowrun much better then w3 reforge
In LoD 1.07 (release version) as the Druid you USED to be able to conjure a bear AND a few wolves. In 1.08 you could only have one or the other. Not a bug but it was cool.
Fun fact: The revive necromancer spell could be cast from an item runeword - but if you cast revive as a paladin, you lose 50% of your health instantly. Try it.
Anyone remember God mode, insta kill, item creator, corpse popper, town kill, name spoofer?
The days when the hacks were real?
i had the -str gloves that would give you lvl 300+ skills.. corpse explosion OP
Spaceman Spliff all good my fav was far cast for amazon. Lmfao that shit was epic
Yes and the charsi dupe was my personal favorite
I only remember of bug belt and bug tal. I think that's it.
Awesome information! I heard whispers of them coming back and remastering it.
Here is one for you: There was once a Bug that when you took out gems from your socketed items.. if It had a zod in it, the industructable would still remain. My best friend cough wind of this in the early parts of .09? and had one of the rarest items in the game.. A bugged Zodded (Industructable) Ethereal Messerschmidt's Reaver. My Close friend used this on his druid until it eventually went to the way of character decay and gone forever. I think this bug was also associated with ITH items, But I am not sure.
It was not associated with iths. And the zod bug was earily .10 iirc.
Cool video! I've been a D2 player FOREVER and didn't know about a ton of these!
Nice video X .. Ive been playing this game since release and had no idea about any of these. Keep digging im sure theres more.
I miss it, played it for 7 years, loved it
BO/barb thing is pretty well known - all skill bonuses are capped to 3 when used by the appropriate class. Same can be seen on the inferno sword.
This is also the reason why you shouldn't make barb mules.
There was a point playing the Druid at almost invulnerability, that the little white pygmy guys somewhere in the ice caves to Act 5, I think, could kill me with 1 or 2 shots and I never knew how,
I assumed it was a bug. It was always a rush to open the seal in the far right corner dead end in the Sanctuary and all the super fast Demon Lords descended upon you..
Getting past Duriel for the first time way back when.The Memories. Once you have the editor though you can do 'science' experiments, cannot be frozen was great.
I thought I was just going crazy, I knew you use to be able to grab items with telekinesis. Like armor and weapons!
The camel is REAL. I was told back in the day that there was an NPC in D2 in act 2 by the name "camel man" and he'd sell camels to PCs who'd ride these. I never found any references to camel man anymore, but shit, the fact that camels do exist as a Sprite has given me hope.
I got D2 on release and remember swearing like a drunk sailor when fighting Lord De Seis. I was so happy when the Thieving ability was removed.
the last quest makes a lot of sense it would explain the cinematic where they say the champion destroyed both soulstones, but we as players only destroy mephisto's
Am I wrong or wasn't it impossible to for Mecs to have Equipment prior to LoD?
Nice Video, I just remembered all these cow runs.
You are correct, cannot equip Mercs in classic diablo 2
Aye. They also didn't transfer through acts, and couldn't be revived. So they were basically only good as meatshields.
The merc bug was present in version 1.07, which is the first LoD patch.
no equipment, no resurrection. honestly, they are completely pointless in d2c, and nobody who knows anything about classic ever used them.
Here's one you missed: In early versions of the game, there were 2 other barbarians next to the barb cooking a rabbit in harrogath, and they would sort of agro on you if you came too close.
nice video. i'm glad i stayed a while and listened.
i fucking love diablo 2 theme, all the song
Did you know that you can trap Diablo on the right side of his lair where there's a small opening in which his red lightning or fire attacks cannot penetrate but your skills will. Like Bone Spear, Lighting, Whirlwind, etc...
Number 10 is wrong. The "o-skill" affix (off-class skill) is limited to +3 by default for all native classes, as the affix isn't meant to boost a class' own skill, but make it usable to other classes
WOW! a legit "things you didnk know" list. good job man!
I'm still playing this game after all this time (nearing forty >old man alert< this summer).. Note that i'm not a pro or anything but if i personally would like seeing any old school rpg game being remade, it would definitely include Diablo 2 which would be placed firmly into my personal top 5 games of all time.
Always love these videos, thanks for going through and making this!
Fact: nowadays games are all about graphics but back then games were made with a ton of complexity in the story spells skills items something today’s games need desperately
awesome video. only knew a handful of these. makes me wanna go play now. any chance you've already done or could do a video on the top X altered versions of Diablo. such as Plugy, Median, Path of Diablo etc? not like a ranking since that's just people's preference but the most popular ones
Its such a shame D3 was a generic rpg, without real skill trees like in D2. they have nerfed every great idea and made a kid friendly game for brain damaged ppl. id rather play with myself than D3
Except Diablo 2 didnt had a real skill tree, and if you made a mistake, you character was completely useless until they released the skill reset thing.
No real skill tree? which world are u live in??? it was a rly nice skill tree with lots of choices to have fun with, especially when lod came in and they made skill synergies happen. Man those were the days!
It wasnt a skill tree at all, it was mostly an "Passives Tree" where most of the skills where useless and/or only served to provide a bonus to your main skill/attack in LoD, especially playing as Necro, your summons where basically Passives, you just used a single skill from the Magic & Bone tab(Bone Spear), and a curses where mostly usesless, with Amp Dmg, Life Tap or Decrepify being the only useable curses.
AAH I see, so u were one of those guys who searched the most dmging skills and go for the most obvious builds. well if you look at it this way D3 or even poe is boring one class build game. where one build per class rules the dmg chart. But tell me honestly when you made your first necro, u didn't have fun with even only the simple skeletons, just making an army of them and watch them as they butchered every fallen in their way! and the pvp, maan the pvp was rly engaging as well!
Actually, Diablo 3 is no longer a "One Build per Class" game, every class has 3-4 viable builds now with a huge room for customization (Dont like X skill? Well, swap it out for something you feel more comfortable with!), unlike PoE that has 1, maybe 2 builds per spec and they are extremely rigid, you have to use this very specific path, or your build is now fucked up and wont be able to progress further into the game, and yes, I had fun in Diablo 2 with an army of useless skeletons that got me stuck in Act 2 because they sucked (and insta-died on Duriel) until I had to re-do another Necro with correct stats and optimal skill point spendings.
Wow! I knew some of them but I had really forgotten them! Ty :D
wow good job X, i only new 5 of those at best, well done!
I miss the old days of 1.08-1.09. Dueling elites, 2bills, and 99's on Nightshivers. Then I went on closed because most my friends played it and kept bugging me to convert. Since I was so well know on USeast and much feared on west, I decided it was time to go legit and play closed. Got hooked on HCL and never looked back. Props to my old friends, Smoke RFC, Taran, Choco Taco, all the AG crew and of course Ds.
About the Ragnar Lothbrok thing, it's not really true. Ragnar has been a fairly common given name in Scandinavia for a very long time, so chances are they just picked it because it fits the Barbarian's viking schtick. You can find plenty of Ragnars in any games with viking-ish dudes in them.
Thanks for the video . Was fun to watch the video. I used to play a lot.
Came looking for Diablo 2 stuff and found this, I'm so hyped for "Diablo 2: Resurrected".
Just a quick note. 1.09 or 1.08 stone of jordans were not that uncommon because of duping. The main reason was the way they dropped. Every 3rd unique ring would guaranteed turn into a stone of jorden :)
Video also got recommended to you out of nowhere for no reason? :)
As an answer about he easy SoJ trick, that was before the expansion, which was 1.08 minimum. Not sure if it was allready fixed in 1.07, but from memory i believe that was the last patch you could get easy SoJ´s. 1.08 did have something else going for it, certain expansion items were overpowered as shit, they were nerfed in 1.09. However if you allready had one, that was a nice find, you could simply install an older patch though :)
good stuff! it did make me sad when we nixed the guild housing. fun times making them though.
İts not a unused camel design by the way , it has used at cinematics between first and second act when decard cain moves to desert , it collapses in the way.
But great video ! :D
Jarulf was recognized for good work on D1, most notably creating Jarulf's Guide, by having his name be one of the random names of the Iron Wolves.
Most of the Mercs are named after people who were involved in D1 or D2.
2:43 from where in the game is the footage taken?
I like #3 plague runeword. #6 (the guildhouse) also looked interesting. Thanks for sharing the info that stones of jordan could be duped. Can I use the pattern runeword in single player.
The first Diablo ended as the player, losing to an addiction as he becomes Diablo himself after defeating Diablo.
It's very poetic showing that the demons are all in our heads, once we kill the demons, we see that they were also humans, just gone the wrong way. Some people unable to forgive themselves, become demons as well.
The warrior going mad is a letter to all future soldiers.
Diablo 2 was supposed to be players, learning from past mistakes, deciding to destroy the soulstones of the demons.
One for the Rogue, Andariel.
Two for the Sorceror, the Summoner.
Three for the Warrior, Diablo.
6 quests in 3 acts for each demon, 666.
But they decided to make it a grinding fest.
Mephisto and Tal-Rasha feel like too much was added.
Maybe they should have been like the 3 quest semi boss of the 3 Acts.
Baal with vikings? What were they doing?
So now, almost no one cares about Diablo 4 anymore.
Strange how Diablo's Soulstone didn't make it to the expansion either.
I thought that was a cliffhanger till D3 came out. Still, because of the cinematics of the expansion, you end up assuming DS was also destroyed as well...
Rufus Show And then D3 came out and completely blew the story to hell lol. Such disappointment
I was pretty salty at D3 gaming style. But after sometime I give it a thought. Blizzard simply decided to convert D3 in a "hacknSlash/Beatemup" and we lost our dear old game and expectations. On the other hand, they did a good job, the story is epic, the effects amazing, even the scenery is breathtaking.
If they only leveled correctly the difficulty across the game and items... AND NOT OBLIGATE PLAYING ONLINE!!!!
Usually these kinds of "things you didn't know about _____" are pretty lame, but this one was actually pretty interesting.
10 is a oskill mechanics, it works that way for every character
“Duriation” lol
It’s “Duration” man
"Prevulously" lol
"Diablo Y-Key"
"Cubic Games"
He has some sort of dignosis. Don't be so butt hurt :)
Or 2:55 Mefiiisto XD
The Act 1 quest 3's boss "The countess" is based on a real-life Hungarian countess; Elizabeth Bathory, a woman who had tortured an estimated 600 women and literally bathed in their blood. She believed the rejuvenating blood of the youth would keep her looking young an beautiful forever. Its an interesting story if anyone wants to look her up. The similarities between her and Diablo 2's "The countess" are undeniable.
i legit didnt know most of these and have been playing since shortly after release. Good vid.
Plague has finally been released!! Lol 4 years later.
I remember not being able to buy mana, and Telekinesis being able to pick up all sorts of items. I wonder how different an experience D2 would have been had it had all those cut items. I wonder what the obelisks were meant to do...
Great video man, I wasn't expecting to learn so many things about this game. :-P
Also corpse spitters are found in the city of the damned in act 4, not exclusive to act 5. Just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to add an annotation correcting that.
corpse maw eating your dead merc and preventing resurrection is pretty hilarious.
Hey, really nice channel! Takes me back to the good old times of when I was playing Diablo 2 as a young chap. Is D2 still a thing on battle.net? I remember the crazy years of 1.09 and the craziness going on the battle.net chats and plenty of games. Magic times!